7 Ultimate Weapons That Could Be PERMANENTLY Missed

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foreign games the unfolding narrative and journey the player character undertakes is often recognized as the meat of the entire experience but what can help to enrich the experience is everything else from the intricate layers of story encountering new characters participating in exhilarating battles and of course discovering astounding secrets and treasures Final Fantasy in particular would have renowned for taking players on some of the most remarkable adventures and with this particular franchise the uncovering and collecting of weapons could be seen as one of the most vital aspects for playthrough these weapons not only embody the player's progress but also acted as the core foundation for character customization and damage dealing potential offering players a means to express themselves and unleash their creativity but while the acquisition of more and more powerful weapons was an important part of the journey there will be quite a few that could slip through the player's fingers if certain and specific requirements were not met and some of these could turn out to be amongst the strongest weapons within their respective game though the potential to permanently bar oneself from obtaining's weapons could be quite jarring especially to completionists the presence of such content encouraged players to be thorough and attentive and it could reward those who explored every nook and cranny of the game's world and that's just what we'll be discussing in today's video as we'll be delving into a collection of weapons that you could unfortunately lock yourself out of obtaining permanently so strap yourselves in as we explore seven incredible ultimate weapons you could miss forever and to kick things off we're going to start with missing score amongst the entire Mainline Final Fantasy series it's perhaps Final Fantasy VII that Harbors the most permanently miscible content this ranges from backstory cut scenes summon material and enemy skills but perhaps the most notable gameplay element that could be missed relates to weapons in most instances obtaining weapons would be quite straightforward players would need to find purchase or receive them from enemy drops post combat however amongst the vast collection of weapons Final Fantasy VII had to offer there were quite a few that would need to be researched ahead of time to avoid being missed permanently and perhaps the most notable example was missing score a unique and formidable gun arm designed for Barrett Wallace that would serve as his Ultimate Weapon like all of the ultimate weapons in Final Fantasy VII the damage calculation for missing score would be very unique scaling off of the maximum total of AP for all the material equipped within its slots in light of its interesting damage multiplier missing score would serve as a very strong weapon and players could even augment its damage via the Overflow glitch the only downside was how easy it was to permanently miss out on getting the weapon entirely as players would only have one chance to do so in the latter stages of the game this will be during the party's raid on midgard to stop Hojo from using the sister Ray the treasure chest containing missing score will be located in Sector 8 during the raid but it would only be made visible if Barrett was in the current party failing to include Barrett in the party would result in the treasure chest being locked rendering the weapon unobtainable for the rest of the playthrough this would be quite harsh on players who weren't using Barrett at that specific moment in the game but it wouldn't be the first time this mechanic was used as there was a precedent Final Fantasy VI for example would make it so that players would only be able to acquire the Ragnarok if Locke was in the party however at least that particular method was more friendly to the narrative as it made use of Locke's skills as a thief in Final Fantasy VII there was no specific narrative reason as to why the treasure chest would only appear if Barrett was in the party Final Fantasy 5 would boast some of the most varied gameplay elements in the franchise and in light of the broad assortment of jobs characters could utilize there was a wealth of interesting Weaponry made obtainable to complement such a vast Myriad of different combat styles some of these would include arms such as the sealed weapons but much focus is often placed around the brave blade and the chicken knife due to the player only being able to pick one and each of them offering the player incredible power but from the opposite ends of the spectrum however for this video we're going to focus on another incredibly powerful weapon the Tinkerbell Tinkerbell was the Ultimate Weapon associated with the bar job and it stood out due to its potent healing and supportive capabilities this was related to its ability to restore Health deal full damage from the back row and bolster the party's performance in battle however players could permanently miss out on obtaining the weapon if Locke was not on their side and that's because Tinkerbell could only be dropped from twentania a harsh boss that served as one of the Demons of the rift and it could only drop if twentania Was Defeated when it wasn't charging gigaflip as if this wasn't enough the drop rates were also brutal did you defeat to entania in the correct manner there was only a 6.25 chance that the Tinkerbell would drop add these two elements to this being a one-time fight and you've got a recipe for an Ultimate Weapon existing that most players didn't even know about it meant the only way to obtain Tinkerbell was to be very lucky or be very patient as you'd likely be squaring off against twentynia many many times before ever seeing this Ultimate Weapon drop [Music] s Final Fantasy 12 features some pretty harsh mechanics relating to the acquisition of powerful items and Equipment the Zodiac spear was synonymous with this due to some horrible mechanics they would punish the player without them even knowing for opening the wrong treasure chests locking them out of ever obtaining the Zodiac sphere a similar fate but before those who were interested in obtaining the game's ultimate Shield the Zodiac escutcheon in the original game the Zodiac escutcheon would boast a plus 50 evade stat as well as rendering the user immune to lightning damage and while the ensanguine shield would technically possess a higher evade stat of Plus 90 its Affliction to the wielder of the poison slow and sap ailments would ultimately give it less utility compared to the Zodiac escutcheon unfortunately the Zodiac escutchen would be unobtainable through straightforward means such as enemy drops or purchasing from shops instead it would once again fall into the string of random number generation fines The Shield can be found in two locations the first will be in chest so that a 30 spawn rate that were located in the west Annex of the barheim passage these chests have a 40 chance of containing Gill and there was only a 10 chance of The Shield being found inside but that percentage would only be granted if the diamond arm lid was equipped the second location was much more generous treasure chests inside the great Crystal here the chest only had a 20 chance to spawn but there was a 50 Chance The Shield would be found inside this percentage chance that increased if a diamond aren't was equipped to 100 percent there was of course a catch if the player opened either chest and the Zodiac escutcheon was not inside it would be lost forever as neither chest would ever respawn without prior knowledge of The Shield's potential whereabouts as well as the requirement to possess and have the diamond armored equipped to guarantee acquisition it would be quite easy to completely miss out on obtaining this Shield Final Fantasy 2 stands as one of the more intriguing games in the franchise and that notion would only be furthered upon the release of the dawn of Souls version this served as an extension of the Wonder Swan color remake of the original game but it's perhaps most notable for adding in some new end game content and this end game content related to the unlocking of The Game's new Ultima weapons prior to the dawn of Souls remake the most powerful weapon in the game was the masamune what made this weapon quite useful was that it could be equipped by all characters but within the dawn of Souls signature ultimate weapons were introduced that were associated with each playable character in isolation and these weapons were very powerful they featured huge attack stats but perhaps what made them near game breaking was the specific stat boosts such as Theory and Ragnarok giving him 99 agility and Maria's Artemis bow giving her plus 99 magic these significant stat boosts would then be very handy considering the game's stat progression system the only downside was that securing these weapons was pretty horrible and that's because the acquisition of the ultimate weapons was intimately tied in with the key term system within the Arcane Labyrinth dungeon players would need to submit key terms in the correct order to obtain the ultimate weapons as such just missing even one of the key terms through a playthrough could bar a player from obtaining an Ultimate Weapon and this may result in a huge waste of time beyond that even if you did have a complete arsenal of key terms the player would need to use them in the correct order and make it all the way through the entire dungeon unscathed using the wrong term or being defeated along the way will result in no Ultimate Weapon being granted he meant the system was pretty punishing and based on it relating to the key term system it could be very easy to miss out on some pretty awesome ultimate weapons with Final Fantasy VI having such a huge playable cast it's perhaps no surprise that it featured a vast compendium of Weaponry for the player to wield but one of the strongest weapons in the game the lightbringer could easily be missed boasting even more power than the Ragnarok the lightbringers strength and utility would line its attack power its passive application of stat Buffs to its wielder and its ability to randomly cast wholly in a battle the only downside was the tricky acquisition of the weapon it may not seem that way at first though as the actual process of obtaining the lightbringer was relatively straightforward players just needed to place a bet at the dragon's neck Coliseum and they would need to bet the Ragnarok that's where the trickiness comes into play as to obtain the Ragnarok players would need to revisit the weapon shop in Nash in the world of ruin the shop would be locked but if Locke was in the party his Thief skills would allow him to pick the lock without requiring a key the player would then need to keep lock in the party and interact with an NPC in inside the bedroom within the shop and if they did they would be given a choice obtain the Ragnarok sword or the Ragnarok magisite if the player selected the Magi side then they would forever be locked out of obtaining the weapon as such they would subsequently be locked out of obtaining the lightbringer as well as they would have nothing to bet for it and the dragon's neck Coliseum considering the number of requirements and careful steps needed to get the lightbringer it's no mystery that it could easily be missed out if not aware of the further outcomes of picking either option Additionally the Ragnarok magisite itself would have a lot of utility on its own as it could teach Ultima making for a decision that would need some careful thought now even though we've already covered Final Fantasy 12 and we often only like to talk about one entry per game we're going to use a caveat here to talk about Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac cage because even though large portions of the game are the same huge changes were made to equipment and character progression in that regard the Zodiac age introduced jobs which fundamentally changed how the license board worked instead of it being 100 open certain licenses were now only accessible based on jobs that were selected and others were locked in behind licenses namely espers and quickenings the latter of which only three out of the four available could be chosen as such some of the game's most powerful weapons could potentially become permanently barred from use if the player was not careful when deciding upon which licenses to learn this would particularly hold true for the shikari classes ultimate ninja sword namely the jagu dark blade which was capable of inflicting Doom upon hit or the more powerful Mesa which possessed even greater stats and general damage output than the former while these weapons were amongst the best for the shikari claws it was quite easy to get locked out of accessing them if the player was not careful within the shikari board the yagu dark blade and Mesa could be locked behind the highest costing quickening license because players were only allowed to learn three of the four different quickenings were they instead to unlock the three low-cost quickening licenses then they would ultimately bar themselves from obtaining these weapons for good [Music] and that then brings us on to our last and perhaps most notorious Ultimate Weapon that could so very easily be missed the Excalibur 2 from Final Fantasy 9. appearing as the Ultimate Sword for Steiner the Excalibur 2 would be the most powerful sword in the game even more so than sedan's Ultima weapon and outside of its in battle utility it could also teach Steiner Klim Hazard stock break and minor strike but perhaps the most iconic aspect of the Excalibur 2 would be the very process through which it needed to be obtained the sword itself could only be found in the final stages of the game in Memoria but its acquisition will be tied to an incredibly strict time constraint players would have to reach the room containing Excalibur 2 before the in-game clock hit 12 hours and this would essentially make it the reward for a successful speed run through Final Fantasy 9. within the initial release this was quite the challenge and due to the lower frame rate within the Powell region it was down near impossible but those who planned accordingly and made Swift decision making along the way would stand a good chance of attaining Excalibur 2 and given that the weapon could only be obtained right at the end of a playthrough a large amount of time would need to be sunk into even just finding out if the Run was going to be fast enough with subsequent re-releases the acquisition of Excalibur 2 has been made a bit easier as mechanics that speed up the game do not inflate the play time accordingly even still without prior knowledge of the existence of Excalibur 2 the chances of acquiring it on an initial playthrough were slim to none and with that they were seven ultimate weapons that could permanently be missed but we're curious how many of them have you obtained over the years please share in the comments below and if you enjoyed the video feel free to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel for more content alright everyone with that this is Daryl signing out as always I'd like to give a big thank you to all of our patreon and YouTube members of supporters especially Benjamin snow the live stream Elsa Claire Faron gaussian B kajata Gregory Justin dent and zuke and TDK who are super special on United supporters and of course a big thank you to everyone for watching this video I'll see you all again soon for more Final Fantasy goodness [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Final Fantasy Union
Views: 166,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultimate weapons, ultimate weapons final fantasy, ultimate weapons ff7, ultimate weapons ffx, ultimate weapons ff9, ultimate weapons ff8, ultimate weapons ffxiv, missable content final fantasy, missable final fantasy, final fantasy x ultimate weapons, final fantasy ultimate weapons, final fantasy xv ultimate weapons, final fantasy
Id: EatDGwgFuwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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