FFXIV - The Grand History of Eorzea LORE DOCUMENTARY

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In the world of FFXIV, many a person will get  the chance to explore a world filled with magic,   technology, and more. But the world that is  explored wasn't always the same. In fact,   the land of Eorzea had been built up and destroyed  many times over until it became what it is now.   If ever you were curious to know how all this  history came to be then you have come to the   right place. Welcome adventurer, to the Wizards  and Warriors complete collection of Eorzean   history. From the gilded halls of an advanced  Empire, all the way to the modern age left in   the wake of a dragon's wrath. You'll leave today  with an understanding of how and why this world   has changed so much over the course of each  Astral Era and Umbral Calamity. So let us begin   with the one of the most powerful civilizations  that Eorzea had even known, the Allagan Empire.  Their power stemmed from their  technology, and as you might guess,   so did their ultimate downfall. Technology  can be used to improve your life, or used   against you to make it miserable, and what  the Allagans lacked was a sensible philosophy   of safeguards like we do - after all, we  have useful tool like our sponsor NordVPN,   with a special offer at NordVPN  dot com slash wizards and warriors. The world of Eorzea was changed by the  coming of technology under the Allagans,   whose devices allowed them to conquer the world  - today there are those who are turning their   technology against you, because your life is  exposed to the internet, and that’s where a   single fraction of a second is all it takes to  seize your identity, wealth, and personal data. With NordVPN, your internet use is encrypted and  secured, acting like a tank that draws all the   aggro from you and leaves your enemies without  a hope. And it’s extremely easy to use too,   enabling encryption, Threat Protection against  malware, and moving your IP across the globe   all with single clicks. That means you get more  control more safety, more region locked content,   and less chance of your immense power leading  to your ultimate downfall. Which is nice eh? Get started with Nord VPN at our link nord  vpn dot com slash wizards and warriors,   where if you use our code wizardswarriors,  you’ll get four free months on top of a two   year plan. And they also offer a thirty day  money back guarantee, so you can try it all   out risk free. That’s Nord vpn dot com slash  wizards and warriors, and code wizardswarriors. We begin our journey on a world called  Hydaelyn. This planet gained its name from   a goddess whose voice could be heard  echoing from the heart of the world.   Here there are countless varieties of monsters and  people, with the most common mortal races of man   being known as the adaptable hyur, honorable  elezen, clever lalafell, rugged roegadyn,   traditional miqo'te, proud au'ra, mystical viera  and respectable hrothgar. These races and their   various cultures make up the bulk of the world's  population and spearhead most historic events. But   our story brings us to Eorzea, a land located on  the continent of Aldenard. This place is sacred,   as energy called aether, which is responsible  for creating life and magic, is denser here   than anywhere else in the world. It's within this  land that the Allagans would eventually emerge.  The history of the empire begins  in the scorching heat of the 3rd   Umbral Calamity, also known as the Calamity of  Fire. The Calamities are cataclysmic events that   cover every inch of the planet for years, with  every age afterwards being called an Astral Era.   The 1st calamity was that of Wind, scaring the  world with constant tornados and hurricanes.   The 2nd was that of lightning, as massive  bolts of electricity would fall like rain.   This, the 3rd Calamity, saw the entire world  plagued by stifling heat. Crops withered and died,   lakes dried up, and it felt as if the entire  world had become akin to a desert. The various   races and cultures that populated the world at  this point were very superstitious. Believing   that the sun itself was punishing them for trying  to stand at the side of gods through the creation   of magic and sorcery in the 2nd Astral Era.  While the 3rd Umbral Calamity would humble   the survivors of this tragedy, they became wary of  the gods. So if the use of spellcraft to emulate   the divine was forbidden, then they'd attempt to  uplift themselves through the hands of man alone.  Eventually, the heat of the 3rd Calamity  subsided, allowing the world to return to normal.   This gave way to the 3rd Astral Era, and an age  of science had begun. The races of Eorzea that   had abandoned the excessive worship of gods, found  that they had more time to spend on things like   scientific research. No longer were people simply  concerned with what magic could do for them.   Instead, they developed various tools and  devices that could use the energy of aether.   Most commonly this condensed energy  is seen as elemental crystals,   and they found ways to use them  to power a variety of devices.   This only fueled their passion for discovery, as  practices like chemistry began to emerge as well.   But amongst all the people trying to create  the next best thing, stood a man who would   eventually control most of the world. The  great and powerful Xande took to the field.  Xande was a man of mystery. He appeared  within Eorzea seemingly out of nowhere. But   when he arrived, everyone saw him as a genius. His  knowledge of both magic and the material surpassed   what many could imagine. This vast understanding  of the world combined with his charismatic   personality made people flock to him in droths,  eager to work alongside or learn from him.   As small groups of followers began to grow into  massive organizations, Xande's influence started   to give birth to a new nation. The culture of  this budding society was rich with diversity as he   welcomed scientists, mages, priests, and scholars  from all over Eorzea. In time, the magical and   scientific development of his people couldn't be  matched. And shortly after, the nation of Allag   was officially created. Being the most advanced  nation to rise in the wake of the 3rd Umbral   Calamity, Xande and his forces were unmatched. By  making exclusive use of both technological might   and battle mages, their nation's military  was already a force to be reckoned with.   Xande would spread his nation's influence  throughout the entirety of Eorzea, hoping   to bring all of its people under one unified roof.  The various tribes and small towns across the land   stood no chance of winning. It was with shows  of strength that Xande encouraged many people   to peacefully surrender to his growing country.  Upon realizing the benefits of becoming one with   the nation of Allag, most conceded. Those few  groups that refused to back down without a fight   were overwhelmed and made part of his nation  regardless. After annexing large sections of   Eorzea, Xande crowned himself emperor, and so  began the years of the mighty Allagan Empire.  Over time, Xande would start to promote the  wisest and most powerful mages in his country   to stand as military leaders and overseers of  scientific development. This proved to be the   best possible move, as embracing magic instead of  shunning it made sure the minds of his followers   were open and curious instead of short-sighted  and paranoid. Eventually, a breakthrough was   made as the spellweavers and engineers began to  discover ways to hybridize magic with technology.   With the right enchantments, siege weapons would  not only shoot further, but they would strike   harder as well. Similarly, cranes made to lift  heavy objects were pushed ten times past their   normal weight limits with these advancements. This  made the minds of creative individuals run wild,   wondering how far they could push the bounds  of magic and physics. The fusion of spells   and science was steadily applied to everything,  from construction and agriculture to military and   medicine. This became its own unique field  of development and was officially dubbed,   Aetherochemistry. It's on the foundations  of aetherochemistry that the Allagan Empire   would grow into a paradise. With this  new revolutionary field of research   their society was finally without equal,  and thus began the Allagan's Golden Age.  At the peak of his time as Emperor, Xande had  conquered all of Eorzea, and the glory of his   country was there for all to see. But no man lives  forever, not even the emperor. Xande knew that   in order to maintain the empire's strength after  his death, a set of strict rules and expectations   needed to be set in place. So it was that his  direct descendants would follow his example even   after his passing. These new emperors would do as  their founder demanded, and continue the expansion   of their country across all three of the great  continents. Once the rest of Aldenard was secured,   it would only be a matter of time as they  conquered the rest of Ilsabard and Othard. Because   of the power brought on by aetherochemistry, no  other nation on the three great continents could   stand up to the Empire for long. Gradually, all  of them would live under the Allagan flag. With   no enemy that could possibly stand up to them,  the Empire entered a time of peace that would   ultimately benefit everyone. Even the conquered  nations were able to partake of the benefits   that came with imperial rule. Advanced science  and medicine saw their people prosper like they   never had before, and all living within the three  continents would enjoy this peace for generations.   They even began crafting various machines that  would make their day-to-day lives even easier.   One such creation was the Syrcus Tower, known  by its more common name, the Crystal Tower.   This gigantic magical battery stood as  a testament to what mortal men are truly   capable of when given the chance, and the  clean energy this tower provided the empire   would benefit the lives of countless people. However, the Allagan Empire would soon realize   that paradise isn't truly everything you'd hope it  is. After many generations, the Allagan people no   longer knew the true meaning of things like pain,  suffering, and trauma. They could have almost   anything they wanted, and live long carefree  lives thanks to their medicine and technology.   But without any threats to overcome or strife  to measure against their joy, their happiness   steadily became hollow. People became lazier and  content to indulge in selfish pleasures whilst   their machines did most of the day-to-day work for  them. The allagans quite literally became bored   with life. As such, their society began to spoil,  and fester like an infection. Things like reason,   empathy, and even love started to disappear as the  allagan people became numb to their own existence.   But the worst part arose when inflicting  horrors upon their fellow man, became a   source of entertainment. The Allagan Empire was  now fully corrupt, spoiled by its own glory.  Only a handful of intellectual groups remained.  They could still think rationally about the future   of their country, and what they saw on the horizon  was a complete societal collapse. As they debated   on how to correct the direction of their failing  empire, one man would take it upon himself to do   just that and more. The scientist, Amon. He had  observed the Empires fall from grace with disgust,   and saw the selfish whims of its people as  ugly blemishes in need of fixing. He came to   the realization that what the Empire needed  wasn't a new invention, but a strong leader.   Though instead of waiting for one such person  to arise, Amon would create one. In fact,   he would recreate the greatest leader in Allagan  history. He would bring back Emperor Xande. After   unethical experiments that resulted in the altered  minds and bodies of his colleagues, Amon began   the process of cloning Xande. But this time he  wouldn't live a mortal life, Amon would give Xande   an immortal body so that he might rule for all  eternity. Eventually, he succeeded, and Emperor   Xande walked the earth once more. After a few days  of educating Xande on everything that had happened   in his absence, the emperor rolled his eyes in  annoyance and decided to get to work immediately.   He began assassinating the current Allagan Emperor  as well as executing anyone that dared to stand   in his way. Most allagan people had become so  powerless that none could stand up to his might.   After seizing power, Xande declared the three  great continents was not enough for his Empire,   so they were going to liberate a massive continent  to the south, they were going to invade Meracydia.  As Amon predicted, the fear of Xande's wrath  had injected pain back into the hearts of   the allagan people, and their Empire began  to mobilize just like it had in ages past.   With pride, Amon stood by Xande's side as the  Empire began moving their military might towards   the shores of Meracydia. Societies that lived  alongside dragons had long since endured here,   and the dragon's leader, Dawn Wyrm Bahamut, would  meet the Empire on the fields of battle. His might   held them back for the longest time, but after  creating fiendish chimeras to outnumber and over   power him, Bahamut would die and leave Meracydia  defenseless. However, the people would not take   this lying down, and summoned god-like entities  called primals to push back the empire's forces.   As living things born from raw aether and the  unflinching faith of those that summon them,   the primals were a force that the Empire had  trouble overcoming. But this made Xande's blood   race with excitement, as his military would  devise creative ways to outmaneuver and subdue   these would-be gods. The primals would fall and be  captured by the empire, preventing more summoning.  Yet the climax of this war would only happen when  an image of Dawn Wyrm Bahamut would be summoned   into the form of a primal. This new primal  Bahamut would become the greatest threat to the   empire's crusade. But instead of worrying about  casualties, Xande's madness began to show as he   enjoyed the back and forth this war had created.  Like a massive game of chess with people's lives   on the board, he kept playing. But even this  new form of Bahamut couldn't stand up to the   darkness that Xande was about to unleash. Emperor  Xande had made a pact with the Cloud of Darkness,   a demonic entity from a hellish realm called the  Void, and with her power, he unleashed legions   of voidsent upon Bahamut and Meracydia both. This  was the final play, as the combined power of the   void and a new weapon called Omega defeated and  captured Bahamut. They sealed the dragon away   in a red sphere called Dalamud, which was  made to orbit the world as a second moon.  While the Empire's campaign against Meracydia  was a success, many allagans saw only cruelty and   insanity on full display. They knew that once the  war was over a new reign of terror was bound to   begin and that the allagan people, while foolish,  would be made to suffer. Many groups would put   plans into place to safeguard the empire's  best interest should the worst come to pass,   but eventually a massive revolution to  dethrone the mad emperor would occur.   Xande would retreat to Crystal Tower and attempt  to use it to open a massive gate to the void and   allow the Cloud of Darkness itself to overrun the  entire world. But Xande made a fatal error. Due to   his actions, the world's aether was unstable  and his attempt to use the tower to such an   end was the last straw. The very earth beneath  the Crystal Tower shattered, and the monument   sank beneath the ground as earthquakes began to  ravage everything the empire had worked to build.   These tremors spread across the world,  and so began the 4th Umbral Calamity,   the Calamity of Earth. Bringing a tragic  end to the prosperous Allagan Empire. The only places spared this global destruction  were flying structures like that of Azys Lla.   But even so, their ruin was only delayed, as all  the supplies, energy, and reinforcements they once   received from the land were now completely gone.  Most people on these floating structures steadily   began to die of starvation as they became trapped  and isolated, or were eventually killed by their   own monstrous creations as they no longer had  the means of keeping them contained indefinitely.  But not all was lost. As stated previously,  there were indeed groups that had gone out of   their way to try and protect the people from the  cruelty of Allag’s first and last Emperor Xande.   Princess Salina, one of the descendants of the  original Xande, had survived the quakes with a   small group of people at her side. She wept at the  countless lives that were lost to the calamity,   but upon realizing what had happened to the  crystal tower, she knew that the Xande and   Amon were likely still alive, and their  madness wasn't over. Lacking the means   to destroy the tower, she knew it was only a  matter of time until it would surface again,   releasing Xande upon an unsuspecting world.  In her wisdom, Princess Salina knew that the   emperor's deal with the Cloud of Darkness was one  of blood. So as long as someone with her heritage   survived into the future, there would always be  someone capable of commanding the crystal tower,   and banishing the malicious voidsent that would  devour the world. As such, she used what little   Allagan technology that survived the quakes to her  advantage, passing on the blessings and burdens of   the Allagan Royal bloodline to one of her dearest  friends. A commoner in whom this power would be   passed down from generation to generation without  notice until the day it was needed to counter the   newly emerged Crystal Tower. Eventually, this  royal blood did survive into the modern age,   becoming the responsibility of the Miqo'te  belonging to the G tribe. Any miqo'te in   this tribe born with red eyes were marked as the  ones who had inherited Princess Salina's legacy.  But for all the preparations made, there was  no going back. The earthquakes had claimed   untold lives, and those that survived had next  to nothing. The grief caused by such a tragedy   eventually created hysteria as the victims  hopelessly looked for someone or something to   blame for all this destruction. Eventually, the  blame was laid at the feet of their technology,   progress, and even education itself. Many  survivors regressed into an exceedingly primitive   mindset, seeing any kind of technological  development or higher learning as sinful and   ruinous. This caused them to burn books, destroy  what little allagan technology survived the quakes   and willfully demolish buildings. This marked the  beginning of the 4th Astral Era, otherwise known   as the Forgotten Age. The 4th Astral Era created  no end of crazed individuals and religious zealots   who did everything in their power to crush higher  learning. Even philosophers and scientists would   be killed simply for knowing more than others.  This war against knowledge would persist for an   unknown amount of time, as no records detailing  the 4th Astral Era were ever created. In fact,   this age and those people living within it, are  the sole reason almost all knowledge about the   1st, 2nd, and 3rd Eras have vanished from history. We don't know what groups may or may not have   existed during this time. The only thing we  know for certain is that their hatred for   reason and learning wouldn't save them from the  elemental tragedy that was about to befall them.   For about fifteen hundred years, the 4th Astral  Era would persist. But at the end of that time,   another Calamity would visit the ignorant  masses of the world. No one knows how,   when, or why this Calamity began, only that it  spelled doom for many more people and cultures.   The 5th Umbral Calamity, the Calamity of  Ice had begun to freeze the entire world.  The only reason we know that it was indeed a  calamity that had frozen the entire planet,   is because all tribes and cultures in the world  began creating folk tales of endless blizzards and   frozen rivers all at the same time. This calamity  saw most crops fail as they couldn't survive the   harsh cold, leaving many to die of starvation if  the freezing winds didn't claim their lives first.   No amount of book burning or  divine worship could save them,   as this calamity had claimed just as many  innocent people as the ones preceding it.   Some tribes took advantage of the ice, migrating  over places where even the ocean had frozen over,   attempting to find a location where they  could thrive despite the constant cold. These   individuals would have seen massive mountains  made entirely of ice floating across the ocean's   surface as they traveled, with some of those  gigantic glaciers even existing to this very day.   Meanwhile, within Eorzea, it was around this  time that a resplendent cathedral was built,   the location of which would eventually become  a massive forest that is now known as the Black   Shroud. This church was built as a refuge, a  place where people might gather to escape the   harsh cold of the world and pray to deities  known as the Twelve Gods for protection.   It was in this church that magical spells and  rituals would be created in an attempt to please   the gods, and beg for their aid. But eventually,  whether by divine intervention or natural causes,   the snow, and the cold did relent. Allowing  the warmer locals of temperate and tropical   regions to steadily return to normal over time.  This breath of heat and relief, would mark the   beginning of the 5th Astral Era, which would  later be known as the Age of Enlightenment.  As the entire world once again became warmer  and more vibrant, the people would become   more eager to leave whatever locations  they had used to hide from the cold.   The people that hid themselves in or around the  cathedral in Eorzea, began to spread out across   the continent of Aldenard once more, taking  with them the teaching of their favored god,   as well as the spells and rituals used to appease  them. As they spread, these small groups of people   would grow into various settlements, towns, and  then cities as their cultures became more diverse.   There would eventually be twelve city-states  in total across Eorzea, each devoted to a   different god of the Twelve's pantheon. However,  as these city-states grew in size and strength,   the differences with their neighbors became more  apparent. This would create friction between the   various countries, as things like territorial  disputes became all too common. Small skirmishes   would become localized wars as they began to  fight for their gods and their claim to the land.   Though as time progressed, these wars would die  out and peace would finally reign over Eorzea.   After the dust settled, there stood twelve  proud nations, each with their own patron god.   But among these twelve, only three would rise  to prominence. These were Amdapor located near   central Aldenard, Nym which occupied the entire  island of Vylbrand as well as most of Eorzea's   western Coast, and finally, Mhach which  found itself in the western basin of Yafaem.   With the borders of these countries now well  defined, each city-state began to prosper in   their own way, with many of them creating  and developing their own forms of magic   thanks to the rituals they inherited from  the worship of each of their Twelve gods.  The one country considered to be the greatest  of all city-states during this Era was that   of Amdapor. The leaders of this country were  considered as generous and understanding as an   older sibling, since Amdapor repeatedly  did everything in its power to keep the   peace and encourage the development of  the smaller city-states surrounding it.   Eventually, this civilization would  become known as Ancient Amdapor,   as it was believed that this country acted  with wisdom and maturity well beyond its years.   This focus on inward improvement made  the Amdapori excel at spellcraft,   developing many magical means to not only improve  their lives, but defend themselves as well.  Instead of magical development, the country of Nym  became more well-known for its navy and commerce   as they became a center of trade within Eorzea.  This earned it a good deal of geopolitical   security, for to harm Nym would be to disturb  supply chains that everyone benefited from.   Moreover, Nym would eventually create the finest  Marines within Eorzea, making engaging with them   in naval warfare a death sentence. Between their  command of the ocean and eagerness for trade, Nym   more than earned its place as one of Aldenard's  three superpowers during the 5th Astral Era.  However, in the northwestern reaches of Eorzea,  the smaller city-state of Mhach would eventually   develop something that fundamentally shifted  the balance of power within the continent.   Halfway through the 5th Astral Era, a  powerful mage would be born and raised   in the country of Mhach. Her name was  Shatotto, a lalafellin woman of great   renown and prestige who only ever had one goal  in life, to test the boundaries of magic itself.   To that end, she would inevitably weave the first  ever incantations of a ruinous magic school,   Shatotto had created Black Magic. The people of  Mhach immediately saw Black Magic for what it   truly was, the most powerful school of magic ever  developed in terms of raw destructive potential.   It was so strong that almost no barrier could  defend against it, and almost no healing spell   could fully mend what damage was done. Shatotto  had not a care in the world for what her country   did with the spell school she crafted, as she  was already researching new forms of magic.   But the leadership of Mhach took her research to  heart, and through the teachings of Black Magic,   the city-state of Mhach had gained the most  powerful standing military in all of Eorzea.   However, as the old saying goes, absolute power  corrupts absolutely, and the leadership of Mhach   steadily became all too eager to test  their strength against their neighbors.  With these new Black Mages at their disposal,  the city-state of Mhach began to launch campaigns   against their neighboring countries, and such  overwhelming force was there for all to witness.   Many smaller civilizations had no means  of countering these new potent forms of   offensive spells, and became deeply fearful  of being conquered. These aggressive actions   did not go unnoticed by the people of Amdapor,  who immediately knew that Mhach and its Black   Mages must be made to yield. The many years that  Amdapor spent weaving spells for the betterment of   all were not in vain, as the greatest mages among  them would create the antithesis of Black Magic.   Where the people of Mhach would destroy, corrupt  and reduce, this new spell school would protect,   purify and mend. With great success, the archmages  of Amdapor became the first ever White Mages, and   with this new spell school they had the strength  to stop the relentless assault of the Black Mages.   This became the first magical war between  these two countries within the 5th Astral Era.   Mhach was shocked to see that the White Mages  of Amdapor had become their perfect counter,   stopping their country's expansion in its tracks.   Mhach's leadership hesitated, ending their  campaign against Eorzea. However, the end of   this war had shifted the power on the continent.  Where once there were twelve proud countries,   only six remained. Having either been conquered  by Mhach, or joined other city-states out of fear.  But this fragile peace would only last a handful  of centuries. The mages of Mhach had found and   created another spell school in the form of Void  Magic, allowing them to channel the corrupting   powers of the Void and command legions of Voidsent  much like the Allagan Empire did before them.   Meanwhile, the country of Nym, in its  desperate attempt to avoid conquest,   created the magic school used by Scholars in  order to shield themselves from Black Magic.   Amdapor on the other hand attempted to counter  the use of Voidsent, by weaving their White Magic   into creating armies of living stone in the  form of golems that would do their bidding.   Tension was now at an all time high, as such,  no one knows what the actual catalyst for the   coming conflict was, only that it sparked what  would forever be known as the War of the Magi.   This war lasted for many years across  multiple generations, and during this time,   magic was at its peak. Many sorcerers and  witches would engage in the greatest arcane   duels in Hydaelyn's history, as demons from the  void would collide with animated golems mid-air.   Mhach and Amdapor both would gain and lose ground  for decades, with the people of Nym being forced   to abandon their country due to a plague placed  on them by the voidsent of Mhach. However, over   the course of the war, the near-constant use of  magic by many thousands of mages had drained the   ambient aether of Eorzea. Much like the excessive  violence of Xande before them, the War of the Magi   had caused the world to be thrown off balance,  and as such, another calamity was soon to come. The conflict between the countries of Mhach  and Amdapor had lasted for generations,   and with thousands of Black and White Mages  abusing their power over hundreds of years,   it was only a matter of time until the world  itself could no longer keep up with their   spells. Aether, the source of power for all  magic, was steadily being drained from Eorzea,   and eventually, the tipping point was reached.  The War of the Magi ended with no true victor,   only a world gone mad as billowing rain clouds  formed overhead and the seas began to rise.   The ceaseless conquest of the Mhachi had  welcomed the 6th Umbral Calamity. But unlike   the catastrophes that came before it, there were  people who had been prepared for the coming ruin.  While the 5th Astral Era was most well known  for creating Black and White magic, many other   arcane disciplines had also been developed in that  time, including spells belonging to the school of   Divination, which had warned many powerful mages  of the coming Calamity. The rituals revealed that   the mild rain would eventually evolve into a  torrential downpour that would swallow most of   the world. As such, many individuals set plans  into motion to save not only themselves but as   many people as they could. Most civilizations  simply told their people they needed to get to   higher ground, and by climbing up the sides of  mountains, they would avoid the coming floods.   Many mages from Mhach and Amdapor began to  shepherd their people into Eorzea's northern   mountains. Known today as Abalathia's Spine, this  massive mountain range saved countless lives as   the Calamity of Water steadily became a force  of nature. But Eorzea's mountains weren't the   only refuge people sought from the deluge. The  void mages of Mhach built a vessel they called   the Void Ark, which would carry many people into  the sky and away from the waves. Even though this   ark succeeded in carrying its passengers into the  sky, it eventually became their tomb as the many   voidsent that were powering the vessel broke  free from their prisons and began slaughtering   their masters. While the void ark was a disaster,  there was another vessel that not only served its   purpose but became the foundation of an entire  country. This ship was called Nyunkrepf's Hope.  This vessel was captained by a powerful Roegadyn  mage after whom the ship was named. He was one   of the Twelve Archons, a group of powerful men  of women who spread out across the world to try   and save as many people from the Calamity as  possible. Nyunkrepf succeeded in his purpose,   using a powerful spell to save his ship and the  people on it from a massive tidal wave. However,   the spell also beached his vessel on the cliffs  of Gyr Abania, where it has remained to this day.   Eventually, the seas that had consumed most of  the world and many civilizations began to calm,   and the survivors watched as the waters began to  recede. This would eventually mark the beginning   of the 6th Astral Era as the survivors of the  Calamity and its floods would watch the continent   steadily return to its original state. But this  only marked the beginning of a tumultuous time.   Those who lived to see tomorrow had already  started to blame the abuse of magic for what   happened to the world. Libraries of ancient arcane  arts that had survived the floods were torched   as many mages were persecuted and attacked.  However, many of these mages still possessed   tremendous power and could protect themselves.  Labelled as witches and vile wizards, many spell   casters eventually left society on their own terms  and lived out the rest of their lives in exile,   but not all of them. As the survivors of the  calamity began spreading out across Eorzea and   regressing into primitive, tribalistic  factions, others chose different paths.  The major events of this era began with the  Roegadyn Nyunkrepf leading the survivors of his   ship down the cliffs of Gyr Abania and toward  Eorzea's western coast. He guided his people   across the sea and toward an archipelago northwest  of Eorzea, which they turned into their new home.   Because Nyunkrepf was a respected archmage,  the people revered him for saving them.   He and the survivors didn't shun magic like most  of Eorzea. Fueled by the wonders of the arcane,   their small village would grow into the  prosperous, enlightened country of Old   Sharlayan over the following centuries. While  some countries around the world did survive the   Calamity, Old Sharlayan was the first major  civilization to arise from Eorzea's ruin.  Around the 3rd Century, groups of Elezen that  had settled near the center of Eorzea were slowly   being displaced by large groups of Hyur that were  steadily migrating throughout the continent and   taking up more land. Many of these elezen began  to move north into the region known as Coerthas.   Here they established a village that would  eventually grow into the country of Ishgard.   A couple of decades after the Elezen had settled  these lands, the great dragon Hraesvelgr fell in   love with an elezen woman known as Saint Shiva.  Their eventual union began an era of unprecedented   peace and prosperity between mortals and dragons,  as Ishgard thrived alongside their dravanian   allies. But this peace would only last for a  couple of hundred years as the eventual ruler   of Ishgard, King Thordan, grew fearful and envious  of the dragon's power. In his madness, Thordan and   his most trusted knights betrayed the great dragon  Ratatoskr, stole their power, and lied to the   Ishgardian people, claiming the dragons attacked  first. This marked the beginning of the Dragon   Song War, a conflict that would see Ishgardians  and dragons do battle for a thousand years.  At the turn of the 7th Century, the lalafell  descended from the mages of Mhach began to gather   in Eorzea's southern Thanalan region. Here, the  lalafellin clans would set aside their differences   and become a single people once more, creating  the country of Belah'dia. At the same time,   Eorzea's largest forest, the Black Shroud,  had become the site of many disputes as the   Elezen were trying to keep the ever-expanding  Hyur off what little territory they still had.   But the elemental spirits of the Black Shroud  were not kind to either the Elezen or the hyur,   leading to both races eventually reconciling their  differences and creating the massive unground city   known as Gelmorra together, where they could  shelter from the wrath of the enchanted forest   which could destroy them both if it so desired. In the late 800s, a large group of Roegadyn began   sailing south from the seas north of Eorzea. They  were fleeing the tyranny of their own country   after a fail coup d'etat in their ancestral  homeland of Aerslaent. In a large ship named   the Galadion, they eventually made landfall on  the island of Vylbrand. These displaced souls   eventually founded a village that would steadily  grow into the maritime city of Limsa Lominsa.   These early settlers were offered help by the  people of Old Sharlayan, which they promptly   refused. The people of Belah’dia, however, were  not so quick to spurn Sharlayan's aid. Since they   shared an interest in magic, both countries agreed  to an experiment that the Sharlayans proposed.   This test resulted in the creation of aetheryte  crystals that linked Belah'dia and Old Sharlayan,   creating the first cross-continental teleportation  system in this era. This was a resounding success,   and would eventually pave the way for aetheryte  crystals to be spread across not only Eorzea,   but all three great continents, linking  multiple countries through teleportation magic.  This era of success and mutual cooperation ended  when Belah’dia entered a brutal succession war in   the late 900s. After the sultan of Belah'dia had  passed away, both of his sons fought with each   other for the throne. They eventually created  their own countries, one was called Sil'dih,   and the other, Ul'dah. These city-states  continued to war with each other for generations,   and Old Sharlayan wanted nothing to do with this  war, choosing to disconnect the aetheryte they   bestowed to Belah'dia until the fighting was  over. By this time, Limsa Lominsa had devolved   into a pirate den with no true law and order. But  this all changed when a new sheriff came to town   named Admiral Agatzahr. Agatzahr forced all the  greatest pirate crews to come together and reach   an agreement that would serve as the foundation  of their country's government. Because of Admiral   Agatzahr, Limsa Lominsa had the chance to become  the respectable city-state it is seen as today.  As time passed into the first century of the  6th Astral Era, things began to rapidly change   for the Gelmorrans living within their stone  city beneath the Black Shroud. A talented human   mage named Jorin Lightheart used his spells  to start a conversation with the elemental   spirits of the forest. This failed at first, but  eventually, the elementals began to listen to him.   Thanks to Jorin's integrity, the elementals agreed  to let the Gelmorrans live within the forest   instead of under it. While most Gelmorrans were  thrilled at the idea of living above the earth,   some saw this as a betrayal of their new culture.  Not all Gelmorrans left their subterranean city.   But the ones that did began to live alongside the  elementals of the forest, allowing the city-state   of Gridania to take its first breath. Jorin  Lightheart eventually had a son: a boy born   with special horns that indicated he was blessed  by the Elementals. Children blessed with these   horns soon became the symbol of his station, and  Jorin's son would become the first Pad'jal. A   leader for Gridania and its people who bridged  the connection between mortals and elementals.  The following century was a time of great  advancement for most cultures within Eorzea.   In fact, it was in the mid-1100s that the  continent's final country would emerge in   Eorzea's northeast. Many clans of hyur had lived  within the mountains of Gyr Abania since the end   of the 6th Umbral Calamity. But they were never  unified until a warlord named Anshelm Cotter   forced all the clans to submit to his rule.  After his conquest, he had a citadel built   next to a massive lake, which would become  the capital of a new city-state, Ala Mhigo.  From here, history starts to  approach the modern age rapidly.   Ul'dah eventually defeated Sil'dih, becoming  the dominant power over Thanalan. Limsa Lominsa   entered its golden age of piracy but later  became a hub for most of Eorzea's sea trade.   Ishgard continued its war against the dragons.  Gridania became a self-sufficient society,   and Old Sharlayan reconnected with its neighbours,  building a new colony on Eorzea’s western coast.   Eorzea had entered into of time of relative  peace, co-operation, and advancement. But   as we approach the 1500s of the 6th Astral Era,  we begin to see the end of this productive age.  In the latter half of the 1400s, Ala  Mhigo's economy began to fail due to the   rising success of sea trade created by Ul'dah  and Limsa Lominsa. In an attempt to fix this,   Ala Mhigo began an unprovoked war with Gridania,  which would become known as the Autumn War.   However, because of Gridania's strong  alliance with Ishgard, Limsa Lominsa,   and Ul'dah, a united Eorzea soundly defeated  Ala Mhigo, and their economy collapsed.   This was only the beginning of Eorzea’s new  age of troubles. Not even a century later,   the Empire of Garlemald had begun its conquest  of the three great continents. Like the Black   Mages of Mhach in the 5th Era and the Allagan  Empire of the 3rd Era, the Garleans now had their   sites on ruling the world. Their conquest began  within the continent of Ilsabard, and with the   advent of magitek war machines, they could defeat  almost every opponent they came across soundly.  In only a handful of decades, the Garlean  Empire successfully conquered not only the   whole of Ilsabard but also the entire continent of  Othard. This only left the continent of Aldenard   and by extension, the lands of Eorzea. The Garlean  Empire began its campaign against Ala Mhigo first,   which was still recovering from its economic  collapse and a rebellion against its incredibly   unpopular mad monarch: King Theodoric. Because of  Ala Mhigo's sudden and barbaric attack during the   Autumn War, not a single city-state within Eorzea  helped them fight Garlemald. Ala Mhigo swiftly   fell, leaving Gridania, Ul'dah, Ishgard, and Limsa  Lominsa to fight this new threat alone. Not even   the Sharlayans in their western colony would help,  with most of them fleeing back to their homeland.  Some Sharlayans saw the immediate  withdrawal from Eorzea as cowardice.   So instead of abandoning their neighbours to the  Garlean invasion, these scholars rallied behind   a wise and powerful archon named Louisoix  Leveilleur. Louisoix and other Sharlayans   assisted in helping the city-states of  Eorzea push back the Garlean Empire.   But regardless of their efforts, the second half  of the 1500s marked the end of the 6th Astral Era.   Dubbed Project Meteor, a leader of the invasion  known as the White Raven, used ancient technology   to call down Dalamud: the artificial moon the  ancient Allagans used to contain the Elder Primal,   Bahamut. Most Garleans had no idea they  were releasing an old evil upon the world.   As Bahamut was broken free of his action prison,  his rampage threatened to destroy everything:   resulting in the beginning of the  7th Umbral Calamity. But this time,   something was different. Louisoix Leveilleur had  made many preparations to deal with Bahamut and   used powerful magics to try and seal the primal  away once more. Unfortunately, the dragon had   become too powerful and was prepared to unleash  an attack that would glass the entirety of Eorzea.   Archon Louisoix's ritual had failed, but the  power to cast his spell remained. Louisoix   made a sacrifice, taking all that magic into  himself alongside Eorzea's prayers to rise   from Bahamut's ruin. In so doing, he became  the primal known as Pheonix, slaying Bahamut   in a single strike and ending the 7th Umbral  Calamity before it could devastate the world.  The 7th Umbral Calamity was the shortest era  in Eorzea's history, and it was all thanks to   Louisoix and the help of his many allies. If  Bahamut hadn't been slain, his rage would have   been felt across the entire world. But with one  age's end, another has the chance to begin. Five   years after Bahamut's defeat, a Warrior of Light  will rise, and a new story will be told. This   marks the end of our video covering the Astral  and Umbral Eras up until the modern day of FFXIV's   campaign. We hope you've enjoyed this series and  that it helps you in your journey across the world   of Hydaelyn. We plan to cover the battles of many  other fantasy, sci-fi, and space opera universes,   so make sure you have subscribed and pressed the  bell button! Please, consider liking and sharing,   as it helps immensely, and don’t forget to  comment - we will try to read and respond to   every comment as we want to know what you think  about this video and which videos you hope to see   in the future! This is the Wizards and Warriors  channel, and we’ll catch you on the next one!
Channel: Wizards and Warriors
Views: 25,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, eorzea, final fantasy, allagan, ffXIV, Eorzea, rise, fall, and, morgoth, feanor, noldor, elves, middle-earth, silmarillion, first age, tolkien, gandalf, gondor, saruman, battles, of, rohan, Kings and Generals, Lord of the Rings, Elrond, Isildur, Sauron, elf, dwarves, humans, men, battle, documentary, middle earth, animated, fantasy, sci-fi, wizards, warriors, hobbits, decisive battles, lore, sauron, orks, rings, pelennor fields, mongols, conan, game of thrones, warhammer, end times, althistory, alternative, magi, war
Id: xVdXlru3ztY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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