The Secrets of the Twelve - Patch 6.3 - FFXIV Theory

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the following video contains Main and Side Story spoilers for ff14 and Walker patch 6.3 saw the release of the second Alliance raid doped ephrazine we got some very significant plot developments in the story as well along with some Revelations that will be leading us into the third raid in patch 6.5 it's these that I wish to discuss but more than that I wish to discuss some eagle-eyed player Revelations that have likely already uncovered the mystery of who the 12 are or at least were let's Dive In 6.3 five new members of the 12 revealed themselves to us it started with nafika appearing before us and gave us a tempting offer to battle with her in her domain and she will reveal the secrets of reading the monument at the center of amphilos we take full advantage and Dive Right In with 23 friends on hand seems the other members of the 12 took notice and four more showed up to Otto do battle with us after all was said and done and we reunited our allies outside these five deities revealed themselves together from left to right we have nothing altic and halone like the first four we faced off with they revealed that doing battle with us was to help it achieve their dream but they wouldn't elaborate further it's later that we all go on separate Journeys with all members of The Twelve we have encountered so far all in forms of animal vessels we learn much about how the 12 operates while powerful they don't interfere directly but it seems they are directly connected to aurzia and its people via their Stones which are scattered across the realm it seems they also hear the prayers of anyone that prays to them even if they don't act on them directly this takes us back to amphilos where combined with the information we gathered from the stones we visited and the twelve themselves we are able to decipher The Monuments and it provides us with important information it seems they created this Monument as a method to always remember their purpose and their goal which they call a yoke the monument informs us about each member of the 12's purpose and what their individual Duties are and at the very end shows that there is a 13th member one who was never seen never prayed to but is always watching this leads our friends to realize that this 13th member could indeed be the Watcher on the moon and so our path becomes clear and in 6.5 we are likely to venture there to speak with the Watcher directly about this and hopefully learn the truth this was day one for me but along with the community I started to speculate and create theories right away it seems something changed that made the 12 reveal themselves in the first place as we surmised in patch 6.1 however it's been pretty much confirmed that there was the loss of heidelin that was the most likely reason and it seems these 12 are bound by the will of the star embodied in heidelin who sadly is no more this is likely the reason that led them to contacting us but it doesn't explain what this dream of theirs is and why they are so fixated on it we may not know what this dream is as of yet but it seems we have finally found the true identity of the twelve I was looking at my FC Discord today when someone pinged me with this name is dialogue during the alliance raid and the dialogue of the NPC in elpis named Maria are one in the same this is from a small Quest chain involving Maria and her brother alquios you may already see what I'm going with this if you look at their names Maria and nimia alkalos and altic that's not coincidence we have just stumbled upon the truth and that truth is that the 12 we have seen and fought were once likely ancients likely those who sizes with the NAT are summon heideline and save their star [Music] this isn't the only hint either I did the quest again to confirm and found more clues one of these quests has Maria enalkios performing a morning service for some creatures that were killed in elpis they're going to perform this via the use of time magic to make the bodies decompose and become warm with the ground below this is a great piece of evidence altic is known as the god of time so this ties alkios and altic together when they ask us what we should do to further honor these creatures we give them the idea of laying nimia lilies for them which Maria loved this is an aortzian tradition leaving these lilies at the site of a burial we head off with her and she crates flowers for us to collect which she calls krinos looking at the crinos and the nemilion Lily side by side they are one in the same this is further evidence that Maria is indeed anime we met in the present however the question remains are the 12 we see together the actual living carnations of these ancients or something similar to The Watcher in that they are Creations based on those individuals that once lived let me know your opinion in the comments and also your own theories on this thanks and have a good one
Channel: Wyrm Limion
Views: 3,875
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Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, gameplay, final fantasy xiv gameplay, final fantasy 14 online, final fantasy xiv online, final fantasy 14 gameplay, wyrm limion, wyrmlimion, final fantasy 14 shadowbringers, final fantasy xiv shadowbringers, lore, history, endwalker, ffxiv endwalker, ff14 endwalker, story, main scenario, elpis, nymeia, althyk, patch 6.3, secret of the twelve, alliance raid, theory, ancients, amaurot, maria, alkaios
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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