The Try Guys Take a Friendship Test | Glamour

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you may not know this about Ned but he has beautiful eyes Zack well you have beautiful eyes thank you I know they either flocked with the glasses people don't know how I see them thank you do these become like sappy do they become sappy I met Eugene he was sitting sort of kitty-corner to me he sat near me he was very tall and gangly and still is was a white guy and he stills that and he was dressed much better than anyone else around us I guess my first impression was intimidation did he talk about how I was probably dressed intimidatingly I mean he was very serious guy he was very focused and then the times I saw the work he was making he was much better at making videos than I was everyone knows keith is the most charming effervescent funny easygoing guy although most people see him is this very serious like high-fashion guy he's actually very thoughtful about a lot of people in this world and I respect that a lot we're like brothers he's one of my three best friends he was a groomsman in my wedding I think keith has actually lightened me up as a person a lot since I first met him Ned and I started as employees at BuzzFeed around the same time he was the first like married young adult that I met but I thought he was like 21 so I was like how the this dude married already one of my first memories of Zach is he cast me in one of his videos so he said hey Ned can you just stand there and look like you have a third nipple I was like uh okay oh I have a third nipple he was married so I just assumed that he had his together in a way that I didn't and I'm like huh I should see what this guy's deal is he seemed like kind of a film school nerd a little bit of a STONER we're the only two in the Tri guys that love sports growth insane fantasy football league so we talked about football and that is very good at kind of more heady managerial things he's a lot more organized than I am and I really appreciate that quality in him Zach's a little bit of a perfectionist very detail-oriented in a lot of ways I've learned to hold my work to a higher standard because he he really cares about what he does at this point we're brothers he's my little corn baby I don't like this at all I thought we were gonna have fun today this is the opposite of fun which are you I I don't know I'm just bouncing between them like a maniac and lucky your left your left do you choose one eyeball or you can't find yourself bouncing back and forth I think I'm just locked into your left eye oh yeah actually looked into your eyes this match and how they have lived into anyone's eyes this mansion [Music] good guy you know what we're gonna give it five extra seconds please where we'll say it's time dad thank you I knew that Eugene would not like this activity so it's thinking about how Eugene must hate this and then we talked a lot we did talk a lot yeah it was intimate I think we ruined it by by doing what we do which is saying dumb things it was both intimate and quiet and public because people were staring at us all that sexual tension yeah it's just you can't let it just be there you have to talk and avoid okay nice compliments or where to start [Music] that's amazing that's evil Eugene vows you have an impossible and admirable commitment to your work because you work way too hard on everything but everything you make is also really impressive Thank You Keith Keith you are a truly wonderful human being with a heart of gold and a smile that could light up the darkest sky that was like a love letter compliment what's it yeah it's just how I write and light up the night sky yeah first thing that came to mind is that Ned without you I think that the try guys would have fallen apart the things that you bring to the table I think are more valuable than anyone has given credit for there are things that you handle that we don't even like to think about Thanks you make the try guys better through your attention to detail like there are so many things I like let's slip through the cracks you're like no this needs to be perfect that is really valuable and that makes the whole group better we basically just gave the same compliment in different fields I don't want to deal with you completely Eugene you are very funny even though you would never describe yourself that way he thinks he's not funny I don't think everybody I don't know why he thinks that he's so funny mmm Keith you have excellent calf musculature for someone who never exercises yeah you should see it every time you like shows off his gams I'm like wow definition he's big they are good these calves I see nothing are we tilting nothing it isn't nothing and those are great Ned your relationship and honestly your ability to have a work-life balance inspires me and makes me want to strive to be more like that in my old life Wow I also run about your personal life I am inspired by how caring and dedicated you are to your puppy well thanks man it takes a lot of work and you're really persistent and you're very you care a lot about making sure Bowie it's like a good dog it's because I don't like most dogs so I want my dog to be good and that's something superficial I said also have beautiful eyes I was gonna say you're more handsome than you know but I crosstalk I'm like let's go let's go deeper yeah yeah you know you HOT that was nice I like that involve writing mmm no touching I think I knew you knew that I think that's about you yeah I think you think I'm nice and I think you think I'm impossible yeah I said a lot of and admirable into your work I don't think you're impossibly I'm also times you might sometimes I'm pretty impossible yeah I feel like we both chose things it's like thanks man I knew that it's nice to hear it though you know I think yeah oh it's nice to hear yeah like friends if you don't say things to your friends all time go go and tell them something nice cuz they appreciate it even if they know it deep down [Music] I had 20 seconds it starts to feel real weird you chose a good sweater for this Thanks yeah well you smell pretty good though thanks Brock well no no you weren't any sort of cologne or aftershave er is this natural medicine natural but you do get a little scent from my hair of course you see how do you smell probably some like dead cow smell like the leather my dicks like really like okay that I know it's a resting on your thighs but it's actually my mic pack so you oh really yeah you're looking that I can look right back my necks right on your mic pack yeah just know that because we're doing this for a video this might be the closest we'll ever be ever in our entire lives physically so you might as well savor this moment oh I'm so warm yeah I feel wow you just got become a furnace your chest area is like yeah we'll tell you honest how dare you glamour love again good hug you know one of the first videos we made with each other was rubbing oil on each other's butt so like there's only so close you can catch yes and before you just become that person yeah that's probably our first real first real life that was tender it's tender we're we're much closer than most casts like we see each other every day I just felt like a you know a sense of tenderness yeah and like you know we'll joking at first but then like we really got in there we never get to hug Eugene for very long if you even get to hug him at all so this is the exclusive [Music] what if what if we ran in as he's falling like that's the hardest trust wall no this is not about challenges about trust you ready yeah now 3 a 2 a 1 there's a moment oh no not good can see I'm gonna hurt myself guys remember I'm precious good i'll just put our hands on this but teacher says teacher says you Justin if you trust us sure all right 3 2 1 3 2 1 a lot of all bye it's like I'm the first place I found contact with my butt 3 - I [Music] did say that I liked that it was with Keith because with you - it would have been like impossible we spent so much time together we hang out we work together but like why don't we really hugged just just you know worse it was just the worst this is not is this good content are we making good content normally when we make videos we feel like we're giving stuff to you but this time I feel like you gave something to me
Channel: Glamour
Views: 3,794,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity, eugene lee yang, friendship, keith habersberger, lifestyle, ned fulmer, the try guys, try guys, wellness, women's lifestyle, zach kornfeld, friendship drills, friendship test, friended, friendship tests, the try guys 2018, the try guys interview, the try guys friends, keith the try guys, ned the try guys, eugene the try guys, trust falls, trust fall, the try guys really friends, the try guys friend, friends, friend, glamour, glamour magazine
Id: 0XsKkiS9-9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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