The Try Guys Take a Lie Detector Test | Vanity Fair

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This was absolutely hysterical lol

Edit : I was also wondering what question Ned got away with in the previous lie detector test. And also Keith’s voice is amazing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/soggyhairfollicle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why was this so funny?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KassandraConK πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
you're not getting anything out of me oh we're gonna get it out of you one way or another i'm gonna get it out of you if i have to squeeze every drop of ya just like a lemon or a grapefruit oh i prefer a lemon okay this isn't my first lie detector test so i was told i was being interrogated by eugene nothing was said about pesto i was not prepared for this to calibrate the machine i'm asking three basic questions okay is your name zach kornfeld yes is your instagram handle at corn diddy yes sure definitely my full name is zachary andrew cornfeld but i feel like i'm gonna say that's true are you nervous a little bit are you nervous because i'm the good cop are you nervous because he's the rough cop zach your hebrew name is yes which means dancer the dancer is that correct yes true it was a self-anointed name because i was not bar mitzvahed so i i chose it myself and i don't think i could have chosen any better do you think you're a good dancer by traditional standards perhaps i'm uh not as disciplined but absolutely it's questionable yeah i think that's questionable i think that my dancing is definitely a question can this machine uh tell if someone's lying to themself who's the worst dancer in the try guys oh tough competition um between you and someone else the answer is ned it's true i don't need to look at her however i have rhythm or i have the capacity for rhythm i understand beats he understands beats zack yeah i'm gonna get serious now okay me too zach yeah are you a jonas brothers fan yes he's telling the truth it's true on a long journey my sister was a huge jones brother stan i resented them for some of my life but they rock do they camp rock [Music] who is the kevin of the try guys oh [ __ ] i don't know that i'm legally allowed to answer that question i don't think we have it kevin he's telling the truth who thank god i was not prepared for a follow-up the jonas brothers facing me so mad hey no zack do you actually like movie cats yeah he's telling the truth it's a shame it's like for what it is do i is it the worst movie i've ever seen probably does that make it glorious [ __ ] absolutely zack yeah you're a fast and furious stan are you team then oh [ __ ] or team the rock i knew this was coming i knew this was coming and let it be known that whoever he states the other person he he absolutely hates look choose your team this is the hardest question i've ever been asked because they're both incredible beautiful people look a lot of stammering before an answer i know there's a yes or no i'm gonna get to it but if you don't know there's a little bit of a feud in the fast and furious family the rock and vin diesel hate each other they had to stop working together they can't even look each other in the eyes either because they're gonna fight or make out i'm not sure with hopefully both i know without a doubt that vin diesel is the bad guy but i'm team bin i i would rather watch a fast and furious movie with vin diesel than with the rock and it's because the rock is like actually good and that but then he just but then you're just watching like oh it's just like a kind of good action movie but within diesel it's an experience i feel like i just squandered my chance of working with both of them with that answer yeah because you're basically insinuating you like fast and furious with them because it's kind of bad yeah would you say that out of all the try guys you and maggie display the most pda no that's a lie i did everything you guys say that we never kiss and possibly snuggle at every table we're at well i'm a snuggly guy that's nothing to do with her i'll snuggle with anybody who are you with you right now who do you think is more you want to snuggle i'll do it you too are very effective i will snuggle anyone in this room try me even my dog yeah even pesto especially pesto is this allowed can he snuggle can he snuggle sergeant ruff he can snuggle sergeant ruff there you go boy oh he loves it he doesn't like it he doesn't like it at all ask me if pesto smells good does pesto smell good yeah that's questionable it is questionable yeah i got three dogs they get into some [ __ ] in my [ __ ] i mean [ __ ] you're great at snuggling really know how to hold a dog complete that's exactly how you hold the dog we're snuggling all right zach at any point in this lie detector test did you lie and get away with it did i no i don't think so you have to say if you lied and got away with it the machine didn't catch you no i didn't he's telling the truth all right me or pesto am i right i'll never tell i'll never say anything you can't get me to talk you got this put here trying to wrangle the information out of me you'll never get it okay mr liang thank you for coming down to the precincts that's mama liang mamaliang thank you for coming okay all right we'll go with that first just want to ask some questions to get a nice baseline is your name eugene lee yang no okay all right i can control my heart rate are you 34 years old no okay uh 85 asian don't raise him uh what's something that you'll genuinely say no to um are you white [ __ ] no are you a straight [ __ ] no are you gain proud hell yeah i think that's a good baseline right there eugene you're the ranker of the try guys the so-called rank king does that mean you have better taste than the rest of us no of course not i i would never think i had better taste than anyone yeah okay eugene do you think i have good taste let's break that down a little more do you think i have good taste in fashion yes let me ask this another way eugene you're a fashionable man are you the best dressed try guy oh no no no no no no would you say that i'm the worst dressed try guy no is it caved no it's key that net together you beat me to it you know what i love a good old plain burgundy t-shirt straight men just love a good old like i don't know slightly lighter blue crew neck you're healthy man eugene would you say that you like to eat clean does that include alcohol no just just your diet yeah when we were on tour together did you ever say drunkenly eat a whole hot pocket on our tour bus no who would do that we would eat a whole hot pepperoni pizza hot bucket on a tourist he's lying i know i watched it it was a whole box of hot pockets i think i ate in two bites yeah it was just like a anaconda going it was cool the next question you have pig dirty pig all right brace yourself mommy mama eugene do you like the movie cat no that's questionable okay i like it for what it is a train wreck was jason derulo's talent under utilized in that room yes it was did you at a party once drunkenly make our friends and family watch several scenes of the movie cats and everyone got mad at me even though you were the one in control of the remote yes because i knew that they would get mad at you it was not fair but i loved it you were also squealing with delightful how could i not i'm the enabler yeah you're the target well eugene i appreciate your time really mama mama really only one more question for me do you love me god pesto i love you hi bud what you're just wearing with that my dog's here sorry i can't answer that question i don't have time for these distractions hey buddy thanks for coming oh what a great time been any fair we've had today i love you bud i'm guilty i'm indian answer that question sir yes i do i'm gonna need you to look in your dog's eyes when you say it i love you best joe bye vanity fair thanks so much for having us do you love me i think we can cut the cameras now right gulp you look good oh thanks yeah man yeah very bionic all right ned you little liar it's time to find out what's true and what's not true but first some easy questions to calibrate the machine yeah question number one is your name that foamer no come on ned you gotta copy the machine now you can't be goofing with me right here well technically keith that's right okay technically edward okay so but yeah so my name is also ned fulmer so that's yeah that's true also true it's also true two truths this one seemed so this is going to seem like a cheap shot but it's really not do you have the softest jawline at the try guys no i oh in that one video they said yes apparently apparently yes and are you ready to take this calibration question yeah man you could have asked am i from jacksonville florida yeah i could have but it's like it's nice it's gonna go it's nice to see how things rattle yet we're calibrated in our documentary on our tour you were the legend of love yeah do you think you're more romantic than the rest of the try guys hmm uh maybe i used to be there's something about having a couple kids that kind of makes romance a different beast probably i would still say you're the most romantic thank you very much is he being honest so far so far he's telling the truth good boy you know speaking of romance ned you've been married for quite a long time have you ever forgotten an anniversary um it's definitely crept up on me uh you know i don't know if that counts as forgetting because i think in order to truly forget you have to go through the entire day but it's definitely come the week of and yeah how about the day of no no never the day of i don't think at least if it was it wasn't a problem i got to throw some lies in here to throw you off my scent yeah yeah you know you've got two kids now and you're still a loving husband which is more important being a loving husband or a loving father hmm i think a loving husband because it makes your if i if your relationship isn't a good spot that impairs your ability to be a good father hmm good answer good yeah i thought it was good answering yeah that was good i didn't really know what the answer was going to be it was a good answer now recently you made a video showing you getting a six pack in six weeks yeah do you think you're fitter than eugene uh no can we get a verdict on that he's telling the truth it it sure is at that time though right like when we took those photos yeah yeah i thought i was fitter than eugene ned do you ever check your dms from fans uh yeah do you ever respond to dms from fans not usually truthfully have you ever have you ever sent a hilarious picture of yourself to a fan yeah nice yeah yeah it's a good one it gets to be a bit too much that you are a daddy do you like being called daddy by our fans um no what do we think i didn't have a clear read so maybe sometimes yes sometimes no no depending on the fans no maybe depending on the fan no sometimes it's kind of funny though do you like it when i say hey daddy yeah that's true yeah nice good i'll start saying that to you more often okay um when we were on tour we met a lot of fans do you think that the fans overall liked any one of us more than the others hmm you know uh i normally would think that more fans like eugene over the rest of us but there was such a broad diversity of uh favorites on tour that you know i don't i don't really think that anyone had a true favorite you sure that eugene wasn't no no eugene's the favorite yeah yeah yeah it was the amount of like extended two-minute long conversations at meet and greets yeah someone just takes eugene aside and sort of like i'm just standing there like right on right on right on i know eugene's got a lot of cool things to offer that's true um it didn't happen to me as often wes is a strong boy do you like wes more than you like me uh yeah i've been through a lot you know me for longer than last i'm so sorry i i mean i mean maybe maybe like a uh i mean i mean yeah but you said like so maybe i love wes moore but i like you more but even that's the strength i would stop there because she said it was true and i want to keep that let me keep that you and ariel would you like to sit on my lap and read goodnight goodnight constructions like that's that's a book yeah that sounds great he is really into trucks yeah he's really into trucks yeah right now your in-laws are in town helping you raise the newest child yes how's that um it's good it's it's helpful to have them there and do you like having them there every day you know it's helpful to have them there he's telling the truth that statement is true no further questions well ned did you lie at any point during this test and maybe we didn't catch you maybe [Music] he's trying it's true okay so maybe you did slip one bias you are the only one i think who's ever effectively lied in the lie detector videos you've gotten away with it so it must be hard to read but i think i can read you pretty well mr habersberger whoa ned please i have to get strapped into the machine thank you for coming in today so good to see you now you're not under arrest but you are in trouble i am under duress that's for sure i'm just gonna ask you a couple questions okay can you please get yourself strapped in sure to the lie detector aren't you the lie detector i'm the lie detector examiner i'm ready ask me your worst ned mr habersberger first we're gonna calibrate the machine is your name keith haversberger yes were you born in tennessee sure was do you have the strongest jawline of the try guys do i that's great news yes are we calibrated we're calibrated all right this is my associate the lie detective wow good to meet you you haven't been a lie detective before that's not true all right keith and a previous lie detector you said you were the best performer of the try guys but that was before we went on tour and did a show every single night do you still think you're the best performer of us hmm maybe not maybe not maybe genius whoa i mean his number was pretty stunning he put a lot more effort into it that's for sure we uh that was true that's sad to hear i was so i was hoping that my my subconscious was going to sneak something through and i still believed in myself but i guess i don't oh no let's see if we can build you back up yeah let's try we sang a lot on tour do you think you're the best singer of the try guys yes now which one of us is the worst singer it's tough between you and zach you know it's i used to think you but how i might think sad ah i changed mine yeah wow it's because zach leans into silly sounding singing and you try and when you really focus and try i think you can sing pretty well wow that you know well we're both just feeling swell is this a compliment party but no that ain't enough we're gonna get the truth out of you you've been doing a great job telling the truth so far thank you now keith you're a social butterfly pandemic's been hard on you but you've blown me off a couple of times when i've invited you over to my house have you ever blown me off and not really had a good reason for it yeah what's that about man i don't know you want to play magic a lot and i'm not very good every time we play magic you destroy me that's th is that true he's telling the truth that's true it's true it's just like it's fun until you only lose and then you're like man i then you lose a lot of confidence in your ability to build a good deck you know i only time i beat ned was when he was so drunk he vomited yeah that was the only time i'm being dead in magic so i got a pretty bad draw too yeah but like it's not always about magic you live five minutes away we have barbecues yeah i don't know why yeah it's all right yeah sorry bro it's okay i'll find other friends okay invite me again soon okay goodbye here again sir let's remedy this okay you've eaten a lot of fast food [Music] what's which one has been the worst on your stomach jack-in-the-box why is that it was i don't think it's a good quality of food and it's a lot it was the biggest menu that a burger king would you ever rely on barbies would you ever lie about the food quality just you maybe they would give you a sponsorship like like if jack in the box like gave you a dump truck full of money would you change mine hell yes is he telling the truth that's questionable i think it's question movement because they're not going to give me a dump truck well you hated her first jack-in-the-box i would try i guess i'd try i'm always fishing for a sponsorship now would you ever let your future children following your footsteps eating a bunch of fast food for the internet [Music] yeah i need a straight answer line well i think it's because i'm not sure you know i'm weighing the pros and cons like maybe they could get a sponsorship you know depending on how old they are that's like the thing the baggage that you put on your children you know kid if you're really nice to jack-in-the-box maybe they'll get you a sponsorship sunday look there's a lot of people who get sponsorships from places like chipotle taco bell mcdonald's i'm just not one of those people but maybe my kids could be and i don't want to deprive them of being a major income source for our family all right now keith i'll assume that's true bad for the kids i guess i know maybe not when they're children maybe when they're older but probably the five-year-olds should not be doing eating all the happy meals but it would be good content that would be good content keith in our new movie behind the trial you mentioned that you took pictures with four fans one morning on the same morning in line at starbucks do you like taking pictures with fans i do i miss it you miss it yeah have you ever turned away a fan because you're angry no but i did snap at a fan who asked me for a picture while i was putting on a miniature golf course it was literally like a mid-stroke and i was like can you let me finish my pipe police and they were very scared and they ran away and then i felt bad oh but it was a close game and etiquette i yeah right yes yeah i wasn't there right etiquette all right keith that's all the questions we have for you did you lie at any point and we didn't catch you yeah damn is he telling the truth he's telling the truth no further questions
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 815,859
Rating: 4.9599719 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, the try guys, try guys lie, try guys lie detector, try guys lie detector test, the try guys lie detector test, the try guys lie detector, try guys lies, the try guys lie, try guys polygraph, try guys try, the try guys try, try guys vanity fair, vanity fair try guys, vanity fair lie detector test, try guys vanity fair lie detector test, the try guys vanity fair lie detector test, try guys lying, try guys 2020, the try guys vanity fair, take lie exam, vanity fair
Id: v4d3j3KbH90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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