The Try Guys Recreate Their Wives' Makeup Looks

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- Ahhh! - This is gonna go. - Honey, don't talk about my labial folds! Well, hello world. Today is a very special today. Today is very (mumbles) today. - Today we are doing a back to back makeup challenge. - I will be recreating Ariel's beautiful going-out look. - I'm wearing a full face of makeup for absolutely no reason. - But, we're gonna be back to back. She has to give me instructions, and I need to follow. - Then, we're gonna take pictures of that, send them to Eugene, and Eugene is gonna judge who did the best job. - I know you don't like to color in the lines in real life but this is a makeup challenge. - We can't see them, and we also can't see ourselves. So this is really the only chance I get to look and see, oh Jesus. Well, you look beautiful. (rock music) - [Keith] I'm a little nervous, but also this is a really great, fun thing to do since we're quarantined. So, here we are, we're gonna do this makeup challenge. Eugene is gonna judge, and hopefully I will win. - So, you're not gonna lose to Zach. There's no way. - Mm-hmm, true. - He's gonna be a chaos monster. - Yeah. - Oh, can we put makeup on Bowie, is that's cruelty? - I think you might lose to Ned, only because I've given you like 15 things to work with, and I know Ariel, she ain't got time for that shit. - Momma's got like, maybe under five minutes to get ready in the morning so, the fact that I had 20 minutes to do this is kind of a miracle. - You look beautiful by the way. - Thank you. - We're ready to go out. We gotta stay inside, we have to stay inside. - There is nowhere to go. - Yes, we are quarantined. All right, let's get started. - Okay Maggie, look at me. - You can do this. - We're not, okay, thank. - Don't (beep) it up. - Thank you. - I also, dressed in the same outfit as Becky. - We're gonna be twins. - To be extra cute and very on point. - Yes, we're like little cult leaders. - Yeah. - Welcome to our cult. - Can I get one last look at you, gorgeous. - Thank you. - I have no idea how to recreate it though. - I don't know how I feel about letting you dig in all of my makeup. - I will be very respectful. - You better be. Makeup's not cheap. - What is this? - I don't know. - This is the last time we're allowed to look at each other. - Okay, say goodbye to this face. Say hello to this. - Okay go, go, go, go, go. Um, first. - No, I tell you! - What do I do? Wipe my sweat, okay you tell me. - Okay, you just need to listen to me and just relax a little bit okay? - Okay phew. - Okay so first up, you're going to mix your foundation with your primer. So, just a half pump of foundation and a half pump of primer. - There's a little spongy thingy that's called a beauty blender. - Okay brushes, found it, beauty blender, I know that cause I always think that this is like, - It's hot pink. - A butterfly, you're not allowed to say colors! - Oh sorry, sorry. - Becky. - I didn't know it was a rule! - Becky, we don't wanna cheat, I wanna win for real. - You knew what a beauty blender was. - No, I do know because I used to think that this was the bug butt. - It is not. - What's it smell like? - I don't know it has a good smell though, doesn't it? - Yeah. - It smells like almost fruity. - It smells, - Stop huffing it. - If your canvas is all like, flaky. - Do you like a good base? - It doesn't matter how, hey, excuse me, I'm talking. - Yeah? - It's not exact, I mean yeah, I guess you could use it as a sweat towel. I'll just wash it later. - It feels nice. - So now grab your foundation again - A-ha? - And just do like a quarter pump. - So little. - Yeah, a little in your fingertips, and then tap your fingers together like you're clapping, (cheering) and then tap it where you need more. Well, you don't know where you need more coverage, but usually it's the cheeks and the nose. - But which one's the primer? Is that this, Double Wear Stay In Place Makeup? - Nope. - This one just says makeup. - That one is actually foundation. - Oh foundation, that's first, right? - No, well actually, primer is first. And then I do sunscreen and foundation. - Oh god. - Okay so I'm getting some of the gel moisturizer on my hand, I'm gonna mix it in my two fingers. - Yeah, just a little bit and then just, kind of smooth it in. - Okay, here we go. This is great, from this point forward I can't see anything. - Now a lot of people, they like to blend with all sorts of fun things, right? - They do! Sometimes people blend, you have a silicone blender, that one looks like a boob implant almost. - Oh and this one looks like, a little bit like a butt plug. Right? Doesn't it? - I don't know, I don't know what a butt plug looks like. - You know what they look like, just cause we don't own any doesn't mean you haven't seen one on the internet. - I don't know what they look like. I'll text Eugene and ask him to send me a picture. - Don't. - There's foundation in there, find the foundation. It's not powder, it's liquid. - Okay, foundation, it's a liquid foundation. - There's two colors, there's one that's called Sun that's way too dark for you. And then there's one, fair, which is also very dark for you, but it will have to do. - Oh no, am I gonna like do accidental? I'm wearing your makeup, I'm gonna look crazy. - How about, you really don't need foundation. How about we just stick to powder for you? I don't want you to do like accidental brown face. - I think I put too much foundation on, what do I do about my beard? - That's... Not a question that I can answer. - Okay. - I would say rub it in your beard. Because if it's going to look at all like me, then you need to make your beard the same color as my face. - I don't know if I can do that. - Well, just go for it! - I'll go for it. - So just rub, rub, rub. - Rub, rub, rub. - Okay, okay. - Kabuki brush. - Kabuki brush, so it's like, almost like a little chode-y brush. It's like very short and stuff. - Nice. Okay, this is definitely the most chode-like brush that I see, that's a great descriptor. I really appreciate you putting it, - I knew would get it. - In words I understand. - That's not right. - What, this isn't right? - It's even more chodely. - Even more chode? - And then you wanna put it on top of your eyelid, and on top of your brow bone, cause that's where you get red. - Hold on, my brow bone? - Yeah. - What is that? - You know how that plastic surgeon said you had those little buggy, fish eyes? (Keith singing) - Okay, I think I brightened up. - You think you brightened, okay. - Okay so, with the concealer. - Under my eyes? - Well, the creamy concealer is for like spots on your face cause it blends a little bit better. And then there's a concealer that's a little bit less creamy, a little bit more, like thick and goopy. - How do I know what's creamy and what's not? - I don't know you have to like, try it. - This is a solid brush cleanser, do I need that? - No, that's for cleaning the brushes after. - It's like, fat, and short. - Oh, you know what? I thought this was a chode, now this is a chode. Oh my god, that's like the new, "Now That's What I Call Music!" Now That's What I Call Chode, Volume 3! (upbeat music) - Do five dots in the shape of an upside-down triangle under your eye. - How many dots are on each side? - Five, it's five dots per side. - First. - Upside-down triangle. - And how far down does it go to my cheek? - Your, go to like your nasal labia, or your, - your nasolabial fold. - My nasal labia? - I don't have a labia, and my labia definitely doesn't have a nose. - Nasolabial fold. - Honey, don't talk about my labial folds. - Just use the one concealer, and put it under your eyes. You probably don't have any like, spots anyway, so. - I mean that's, my whole nose is like very spotty but, - Okay. - I'll just put some on my nose just for, case it. - Okay so, put the concealer under your eyes, and like that pat, pat, pat, pat. - With a beauty blender? - You can do it with a beauty blender, but I usually do it with my fingers but it doesn't really matter. - Ow, ow, ow, ow. - How do I know when I've done enough? Is this like a bump of drugs, or? - A little bit, yeah. - Should this be a natural makeup? - Actually, I don't even know what a bump of drugs, like I, what are you, I don't know how much that is. - How's does this compare to how much tea I put in my tea in the morning? - Here we're gonna put way less on your face. - Great, okay, then I feel pretty good about this. Let's buff out this chode. - Now, just listen to me for a second, we're gonna do contour, like around here first. - Uh-huh. - And to do the bronzer, you want to use one of the, like, angled brushes. - Oh, I've got it. - That's like, one of my, - I want some thicky thicky brows. - I know, I used to hate my eyebrows, now I just grow em out. And now that we're in quarantine they're really gonna get bushy, but. - That was the first thing when we realized that we were gonna be here for a month, Maggie's like shit, my eyebrows! - Okay, and just smush it on there? - It goes like, - Do I puff my cheek out like I'm shaving? - No, no, no, you just put it right on the apples of your cheeks. - Apples, what's an apple? - It's the triangle right here, under your eyes. - Hmm, I'm just gonna mash it on there. - Okay. - I like to fill my brows in, I have a couple bald spots in mine, so I just like to make them look more full. - You have bald spots in your hair? I have bald spots in my hair! We have so much in common, was that a good joke? Did you like that? - No. - And then when you're finished, you kind of just like, comb your brow out again, so it like distributes the product. - It feels like everything I'm doing so far is very subtle. - I never knew you'd have so many bronzer stuff. - Yes, I'm very pale, and I like to look like I maybe got some sun. - Did I miss (mumbles). - No. (coughs) - I had a little kernel on my throat. - Oh Jesus Christ. - I was surprised too. - This brush feels amazing, this is awesome. - I know I'm only supposed to do that area, but like I'm just doing it everywhere, on my eyes, - Don't put it on your eyes. - It feels so good. - Don't put it on your eyes. - I did. It felt great. - Zach, I thought that we were gonna really try today. - I am trying, I'm gonna use this other brush then to shake it off, ah, feels so nice, it's like little kisses. - Now I just do like one clean pass? - No, no, no, you kind of wanna like, like, paint it in almost and like push them into place. - I really hope I'm hitting my brows. - Okay, a nice subtle application. - And I forgot to warn you, all my blushes are like high-intensity colors, so less is definitely more. - Noted. - Ariel, how would you rate my eyebrows on a scale of one to sexy? - Uh, it depends on how many old man hairs you have. - Oh no. - Ned doesn't like it when I pluck his old man hairs, and so, sometimes I don't tell you that you have them, but I notice them. - Yeah, I don't often look at my face. - So you're swirling, swirling. - I'm swirling. - And then tap it off. - Okay. - And then press it, don't rub it, press it on your eyeball, and under your eye on each side. (boing) - If it helps, when you're doing like highlight, and like contour and things like that, light colors will make things look bigger. Dark colors will make things look smaller. - I see, okay, I think I did it. - Got it? - Yeah I gotchu. - Oh, I think you're doing good. - Okay. - And you're gonna hate this part, cause you hate it when things touch your eyes. - Oh no. - But you have to get as close to your eyelashes as possible, so you like draw it on. - No, this is my least favorite part. Okay, okay, okay, like on my actual eyelid? - Yes. - You want me to poke my actual eyelid with this thing? - It's like, you do it like just above your eyelashes, just to kind of like, accentuate that area. - So you can either hold your eyelid up, or you can do it without touching, but you basically want to get that eyeliner, you know where your lash line, right below your lash line where it connects to your eyelid? - Oh, Maggie, it's scary. - It should feel like you're about to poke your eyeball. - And it does. - And you might poke your eyeball. - I have. - Okay. - Are you done yet? - I'm doing it, ahhh. Ahhh! - Okay. - I'm not, I've just begun. - Eww. - Ow, ow, ow. How would you ever do this without a mirror? - I always do with a mirror, that's a great question, I don't know. - Do I have to wash these brushes? (blows brushes) - I mean, yeah, God please, just set the brushes aside that you use and I'll wash them myself. - Okay, okay, okay. - And then, you're just gonna tease your, tease your eyelashes up as beautifully as you can. - Eyelashes, I bet you wish you were eyebrows. Oh eyelashes, you need people to straighten you. Oh eyelashes, I wish you would leave me alone. - What are you talking, what are you? - I'm teasing the eyelashes. - Oh. - Ariel, I gotta say, I am feeling good about this. - Okay, good. - I am back on board. Google, hey Google, how much of that timer's left? - [Google Assistant] T-minus eight minutes. - Oh shit, shit, shit. - We're nearly there. - Okay. - Oh (beep), are you serious? We're using one of these without a mirror? - You don't have to, you can say no. - No, I'm doing it. - So you're just gonna give yourself a little, - Try anything once. - I think the only thing we're missing is mascara. Yeah, so grab the eyelash curler. Please, please be careful. It's the scary looking contraption. - No, I don't wanna do that. - No. - Look, I can't do this. - Yes, you can! - No, I can't, nothing scares me more than this thing. - Inside, on my eyelid, dusting around. Ow, owie, ow. - It should not hurt, it should feel like a, - What do you mean? - Like a bird's feathers. - I'm poking my eyeball. - No, it should not be doing that. - I think I touched one of the hairs. - Okay. - This is impossible. - Yeah. - Yeah, no, I know, I'm just like, - So close your eye, but try and close it into the clamp. - I'm trying. - We got it, well this is gonna give me a mess, (screams) I don't like it. - Now mascara. - Okay. - So, find mascara. - All right, mascara, oh no, now I'm definitely struggling. Mascara? No, that's a brush. - It's black. - Black. - So then, you're gonna get your mascara, yeah. - Who was the girl on "The Bachelor", crazy one? - Madi. - Madison, her eyelashes were crazy. - So do it like Madison did it, kind of like wiggle it around, layer, little zigzag pattern. - Has everyone used their head to zigzag instead of the brush? - No, you use your brush. - Hey Google, how much time is remaining? - [Google Assistant] You've got 46 seconds remaining. - Shit, now! - You're not supposed to do that, come here. - Oh! (screams) - Okay, uh. - Five. Four. Three. Two. - I got myself, it got me. I got it on my eye, it happened. - One. - Oh you're so pretty. - Aww, thank you. (kissing sound) - No, don't touch me with that. - Well you're, I mean you did a little better than I thought, I mean. Eyeliner's understandable, but. - So this is Becky's going-out look. And now we get a picture, send it to Eugene, and see if I won the competition. I feel like I did. - I'm looking at Becky right now and actually, I can't have used enough. - [Eugene] Hello beautiful boys. - Hey fellas, you guys ready for the reveal? - I totally had my face beat, but enough to beat both of your faces. - Oh, okay, okay. - Wanna be on top? Wanna be on top? Pot, ledom, wanna be on top? - Yeah. - Welcome, to the judging of The Try Guys Next Top Model. - Wait, just to be clear, none of us have actually seen what we look like yet. - No, we had to take our photo and wash our face without looking in the mirror, which is very difficult but I did it. - But before we see what you aspiring models have given fierce, gorge, beauty. First we have to see the professionals, let's look at Ariel's night out look. - Oh, beautiful. So beautiful, wow. - Gorgeous. - You wanna see how her husband, Ned, did? - Yes. - Oh, we're just going for it. - Oh, yes. - Bring it on. - Ned, here is your best photo. (upbeat music) (laugh) - Oh wow, look at those lips. - Wow, those lips are full. - Hey, get out of here. - Overall I would say, the skin is beat, maybe a little more contoured than your wife. - Now, if we're looking for accuracy, you went a little more glam, but if I'm looking for glam, girl, you served. - Girl. - And finally, I do have to bring up one huge issue. - Tun, tun, tun. - The lips Ned, I know you don't like to color in the lines in real life, but this is a makeup challenge, and those lips, those lips shouldn't be kissing anyone soon. I would say that you got out pretty much around the entire perimeter, it's like you were making out with a bowl of raspberries. - All right, our next supermodel, Becky. - Look at her. - Ohhh. - Rebecca, wow. - Look at her. - Let's see how you did. (upbeat music) - Oh, wow. - Look at her. - Wow, look at her. - Now Keith, I must commend you, and not many people notice this, I think the skin looks quite good. You have clean dew about you. The brows are nice, I would say you did a better job than Ned on the lips. You do look like, however, you might have been punched in both eyes. (laughs) - Well, it is a going-out look. - Yes, but not going out and falling face-first in the sewers, darling. - Before we go to Zach, let's look at his supermodel girlfriend, and how she did her makeup. - Aww. - Gorgeous, my heart is aflutter. This is what I call catalog realness. I would like anything off of this woman. Here we have our final contestant. (upbeat music) - Oh my God. - What happened? - Zach, I know this was a back-to-back blind test but, you were allowed to use your hands, you know that right? - I think my eyebrows look dope, I'm serving some Levy fam realness, and I think my lips look super kissable. - You look like somebody threw shit at your face. - I will commend you, I like this bushy brow look on you. Very Frida Kahlo, you say you like cats, but certainly not their eyes. What's going on here? - When I was told cat eye, I wanted my face to look like the movie "Cats" made me feel. - Ah, so abstract and terrifying? Well, I will take that into consideration as I do my final judgment, and first, I must speak with the judges. (suspenseful music) - Wow. - Okay, bye. - I hate the background for the back with just Tyra. - Do you like? Mm-hmm. Andre, did you like Ned's look? Mm-hmm. - But, how about Keith? I mean he had a little bit more difficulty cause Becky is a makeup artist. Wonderful, silence! I've made my decision. Try Guys, but make it fashion. Three beautiful boys stand before me, but only one will go on to become Try Guys' next top model. The first picture in my hand, is third place. I'm sorry, but last place goes to... (suspenseful music) - What are you, nuts? Are you kidding me? Come on man, I wanna talk to your supervisor. Are you out of your goddamn mind? Look at those eyebrows you tell em Bowie. - Zach, we were rooting for you. We were all rooting for you! - Okay, that's a Tyra reference, thank you. - We didn't get it but I love the bit anyway. - And finally, the winner of Top Model, Try Guys edition is (hopeful music) - Ah! - Oh my God, I can't believe, - Come on! - Oh my God, really, oh really? Oh my God, you know what? I have to say that, you know, Ned, I thought you looked so beautiful. - I thought you looked so beautiful Keith. - Becky has so many products, I was able to really transform this face, and she was such a good instructor as well, very good, clear instruction. So this is as much Becky's victory as mine. - Congratulations, perhaps you should take up makeup artistry over baking, because this is your first, first place. - In a while. - Try Guys competition, yeah. You have a real future in this, Keith. - Well they do say that you are, you bake your face, right? - Yeah, so maybe stop baking that bread and start baking that face. (upbeat music) - Go ahead Keith. - And that's the photo that Eugene took, I'm pretty sure there were better photos where I look a little more awake Eugene. - There were not, this is your best photo.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 3,453,849
Rating: 4.9736214 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, makeup, makeup challenge, affordable makeup, easy makeup, makeup tutorial, makeup dos and donts, makeup look, boyfriend makeup, girlfriend does my makeup, boyfriend challenge, relationship goals, wife, partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, no mirror makeup challenge, no mirror makeup, no mirror challenge, no mirror
Id: 8vh4xXbDF8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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