The Try Guys Tiny Face Makeup Challenge

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- Today The Try Guys are doing a Tiny Face Makeup Challenge. (chuckling) - Wow I gave myself some lips. (upbeat music) - The creator of this challenge Jamie French has invited us to try our hands at creating a tiny itty bitty face through makeup on our big ass ugly real ones. - Is it a competition? Maybe, but you know if we think about that then I think about how I'm probably gonna lose at least to Eugene. - Jamie French herself will be joining us at the end over zoom to crown who is the Tiny Face Makeup Challenge champion. She will be judging us on three criteria, one, the execution of the makeup, two, the individual creativity we bring and three, does the tiny face makeup illusion work? Each of the guys were given the same set of makeup so we're all on an even level playing field. - Woo! sprinkles. That's fun. I feel like that was put in here for me. - And we will have Jamie's video, her initial tutorial of the makeup challenge to refer to in order to give us directions as we complete our looks. - Hey guys, I'm Jamie French and I am the creator of the Tiny Face Makeup Challenge. - Uuh! I like her voice, it's so sultry and relaxed and chill. - I can't take credit for creating the illusion of the tiny face. - It dates back to as far as 2014 when a creator named Anna Lingis-Zavros made a tutorial about it. - First and foremost, you have to have brushes, they don't have to be the best brushes in the world, but you at least need like a couple different sizes. So maybe a little tiny precision brush, you know, maybe go a size up something a little bit fluffier for blending. - Yeah, fluffy for blending and then just something with a sharper edge to get all the perfect lines. - My next tip is that you need something light and something dark. So get you some sort of eyeshadow palette that has you know, a dark color where you can like sketch out the outline, you know, and then maybe a bright color like this or something you know, to highlight the parts that you want to bring forward. - Even contour palette. Okay. Am I supposed to contour my face? I don't want to, I just want to draw little things on me. - And my last tip and the most important tip is to utilize your facial muscles. - My facial muscles... - So if you draw your lips right, you can kind of move your nose up and down and you know, you know, make the mouth move, it makes it way funnier. All right, those are my tips, guys. I can't wait to judge who does it best. May the best guy win. - She is going to judge us. So I guess it is a competition. So I guess I need to care more. But you know, I'm just excited to be a tiny face boy. - I'm not very good at makeup, but I am good at being tiny. I feel like I've got a real advantage here. - Looking pretty good. I'm gonna have like a little beard at the bottom if I don't watch out. - Doesn't the setup look like one of those Vogue videos, you know? where it's like, Eugene Stated Night Makeup Look, 20 Easy Steps. Alright, let's get started. - All right, she's putting foundation over her entire face. Which one's whiter? - It's not the right skin tone. What am I doing anyway, you know? - I don't know what character I'm doing. I know a lot of us are, you know, we're not all makeup artists but we're all performers and comedians. - I just look like I have chickenpox all over my face. - So this could come down to whoever just creates the best character. - Not there yet. Just need to be whiter. Looks so spotchety dochety - Oh look at that! She made a sequel. - Yeah. (laughing) - Is that fun? Is that stupid? Am I ruining the video if I do my own thing? Or am I making it better? I... maybe both! (thunderous sound) - God my eyes are huge. You never know because I'm always wearing glasses and I have a high prescription but I got biggest eyes you ever did see. - You really have to brighten and conceal the under eye area - I treat concealer a bit like how she did, I'll follow her to a tee. - We'll make my under eyes bright and refreshing. Oh wow. Look at me. - See what happens if I do this. That'll do. (upbeat music) - Slender eyes, that forehead makes me look like a tiny little person. - What do I contour with? Brown? - Cream chrome contour palettes. - Highlight all this stuff. Okay. - So I'm trying to do tiny contouring. Which is fun because I don't really know how to do any contouring. - It's not that bright. My skin tone is so pale. And I don't think I was packed with makeup that's much brighter than my skin. - Yes contour baby. - Maybe I'll, instead of just making my face brighter, I'll just make everything else darker. - Oh, wow. Oh, that is so much thicker than I expected. - Hmm, this one's too dark. - This makeup's shit. - Here is where we're gonna cover inevitably. So if you do your cheeks here, it's not going to match, your cheeks have to be here. So you're gonna to shift your whole face up. - But wait a second. If I'm bringing my face down, that means I want to contour over here. - She talked about blending in with the receding hairline. I think this is like making it seem like I have a receding hairline. - I screwed up because that's where my eyeballs are gonna go. So my contour needs to be like down there. This is very similar to when I learned to drag makeup from my drag mom. - I imagine Eugene's going in this with like a character. I'm just going in to do my best, my darnedest. - I don't even know anymore guys. I don't even know. I kinda look like a kitty. (meows) - And we're gonna really exaggerate my cheekbones here. - Oh, she's drawing new little cheeks. Okay. - Is this right? (upbeat music) - I need a lighter brush, skinnier brush. Oh wow! Wow! - Let's get some powder just to set this. - So I ran into an issue here, I had powder but I don't have anything to powder with. - And just pop it on. - Can I use the beauty powder to powder? - Beat that face, come on! Beat that face, yeah! - Let's get to the tiny face. - Just gonna make a tiny little nose here. Gonna go across here. This is getting weird. This is really getting weird. - I need to create a sharp contour here and get the nose like right there. - Where's the nose need to end? Needs to end like there. - This is hard. (upbeat music) - Now she takes an even darker color, an even tinier brush. - Gonna use this crayon to draw the nose first, and then I'm gonna go over it in the liquid eyeliner. - Hmm, doesn't look like a nose, does it? Looks like dirt on my nose. - Is that it? looks kind of like a nose. - My nose looks like a literal shit on my nose. - Some concealer here in my little pretend nose hold kind of highlighted it, maybe. - It's like I'm powdering my tiny nose. - Highlighted here. - It looks like there's a little car on my face. Doesn't it? - There's the cupid's bow. - That's so funny. - So what she does first is she creates the outline of her eyes - Just treat it like your eyelid. - Oh, it's happening! And then she adds eyeshadow and fills it in. Hmm, I don't care for the consistency of it. It looks kind of um.. - This is my favorite thing I've ever done. - This is where our drawing skills definitely come into play. (upbeat music) Straight lines are tough. - Oh no. Oh my lips are very uneven. - I might make mine have like more of an open mouth 'cause hers is so good like maybe 'cause she put the lips higher. (roaring) - Excuse me. Sorry everyone. So sorry. We had a delicious breakfast today. Apparently I'm still working through it. - Be careful 'cause you wanna make sure that the lines... you can still see the eyeliner. - Oh that smells like candy. - Smells like ball gum. And I hate it - One thing I know is I'm not gonna let my tiny face thin lips, never. - It's in my nose. It tickles. It tickles a lot. How's my little face? (laughing) - Okay, that's kinda like an eyeball, right? (soft music) Uh huh. Oh, that's a lot of glue. Oh, that's too much glue. Oh boy. This is a delicate art and I'm not a delicate man. Shit! - Doing the world's most like basic eye look because I am over this. I'm ready to take pics of this. (indistinct chatter) - Nice, incredibly brown eyebrows, don't look fake at all. - A nice smoky eye. - I don't think I'm gonna win on accuracy but if I can add enough creativity points, maybe I'll get up there. So my approach is gonna be digging myself an orange glittery outside and also put orange glitter on my actual beard. A tiny face glitter beard, how fun? (screaming) - Pretty good. Common. - Yeah, Hades' clown. I love it. - Oh yeah, that's gonna be it. (suspenseful music) - This feels like a mistake. - Super weird huh? - Really don't like using eyeliner here. - Oh wow. Oh, they're going everywhere - What! No. Okay, now we're all going to join together on a zoom and see how we look. - Hi Jamie, hi! - You can't see us but we're beautiful. (laughing) - Alright guys, so I'm going to be judging you on the execution, meaning like your skills as a makeup artist. Your creativity. And is it a tiny face? - Now Jamie, I'm not a makeup artist myself however I feel like I did a pretty good job please welcome to the stage the beautiful the amazing, Violetta. (laughing) - Hey, that's really not bad. (laughing) - Is that a beauty mark? - Yeah, I got the little beauty mark. - Oh, you look like tiny Cindy Crawford. Nose looks nice and realistic. And you know, I really appreciate your expressiveness. That was one of the tips I gave you guys was to really utilize your facial muscles and you have nailed that. I see a little shading with the nostrils so, good execution. Does it look like a tiny face? Yes for Violetta. - Yes! Oh my God! (laughing) - As someone with a tiny face and someone who's a very skilled makeup artist I wanted to push myself so I didn't just do the tiny face. I did tiny face two: The Redux. I give you Daphne Kornfeld. (laughing) - Hello, how are you? I'm so excited for Coachella. (laughing) - What's on your lips? - Oh, uh, sprinkles. - Oh my gosh. Now this is very... (laughing) - I will say that in the 30 minutes that I've been sitting here my sprinkles have fallen off quite a bit. - Okay, so with this version of the tiny face, it's important to maintain some sort of facial proportions. So I would have liked to see your upper lip drawn a little higher closer to nose. - Oh. - Your eyes look realistic. You know, I see you went with some lashes some eyeliner. Uh, doesn't look like a tiny face. Yes. Very scary. (laughing) - I wanted to look like a nightmare and I think I think I did it. - As you know, I have a beard and so I wanted to give myself a tiny glitter beard. I give you Edward! - Oh my God! - Oh Jesus! - Oh my God! Oh my God! - Is that your real mustache showing? - Yeah, that's my real mustache. Once I realized it was going to be an issue. I can get into an opportunity. (chuckling) - Your nose is on fleek. And I just applaud you for going full on the teal eye shadow and eyeliner. So a critique is just under the nose, that area. Just a little unclear at what you're going for. I was hoping to see a mustache but it kind of just looks brown. It looks brown. - Does it look like a tiny face? Yes it does. (laughing) You know guys I'm not seeing a lot of shade in here I'm seeing a lot of clean lines but not a ton of blending. - Yeah, we don't know how to do that, - Sorry about that. - Jamie, if it's shading you want, Girl it's shading you'll get. My drag alter ego is Cheyenne Heather and this is my own drag baby as me, Cheyenne Patino. - Oh, yeah. - Hello. Look at that wig! (laughing) - Yes, yes, Eugene. - Honestly I love how voluptuous the lips are. - Yeah. - I couldn't have thin lips, I had to have thick full ones. - Can you make those lips dance? (laughing) - You look very realistic. I mean, looking at you dead on I would just think that that's what your face looked like so spot on your skills. I think your bottom lip is just a hair crooked. (laughing) However like I said, I love how big and voluptuous they are. It looks very sensual. - Yes thank you. I wasn't born with these. - Does it look like a training face? 1,000%. Like, it just looks like you have a small face. - Thank you, thank you! - So in fourth place, gotta go with Edward! - Oh, no! - The beard was very creative, I just, the shape, I'm just losing the illusion a little bit there. In third place. We have to go with Daphne. - Oh No! - I know I'm so sorry. The eyes you know like, they look like eyes what they just look like the world's sloppiest eyes. (laughing) - And first place goes to, Cheyenne Patino. (indistinct) - Oh my God! Oh my God. - I like how we all look. You know I'm very happy to see us all here together. It's been too long. I don't know about you but I feel like my head is shrinking. - I've been doing a juice cleanse. - Oh hey ladies I was stuck in tra... Oh, Jamie's here. No one said Jamie would be here. - Oh my God, I hate when my friends, bye. - Thank you so much Jamie. This is so fun. - You're so welcome. Thank you for having me. - Bye! (upbeat music) - Daphne kind of looks like she had really bad plastic surgery. - Did Daphne get... - Did you guys say my name again? - Please stop Daphne. - I fucking hate Daphne.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,915,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, competition, tiny face makeup challenge, tiny face challenge, tiny face, makeup challenge, jaime french, funny makeup, tiny face makeup, makeup, funny makeup challenge, tiny, makeup tutorial, special effects makeup, funny makeup tutorial, viral makeup, creative makeup, nose contour, quarantine makeup
Id: xJmy6YCywe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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