Surprising Our Partners With A Spa Day At Home

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- [Keith] Show us how it's done. Yeah, a little exfoliation. - Today, we are surprising our significant others with an at-home spa day! - I hope you are ready for such a relaxing day - What is this? - [Keith] That's all you need to see, you sickos! (Zach screams and laughs) (upbeat music) - [Eugene] A portion of today's video is sponsored by the 2020 Census. - It's a pivotal time in America, and we'd like to talk to you about something you can do to make your voice heard. - The Census is a count of everyone living in the country and only happens once every 10 years. - Taking the 2020 Census is something you can do today to support your community and be represented. Young people, immigrants, and people of color are historically harder to count, which can make it difficult to properly inform funding for their communities. - You already know that this year is an election year, but what you might not know is that Census data determines the number of seats that each state receives in the House of Representatives. That's a big deal! - Census data informs the allocation of hundreds of billions in federal funding for critical services for the next 10 years. - Your answers are confidential, and not shared with any other government agency. All you need is your name and some basic information like age and race. No social security number needed, no citizenship inquiry. - We all deserve to be counted. Spread the word to everyone you know, especially those who have been underrepresented in the past. - You count, so be counted. Click the link below to fill out the 2020 Census online today. - Thank you to the Census for sponsoring that portion of today's video, and now, back to the spa day! Ah! - Gonna be a little spa day today, we're gonna do a little facial, a little pedicure and then a nice massage. It's all about creating a relaxing environment. (scary noise crescendos) - So, the Try Guys are doing at-home spas for their spouses today. However, I'm gonna be doing something for Zach because we wanna give Matt and Maggie a break from having to be in videos. - Look, I've been working really hard on this tea company, got a lot of stress in the shouldies, I deserve this. Zaddy needs this - I'm gonna create the ambiance and give him four different levels of massage, while he has to guess exactly what methods I am using in order to keep a safe six foot distance away from him. - Now we're in our spacious well-lit master bathroom, a perfect setting for a spa day. - [Keith] We've got skincare stuff and a pillow here. - Just got here, this is a new spa in town, and I've heard great things about it. (doorbell rings) (dog barks) (clock ticks) - [Eugene] We don't want what you're selling, I'm sorry. (Zach laughs) - Let me walk you through some of the products I'm gonna be using in today's treatment. A gold foil mask, (lighter clicks) - [Ned] Oh, it's gonna be hard to... He needs to relax, ouch! So relaxed, so relaxed, ouch! Let's see if there's anything in Wes's toys. Oh, here we go! These are a little light, but if I put these in the freezer, they could be balls. - You know, you guys don't get to know the Eugene that I know. He's a really caring, loving man. And he wants to make today as special for me as possible. (Zach winces) Oh my god, that's so hot. Aah! - [Eugene] Hello, Mr. Kornfeld. Mr. Kornfeld? Mr. Kornfeld? - [Zach] Oh, right here. - [Eugene] Ah! Mr. Kornfeld, I heard that you are-- - [Zach] No no no, right-- - [Eugene] You were very small - [Zach] No - [Eugene] Very small a frame. - [Ned] Hey hun! Can I show you something real quick? - Sure! - Becky. It's time for you to have a day all about you. - [Ned] You have been working really hard, - [Keith] And I've got an assistant here who's gonna help me out today - [Ned] And, uh... (Ariel laughs) - What is this? - [Ned] I got you an at-home fancy spa day! - Wow! - [Becky] Oh wow - [Keith] Oh yeah - [Becky] Look at this! - [Keith] Look at this, there's a candle lit! Cat can live on his little blanket. - [Ned] Here's your spa water, my dear. - Thank you! - This strawberry-infused water, triple-filtered, of course, fresh from our refrigerator! (Ariel laughs) - Okay, Becky. Welcome to the portion of today where we will be doing a pedicure. So go ahead and throw your feet in our tub down below - My feet need some work, I'm just not sure you're equipped to take care of them. - [Eugene] What I'll have you do, is I'll set your tea up here on the apothecary. - [Zach] I'm sorry? - [Eugene] On the apothecary! - [Zach] Okay! - We don't have a lot of normal tubs, we do have Alfred's first litter box, which I have washed many times, many times in preparation for this, so that is the only thing we have. - [Ned] A hot soak for your feet-- - Did you have to remove Wes's toys from this? - Um yeah, yes, his painting supplies are somewhere else. - Oh, that's hot! - Oh, really? Oh, shoot! - I wish I could put my feet in there with you. - Oh, yeah, it actually feels really nice. - Well just because I need to have my foot in a nice flat position. Oh, it is nice! - [Becky] Isn't it nice? - Yeah, this is what we've got going on down here. Little foot bath. Got our feet all together. This is just so my knee can be nice and parallel to the ground. - You know that the heat is preferred to give your give your feet more... (crickets chirp) - You're going to disrobe-- - [Zach] Oh? - and you're going to lie face down (Eugene laughing) - We've got our tools set up here. We've got as you can see the angular claw, got the more diagonal angular claw. - [Becky] No you're only gonna need to use the (mumbles). - I usually have gel in my toes - Right, gels are the ones that stick on? (Ned and Ariel laughs) - [Eugene] Enjoy! Enjoy getting partially naked. - Oh Uh oh. Oh no. Ah! No. Oh no. Okay! - First we're just gonna let her feet soak until they're nice and soft. Then we're going to push back her cuticles, We're going to file the nails to be nice and smooth, then we're gonna put a nice coat of nail polish. Now, if you know me, you know I love the smell of nail polish. (Becky laughs) - We've got-- - We can start of course, with a foot massage. - Oh a foot massage! Oh delightful. - [Ned] To now-- - To make me super slippery - [Ned] Get you less concerned about... Basically to get you less worried about my skills. - Got some coconut oil. That's for the feet? - For the feet. - For the feet, of course. - You gotta do the oil before you do the nail polish. - Of course, that was my plan. (door knocks) - Come in! - [Eugene] Now don't look up, cause if you can't see what I'm holding. - Kay. - [Eugene] I'm just gonna-- - That's not a comforting thing to be told. - [Eugene] Now do you have any problem areas sir? - All of them. I would say I carry a lot of tension in my upper back into the neck. - [Eugene] So I'm going to just responsibly sanitize my massaging tools. Don't, don't worry the sounds. (tools clanking) Don't look, don't look sir! - [Zach] Okay. - [Eugene] Don't look sir. Part of the magic of a real spa day is not knowing what's touching you. - Part of a real spa day is not knowing what's touching you? - [Eugene] Oh sorry I meant sex club. - This toe nail is so little. It's the littlest toe nail you'll ever see. You can't even see it on the camera, it's too little. - Okay, we are going to start we're gonna start by pushing your cuticles back. - Okay. - I can see blurry things, but without my glasses I don't know-- - [Eugene] Here we are. - Oh. - [Eugene] How's that pressure? - It's pretty nice actually, you could go a little harder. - [Eugene] Okay. - You start fucking whacking me. I can't, oh god! Oh my god! Oh, oh. - [Eugene] Is that actually good? - Yeah, a little too hard, but-- - [Eugene] Okay, softer then. - Yeah... This is, this is good. - Okay so next up, we're going to be painting-- - Oh really? - Boiling the feet. - What is this? - [Eugene] Well, just know that I'm over six feet away from you, so it has to be something long, unless I have super long hands. - Wow. - [Eugene] May I go to the booty? - Please. (Zach laughs) (Eugene and Zach laughs) - That is actually meant to like erase sort of cuticle debris. - [Ned] Right, that's what this thing is for. - No. That-- (Ariel laughs) - It looks like a booty paddle for me. - Oh, oh that feels really good actually. - [Eugene] Really? - Yeah! - [Eugene] Am I inventing an actual new-- - I don't know what this is. - [Eugene] Well I'll give you a hint. Whatever I'm holding has rubber tipped ends. - It feels like, like a grandma walker, but I don't know why you would own one of those. - Now you might be wondering, Keith, we really can't see Becky's feet that well. Well, that was by request of Becky. You can see her toes. That's all you needa see, you sickos. Stop tryna look at her feet weirdos. My feet are on wikiFeet, so instead of doing that, just look at my feet that are on wikiFeet. - Ah. - [Keith] Hm. Your feet smell delicious. - For today, I have selected the #TreatYoSelf from Base Coat Salon. - [Ariel] Wonderful! - And now, of course, our top coat. It's a finishing coat. We finish with this. - [Ned] All right. - Looks good. - Looks pretty good huh? Yeah I'm pretty good at this all right. Okay. - [Becky] Yeah they look good. - We're gonna let those dry. We're gonna get a little quick shot. Let's get a quick shot of the feet. - Oh boy. - Oh yeah. We got some toe polish. - Oh my god no it's-- - I have, they have to see! - Is it a rake? - [Eugene] Oh, I do have a rake. - Are you using a rake on me? - [Eugene] In fact I have two rakes! - Shut the (beep) up Wow, how 'bout that. - [Eugene] Double the rake. Tryna think of good garden puns. Zach, are you ready for me to sow my seed? (Zach laughs) - [Eugene] Here it comes! - [Eugene] Boink (x7) - Oh wow. - [Eugene] This is what I call selling the seed. - All right Ariel my dear, it is time for your massage. It is a thirty minute shoulder massage with hot stones. (door knocks) - Come in. - [Eugene] Are you ready for the second stage of your massage sir? - I am. - [Eugene] Oh what could it be? (dog squeals) What could it be? Oh what could it be? - Lot of commotion. (dog squeaks) Wow their squeak is so soothing. - We have something here at this house that really helps us to unwind, it is a massaging device called a Theragun, and we're gonna crank that into action. We're just gonna work out some of Becky's trouble areas, which is typically these spots behind her shoulder blades, and her shoulders, and her neck. Here's a demo on my thighs, so you know the kind of action. (machine whirring) Let's get started. (machine whirring crescendos) - Right now we're moving to our hot stone portion of the massage. (toy squeaks) - [Eugene] Placing some stones... (Eugene and Zach laughs) on your back. (sizzling sounds) (Ariel laughs) - It's a little hot. - This is a nice way to relax, unwind-- - Are these like rocks that you got from our yard? - Mm hm. - I've always wanted someone to do that massage where they walk on my body, but I need someone proportional to my body size. That's magnificent. - [Eugene] All right, how's this feel? (toy squeaks) - Oh wow. A little rough on the back. You just throwing them on top of me? - [Eugene] No (x5) This is you know, these are all socially distant hands and methods. - If you don't have one of these and you wanna make one at home, Uh-- - You can make some cardboard. - I think you can make one out of cardboard. - I hope you're feeling nice and relaxed. - Mm hm. - Nice little pet. - Thank you. - And then, I'm gonna give a little kiss on the head. (Becky laughs) - It's time to move on to the facial. Please proceed to the facial room, which is the same room you're in. - I could use one on the upper back. - [Eugene] Upper back? Okay wonderful, here it comes! Special stone delivery. - Oh yeah. Oh. Oh this is nice. - [Eugene] There we go. How's that? - [Zach] Oh really nice. This is-- - [Eugene] Relaxed? - [Zach] I am. - [Eugene] Wonderful, wonderful. How's that for you? - Really good. - [Eugene] Actually? You like it? - Yeah. - Let's just start with some deep inhales through the nose and out the mouth. - For this treatment, we're going to be doing a rejuvenating facial we'll Um-- - [Eugene] So we're going to move into our third phase. - Okay. - [Eugene] Yes, yes, yes. I'm just gonna do some sanitation on my tools, so sanitizing my equipment. We have the kneading portion up top. - Mm hm. - [Eugene] Now then we have the stones. - Mm hm. - [Eugene] Now we're gonna have what I call my rolling specials. - Now of course you're the expert in the house, so I'm hoping that you'll just walk me through-- (Becky laughs) what to do in this-- - So I'm gonna give myself my own facial? - No I'm gonna give you your own facial. - Oh okay. - Where do we start? - Did you wash your hands by the way? - Yes. I did. - Mm hm. - We'll just do a mask. - A mask, that sounds lovely. - Kay. So you have to get the mask. (Becky laughs) - Okay, okay. Which one's the mask? - [Eugene] Let me know if the pressure's okay. - Oh wow. - [Eugene] How's that? - Ah ha. I know you're tryna (beep) this up, but everything you're doing is working. - [Eugene] No! I'm tryna make things feel bad. Is this nice? - It's great! - [Eugene] I got the wine cause it's like-- - It's wine? - [Eugene] Yeah it's Eugene, it's wine, it's like a joke. - First we're gonna start with the exfoliating cleanser, lotion fifty-- - No, no! - No? - That doesn't mm mm. - [Ned] That's last. - How much of this should we use? - Just like a nice layer over the skin, avoiding the eyes and lips. - So we're gonna try and get a nice layer - [Becky] And eyebrows. - on the skin, avoiding the eyes and lips. - [Eugene] So now we're going down to the legs. Is the pressure all right sir? - Yeah honestly on the legs you could go-- Oh, oh right there you've-- Oh my god. Oh yeah. - [Eugene] Suddenly, you're drunk with pleasure. (Zach laughs) - We're gonna start with our gold foil peel-off mask. How does that sound? - Sure! - Now one of my favorite things about this is it has hydrolyzed collagen! - I'm using this one because to me you're a gold medal. - Oh. (Becky laughs) - Oh my god, watch out for my hair! - Okay. (Becky laughs) - What? - It's not, you're rubbing it like it's an oil. It's not oil! - What is it? - It's gonna stay sticky. - I'm just really trying not to get it on your eyes, your eyebrows, your hair, your lips, your neck? - No, leave my neck alone. - Okay leave your neck alone. - [Becky] I have sun burn. - [Keith] We leave the neck alone here. - Yeah. - [Eugene] This might cost you extra. - Oh? - [Eugene] But how do you feel about my double barrel special? - Eugene-- - [Eugene] You want the db? - It'd be my pleasure to be dbed by you. - As this mask is working on you, there's an additional treatment that I'm gonna go get for you now, so I'll be right back. - Assistant! - He's gonna be working on your neck. He's over there. So he's doing what he does best which is ripping out the couch. - [Becky] Alfred! (Becky laughs) - [Keith] She's tryna make the couch more comfortable for you. - [Betty] Alfred! - And now we're gonna move on to the next step of our facial which is of course- - So we're just-- (Becky laughs) - Which uh-- - My normal skincare. - The normal skincare for Becky, which is of course a rose mist spray. Close your eyes. (Becky laughs) Close your eyes. Beautiful. - [Eugene] All right here we go. So you have a single barrel. - A single barrel's nice. - [Eugene] And then here you go double barrel. - Oh my god. Wow what pleasure. My body is being penetrated at two points of entry. This is such a wonderful double penetration of the senses. - [Eugene] No db, not tp. - Oh sure. - [Eugene] Barrel, barrel. - I'm gettin barrelled hard. - [Eugene] Mm. - If I may, this is our-- (Ariel and Ned laughs) our gold ball treatment. - Gold ball. - These globes will really just enhance the rejuvenating power of the mask. - This is a nice bottle though, let's all take a moment. - [Becky] I know. Look at this bottle. - Isn't it pretty, it's pronounced LXMI. - LXMI, just like how Elon Musk named his child. - This is actually really really good. Who knew this would be so great. - [Eugene] Okay so that was the completion of our third surprise massage segment. We only have one left, are you ready for the last part of our at-home massage? - I am. - [Eugene] Okay. - Is that the heavy ball? - Yes. This is Wesley's heavy ball. - Okay. Maybe not on the eyeball. - Oh look at her face, - Oh my god. it's beautiful. She's got one of the most beautiful little faces. Getting it nice and oily and like sheen. - Thank you. - [Becky] Nice dewy. - Nice dewy glow. - Thank you, thank you. - Like the morning dew on the blades of grass. Did you ever live in a place Becky, where there were the little grass spider webs and then when there was like a dewer of frost you could see all these little spider webs on the grass because the moisture would stick to them. Did you ever see that growing up? - [Becky] No I would run out of my house screaming if I saw something-- - [Keith] No you wouldn't run out of your house, you would stay in your house. - [Becky] I would stay in my house, yeah I would barricade myself in if I saw little spiders running around. - Well in Tennessee, sometimes in your yard, there will just be thousands of tiny little spider webs (Becky gasps) and you'll see it in the dew of the morning. And that concludes our facial. - [Eugene] So, we'd like to call this is Korea, skin removal, I mean dead skin removal. Is it okay if I do it here? - Sure. - [Eugene] Let me know when you're ready. - Okay. - Oh my god! Ah, ah, ah! Ah ha ha. - [Eugene] Here we go. - Ahhh! Oh my god (x3) - [Eugene] Here we go. Is this sand paper? - [Eugene] There we go. - Oh my god. - [Eugene] All right. - Oh my god. - [Eugene] Yang's most special. - Oh ah! Ah! Ah! - [Eugene] Get all that dead skin removed. Ah! AH! Ha ha ha! AH! AHH! - [Ned] How was my spa treatment? - If it were a real spa? - [Ned] Mm hm. - I probably would have left. - Tell us all about the most relaxing part of today's experience. - I would say like number one most relaxing was the cat. You know, good snuggle is very relaxing. - [Eugene] Zach's back now- - [Zach] Oh my god, is it bleeding? - [Eugene] No but it's perfectly fresh like a new born baby. - [Zach] Oh my god. - [Eugene] You can see how I took a good layer of skin off. - Oh my god. - [Eugene] And you take as much time as you need. - That's it you don't like, you don't like like rub it down lightly? - [Eugene] As much time as you need for yourself. - There's no like like rejuvenating gel or-- - [Eugene] And remember, where your (beep) mask when you go outside. All right. - Oh my god. - [Eugene] Thank you so much for being such a honor client, let me know if you need anything else. Your tee is on the apothecary! - Yo that (beep) me up though. (upbeat music) - I can't believe we've been friends for what, six years? And this is the first time you've made my butt jiggle. - [Eugene] That's a lie.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,227,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, massage, cleanser, oily skin, skincare, serum, face massage, skincare routine, facial, blackheads, relaxing, relax, pimple popping, facial treatment, soothing, blackhead, stress relief, pimple, pimples, diy, spa day, spa, relationships, marriage, wife, husband, partner, at home, 2020 Census, census, censo, shape your future
Id: DwcYhjQZzSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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