The Try Guys Become TikTokers For A Week ft. Noen Eubanks

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(Zach grunting) - All right, that's the video. Today, we're Tik-Toking. (pan crashes) - I thought this was gonna be easy. - I can't do anymore, I quit. - This hair is wonderful. (Ned yelling) (Sam and Eugene crying) - Let something be for the teens. We're just gonna come in and ruin it, and today you're gonna watch us do it. (upbeat music) It's TikTok time. TikTok, formerly - It's the hottest new social media craze. - I know that it's like, a lip-sync, cool, hot, teen, dance app. - If I was a young hot teenager, this would be where I'd be at. - It seems like a big part of TikTok is just beautiful teenagers doing this. That's great, not for me. - [Eugene] We're gonna be learning how to do TikTok like a famous TikToker. Noen, who has millions of followers, is gonna show us the ropes. - Has anyone done a TikTok, where they like, pull ticks off of a clock? I'm thinking of some good ideas. You better subscribe to my TikTok. - Hello, everyone. I'm Noen Eubanks. I'm a TikToker. - [Try Guys] Hi, Noen. - A TikToker, how does one become a TikToker? - Great question. Don't know. (Try Guys laughing) I made a couple of joke videos, and I just kept on posting and posting and posting and posting and just haven't stopped. My best TikTok video was like, 30 million views. (Try Guys exclaiming) The video was of me, taking off a ski mask, and walking away. - Nailed it. (Eugene and Zach laugh) - It's very hard to talk about TikTok. - Yeah, it doesn't make sense. - Wait, what? A video of you taking a ski mask, and walking away, got 30 million views? What am I doing with my life? Look, I'm not made of time. There's only so many things I can do in a day. TikTok so far, hasn't been one of them. - Okay, wow, you're really starting from scratch. - I have not ever opened the app. Yo, follow me, @NedFulmer. - For fire Tiks. - Yeah, fire Tiks. They call them Tiks? - No. (laughs) No. - Oh okay, you know nothing. A social media platform. - Right, okay, yeah, got that. - Where there's short videos. - I do know that. - You just watch a lot of them and you end up getting addicted. - And that's where it kind of breaks down for me. So you just watch it, - Yeah. - and you just are addicted to it. Pass. Pass. Okay. I'm good, I'm good. - It does such a good job at showing only the videos you want to see. If you don't ever scroll on the For You, you're For You will be awful. It's not videos you wanna see. That's why you're probably really lost. - That makes sense. So when I first opened the app, it was awful. - [Noen] Yes. - And then 30 minutes in, it was really fun. All right, here's a little dog running up. (laughs) My first like ever. - Yeah! - Existential-- - Interrupting your video to say, I am on board. I've been watching TikToks and there's a lot of funny dog stuff on there. - Oh, yeah. - I mean, it was just like, hit after hit. I was like, this is funny. - You're right, Ned. - This is funny. - You're so right. - This is funny. - I'm on board with you. All right, well, thanks for dropping by. - Thanks for dropping by, Ned. What have we done? A lot of people talk about TikTok trends. Can you explain it to people who don't use TikTok? - Trends on TikTok are kind of like a weird thing. Someone makes a video, they use this certain sound, with doing the certain action, and it just goes together. - Until eventually, Will Smith is doing it. - Yeah. - I tried TikTok around last Halloween. I did four and then I was over it. (upbeat music) - I've done about six TikToks, and they're all me playing with stuffed animals. (Keith gasps) Orange, oh my God! Orange, what are you doing in here? - I'm the most experienced Toker, of the Try Guys. The Tok Dog. Yeah! Woo, all right! Woo, yes! - I don't know anything about TikTok. (wind blows) - What is the sure fire, quickest way to go viral on TikTok? - You need a good, hot dancer. - I'd be a good, hot dancer. - Noen, before you go, can we make a TikTok right now? - Yeah, probably. Step one, when I'm an environment I'm not that familiar with, I look for things that are about this tall, about this area, - That lamp. - that I can put my phone on. (Zach laughs) The last video I made with a group of people was this one. (gentle music) - Oh, everybody's appearing. - And that's comedy, so... (Try Guys laugh) - [Eugene] Come on, Ned. - I don't know what to do. - You know exactly what to do. - What should my energy be? What should be tone be? - [Eugene] Hot dancer. (Zach laughs) - Hot dancer? - Five, four, three, two, one. (slow motion music) (everyone cheers) - Crushed it, yes, let's go! TikTok champion! - [Noen] When there's a lot of empty space, the video doesn't do as good. - I hear that. - [Keith] Jesus. - You guys, when there's a lot of empty space, the video doesn't do as good. - Wow. - Us TikTokers, we kind of understand it innately, but I kinda gotta explain it to these guys, just so that they get it too. - Tell us when to jump, Noen. - [Noen] Um, I don't know, probably-- - Now! (slow motion music) (Zach and Ned laugh) Late that time, or early? - [Noen] I don't remember. (slow motion music) (Try Guys laugh) - We forgot to jump. - I'd slow it down just a little bit. - Right, we gotta slow it down. - I don't-- - That's how you make good TikToks. - Yeah, you ready to be cool? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Okay, three, two, one. (slow motion music) (Noen laughs) (Zach laughs) - I like that. - That was good. - Perfect. - Oh, I look hurt. (Try Guys laugh) - First TikTok! - Yeah. - TikTok! Noen's a great coach. - What a great coach. - Thank you. - Hey, we're here on TikTok. We're real Noen-alls, like know-it-alls. The four of us, are going to each try to be the best TikToker, we can be. - And have a contest, to see whose original TikTok actually does the best. - Oh, no! - Let's just dance. Let's just lip-sync a little bit. - I've been trying to think like, what do people on TikTok wanna see? I'm not a good dancer. (upbeat music) (Zach grunting) Yeah, that was good, that was good work. So I'm gonna lean into comedy and relatability. - Understand the audience. I think that is the biggest thing. - I know a lot of people on TikTok are kids. So one thing I was thinking about on my drive in this morning, was how much I loved dirty music when I was a kid, and I would always listen to it with my parents. Okay, oh, shit, it's just happening. Oh my gosh. (upbeat music) Wow, I wasn't ready for that at all. Let's see how I did. That's not good, that's not good at all. It's dad driving when a dirty song comes on the radio. Me, in the backseat. - What if it cuts back to the dad at the end? And he's like-- - That's a great idea. I'm gonna save that as a draft. We're gonna do it again. (laughs) We're going to the front seat. Right now, as of recording this, I've got the biggest following on TikTok. Don't (beep) that up. You gotta keep it that way. No, now I'm the mom, I don't wanna be the mom. How do I... I don't understand this effect. Give me the dad again. No, no I don't wanna be the baby. Why is there no search? Why can't I just search for effects? No. Whew, did I nail it? (sighs) The first one's funnier, but the second one has a better length than the first (beep)... I don't... Do I have to do it again? I'm going to upload it, don't feel great about this, but I'm captioning it, "Mom knows what's up", because in the beginning people are gonna be like, but that's dad, and then they're gonna be like, maybe I should wait around and see what happens. I think my goal with every new social media app, figure it out, get to a million followers, and then quit. (Zach laughs) - How important are hashtags to the whole experience? - Depends on who you ask. I don't use them. - Whoa! - I've never noticed a difference, but I've also never used them. - I've been told that hashtags are essential. And I've been hashtagging over here, like an idiot. - You see it does like, suggested hashtags? - Uh huh. - Those ones. - Yeah. - You click those ones? - Yeah. - Yeah, that's what everyone does. - #ForYouPage, #WholesomePlotTwist. All right, I'm putting it out in the world, here we go. Posting. We'll check back in a little bit and see what happens. - So I figured that my first TikTok should have some sort of dance element in it. I'm also gonna try to maybe, spark some sort of trend. Kind of like a dance prank, that's kind of the idea. I wanted to do choreography, I don't have time to do that. So I'm just gonna do a jump split. I think the way that I wanna film this, will give it a sort of voyeuristic vibe. Nick, I'm probably gonna have you film over here. Yeah, kinda higher, so it kinda gives it, almost like a security cam feel. - [Nick] Got it. - Give it DIY feel, that any other person on the app can maybe recreate it, if they wanted to. (Pesto's collar jingling) (thud) - Eugene! - What the (beep)? - Cut. How was that? - [Nick] That was pretty good. - [Eugene] Great, all right. My phone is broken from the TikTok I made. When I did the jump split. (explosion) Kind of the worst time, I'm moving this week, and I don't have a phone. And there's no way for me to post the TikTok. - You death dropped your phone? - Well, no, I jump split my phone. - You jump split your phone. - Maybe dropped his phone into it's death, it was death dropped, what a drag. My favorite thing about TikTok are the channels, that are basically just the same joke, every time. It's just the same joke, with a different set up, but you see the guy, you see the channel, you know exactly what's coming. So I'm actually gonna use Instagram, 'cause there's a filter I like. Pesto, get out of here. Good dog. You guys see Pesto? That's a smart dog, I mean, he got outta here. - [Nick] Three, two, one, and rolling. (upbeat music) (feet stomping) - We got it. - I'm gonna get a list of idea here. Okay, number one (mumbles), okay. Gotta go to the kitchen. Oh, excuse me, Rachel. Hey, Kaylin, how you doing? And so I saw this one on TikTok last night, where a guy rolls a one on a D20. (Ned yells) (dramatic music) Three. (Zach and Eugene laugh) That's like a critical fail, so he just like throws cereal everywhere. But I'm gonna do it on Eugene, that'll be the twist. (die rolls) Now this part's painful, 'cause I'm gonna have to do it, until I get the number that I want. - Yeah, let's post it. (laughs) Let's just (beep) do it. Who cares, let's go for it. Woo! I can't delete the built in audio? How do you know so much? There's no buttons. There's no buttons. - [Kaylin] Go to the next step. (die rolls) - It's a 20 sided die, you know, so it could take a while. - [Kaylin] Is this the one you wanted? Or do you want the other sound? - No, I got the right sound, I think. Mine started at a different place. - Did you pick the one minute long song? - No. Oh, Kaylin, this isn't as seamless as I predicted it would be. I thought this was gonna be easy. - Is making TikToks fun? Or is it hard work. - They can be fun, they can be hard work. For me, most of the time, it's somewhere in between. - I could reverse footage, Jonathan, but I don't know how to do that. You blow it? - [Jonathan] That's what me and Miles did. - Okay. - When we did the Dungeons & Dragons. (Ned blowing) - This app is stupid. I picked this one. - Yeah, you picked the wrong one. - Maybe I did. - Blame it on the app. (laughs) - I mean, I will, I always will. #TryGuys. - Ay! - Okay, that one was good. Now we're gonna do the exact same thing, but a different type of Sneaky Keith. - Go back to the old classic. (dramatic music) Got it. He's not gonna like this. (cereal rustling) - Why is everyone picking me? - So my first TikTok is (beep) bombing. I uploaded the first take that I did, my theory is that, because of the funny effect, people can't tell that it's me. I uploaded that one, I'm just gonna see if it does better, and if it doesn't, I'm gonna delete it and no one has to know, it's our secret. But if it does do better, then I'm just gonna pretend that was always the one that I had uploaded. (Zach shushing) - It seems like what actually rises to the top in TikTok, can be a trend, - Yeah. - it could be subcultural, it could be an idea, which is pretty cool. - Yeah, anyone can get on the For You, just by doing whatever they want. - 'Cause anyone could go viral on TikTok. - Yeah, anyone for doing anything. You never know. - Anyone? - Anyone. - Anyone? - Anyone. - For my second TikTok, I'm going to lean more into a sketch comedy piece. Base it on something that I'm weird an expert in, which is astrology. So Sam is gonna be like in "Inside Out". Where he's the incarnation of your feelings, right? And then, I'm going to be coming into my house, in four different scenarios, where I'm the different elements. And all of those elements equate to three different signs. - Hi. - That's good. (laughs) Normally, I'd wanna go over the shoulder, but something about TikTok makes me feel like you need to be looking down the camera lens. - Hi. - Oh, you know, I think I have the wrong house. - No, you don't, you live here. No, come to me. - I'm just gonna go. - No, wait, where are you going? Come back! Come back! You need me, come back! (Sam exclaims) - So I have zero views, zero followers, zero likes. How do I get views? - [Kaylin] Are you asking me? - Yeah. - [Kaylin] Did you tell all of your followers to go follow you? - Oh, okay, all right, okay. All right, now I'm gonna post on Instagram, "Hey, come follow me on TikTok". - How does the TikTok community feel about, you know, big, upper echelon celebrities coming in, and then automatically getting like a million followers, because they're like Tyra Banks, or because their Will Smith, what do you guys feel about that? - As a TikTok, it's kind of annoying. Because you know, we worked all this way on the platform. It wasn't easy to get likes. - You built this house, now Will Smith comes in your kitchen and drinks all your milk. - Yeah, pretty much. - I get it. I get it, he drinks all your milk! - Drink your own milk, in your own kitchen! - But as a viewer, I like Will Smith, so I'm not that upset that he-- - Will Smith can have all the milk he wants. - Good tasting milk. - He likes milk. I'm doing a Tok right now, about getting people to follow your Tok. Relatable. What famous Instagrammers post, when they want you to follow their TikTok. Hey, you should follow my TikTok. Check out my TikTok, come on. (giggles) Hey, come on. Hey, come on, you should follow my TikTok. - So I just copy whatever you do tomorrow and then tag you, that's a pretty good recipe for success. - Honestly, yeah. - POV, holding you hostage, but caught feels. Is what is it. And it's look, look, mask off, hair, wow. (Ned laughs) Sam, you picked like a bobsledder mask. - [Sam] That's all they had. - I don't look threatening in this. Oh, man. - Hi. - [Eugene] Oh, you're here. - How are you? - Just fine. - No, wait, that's my neck, no! (Sam screams) (Eugene and Sam crying) - Perfect. Sam, beautiful performance, high five. - [Sam] We did it. - Oh, my TikTok's out in the world. Oh, it's got no comments yet. This next one, is a prank that I used to pull on people in middle school. Where you take a quarter, and you take a pencil, and you draw along the edge of it, and you go to people, and you go, did you know, that it's impossible to roll a quarter down the side of your face and have it be completely centered? And they go, what are you talking about? And then they do it, and they draw a line, all down there face. And I feel like this is a wholesome prank. I loved it when I was in middle school. Feel like people in middle school will be like, oh, that's so funny, @mybestfriend, we should try this in school. Do you think it's possible, like could any of us create a new TikTok trend? (Ned gasps) - I've always wanted to create trends. - Probably, yeah. - I didn't believe it when he said it. (Zach laughs) - [Zach] Eugene, did you know that it's impossible to roll a quarter directly down the center of your face? Nailed it. - I hate this so much. - Got her! I feel mean. - [Kaylin] It is mean! - This is a middle school prank. - Still, I'm gonna come in like, (humming). (Keith exhales) I'm trying to carve my own avenue. See this is Keith stuff. - Mouth stuff. - Mouth stuff. And now I'm ready to post my second TikTok. Okay, the first one's now up to 754 views. Huge, unbelievable, amazing. - I spent like an hour scrolling through my phone last night, just looking at TikTok nonstop. And then I couldn't go to bed, so I looked at more TikTok to help me fall asleep, which didn't help me fall asleep. Now today, I'm inspired by just a bunch of stuff I saw last night. So this idea is about the differences before you have kids versus after you have kids. Before, everything's luxurious, you can take a long time. It's gonna feature me like, very just gently making an avocado toast. And then afterwards, I'm gonna be crazily scarfing down cereal, spilling milk everywhere. Woo! Wasn't live, okay. I'll just eat cereal and splash it on my face. - [Nick] And you're coming towards me, right? - Yeah. Sorry. (laughs) Okay. (Ned yells) - [Nick] How do you feel? - I feel embarrassed. - How often are you TikToking? - Well, I try to post once or twice every day. - Oh, wow. - I know some people that have posted 12 times in a day. - Whoa. - And three of them, are the same songs, same dance, different outfit, different place. - Whoa. - And they still have the same amount of likes. Like, a million, two million. - Oh, shit. Yes, okay. So I'm checking on how my first TikToks did. First one A and one B, have 22.5 thousand and 30.9 thousand views. That's in about two hours, which is pretty good. It's interesting, Noen was right, that if one doesn't work, just do it again, and sometimes it does way better. This is my third and final TikTok. For this concept, I'm going to be doing "TikTalk", a TikTok talk show. It feels like I'm going back to when I used to make videos in my backyard when I was in middle school. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is wonderful. You just go fast, things don't look good, and that's kinda the point. Hello, and welcome to "TikTalk", the world's first TikTok talk show. Oh, no! - I'm just editing the originalia for the last TikTok and trying to figure out how to fix my phone. 'Cause I can't post any TikToks, because you have to verify through your phone. You know, it says like, your sign in code has been sent to your phone and it won't send it to emails. - [Sam] That's so dumb. - I can't post on other people's phones. So I'm just gonna shoot my last TikTok and then post it whenever I get a new phone. (Eugene sighs) Hello, welcome to the kitchen. I decided that I should just do what I know best, which is be weird. My third TikTok will be me, recreating my favorite YouTuber's YouTube videos. And that is "Gourmet Makes" from Bon Appetit. I don't watch YouTube super often. And the only channel I actually subscribe to is Bon Appetit. Besides Try Guys, I do subscribe to Try Guys. I need to look more like Claire, so I need to get her signature Rogue from "X-Men" white streak. This smells disgusting. (laughs) - [Eugene And Claire] Hi everyone, I'm Claire, and we're in the B.A. Test Kitchen, and today we're going to make gourmet Lucky Charms. - Gourmet Lucky Charms. - [Eugene And Claire] Hi everyone, I'm Claire, we're in the B.A. Test Kitchen, and today we're going to make gourmet Lucky Charms. - Maybe I'll have like this. (Eugene laughs) This is the spirit of TikTok I think I'm vibing with. (Claire and Eugene giggling) - [Eugene And Claire] How do I do it? - Claire Saffitz is very important to me. She really represents a lot of what I consider the nihilistic view on the world, and staring into the abyss of trying to overachieve, but always feeling like you're failing. So I'm gonna honor her with this video. - [Claire And Eugene] I think tomorrow, I'll get most of the, if not all the work done. - [Claire] I don't wanna get overly excited. (Eugene coughs) - [Claire And Eugene] I think tomorrow, I'll get most of the, if not all the work done. I think tomorrow, I'll get most of the, if not all the work done. - [Claire] I don't wanna get overly excited. - Lucky Charms and vodka. No. (Eugene laughs) - [Nick] That was great. - Stroke of genius. - How much thought, and time and thought, goes into each one? - Sometimes I have ideas lined up for weeks and I have to wait for the right opportunity for it. Sometimes I hear an audio or sound or I see something, and like, (snaps) I gotta do this right now, I know it's gonna do good, and I do it. You guys probably have a pretty good radar on what's going do good or not. - Well, on our platform. But I don't think we do know what will do well on TikTok yet, 'cause we haven't done it. - That's true. Just have fun. Stay positive. - Believe in yourself. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - We've got no interactions. - [Kaylin] Keith, do people know you're on TikTok? - No. I just gotta find my audience. I only have 30k subscribers right now. It's not even fair. Ned did some goods, they're cute and funny. I did some very simple ones. I'm very lazy. But that's my approach, you know, what am I supposed to do, I'm lazy, that's my thing. - Oh my God, my TikTok has like, one and half million views in like, three hours, this is crazy. - Is that really good? - [Zach] Ned Fulmer, you are officially the greatest TikToker in Try Guys history! - What? - [Zach] How does it feel? Your TikTok has six million views in one day. - What? - Oh, shit. - Ned, wow. I just wanted to come congratulate you. That's really huge, man. - Thank you. - It's good that it's so popular. - [Ned] Thank you. (Zach laughs) - Avocado toast, Cheerios, that's really funny, man. - [Zach] Why do you sound so demeaning? (Miles laughs) - [Ned] Why are you being all weird? - I don't know, man. It's just, I'm very proud of you. (Zach and Ned laugh) - I feel a lot of pressure to keep it up. Like, if my next one's not as good, I failed. - Almost inevitably can't be. - I know, that's why I already feel rough. Oh, no, my second post violated community guidelines. Give me the milk! (Keith yells) Give me the milk! - Oh, God. - [Ned] Where's the milk? - I only have salmon. - [Ned] Where's the milk, Keith? - [Keith] We only have oat drink. - Ariel, what have I done? - What have you done? - Is this comedy? - [Keith] I thought that was good. (upbeat music) - It has been one week and we are at the end of our TikTok challenge. And now for the first time, we are going to watch and review each other's tiky-taks. - Is tiky-tak a technical term? - Absolutely not. (laughs) ♪ It seems you can handle ♪ ♪ A girl like me ♪ ♪ I'm a silver dollar ♪ ♪ Ain't no dime piece ♪ ♪ When I lay one on you ♪ ♪ Make you feel like Jell-O ♪ ♪ Soon as I step out ♪ (Keith laughs) - That stupid... You always do that. - I'm making the bad whip my trademark. I think it's my signature move. I'm not gonna lie, I really thought this was gonna crush, and it didn't. So this one, I didn't have face effects on it. - [Ned] Oh, no face effects. - And actually, you know what, they both have exactly 22.5 thousand likes. (laughs) They did exactly the same. - So what did you learn? - I learned-- - You have very loyal fans. (Zach laughs) Exactly 22.1k fans. Talking to Noen was very insightful. The first one I really took Noen's assumptions of what goes viral on TikTok to heart, and tried it. Which was dance trends. Or trying something that feels in line with what people film on TikTok. (upbeat music) (thud) - Eugene! - What the (beep)? - And that's how you broke your phone. - And that's how I broke my phone. - Oh, wow! - Boom, man! - Whoa! - Yeah. - The phone hit the ground the same time you did. - Perfectly timed, actually. - Amazing. - Can you click on your audio on the bottom? These are people that have made TikToks with your sound. - Whoa, that's cool. - That's exciting, I actually like that. But anyway, I got like 446k plays, which is fine. That's pretty good. - Four times better than my best performing one. So I'd say pretty good. (upbeat music) - I like it. - That was the highest performing one, right? - That was the highest performing one. So that's using that song, so then I said, okay, let's do it again. ♪ It was you who messed it all up ♪ ♪ 'Cause all I needed ♪ - That one's better. - Yeah, one has 150,000 more views than the other. Not as good. And then today, I uploaded this one. (soft music) (dramatic music) (Try Guys laugh) It's funny every time. I thought that people were gonna get a real kick out of this, I'd be getting million after million, but I have had the least follower growth, the least likes, the least views. But did you see the reaction my cohorts just had? Glee. - I'm not as hot as he is. - Well, what's the one you did where you threw so much cereal on me? - Oh, yeah. - What was that for? - It was framed pretty badly. It's one of my weaker ones. This is D&D in real life. (upbeat music) (Keith laughs) - Good joke, but really relies on a certain subculture watching it. - Yeah. - Here's a simple prank you can pull on your friends all you need is a quarter and a pencil. First, you draw along the side of the quarter, then you go up to people and tell them, did you know it's impossible to roll a quarter directly down the center of your face? They're gonna try it, and they're gonna draw on their face. Let's see how it goes. (upbeat music) Apparently, this was in an episode of "Friends", I didn't know that, but I think it made people like it more? - People like "Friends" for some reason. What the (beep), Zach? (Zach giggles) It's not permanent, is it? - And the other thing I tried to do, is me just copying Noen's thing and adding my own twist. ♪ A blanket of roses ♪ (pan crashes) (Zach laughs) Literally. - Does he fall in it? - Literally, falling for you. No, that was my twist. - I see. - Did Noen's have a gun in it? - No. - The second one I did is probably way more on brand with the stuff I started putting on TikTok in the first place, which I liked. Which is more weird, sketch stuff. - Hi. - Oh, you're here. - How are you? - I'm fine. - [Sam] Wait, wait, no, no, wait! - So that was a good lesson for me-- - Was that within 15 seconds, that type of thing? - So you can upload up to a minute. I think I'm gonna keep using it, but definitely just lean into what I personally like, which is really weird sketches that probably would never see the light of day on my Twitter or my Instagram. The audience is so fast, in terms of their response. And it can reach people that typically would not see your stuff. So I think that's really cool. Feels like you're kind of in the Wild West. Except again, there are people who are becoming very famous, who are all very traditionally attractive. So that's where I kind of get a disconnect. I'm like, I don't know, my whole feed is not just really hot white people. (upbeat music) - Well, you did one that violated the terms of services. - I did one that violated the terms of service. Give me the milk! (Keith yells) Give me the milk! - Oh, God! - [Ned] Where's the milk? - I only have salmon. - It was unrehearsed and it shows. But I was like, oh, it's very engaging, 'cause it's like, oh wow, someone has a gun, but... (Keith and Zach laugh) There's like, stuff about not threatening people, which Keith looks pretty upset here. (Keith yells) Give me the milk! (Keith yelling in slow motion) Give me the milk! It's good that it's blocked, you shouldn't do that sort of stuff. - This, I had hoped could be my "Between Two Ferns" for the TikTok era. It's my favorite thing that I've done on TikTok, and it is officially, my worst performing video ever. - Hello, and welcome to "TikTalk", the world's TikTok talk show. Joining me today is Try Guy, Zach Kornfeld, rising TikTok creator. Thanks for having-- First question, Zach. I don't respect you. Oh. Your TikToks are bad, you're out of touch, you're not funny. I (beep) your mother. Hello, and welcome-- - Intense. - Intense. You know, people on TikTok did not like me being mean to myself. I don't find it satisfying knowing that the only way to be popular on this app is to do what everyone else is doing. And seeing that the more original things didn't do as well, was a little bit of a bummer. - Was it too meta for TikTok? - I don't know. - I mean, 'cause it's also you talking about how you're bad at TikTok on TikTok, trying to get a viral TikTok. - In a show called, "TikTalk". - I don't know if TikTok's a meta space. - I can tell you by my experience on TikTok, it's not a meta space. (Ned and Zach laugh) - So I did one that was very, sort of hater-y against Instagrammers, I thought, yeah, the TikTok community will band together, right? What famous Instagrammers post, when they want you to follow their TikTok. Hey, you should follow my TikTok. Did not do well. The TikTok community did not want to stick together. Your videos have like, an adorable refusal to adhere to TikTok norms. - Yeah. Overall had a fun time, but I do feel like, I did learn what it's like, maybe to be in high school right now on a social media platform. And seeing your friends have way more success than you do, and feeling a little bit like, you're maybe not as popular, or maybe you're not as cool. This is the first time I've been on social media, and been like, so behind people that I work alongside of. - I think the third one, I hope it does well, 'cause it's so non sequitur and bizarre that, I think that's the energy I wanna bring to this platform. (upbeat music) - [Claire] Hi everyone, I'm Claire, we're in the B.A. Test Kitchen, and today we're going to make gourmet Lucky Charms. (Claire giggles) How do I do it? But it feels good. It feels really good, I excited about it. I think we learned a lot from Noen. I think it's cool to see, that there's a whole other platform, where people that you normally, typically wouldn't see are kind of rising, and popping in different ways. Some are, because they're attractive, or because they're good dancers, but there are a lot of them that are just really weird. - Yeah. - And I really like the weird side of TikTok. Super into the weird side. And anything with a dog. - You know, between the four of us, I'd say we're each like a quarter of the way, to being a great TikToker. - Well, except for Ned who already crushed it. - That was clearly a throw to the four of us joining together on the Try Guys group TikTok. - Yeah, that's a good idea. - So now we can be the (beep)... It was a great plug. (Try Guys crosstalking) - Well, you know, you can follow the Try Guys TikTok, to like, get access to me as well. This week on TikTok, I've gone a whole journey. I don't know anything about TikTok. Okay. I'm good. This morning I had zero views, now I have 30,000. One and half million views in like three hours. So I woke up this morning and my TikTok has six million views, what is happening right now? Then I got addicted that night. I actually watched it so much, that I got an alert from TikTok that said, "Hey, maybe you should grab some water, - Shut up. - "grab a snack, "take a break." Yes, I got a mental health alert from TikTok. - Hey, how long was that time limit? How long were you on (beep) TikTok? - I don't know. I think I was only on it for like an hour or two. - Whoa! - Whoa! (Zach laughs) - TikTok looking out for the kids health, you gotta like that. (whimsical music) (bass music) - Oh, it's so good. (Ned laughs) - [Ned] It's got 8.1 million views. - Wow. - Damn. - 1.2 million likes. - Wow. - Did 80 times better than mine. - We joke that there's a lot of teens and kids on TikTok, it's now super popular, so there's people of all different types, so you know, maybe a lot of parents are like, this is so true. - Every parent on TikTok was like, finally! I've got a user that I love. - You went from never having opened TikTok, to having a smash hit TikTok, to now being a fan. - It's true, it's true. - Would you say you are a TikToker? - I'm a TikToker. - Wow. - But you know, TikTok it encapsulates so many different ideas about who I am. Yeah, you know, it's just like-- - Not like this. Not like this. - Our TikTok for a week challenge is done, but you can follow the four of us, and we have a ton of brand new original TikToks, that we filmed just for you. They're going on the new @TryGuys TikTok account. How has TikTok changed your life? - In every way. I wasn't really popular in high school. Towards like the back half of senior year, I started posting on TikTok and started getting those couple of viewers. That was like, the most social interaction, I think I had ever had. I kind of like, found myself, with my own small community. And it made me happy, so I kept on doing it. - Are there any misconceptions, you think, about TikTok? - Yeah, not everyone on there is bad, but not everyone on there is good. We're all people, please don't be mean. - Yeah. - That's a pretty good title for TikTok Ted Talk, there. We're all people, please don't be mean. - [Keith] That applies to all internet stuff. - [Zach] All internet stuff. (upbeat music) - Eight million views is good, but nine million views is better. - I'll be excited to cross 200,000. (upbeat music)
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 4,886,402
Rating: 4.9245639 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, tiktok, best of tiktok, tiktok compilation, best tiktok, tiktokers, hype house, renegade, noen, dance challenge, challenge, how to, best, worst
Id: YobOjiepFhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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