The Try Guys Make The Ultimate Holiday Calendar

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sexy horses adorable children beautiful pastures what do these all have in common calendars the Tri guys are making a 2018 holiday calendar no matter what's going on in your life there's like something you're looking forward to the slow but steady march towards death's door you can put that on your calendar I'm very excited to be in a sexy pinup style calendar today I assume that's what we're doing we're gonna be listing every single holiday you could possibly care about on this calendar you'll be able to buy it each of the photos is gonna be four of us posing and representing multiple holidays the rest of the background and some of the props will be illustrated by professional artist no make sure it's a little sexy January time for drinking and New Year's resolutions to not drink as much what better way to start the year with barely remembering how you started it we're opposed in a fictional world like models for New Year's you wear suits you were sparkling gowns pretend you're on like a cover of Vogue and then we're gonna pose in a realistic world like drunk people I've had way too much so we'll see which one ends up in the count it's the month where you say this year I'm gonna be better than I was last year I've never worn a top hat who wears I got to make out with someone at midnight why do you not having reference company where I'm fighting nothing matters first thing you open to this counting blood damn does it meet some fireworks in the background this gonna be all illustrating now all of you got shrunk down by a wizard and you're holding giant chopsticks and he got to pick up dumplings that's funny is better I hated Valentine's Day and then I fell in love me and my wife we've gone to like Michigan cute cabin we've gone to like a cute cabin in Wisconsin basically anyway there's cute cabin wolves booked it around Valentine's Day I just got you a Christmas gift and now I got to come up with something else February it's also a lot of way more important things like Black History Month and Lunar New Year's midni are gonna be holding a dragon what's this dragon working with if we're gonna have a very ornate tale okay so she fancies all right actually took an independent study on puppetry but I never got to pop it a giant dragon so this is the day I will be writing on top of that dress you like a Studio Ghibli movie character I love this I'm ecstatic that we are celebrating Lunar New Year as opposed to Valentine's Day which would be a photo of me eating a link cuisine alone in the corner think about all the fun times you have last weekend with your wife I'm 3/32 Irish so I love Saint Patrick's Day it's just an excuse for people to get wasted why are you not at work it's a Tuesday we're thrilled to have you in a try guys video yes what are we doing great questions also National Women's Month so for the photo we're having lady like play us and Devin is gonna be myself notice important thing to remember is that you're the best how are you I'm Keith she's gonna have to wear some squares to really capture the true essence of having jen represent me because we're both cuties also she's clumsiest it's gonna be all good let's rock that like fine line between hipster boy and lesbian chic I love to be I don't your Jen complain enough you ask them to turn down the thermostat but no one seems to be listening to you yeah Kristen is playing me because she has a husband how often do you I can talk about your husband too much say my husband more I will get a little a girl is a Jaguar suck the Jaguars do not suck hi my name is Eugene and I'm here to slay I think we're both really chill both cool but also confident I'm sure you have amazing beautiful talented intelligent I do I have the other try guys okay like Freddie Eugene more than Eugene yeah Kristen Jenn and Devon we should be completely indistinguishable from one another go back to breathing in my ears guys that made me really uncomfortable yes Freddie don't pay attention totally disengaged nasmyth Eugene yeah yeah yeah he doesn't like it anyway this makes me realize guys I'm sorry I do that to y'all bars no you're not I'm sorry that we let you to April is Easter I always thought the Easter Bunny was amazing so for the photo Keith's gonna be a giant Easter Bunny and we're all gonna be like little flowers you guys this outfit is totally inappropriate where is my diaper it's spring time I get to finally live out my dream of being a naked baby in a flowerpot thinks he's gonna be the best sunflower Wow you were so good no way you're gonna beat this look at this [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] easter is very special to me because Easter was when I proposed and then I had one egg impossibly so she would find it last and then it made us both be kneeling hey you won't get married and she was like yes we had also discussed it prior nothing happens in May couldn't tell you Mother's Day is in May it's also National Pet week we're actually gonna bring in live animals to hold in the photo this is gonna be difficult if she bites uh-huh just take it just take cuz if you flail your hand you could kill her how fun you may have seen that I got a puppy recently that is true does not make me a dog person cats are still better I'm gonna be posing with a tiny little bunny rabbit toy and cuteness and I'm kinda like a bird big awkward loud can I bring my arm and closer I wouldn't recommend it okay then I will not I know a lot about this cat rice balls a munchkin cat just means that she's funny-looking hee hee which means he's funny-looking does empanada have a lot of sex Oh feel bad for asking yeah look at that we're gonna do paintings of our mothers that are illustrated behind us I think my porch where my mom is from my wedding my mom loves to read Becky my work now also reads like crazy so maybe I have a huge Oedipus complex luckily my mom my mom's family is Italian so whenever we would do a holiday meal she always makes sure to get like the good stuff I was imported from Italy and that was her way of making sure that everyone had a good time the holidays I really think that she is the strongest person I've ever met in my life she had breast cancer when I was in high school and she kicked us to Hess she sent me and my sister away for the first couple weeks of her chemo it was really important that we saw her strong and never weak respect your mom don't be a little dick because I know all of you out there little shits to your mom's especially if you're hitting puberty and you're the worst that gonna test was most important in your life you know happy that happy day that was beauty June is Pride Month I'm proud to be LGBT the other guys aren't even though ever things keeping Zach I have a lot of LGBT friends and family members and it's a really great time to show support to people we care about Jude [Music] every good calendar needs one mid-air jump shot a little lower right on right lower kick something all of these are gonna be single color flags that will connect to the rainbow background look at these americaís socks what could possibly top dude oh wait July so for the fourth of July we're gonna be doing what everybody does having a cookout baby you see your pants we don't even know if you're wearing any this is so hot Ned of course is the grill master because Ned loves that so I'm gonna be representing the thing that I love most protecting my skin from the dangerous Sun America I'm the least sexy in this photo what's going on so there was actually one July in my life where I competed in a hot dog eating competition yeah great job now I ate ten hot dogs and then I threw up into a lake we're gonna be outside grilling high-fiving our neighbors drinking cheap beers that's what Americans do I love protection you're like the most excited about sports you're looking at the fireworks yeah I got a so this is the most skin you're getting this calendar no six no six seeking lot of months in August is back-to-school it's when all the kids are bombed and all the parents are thrilled we are recreating a fictional portrait of us as classmates in elementary school we never got to hang out as five-year-olds give me your stuff you know I always got excited for back-to-school it's a dragon beating my my stepdad get to go shopping it to pick out like your new notebook all your new binders planner that you'll never write him ever I loved school as a kid I think we've all been friends cuz we were all kind of losers message as Scoobies as I am now I was even goofier as a five-year-old that sort of big bombastic huge smile it's been around forever I could see the try guys as friends as kids stop hey don't throw it it can't see us as friends now that one makes less sense to me Oh from check yes but circles no my yarmulke thank you you're finally gonna be a man we're not gonna go through twelve months without representing my tribe we put some Jews up in this it's Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur here's your Jewish horn this is called the shofar you blow this to celebrate New Year's I dropped out of Hebrew school so please do not take anything I say at face value and since zach has never had his Bar Mitzvah we're finally making him study the Torah while all of us have a great time outside in the leaves yeah I have three anniversaries with my wife our wedding anniversary exactly thank you anniversary I'm coming gage that's in September and then the anniversary of when we started dating we have a date night every week so you need some reason to celebrate sometimes for me my family we always use it as a time of self-reflection and for self-betterment a sofa cool are you my daddy spoopy Mon it's Halloween the month where ghouls and demons crawl the earth cobwebs go on begging strangers for candy pumpkin spice I'm most excited for this month because we finally get into some heavy prosthetics makeup and custom a monster transformation we're gonna be for classic monsters I'm going to be the sexiest try guy I'm gonna be a zombie Oh in the face when I died Eugene will be a vampire because he sucks the life out of everyone he means yes this is a very sick see mommies are always datoria Slee lookin for their wives who got buried in a different to me they're just like my wife and Zach will be adding just a little bit to his body here to become a werewolf Wow oh my god I'm the hairy beast I was born to be what's wrong nothing you look very sexy didn't have enough wrap to wrap my legs so we're gonna do it in two parts zombie mummy needs fans can you give them a hand I do not eat expired food rude werewolf werewolf werewolf oh stop licking your balls werewolf oh well these fake teeth are very intrusive I'm Charlie scary I've been sitting on that joke for 3,000 years hey okay during the heat you don't want to decompose both like your body I'll hold this bot all right for this November photo we're a family finally before you start ruining things let's smile I have so many feelings about November I remember my first Thanksgiving my mom tried to make a turkey but instead she just gave up and made bulgogi we tried really hard to fit in it's like the time where you sit down with your family you make a big dinner you eat way too much food and you feel bloated afterwards so for Thanksgiving we are creating a family portrait the classic 1950s Thanksgiving dinner all hiding their inner turmoil pretending to be happy I'll be carving that bird so hot Zach will be sort of playing the maternal role do you guys say I'm the mama y'all drink from a teat our two kids Eugenia Ned do you love me mummy it's gonna be sweet it's gonna be family the dad's carving the turkey and the mom is passing the peas and the kids are like on their phones not paying attention because 2017 and no one understands family anymore [Music] presenting your family it's Thanksgiving happy holidays there's so many holidays in December I just love that everybody has something to celebrate and of course sexy Santa I mean we're at the last month at this point I don't feel like I've really had the opportunity to sexy we are all opening presents in our pajamas on Christmas morning or for Zach one of the eight morning's what would you like to spin the dreidel well yeah yeah go for it Wow gimel that's 3 kisses when the snow falls it's just like a magical landscape I love winter I love everything I just you know what I love life happy holidays in December I got to unwrap the best present of all myself [Music] if Keith is gonna be sexy I feel like we should all be we weren't just shooting this for fun you can actually buy this calendar in real life happy 2018 go to shop at BuzzFeed calm calm calm you should get this calendar it's gonna be [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sign us up zombie no we'll see Rockstar stay stay some he really nailed it in the coffin [Applause]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 8,332,285
Rating: 4.9471946 out of 5
Keywords: 2018, Eugene, Keith, Ned, Zach, behind the scenes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed try guys, buzzfeevideo, calendar, calendar photoshoot, celebration, christmas gift, comedy, funny, gift, gift idea, holiday, holiday calendar, illustration, march, modeling, models, month, photography, photos, photoshoot, the try guys, try guys, try guys merchandise, year
Id: rzPSqNkl8H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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