The Try Guys Crash Cars Into Each Other // Presented by The Grand Tour

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[Music] so Amazon's got a new show called the Grand chore it takes the guys from BBC's Top Gear as they like travel around the world doing awesome stuff so inspired by them or challenging each other to a demolition derby it's like bumper cars for adults I just can't wait to Ram my friends oh you know what this probably a better way to say that so we're gonna get into cars get into a ring and crash up into each other think white people came up with this right I have only been in a couple of accidents I accidentally hit a parked car one time I am nervous I don't like pain and getting into car crashes is pain I've actually never hit another car before so I've saved it all up in a day I'm ready to really unleash what I'm most scared of is the personal vendettas we might have against each other rearing their ugly heads did I say scared though I'm very excited about that hi John and Greg I am like so excited to do this is everything you're told not to do and now we get to do it they refer to a car's our second biggest investment of our lives and now to take a car and totally demolish it sounds wrong now have either of you ever participated in a demolition derby no way so death is imminent no not at all in mind I've never done it we move flammables out of cars for removing the glass out of the cars though doors are welded closed the trunks are welded closed we put a bar on the front that keeps the food or anything from coming back into the driver's compartment and there's braces put on the car you want to protect the front of this car because that's where the engine is that's its life that's its heart so you wish to use the back to your car to inflict damage so demolition derby is basically backing that ass up this thing is a total slugfest see 20 guys gonna probably end up taking a hit that's gonna knock the change out of your ashtray that's gonna be a real rock and roll moments go pick out our cars drivers let's go fellas yeah oh I want this one no I want that one Eugene and I both spotted this car and we wanted it bad but it's a stick though can you drive stick yeah imma kill you net you can't beat the tank the tank beats you oh this feels so wrong yet so right I like this one you know I can stand up in it we have wipes or any kind of disinfecting spray I think I'm gonna take this one it looks nastier look at it we're supposed to be picking out our cars he's driving his around yeah he's either doing things too early or talking about his wife and I'm tired of both that's good why don't you wanna just hit him that's all girlfriend let's all go for that roosters business all right you guys ready for a makeover to the Duke adieu montage montage montage makeover montage boom boom boom makeover I did not expect that much thrust the demolition derby community is very competitive and it's competitive all the way down to decorating you know what yours needs just like a little pink right now about it look how cute oh okay come on let's wait that's that's fine look it's a little heart yeah my vision for my car is I want to be dangerous I want to be lethal won't be sleek I wanna be like a panther oh that love goal it's trying to go for like a classic racer design invoking a bit of the like early 90s late 80s vibe I love the signature sex I have a cousin in the Marines my grandfather fought in World War two I want to honor the troops today with a badass World War two fighting machine I think I'm getting low contact high off of these fumes this is you this is a Eugene and this is Keith yeah that did dang that's beauty you're welcome my car's gonna be named the aerial I am which is why I'm not gonna let them wreck it please stop this line of joke making it's not just a demolition derby it's a decoration derby my approach is to make the most obscenely adorable car what's more infuriating and getting beaten by something that's so cute things like that yeah it's coming together well but there is one thing you have any extra faces a few more faces yeah just I feel like I want one of you in my - about a Fire's okay great sipar I'm gonna have my face everywhere that way when everybody's driving and they're getting intense they can see my friendly face to me you know what I don't want to hit Keith look at that smile I'm making this car into me like a fancy pair of socks oh my goodness this car screams Keith hey who drew a mustache down pretty old Keith if anything I guess it's a good decoy right you could be like oh hey Keith Oh exactly that's not Keith at the end of day you're gonna see a teen smiling these looking straight at you in victory when I went I went or at least get second place what up I'm Zack and this my whip meow-meow her name is Donna and she is perfect we got paw print decal we got a beautiful face we got lightning bolts down the side we got a tail not purely aesthetic the tail it's for balance that's how cats work the more obnoxious my car is the more there's gonna be so pissed off when I attack them this is the aerial they named it after my wife she's a classy lady but she's also really tough here's me and my wife holding hands I feel like demolition derby is classic Americana so I wanted to put as many American elements on it as I could war is a terrible thing my friend but today we're gonna kill cars we're gonna kill cars this is my beautiful baby its name is black magic I kind of went less for loud and extravagant and for more of a subtle elegant approach black magic is my soul in a car like the night sky dark mysterious is still very sparkly this is my car Keith - I wanted to make sure everybody knew who was driving this car our experts said that if I was too pretty too loud it might make me a target that's why I've put nothing but friendly faces and concerned faces as the basis on this car Oh watch out I'm about to bust your asses are you guys ready for the Derby today don't have a choice really uh-huh ever gotten injured during a demolition derby beginning of this here I broke two ribs someone head-on with another truck you still won the Derby more I talk to you guys the worse I feel what are the different things in the car that can stop it we lose the radiator your motor will overheat in about five minutes so if you see a bunch of water and steam coming out your car go hit somebody really hard because I'll probably the last thing you get to do cuz that's it so make it count what happens if it comes down to the end there are two cars left and they both break at the same time at that point we would get the drivers out and a fan but what happened it ends in a dance-off it ends in a dance-off the three nonno's do not hit the driver's door on purposes number one number two is do not hit the driver's door on purpose and number three is protecting your nose seeing your car and your nose because doing one and two could tend to get your nose socked after the event you guys wouldn't punch me though would you after you hit the driver's door that prize for the person who hits the most number cars yeah it's called the mad dog award it's normally bigger than winning the Derby there's basically three big awards right winner of the Derby Mad Dog award for whose most aggressive and the best decorated car that so we could all potentially winning something except for one person is there so today there will be one shitty shitty loser let's get in them and take them for a test drive every time we do a video Tom Welles competition Ned turns into a monster all the other guys think I'm gonna be aggressive I'm gonna try and be really cautious evading the hits and then when all three the other guys are piled up on each other boom that's where I deliver the final blow so we are teaming up on it right yeah we have established that I am the best driver and the try guys it's a fact I think I actually stand a chance today you know I'm good at driving I'm good at breaking stuff that is Zach's brain yeah if you ask all the try guys individually who the best friend is they say me I love Keith I mean Keith is the best and they're not gonna expect me to be aggressive I'm gonna be so aggressive they're gonna be like wow Keith I didn't expect that from you I'll be like that's right fellas this might be my favorite car to hit I think Eugene's gonna be super aggressive go out of the gate screaming overheat his car anything that involves killing your friends on accident I'm down for [Music] oh man okay this is it we are here you know at first I was a little nervous but now I just want to hit somebody oh man I've been playing it cool but I'm not keeping it cool I'm ready to go my true hope is that I'm just too adorable or someone I want to hurt about to see whole new side of hammers burger let's do this [Music] oh that's my Oh Oh get him out of there they told us that that's something you get ejected for voices of Keith and Zack saying remember our alliance go after Ned just went out the window at one point that not got adjustable straight away at each other and that hurt I got him in my sights and aah smacked into him after that hit from dead there was a part of me that was like I'm done I can't take any more talks about what hurt [Music] have a new manager start steaming it like they said they said if it starts to steam suicide mission just dive into everybody face first so I was just him and it was still running just colliding with people head-on I'm crazy no three guys apparently had an alliance to gang up on me so anytime I hit somebody it would just be to other cars around me and I would be stuck think I'm out [Music] keep got one little clip on my corner and my battery went when Blackmagic sputtered to its and experienced the worst case of blue balls I've ever had for destruction come on [Music] you might are you got me that was good feel like I everybody yeah real hard hit my dog you know my door oh I'll take your hit man my driver side door whoa I'm sorry man I really did try and stop the last second I didn't know what I was doing [Music] well fellas did you have fun yeah that's awesome amazing so as far as the winner goes it was kind of obvious because it's the last man standing so Eric who was it the kitty cat Zach oh god oh yeah I've never felt like this before I just would have feels liked until like sport touchdown or something what I'd do it again no I am in so much pain so best appearing he accomplished two things today he won best appearing and he blew the motor up in the carnet ah it's very exciting because I was really proud of my design and honestly if you hate my design you hate America so now we'll go to the mad dog award there is one car in here that has every paint color from every other car on it and it's full of faces and you guys believe I was the Mad Dog Mad No put it up row row row row row row oh my go I don't want to make Eugene feel bad but I just want to point out that there was only one loser shishi I'm glad that I lost I think it's a good feeling to know that darkness should not win I had so much joy trying to legitimately murder my friends she is the only loser I can't believe it that we did it we finally did it guys you got one two three we'll free straight one two three yeah I know we didn't get there but like if we did could you judge a dance hall could you give us a beat Eric wow wow wow and then you go back to debit and add to that top that Eugene didn't quite loose it's a lot
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 10,919,794
Rating: 4.9454279 out of 5
Keywords: bumper cars, buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, cars, demolition derby, driving, extreme driving, try guys
Id: caNhQYB2zT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2016
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