The Try Guys Build A Mini Golf Course At Home

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Mathieu says he wants to style my hair for the video nice with your hair I look like I just stuck a fork into an electrical socket it's another week of quarantine and you know in the other weeks we've shown you grocery shopping we showed me other puzzles but this time this week all you're getting from Keith and Becky is building a miniature golf course I want to show you how to build a miniature golf course in your house - and Becky and I are gonna play miniature golf together [Music] yeah but we're gonna try and come up with some new games we have to come up with new game quarantine has honestly been really tough on me I've been working non-stop day and night this week I wanted to focus on trying to learn how to make that DIY know so mess that's going to borrow that you can do at home the materials only hey hey I'm trying to teach people how to make a mask here and I'm going to be doing something incredibly stupid with my action figures so stick around [Music] I hear that today is my mom's birthday and actually I was supposed to be in New York right now for a big party that she was gonna throw I'm not gonna say how old she is cuz that's rude but it was a very meaningful birthday and of course like with everything we had to cancel it so my family we're all getting together and we're throwing her a surprise videochat birthday party my grandmother made homemade birthday hats out of tin foil I think which makes it look like she's preparing for an alien invasion and yeah it was just a really nice lovely thing I think it's a reminder that even if you're not physically with the people who are closest to you right now you can find ways to be emotionally close to them she almost cried but then she took a shot of tequila so you know so the two extremes of life right there it's time for a baby dance [Music] so this is a rough drawing of my living room and kitchen it's very rough but this is the coffee table that I'm on right now you get it there's some strawberries and leftover ranch I got my door over there I'm thinking it's all gonna run around so you're gonna need some supplies you gotta think out here what are my golf balls gonna be if I don't have golf balls or my golf clubs gonna be a bit off golf clubs and what are my barriers gonna be those barriers everywhere baby number one shoes I'm sure your house is full of shoes you can make an entire hole just using shoes as your perimeter I've got some benches here I've got some chairs here and then also something else you can use you probably haven't thought of it's just towels towels now I'm gonna use for most of my greens because I like the texture that's kind of like an astroturf or a felt but you can also roll the towel up and have that be a barrier as well we've got some cardboard baby because we've been ordering stuff I'm good with people so we got some cardboard I can cut up and once we bought a giant Inga set for a party so I actually have the best-case scenario I actually have bricks so step one for me was building the structure of everything I'm in step two is theming it and then step three playing golf so I've actually got a weird arts and crafts task for today so back this summer when we were on tour when we are Australia I met someone from our patreon a she doesn't know that I'm doing this right now what up ash there was a part of my monologue that she really liked where I talked about the idea of depression when I was growing up and and the need to choose fun and so there was that phrase choose fun and she asked me to write the words choose fun so that she could get a tattoo pretty cool someone asking me to design a tattoo for them is a huge honor the only problem is my handwriting sucks and a tattoo is a permanent thing on zip and stress that about this for months and I've been putting it off for months and months because the idea of of sucking and then her tattooing this it just did I don't know so today I'm going to sit here until I have designed the perfect tattoo so here we go we're in the middle of a yoga workout and then Wes decided he wanted to trumpet very meditative very relaxing you know the sound of the trumpet kind of lets you go deeper and deeper a meditative state [Music] namaste alright I hope you've been enjoying what the other guys are up to but it's back to get an update on how things are going to the mini golf course let me tell ya we got the foundation laid and we got the hell of a course ahead of us some of the holes are done some of the holes are just getting laid down with some turf towels and we got the board's that for almost all of them we got the classic horseshoe around we got Becky looking cute as ever I still have to make the couch hole and the final hole which is a surprise it's gonna be surprised it's gone long this is just the bare bones we're gonna get some real themes in here soon but in the meantime sit down our boys are doing in their houses away cuz I can see me when I've gotten a little more done getting to that point where the more I write the word shoes it's starting to seem like a made-up word like cute like choose to ok magazine now judge my work oh you can't put this on something body I like him well there's another page - this is like that was just me playing around I was just trying something out a little bit we interrupt your regularly scheduled guys blog hey so I thought for this week's blog I would try a few DMS that help are you too serious hey so I thought for this week's vlog I would try a couple hey hey what's daddy good be good boys if you like your sister look up quiet men John she is as I was saying we interrupt your regularly scheduled try guys quarantine vlog to bring you DIY face mess that's right many cities nationwide have implemented a rule that you have to wear a face mask when going out in public to help stop the spread of COBIT 19 while at home DIY mask don't completely prevent the spread of disease every little bit helps and of course we need to reserve our n95 and medical masks for people working hard on the frontlines we're gonna do our part my friend put something together that we have at home in order to keep ourselves safe so for this DIY break we're gonna try to put together this Oso mask well all you need is Ben demonsaw rubber bands a little bit um I've seen this here's the towel Shack we're ready it's done I present to you the habsburg our mini-golf course this course starts off for the long nice journey up the ramp flying through the air and into a hole that we round around the table a simple short you then we're headed through the kitchen an amazing experience past bags of flour cash flow Keith's hot sauce product plug the spicy ramen hole what kind of fiery fears lie within then we continue to launch into the desert scape a short hole but quickly Tara's reign supreme then we have another ramp but this ramp has little catch it's got a little did it don't get caught but if you do get caught you can get out then we go around little bit shake it into the hole now a grand giant you as we go around the coffee table underneath the little the cardboard tunnel and then you blast through the door to make your roundabout then I still have a hair in my eye how does it happen then it's the couch hole you must get past the little sticks around the corner and through the Dyson air purifier and finally hole number 9 the spookiest of all stirred around to see the final okay so we began with this ugly typical the bubble letters no got here to some you know queue just lower case very simple then we started playing with this crazy design almost put the Cheesecake Factory gogo love that this point the words choose and fun stop seeming real this is Maggie's that is so cute honestly you should just do that one and pretend I did it start playing with this smiley face but that's terrible it looks like something the Joker like Jared Leto's Joker would wear so Maggie I just sent the tattoo options to ash and she says that she loves them that she quote she's vibing with all of them and guess which one she specifically called out [Music] the middle school s I think she was joking now but very exciting I'm glad you like them she also doesn't know she's in this video yet so surprised [Music] [Music] oh and so for this first no-sew method I'm gaining information from the CDC's website you probably seen a lot of DIY videos online that have been trending that have you shown you how to make a bandana into a face mask but I'm gonna try it out and I'm going to also include a coffee filter that's supposed to help guard a little bit more than just regular cloth first cut the coffee filter in half along its wind then spread out the bandana and fold it we have next put the large part of the coffee filter in the center of the vendetta and fold it into thirds hey Kim oh my god Kim then place where bands or hair ties over the bandana with six inches apart next fold the sides of Indiana in towards one another and then tuck one side inside remember that way you're essentially closing on flute without having to stitch anything and finally without touching the facemask use their bands to loop around your ears ladies and gentlemen here we go we got to laundry balls we've got a cutter day with a selfie stick in it go carts come on back yeah oh boy you're gonna get around that's good Becky's second shot it's tricky oh boy it's tricky there she goes oh she's gotta get in that hat [Music] okay you can this is just a very silly way to spend the day you know with your kids or with friends they just make a little fun and now you know why not we're gonna permit three and the Hammers burger house we stopped at five that was the fire but that was good commendable the Helen nope it wasn't a dream okay not a three okay there's a Q poses but not a three okay all right I'm up we're putting little booties on Bowie for when he goes on a walks ahead he doesn't bring any terms back into the house and he's not happy you got it let's go it's so sad let's go come on with no sports on TV people have been resorting to watching new alternative activities but who needs sports when you've got this a mighty volcano and inside six little fluffy dinosaurs and one dog waiting to rescue them this is good oh god this is the volcano die no [ __ ] what should we call this the volcano run volcano Dino Dino doggie rescue okay go [Music] that's one dinosaur now yes sir - come on come don't chew it you gotta save all the dinos you are the champion you rescued all dinosaurs how's it feel alright back to you in the studio [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was amazing to step that in that's a surefire - from back the smacks - that's why our handle is only a two and he's mad with power really more of a course designer than player during spell oh no oh no you hate to see it go down that way this course Becky with a commanding lead I'm not sure how Keith can come back from this he is not gonna qualify for the Masters at this rate but Becky who always said she wasn't so good at golf [Applause] or something Wow Becky that was unbelievable the first hole-in-one on this golf course that means you get this hole named after you this is Becky's revenge yes well the coronavirus hit a lot of movies decided to push you know two months ahead in the future if not even into next year first it was fast and furious then move on James Bond all these great movies and big blockbusters that none of us are gonna get to see for a long time now so I thought what if I think my country is under attack my name is move on please general my father he's sick let me fight in the war on his behalf no you're a woman and we only let cool men with cowboy hats fight in this war oh oh they turned me down and so I decided to become that which they feared wait well that's not that's Batman so obviously you should go without saying that you should wash your hands before you put on mess and before you take them up to make sure that you don't get any residue on the mask itself and make sure to keep the mask I hate this leash [Music] well that sure was fun this has been tried alive back to your regularly scheduled gardening blog all right Becky on the approach like it's nothing like you're joking but I think you might actually be getting louder and louder I got a - yeah it's you know why you're already winning you don't need the last name a lot when will my reflection [Music] [Music] you meant diesel I mean Dominic Toretto and we're gonna need a team the name is bond James Boyd did somebody call for backup Lando Calrissian asked [Music] my name is Princess Diana Felicia but you can call me [Music] well howdy what do you think let's do this right now yeah puh our board at home project is to build the longest train set the world has ever seen and painting [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to the holy all been waiting for poll number nine the seasons of time [Music] every good golf course has at least one cosmic or spooky whole the c-shell represents summer and fun over the fall as we transition into fall and winter I [Music] originally had a strobe light adhere but I didn't want to give anybody sugar so it took the strobe light off Oh beaten by the pumpkins a smashing pumpkin face oh she has really been lodging see if you can just put without it maybe you don't need it oh she's stuck in a Plinko situation now and I'm gonna count that what does winning this mean to you Becky this is really very exciting news me I have never beat the mini-golf before usually I have to cheat just thinking mark just like a new territory in our relationship where like I am better at than Keith at this thing well I mean today we super gonna happen really I'm the one was really good at it I try comedy net alright listen up team things are getting crazy out there we've got ghosts [Music] now we need the best team that money can buy are you up for the job then that sounds like a job for you I love it excuse me today's no day to die [Music] I'm not gonna do it Emma she's an angel she doesn't deserve this chugga chugga chug oh it's a baby monster [Music] [Music] I always knew someday we'd get this far I'm stuck on my lips I know this is embarrassing oh oh no I'm surrounded hope it was me Mulan also I'm a woman I think I'm in love Mulan yes Vin Diesel I mean Dominic Toretto I will you marry me and be back the area yes I will now that's what I call a happy ending [Music] [Music] that was all we did with our day today Becky what do you think everything my house and it killed about two hours for you it'll probably kill maybe like another two hours for you do that well you know we've come a long way since 511 we're gonna have some cocktails and eps and dinner now I'm gonna clean all this up but there's a good way to spend the day I think it's a good thing you can do for your kids honestly it's just something I used to do as a kid all the time I made all sorts of TV things I made a whole nine-hole miniature golf course but it was permanent in my back yard so this is a fun little trip to em everything for me that's it goodbye from us hope you guys are staying safe out there it's scary but remember homes where [Applause] [Music] raining
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,987,475
Rating: 4.9590182 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, mini golf, golf, build, how to, diy, construction, project, do it your self, craft, games, games to play, family, soccer, futbol, dad, parent, mom, wife, vlog, vlogging, vlogger, stay home, with me, stay home with me, trick shots, trick shot, cleaning, diy face mask, face mask, journal, journaling, make it yourself
Id: thX94oT9tvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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