Abbey Sharp Vs Dr Mike Vs Unnatural Vegan (EVERYTHING IS FATPHOBIC)

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okay so today we're going to be talking about a video that was sent into my discord again if you guys haven't joined i highly highly highly recommend i know i do this every time but i seriously cannot recommend enough joining the discord it is the largest weight loss and fitness discord on the planet um don't verify that because i might be lying but seriously we have like 9 000 people in there now talking about weight loss fitness it's a really you know positive welcoming community and you can send in videos you can send in your own videos you can uh enter in your transformations all that stuff all in one place so if you want to join i highly recommend it will be linked down in the description but this video was sent into my discord this video is coming from the youtuber unnatural vegan i've actually watched a good bit of her videos before in the past um but she uh this video is titled doctor my dr mike is right abby sharp is wrong intuitive eating is still breaking people's brains okay um so with unnatural vegan she's usually a very from what i've seen in my uh through watching her videos she's pretty middle of the road with a lot of her things she's not extreme on one side or the other now i haven't seen this video so i don't know what she has to say i might completely disagree with everything she says in this it's very possible uh so let's go ahead and watch this video and see what she has to say she maybe you're taking medication that makes you hungrier well you're gaining weight because you're hungrier and eating more calories it's still calories and calories out is okay well so far would agree dr mike fat phobic this is a recent video from abby sharpe where she reviews dr mike's diet some of his views on nutrition as well as his video responding to claims that he is fat phobic oh so we're doing a reaction to a reaction to a reaction nice content that you guys like to see that's what we're doing here today most of it's really good i think most of her criticisms like around his depiction of the keto diet and intermittent fasting are really informative and really nuanced her section on veganism and gas and bloating is awesome it's really when she gets into discussing weight loss and the fat phobia stuff that things kind of uh get a little weird but first again like i said i i'm not surprised a lot of this stuff i so far i'm like yeah yeah i agree something else that's really weird about this video it's sponsored by peak tea the most powerful super plants meet cutting edge extraction methods i don't understand why she's promoting super plants aka superfoods when in this very video she says they don't exist oh hey man she's trying to make that paper baby i no hate okay but there's no such thing as a superfood it's really just a fancy buzzword used in marketing to be fair she doesn't say specifically that the teas are superfoods or super plants she says that they are antioxidant powerhouses but number one clearly the big selling point for these products is that they are super foods and number two i feel like in any other situation she would be calling out this brand for selling super expensive superfood tea when you can get plenty of antioxidants from just regular fruits and vegetables from dang man she went for the throw at the start holy smokes she said um excuse me abby uh why are you promoting this oof like strawberries and sweet potatoes maybe i'm wrong but it does seem many of her viewers got the same impression it's like meditation in a cup she also promotes the tease as non-gmo all of peak teas are 100 organic non-gmo even though she has an entire video dispelling anti-gmo myths well after dozens of years of analyzing the safety of gmos a review of 33 studies found that gmos were no less healthy or safe than their traditionally grown counterparts i'm sorry i she's like i'm i'm at a loss for words in fact in some cases they might even be healthier i understand that when you have a sponsorship the company is going to have certain talking points that they expect you to cover but if you don't agree with one of those talking points like that non-gmo is a benefit then you shouldn't talk as though you do and that's well i mean okay so these are all really good points and now this is i'm gonna go on off on a tangent here but um one of my sponsors is bpn okay and uh bpn does sell a fat burner i will never ever talk about the fat burner i will never ever promote the fat burner and uh with our partnership we've made it i told them before i ever signed anything i was like i will never promote it and i don't want my image used next to it uh and all that stuff and they were fine with that so it act it is true that you can work with the company and say hey like i like i like a lot of other of i i like a lot of the other bpm products but i don't i will not promote and i won't take the fat burners right and so that's that is true like you absolutely can work with companies and be like hey like i like this thing but i am not going to uh promote this or i'm not going to talk about this because i don't agree with that and so it is possible so that she's not just like saying stuff out of thin air like this is a a 100 that's a fact right there it's really not to my own horn but that's really the main reason i don't take on sponsorships because any of the products that i love and could actually speak really highly about like nugo bars or something they all make stupid claims like that i'm not gonna pretend to care about organic just to make a little bit of money i'm too good for that you know oh that was that was some shade i didn't even mean that to be but that wasn't shade look maybe she's changed her views it's totally possible she's changed her views on gmos in which case she should maybe update that anyway i really hope abby listens to her viewers and rethinks sponsorships like these in the future and ideally that she explains why she thought this was an appropriate brand given her previously stated values maybe she has a good reason okay so the rest of the video she talks about mike's suggestion to portion out certain foods like sunflower seeds to make sure you don't eat enough and like get too much sodium what i would probably add to dr mike's suggestion however is that if you eat your portion of seeds and you're still hungry for more then honor that and get more not super surprising intuitive eating reasoning abby sharp is a fan of intuitive eating and basically if you want more food it's because you need more food maybe you do maybe you don't you know food is really yummy and the yummier the food is the more we want to eat even if our body doesn't actually need more in fact it's the foods our body doesn't need at all it's all the junky foods that our body's like yeah no you need more of that i i she's i feel attacked right now because i was just talking earlier in the stream i didn't record this but i was talking about how we got a ton of cookies and brownies and stuff at the house right now and every time i walk in i'm like man i maybe should have one and i don't i know i don't need it you know what i mean so like that's the thing with with intuitive eating that's hard that's why i like to call what i do mindful eating so it's like i might want the brownie but it's like mindfully i think um maybe it's probably not the best option to have right now and so most of the time i'm able to be like nah i don't need that right now eventually i might have have a brownie later in the day tonight but i don't need to wake up at 10 a.m and have a brownie you know what i mean um so a lot of times like this is one of my critiques of intuitive eating like a lot of intuitive eating like counselors or whatever you want to call it dietitians and stuff is that like yes that might be helpful for us a group of people like if we're talking about people that are over like used to over restriction used to that stuff like it might be helpful to be like no honor your cravings but for someone that is trying to lose weight or that is just not you know not coming from that background that's not really that helpful uh that might be the opposite of what maybe would be best for them in that situation sometimes we have to tell ourselves no to avoid over eating i mean it's it's just that simple anyway i talk about this in way more detail in my quite long video on intuitive eating in abby's conclusion on mike's diet she says that overall she agrees with him i did however pick up on a bit of diet culture language so where it's like clean and cheat meal and super food and low calorie one of these things is not like the other actually two of these things is not like the other like i get clean and super food while clean eating can just mean eating more whole foods and less processed foods it often comes with a lot of other baggage you know non-gmo organic gluten-free artificial sweetener-free you know all these kind of unscientific positions someone using the term clean eating like unironically for me that's that's kind of a red flag or clean beauty same thing yeah i clean so a lot of this stuff i understand with language language exists to make things easier to understand okay so like i don't necessarily get upset if someone says clean eating but the thing is like if you say that or you're like i'm eating clean what's really important is that you quantify what that actually means to you okay because clean eating is one thing to one person and a completely different thing to someone else like i understand the use of the language to explain something easily so you don't have to go into a whole diatribe every time you bring it up but if you're bringing it up in a video where you're talking about what you're doing and you bring up clean eating i think it's important to quantify what that means to you because that might mean something completely different to someone else not saying that i agree with that or i disagree with her but that's those are my thoughts on you know on the subject of that stuff because we could nitpick every single word someone decides to use to explain their diet but what's more important is what they actually mean by the words less so oh i don't like that word actually uh lab muffin beauty science has a great video on clean beauty check it out superfoods as abby would agree it's really just a fancy buzzword used in marketing or sometimes agree maybe agree yes some man she's this is the sassiest thing i've ever seen during the video foods have more antioxidants or whatever than others but there's no evidence that drinking peak tea and like eating wild blueberries every day is going to improve your health in any meaningful way unless those are like your only sources of antioxidants and another thing that's really frustrating about that type of language and that type of like it's frustrating because it makes people feel that they need to do those things okay um and a lot of times people can't afford to do those things and it's a it's a barrier of entry for a lot of people and so this is why i've talked about like my biggest frustration when people say i can't lose weight because i can't afford it dude that's so frustrating to me because i know the reason they think that is because of stuff like this right it's stuff like this that makes them feel like oh eating healthy is obviously more expensive than eating unhealthy so therefore i can't afford to lose weight and it's like no these people are marketing things to you that is oh this is healthy but no it's just another type of eating which is not neither here nor there but you feel like it's better because it's organic or superfoods and all this stuff but even the thing that sucks is that always always that stuff costs more than eating cheaply and you can 1 000 billion eat very cheaply and still lose weight and eat very healthy at the same time just eat plants but cheat meal i think it's because cheat you know she has a whole thing about calling foods good or bad because she thinks it's moralizing the food which like some people may take it that way but clearly some foods are healthy and some foods are not so call it so this yeah this is another thing that i i talk a lot about people like what's your favorite cheat meal and i'm like i don't want to make it like you feel bad for calling it a cheat meal but again it's it's the language what do you mean by that and and then i have to go into so it's it's hard to just like if you're just glossing over something that's why i don't get mad if someone is making a video like oh my cheat meal today is this and i'm like well you didn't spend 20 minutes explaining what you mean by cheat meal and why it's not actually a cheat meal and blah blah blah it's like okay we're trying to get through a vlog here you know whatever you want but the the idea behind the cheat meal well it obviously works for some people it helps them to eat healthy the rest of the the week the rest of the time and maintain a healthy weight and for some it doesn't for some it leads to binging or just fantasizing all week about that like one meal so yeah it's it's not for them everyone's different and low calorie many of us eat too many calories so generally eating less calories is a good thing you know i agree with that obviously you can eat too few calories obviously you can focus too much on non-nutritive low-calorie foods rather than nutritious low-calorie foods like fruits and vegetables but i don't see what's wrong with low calories and of themselves but then again i haven't been infected by the intuitive eating brain worm that makes people think restricting calories automatically leads to binge eating she said the brain worm dude she's going hard right now um but yeah i agree uh i wouldn't say it that way but i think that a lot of people a lot of the dietitians um they a lot of people feel like if you are at all tracking or at all restricting anything in any capacity it's like you have an eating disorder it's so freaking frustrating because it's like dude these types of these ways of eating i i know personally and they helped me has have saved my life and other people's lives that i've been in contact with so it's so frustrating people like oh no you're doing that you have disordered eating your eating disorder it's like just for some background i've been on kind of both sides of this in my early 20s i struggled with bulimia it was horrible it sucked but i don't anymore i haven't for years food doesn't control me anymore i just don't feel that way about food at all anymore sometimes i don't track calories and i'm still able to maintain a normal bmi very lucky for me sometimes like right now i do and invariably i lose weight and i'm sure at some point i'll get sick of it and i'll stop this i mean that's that's exactly and i feel like that's exactly where you should get to it at some point right well that's why i think with tracking i've said this many many times the goal with tracking is not to track for the rest of your life the goal with tracking is to get to a point where you now feel confident enough to understand what food is going into your body to feel like you don't need to track but again you might get to a point where you're like hey i thought i was doing well but i feel like i'm gaining more weight than i want to or i'm not where i want to be start tracking again like oh okay so these things that i was doing were not helping me and then you kind of pull back and then you could stop tracking again it's obviously it's going to be a very personal thing but like just because you've stopped tracking for a while and you feel like oh maybe i should start tracking i don't think that makes you a failure it's just again you need to get some more data points to move on in your journey don't end up living on cereal i get that for some people tracking calories focusing on low calorie foods is not in their best interest they just can't do that without you know spiraling out of control but the vast majority of us do not have an eating disorder and even those of us who do at one point in our lives likely won't forever now all that said abby does acknowledge that calorie counting isn't inherently bad now this is not to say that there's anything inherently wrong or problematic with calorie tracking or choosing lower calorie foods especially if this is something that helps you to achieve your personal health goals however it can be an issue for some individuals if it becomes obsessive and interferes with one's enjoyment of food and quality of life now i will say this is something i have like abby 100 has made huge strides i think in in her messaging with this stuff because for a while it definitely felt like man it it seems like she thinks that any type of tracking and any type of um you know calorie counting or anything like that is disordered eating and it really it just felt a little off and it definitely does seem like she has changed at least a little bit there and so i think credit due there awesome like seriously her videos i think personally are much better now that she takes a much more nuanced approach to this than just saying calorie counting bad eating disorder you need to get fixed like it's much more nuanced than that so you know kudos to that because i think that that's a big deal it's weird to me to focus on that when most people the vast majority of people are eating too much and suffering health consequences because of that again most that's a fact people do not have an eating disorder to me it's it's like criticizing someone for saying peanuts are healthy because some people are allergic to peanuts i'm just afraid oh that's a good i like that analogy this focus on eating disorders within the intuitive eating community could lead people to believe that they are way more common than they actually are that restricting food inevitably leads to binge eating or to bulimia anyway i talk about the whole dieting causing eating disorders way more in this video no but i like that she brings that up because i mean i've already talked about it but it's frustrating when people make it seem like point a is tracking and point b is inevitably having an eating disorder i'm just like like it happens to some people especially it definitely happens a lot with people that maybe compete in a bodybuilding show that get like really really really lean but i think a lot of that has to do with like uh you know your body dysmorphia and being like so lean and you feel like you have to be that lean always and then it comes into like okay i need to really track and get like that's a whole nother can of worms but like everyone that tracks doesn't just mean you track for a while and then eventually get an eating disorder i i highly disagree with that but i also don't think that we should be talking about short-term weight loss period when we know that statistically most people who lose weight in the short run stop the diet and then gain it right back we also know that this weight cycling can put someone at risk for detrimental health effects such as an increased risk of insulin resistance heart disease blood pressure inflammation and an increased risk of mortality overall no no there's inconsistent evidence to present a compelling case in support of weight cycling increasing mortality risk in the general population thus although weight regained following successful weight loss remains one of the most challenging aspects of body weight regulation there appear to be insufficient reasons to dissuade individuals from multiple attempts to lose weight given the critical impact of obesity on disease risk and mortality she said no i really really wish intuitive eaters would stop talking about yo-yo dieting weight cycling as it's bad for you no doubt about it ashley says we know these things about weight cycling the evidence does not support that conclusion but in a society that's prone to overeating a fasting day won't hurt while i do appreciate that dr mike acknowledges that intermittent fasting doesn't need to be a rigid eating pattern i would have definitely appreciated a disclaimer that skipping a meal here and there is not beneficial for everyone across the board and this is especially true for those who struggle with disordered eating and restriction where intentionally skipping a meal can potentially trigger a binge nothing is good for everyone across the board b12 is an example i often recommend that vegans take a b12 supplement i recommend this chart from dietitian jack norris but in actuality these guidelines will not work for all vegans if you are lacking intrinsic factor an oral supplement is not going to help you now i like that she she brings this up is like i so many people it's it's and this is like one of the red flags i have when i if i'm watching a content creator or just watching someone promoting their diet is if if you promote your diet as the diet for every single person i red flag that's a red flag because everyone is different like everyone is different that's why i personally i think i've done a good job recently of like taking a step back of like the whole like keto thing and like i used to be a i would say i was a pretty big keto i don't want to say hater but i was not a fan now like i do understand that keto does help people is it for me no it's not for me but i do understand that it does help some people and it does work for some people um and then with a lot of other types of eating like for some people tracking works for some people tracking doesn't work for some people like all of these different types of diets all these different types of eating like just because i know what works for me i would never say like you have to do exactly what i do because it's just not true and i honestly tell people don't do what i do you know and like so if someone is saying like this is the only type of eating that is is good and is worth trying i'm just saying for me personally that's a red flag or when i say that eggs are unethical i don't actually believe that eggs 100 of the time are unethical but qualifying every time i say eggs are unethical with oh except for you know backyard hens freakingism whatever even though that's not the focus of the video it just ends up watering down whatever the ultimate message is and for what exactly when the vast majority of people are not consuming ethical eggs yeah and like so that's kind of what i was saying earlier is like a lot of times people will nitpick like a little thing you say but it's like again like i'm not i don't i don't want to sit here for 20 minutes and qualify a single phrase that i was using to try and explain a bigger point of view like it can be you know like it can be a little ridiculous to ex expect someone with every single little word they use to qualify every single little thing they say when they're trying to explain a more of an overarching topic there are addendums to virtually everything we say again peanuts are healthy is not actually correct because for some people they're not but if we have to qualify every statement we make it makes it really hard to get any message across and i say this as someone who regularly in my opinion goes too far and qualifies too much to the point where i fear it's hard to listen to what i'm saying i think that's something that i really need to work on same dude i do 100 the same thing but it's like it's hard not to when you're a content creator because you know what comments you're going to see under the video if you don't qualify and so you're trying to explain to the person that's gonna leave the comment before they even leave the comment but then it ends up convoluting everything and making everything very confusing and everyone's like why did you even go on that five-minute rant like we get what you're saying but it's like i know there's gonna be three people that are completely lost and so you're trying it's hard so maybe a bit of pot calling the kettle black i don't know i just think it's a weird criticism most people are overweight most people don't have an eating disorder so focusing on the latter doesn't really make sense to me obviously if abby and other channels and other outlets want to focus on helping people with eating disorders that's terrific i'm so glad people have those resources but expecting every other resource to cater to that demographic to qualify everything they say anytime they talk about dieting with not for those with eating disorders is just weird and i think counterproductive and again i worry about this sending a message to others that eating disorder is way more common than it actually is and possibly leading to people being afraid of trying to diet and lose weight because they're afraid that they're going to end up binge eating and ruining their metabolism or something yeah that 100 agree and for those with eating disorders you know some of the responsibility has to be on them just like for the peanut allergy sufferers some of the responsibility is on them to obviously know when someone says peanuts are healthy oh well not for me if someone has an eating disorder they probably shouldn't be watching dr mike in the first place in the united states obesity has become an epidemic so i understand why most people want to lose weight it's actually been proven in the best quality studies keeping your weight healthy is one of the most important things you can do to maintain your health to live a long life so if you're trying to lose weight here bro why is dr mike so attractive bro i it's ridiculous every time i see him i just get low heart eyes i'm like ooh dr mike here's my two cents just from what i've seen from dr mike well i do think that his nutrition recommendations are always pretty evidence-based and unbiased in terms of what's good or bad much of his discussion around nutrition does tend to revolve around losing weight and calories and i get why i mean as a doctor he knows that people are mainly motivated to change their diet so that they can change their pant size or it's because exactly what he just said in the clip it's actually been proven in the best quality studies keeping your weight healthy is one of the most important things you can do i don't know how she could listen to that clip and get any sense that he's just going along with patients desire to change their pant size i think it's pretty clear that he believes losing weight is in their best interests especially if you're if you're like a if you're a doctor that is like an obesity specialist like i i talk about my friend spencer dr nodolsky the meme doctor on instagram all the time um and he works like his he is an obesity specialist and i know he's worked with many many people that are on the cusp of losing their life because of their size right and so to tell that doctor like oh you just care about you know vanity or making people feel better or whatever it's just like dude i know i know him personally and i know for a fact that is not what he is trying to do he's trying to help people he's trying to help save people's life because he has seen the detriments of obesity firsthand time and time and time and time again and so he's trying to help those people not go down that road so to make someone feel bad myself included right to make someone like me feel bad i know that that's not abby's intention at all um but there are a lot of other people that might agree with a lot of what abby says that are a lot more extreme in their messaging um that make people like me or or like you guys that are watching this that are maybe thinking about losing weight want to lose weight you have to you have to explain why you want to lose weight and you're afraid that you're going to have friends of yours that are no longer going to be your friends because you want to lose weight like it's this whole minefield now and it just i don't think it's necessary like if you want to lose weight i don't think you should have to explain that to anyone other than yourself as a dietitian i believe that there is no shame in having aesthetic goals or weight related health goals that is no less of a valid reason to change your diet for example than to improve your heart health but it's also important to note that focusing on things that we can control like behaviors rather than things that we can't necessarily like wait may help people maintain those lifestyle changes even if the scale doesn't budge now i i will say i agree with like that messaging right there i think that and this is something i believe focusing on habits and not just the number on the scale one i think is just healthier in the long term but two it it means that you're not always focused on that number because the number on the scale will fluctuate drastically it fluctuates drastically for me and it fluctuates drastically for other people as well so i agree with with that sentiment like focus on your habits because usually especially if you're if you're very very overweight and you start focusing on better habits i.e not drinking your calories not going in getting fast food all the time those little things right not adding a bunch of random sauces to your meals like if you focus on those habits the number on the scale will probably drop and i think that that's a good thing to focus on those things other than just focusing on how can i get the the weight or the scale to show a lower weight because a lot of times if that's all you're focused on you can end up going to drastic you know drastic measures again though it can happen not saying that it will no matter what i think i get what she's trying to say here weight loss is hard but our weight is ultimately in our control our weight is a result of our behaviors if you eat less calories than you burn you will lose weight it may be really hard you may have a certain medical condition that makes it even harder for you but that doesn't mean it can't be done it seems like she didn't learn anything from the backlash to her greg ducett video where she just kind of denied the existence of thermodynamics i mean she she said she didn't learn anything um i mean i personally will uh disagree with that a little bit i i really do and like this might just be me i really do feel like since that the greg ducette video and that whole backlash like and i don't even want to say like it's because the blacklist that she changed like i think that she has kind of done her own you know soul-searching or research and stuff and has uh changed a lot of her messaging like i really do think that there has been a change like do i am i going to sit here and say i agree with everything that abby says no i'm not going to sit here and say i agree with everything that unnatural vegan says as well right i'm my own person i have my own thoughts and i like same thing i'm not gonna sit here and say i agree with everything dr mike says i don't agree with everything greg ducette says i don't agree with everything that anyone else says other than myself and sometimes i don't even agree with what i say because i'm a dummy but i i will say that i do feel like abby has definitely changed a little bit in her messaging at the very least from that original video with greg you said acknowledged it while also i guess not understanding it calories in versus calories out if you are overweight you are in a caloric surplus that that's it i don't think we're helping that fact though being obese people by muddying the waters around this issue you know we can say that it's hard to lose weight and that no one should be ashamed for not being able to lose weight and also like not deny physics like we can do both of those things we can say it's hard to lose weight and don't be ashamed for not being able to lose weight but also if you're overweight it's because you eat too much i i mean there's nothing i disagree with there and this is important because we know that health is not exclusively measured by someone's weight in fact there is ample research to suggest that we can be overweight or even obese and still be considered metabolically healthy yes but this is a giant over simplification of the issue i go into detail in my video on health at every size but basically number one many metabolically healthy obese people do not remain so and number two being metabolically healthy doesn't mean you're healthy obesity is another positively correlated with many other conditions besides the metabolic ones like diabetes and high blood pressure which she seems to understand that's not to say that obesity doesn't contribute to a host of detrimental health effects as this is well documented in the literature as well so i absolutely agree with him here so why bring up metabolically healthy in the first place she brings it up again later in the video like i said in my critique of the intuitive eating book written by two dieticians like abby it seems like intuitive eaters like abby who are also dietitians seems like they want to have their cake and eat it too they want to promote intuitive eating but intuitive eating pretty much goes hand in hand with health at every size but they know better they know obesity is bad but of course that doesn't jibe with health at every size so they i don't know they kind of try to play both sides right obesity contributes to a host of detrimental health effects but also you can be obese and metabolically healthy this might not be their intention i'm not saying there's any sort of nefarious intention behind this or anything like that but this is how it comes across to me and it's just very confusing but i would just suggest i yeah i agree i mean i've i've talked about this subject at nauseum you guys know how i feel about it but it's definitely frustrating when you hear people like oh you can be healthy at every size and then they talk about like blood work and all this stuff and it's like okay we know especially if you've been obese or morbidly obese for any period of time um you know that it's not just you know your blood work that is suffering like it might be your joints it might be how you feel in the morning how hard it is to get out of bed can you tie your own shoe like all these little things that go into your health other than just your blood work right like dr mike's statement that keeping a healthy weight is one of the most important things that you can do to maintain your health and instead i would shift the focus by saying eating a balanced diet moving your body getting adequate sleep and managing your stress levels are some of the most important things that you can do to maintain your health and live a long life often doing these things will result in weight loss but not always and i think educators are doing people a disservice if they present it this way that someone who eats healthy foods and exercises but is 50 pounds overweight is just as healthy as someone who eats healthy foods and exercises but isn't overweight it just isn't what the science says see what it did there something that you can't control versus behaviors that are within reach so now she's just straight up saying you can't control your weight i think it's coming from a nice place i think it's coming from a place of compassion because so many people do struggle with their weight and they are discriminated against for it and that's horrible but the answer is not to go to the other extreme where all of the overweight people who have lost weight and who have kept it off for years just like don't exist we will find our health yeah i i it's definitely frustrating when you when you hear that like i again and like i agree with uh unnatural vegan here uh i understand where abby is coming from but like to say that you can't control your weight it's i think that it's an oversimplification like are there a few people out there are there uh you know is there a group of people that like you know it's not just calories in calories out it's like there's more stuff going on yeah yeah of course but like for the vast majority of people like you can control your weight like it's not like you can step on a scale i'm like okay i'd like to be five pounds less now and then step on it and then it's done but it's like okay if i would like to be five pounds less now i know that i need to do x y z and to when i do x y z eventually the scale will say five pounds less right so it's like technically i guess you can't just be like it's very easy to control what you eat because you're like no i will not eat that there you go right that's something you can control but then to say that you can't control your weight like yeah kinda you can't just make weight come on or come off of you but the reason weight comes on or comes off of you especially like at least fat and and stuff like obviously your weight fluctuates but like fat and stuff is a byproduct of your habits healthiest happiest weight when we focus our energy here that's a bold claim and like most bold claims no some people will be happiest there some people won't some people won't be able to achieve their health goals with such a kind of vague you know vague guidelines some people will have to track calories or even weigh themselves regularly the horror i did not commit to that at all so according to the national weight control registry which has tracked over 10 000 people who have lost at least 30 pounds and have maintained that loss for at least a year most report eating a low-calorie low-fat diet and weigh themselves at least once a week so that brings me to the next big question do these views and opinions on weight and weight loss automatically make him fat phobic does following the science and saying obesity is an epidemic does that make someone fat phobic is this really a question that needs to be asked when we prescribe a diet plan or nutrition plan the reason that it fails is because adherence is low changing someone's behavior is quite difficult and we haven't mastered that art as physicians as a health care system really but man all i hear are facts from him right here adherence is the most important thing when it comes to having a successful diet or you know way of eating however you want to explain it like adherence adherence and here it's adherence and that's why i'm such a big um but why i'm such a big run of not doing like crash diets and stuff because adherence to those things are much harder than if you didn't do something like that okay sorry it doesn't mean that we're failing because we're fat phobic i do think it's um i respectfully agree to disagree did she just call him fat phobic by suggesting that diets fail because of low adherence we're shifting the blame onto the individual when we know that there are a number of other genetic social metabolic and medical factors that can influence someone's ability to lose weight other factors don't change the fact that adherence is the issue if someone adheres to a caloric deficit they will lose weight if they don't stick to it for whatever reason social issues medical issues it's still an issue of adherence it's the job of experts to find out why adherence is so low so they can help people so they can help people stick with a diet long term as far as shifting the blame and casting shame and guilt as she says later i don't think that automatically means we shouldn't talk about adherence first again someone should not feel guilty for not being able to stick to a diet it's really hard second especially again i know i keep interrupting her but especially if the diet is really really intense and way o and overly strict again when these diets are overly strict and you fail you want to blame yourself but don't like you shouldn't be blaming yourself you should be blaming the stupid diet that you tried to do that was way too intense right like it's not like yes obviously it's your fault because you kind of fell off of it but it shouldn't be like you internalize it as like i can't do this thing this thing was too intense let's dial it back a little bit and not go from zero to 100 at the start slowly increase you know slowly make better decisions over time and then eventually it will be much easier to have a completely different diet but going from normal western diet to perfectly clean eating diet is very hard to do in a in a day it doesn't it just doesn't work i think learning more about this learning more about how our brains work learning more about food reward can help people better understand why dieting is so hard and how normal it is to struggle to lose weight it's weird if people don't like the people who don't struggle and they're able to just get on a diet and lose weight and get like super super thin and they're just like fine that's weird most people can't do that i think we should talk about it and i think doctors and educators talking about this talking again about food reward and how our brains work and why it's so hard especially when we're surrounded by these super delicious foods i think talking about that and telling patients that hey this this isn't your fault this is to be expected i think maybe that could help if we're really worried about people feeling guilty that seems like a good idea not pretending that calories have like nothing to do with it or something to do with it kind of but really it's like some medical issue which like yeah okay if you have a medical issue maybe you're taking medication that makes you hungrier well you're gaining weight because you're hungrier and eating more calories it's still calories and calories out when we look at the research on why diets fail nowhere in there does it say that it's due to low adherence in fact the most common reason why diets fail and most people gain the weight back is not because people are not motivated but because there are a number of metabolic adaptations and compensatory mechanisms that occur in the body to force us back to our comfortable weight okay but it still comes back to adherence and ultimately to thermodynamics these compensatory mechanisms don't just exist on their own they don't just automatically make you gain weight they for example make you hungrier and so you end up eating more one really cool yeah exactly and like a lot of people will talk about like metabolic adaptation or your i've talked about this a bunch recently like your metabolism slows down if you lose weight it's like they make it seem like it's this terrible thing that's just the function of your body being smaller if your body is 400 pounds it needs more calories than when your body's 200 pounds so yes your metabolism slowed down but not because you're doing something terrible for yourself it's because you are smaller now so your body does not require as much food it's a very normal thing to happen do not freak out about it study the study design is really cool and found that every kilogram of weight lost increased the participants drive to eat by 100 calories a day which is insane set point sucks but it's still calories in calories out you know the participants got hungrier and so they ate more and so they gained weight they stopped adhering to the diet and if these things just happened if it wasn't adherence then how would anyone lose weight and keep it off we know there are people who lose weight and keep it off but if these you know compensatory mechanisms if they just happened and didn't have anything to do with what we're eating and how we're moving and calories and calories out then how would people even lose weight at all you would just magically gain weight to get back to your set point now considering that dr mike tends to view nutrition and patient-centered care is it possible to advocate for weight loss and not be fat-phobic again is this really a question of course it is i do think she brings up a lot of good points here focusing on other biomarkers besides weight is obviously very important i mean i think i think doctors do this anyway i know i get my blood pressure checked every time i go see my gp but certainly abby is right that there is evidence of doctors paying less attention to other factors when someone is overweight or even misdiagnosing people who are overweight just assuming that whatever their problem is could be cured by weight loss that's a fact and that's something that is very frustrating and that's like one of the biggest things that i agree with when we talk about health at every size is like getting bigger people obese people overweight people whatever better treatment in facilities 100 i i would never advocate against that i think that that's definitely something that would be helpful to everyone overall totally should happen but i just don't think the answer is don't talk about weight loss unless the patient wants to i think if a patient is interested in losing weight to help manage their health then this is a great conversation to have and a doctor's enthusiasm in helping to guide that journey would be supportive and client centered not evidence of fat phobia again maybe doctors just need to do a better job of explaining dieting and talking about food reward and whatnot with their patients and do a better job of expressing compassion and empathy for their patients or maybe all the older doctors need to retire because let's be real you know i think this is mostly an issue with older generations where you have people who still view fatness as a moral failing i think or at least i hope that younger generations view dieting and weight loss much differently here's the thing we all carry an enormous amount of internalized bias not just about body weight and fatness but about all sorts of things most of us have to consciously work really hard to unpack this and we still let it slip out i pick up on my internalized fat phobia often and i'm constantly trying to unlearn these tendencies as uncomfortable as it is all while maintaining an evidence-based approach when she says um she picks up on her internalized fat phobia what what exactly does she mean by that like specifically like what's an example of that does she think that these people are lazy or something obviously she doesn't she advocates against that sort of thing so i i'm genuinely confused i don't understand this i mean if she has beliefs like that that's good that she's working on it i don't really understand why you need to need to work on that it seems like you just just stop having those beliefs just stop i guess it's akin to the whole internalized racism stuff which i just fundamentally disagree with and i think it's actively harmful just stop being racist stop believing generalizations that aren't true and are harmful like if this is work for you i that's that's weird there's a problem it's it it's real easy to not be racist i mean at least the common understanding of racism not the if i disagree with a black person i'm racist understanding of racism i think like it's for me the biggest frustration is a lot of a lot of this stuff has been equated to like internalized fat phobia is the same as internalized internalized like um internalized like racism where i i personally when i hear a lot of this stuff about like internalized um racism and stuff i actually agree with a lot of what they say so i disagree with what she's saying here i think that there is a lot of stuff especially as a as a white dude that i have you know picked up growing up even though it's not like i'm um was ever like a racist person but like there was definitely some thoughts that i had um there was definitely some things that i had to work through and so i don't necessarily think that they're it's it's just as easy as being like just don't be racist it's kind of the same thing as like just don't be sad you know i don't think that it's that simple but when we're talking about like internalized fat phobia i just think that it's it's trying to equate fatness to like race your race and i'm just sorry that's not the same thing like the color of your skin is not the same as the uh the color the size of your body it's just not the same thing the right black person of course so that's it that's all i have to say about abby's video i think a lot of it is just very weird and very confusing and trying to fit in with this intuitive eating stuff that just doesn't really make sense now to be clear if intuitive eating works for somebody that is terrific if it's helped you know someone with an eating disorder specifically then that's that's awesome which seems to be kind of what it's for i mean people say that's what it's for but then no it's not for that i can it's all very confusing to me i want everyone to find something that works for them and if intuitive eating works that's terrific and i guess kind of ironically i mean to me intuitive eating makes more sense for people who have done calorie counting a lot and have like a good so this is a good comment so it was from chris chrysanthemum sky uh it says there's always internalized bias but not internalism racism sexism without phobia yeah i would that's probably a better way to explain it i don't know i was just trying to use the words that they were using uh but yeah i would say like again i don't think i was ever like racist or anything but i definitely had like internalized biases on certain things but again like having an internalized bias on like fat and like being overweight is not the same as having an internalized bias in someone's skin color um but yeah i'm glad that you brought that up because yeah i would that's probably a better way to award it mental image of like how many calories are in certain things because then like you you pretty much know you can look at a plate of food and be like oh it's about that so it's a lot easier to not overeat and i've heard a lot of people who have done calorie counting or have you know tried to lose weight for years say that that now they're at a point where they can just kind of eat intuitively thank you so much for watching i really hope yeah so i mean all in all i think that that was a uh a pretty good video and like i think that she explained herself uh pretty well like i said there's certain things that i agree with her there's certain things that i disagree um it's it's interesting because in this whole video there's there's dr mike there's abby there's unnatural vegan and a lot of i agree with a lot of what each of them say uh but there's just certain little things that i disagree with and i think that's totally fine and i'm not sitting here saying i'm the end all beyond and what i think is correct i'm sure there's a lot of stuff that if they watched a video of mine they'd like well i disagree with what you have to say here here and here and that's that's totally fine there's nothing there's nothing necessarily wrong with that but i think that getting these conversations and this dialogue out there um is is help is only helpful for more people you know getting getting more ideas out there to help hopefully help other people that might be watching um be able to form their own opinion on what they actually think for themselves right uh but all in all i that was a very interesting video
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 123,445
Rating: 4.8973212 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, obesetobeast, dr mike, abbey sharp, unnatural vegan, fatphobic
Id: jO_c7XspONA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 16sec (2956 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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