The True Value of Dorms Marked Key in Tarkov...

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welcome to a solo talk of Adventure now before I explain what we'll be doing today I'd like to quickly say that I fumbled the bag and forgot to click the record button so until we get to dorm's mark key you'll have to suffer with no game audio and a little lower quality which gives me the perfect time to explain today's goal see dorm's Mar key has always been a popular key in tarov and for many many people it will be the first one to come to mind when thinking of any marked key but back in the day you'd be able to find extremely high value items such as weapon cases and thick items cases however since then all these items have been removed so with the key still hovering around 4.5 million rues on the flea market I decided to go and buy one which gives us 10 uses to go and try out this key and see if it's worth it and upon arriving fairly early to dorms we headed straight to the second floor up the stairs and over to the marked key where we opened it finding an injector's case on our first hit worth about 600,000 rues on the flea market and this is also the time I realized that I wasn't recording that's not bad at all okay we got a we got to go we got to go same way where I I didn't bring money what xrx do I even have I don't know if this is the how do I get around this so with the stim case in my pouch I wanted to get out so it could be found and raid and I could sell it on the flea market but as I was on my way out someone else was on their way in hello how you doing today bro bro what is this welcome to dorms get me out wait who's getting shot at by someone though there's probably someone holding the door I'm checking if there was anyone outside we were able to make it out and away from dorms safely starting our journey over to the the zb1 extract and getting rid of any threats along the way heading through the gas station as I thought that that would be the faster way out to whats the extract but upon arriving there it was clear that we had something else to deal with there's a guy spray and pre bro he died there's more it's a trio it's a god Tri see the problem I'm going to have to face while looting dorm's Mary is that the items that I find need to be found in raid in order to retain most of its value dying like I just did not only means that I lose all the guns that I had on me but I also kill about half the value of the injector's case this is where Keys like relaxation room shine because most of the items you can find in there sell for the same value to Traders as they do to the flea market so as much as racing to dorms to be the first there was important if we don't make it out safely then we practically gain nothing I should Premed wasting about 10K no it's actually more like seven 7K per use on this ibuprofen for the hopes that someone decides to shoot me in the leg first shot so it actually becomes useful and I can run away someone's here scav the MCX is nice the only issue I have with it is it kind of Wiggles a lot so obviously our luck today isn't going that great but arriving back into Customs we got an amazing spawn allowing us to Sprint directly to dorms making it there first is there even a closer spawn to dorms in this like this is faster than when I spawned at uh the road block wait can rala spawn in three story I think he can right hello how you doing today I don't have a flashlight on this I forgot to put a flashlight on this that's an issue where the hell did it go did I walk past the stairs I did walk past the stairs that just shows my knowledge of dorms in a nutshell come on come on give me another like injector case an MCX an Sr I prefer that I need a flashlight oh my God I thought that was a key tool okay uh um oh oh can Bitcoin spawn here I mean I guess if that can spawn a Bitcoin can spawn it's so small on the ground so hard to tell I think that's it oh never mind okay so the chair can also spawn something I need to bring a flashlight when I come here I kind of want to go before someone rushes here I think I think that's everything I missed too much in my in my last video where we looted streets honestly it's embarrassing I missed a got on bitcoin I missed moonshine I missed a Tetris like holy crap I must be blind can I leave from up here or will I just break my legs and die sure I can make this jump right that doesn't seem too bad that's fine oh I didn't bring in I didn't bring a splint oh I'm so dumb I need like a a checklist to go through before raid I swear there's always something I'm like I I look at my my pouch I'm like do I have everything I think I'm missing something I just can't figure out what I'm missing get into raid then I find out what I'm missing imagine if they implemented a like checklist that you could open though and just start ticking stuff off before you go into raid and with everything done and dorm's marked room looted it was time to head over to the zb1 extract yeah okay I'm going to go around the back this time last time well two times ago I died gas station no gas station big no no screw that it's too funnel like there's very little ways I can go if I go gas station route but here it's like Way open I mean I guess it kind of still is F through this like wall here and they're down there we'll see my only issue is people still could be heading out of their spawn who spawned way down this way then I'll just die heading across the back of the map and avoiding the gas station in hopes to not get myself into a fight we made it to the scaff checkpoint and started to clear them out trying to do this as quickly as possible in hopes that a PMC won't try and come to hunt me down these are the few times I wish oh my God how many are you there's one there too oh my God how many are there I forgot this was an MPX for some reason I thought it was an MCX oh no no no no no no no no no oh my god did I get him I don't know oh did I get him I'm getting Rush by Mosen men so it was clear that shooting those scavs at the scav checkpoint had made enough noise to attract a PMC running a Mosen to try and kill me but once I heard a scab start shooting at him I knew it was my chance to escape I don't want to fight them they have Mosin like what do I gain from it what the hell like sure it's PVP but there's just some fights that are just not worth taking it's like fighting a pistol in in Labs you know you you risk your whole kit in case he head shot you but if you kill him you gain absolutely nothing and finally we got to end off our first successful raid and so we headed back straight into another one getting a pretty good spawn and going directly to dorms and since I was here pretty early this time I suspected that there would be no one here but the only way to find out would be to go inside how do you tell if someone's been here should I wait and listen probably okay not if the scap arrows on me oh my God enter through the back or the front I don't think I don't know if there's anyone in there now we listen across taking a quick peek at the hallway I couldn't see anyone which to me meant that it was clear and pushing down the hallway I became confident that I was the only one here I always feel [Music] so no how am I alive how am I alive that is illegal ah okay I'm so bad that was I should have killed him I fumbled that in every way shape and form possible and so back we arrived at dorms something that I'm going to be doing a lot more and dying is something that I'm going to have to get used to how do you beat that I don't know I don't know how to sight dorms bro and this is when I started to realize that this key is going to be a lot harder than I initially anticipated because not only am I dying a lot but also that this key is like it's kind of guaranteed to just not be profit because of skild because I'm just bad that I'm going to lose so much in value of kits did I hear a oh that's at dorms hello you Speedy ass little rat how do you get that so quickly oh we're not making it first this time I can guarantee you that I mean I'm still going to have to push straight in but I'm just going to go into one of the rooms and kind of sit there and listen for a bit yeah that's in dorms oh they're downstairs wait that's different I mean this is a bad place to be slow walking but this M4 is not built for this map with a PMC doing the setup Quest dead I took his most lethal weapon the shotgun and headed into dorms taking a moment to stand still to listen and see if I could hear any movement might put the scope on honestly no but this this gun kicks too much it's not it's not meant for anything further than like 5 m should we just go up and hit it before they come here I mean there could be still a guy in here unless he killed that guy we have a flashlight I might just leave it on to be fair okay yep okay I'm doing something this is a first is he solo that's probably the guy who was fighting no that was first floor not third I'm so paranoid I'm going to get shot if I push down the hallway you think dorm's Mark hit oh my God I hate this I feel so claustrophobic I'm not actually claustrophobic that's a nice RFP and I'm just yoink yink yoink 57 cool and honestly I don't need that and I can put that in there so I can search it in this room oh my God wait I'm actually doing something I'm not used to this in my opinion if he just kept holding it he would have beat me please tell me it's M8 BCP okay well I'm just going to go straight to Mark pray that there's no one here is it hit it's not no one ratting it no be my guest oh I can fully aim down sight while doing that come on treat me well I killed people I deserve loot an Sr again an RD that is nice that is nice I will happily take an RD but any any keychain any pouch items that are worth a lot of money so if I die I can still uh gain something H I don't think we getting no no key tool no injectors case I mean I'll just take the Rd rfbs I can buy that cheap RDS I cannot buy I think that's it that wasn't open that door wasn't open before where's the RFB I need a long range for this someone someone must be in here Yep this is so bad that's one [Music] I feel more confident with the RFP but I left the mags in the other [Music] room MD okay what the hell even is this oh my God it's a flashbang BCP an avt really n Val is like 120k on flea AV I don't think s on flea MDR is just an MDR you know I mean it's not even 762 it's the 545 one so that's cheap as hell yep so we got a whole lot of trash it's not trash but for for the key value it's trash yep that's about horrible yeah so can I go out this front door this third door I thought you could only I swear you could only go through second yeah know I can well I'm just dumb oh screw me I guess I probably could have saved me a few lives I can't take the MDR if I do that yeah I can damn bro now we pray to not get shot if to go ZB right oh yeah we ZB screw it that's the wrong way get me out we don't want to go towards gas station like I did before so with all of the loot from the dorm's mar key in my bag it was time to once again start our journey over to the zb1 extract which went extremely well with not a single encounter on the way and so we went back in to give it another try we made it give me a keychain give me an injector case a dog's case anything I can pouch please I'm not going to survive darkg case yes now if I die I at least gain something a modded TX since when could you do that okay over here we have nothing two mp7s and an MP9 I mean that is so space efficient holy crap I don't think there's anything else I'm like quadruple checking cuz after missing so much in streets like I said before I am too scared that I'm just going to miss like a million Ruble item nothing inside the dog case sad moment and so once again we headed over to the zb1 extract pretty much the only extract we've taken so far a 57 not great tx15 not great MCX bro okay very tting no Bitcoin this is horrible though no hidden Bitcoin in the most unique places known to mankind screw me I guess let me go out this way did I bring a splint this time I did not lovely never mind surely there's a way to jump down here without breaking your legs I'm I'm going to try something crazy here beginning our journey to not ZB 11 this time but instead the roadblock extract surviving with this dog's case on us was crucial in order to retain its value to sell on the flea market so off we went following the quickest path going directly to the roadblock extract and upon arriving there everything was clear and we were safe to extract from The Raid oh my God I heard something get up oh my God and as the quiet raids continued I simply just kept going back to dorms Gathering all the loot I could get from the mark key and extracting doing that over and over and over again what is that I don't know if that ammo is good okay I mean this is kind of crazy can't take this other t5000 though okay I don't want to stay here for too long wait is the car there I need to check it is I brought money I'll have to repair my feet but don't matter I always forget to bring splits anyways and heading over to pay for the car extract this would be extremely convenient as it not only makes my runs extremely efficient but also a little safer please take me and we're going to get an injector's case that doesn't look like an injector's case a dvl another MCX holy MCX is though 545 MDR not nice CSP isn't this horrible a Glock and uh a flare gun this is not good it's just not it's just straight up not good yeah there's nothing else well we only have two more uses man yo guess what boys guess what I forgot a goddamn splint I'm never going to ever get a splint still going to do it though cuz I can't be a to run down the stairs wow and so we headed back for the ninth run of the day and with these last previous runs being so bad all I could hope for is for these last two runs to touch it up for us oh my God I got an ammo case I got an ammo case bro I mean that's good but bad I can't pouch it that's like the one thing that I didn't really want out of all of the cases I could have gotten an ammo one if I die it's just gone I think that's it I've never found anything in like any other spot there's that and there's there and there's there and then there's just a circle I've never found anything in another spot so whatever we got to get out and we actually have to extract this car being taken and now all I had to check was if the car extract was there well guess what huh I'm a changed man I'm a changed man I got a goddamn splint we're improving then I'll pay for this car and we'll go and we're out GG's entering the final raid of the day one more hit on dorm's Mark key and it's all over but my Hope was already super low looking at everything we've gotten so far 1.3 million Rubles is what I would need to get from this raid in order to get back the rubles I spent on this key so unless we got something insane like two injector cases it's not looking so great my luck's ending now to a scav I don't think anyone's here I'm not even going to check I'm just going to believe can anyone like hide in here no okay cool should have checked that first time but 10 out of 10 last hit do me well it ain't looking good the hell bro bro uh this might be the worst one what is this a bunch of cheap ass useless guns actually is this cheap I think it's cheap really man is that actually going to be it is that how we're going to end it off [Music] that's underwhelming very underwhelming the thing is right the loot itself of dorm's mar key is actually like really good if if you think if you look at it on paper it's really good you're pulling dark's cases you're pulling injector's cases you're pulling ammo cases you're pulling dog tag cases however I didn't find a single dog tag case but I know you can you're pulling nice guns like a g28 as valves which go like 130k on flea you're sometimes pulling nice ammo you're getting the figurines like all that stuff but then you realize it's 4.5 million Rubles for 10 uses up that to 20 and it would be worth it or half the price and it would be worth it but as it is right now no it's not it's not worth it okay after all 10 raids this is what we came out with all right so um a rough estimate in total we made 3.7 million and the key was 4.5 I mean do I have to say much more I don't think so don't godamn buy it not worth it not worth it iny is all L [Music] me
Channel: CoolestJonas
Views: 24,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, wipe, wipes, raids, explain, gameplay, gaming, funny, escape from tarkov, tarkov, tarkov funny, tarkov memes, bsg, battlestate games, escape from tarkov gameplay, tarkov meme, tarkov arena, coolestjonas, tarkov movie, tarkov short movie, movie tarkov, tarkov movie full, tarkov money farming, tarkov money run, tarkov rouble farming, tarkov rouble glitch, tarkov money guide, tarkov dorms, tarkov dorms pvp, tarkov dorms marked room key, dorms
Id: ghBiiTH-NvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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