Insym Plays Medieval Dynasty with CJ and Psycho - Livestream from 4/4/2024

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Hi V how you guys doing and welcome to Medieval Dynasty we're going to be going to the Middle Ages today let's get YouTube in here hello hello YouTube how are you guys doing and welcome back to the live stream today we are playing medieval Dynasty which is basically medieval village simulator now the best part about this game hello there uh we're going to be playing that's what I was going to say the best part about this game is that it is Co-op and we're going to be playing it with CJ and psycho I'm going to be making a new game hello there you guys doing ready to die in the Middle Ages we're going to die of Dent we're going to get the black plague I can't wait to have rabies Ries okay Ox mod in this game mode you will be able to create your own custom character single player and Co to four players arms and legs have become one I am doing Co-op I'm selecting the game mode now I hope I can send you guys the code uh here copy code because I know everyone has to make a character let's see I'm going to send it in the group chat oh goodness gracious me okay I send it I sent the code I'm just going to start it with with everything at default I'm assuming that's fine default start game click Start game but it didn't start here we go session not found oh yeah okay I I just click Start now maybe after I'm I hope we can all make our character at the same time what is this game about we're going to be running a v Village in the middleages we're going to be recruiting villagers building houses for them sending them off to work we're going to be the Lords of the castle and they'll be the peasants or maybe the other way around I don't know how it goes not yeah it's also been a while since we play with CJ let's go okay I I'm in the Character Creator now so maybe it'll work now let's see is it is it f okay I am oh boy how do we make myself we got to get that different hair we got to get different hair I'm under the map oh God I got long hair that is I need to this is kind of my hair if I don't have gel it's it's pretty embarrassing but that is actually like kind of terrifyingly accurate so I'm going to do that one um oh God that is kind of it's a little darker it's like it's not as redhead oh I'm making a man yeah I'm making a man too um I'm making I guess I mean that's I would say slightly this but it's a little I don't know it looks way darker now because of the gel uh and the lighting are we making ourselves can you even change I mean you can do what I'm I'm building myself I got I found the perfect hair type oh boy let's see uh eyes I need to change color uh I don't really care too much heterocromia oh I see I kind of have like greenish eyes is there green no green option what the hell is this bro I don't I'm not I don't got those blue eyes my God I'm [ __ ] blind dude I'm possessed possessed by a demon I guess we'll do blue I mean it's more blue than anything else here that's not they have in's hair yo wait they I I picked my hair without gel in CU I feel like that's wait is there more you mean the first one uh kind of yeah number one is like you I mean yeah M gel number three is me without gel it's like oh right it's all flat oh boy moles I don't do any moles I'm just going to be this guy this guy is all fine here we go except me uh I'm I we should probably click the ready button at the same time I'm pretty much ready oh wait I'm gaming get peasant SK for oh yeah you can't there it was like animal gel right that would that probably smelled amazing make glue out of a horse right the [ __ ] Shadows of Doubt yeah they have an announcement on the 11th uh I am excited to be getting potentially more Shadows of Doubt DLC I don't know maybe or just a new update probably more because it's an early access still that's why I didn't I was I was just thinking of randomly playing it one day but then I saw that post and I was like well I guess we're waiting until the 11th cuz I really want to play more of this game is one of my favorite oh boy yeah more trash cans throwing around I can't wait to Psycho are you creating a monstrosity no no no I actually look like me I think yeah we're we're going immersive mode right we're going to go to The Tavern at night yeah drinking with the boys maybe have some ill and stuff to be like the old bread that you can like knock someone's teeth out with oh yeah hard as [ __ ] you remember the drinking scene in Kingdom Kong Deliverance where you go I I spin like so many years since I played it but I can't wait what the hell this is this is genuinely my hair I'm not even joking I I 30 minutes ago I changed this haircut you see on the screen right now into this haircut you see on my face right now that's no far off we'll go with that psycho wait psycho you're already in the game you're cheating I'm in the game wait okay I I was just waiting oh God is banging what is going on oh God lagging frame rate frame rate loading shaders oh hello I think it's because someone is loading in where did you guys come in are you attacking me what the hell man he what the all right fight to the death oh I'm dead that's it I'm wait you're actually wait what no no you're fine all righty that's a great start where the hell are we Clean Slate waking up from a nightmare oh my God this is this is how the Middle Ages were right oh yeah wait we do wake up in some kind of infirmary or whatever I need I need to change oh what the hell oh yeah that might be push talk on maybe me I'm going to quickly check some settings cu the frame rate is very ass right now uh let's see settings uh Graphics I might have to build the view it's like frame limit that's fine I maybe turn off vsync then accept changes let's see and then controls I could do push to talk in game uh push the talk where is that controls preset default can you not say that controller type I didn't see it excuse me can we just not do controller type please how do I change oh keybinds here uh push to talk will you marry me excuse me what oh man what the [ __ ] how did you do that dude that's thing you can wait how am I blind is push the talk on here somewhere push the talk push the talk you look lovely oh my God he's going I don't know where push the talk is I don't see I don't see push the talk you can just turn voice down so maybe do but don't we want to do in game if it's I mean I don't know if it's going to be better probably ass well I'm not using any key for okay I'll turn down voice down but is that got to turn down the voice of all the characters can you done uh I don't know if this going to make like all the the characters mute probably ouch I think I don't think we do that I mean I couldn't hear them anyway so I'll just leave this at 100 no I can't hear you that's good uh what did I do oh God help help I'm dying I'm dead Press B Press B are you can you hear me double marry me PR oh my God chat oh that's that wait how do I turn that off you actually do look like you okay my looks I'm intimidating beautiful okay yeah I'm at half HP now thank you so much I need to move my uh oh my God I'm getting knocked out I get knocked out but I get up again can you are you what health are you at do you get up at full health just under which one is the for the red one oh what the hell who's this guy hello sir don't beat him up don't he's helping us he has a quest for us guys no it doesn't matter kill him I don't know what to say but I kind of feel oh here we go uh okay you're alive and you look quite mobile as well we're getting the main quest here don't I don't know what to say but I feel great that might that might be a sign of devastating psychosis taking over the brain to soothe your mind okay we're going insane why are you saying that I don't know let's find out we're dying are you dead no I'm not dead don't worry what goes up must come down excuse me who the [ __ ] are you he is sedn he is age 52 he has a lot to say he's got way too much oh we have to choose okay okay wait you have to choose your your quest here like how you start you can choose if you were a commander or like uh if you were caught crossing the border or something let's see what do we got can you guys talk to him at the same time or no we can like listen to you talk to him oh I see um we can see all the text options the flames and screams I was just a petty Thief I'm a commander commander of a guard hired to protect the Convoy of Builders and Craftsmen we were attacked uh listen kid my only job is in this place is to treat people I ask you these questions to see if your brain works as it should I don't judge so by lying you're not protecting your ass just complicating my job I've seen marks on your wrists you were no guard I'm sorry you don't you don't owe me any explanations nobody else knows about your past all right then uh Goodbye Oh I am I'm on it okay anyway uh we have a a clean slate waking up from a nightmare we've done it we need to do exercises I have one HP how did you do this to me yeah I mean you just for yourself right oh [ __ ] off man stop it okay uh we have quests oh my God there's so many quests I'm a little overwhelmed he's an yeah how is this guy 52 if it's the Middle Ages shouldn't he be [ __ ] dead isn't the average age of people in this time like 30 yeah a faker years old oh you can craft okay okay I see uh yeah I I turned down off vsync and it seem to kind of help with the frame rate I'm just going to oh it's a beautiful day I love here what are we doing we going to the tavern I need to do list of exercises what is this exercises extraction does anyone know how this game works this it affection we can have affection affection this is the parameter parameter used in flirting in relationships when you meet a traveler of the appropriate age 18 plus and no more than 10 years of age difference you may begin flirting with them psycho will you marry me is that how you flirt how do you flirt uh b b wait wait wait will you marry me stop proposing R is that will you marry me oh boy it's a baby oh that's a child that's a no punch the child what are you Maniac Okay you can a little baby he's adorable okay what uh the [ __ ] can do we have a map we do have a map we are in Pia I see this place looks the T by the way I have a quest marker over here I'm going to go to the quest marker uh you oh here knowledge huh what the [ __ ] are you naked what do you mean am I naked what is this Quest marker and how do I get rid of it where's oh there he is I I'm at the same building where we started there's just a quest marker here that I it seems to be at this oh my God you [ __ ] you knocked the door into me and I died are you kidding me all right great start yes that actually did damage to me don't you dare okay uh how do we do the quest I actually punch you cuz you food okay we're getting all kinds of stuff I need screaming we need to eatch water yes I know we can drink water ouch oh here we go I have I have the quest there we go gather resources you guys got the quest too or do I only have it yeah I got so many notific so many things on the screen I think we should leave this Village cuz this is not ours we got to build our own village do we do we get any tools or we're just going to punch a tree Minecraft style these guys are Maniacs by the way I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with these fools and die over and over again going on oh I've discovered a pigeon look at this place man it's so colorful the Middle Ages were not that bad huh I mean we're going to die over and over again what am I saying uh let me guess we can travel with you guys Skyrim Style why are you punching a horse you just punch someone just punching in the I can't punch this guy we Maniac Okay let's see where are we going we should probably uh go like outside or maybe tells you where animals are where are the chickens what's up what this guy will tell you where different animals are for doing here we menaces to society it's psia do we not need to talk to there's lot of quest markers on the screen maybe we should talk to those people I know oh there's a loot there we can loot the chest near the sick house wait a minute wait a minute we're learning this is GTA 6 can even the the place okay I have a question marker here I'm robbing it what is this I red the T oh you need to pick up Stones I see we need to gather Stones yes yes yes game I know what we're doing here uh you could steal the knife I'm not going to steal the knife cuz they're immediately going to hate me I'm picking up all these Stones I can just loot stones in the village I am it wasn't I got C stealing for the first time I got a stone man it wasn't me they're hating me am they going to get like bad is this stealing I'm just picking up sticks sticks and stones sticks collect okay I'm almost there I'm just going around there's all these like exclamation marks those are Stones you got to pick up the stones and then we need to craft knives and stuff okay uh give me more stick six how was that theft yeah that's what I'm saying oh I see yeah I got it okay Stone gaming I'm gaming I've played games I know what i' I've played a game in my life one or two all right I got 10 stones I'm insane with it uh now what do we do how do I craft c i press C no craft creation menu is Q here we go hand crafting oh we're doing it baby craft a stone knife he's done it I'm a gamer oh there's oh you guys stole something of course you did I was like me I was like what the hell is going on why did I get caught for stealing I have a stone knife you better not mess with me anymore cuz I will stab you wait how did you get a knife you got to find Stones it says it at the top right loot the chest near the sick house uh I'm going to loot the chest let's see wasn't this where we started this is the sick house I need a knife no this is not the sick house where's the sick house is that over here I don't remember where that is I found I like uh where did we started that was a sick house is it this ah it's empty there's got to be something can we build this this is crazy oh there is stuff in here uh didn't we start like next to this oh you looted it you looted the chest what was in the chest log sticks and straw ooh okay we need to build our first house with that skin the chicken lying next to the chest wait where was this chest I have the knife okay I'm coming I'm coming oh oh you CH it you how do I do this click careful you did I stab someone there we go I'm I'm skinning it we're learning baby that looks very realistic totally I got 26 feathers for meat craft a simple torch you need to press Q see what you can craft I cannot craft a torch I need oh you got straw wait you need to craft a torch I want to make the torch make yummy chicken he's doing something okay you got that wooden oh hi there oh nice I will make a wooden spare never mind I need a log do you have a log how how about you burn a house or something can we burn this whole village down it oh my God he's crazy I I think you need to uh you need to craft a spear as well cuz I don't have the log that you got okay working on it and then we're going to hunt something can we just steal if they don't look at us I'm just there's so many ants here oh nice we've done it light the campfire inside the sick house that's this right run boy there's a fire here you got to do your torch on it presume wait is this a sick house I don't know this is the is the next one this one is here right this one we are pros at this yeah psycho does look way too much like yourself it's actually kind of creepy oh nice okay I will cook the meat now I think but you're you're crafting I can't craft uh I will make soup what do I need to do roast the meat other I'm going to go and do some archery with my spe uh how do I roast soups oh my God there's so many [ __ ] options um do I just wow I'm oh I just click on the campfire directly I see roast to meat craft it all boom Oh my God the graphics on this is that a fish oh my God there's meat yeah I have a chicken I'm roasting some meat right here we need to talk to this guy again I guess stop stabbing you you guys can have some food are you guys also super super hungry cuz I am in the game uh oh we got so much stuff in our inventory wait a minute I'm can you take off your pants can I take off my pants I took off my pants I'm putting my pants back on I'm eating the meat okay consumed the meat can I get some food man I'm dung over here man you got a full inventory with dried meat by the way who Apple eat it okay I'm full I'm eating an apple too I'm healthy all right I am full now I I was only not full because you guys knocked me out with this door before how do I get health back I want Health yeah I don't know how we do that I think it just slowly he if you're not hungry it looks I see yeah oh yeah I got I got a bunch of Health back oh no eating gave me a temporary Health Region oh interesting so if you eat an apple oh yeah you're totally right okay so you need to eat in you need to not just Gorge Everything at Once apples give you food and water I see yeah I move myself slightly more so you can see the you okay giv you now we need to talk to Sedin we need to talk to Sedin who the [ __ ] is this guy uh I see it's not you but you got a quest h hello how do you do uh could you tell me do you have any quests what do you think about what what are your thoughts on set some sticks and stones who um The Barber surgeon oh yes him he does the job would I rather replace him with someone who's younger and smells better yes in a heartbeat there are many candidates for the positions coming through so let's just so I let him stay wait who are you oh he is the freaking he's the wait I'm talking to the Lord's Son by accident he was like roasting the [ __ ] out of someone I was like why the hell you talking so smug because he's a lord can I punch him punch the Lord there go I handed in a quest nice you did it okay oh this is Mir God that's the guy I was talking to a moment ago this guy good day to you my le I am here at your request uh less talking more paying attention peasant my time is precious listen I made a deal with your guild for a whole Caravan Builders Crafters Architects tons of materials everything necessary for the creation of a new settlement but instead of it all I got you it's not my fault are you implying it's not my fault he's just sad cuz his head bad I'm not I'm I'm not done talking now because you people decided you'd like to be ambushed and slaughtered your friends back in the guild don't want to send anything or anyone more that's not what we agreed on but I'm too tired too busy and too annoyed to try and reason with them so you you have to have to do what to build a new settlement okay oh that sure piece of cake that's what I like to hear although I have absolutely no faith in your success at least I can finally Heir some enthusiasm around here don't worry about a thing I'm a professional well maybe I have misjudged you enthusiasm confidence you may actually be worth something after all great go and find Derwin he's my Quarter Master if you need anything bother him with questions not me Derwin I almost forgot echam I hereby Grant you the yada yada you can out build on whichever unoccupied land you want just remember paying the taxes oh God we have to pay taxes this is like real life okay we need to talk to derin now we are doing it I ran into him I'm running into him over and over again get get pushed sir hello it's pom here who is this guy could you move how is business going no problem with the supplies welcome and thank you for asking oh he's talking master I'm not sure the most wait what am I doing would you maybe like to become one of my local farmers and have your wear sold in the most prestigious stall in pestova Pia sure it would be an honor I'm especially looking for beetroots there's a beetroot Baron who comes and buys them all in Bol can we actually we're supposed to be an all Pia yeah this is our this is like our friend City uh the market can be quite unpredictable and dangerous to ask sorry forget I don't want to insinuate that you are any kind of danger I got beetroot seats from this random guy he wants beetroots but we can just steal it for herself going all right you're talking to the derin or what are you doing oh you did it is done nice okay we got Dynasty reputation and [ __ ] uh what do we need to do keep an eye on the situation in Oxbo okay now we just need to stay vigilant so we can start building it's almost night and we haven't even done anything we're going to suck at this fine I'm going to go kill all the Wolves uh we should build do you have logs still how do we get logs we need to no bo oh this is cool where are we going should we go B we've got to do that maybe go maybe go across the river so we're close to the water cuz we want to be close to the river and we can't build next to the town I think the closest place we can build is over here we have I you can't see my screen obviously but if we go across the bridge wait let me see if I can find it wolves Among Us amongus did you get the quest amongus yeah I got loads of quests from the notice oh I see I see I see I also got a quest to plant beetroot seeds oh I'm getting daisies this is like just truly Kingdom Come Deliverance where you have to make like fake potions and [ __ ] that actually work for some reason I love it Among Us Among Us what look at that you got to come over here it's so pretty which way did you go I went oh sleep uh we need to sleep and stuff I went to the river at the back I am uh Northwest East Northeast CU I think we should build next to the river cuz that's where we get water cuz we can just drink from the from the river right do we get denter if we drink this let me try can I steal this scyth is anyone going to notice I didn't get denter maybe I did I'm not sure we can also fish dude it's so PR fish I love this man can I collect this oh I can I'm getting straw you can collect the The Forbidden hot dogs at the side of the river to get some straw yummy yummy that sounds good uh there we go okay I'm waiting for you guys here so you know where we're going are you guys coming to the back of the or north northwest this where I went Northwest Northeast I'm just collecting some forbidden corn dogs whatever they're called oh these things you get straw from it mushroom oh here we go I got so much straw all right we need to chop down a tree I don't see you guys at all I'm the Nodge wait what okay no no I see purple here purple you're you ran further ahead you're 7 yeah there we go hi don't throw that in my face please I'm going to die want please okay psycho look at you're on the complete opposite side of the city you dummy I'm coming I'm coming I'm Lo okay we're going to go start building cuz otherwise we're never going to get anything done before night time um you can see on the map we can't build in the Red Zone I think the closest is like over here yeah we're we're going to be great at this game I'm telling you what we need to make an axe let's see I want to get an axe I need oh ax Stone ax let's go there's mushrooms and everything yeah this game got multiplayer recently which is why I wanted to check it out uh how do I equip my I can put it in quick slots give me my stone axe on one and my knife on two all right I'm chopping down our first tree oh tree cut I love the tutorials everywhere I figured this out game don't worry we got this we're pros this guys so far away man why are you so far away huh have you ever thought of that building okay creation menu nice oh and then you have to chop the tree that's on the floor into logs it's the most realistic game I've ever played yeah you can but you got to chop them in half first you're carrying too much on your shoulders okay there's so many ants on the floor uh let's see how do we build build a house here we go very important houses where are we building by the way we're building a small house I would I would say here why not literally right here oh okay wow that's not that small we got to make some space Maybe chop some trees here choo choo CH it's already night we need to sleep yeah we're do CJ and I our team I don't know where psycho is hey look who it is you got the axe start chopping we got work to do Brothers we're same Dynasty right we're family oh God stop freaking talking to me with all these tutorials bro my gu really TI figure out need to get rid of the CH stomp can I chop it chop oh God you almost hit me with that tree this is was not my intention so you got to chop it after it's on the yeah ground like that I am so heavy right now I got many many logs those we need uh I mean we need lots of logs you need a shovel have you started the house yet I can't even move them so heavy what the [ __ ] okay there are obstacles can I drop this on the floor obstacle was meop everything oh you can drop it as one big log we just do it here right is it uh yeah sure wait what's the entrance though where was the entrance it's not at the back right uh probably the really the worst place we wanted it is it's like at the back of the house no no I think it's here where I am oh no that's totally fine all right let's let's go uh can I turn off tutorials somehow is that a thing I can do cuz I don't want tuto user interface tutorials go [ __ ] yourself I don't want those can I you build a hammer did you don't knife me I hear your voice from time to time it's weird yeah it's it seems to be like Reverb from in's mic isn't it right really sounds like it what like Echo sounds like oh wait a minute let me see maybe it has the wrong maybe my Discord has the wrong microphone let me see we're figuring this out quter dark hold me I'm building Foundation this is going to be way worse right now you can hear everything can I help you this is better you need you need a hammer I built some things I'm building more I guess I I'm building oh my God I'm hardcore building uh I need a log I don't let's build one give me two logs there's nine logs over there I dropped nine logs right here but I couldn't carry them and it made me too heavy I need a log for my uh yoink yoink for my building Hammer let's go one more all right I got a I got a hammer there's nine logs further further on Stone oh baby I'm building okay oh he's doing it dude he's build we got a building unlocked well can I just help you guys build or do I need stuff you just need a hammer and then you just but I need stuff wait no you don't oh because I have sticks I have many sticks look at that I'm insane hell yeah man that's good let's go you also do free form that doesn't strike me like the game oh I have no more I've got enough probably to do all of it I got sticks we need lots of logs I have many sticks I'm doing all the sticks on the straw look at this hey what's up we're being absolute pros of this game right now I'm missing logs man okay I'm going to collect more uh forbidden hot dogs cuz I need straw wait can we build a chest or is that going to be in here that's probably going to be in this house I'll chop down some trees I'm chopping it down you can decorate let's go you can play this game in VR what the [ __ ] cool okay my ax is almost dead so we can buy a can you make a shovel you can make a shovel I need two logs wait a minute I'm getting six from this as well get two logs and then I make a shovel shovel and then you can dig up these things ah let's see I'm going to put that on four I'm Roofing never mind n okay you can chop the or you can dig up if you make a shovel you can dig up the stumps to get a log from it and make space huge huge Intel uh I have log let's go I need more logs wait my ax is already gone yeah you got to it's like the classic everything breaks we never played valheim though okay my ax is going to die here goodbye axe I need logies I need tholl where do we get Stoll you get it from the from been hot dogs what The Cattails The Cattails boom what the [ __ ] did you see that it was dancing bro okay build yes dude I don't know what it is about crafting games it just gets my gets my gamer juice is pumping oh my God I'm drunk I love it the world is my oyster you're already drunk yeah yeah I found some wine Fu psych wait where did you find that yeah I was wandering around I'm sorry how do you just find wine and that's throw grow up wine there was a raccoon drinking it what of course he is drunk psychoholic oh I found wine I need to drink it I'm sorry boom now my vision is blurry he is [ __ ] crazy hey we're out here this is totally what I expected by the way that CJ and I would be like building houses and psycho would just do stupid [ __ ] all the time building the house excuse me what do you mean I'm doing all the logs sir I also have a bow okay can you poison arrow you got poisoned arrows how the [ __ ] did you get that this man's from where walk now we're out here building the house I'm kicking you out you're not allowed to sleep here okay I'm going to get some more cat tails oh you got them we need a bunch of cat okay that's the only thing we need then then it's done cuz I got all the logs I think oh baby wa you can already sleep in it oh no we need to build this to never mind I mean I got logs I dropped them behind here I've got enough it we just need the rest of the roof I think okay I got the my hammer doesn't break oh baby that's it we've done it swe achievement unlocked baby you f what is this [ __ ] how do I how the [ __ ] do you do this every just I was just here excuse me you can press escape and then unstuck oh we can now put the logs in here let's go we can store stuff I will be storing all my sticks and my Stones they will break no bones fire is lit my daisies okay you can't really put much in there nice we got a fire and everything I need to eat some food I am very I'm going to eat another Apple yum yum can we put some torches here yeah but we need Candlestick which is two iron bars for some reason what okay uh it's sleepy time I'm sleeping you got who's sleeping in the big I'm sleeping in the big bed same I'm trying to skip the day you guys do what you want to do yeah I'm going to sleep next day or next season don't do next season oh it's a beautiful new day we can actually see again look at that and I don't even need to eat anymore house that's actually sick let's go can we change this great oh we can change oh what the hell in the O assign tenants oh should we can recruit villagers and put them in here but then we can sleep there that's cool we got to chop more things you could build a little village then yeah so let's see what else do we want to build we want to build like a well right houses no no houses survival oh there's so many things Farming Farming seems important I so I got 16 beetroot seeds uh he wanted beatroots the guy in the farm so I guess we'll make a farm that seems important we do that at the back here should uh oh you need to spend your skill points but oh what the hell of course it's a survival game I'm just making some space here and then making a farm can we all if we all quickly make a farm I'm assuming that's going to grow for a little while so then we can then do like a little Expedition um I do hunting of course that's fine just everyone run around aimlessly I expect nothing less you discovered a animal spotf knowledge resource storage I'll just do everything then don't worry about me oh 5% slower durability loss for axes seems pretty good that's good wait so we can each of us can like specialize in a specific thing I'm going to do survival I think and here let's see uh buildings I'm building a farm I'm making a Farm by the way this seems quite important yeah you can be Farm man oh my God what the [ __ ] can I not rotate this why is it like this okay that's unfortunate uh I needed 16 right so that's 4x4 I'm going to do a 5x5 Farm to start well it could you just do a 4x4 and then do all the beetroot suits in here and then I'll build another farm for I'll be the cook then I'll do cooking oh that's smart yeah yeah yeah okay the grid orientation is very annoying but whatever it is what it is okay I'm going to make a wooden hoe I'm assuming that's what we need beats time and then I would like to put that oh I have no skill points but I do want this one I see so you only get skill points for the things you do oh here we go I am grubbing up some soil here grubby grubby dude I'm a pro at this not grubbed up I'm all grubbed up so we need to deliver 70 beetroots yeah but we're I got all the seeds for it and I'm building a farm exactly as much as we need I'm going to do this I've got to get four logs 18 straw and 17 sticks and I do that what are you doing it's a quest for the uh what's it called look at that okay I'm assuming I need can I do I I need fertilizer poison arrow does anyone have fertilizer probably not right I need to maybe buy some fertilizer do we have money we have 50 coins could we put our coins together and buy 16 fertilizer uh no get a job my job is to do the fertilizer what do you mean get a job what am I supposed to do just pull yourself up by your own bootstraps it's it's simple okay uh I'm just digging up all this stuff give you the coins how does I think if you put it in the chest in the house I can grab it from there yeah yeah perfect I mean I don't know how expensive it is I can check but I'm assuming it's going to be more than one coin per fertilizer cuz I need 16 who are we fertilizing the farm we not fertilizing what are you talking about I'll put half in there yeah okay that's I mean 75 might be enough I'm not sure why can I put 25.1 in let's try that you can make fertilizer but you need rotten stuff who are we fertilizing this man says I might get money for this quest to be fair oh yeah wait that's huge yeah okay uh psycho I need half your coin you need my coins yeah this is taxes I'm it's Farm taxes home tax this is if you want to eat tax I know there's like places we can because the whole map we can just explore around and find loot as well maybe we can find some money I don't know is there any any place of interest what is this wait I'm finding barrels oh look at this wait I found 70 coin on the floor oh my God I found iron ore okay I'm gaming dude he's cracked I got a bag I got another bag wait let's go all right I don't need your [ __ ] anymore I got my own [ __ ] hello there don't eat the mushrooms roll they poison you classic I want to kill that little guy right there I'm going to hunt him bag is needed for fertilizer that's so convenient have stuff for the quest where do I go probably in town somewhere as [ __ ] man we we won the lottery okay I would like to there's lots of logs in the house by the way if you need any ever oh I'll get nine coins for this is that bunny still there damn it I want to stab your ass okay put the if psycho goes hunting that's actually very useful yeah I already killed one one okay uh we got a workshop is this dead oh this you killed it but you didn't skin it you I skinned it I skinned it well maybe there's just a random dead rabbit here then I guess I don't know where cabora is uh cabora these nuts I'm sorry no response oh God Oops stop slushing who slush there's a man slushing here sorry okay I uh killed a bunch of animals I'm going crazy with it look at this one man these [ __ ] they always this guys go Quest [ __ ] gravity dude no piece of [ __ ] okay wait wait there's just stuff you can find around the map then what if I do I have I have many invent or very little inventory space what is that thing over there that looks important like move out the way bro what the [ __ ] is that rock how did that ever get like that what is this what is this world dude you see this [ __ ] rock over here how the hell does that happen trolls of course I where this person is there's got to be something around here right wide tailed eagle oh oh it's an eagle spot hey Thor by the way uh oh there's a kid there's a what the hell I see building over there there's stuff laying around everywhere this is incredible I found copper ore don't mind me buy this Goose please oh my God I actually can let's go I'm getting rich out here wait this is fun what is that is that a b building can I loot it bro if we make an animal farm I can buy this chick nice we're going to be going to have all the chicks they're going to love us Goose what is this can I just loot this this looks abandoned where is I will come for you um barrel bag another bag a handbag I would like to loot it all yes Ry grain I'll take it okay I am looting like crazy uh I got animal feed that's probably going to be needed for if we make an animal farm so that seems good so how do I use my skill point how do you use skill points what do you do to do that press F uh tab sorry and then on skills the ones with the little icon on you can spend at the top okay I'm getting [ __ ] Rich out here man I found another 60 coins what the [ __ ] mu can I get more caring capacity I would love that just do stuff um treasure treasure hunter 5% chance 5% more experience gained from extraction activities that seems very useful oh we have no skill points to spend all right never mind then I have one skill point to spend this guy iron liver poisoning resistance Temperance I know you can't or temperature tolerance poison resistance 5% more experience gain that seems very useful let's do that uh what is up here I want to get all the loot hya there's a chest oh my God I'm already rich man bronze sickle unlock stuff I'm going to be so heavy potion of strength I found a potion of strength I'm going to be a warrior wool I'm getting a little heavy but this kind of cracked uh any more what is that beer bottle I'll take that don't mind if I do is that more coin oh my God I found another 50 coin I'm getting rich I think the person I have to give this to is 900 me away so I'm going to run yeah okay this is insane wait there's oh there's like a deer out here psycho what is it I'm at the I'm at an abandoned house and there's like a bunch of deer out here want to hunt one of them yeah I have a ton of tear here okay let's see can I kill one I'm going to be sneaking they're never going to know what H woman actually maybe I should just run because they're kind of stuck in a corner probably one is not going to be enough huh die in the butt boom in the butt what is this for slide again I don't know if you've ever heard that one boink oh God this is totally normal don't worry about it did I kill that guy oh I suck at this okay uh hunting is a little harder than I expected one stick is not enough to kill this guy what a scam can you become a a Witcher uh that's what I already am can I just run up to oh wait this guy yeah yeah yeah H Get Wrecked okay there we go all right I'm just going to stick with rabbits rabbits seem a little easier by it oh we can buy a gun in no I'm just kidding an AK-47 yeah where where can you get the rocket launcher oh my god dude die idiot I'm on my pilgrimage I'll see you guys later oh come on hya how did I miss you son of a dingdong okay I'm just going to run up to him and stab him okay never mind I'm bad at that too dude I'm a we just got hunting lodge let's go uh give me I need stones Stones wait I'm finding so many things everywhere I found a chest in the middle of nowhere wait dude this game is it's loot it's dopamine to hell man Dam I'm traumatized I'm sorry I'm going to skin this guy I will go back why you were running fast yeah there's like stuff everywhere what is in the chest oat bear tin ore I'm going to be so heavy man I can't move I got a shovel wooden shovel doesn't seem very useful come on give me some gold Apple very useful I would say oat beer also I'm going to eat one of the app no I would like to eat one of the apples please eat an apple yum yum yum yum yum oh you're really fast at Diagon Le so stupid Oh axe Stone axe I'll take that what there just a bunch of logs here oh my God there's Buffalo oh screaming at me there's like a trillion logs here that I can't take okay so there's not much here I should probably go back to the base right now I'm also extremely slow but it is what it is Apple yum yum I could wait is the strength potion give it does it give me more carrying capacity no 50% more damage though okay I need to walk very far maybe I should drop some [ __ ] that's heavy uh let's see maybe I should drop some sticks drop that [ __ ] on the floor please am I going to be faster now wool thread okay this it is what it is I guess just eat backpack I need a backpack yum yum I'm eating I'm I'm stinky I have a stinky modifi you need to go into the wall I guess stinky I'm at the next town oh nice I'm very heavy coins yeah ran all the way over there I need to buy fertilizer and stuff I'm going to clean myself cuz I'm a s boy pushing fast by the way it's hilarious really yeah just walk through all this disgusting water that's filled with like [ __ ] that's going to get me clean is that actually how that works no all right that doesn't make a lot of sense wait no I am getting clean wait it actually works I'm going to get so many leeches okay never mind I did it I'm also going to drink some water these are so hard to eat man also I think my windows is disconnected something I should not walk through the water yeah deers are hard drink the stinky water drink my own stink water that is pretty good bro pigeon oh man I can see our house in the distance I'm making it I've arrived yeah this is recycling guys oh are you joking me I could have got the wagon here God damn it yeah that would have cost money though wait there's duck spend my nine coins to get back yeah exactly you okay my stamina freaking sucks run diagonally are you oh my God it's one of these games running diagonal is faster than I'm running straight has already said that like three times oh sorry that's so stupid oh my God I was too busy drinking my own stinky water wow that was really worth it for my nine coins can you how much does it cost to travel with the thing I'm going to steal stuff hasn't this game been out for like two years how if they not fix this that's amazing okay I'm going to put so much cooked meat in the house uh oh never mind I don't got a torch how do I make that I need straw God damn it okay I'm just going to store this bro it costs 160 to get back my God totally worth I'm going to put all the ore in there okay wait is this going to fit oh never mind the chest is not big enough can we make a chest or do are we just [ __ ] um how do I make a chest this game is really boggy man I you you mean you are like finding lots of bugs I only skinn the deer and then I what the [ __ ] we should build a storage cuz I'm getting annoyed by the lack of it sorry guys just running all the way back wait I can't move anymore how did you get that Quest if it was all the way over there it was on the notice board web I see okay I'm building I'm making space diggy diggy I don't have an axe how do oh no I do but I don't have a knife Cho Choo you guys should just you're purple right you're 700 me away my man is going places okay can I fit this here building this is going to be important extraction no not extraction storages resource storage how many coins do you need you said no no it's fine I already got I found so many coins everywhere okay I'm I'm just building a resource storage first because this [ __ ] is annoying like there can only be 50 kg of storage in the house and it's already full just skinning a rabbit what oh that's a stick okay does that fit or do I need to get rid of that tree see hand I keep clicking hand crafting buildings storage resource storage how does that not there we go okay I I need to just get rid of this these few trees here yeah I don't have fertilizer I'm going to be getting fertilizer don't worry I'm just making some storage first do we have a chest or something in the house okay we're all listening to each other I was just saying I'm building the resource storage that'll be good we're talking fast other like all the time I mean I did it just a moment to go so cute drift teamwork is hard all right let's see I'm too [ __ ] fat bro I'm an NPC Quest is that what he says I already knew it the quest is called I'm an NPC wait what excuse now broer is really worried about her husband he seems to know too much the fourth wall is crumbling excuse me what are you doing you found the most insane Quest I'm tracking it I'm going to go and speak to him okay I have built a storage reach Camp development level achievement let's go okay now I need to pull out oh God I need many Stone you speak to him and he says oh a player character the sole purpose of my miserable existence amazing okay yeah we have like no storage here whatsoever do you have any Stones dropped them to get to you get here let's see Stones here uh oh there's 17 stones in here the grab Stones I'm going to be very heavy but it doesn't matter cuz I'm going to put the iron or back okay this man wants a wheel taste you're [ __ ] blocking the house man I mean what do you want to do in here I want to drop my stuff in there yeah but the just is full oh wait actually I just EMP drop it on the floor does it not save it there I am not able to move I'm literally stuck es Escape I'm door stuck Oh no you're probably too heavy I yeah yeah yeah I am just like me excuse me okay heavy to even get here not uh I have shovel I'm just robbing everyone I have extra I will get rid of this can I just delete an axe I might I can actually move again I can move again Freedom yeah I need logs and stick I got everything though maple tree I'm assuming also logs yeah there we go okay I want to build okay here we go he's going crazy I'm getting slowly faster cuz my encumbrance is going away beautiful all right this is not how you would build excuse me great visuals instead of doing it one log at the time you do it like small bits on all of them totally that's how that working some more people you're going to get arrested it's going to reflect poorly on the family coins oh my God I can't believe I just found this item what are you doing wait until I get home I got a treat for you guys I'm just going to rob some more people point this is easy I mean I'm probably going to have to build a whole lot of extra stuff okay I need to get used to my key binds let's see I'm going to put shovel on three knife on four and I should put stolen so much build thing I need a wheel though put build let's keep build thing on three otherwise it gets very annoying okay I need a log okay one is a one should be weapon actually never mind one should be weapon move this all one down there I can't move good that no more NPCs woke up up because are you cut up good that no more NPCs woke up what because then the game devs would need to add the profession of a psychologist or maybe the whole village of psychologist what the [ __ ] is going on you found like the one the Troll Quest immediately how do you do this you you you've seen nothing yet you went until you see the gift I've got oh no can you can the meat so bad in this game uh it's a realistic game simulator yes I I mean I'm just guessing I don't know but I would say yes probably then I need carrots or something or be okay stole the wheel and go give it to that guy I need wait for the next day spear sleep in someone's bed yeah I'm going to do the fertilizer after I build the storage if anyone who is here maybe called psycho would help with the storage that would be oh just fantastic I want I want to I want to cook stuff you know I have so much meat I don't want it to go bad okay three is shovel now I thought I'm big mama here oh that's fine that's fine oh I got a new level in extraction these [ __ ] sticks man I need more I just robed everyone of everything they own in this Village they're going to be so happy let's go he's doing it all right Bo now oh my God we need so much stuff uh lots of sticks but I have lots of sticks so that's not too bad well I need to wait a day am I getting like this wheel experience for crafting as well like building does that give me experience psycho is Medieval mom you already proposed you do okay I'm going to level up building then for sure I bet I should see if I got any skill points that I can like get to get more skill points you got to spend money to make money yeah let's go let's get the increase in experience as our first thing on everything it's an investment where's Kelvin when you need him good one we got to get a Kev I mean psycho is basically our Kelvin you can actually get your villagers to work for you though right so this game is basically Kelvin simulator iar rock thank you for the 13 we just need to find some Kelvin I don't know if you wa you probably need more houses to recruit people go where the tuxedo oh God I broke a hammer let's go man I'm going I'm going pretty hard here I should probably focus on Far Far More the thing probably closes doesn't it what the [ __ ] I don't know if the shop closes at a realistic hour in this game probably wait maybe I should quickly can you guys sleep cuz I need to wait a day uh that'd be really handy for sleeping can you sleep somewhere randomly yeah I've got I I made a campfire and you can just sleep by it oh I see I mean we can sleep we are both here I think are you here melting my feet across the make some meat too I'm roasting some food real quick because I'm dying of hunger if you eat um dried meat it like lowers your food consumption oh I'm also stinky again God damn it why is this man so stinky oh I'm stinky too you got to go to the water nah that's going to be my Persona the stinky Steely man you probably get less Charisma you you sell at lower prices or something oh God I'm actually all dirty all over my face let's see okay I eat I'm not eating the Dy meat cuz that's going to last a while I'm just eating this okay that doesn't heal you though the dri meat doesn't oh wait that's dried meat oops the roasted meat doesn't heal DED meat probably hanging on a on a drying wreck yeah I'm here just sleep okay you guys are you're also here sleeping together let's go I need to see if we can do one uh sleep first so of course you in your and yeah sure husband yeah you already proposed thank you amazing all righty now I need okay first of all I we can finish this in the morning he literally said in the quest he doesn't know why he wants it he's just asking for something to feel achieve we need a lot of straws oh God I need a lot of sticks do I basically need a little bit of everything blink okay I'm going to maybe what I should do first how much I don't have any storage [ __ ] me man uh I want to just drop off maybe I can drop the beer here I have sticks I already used the sticks though does anyone where dry is in the menu okay wait wait wait I'll just take all these sticks and then yeah that's totally fun what now I mean I'm assuming there is I don't know if there is wait we we leveled up you leveled a dream he was pretending of course I was like oh here's that wheel you asked for and he's like what the thank you for the Super Sub what the hell I'm not leveling up in building ever though what the [ __ ] yeah there's logs too I mean I can only do this one at a time could you grab stuff from the chest and help building this because it's going to take a trillion years if I do this all by myself psycho uh what do we need everything sticks logs straw no rocks though ch ch am I'm going to play content warning I don't think I'll ever play that game again it was very boring I mean it was fun for two hours and then it was like the worst thing I've ever played that game is I mean maybe they're going to do crazy updates for it but I doubt anyone will play it anymore after like 3 weeks because the whole game is just make funny be funny maybe they'll upgrade it and then it would be interesting but there's like five monsters and you just run into the same monster every time and you're like you pretend to be scared and then you video it and then you throw it in the thing and it's like it's lethal company but there's nothing to do besides being scared which means that you don't get scared because like it's hard to be forcefully scared I think what makes lethal company scary is that you focus on other stuff and then suddenly there's like a [ __ ] Bracken and you're like holy [ __ ] but it's like as if in Lethal company the whole point was go look for a Bracken and then say hi it's a Bracken look at the Bracken like it doesn't work I don't know I don't think that game would work I'm coming home that's just that's just what I experienced at least I mean the first as I said the first two hours were very fun but after that it's like wait a minute that's all there is and then I stopped playing it's just because it was free like not everyone wants to see their favorite streamer play which I I'm going to upload a video about it tomorrow which I enjoyed the video is not going to be negative I'm just saying that I enjoyed my time with it 2 hours and now I don't want to play it anymore that's all like it was it was fun for 2 hours but I don't think I could play that game for much longer than that but it was definitely fun it was I don't think every game needs to be played for 100 hours at the time what do you have beer nice yeah I think the I think one of the main things that immediately made it feel like visually dull was that for like probably saving resources they made everything black and white so all the monsters are black and white all the textures are black and white so it's just kind of you're just looking at like black and white all the time instead of it being cuz like the monsters in Lethal company have like all kinds of crazy colors I mean not all of them of crazy colors but at least there is collar when is Ghost gambling probably finally playing fast mode tomorrow cuz I I have time tomorrow am I the only one building this house now or what is going on I am collecting the straw for the roof I just did a quest so I'm doing loads he's gaming this is like absolutely nonsensical work oh wait a minute oh never mind I'm stupid I thought I was collecting The Cattails but I'm collecting the other stuff now I finally understand what I'm doing here oops whoops I thought I was collecting those things I was like why can't I pick it up dude what the [ __ ] okay there we go now I got it I was like why is there so few hit boxes that I can click on this doesn't make any sense use the sickle oh wait does that make this faster probably all right I mean I already got probably enough I buil the whole house psycho brings to LS am I the only one building this that is pretty accurate the [ __ ] CH wait how did I go for person how do you know scroll wheel oh oh thank you I don't I don't want to ever do that how did I not level up in building if that's actually a skill I've done so much [ __ ] building bro uh or is that because we're unlock is that the new buildings we're unlocking okay I just need logs though lethal company was realistic I mean I don't know the the the the like um tradeoff with making art less realistic is just that it's faster to do right so making a game like lethal company would take forever if you had to make hyper realistic textures for everything unless you're like AI it or something I don't know I am Cho choing oh my God I'm home let's go we're almost done with yeah we're I'm building a uh storage it's almost done we just need a few tree a few logs if you want to help I'll a present what' you get you look so disgusting what steel no don't worry about it mate uh all right then thank you I'm going to chop these trees with with the copper ax oh baby I got something even better baby I got a knife and a sphere and it's all copper nice I got some uh some ores that we can make into bars probably I don't know oh my God so many logs on these is huge yeah it's just going to be a storage we should live in this place it's sick there's a ladder that you can't go up it's not done yet oh I think it's all just literally like two two more and we're good can you repair tools uh I don't know can you I think you can plant trees yeah there was an orchard option maybe there's like a repair oh yeah let's see we're going to do it baby oh my God what do you got what the [ __ ] is that it's called the Honker the Honker can you honk excuse me what the [ __ ] I'm just here about to finish this oh my God my man's looking ridiculous it gives me cold protection so it's m oh nice well here we go boink it's done construction completed how much can this store 1,000 kilos let's go I'm throwing everything in here that I don't need nice that's why I wanted that and I'm going to come back and it's going to be full with like seven trillion stones that pyo through finally build a storage my meat you know don't need that Oak beer can you actually drink this or oh yeah I guess maybe I keep it too much what excuse me what nothing it's going to be filled with 100 the uh Stone I mean we got to store everything here that I don't need and then I should buy get build oh yeah don't worry about that man don't worry what that look at that beautiful we got a little village going here now I got to get fertilizer that's the next important step building takes a while but that makes it so satisfying to actually build something having to build it like one piece at a time but it still has the like blueprint system that's just like easy to like quickly build things instead of having to like one by one build it like in Sons of the forest or something uh where do I buy fertilizer from this guy maybe so he is he he set me up with some kind of pyramid scheme this guy he gave me seeds and now I need to buy fertilizer from him to get the seeds to grow how are you he knows he [ __ ] got me dude he's got so much food does he have fertilizer he doesn't have fertilizer all right never mind he only he only has food can I I could sell anything okay this is stolen I I see it's in red all right I guess I can how do I buy it is this a horror game this is Medieval life so yes probably um you what is this you sell Goods you sell Woodworks look at that are you well she calling me she calling me crazy I guess I am stinky I should not have con here stinky uh how do I get fertilizer I just don't like conversations about the weather your ass I was always fascinated by herbalism could be tell me more about it I didn't know wait what any secrets the secret society of herbalis would SP poison me in my sleep if I did that and you still don't you hear me unless you want to be turned into a mushroom I mean I was just joking around of course it's not real what the hell have a good day you passed the guy I passed like 7 million guys what do you mean you passed the guy what guy which guy what the [ __ ] is this he's making yucky sounds um can I see it on the map maybe so like villagers no it doesn't show up he's butter turnning yeah that's what you want him that's what you that's what you think sick and twisted guy over here you don't actually sell oh no you do sell something do you need anything oh he so clothes wait backpack large pouch it adds a 10 kg I could get a pouch wait I could get that and get five I mean maybe I should save how it going boys we're doing well man I'm trying to find where to buy the [ __ ] fertilizer but all these goddamn villagers sell random [ __ ] dry date glass bottle dude look how much stuff there is in this game wooden figurines good luck um I talked to all of these you are a hunter where's the poop seller man are you the poop seller maybe wait actually he might be the poop seller price is so low you oh yes he sells seeds that means he must sell fertilizer let's go okay fertilizer it cost 4.5 everything is how do I I need to get 16 of this that is exp okay that's not as expensive wait what accept purchase sure I got it this is some expensive [ __ ] poop dude I spent 72 coins to buy poop from this guy God damn it what the hell man I'm getting scammed this man is stons yeah my poop imagine selling poop for that much what a rich guy you can make it yeah I I mean we'll make it eventually poop Smiths he's a poop Smith professional poop maker yeah rotten food but I mean we'd rather eat the food than Let It Go rot I would assume okay now I can do this again so how do I do this now so now I have fertilizer I grab my fertilizer put it on put it in a bag probably put fertilizer in bag bag oh I need to put bag on there seven and then creation so oh here let's go dude I'm doing this with my bare hands I'm putting poop on the ground I'm going to be so stinky stinky crappies what does that mean there we go yummy [Music] yummy um can we drop the food in the in the house where we are sleeping uh yeah if you move the like resources stuff what the [ __ ] you scare me I thought there was like a duck just randomly attacking me oh we got food storage I buil a well out here by the way look how cool it is oh you built one let's go wait I want to see it oh baby we're actually building a village um we need to get water skins though or a bucket I to steal a bucket you're a damn Maniac dude I'm pretending not to know where all this stuff comes from okay if you need food there's lots of roasted meat in the chest all right nice look at that my poop I'm out of poop now though now I got to plow it the stealthy Honker strikes again is act this stinky honka that's my name where did you get that that was just found it oh boink can you please run sideways CJ you're too [Laughter] slow oh baby V do I actually have to sell the bead route or can I just keep them to myself I mean I guess we did Quest so tired yeah I don't know what stinky crappies are I need I need water oh my ho broke at the exact time that I was done holy [ __ ] I've freaking planned that all okay now grab this and it's seed in time how do I select select seed here we go I would like uh beat rude seed here we go boom what a real picture you see the picture inside the bag it's just like a PNG amazing oh I'm level this man loves farming steel my man's stealing everything look at this no one needs to know boop boop hey I am doing uh the Lord work out here in the night we're going I mean I guess if psycho is getting a bunch of food so I do food for the long term and then psycho does it for the short term we're actually a team make sure to keep spending your skill points spend it on like getting more skill points that's what I did investment stinky cies just honking around all right there we go I did a farm look at that my beautiful creation probably need a whole lot more than that but hey I only had that many seeds I guess I could use the other seeds that I got from looting I kind of want to do a little bit of exploring um and just going around I need to empty all my inventory though let's drop off the potions here I guess I could sell pretty stuff it'd be a shame if someone honked it he's the Honker would you please not stand in the door frame you little [ __ ] you can't ask him to move oh it's me I don't know why you were I thought you were out and about I didn't know you were here uh but is bro Leaf plantain a type of herb used for healing purposes found in the wilderness yoink I would like to eat it actually uh old roll we got so much food to start off do I need to water it how do I water it can I make a bucket bucket snowball invalid season uh how do I make do I need to have no need to water oh you don't okay let's go nice okay then um so what do we need this for then can we make a poop snowball man no one's got a bucket to steal uh okay so I then I'm completely empty basically I 16 I definitely want more money I think I'm going to be exploring a little bit looting some money all right where am I going I haven't gone this way can I set a marker I can set a marker I'm going to go that direction what time is it though it's probably going to be night soon uh that's fine though do we need to build a workshop can someone could someone build a workshop extraction CU we need uh yeah I can do that I think let's see production yeah Workshop oh that's actually pretty small wait wait wait that's W that's big if we all build this together it's going to be done in like before the night and then we can sleep and we have a workshop and then we can recruit a villager okay I'm cutting some trees all right let's see we got feed the Villager remember if we hire one yeah yeah but I that's why I built the farm they can feed themselves right they can just get their own food lazy [ __ ] uh that's enough space I think building production there's so many [ __ ] buildings okay I guess we just build it all in a street there that might be a little close but whatever you can walk past that okay I only got two stones there more stones in here mine some metal or I don't have a pickaxe give me that was just going to be one short I think Al we can do stuff with mushrooms probably I would like a stone can I chop this no there we go okay you have to provide like 200 gold oh that's sick I will never sell it never mind oh God I'm punching I want a wooden Hammer the seasons are wait what the hell the seasons are super short apparently they're only three days what the [ __ ] I did not know that that's going to go quick Pur we're actually doing it this this Minecraft this is more realistic Minecraft oh we only need the my we only need two more uh logs so I can just take these stumps and now we need a bunch of straw for the roof ston Stones Stones please uh no no Stones no I need another x man all right drop the shaders link exactly this is fancy shaders it's actually crazy how good Minecraft can look with shaders even though it's just all blocked that should that does not make sense it's one of the many mysteries of video gaming so wait wa wait you said I could do this with the sickle like way faster let's try out the sickle we're going to play Dark Souls 3 yes probably at one point we'll do like a whole playr of all the games did I I put it in here there we go okay I'm coming home with a bucket that I actually bought with money dude he didn't steal it can you believe that but guess I got the money what a this you're lied to me it doesn't do anything you [ __ ] liar it's useless I going to get clean I'm clean now I've been scammed I would like to eat some roasted meat there we go I'm full now it's for crops okay then why did you tell me to get the sickle for this job all right then we I mean I guess it was just a it was just someone guessing how much do I need can anyone can you select the roof and see how much I need I'm collecting a bunch of straw but I don't need how I don't know how much second I'm checking it says eight oh okay then I have more than I'm not sure uh if it's eight on each side let's go new level survival baby no wa it's eight on each side I have more than 40 that's fine okay deforestation the video game once again look at that it's already starting to look like a little town don't drink and eat before sleep why not because you get fat during the night it's like real life my gu is so tired from carrying all this stolen stuff yeah stop stealing me I'm no he's getting us money just don't just don't ask questions CJ's bringing us in the big bucks I got a crossbow now got to pretend my guy is just breathing loudly I'm gaming mate oh what is this healing like a skill that you can level up or no I wish it was boom Workshop completed baby now we can what do we do here we can craft can I make a fishing rod cuz I want one uh we can craft buckets here oh I just went and bought once that's fantastic you know what's even funnier I didn't even buy a bucket bought two buckets of water and had to inhale you drank it someone drank a whole ocean to get a bucket okay you can put 100 kilos in there as well uh how do we get planks do I need to build like a arrows do you know do I need to build a building to get planks is that how this works extraction the survivors like Woodshed oh my God now I need to build a Woodshed to get [ __ ] planks that I can use in the workshop this [ __ ] never ends bro I've been building building the whole time what the [ __ ] all right uh where do I build haunting launches no no you go uh press tab go to technology with the fish and then click hunting lodge and then you buy Stone arrows it's a scheme that you buy can we not buy we can build a hunting LOD so I think we've yeah yeah but you have to buy the recipe for the arrows as well I need rocks please any rocks can I build a hunting here uh you can build it maybe across the street so we have like an actual Street forming here oh my God there's an animation for water that's wait no no no like closer here I I'll get rid of these stumps so you can build it here we can have like a street in the middle maybe oh no that would be too close U maybe we did build it this a little bit I mean you could build it across the actual road that yeah yeah uh small farm development level let's go oh we're leveling up there you go if you're thirsty there's buckets of Water by the well that was a worthy trip nice dude I love I love this axe thank you CJ thank the guy it is like red in my inventory how did I get this suspicious Misty thank you for the sub oh the music stopped abruptly now I need I need stones still I only have one stone okay collect the stones do we have any stones in the we got it right probably not what are we putting in this place uh everything like all the resources I don't know if you can put everything in there but like Stone sticks logs stuff like that oh you can also pick up like every flower and make potions with them lovely we need to get a villager by the end of the day oh baby there's rocks everywhere it's Rock City pick that up see again thank you for the 28 Subs total by the way holy [ __ ] oh okay so you cannot put any you can put everything in there that you can't eat so literally we buut yet no we have a th000 carrying capacity for that chest so literally just make it like the everything thing should be fine all right I need I already have this but then I need a roof as well probably yeah this is a battle royale we have to survive last to survive wins need one more log o look at look at the the Mist that's actually so crazy looking that's so pretty so pretty I'm just just steal I'm stealing psycho's stumps also psycho is probably getting blasted by his chat or he just went to the bathroom no no I'm still here I'm still here wait the skills are not shared right or are they okay boink all righty finally I bu a road up to our house there we go I have now built the damn wood shed now we should be able to make planks there we go make planks two planks and then I can make more buckets okay so now we can make our own buckets if we need more I don't know if we need more cuz I made planks what do we need those planks for now I I know I can keep building for [ __ ] ever I should probably after we sleep here should go on a little Expedition cuz we're going to never it's never going to end it's never going to end I could help psycho what are you building we need the herbalist Hut now oh okay wait you can build that maybe here where all the sticks are so then we get like a I don't know we also need to build Road just in front of this maybe right don't I can uh that you know where I think let's see is that is it extraction what is it no idea Services wait did you steal my logs survival the survival okay I I dug up the stumps yes so like like over here then we have like a little campfire in the middle that' be cute but don't we want to have like a main road through the middle here so like this goes basically here there is a road here like this so then we have a road going from this to here and then it goes through the middle yeah I'm feeling it Mr Crabs all righty Hong hongk need we need more Stones you could also just go to bread I'm thirsty oh my gu my guy just said I'm thirsty what the [ __ ] great voice I made a road oh you can actually build roads yeah I cannot see [ __ ] man hey I'm full HP though uh could we sleep so we can see again sure hly I'm glad this has three imagine you're playing I don't know if it adds like a bed but if you're playing with four people does one person just not get to sleep let's sleep next season we're going next season oh my God I'm honking let's go I don't want to do that no no no it automat there's the only option it's just every season lasts three days apparently wait psycho is not ready to sleep that's cheating psycho is not ready to sleep ins get away from me I'm h [ __ ] what is going on the honker's here you need to buy the schematic oh no wait so we don't have the bucket schematic I'm stuck we fill badger badger what do you mean oh look at this it's growing okay we filled so many quests their season specific quests apparently it's fine it is fine I want to go back to the quest board I think okay let's see so we need lots of building here but I have already done so much building I think I kind of want okay we did not built I mean that's fine it's a little bit crooked that's going to be how it's going to be you know towns like these are not going to be set up to a like American city grid I think I'm going to do some exploration cuz I've done too much [ __ ] building can you CFT a good one I'm going to go to my marker follow the road and go to my marker do I have any [ __ ] in my inventory that I don't want to have uh straw in the bag let me drop that off yeah quests are specific so I'm going to take a few years so the every year is like it's just uh 12 days we're going to go fast I guess that makes sense cuz otherwise cuz I know you can have like children in this game and stuff if you wouldn't have fast years then those children would [ __ ] never do anything useful they would just be like goooo Gaga the whole [ __ ] time uh I am going to do some exploration cuz I have been building like 3 days straight yeah imagine not having let's see I don't know why it cuts out sometimes what' you say imagine not having a honky helmet yeah I want to get my own oh I can I can hunt your ass I should get another there's so many I'm accepting all of them oh oh we're going to faill all of them let's go Stones how do I select different quests so this guy just wants six stones well that's easy that's the easiest quest this guy wants sticks and logs that's easy okay this guy wants four buckets wait we can we need the bucket schematic apparently could you buy that cuz then we can build it with the you just go to this uh see Clon uh it costs 100 coins I hear screaming oh 100 oh are you gonna fight me don't fight me I'm a friend not really oh he's coming he's coming I'm being attacked by a dam boore don't do it sir I'm going to choule cuz I need another I need another log for another spear I can't escape the building this is also a comfy place they build a whole Bridge here and everything what the [ __ ] oh god what the hell Jesus ah what I don't think Jesus excuse me he's invisible I'm being attacked by an invisible oh no never mind he is there he's stealth mode what the [ __ ] I didn't see him at all you getting attacked by what I'm getting attacked by Bor I'm almost dead the [ __ ] dude I did not see that guy at all bers like what uh no not quite all right I'm going to stay away from that piece of crap I'm want to eat an apple an apple a day keeps the BS away uh okay where am I going what is this you can't build there it's so quiet out here yeah I did not I turned around in circles and I did not see it stay in the safety of the village I'm giving the man his Stone oh wait a minute I just stole it from the town why didn't he just do that clay deposit interesting can I get special stuff from this do I have any skill points I do I could get more experience temperature tolerance I mean I guess more maybe get this 10% more health is kind of good hope it cost more points seeing sticks and stones and mushrooms in Spectre mode what the H I don't even know where it is see clay cooking knowledge 5% oh it's 5% more of everything using kitchen okay so you're going to be the cook right so I won't get the cooking exper that didn't psycho say or who was going to no that was you yeah yeah I'll do that yeah okay then I won't get the cooking experience cuz I want to do I'll be the Smith then I'll do the workshop and Smithy experience one and then psycho can be sewing workship or yeah I don't know this in this one category there's only production so it's only sewing and cooking and smithing all right there we go I should take some clo let him cook I should take some CL my character just said I should take some clothes off what's going on dude I'm going to do temperature tolerance is that up and down or is it only up I'm assuming it's up and down I'll get that then all right there we go let me dig this up dud he's completing Quest let's go what do I need clay for 10 clay achieved it's probably heavy as [ __ ] wait it's not even oh it's five kilos for all that Hots Sy bows okay I mean I guess I could just be hearing I'm getting clay I randomly stumbled upon a clay Theos it why we can make brick houses we can make pottery to sell that sounds fun that's smithing right well not really but like produ producing stuff Plastering houses no brick housesit all my stuff more clay going have to go back immediately though hold hey you [ __ ] no don't do that so the farm is just going to be growing without me having to do anything is that going right there you criminal scum can you get a horse can you get like a be careful like a torrent where you just jump on a horse at anytime or like The Witcher thing yeah we need to I need to not die to these boes man no need to do anything for the farm nice in the W SH now we need do you touch me straw wow you can get it across the water NE like closer to the city there's just like a ton of straw out City yeah yeah along the river next to the city okay but you not on our side it has to be on their side for some reason okay I don't know if that you can fight with an axe in this game probably you need to stand in the farm and say ah just my Farm totally totally what about the barn yeah we can build there's like so much to build I we need to we need to do like a little bit of building and a little bit of exploring because otherwise our dopamine receptors are not getting enough juices cuz right now uh I've done too much building and not there's not been enough payoff I want to get some payoff right now I want to get some money maybe get some rare tools and stuff I would like to get money so I can buy the backpack that would huge you guys are going crazy here I found like 30 clay I have no idea what it's for but I'm going to deposit it probably use for something here we go clay 33 clay boom we're going to be happy that we have that later oh I don't need this feathers don't need that either not very heavy though sticks 32 sticks they'll need that probably all right um we're going on again so where am I I guess I can go where did which shitty did you go to Clon CJ which shitty did you go to when you went on okay I'll go to another one I'll go to scy ski I don't want to go across the same road every time let me go here so then I go over the bridge and just go on that direction I don't want to steal I just want to get some free stuff it's very different I'm just if it's not owned by anyone I can take it it's a l what is that wait a minute that looks like more abandoned stuff that looks good it's free samples exactly reclaiming yeah I need to walk sideways for that extra speed we so stupid immersion ruined let's see what is this uh this looks like it's going to be full of stuff it's like a little abandoned Village uh can notot get the firewood can't get that nice bed you got oh what is that axe give me the axe wait how do I climb up there here copper axe baby oh potion of instant healing potion of saturation $100 I just want 100 coins I'm rich we can buy recipe then you can buy the bucket recipe or oh yeah I will do that wait 100 coins yeah what the [ __ ] I found a potion of instant healing too and an axe Finders Keepers way the 100 coins is is is is much no I don't think so I mean the bucket recipe cost 100 it's probably not a lot because I have 250 what what happened how did you get bu start buying stuff the beginning what are you talking about I don't wait you've how did you get 800 coins I found it yeah oh my God buy some [ __ ] then I've been I've been buying stuff with my money the whole time you you had a billion dollars and you didn't tell us go buy the bucket recipe oh another 63 coins okay never mind I'm getting rich too play yeah click the fish and it's on the wait you can buy it from your inventory yeah you you buy the schemes from your technology page oh interesting it's like per building you buy them you mean survival technology and then yeah yeah and then hunting lodge and then what can I do here nothing oh no sorry I'm stupid it's production technology there's got to be more chest I mean I found a chest in each of these techology just pocket this is a nice little village oh there's a secret secret place do you have to use it or can you only use I'm getting rich bronze shovel I don't know holy golden ring worth 750 I just found a golden ring that's worth 750 bucks oh my God holy [ __ ] I'm getting rich I found copper bars I am I'm roll 145 coins okay I see I see how psycho gets so much money you probably one of these houses I found another 100 coins okay I see what you've done hop seing carrot seeds yeah you got the I'm finding beer I'm going to get so drunk bronze pickaxe what in the hell okay that was huge there's another container upstairs is this fixed or is this like randomly generated uh do we need birer where I haven't got one yet I don't see it I can get one this one I already emptied am I too heavy I am too heavy I should probably just go back it is fixed the first house it's got to be downstairs right this is nothing that is nothing is it like in here sneaky front stairs up here you I assume you mean I oh wait there's something there I didn't pick that up oh I can't jump this I built the herous heart let's go I see it there I see it there I saw some kind of meat oh my God there's a lot of potions potion of camouflage in go invisible what you got to put poop on your face okay that was so close to where we were as well and I just got Mega rich can I get how much money do I have wasn't it like 600 oh I don't have enough but if I sell the ring wait a minute if I sell the ring I'll have enough money to buy the backpack can we research Stone a iron axes or something that'd be useful I'm very heavy got to get some I don't know where they are food yummy yummy get some dried meat the beer sells oh we can sell the beer wait I could sell all the beer then cuz I've been finding a bunch of beer can I swim or do I drown let's try let's try it out if I don't come back from this I don't know if I okay this seems like a bad idea never mind no drowning you can't go through there all right then you better not kill me here I got a million dollars okay this is fine oh it's it's just a very shallow River wait uh how do I build the bucket now uh you do it in the building of the thing yeah you need to make planks and then planks in the left most building in the main row and then the building next to it you got to use the planks to make the buckets is it I'm assuming it's shared right if we buy the bucket recipe yeah it is it's shared stupid otherwise why are you naked by the way cuz my guy is really hot yeah I bought some uh uh like temperature skill which made me no longer hot you not hot anymore that's yeah I'm cold now I'm cool okay uh let's see I have lots of stuff I should put the clay balls away clay balls I got clay balls in case you want to make like soup or something psycho or CJ oh yeah I'm putting it in the house are you kidding me what's going on wait what what is happening I down myself with my own tree that I chopped nice one dude I got plant hop obtainable only from vendors can be planted in or charged throughout the year to grow hop hop plants wait a minute give me the beer beer bottle theun man but your bottle is empty I assume right it's only when it says beer that it's not empty uh like Rye beer yeah there I'm going to sell that I have salt oos for beer we could be a beer seller the hunting laun has D now let's go all right let's see oh oh that's sick D we are actually building so fast a little bit here oh you built the road so neat okay uh I have I found some hops so we can build we can get beer but we need an orchard first so I'm making that now uh building farming Orchard I guess I built that here I guess I'll build a 4x4 have you guys eaten today no I didn't grab anything from a chest same I've not touched it Bo do I need to do all this [ __ ] here too I need fertilizer and crap there's like 34 Ro is that how this works I need another uh what do I need sticks and logs just plant it okay wait but then I don't need to do anything then I just need to put it up uh in the barrel next to the well is buckets of water if you I I need a bag though wait but why does it look so unfinished then no it see it needs to be grubbed up it needs to be grubbed it's not grubbed man don't plant it yet what do you mean are you going to be like you should plant it because the first season is already over you should actually wait until after the winter so you can plant planted at maximum efficiency so you can have a whole year of hop I don't care about that I just want I just want the Hops if it's like technically not maximally efficient I don't give a [ __ ] I just drink and then put it back in the barrel it's end game re I mean I'm planting it let me hop dude hippity hoppity your hop is now my property okay I built hoe we're hoing it up what is hoe again I don't know I guess I had it on something but it's not going back there I would like to put it on six it's grubbed baby okay now I need bag let's go I'm very heavy as well I can't believe you're running around naked with a duck I get the duck I guess the duck thing makes you warm yeah probably probably unbearable clay vase with since John's wor wait you got a vase can we place can we decorate that no you need to make a shelf and you put them on wait it's stolen yeah don't worry about that okay of course I I'm not asking any questions surprised man I'm not asking any questions everything is stolen bro okay I got a bag put that on seven can you dismantle stuff uh probably now I need select seed Orchard hop un dude look at that dude we're going hop mode that's sick man at this cute Garden yeah look at that I'm hopping baby okay do I need to do anything with this or is it just going to grow it's going to grow very fast all right then some cloes off wait did you just say that or was that my character did your character just say I should take some clothes of you're already naked bro hey what are you guys doing I Jo oh no I need to cool down I need to take some clothes off well time to get out rid of my pants I'm taking my shirt off oh my God that feels too revealing I'm taking my pants off instead yeah that's better you're not going to get to see my see my shirtless body um I need to sell this golden ring how much storage do I have I am over capacity why do I have more capacity now didn't I only have 30 before dude I'm going crazy man uh what is so heavy in my inventory the shovel the pickaxe F let me just get rid of some stuff I'm mewing for Luke's maxing over here I have Tech points yeah just give me a second we got carrot seeds that we will plant probably sometime uh still too heavy I guess it's oh sticks here we go like that's still not even close s by weight good one stone axe it's almost broken though so let's break that the Ry beer is very heavy too okay let's break the stone axe wait oh I should just get rid of the stone axe in general cuz I got a better axe now right can you just do destroy something or do I have to like break it just sell it no but then I'm too heavy there we go boom broken it doesn't replace it with another axe dude the one you stole is so good cuz it's like it's got full durability as well the axe yeah it's great all right I'm going V mode we're going to make money and get a backpack by the way uh psycho if you got money you can buy a backpack a backpack technology no in the in the city and then you can carry more yeah you can carry 10 kilos more if you buy the best one I think I want that but it's like extremely expensive it's like $700 or something 7 all the coins yeah what no it's it's $700 150 of course it is [ __ ] coins what are you talking about um I'm also H by the way this little turd is as good of a Castell as a fork is for eating soup you're one to talk lady can this lady doesn't even know how to walk and she's flaming some other guy about being as useful as uh what oh man okay anyway uh I buy it in the clothing store can I help you with can I help you with something okay let's see simple large backpack what is the best backpack let's see simple small adds 10 that's only wait huh type of equipment CRA that is only 300 simple large backpack add 20 that's a th000 though can I get a th000 somehow wait that would be insane if I can get that there's so many different pouches bro simple large would be the best okay if I can get a how do I get I can sell this for 300 holy [ __ ] I'm rich I almost can get it wait wait wait wait sell the beer the beer is so expensive what the [ __ ] I'm rich bro dude the beer is so expensive they buy it for like 100 coins oh dude I'm getting rich Ry beer holy I mean what kind of beers this why is the potion of instant healing only 6.5 I don't get it this is $300 for a bronze pickaxe I mean it's I'm definitely going to save those obviously I'm going to sell my wooden shovel though cuz I got the other shovel now wait I'm going Sho mode we're rich okay uh that's incredible I have beer bottle too but that's barely worth anything okay now I would like to get the simple large backpack let's go um boom one yes I just spent $1,000 good luck on a simple large backpack which adds 20 kilos of carry weight holy [ __ ] Bro Look at that now we can carry 55 kilos you don't let's go money anymore yeah I sold like I had five beer that I found randomly around it was like 500 to sell it it was crazy the ring cost only like 400 to sell nice trousers oh I can buy but I don't want different clothes right I could sell my trousers wait dude do your pants are worth so much money why are there specifically the pants the rest is worth nothing it's just the pants the [ __ ] I mean I guess I'm going to need those pants in the winter though I'm not going to sell all the clothes on my body do you know the dude this you know how to get super samples in Hell divers yeah you got to play hard of difficulty I found the stone I made you something oh my God he's got a bow what do you do you build a fence so cute that's adorable are you being killed I think he's being killed I died to bear it's cuz you're talking about hell divers bro they heard you dude look at this all right what's the next building we got to build I I've done a lot of collection and I feel I really want the fishing Hut because fish sure I will help you with that we need to get more survival points oh I see a lot more we need 500 and we're at 100 okay could we do a quest for that maybe there is a quest to deliver that guy some sticks and wood oh I can nearly do that actually uh that's quite easy okay I also need more Health dude wait I'm consuming it and it doesn't give me Health though what a liar oh it oh it just straights up straight up heals me I thought it was like the Apple uh we can see I need I need revenge on some bears okay uh I'm ready in the bed I'm sleeping you lose my stuff right no I don't know no you don't lose anything I would love to do some Quest I can go to the other city and do some quests there or something and then also get a bunch of loot along the way from the I'm sleeping every time you jump you HK no the goose is mad what the [ __ ] dude my husband we've only played for two hours we've gone so much done man I thought people said that this game was insanely grindy I mean I can see that you have to build a lot of buildings but I guess because we're in a team it's way faster all right I'm going to save the beer bottles like we're we're going going along very fast uh put that away I got so much and now I got so much carry weight so I can go on an insane adventure and just get like a million dollars on the on the way all right I'm going to I got so much car weight I'm going to go on a little expedition to Austria which is not to be confused with Austria why not Switzerland it's a it's a city don't worry about it nice I need to drink drink some water as well L lug lug this takes so freaking long right I would like uh oh wait no I fully heals from sleeping never mind I'm all good yeah more people means oh you if you have more buildings we need to pay more taxes oh no well yeah I mean you had the money you spend it all D you Mr 800 coins you at 1 thousand what are you yeah I didn't I had only 500 but then I sold my beer and then I had a th000 suddenly see you you should have some beers too when you looted the wait can I get this did I steal their wheat is that a thing be I'm going to I'm not doing I'm not even thinking about it what are you talking about yeah I'm going getting lost in the saucer I said before the penis Stone from Hell divers is in this is in this game right here excuse me yeah yeah I know where yeah that's the there's one building there that I looted so if you're going to go somewhere you're like why is this empty that's why oh you were here yeah yeah yeah that's where I got all the beer oh I here but he didn't kill the Bears right no these are scary there's a tunnel here what the [ __ ] what is this dude need to die oh I'm going to get iron wait a minute wait a minute we're being useful look at me go what is on three I put my shovel there right oh yes let's go Chapo Chapo holy okay you get so much ore from this I found a copper deposit I'm assuming we need that six copper ore there's also tin here we can make bronze wait a minute you did the quest let's go Quest time you're carrying too much already that shit's so heavy man okay I'm going to leave the stones okay that helps that helps a lot I'm just going to take the ores and I have the the max backpack to can you build a cart in this game wait can I build a cart wait wait wait wait wait is that a thing you can do hand crafting nope all right well never mind then later in the game okay he's strong someone's getting wrecked he's so strong this is there always coming back into the town that's so annoying salt deposit wait salt seems very useful too there's a salt deposit here I'm getting salt we can make a simple house now which is much bigger ooh there's so much [ __ ] here and the pick is not even close to being depleted last so freaking long okay I'm going to make bronze is some bronze copper and thin uh get rid of these [ __ ] Stones I have 11 versus 18 so I need more tin I don't know what the what's the ratio is very safe are you sure about that are they going to be skeletons I'm going to be attacked by dger all re yeah all the storage is shared this is a bit of this is so much there's like infinite supply of salt copper and tin in this I'm assuming salt is for dried meat or well not like salted meat meat something oh my God it just keeps going man is there like gold anywhere here drop all the stones sell some stuff come on how do we oh you have to drop the specifically there okay I'm still too heavy now so I might just want to go back trowers thank you for the 30 thank you okay I'm going to get lost in here wait where the [ __ ] am I oh there we go there's extra drop a stack okay there's a separate slot for pouches wait a minute I still got four how much is the the pouch wait wait wait we can buy that and then I can carry even more that would be very useful I mean I'm almost there I just need to find a little bit of resources you told me sorry I didn't see it I'm still rich but can I buy the whole thing oh here we go Mead wheat bear salted meat and stone axe that I don't want logs that I don't want Hopper no it's just a stick asaku thank you for the nine all right I'm going to check out trouses yeah this trousers were super expensive nice rock and stone thank you for the baby and I love games like this I never get to play long games like this anymore so good I've made like a little I don't know why I haven't done that in the three [ __ ] years well over more than 3 years at this point that I've been like incredibly busy make like a list of games that I want to play when I got cu the problem I'm having now is that when I have like an hour to spare I'm like what the [ __ ] do I do like when you get sh you guys probably if you're like in uni or some place where you're always busy eventually like when you get used to being extremely busy you forget how to relax like if you have time to relax you're just like what do I do dude what do I do with this time I guess I'll just do more work that's like me every time so I've been like making little list now of things I want to do if I have free time because whenever you're busy you think of things you want to do when you're not busy but then when you have free time you're like what the [ __ ] do I do I don't know what to do so what you got to do is make a list of stuff you want to do when you're busy so then when you have free time you just look at the list and you're like well let's do something of that list okay I want to get a pouch what's going uh what you [ __ ] suck where do I buy stuff you you life hack pouch right oh she's got the golden ring still dude she's selling it at a three times markup this piece of [ __ ] what is that it's a pouch large pouch is that in a different slot is this the one 600 we can get that uh maybe if I sell my trousers is that the one taxes we'll be [Music] fine I'm selling my pants I don't have enough money still oh beer let's go large pouch I can buy it the pouch is low yeah I mean pouch but large pouch is just a better pouch right am I stupid I'm getting it otherwise we can always give it to CJ or something if it's not what I want don't want um let's see does that work pouch no one said anything so I'm oh let's go we got a pouch we got 65 kilos of R weight that's like double what we started with let's go all right that's huge and I still got a little bit of money but I need to get more money and now I got a bunch of ores that I'll drop off real quick and then we go continue on our mission I got like 20 10 20 copper and 20 salt if we ever need that I need line and Fred get red I don't you need sheep oh you build a rabbit trap nice and a boat trap let's go we're gaming I mean I feel like this is I'm trying to just up the survival point so I can get the fishing heart but we're 138 and we need 500 oh my God look at that salted meat salt 14 salt and a bunch of tin it's very heavy though we only 84 in here that's not too bad okie dokie Stone knife I'll keep everything I guess I can eat some stuff guess I should eat real quick some salted meat am I going to get probably going to get thirsty off of that okay so now that we got that I want to continue my journey to Austria let's make a plane the salt is you get money from Salt cuz I was looking at the tin ore it's sold for absolutely nothing but the other thing actually sells for someone so I mean if we can make beer with the Hops that is the way to make a ton of cash cuz it sells for like uh $60 to $90 each of a cell as a fork for eating soup what the [ __ ] your hands are covered in poop are you are you inflicted by the Black Plague lady how is how are you this clean but then your hands are covered in [ __ ] her face is like super clean that's that cost so much willpower to not like scratch your face at any point while your hands are this dirty this lady is the most disciplined Soul I've ever seen what the hell you never even get like an itch on your face goodness gracious I mean we work well I've been doing lots of work in this game I'm not shaming anyone uh okay we keep going I guess can go boom boom like do a little loop-de-loop she's working for me she's not working for me I'm just we're not the Lord we're not that annoying guy who cursed me out the first thing he saw me he was like you're a stinky boy I mean we can get people to work in our um in our uh town or get like villagers that we can then put to work but I feel like we only need Villages when we actually when we actually have stuff that they could do I could kill that guy but why would I how do we get Survival points cuz I was chopping lots of trees and I was doing mining that not in says uh setting traps and fishing hunting animals is probably the best one okay hunting animals I can do that I have a fox here I'm haunted get ready to be [Music] dead oh wait I hit him in the butt he oh God he's fighting me what the [ __ ] bro I thought we were chill I mean I did just kind of hit you with a spear and stuff but where did my spear go uhoh can I punch him all right well that's a smart guy I don't have a log selfdefense I can chop him with the ax yeah I just need more Spears like like when an animal doesn't die in one hit I'm like a what do I do I need more can we buy a car I'm sorry excuse me it's too slow here [ __ ] you apparently can make a cart eventually can we not ride horses in this game uh yeah proba very expensive I presume I need a horse okay let's see so I'm going to make a bunch of Spears uh no I need to make more than that oh can I make that oh I just going to make him one at a time right you piece of crap can we read yet yeah have we learned how to read I mean I did just read like a letter at the very start of the the game okay so let's see skills I have survival skills I feel like leveling up the just getting more survival points is is going to be like a good investment oh there there okay wait a minute you monster it's exploration time or is that where I already been no right yes maybe no looks different is that a bandit Camp looks very big there's a cart the thank you for the donation yeah I've been having a this is a fun ass hell game small bundle it's empty he's beding so much I see what you've looted psycho I found you you looted like this huge Village here no there was only like three buildings in a tower yeah yeah okay I mean that's a lot of stuff he looted all the but not the what the [ __ ] he missed 91 coins you missed the barrel with 91 coins thank you he didn't even loot this Get Wrecked idiot oh nice I did I could not those guys are tanky wait I need to stealing the wooden bolts out of it wait sticks I don't want that just drop that on the floor someone said you can do that with x uh oh oops that's a stone I don't want that oh my god oh no I was looking atong I mean I don't know if is there like a everything e e that's better press e wait what the de yeah it's a wooden shovel I don't want that took two how do we get health back uh you you if you sleep only sleep I mean sleeping is the easiest Stone spear CRA healing potions I found you can get it from loads of food daisies give you health maybe you can make healing potions in the herb herbalist Hut or whatever yeah but you have to buy the potions uh where can we buy that I can buy some let's go in technology uh the fish and then herbalist is there going to be like one of these underground things here as well the stone Spirit yeah I would have taken it if it wasn't literally 4% and immediately was going to break if I picked it up then you still need to make it which sounds pretty rough that's not much here okay well then I am here you don't need the instant healing right yeah that one's probably harder to make though basement did I say I mean there was like some kind of underground mine area I don't think that was a real basement but maybe I think it's even cheaper what maybe it was a prison maybe they were doing some [ __ ] up [ __ ] over there it is hard to travel I mean I guess it's just eventually you'll get horses and stuff I'm already I know halfway across the map I think the instant healing one will be harder to make right got level two one of that it doesn't look like it though oh actually looks easier to make yeah make that one get that one but maybe maybe it replenishes less health I guess I think it's wait so let me try these guys the other one just takes I'll start making some if you buy the rest I thought he was going to keep walking I am not wait that didn't even use anything okay what if I just run up to you am I faster than your ass okay I'll get Crafting man I got it uh you're going running into a dead end sir idiot dude the freaking sway on the spear bro oh my God I'm getting juked dude how the [ __ ] did you get a deer they're so my sway is crazy when I like aim my spear don't you have a bow you can build a bow oh maybe I should do that in the hot the hunter h i I hit one of them this one let's go die please can you also buy the wooden vial in the oh my God that throw was so strong what the [ __ ] great throw wooden wild in the same H I don't even know which one I [Music] hit you they're freaking grouping up so I don't know which one is already damaged they're [ __ ] genius search function yeah don't run away just die please come on man I found it yeah I mean I hit one of them is he going to fight me Pur it oh I hit him twice thanks Dad die please welome son we got to [ __ ] stick okay I hit the one with the handlers twice come on there's [ __ ] no way holy that was actually way bigger throw than I expected this is impossible this cannot be done it simply cannot be done just [ __ ] gravity all right well I'm making more I think I need to go for uh small animals bro if you can kill two wolves we get 167 coins ooh that's that sounds scary though that be fine I tried to kill a deer and it miserably failed I I killed one with my bare hands it also works EXC you ran alongside it and just punched it that's such a psycho thing to do my God I should take some clothes off don't one say that sir they're going to have the wrong idea he's built different yeah I need to make a bow but I'm I don't know I feel like a spear to the face should do more damage than a bow but I guess bow is the way let's see how do I make a bow where did you make a bow in like the workshop in the the Hunter's hot oh yeah I don't I'm so far first building to the left yeah yeah I'm like halfway across the map okay so that's why next to drop stack uhuh four spear so these are the same ones as before drink some can I drink from this yes okay your ass your ass dies yes in the butt oh my God the Juke yesable yes I finally killed one let's go gamer get killed got him how much am I going to get the the the meat is very heavy it's 15 meat well then I'm going to have a lot I can get another one just hunt the whole group they're like running in circles I'm going to do out here I could do the Stag so I know oh well I guess I'm hitting you instead I guess just kill all of them I mean did I hit him I did not hit him is it still there is it gone it's still there okay they're going in like the same Circle every time 96 yeah exactly everything the they can eat like food is so expensive let's go D the blood the blood of the Dark Soul yeah they do run but they run in like a weird Circle oh you're getting stuck you idiot I'm recovering my stamina he doesn't stand a chance okay downhill is better cuz then oh no I can recover my Spears did I pick that up yes I did just going to go for this guy I know this is the most goofy [ __ ] hunting you've ever seen let's go you're still not dead bro die I can't throw even I have no stamina look at this throw he's inside look at this one hya never mind I missed went flying [ __ ] but he's bleeding he's bleeding and dying he's going to die right I think it's slowly doing damage to him yes come on at least die oh my God hello he's so [ __ ] fast is he taking damage he's got the he's bleeding from his butt come monst sir how much health do you [Music] got holy [ __ ] oh God I'm getting stuck wait there's another spear oh my God it didn't put it you're still taking damage this is making me so sad My Bro thought we were playing medieval simulator and we were just going to starve to death and not kill anything to eat my guy has lived too long in the 21st century forgot what it takes to be a Survivor bit of the potion is those broad leaves I don't know where to get them from die oh my God you're still alive there we go Jesus Christ okay he's done it torture simulator I was trying to get his trying to kill him but just couldn't okay uh I got 30 meat that's a lot of meat I don't even know where it is leather as well oh interesting it sells for barely anything so that's not a good way to make money okay I'm lost in the sauce I got to go to Austria which is let me just put the marker on there instead I could wait but I could walk up this way and then down that way to explore all this I am going the wrong way that way Leathers for seed bags I mean I already got three seed bags from just looting them somehow I am getting lost this way yes okay it's getting late though also the season is almost over again that is a little weird that it go so fast oh hello there give me some me or something Arrow iron arrows take those let's go when I have my bow I actually so these guys just got murdered then is that what's going on here rest in peace freaking dead it's also all looted but I'll take the AOS deadly nightshade can I make poison Arrows with that sounds like it would be poison I don't know much about plants um can't really pick up anything it's already looted all right I got a few arrows though sons of the forest saving tents on the right path now am I being attacked oh God did I aggro the Bison I don't want you I don't want to deal with you please I don't mean you any harm you're going to kill my ass they do not give a [ __ ] if they're anything like real life bison they do not care they will stand in front of a car and not move cuz they are big and they know it lethal patch you mean this is the new lethal patch or is there actually a new patch we're probably playing more Saturday lethal company tomorrow is I think fasmo cuz otherwise we just don't do it at all we're going to be so late to the weekly I don't even know what it is um went down here there was nothing around the bear let's go let's go that's got to be like 700 meat I it took me like I don't know how many arrows like 20 arrows or something plus poison arrows wait is that a wolf wait wait wait wait wait uh it's some kind it's a lynx M lion if you use your inspect button if you've keybound it it'll tell you what it is no it's a lynx I think it doesn't look as big as a wolf be can someone place I am I'm in a cave I'm sorry what the [ __ ] is this place wait this looks cool wait I want to go exploring in the cave I need some straw I got 80 meat from that baby 80 80 I can't move anymore yeah they're definitely lyes or something I don't know can someone help me bring the meat back there's a little village there oh no that's I'm done with this that is the town we're going to I'm just turning my meat into dried meat so we got some fur and some meat I will get two torches D I love having inventory capacity man that's the best early game upgrade just being able to go everywhere and actually like I would be already way overweight right now if I didn't have the like extra storage okay there we go and now we build two torches I need an extra stick though actually find a backpack if I could find a backpack and give it to uh CJ that would be huge okay let's see I will put this on seven where is it simple torch is it just going to light wait what it just going to light itself or do I need to get something oh I can put it in my wait there's a torch slot f for torch f for torch are for drawer uh something I'm probably skate sorry what what's going on I think yellow is inant right yeah I'm green uh yeah you're green and purple so I'm the other make sure make sure that your inventory is not super full I'm looking in a cave haunting wolves or whatever I hear screams in here this is scary spooky place this going to run out fast fast this place is too big way to bring the stuff back right this that's reflection yeah I can't drop oh there's another exit I'm assuming that's not where I want to be b r going Brewer in the cave I've dropped like everything I have 30 kilos free 30 yeah that's I think that should be fine where the [ __ ] that should be good I guess deeper the better I'm like like I'm going in circles 20 kilos over or so there's got to be something in here think I'm going back out again yeah what the [ __ ] someone said there was loot in here did you just lie to me or is it like really hard to find there's two paths here I think I went this way I mean connect this is not we got to find Kelvin like this is not loot this are just rocks um there's a moose here as well if you want to kill him a moose moose Chad cannot lie true about the this is deeper I don't know oh there is oh my God I found the best thing I found I found something worth a th000 you want do does anyone not have a backpack yet I bought this for $1,000 and I just found it it's a simple large backpack it adds 20 kilos of carry weight you guys don't I'm giving you want this I don't want this i' love that that' be great wait how do I give it to you just drop it just drop it the excitement is what the hell bro here let me give you something worth a thousand oh I sleep excuse me just I'm trying to help out here no hype okay I feel like this is faster can I sleep in the sell it to the shop recip that okay can I loot anything out of it or is it just it's just a thing can I sleep in the city [ __ ] bear man like on a random bed I mean he's dead as hell that's Henry from Kingdom Come deliver you SE that stone right uh you sleep at a campfire okay well I guess I'll go to the town and then sleep at a campire have you seen that you can see see it from here if you go that little path oh ready yeah it's literally the same Stone I need to not be in the oh I'm already in range I should be out of the range so I can build a campfire you guys probably want to sleep I'm building a campfire I can find out how this works oh yeah we're not home yet uh exraction yeah I'm still running uh Camp furniture and decorations campfires I need sticks sticks 16 God damn that's fine there's lots of sticks they're free I don't know why they will be in decorations think they get 16 sticks real quick there all right now decorations campfire boom a little campire let's go all right I'm sleeping yeah I've just got back to the base strange cookie thank you for the seven there the focus the base don't you yeah where I am all right I'll be re back I die oh now we can talk [ __ ] you cut out wait where's see where's inim he's sleeping by campfire oh okay come here now we can sleep in the bed can I have the meat uh sure should I just drop it on the floor am I alive I am alive let's go I'm yeah I haven't seen any Bandits yeah okay thanks my campire dead I wonder if I can get new stuff here I haven't really gotten any herbs yet a lot of meat sir our village looks better than this oh never mind there's more houses there's like a village on stilts here interesting what are these guys doing you look you is that not going to be super hot for the winter this person is not this person is not interested in talking to you right now what the hell dude I'm just roasting 78 meat don't mind me he's fing what are they doing here they're just sitting silently watching each other how are you romanced creating a new settlement I'm looking for good people willing to join me do it is it going to say like what the [ __ ] dude I'm kind of curious what happens they're going to so say like what are you doing dude I think you should take a bath first ouch Dam I clicked the romance button and she said I should take a bath oh my god I've been brutalized bro I'm a stinker okay now what I took a bath now what do you got to say huh how is life treating you oh wait I can actually talk you seem very interesting can I ask you something actually never mind what is your favorite season of the year definitely Autumn wait we're this is you can just Spam this what's your biggest dream I'm Romancing if you need to okay I see you it's just like the Sims thing where you spam interactions all right I understand drop it in the I haven't even watched my clothes yeah I just I don't care there are fish little fishing Village yeah we oh CJ I part of the I'm part of the honking gang I found a Honker too yes let's go team Honker can I yo they're sleeping no one's going to see right uh that wasn't me dasty reputation Chang minus two or too many all right don't steal from random people uh is there even anything to do here it should be quests right is that there's a there's a a person here with an exclamation mark let's see oh hi let me through son of a [ __ ] is it you you sweet Bora you're not interested in talking right now wake up stolen items my God Town wake up yeah because I have a jewelry it's wake up and a tin ball [ __ ] you talk to me all right she doesn't want to talk I'll come back here later I'm going to go I mean I'm going off the map now almost Hail to the King you got a king infinite thank you for the donation thank you it's not isn't it like in the middle of the day these lazy asses still sleeping out here the hell man you can't do that oh they got or Shar D these people have a whole different system going on on here they're fishing and they got trees I guess the nice part about trees is you don't have to tend them very much I discovering spots is there any buildings here wait a minute oh my God just short I can just stab you though got him it's rolling away but I'm still doing it let's go going for rabbit I'm a monster do we get those from the bird traps my trap finished got him I'm trying to level up survival skills guys oh my God I caught a rabbit too wait where are the bird traps I'm killing a bunch of rabbits for a survival skill and Chad is not liking it I just got it over there I just wait that's a wolf I've just emptied them we need wolves right I I have a wolf here we need to kill two okay okay I'm going to try and get some I've got 11 feathers okay let's see can I have them or I need to I'm so stinky now I can also buy some there you go on the floor somewhere death in coming I might die yeah thank you oh there we go finally my copper axe broke I mean if I have enough uh I eat anything through R meat if I have enough Spears I could just keep throwing right like I could just Spam like if I have 10 spears or something like how is the wolf going to survive 10 spears in the face there's no way level up stealth steel I don't know I I don't necessarily I don't usually like to play these games where you just steal cuz stealing tends to be extremely op in games like this I mean just think of Skyrim where if you steal something it's like I don't know it's like the best way to make money W they you the tier 3 40 months oh God there's a bison I need to be careful I don't want to no no no no I don't want to talk to you no no no no no right wolf over there don't you dare attack me I Ran So Far Away okay how many can I make let's see I can make oops I made only one 10 is he really going to take more than 10 spears to the face I mean if I hit them that's the main question we'll see we'll see I also got my copper axe if I need to fight and a copper pickaxe I don't know that might do more damage if you hit in the head how the [ __ ] would a wolf survive being pierced from 10 different sides I'm boiling is there negative reputation in the tracker I'm not sure I should also drink some water while we're at it who knows uh I should drink some I'm going to go down I guess I'll craft more Spears and then get water we're on operation wolf right now so we can oh hello there hello there that oh you're fast [ __ ] I'm sorry Pur nice we're leveling up the skills that we need he's just living his life I know spruce tree BL oh you son of a ding Nong stupid Village oh my God how big you guys sphere of influence is far too large the [ __ ] man oh my God holy I'm So Far Away bro they be that one guy in like a multiplayer game that just [ __ ] claims like in Minecraft where they just claim put like ton of claim blocks down and don't [ __ ] use it at all you piece of [ __ ] you're a social terrorist you got all the force for themselves all right there we go with this we're going to have like 15 I take some clothes off should take some clothes off don't you get your mind out of the gutter sir okay you can hear the Wolves nobody told me this wolves do we need those wait we have a quest for two yeah kill them kill them yeah he's killing me man don't you have Spears I'm building 20 Spears it just went out great [ __ ] I need I mean Chad I said I was like I'll make 10 spears and then chat was like uh he's going to die so I make him 20 now I don't know it's theara all over again all right I can luckily I can carry all this I'm actually getting heavy now I mean I can drop the sticks that I've been getting from this because I don't need them all right there we go now I got I don't even know how many Spears if this doesn't [ __ ] work I mean as so long as I hit them right that's the main problem wait the spears are heavy how am I making matter wait oh no it's going down I see I was like I'm breaking the laws of physics over here kill them both we need to kill two wait wa wait wait what I can do here okay I'm leaving the sticks on the ground I have a plan here sticks go on the ground no no no don't me well [ __ ] where the [ __ ] am I here does this give me armor in any way cold protection interesting the bo is attacking me no I am still slightly heavy don't do it uh play cup I should probably drop a little bit of this just so I'm not heavy anymore I know that's what we can use but anyway now I can take the strength potion right or did I drop that off oh I dropped off the strength potion I should have kept that man what is this less water consumption I don't care all right well oopsy doopsy anyway I want to fight your ass let's see if this works to save my stamina all right sir you're fast oh God there's more I just want one what the f okay you guys are [ __ ] Liars they told me I needed 20 Spears I killed them in three it's so easy oh really all right never mind that so f i was I thought we were going into an epic battle bro they're weak oh I was going I was like ready to [ __ ] die oh come on oh okay I did it I did the quest I did two wolves nice you got go talk to Derwin I see have to go all the way back all right well that was easy as [ __ ] Liars we could leave some of those uh I don't need so many Spears then I mean it's kind of nice to have them cuz I can just keep throwing them can I get another wolf here just turn some of my Spears into wolf kills maybe the lady is awake now so I can talk to her oh there's a chest hi what the [ __ ] no okay that is annoying okay bro all right I see how I could die if you don't hit them they hit you very hard that's normally how it goes you okay well that was annoying it's fine he ran away oh no there's multiple help help me coins is unbearable yes oh oh no there's another one I'm going to make us so much soup you're not even prepared wooden shovel I don't need it do you have the healing potions by the way wool fabric sounds very need the weird leafy thing which I don't know how you get it okay I should probably take some of uh uh it's called take some of this there we go something you pick up Broad Leaf plantain oh yeah I used that just now perfect I mean heals you said I was being attacked by a w what you're wasting those stop what do we need it for more soup it's fine I'm making soup potions healing potions oh I see the are probably more efficient than I got lots of coin though 150 from that chest let's go I love these random chests laying around I see building over there get some logs do we have log building over all the way there I mean should and otherwise they're easy to make usually get them from trees they actually grow on trees even that's crazy insane man there's no way unlimited unlimited logs um what I'm stuck oh yeah I see you can get stuck quite easily where's the where do you build stuff where is this lady I need that talk you better not still be sleeping I swear to God I will spear you she's she's alive she's awake are you the lady you're the lady here we go can I help you with something make some soup it's lost what's lost my precious ring uh you mean a golden ring a green gem I may or may not have sold that one yes I got the kitchen now my precious ring I mean it like not exactly mine what do you mean not exactly yours it belongs to my my mother it's her family air heirloom but let me guess you couldn't wait I just wanted to try it on and mom like never even wears it because she doesn't want to disappear what I mean it to disappear and now I see why my grandma or great great grandma must have had very thick fingers it slips like all the time does your mother know that you borrowed it no not really you should have told her why does it not surprise me and well there are a couple of possibilities where it may be listen first I went to I went to show it to Roma because she's like my best friend well she's the only one roughly my age except budsy boy budsy boy but I would really need to be desperate to hang out with him uh I would like to hang out with him myself I really don't care could you stay on topic so we and obviously by we I mean me and rad not bod boy when swimming but I didn't take the ring into the water that I'm sure of could have left it on the shore our favorite spot is near the small Bridge opposite of the village okay then my brother milit also wanted something from me that annoying halfling always wants me around I'm minding my own business and then he's like Bora Bora Let's Play You're a troll Bora I'm hungry Bora I'm bored then Bora I'm bored and then I'm like live live me alone and my mother's like budy loves spending time with you and I'm busy ah sometimes I feel like his third parent uh to all you teenag girls talk so much did you see that what the [ __ ] she's yapping bro who ordered the Yapp paccino I guess so anyway we were playing at home oh and then Mom told me to gut the fish so I could have lost it then what the [ __ ] we were playing at home and then Mom told me to gut the fish so I could have lost it then but because I have like nothing to do being an apprentice being playing with Milt and gunning fish like give me a break bro this I was looking for every in vain but I heard about a guy who collects rings I think his name is Mordor maybe he would have had would have a similar one but I have no idea how expensive it could be it gives you 60 food like over gold ring no gems but some some dots and curved lines inscribed on it my mother wouldn't notice the difference in the inscriptions for sure okay well I'm going to check the I got a quest for him ring finding a ring is this Lord of the Rings or what is going on opposite of the village I'm assuming this one let me check the I mean it's probably going to be in the sex sex second spot that she said whoops I got romance on the mind okay they shouldn't have given me the option one ring to rule them all my pre direct the quest in the journal wait wait oh it shows me the spots what do you want this like here oh wait it does holy that's huge okay wait that helps okay so we go there you guys all right can I kill these animals can someone else talk to Duran or do I specifically have to do it cuz I'm anyone can do it okay cuz I'm like really far and the quest might end at the end of the day because of the Season change I'm going y I'm just started building a kitchen yeah this looks like Kingdom Cal Deliverance that's what I wanted to play it okay let's see it's there oh it's these freaking guys hello do I look in this I don't want to yoink from you guys cuz I know you're going to be mad you pieces of crap I'm just looking for this girl's ring steal the straw hat feeling that the locals frown upon us what are you oh I can talk to you now I'm looking for a ring oh this is just getting the ring from [ __ ] I don't want talk to you I don't want to talk to you 1,500 coins you [ __ ] insane person I'm standing in the water and of course I'm not going to give that to you $1,500 for this girl's ring though diplomacy let's go okay I can't jump that what did we get for that by the way doesn't it say in the quest objective 167 coins and 50 Dynasty reputation okay that makes up for the 20 I lost for stealing here just now oops whoops whoopsy doopsy I found can mine salt wait she's telling a story did you hear that she's playing with a doll that's so adorable I I didn't didn't read the story but she was saying some stuff uh is it here it is here like in the chest I'm robbing real quick you didn't see me I'm just looking for the ring there there like an inspect mode how do I do inspect mode I that's inventory obviously the worst thing about this time of f is the flashlight alt oh here we go wooden spear okay wait wait wait wait wait so then I can just see where it is around there oh ask the lady I do that in a sec I thought it was just going to be old ring there freaking is let's go baby I'm roasting out here I would have why would you ever pay $1500 the One Ring yeah the one ring is real let's go give it back to the lady here you go lady I did it go and put it away no detours if I were you I wouldn't put it on a finger but on a chain and wear it like a necklace thanks a lot you're like the best and that's actually not such a bad idea the thing is that's not my ring what well were gone I found it where was it in my pocket you [ __ ] idiot in your pocket you're telling me that was a pocket the whole time people in this Village won't CE to amaze me well at least you can keep the ring thank you all right what in the [ __ ] okay 300 reputation holy okay nice uh yeah that didn't you idiot she it wasn't her ring so I get to keep it let's go p CH how much is it worth it I am looking where is it ring the bottom how I good you get what is worth a thousand oh my God what the [ __ ] imagine you paid for that yeah okay I want to wait that's all the way over there okay that's huge wait any more quests I'll do the stay vigilant again don't have stuff on the screen all the time there's no other Quest here right okay nice we did a side quest um now I would want to go up this hill because I saw a little house there to someone with the ring oh yeah probably didn't I see a house there I need to go around ding ding ding maybe it was on the hill don't remember I got the Honker as well guys let's go we're honing G I just stole that lady's r no it was it didn't say steal it's free real estate that's great though that you can get so much money so fast in this game where is that house I saw is it even around this it's got to be otherwise it was like all the way up top God them stamina so pathetic bro man psycho it also starts you with so much meat so you're basically like safe for a really long time I mean you got to make your own food until the otherwise the Winter's going to hit uh oh I saw something it's just more foxes I don't want to attack you guys cuz you fight back which is annoying all right where the [ __ ] is that one house I saw I should have I I guess I marked a bunch of other things on the map since then the heat is unbearable it's literally like late in the evening how could it be unbearable I mean I guess um many I see boar I don't want to fight your ass where is the the house is sure the is there a cart here I didn't see a cart maybe a sisy yeah we need a horse is that a bear that is a bear I should take how many Spears did it take to kill a bear uh I used arrows well the [ __ ] tone of arrows okay well I'm probably going to die then yeah against the bar probably oh God holy [ __ ] how many [ __ ] arrows does it take wait he's walking away you coward get murdered he's running away from me he's he's afraid well no he may actually die now because he also ran away with me when he when he went to death oh he's dead wait that was so easy game is the spears are op man they cuz they run to you so you just Spam Spears back to back to back let's go dude but you know hit you or what no I was just I kept my distance and I just kept headshotting him with the spear also there's the broadleaf plantain thing here so I gu some of that too here we go we're gaming is it just one okay was just one no there's another there is more they don't grow in bunches they just grow one at a time all right that was sick how close are we to the thing cuz I'm trying to level up uh what are we go we're going for fishing right Dam we St only 219 in for out of 500 for the fishing it's taking forever all right any more bears here he's too hot okay uh I would love to get a house maybe up here I should drop some meat I don't need a trillion of it just oh I ate that whoops well then poisoning it's going down wait can you just eat this no problem oopsie doopsy I should take some clothes off stop saying that hold all to look for plants o that's a good one I can get my Spears back it's kind of pointless if I get the meat and then I immediately drop it because it's too heavy but if we find another Hunker we can put it on the wall oh sick um I mean what else can I drop anything that's like sword on wait let's see meat is just Mega Heavy and fur I got 44 fur I mean that might I feel like that's more useful uh I don't think we really need that much me meat seems extremely easy to get I'm I mean I know that's now when it's early but I feel like you could just kill an animal and then get the meat um where's that [ __ ] house I swear it was up here somewhere even with the 60 carry weight I can't carry it all I'm going to be out here in the I mean this is Summer right so we should be okay I'm walking off the map can improve the inspector I just want the brole plantain thingy there's a little Hut here a little purch large wicker basket I mean that seems like it would be useful Birch 250 coins oh my God okay then yoink oh there's a fish trrap here I'll take that those I guess it's going to be heavy though I got fishies all right is there going to be anything further on is fish expensive let's see it is way more expensive than meat I could actually sell it I'm just exploring the corner of the map here see if there's anything oh what the [ __ ] if you walk off the map it just teleports you back in the map that's hacking uninstall can't go anywhere the heat is unbearable the heat dis unbearable it's literally night bro salted fish can you salted do you need a kitchen or something cuz we have a kitchen and we have salt okay I would like to [Music] go I am upset that I couldn't find that one house that I saw earlier cuz that could have have insane loot but whatever have to walk all the way back I could take a trip because I have a lot of money but it's fine there's my unb meat that I just left on the floor yeah I could sell the fish but everyone's going to be sleeping now so then it's going to be annoying I could sell the meat as well but it's going to s for like $1 each which I guess what are we doing uh we could I'm just I'm G to have to build a campfire though let's see you build a campfire to sleep yeah you can't just sleep on a random random house uh what do you need to build campfire yes how did I get feather from that there's no fast travel right I mean that would be silly you just press q and then it's in like the yeah kit you finished the kitchen let's go we can make bread and Pie I should make we should make some more farm and there's a cauldron you can make soup and although it's kind of a little late in the year for Farm we have a meat diet out out here okay so I have I'm want to move all the food into here terrain is too uneven to build all right I can sleep yeah I don't I don't know where the [ __ ] where can I find it I uh q and then in decorations decorations silly where's the house all right I'm I'm going to sleep the next season we're going next season again yeah I've I've not done some building in a while I I mean I just did a long wait a second oh God you can also chop down a tree and get them that way yeah quickly so close to the house am I can change the length yeah I mean we're just keeping a default it's our first play through we got it the heat is unbearable it's like night time how where are we exactly the Sahara desert with trees I go go to bread seems like it my man slow uh I don't know if it's more F we had F roll in just randomly I think the fog is during the season change maybe cuz last time it was also on the third day can you not build this in a town no no oh I need to be outside oh my God my man my man is I'm running the slowest sleeper I'm just laying at a campfire water bottle R he's running I got to find another million dollars I mean that ring I don't know if you can if it matters who you sell it to yeah how far outside do you need to be yeah out of the Red Zone just out of the shape on the map people I love the fact if you start sleeping there's no way to get out of it there isn't I can't you can press stand up if you hold X at least I can oh yeah fair enough got I need more sweaters yeah I need to okay I'm ready oh yeah I'm here I'm in the wilderness with no pants and it's about well no it's not not going to get winter yet but I'm going to be cold out here I can't build it I don't know why just look at the map M oh now I can't okay there we go my man goodness gracious this man's so sleepy so EP I love be playing more stard I think these games are more my type of survival experience than stard I don't know there's some I like the 3D experience more it's more immersive let's go we did it we're EP oh what cheating I just teleported all the way from across the map I was going to be like oh I need to spend the whole next day walking here nope I don't wait what yeah I teleported to the m to the house what the [ __ ] I teleported to the nearest Village it seems I teleported all the way back that's so good all right nice I I guess I go get all the food stuff is in the kitchen chest now yeah I have some meat as well and a lot of fur which I'm assuming we're going to need eventually yeah I guess Winter's the next one right oh do I put meat raw meat in here as well yes please cuz I'm not I have raw meat 26 and I got five fishes I them randomly fish oh and uh I don't know can I I can probably drop it I'll put it in the house chest I have the large backpack that adds 20 kilos carry weight yeah is I'm putting it in the house chest it's in the house chest I should put on my hat as well my Honker honky gang put on that Honker honk gang let's go all right um so what do we need do you need any help with building here cuz cuz I've been out of exploring for a while I just need to get the thing going the thing the kitchen uh no I want to get the fishing started that's the next big thing fishing yeah yeah but it's going to be hard to get that right boom throw everything leather if we build a house we could have maybe a villager who does the farm or something o roll is the next building is an excavation shed it's going to poison me which sounds good where oh eat the oat God you can get a mine there so many buildings that's crazy uh simple torch almost empty clay cups just get rid of everything that I don't need um the plantain I'll put in there flow I got 18 flour as well want to make some bread load Stone yes a type of gift can be used as a magnet and a set to show wife's Fidelity when put under a pillow what did may be perfect for someone with a curious mind can be given to a man during flirting only a man but it's wait what excuse me oh I found a basket can we getp decoration somehow cuz then we can just make porridge can be sold for profit profit is eight what do you mean profit bro and eggs how do we get eggs let's go buy a chicken oh yeah I got a large wicker basket purely for aesthetic purposes can you put plants in there I guess not just for Aesthetics oh my God the garden looks so nice now cover is gift I want to keep that wait it's so expensive I didn't even see that wait never mind I'm going to sell this [ __ ] I'm going to get rich bro dude I'm going to get a trillion dollars uh I think if they don't see you yeah yeah cuz even if they're sleeping it still counts as stealing I found that out the hard way as long as there's like no one in line of sight it doesn't what are they doing if you if they they catch you you get minus reputation which we need to get like upgrades for the city uh let's see it's like it's like a prisoner's dilemma do you want to be the [ __ ] lowering the quality of the village how are you that okay I'm going to get rich here let's see 250 oh baby I'm rich I I'm rich old ring I'm even more rich not enough coins that's right [ __ ] not enough coins she's she's completely broke Now give me your coins let's go I got 2,000 coins man okay I can actually get winter clothes maybe all right I'm rich now let's go what do I I kind of want to sell the Honker I mean I guess I'll keep it so we have the same stuff I mean it gives cold prodection right is kind of good um the rest doesn't really matter copper ax copper knife oh yeah I have a copper knife singing in my face what the hell nice all right let's go I am rich now uh I would like to I'm going to build I want to build some stuff help uh help the city out what the hell are you doing here some cool stuff Arthur wagon thank you for the four you place a bucket on your head like in scy you place a bucket on their head and then steal from them yeah they're classic of course we should try that I don't think you can move items around like a Skyrim though so it's not going to work but yeah that's why I don't know I'm not like stealing can be so broken in games like Skyrim wait so how do we get villagers because that seems like the next thing wait do we what do we need them for you can assign them to work in all the buildings okay but then we need food and we maybe need more Farm but it's about to get winter in 3 days so maybe planting now is kind of worthless we have a lot how can it be winter in 3 days if I'm with scorching H oh wait my hop is going crazy oh I stole some beetroot by the way and put chest just so I could uh I can make a soup with it but I need a recipe which I can't afford I can collect it all right I'm going to collect it do I get bonus skill points let's go did you get three back wait a minute stinky crappies dude I'm getting so much food scarecrow oh the dove cart then we can get bires let's go wait this is insane man well then okay I can double the for chickens would be really good okay I just got 112 of the beetroot it's going to be great HP plan is not ready yet okay so now it doesn't I should we need how many for the quest 70 yeah but what is it going to give us is it even worse 30 Dynasty but that's the story so it probably unlocks stuff oh yeah I'll do it I'll go there real quick chicken farm next the question is like I want a chicken can I just steal one do you can you do it now and then it'll like I mean it's probably realistic right it'll die in the winter so doing it now is pointless like you should wait or after the winter and then plan a ton yeah I need to do my skill stuff as well let's see technology oh here we go oh of course wait wa wait wait sitting stump stick fence stick gate wait a minute is there anything oh we need chests right I have $2,000 so if there's anything we want to buy I can buy it recipes for things I could the chests I feel maybe privy I don't know you get a lot of chests in in all the buildings for free yeah true I don't know I only have 1600 oh my God I sold like everything I got to get that money you still got almost the same you're so [ __ ] Rich uh I do the question is do you still need them or would you rather pursue a career as a poet what I really need more back uh what What's really me about this game that's so strange is all the writing is so weird for I don't know if it's just me I'm so used to a game like this having like like two three-word options that are just like yes no uh I don't know and this is like a whole [ __ ] like everything is just a novel man I'm like reading these options like my my brother in Christ I don't know give a [ __ ] about this NPC why are you doing this to me well I need to ride maybe you should try to find a Bard or something like that but I'll try to do my best uh you won't what great let's start with onions onions have layers find another Hunker they're great for all players special prices not only for taxpayers some layers what the [ __ ] and how about changing it into babe please don't cry give my onions a try what the [ __ ] uh prices not only for taxpayers all right next one buy buy from me an egg it won't cost you an arm and a leg please don't make me beg even if your name is a Greg wait what the [ __ ] I'm doing a a rhyme battle with this guy he asked me buy for me an egg I need to rhyme it and one of the options is even if your name isn't Greg what the [ __ ] excuse me do that one we're doing great now the last one once you eat my bread you'll be free you will it will never leave your head what the [ __ ] Alles everywhere thank you for your help what do you think about this idea to be frank it's dumb it's great dude I hope people are also going to like them thank you for once again for your help and please come back to see how my business is going I'll sure do but I believe everything's going to turn out great all right Jesus Christ this man do yapping so we've done it oh it's still gone uh wait for next season okay we need to wait for next season for this one uh there's no side quest we don't have any we don't have any side quest cuz they're all filled we can get another one your is's of them what the [ __ ] this peasant just called my mom fat what the [ __ ] is going on man I've been wrecked bro kill her okay so I want to go to scy so we can get a quest if we build the uh what's it called the like animal thing then we can get a goose and let me get eggs okay uh I'm getting all the quest from the the notice board does it matter if you fail it I don't think so deliver salt wait I have salt okay I can do that get this backpack accept Quest let me just accept everything and then see how much I sorry what you can buy it from the clothing lady in the city you can buy two actually you can buy a backpack large small or large backpack and then a large pouch as well they go in different slots Quest are well good yeah the salt Quest I already got a bunch of salt so I can do that one immediately the rabbit one's pretty easy too oh nice D we're getting so many beer FL D look I really love how he set this up it looks like a genuine Village instead of just like a grid City okay I love it here what's the back I need just backpack small simple large backpack oh we can't even do the goose house cuz you simple large backpack and large pouch are the let's see put that in there sorry what did you say CJ we can't actually get the chicken house yet Hen House OH Hen House is the next one we need 50 from farming okay so we just need to do loads of farming we're not that far off I see I don't think we can do any more farming this this year though cuz the winter is about to come so planting now is not going to make it any sense but does planting give you points I don't that's all we need got beetroot beetroot seeds we got lots of seeds which is great I'll store this in I'll sort to Beet Root in your uh kitchen Beet Root boom and then the beetroot seeds I'll save winter is coming only Rye okay so we can plant Rye then I could get some Ry seeds apparently Rye can be planted so I can buy some of that and then plant it yes let's see I will do salt I needed 11 salt right uh salt salt well I got 14 11 okay so that's that Quest let's check all the other quests saltless City we got that shovel taker simple bag six wooden Shel okay interesting wolves Among Us Kill wol Hunt rabbit beer FL oat grain what that's so much 6 or 93 how the [ __ ] would I get this can you plan this today and then Farm it oat grain we have a villager now oh wait let's go big laava uh they're giving us lots of messages at the top left they seem to be mad they need food they need house I've there two now okay do we want them you need to feed them are you kidding me yeah we need to feed them and stuff uh what do we do with that we got villagers we can make one work in the kitchen and then she can feed everyone o yeah freaking Ducks running around everywhere I can do it but I can buy it and find it okay I mean I guess I got money I might as well buy that to complete the quest then I'm I'm out here being a traitor do you have your eye on anyone why you talk like that okay I would like to wait let's see I need to give this to saltless City who needs this your ass need I do you have some salt they provide various dishes there you go nice okay completed that then I would need o grain decide what you want them to do okay this is complicated oh boy oh it's you again show me some o grain you don't sell this huh you only sell got her working nice she's going to be making roasted meat for us who sells Oak your ass how can I help you there's Goods in the realm so oh my God she's cooking let her cook let's go what is she making yeah she's actually cooking roasted meat nice okay uh how do I get the grain should be some oat in the chest doing water I guess she's dreaming right now I just steal it your ass she's she's looking like a female version of inever you need oh here we go o o gra o grain here we go can I get 93 of this that costs so much money but I got a lot is that even that does not seem worth it $500 how what do I get for this goodbye I mean I get the make them a house each I guess I guess it's worth it cuz I get the beer and I get we get some reputation it's fine it it kind of works out in the end um we got our own Kelvin 93 sure it's fine boom have a good day all right here you go sure just bought it in then gave it to you uh great you just help to prevent a riot by the lack of beer here's your payment I I bought it for 500 to then give it to him to get 300 back that doesn't seem worth but whatever negative STS now he can sell you beer oh beer here we go I get another 70 kind of works out in the end it's pretty much like even this day all right let's see rabbit rabbit uh wolves among us to shovel taker how do I get simple bags how do you make those can I buy those here you have best prices in the area simple bag old R she's got all my [ __ ] no leather craft them we could do that okay so one doesn't have a job I think it yeah she does I just need to give her buckets oh I see we can't make empty ones I'm just making some now yeah we also have to build houses so we should do that cuz our house doesn't count for them and then when they have a house I think we need to put in the chest what they need probably or they can fill it for themselves so we need to make she has water now let's see we need to make houses simple house simple small house can we stack them together is there a reason that we want to build a simple house and not a simple small house slow or we want a do they start families or something I don't know why would we want this type of housing provides huge house oh boy where did we build this where's there or how the [ __ ] is the road going roads going here we just build two houses like there and there simple house allows for two children okay they can have kids and stuff we need to build I'm going to build a simple house here that seems like a decent spot okay what H it's just a rock okay uh so now we need to buildt this before and what did I want to do oh yeah the rabbit oh this I want to make simple bag where do I do that I do that in a uh I can't can I oh I can craft it here simple it's just letter okay six leather that's actually easy cuz I already have that a mood's going down uh right I put leather in here yes why is this not stacking together what six leather and a shovel right nice so I just craft this is fun these I didn't even know there were these I mean we I didn't know they were so easy to complete yeah we're going to need Le leather I know slap the rud guy with leather glove what the [ __ ] I'm just making some bags out here I don't know what this gives us but I like to just complete the quest right there you go and then I need one shovel I also want wood I guess to keep the house warm oh yeah they need firewood probably uh bgy I just needed one right we should do a instead of just doing a line of houses oh you've already built one well I put it down I'm just finishing one Quest shovel let's go I recommend this game I'm having a ton of fun I I mean this is the type of game that I don't often stream but I love to play I I genuinely generally like to play longer games where you build something up if I actually spend time on a game I want it to mean something so want to have something to show for that's why I didn't understand the whole reason behind Rogue likes for a long time but then I learned of games like FDL and stuff and I was like okay no this is actually fun but for the longest time I just didn't understand him because like why the [ __ ] would you want to spend time in a game oh you build a big house for the yeah yeah because then they can have kids apparently and they can make a family wait what oh my God but it's the fun of the game itself uh where do I give this I have the wrong Quest so this one your ass you're far away what the hell you're out of the city ghost Chief thank you for the 11 yeah longer games are nice uh you all right zot I got this for you no problem good that you're not a murderer that's not wait what what the [ __ ] soon all right nice I got wheat grain thank you so much sir CH taker okay I've done fishing spear I need to do Rabbids if possible is there any rabbits around here I'm just going to quickly run in this general direction fishing spear see if I can get some rabbits I have two oh my God yeah I see no rabbits I got a huge going on go fishing I'm completing all the quests I'm looking for wolves and rabbits now I'm assuming the dynasty reputation is important it's called medieval Dynasty after all oh press D on the map it shows hunting grounds I got fish you fish wait was holy [ __ ] uh there fisherman mate what did you expect there and there okay so I'm wait but it's also very close I saw one very close here there that's way closer did you just chop the water and then you go fish or no I just spared a little fish man I did lose a oh you are in there oh you see the fish I see so there there's more here any any rabbits supposed to be rabbits oh good old them Fish Man thought I saw one but no they're hiding they know I'm coming she's giv up working there so many mushrooms I don't know if we need those we probably do maybe it's like one of those things you should pick up all the time and then when you finally need them you're like oh I got a thousand of those nice and we're not doing any of that there was another ground close by here yeah up here in the road that's way easier H isus 27 oh sh this is that cave again right what we need to do to bring that up get some more she needs a house and uh food and water yeah but when you have the house you can put the stuff in there and then it's all done and I even don't I don't have clothes on he helped me find the chest here thank you rabbit I'm sorry did you have to die for it okay that's one they need to do that so many times all right what do you give me leather I'll take that cherries to eat some does cherries Heal Me meat I'm still just I'm still just living off the supply of dried meat we got through the beginning of the game oh my God any rabbits come on man there got to be at least six rabbits here right a little hard to see cuz it's dark already where are they at I hear screams bck the roomrooms does that give you experience in something I need to have a keen eyee I'm going too far is there wolves anywhere here Hammer broke I don't see no wolves wolves are like over here that's the icon for wolves it's kind of far away those those are wolves or those foxes links wolf is this icon the running icon those are nowhere here there like up yeah these guys no what these guys man they're only there are you kidding me any wolves got to be some right there all the way over there God damn dude that's actually not that bad so I can go to Sky or whatever the [ __ ] it's called I guess I'm going to just have to to take the 800 route 800 M far away it's not even that far these distances are pretty short what is this St John's work that's going to be something there's a lot of it here mushrooms picking out everything now not really oh was this it's just a bridge I want special stuff I want to find an empty house well not empty that would be bad but a house and then loot it aren't there Bandits wait is that what the [ __ ] is that animal are going to leave de did you just say because there like [ __ ] these guys yeah we should I sry I I ran off doing the hunting Quest I didn't they take too long I got to come back and then we build the two houses and then they should immediately be happy because we can just put everything in there I can hunt this guy for how much do I have 11 I mean those are big boys dude look at those guys they're huge dudes huge Lads oh hello it's a bunny that's annoying wait there's so many bunnies wait wait wait this is exactly what I need oh come on you son of a [ __ ] don't go in the water where are you going there we go oh my God okay that's do virtu eyes holy okay where's more there were so many here there's one never mind come on bunnies come back to me I know you don't want to die but okay I've done all the sticks okay nice I saw like five bunnies ran away and then I only got one and now they're gone rip all right it's fine I'm at the bridge we can come back there another time or [Music] tomorrow it's kind of can still easily see the we got a full moon or something going on here that Moon look weird I guess we're on a different it's too big yeah it's big and it's like a weird I don't know weird angle looking okay what do we need we need logs CL doesn't know how to get the bucket of water out of the well why didn't you say that [Music] mes eat look get me go let me take a closer look at you I'll put it in here even though probably doesn't really go there wheat grain this just seed right our villagers hello there lady go I need loads of the roof be clava I should just put this in the I can't see [ __ ] put this in here yeah you can't oh we need to build food storage for them man we need everything they need to do everything for these guys yeah she doesn't know how to do anything she's managing the well but she doesn't she's thirsty she doesn't she's managing the well she's thirsty I'm dead man what the [ __ ] you idiot just so stupid okay uh she needs firewood okay we had a lot of straw I'll do the straw I had a bunch of straw right I've got loads of sticks so much straw in here where is it straw here we go go build this house mate okay I'm building I'm doing all the straw are you doing the logs I think I've already done all the log I'm dropping sticks in front of her I don't know why still need quite a few logs the villagers are complete idiots oh we need a lot for this but I got 80 this house is popping yeah let's go you can edit it what is the edit allows you to like make a chimney or something no you can change the material oh you can make like Stone House interesting so there going to be like a big bad wolf blowing it over like why would we want to do that I know cuz it looks cool I guess I don't know they're happier in a Stone House have you not learned from the story it's just like fortnite yeah but very slow all right the roof is done okay it's just the corners now need stones yeah or sticks and one log let's go we're doing it I'll do the sticks one L see jump let's go let's see so then there one of them is going to be happy no do we we need to assign them over here a sign yes it's called the did you call it the stinky house or is that that's house why is it called the stinky I did that right the oh you did that I thought that's just because my crops were called stinky crops like did you do that as well like what the [ __ ] okay fin realized wait you called them stinky crops yeah oh wait you can I did it right at the beginning soon as it was made i r oh I see okay how do I assign oh here assign tenant okay accept oh my God you need like a family can only so you cannot put two ladies in one house cuz it can only be a lady and a man and then children they're so [ __ ] up not a progressive game in here yeah dude how could you do this now we need to build another house now we need to build a whole extra house can we do that cuz you see that they're all happy well one of them is bad is happy with housing and warmth but not with drinking and food uh we need to you're just staring at no she she didn't want my stick I don't know what the hell to you're offering her your stick yeah she she okay I'm putting food in here in their chest I'm just curious if that's going to make them happy and do we have water like a bucket I can give is that her house here or what I'm putting some dried meat in here yeah put some sticks in there as well she wants sticks does that go away now yeah let's go I'm going out please thank you we need to build another house to build another house hey she's drinking look she's happy now oh let's go light the fire so so what's the last thing it's warming here no no build little house little house little house you sure why don't we build two big family houses I mean it's pretty easy to build right if we all build it we can do it fast do we build it just here or do we we go to sleep first I mean we want to have them sleep do we want to like build the house before we sleep I mean I guess I we could sleep one of them is going to leave potentially but we'll see I'll probably have to go after we build that house by the way okay okay yes that's I mean they were in a perfect spot right we got the whole village set up they got food they got water we got two villagers we just need to create some families or do you want to want to you want to marry them yourself [ __ ] [Laughter] up I know how you can make more Villers oh my God Hunker gang rise up Hunker gang dude what the [ __ ] man yeah I'm best mates with uh which the chef okay let's see this ridiculous H I haven't talk do that guys oh my God she [ __ ] loves me her mood's going up what the [ __ ] oh my God I can I can compliment her now oh my God you're doing the Sims thing where you just Spam the same interactions over and over again this is [ __ ] ridiculous wait he doesn't even say marry me anymore oh man he he just honked he honked that was all he did okay we should build another house you're making me nervous um we need to get rid of could build like angled a little bit towards I don't know how we would do this oh no the other one was watching me while I was Romancing oops you're doing like The Witcher thing where you D them at the same time and then they B they tie you to the bed yeah CJ have you played Kingdom Come Deliverance no you should should try in Romance there there's no romance in that game is there there is oh there is romance in every game very naughty stuff there right you can see pretty much everything it's like The Witcher I didn't even know that yeah it's actually worse than the excuse me you can see more okay wa that's what you remember okay wait how do we this is going to be a very angled house doesn't matter we just want to build it in a street I would I would turn it so it's like facing like this way and then we'll like curl around wait sorry where oh no can you do it here like back to back like back to back yeah I was thinking that s like here where I am yeah yeah I mean it's going to be a little no no no I mean I mean back to back like the back of that house is on the back of this house oh really but then don't we cover up the road should it might fit just it doesn't want bu sad can you come closer maybe no like you can build it pretty close to the maybe do it sideways just so we start getting rid of the straight lines or like this I think turn it sideways and then we can curl the road round otherwise we're just going to end up with a really long oh yeah Town yeah that's better like that yeah sure nice and then we can build some stuff at the back can we still go through here yeah we can easily okay it's building time oh the road continues we need to have more Farm that's another big thing I don't have a ax or wooden Hammer you can't I don't know if the you can move them I I would doubt it all right we need to make them happy wooden Hammer yeah I don't have any stones but we should have some Stones maybe dude look at this place working this also looks way better it's not like super weirdly angled with the with the hill and we can build like this way we can like make a y road so we have one thing going off to the left one going off to the ride and then here's just I got to add like a huge Farm back here is this already growing no not yet that soup is so insanely good for food wait I could use some where is it in the kit in the kitchen it's called pottage pottage oh baby I would like only one hey you little [ __ ] you honk when I hit you it poisoned me uh 60% what yeah I don't know why it poisoned me what did you eat the soup yeah what it's poison soup soup what yeah what did you why did you feed me dude what did you put in the soup you trying to kill me not the poison bro you didn't take it it's still here no I took one of it did she add another one there were three before and I took one and I ate it is it because I'm stinky stinky soup stinky soup I mean it doesn't matter until you get 100 I think 100 poison okay we need stones we are gaming man logs we're going to need those it doesn't highlight Stones H and probably pickaxe these and get them as well right got 10 I need one more I think one more s all right I got the stones let's go stinky soup for a stinky boy they do tell you to wash huh have you already been told by a lady to wash yourself no I'm clean boy you're clean every time I love the way it builds it up like one layer at the time instead of one log at the time like what are you doing in the game yeah in Minecraft guys in Minecraft uh do these trees regrow yeah it's loading the house getting rid of all this [ __ ] got that bronze shovel May baby man these bronze tools last so long I miss mine I have a bronze shovel and it I can't even see it degrade what is sp bronze or copper Bron cuz it's a alloy I I learned this like 3 days ago the reason why Alloys are better is because if you have different metals they like have different shapes in like their like atomic structure gets all messed up so they can't like sh uh easily slide past each other because if you have the same material it's just all in the line so they can it's softer and it can slide past itself whereas if it's different things it all is like is rough rougher it's interesting i' watched the veritasium video yeah exactly the veritasium video was very different from what they usually do I was like what the hell is this a potassium video it's just randomly like this is how katanas are made I don't know and then they had you can see it was the first time where the like illusion broke that it's not like a oneman crew which I guess they're not they're not trying to be secretive about that at all but like veritasium is like a huge [ __ ] business now with like I don't even know how many employees and they had like just someone else do like the whole basically the whole video was made by one of the producers and I don't even know what is his name the veritasium guy I forget uh but he was just doing some voiceovers here and there like he wasn't actually really involved in it he's just a very T man let's go you can put hooks on the oh wait you what was that I saw some decorations Derek yes of course it took you guys long as well to say that so I'm assuming some people just Googled it come on come on how do I reach that there we go look at that beautiful I'm am I going to have enough if there's only one I have enough which it is only one dude I have perfect amount what the hell yeah there are invisibility potions I don't really know what the [ __ ] that's about it's done let's go sick uh now we need to put food there and then they're all happy why are they still unhappy you got jobs it's just one I don't know what the last thing means though maybe that's see we need some dried meat stinky your house uh roasted meat what are you even doing her her mini Gilda she's cooking something but what is she cooking I've got her just cooking the meat at the moment it's going extremely slow then yeah you you can up her work like percentage I've got it really low cuz I knew she'd be unhappy I see I'll just roast some meat then in our house so I can we can set it up so they have food can you do the water I'll do the meat poison soup yeah she's making that she's trying to poison me man it just casually doing 28 this is going to take like Straight Up 2 minutes so how's your day she talking about a period oh well it's a village simulator we're a family weird way to open a that's a small to isn't it isn't it weird that we bleed once a month but no animal does uh thanks for did they say that yeah that it's a bit of a strange way to start a conversation that's just because she's uh she likes the the duck the duck mask what can you say the first date is going well it is pretty wait is that I just I'm I'm my mind's getting blown here do animals not have periods is it only a human thing I just assume they do but you never notice it beetroot to eat do not they do okay they do I was I just like I'm about to like the whole world is falling apart dogs okay not every month interesting I had no idea I never really thought about it just when when they're in heat I mean I guess it's just a different Tempo all right there we go I got a million food does this make it better oh yeah it increases the condition look at that I need to drink some water look okay she has food now oh wait I was roasting like 30 meat I'll spread it out over their chests they both what are you spreading meat chest oh my God uh in the chest in their [Laughter] house you how did you dude you caught that one like immediately I didn't even think about it what the [ __ ] just she's just built like that he knows me oh man there you go oh the buckets of waters let's go you better be happy now why is he not happy oh because we didn't assign it here we go assign uh there we go boom you get assigned look at that they're just depressed as hell now but at least they got a house hey that's a pretty good first round I'd say look at this Village man this way faster I thought we were going to end this with like three houses and be so sad that we got this whole village we just need more food and stuff we need to build like a bigger Farm uh well I mean next week we'll build a bigger Village yeah thank you guys so much if you can upgrade the houses yeah maybe you can do it like can you just right click this with the hammer you can repair or destroy or build no I don't know you can destroy it if you right click by the way I wonder if that gives you the stuff back oh you can also just wait I'm repairing it but it's not repairing because I I have to have materials anyway put that away well thank you so much for playing that was lot of fun yeah thank you actually really good game yeah I love this I love the quest I love the quests are so simple where you just go in and then you just hunt three rabbits and then you go oh I did another Quest yeah and the I mean I there's probably not unlimited of those but just exploring gives you so many resources that's how I got like all my money where's psycho where do we have a healing potion uh my psycho is just like oh we got two more he's also addicted to this g h oh God you just th wa you got a oh what the hell oh that's how you move stuff wait what oh hold up wait he's learned something before we think give the to too much he's doing something he's cooking up something he's cooking like Herman a Gilda or whatever the [ __ ] her name is another the poison soup or something wait wait what so you can drag Tools around but not vases you know but it says you need to put them in something or what not it's a clay vase can be sold dude these ladies are not I let me see if I can put it on a shelf I gave her a shelf feels bad man nice oh wait one of them is Happy look at that no that's one of them is actually happy that is depressing is he doing it psycho is still just running out there oh here he comes I I thought you were still out exploring you were like I need to make the best of these last 2 minutes what do you mean it did work or what I'm here it didn't work I'm almost dead how did that happen you want to die real quick no no no sound all righty well uh next time we do even more for you what Qui ouch come here oh my God no no no we're going to die K him kill him all right I'm going to end this session real quick before I get I thank you guys wait should you do you need to pick up your inventory or can I just quit now psycho do you have your items still or yeah I'm good you don't okay okay just make it sure all right thank you guys much love all right there we go dude I love this game I want to play more that's really fun I want to I'm like [ __ ] I have to wait a whole week to play more of this it's like uh I this is like my favorite type of Survival game where you're just uh chilling and building a lot of stuff and I like that there's actually like this simulation aspect of it I'm assuming maybe you can like fully factorio it where you can like create a village that builds itself I don't know if it's that far but anyway thank you guys so much for watching I hope you all had a great time I know I did if uh you want to watch the video I uploaded earlier today which I highly recommend I did not see anyone else play this game yet it is a uh basically bug shot roulette where you have to chop off your own fingers I very much enjoyed it I will link it over in the YouTube chat if you want there it is you want to watch that thank you guys so much for watching over on YouTube hope you had fun I know I did and I'll see you tomorrow have a good one everyone see you see you all right I'll link over on Twitch as well if you want to check it out you watch the whole video well there you go you you can whoever didn't can watch it now and I will we will find someone to raid Let's see we got mini Gamers oh wait wait a minute how long is is he still going to be playing for a while cuz this is fun we're going to go say hi to Lavender he's playing Cult of the Lamb which is a really fun game I should play it again at some point you can join his cult and become like a little cultist guy and then he can feed you poop and stuff anyway you you should check it out hope you have fun over there thank you so much for joining today and I will see you all tomorrow have a good rest of your night I'll see you guys around have a go on guys s stinky house is done yeah we'll come back with stinky house next week thank you thank you
Channel: Insym VODS
Views: 43,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 234min 12sec (14052 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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