The Luckiest Stalker in the Zone - The Movie | A Full S.T.A.L.K.E.R. GAMMA Ironman Playthrough

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I'm going to leave for a while not forever I'll be I'll be back at some point but at least for this whole month of February I was planning on not doing anything on the channel and taking a small break so this past few weeks I was still playing the latest gamma anniversary update just to try out what's new no pressure just chilling in the zone and having fun I was playing a lot of Souls likee which actually became my favorite game mode recently when I want to chill and of course a bit of Iron Man here and there just enjoying myself not trying too hard and having fun and I'm happy that I took the habit of recording everything when I play now even when I don't have any plans or ideas for new videos because during an Iron Man run this can happened I know I know spoilers but honestly after my giant 13 episode series that ended in a failure I wanted to share it from the get-go if you watch this video video there's a happy ending this time so instead of enjoying the beginning of my break I spent a crazy week editing this so I can share this little Adventure before I go so enjoy guys thanks for being here as always and I'll see you all back very [Music] soon you know what I'm going to play clear sky that one I never play clear sky I mean in my mind I'm I was thinking about playing ecologist but I don't know like clear sky is like nerds with guns like the at least they sound a little bit better uh yeah we're going to start in the swamps let's let's stick to the OG game play and uh let me do Iron Man I've I've been doing like a lot of um lot of souls like recently but we're going to do some chill Iron Man with like three lives plus the wish grter life every five days and I want to try some stuff new I never try the Winchester like it's one of the new weapons I think so let me let me try the Winchester and yeah the rest is not really important anyways okay let's get started with all the main missions I I don't play clear sky that much but I think this guy will give us a decent Armor after a while I'm kind of counting on it so we'll see oh yeah I can definitely do this actually yeah let me do this it's going to give me a companion straightway which is actually super super good early game to have someone everybody say hi to Andre he's going to be your mid shield and extra backpack today okay let's go and the the other thing I have in mind is that if we do the missions for the nerd here he's going to give us a good nerd suit so technically we can get a pretty good nerd suit early on with this and the clear sky guy is going to give us like a good armor for fighting so we can get two pretty good armors pretty early I mean I hope so that's that's the plan in my head but like I don't do it very often we'll see I never ever use the free Zoom that you get in gamma let me bind it and use it for once just to see uh how good it is I'm going to try to do things I never do in this run to see uh to see if it helps or if it makes things worse I don't know we'll see what is it Bandits Renegades oh oh okay I I like the Winchester and I like the free already okay that's that's a good thing we we picked both of these things let me get my first free loot I mean not free but clear sky is like the Nerds we're not going to have a lot of fighting against Fighters early on so if everything we can get is good pretty much yeah it might be a little bit early to do this but uh I'm going to get zapped here ow yep oh yeah and the radiation is kind of bad too I mean let's meet our best friend for the most of the early game campfires we're going to yeah we got to spend a lot of time healing for fre rires is there any loter on here oh nice okay the bandits got killed I mean I was hearing a lot of gunfight for a while but okay that's good that's a free Mission yeah we're not we're not going to we cannot do that right now we're not going in a burner anomal so let's uh let's go do the cleaning mutants Mission and let's go back actually I said I'm not going in the burner anomaly but I might be able to make it yep okay perfect good good good good good that's artifact two so only one to go nice and let's do a little bit of mutant cleaning oh oh oh yeah I really need to buy some uh hydroshock rounds as soon as we get back to base it's going to make these missions much much much easier where is my friend where are you I need some help oh he's coming come on okay yeah these missions are actually very expensive ear game I need I really need to buy some uh some runs to kill uh mutants more efficiently hey guys hey that's some uh that's some chunky boys for early game okay nice are you the guys who killed the bandits at the pump for me actually maybe it looks like they're coming from there okay let's uh I'm not going to do this Mission because that's the one from my companion and I'm going to keep him as long as I can but actually let's uh let's go check the pump maybe maybe there are some buddies there because early game the best thing you can do is being a rat yeah I don't know if they looted them nice nice I knew I knew I would find some scraps here okay let's loot everything can I loot you ah no that one has nothing okay it's fine it's still something yeah I've been hearing a lot of gunfights I'm wondering if it's not a our clear sky boys um fighting against the Renegades here I need to be very careful because I can get kill like so easily right now but like I want to see if I can pick up some scraps from the fight I'm going to wait for the fighting to stop and then uh and then we'll go check it out oh one of them got killed and new MP 45 ooh okay that's that's such a good F we're not going to be able to repair it right now but like that's that's my favorite weapon to deal with mutants like early to mid game that's such such a good find perfect I knew I had a I had a hinch about this perfect you guys did a good job good job good job good job good job okay I looted the whole place uh let me actually heal by the campfire before we go back because we have to cross the whole swamp again so just to be safe yeah even the barrel is in good condition that's such a good find such such a good find like the dock is actually really close we could pay him a visit quickly so so it's done we're not going to do the main quest anytime soon but at least like a we don't have to visit him after that knock knock do you have some loot laying around first and give me the mission okay perfect goodbye let's do quickly the last mission for the Nerds and we can go back after that to uh okay come on let me grab this one yes perfect okay let's go back to base and uh and grab all the rewards good good it's get good so far that's a good start okay first the ner here you okay not bad not bad I'm going to get the next mission we're probably not going to be able to do it right now but uh it's just uh not to forget about it and let me give back all the missions here okay our next mission will be to kill some Bandits I mean Renegades okay actually I'm going to start uh buying some name vodka too so we can exchange them for the basic Tools in enter if we if we don't get lucky with the stashes some hydroshock runs to kill mutants they're kind of expensive but like it's going to make our life much much easier actually it's it's a pretty big group I have to kill right now I'm not sure we can do this right now it's going to be a little bit risky let's do some easy missions in the meantime uh yeah like and this classified information missions are the best like they give us like free stashes this one is in the swamps so that's perfect let's do this yeah let's do the mutants too okay that's a good thing we but this hydros Shack round so let me tell you makes things so much easier and the stash should be uh right here in the rocks for the first mission yep first tou of the game basic tools I knew taking this mission was a good thing nice nice nice nice and we even have a free artifact on top of it perfect okay let's keep going let's kill our mutants ah yeah like shooting the right type of ammo is like such a big difference we just spend like 10 times less bullets than uh than what we used before okay perfect let me give back the missions nice stash coordinates and um actually the first thing we're going to do is uh buy a hunter kit because like the extra parts are going to be like a really good source of uh of money uh and to do like a lot of little fetch quests actually let's uh use our old backpack to make a stash so we can keep our loot at least in the base forun now that's going to make things easier and it's time to start doing all the little fetch quests to get money stash coordinates the grind is starting pretty much I'm going to be artifact hunting nonstop too oh random Dead Guy okay nice nice nice nice I bought a small box to start uh storing my loot here and let's by uh multitool yeah we're going to start the dance of disassembling everything selling the bad parts and uh and keeping the good stuff for reair later I mean you know the drill you disassemble the weapons like this that are upgraded with the little green arrow because you can you have a chance to have like an upgrade kit out of them and uh everything else you just F strip you only use the multi-tool if the weapon has a good Barrel you want to get up and we're going to sell all the parts that are under 60 per because we cannot repair them and uh it's not going to be a lot of money but uh it's still something I mean I'm so broke right now every little bit helps and we're going to keep doing all the little missions we can of course yeah because there's already some easy stuff uh we can do for sure right now we're going to go get some sleep and uh tomorrow we'll try to take on the Bandit for the for the main mission we'll see if we can make it okay I I bought some Morphin I bought a silencer for my gun um let's see if it uh if it doesn't go well we'll uh we'll just run away it's fine oh there's one right here actually okay yeah I'm really enjoying this free Zoom I should have started using this much earlier I don't know why I've never done it it's it's kind of super useful at the beginning when you don't have scoped weapons or [Music] anything okay let's move back there's way more than I thought and we got spotted straight away I thought I could pick one or two off before being spotted but uh but no maybe they will come to the church I'm going to wait for here a little bit and see if we can uh pick them up from up there that would be pretty nice actually if we can do that but it doesn't look like they want to come ah okay run two let's try again oh there's one here uh yeah let me pick up the juice and let's go back we we're going to ow them like this slowly I think that's a that's a safe way to do the mission Let's Go All the Way to the Top This Time yeah they're looking for me okay one less I went back down I killed one at the bridge and now I'm coming back up to see if the others are following me cuz it sounds like they're following me this time it's so much easier to fight them from here I need to be careful because I'm I really don't have much ammo left for my rifle and the and the Treader doesn't sell it so gotcha okay I don't think there's many left we're going to go back down and uh yeah I'm very very low on ammo we're going to go back down and see [Music] I wrapped around I don't have any ammo for my rifle left so we have to go with the [Music] [Music] pistol there shouldn't be much left maybe like one or two okay done good good good good good good let's get all the loot because we really need that I'm going to loot the whole place there's probably going to be like some little things a little bit everywhere and we'll go get back uh get the mission reward and I have a stash with documents to get here at the same time where are you it's probably this yes okay nice okay oo nice it's nothing crazy but I always love when you have like a ton of different rewards okay next military that's a that's another story this guy are going to hit very very hard this I don't know if we can do right now uh let's keep doing some small missions first whoa 11,000 nice nice nice nice okay and we grinded enough already for my boy to be Supply level two so we can buy the 357 from him so that's perfect so we have reliable amamos source for Winchester good and let's check our first yellow stash that we got from a mission gun missing tools okay my last AR man run it took me days to get the gun spacing tools okay we we so far we're so lucky this run that's really nice so I'm going to fast forward a lot right now but it was a lot of murdering a lot of artifact hunting a ton of mutants cleaning mission of course I mean they're good money and they give us a lot of parts for fetch mission so that's that's really good and pretty quickly I was able to buy and learn all the basic crafting recipes so we can start to upgrade our gear and of course a lot of this assembling to be able to build my own Workshop first you can use the one from the technician but it's much easier to craft and keep track of what you need when you can store all your parts in your own Workshop and yes we can craft a better detector already perfect and let me see yes light repair kit so I can repair one of the armors I found it's not it's nothing crazy but like it's still uh it's still going to be better than what I have right now it's the best I could find so far and something for this helmate I got on a renegade boys we killed earlier and then more farming with our new toys this time and after some more grinding I was able to almost fully repair this bad boy I don't know how good it is but that's the only option we have right now for a scoped weapon and I really really want one to be able to fight the military safely so if we don't like it we'll just wait to find something else but I should be fine I can even craft some ammo for it I should have a little bit more that I found on people and in staches yeah it's really not much but at least just to try it out uh okay we have a lot of stashes to check actually some missions and let's see if we can deal with the military with our new toy we'll see oh okay this gun will do fine I think that was a good investment I need to clean the camp again to be able to get to the stashes I think from here it should be fine oh yeah oh yeah this gun is going to make our life so much easier oh yeah this changes everything as long as we can craft and buy ammo for it uh we are good give me loot give me loot come on give me some interesting stuff I mean I don't know I already saved a lot of little armors and weapons for later we'll uh we'll see what we repair after let's find these tashes oh you here uh okay gun missing tools again and the next one okay basic tools that's nice that's uh that's the set we can give to to the technician to um upgrade his inventory so that's a good find actually okay let's go tickle the military a little bit to see if we have any chance to do this Mission let's pop up some more fin to be a little bit more tanky okay these boys are tanky uh okay let's go that was a bad idea that was a bad idea let's pull back I mean we kill two we kill two we're going to pull back and uh and Agro them slowly ow ouch yeah I don't know about that okay we we're going to do like a a big big wrap around and uh attack them again from the other side yeah and I left my guy behind because he's going to get killed by them so I left him here okay let's go let's do a big wrap around yeah know there is no way we can shoot from here let's go okay I'm not sure what they're doing exactly but uh let's keep going let's go completely from uh from the other side okay we need to go back soon yeah we k a couple more let's pull back again let's leave I think some of them are slowly coming I can still see there there's still some in the base but uh oh yeah got okay one less where are [Music] you okay that's one more okay I loed the two guys we killed outside let's go back here per [ __ ] I'm going to die I'm going to die come on come on come on come on I need to stop the bleeding oh [ __ ] come on stop the bleeding Jesus Christ that was way too close but there should be only one left there might be the one behind the machine gun here but uh yeah okay that was the last one okay that was still a little bit early to do the military we were very close to the end here okay I let me drop what I looted on the two guys from before here and I'm going to loot the rest their loot is not crazy but for what we have right now it's actually uh it's actually night and day they have such good stuff with them and this guy almost got me yeah yeah okay I got everything I need to decide what I keep I got a lot of armors actually I don't know if it been Chang change in the latest patch I don't remember finding that many armors okay so I'm going to keep the SVD especially because it has a pretty good Barrel we're going to keep one of these AKs uh the case 23 I don't care I don't like this shotgun especially because we have the SAA the SAA is such a giant upgrade this I don't care like yeah all the guns I don't care I don't know yes the barel is an amazing like early to mid game armor for like ballistic resistance but like I'm not a huge fan of it I'm going to keep one just in case all these guns I can just F STP there's no reason to use my multi- tool for them that's good that's uh that's pretty good actually we almost die but like that's definitely worth it in terms of gear home sweet home okay let's stash everything uh we'll see what we do with um with the loot after because um I'm not sure like I can like as long as I don't have at least the ad V tools most of this stuff I'm not uh I'm not really going to be able to repair it like a better armor the SAA all this stuff like before the advance tool it's not going to it's not going to be possible to repair them so this Mission and that should be the last mission uh for Clear Sky after that we should get a good armor I hope so again I don't do these missions often so guns missing tools seriously that's the reward that's useless I don't care I don't care I spent three days in this [ __ ] swamp for nothing I was sure I would get a decent armor of this come on I'm done we are breaking up I have like all my loot with me we we're moving to rosock [ __ ] this my my big brain plan was to work for clear sky and the Nerds here to get like two easy armors but no like let's let's just move to Ros stock and uh and start doing missions there okay after two trips that cost me pretty much all my money we're set up in R stock so let's uh let's start doing all the missions we can with the boys because we we got a lot of farming to do and let me get my extra set of tools to to this guy cuz we're going to stay here for a while so I think it's a good technician to to give the tools to I didn't got off uh get our B AG hey two missions already perfect okay the grind in garbage starts we're going to do like yeah no you're not getting a med kit sorry bro let's do all the missions we can here artifact hunting stashes the the the real grind actually starts now and we have a big group to kill here yeah all pretty low rank if I stop missing my shots it shouldn't be an [Music] issue ah quick okay okay maybe maybe rushing them was not the the best idea where is the last one and two missions at the same time again oh three Mission actually okay we're going to get rich here we are going to get rich and we are starting to have a lot of stashies so let's check everything too yeah the ledge grabbing is like actually pretty fun makes a lot of things easier okay nice drug making kit so we uh we are getting everything we need very fast this run that's Prett nice okay yenter yent yenter first I have a package to deliver here you go okay that's fine it's a little bit of money and I brought a all my extra perks artifact that I'm not going to need with me so we're going to sell them to to sakarov here actually that's way less money than I thought but okay 34,000 we have like just enough to buy the S helmet I'm not going to do like the miracle machine or anything anytime soon but like I like to buy it early so at least it's done and I know that I can spend all my money on whatever I want now and I also brought all my vodcast with me uh to trade with spirit let me check um the recipe for the advance tools how many basic tools do I need oh you need five okay so I have one at home so it means that we need to buy four from him yeah I don't think we have enough so we have 37 swigs and it's 20 per kit so yeah we can we cannot even buy two so yeah we're going to have to find them in stash is the old fashioned way let me just get uh some ammo for my gun it's it's still good like ammo is good anyways okay let's finish all the missions we have in garbage look for artifacts and go back to Ros okay that was a little bit too close and Mission just happened so I'm going to I I already checked all the anomalies but I'm going to recheck everything now yep some artifacts have respawned perfect let's keep checking everything I'm back it's money time I did so many missions we're going to Rack in all the rewards oh yeah and now it's just going to be rinse and repeat doing this for the next I don't know 10 hours and I have a stash right here oh that's a pretty good stash actually okay nice nice nice nice and I was the one for cold so yeah I'm going to have to go back to the swamps after that but let's keep grinding a bit more around here for now oh and I started moving here I crafted an extra workbench for my artifacts um extra boxes and I mean it's not much but uh we're growing so I'm going to spare you the next five 6 hours of game play but yeah it was pretty much doing as many easy fetch Mission as I could to get some stash coordinates out of them then going and checking all the stashes for potential upgrades and more loot that I can turn in for more fetch Quest and more stash coordinates not that much fighting besides mutants because well we don't have like that many enemies right now and and of course a ton of artifacts and checking every anomaly I could everywhere I was going so pretty quickly I basically started acting like a traveling salesman I was carrying all the stuff stalker generally look on me and my companion and I was visiting everywhere to do easy missions to get stash coordinates this way so I would start in rosock then go to Army way hes then yent some farming in garbage and do this on Loop over and over and the good thing with starting to work for freedom is that I'm going to start having stash coordinate yeah red forest for example more in the north so we have like chances of getting better gear and let's start I mean let's continue the main quest line uh yeah labik s yeah we we not going to do this anytime soon but like at least we know it's here for us somewhere in the future let me check my yellow stash that's the first one in uh in Army warehouses I have yeah Advance tools and and an armor that we can actually a pretty good armor that we can repair oh yeah definitely yeah yeah damn we've been so lucky this round so far that's good okay let's finish the last missions I have and and we'll go back home to see what we can do with it I need to kill this guy but yeah I shouldn't have taken this Mission but maybe we can lure him enough so the duty guys can take care of him come on boys help me I'm going to waste all my ammo like [Music] this oh they're coming okay come on actually if the S giant could kill a couple of them that would be nice maybe we could get some some good upgrades this way I'm going to I'm going to leave me alone I'm going to stop shooting okay that's two dead already come on nice nice nice I I know it's terrible to do that but I'm back I'm not having enough fights as clear scy I need like a some bodies to loot yeah yeah yeah like I haven't had any kills so far far so it's I know it's not like the most ethical way to do it hey don't don't steal my KY I want to be able to loot him okay nice and that's one more bu I can loot okay good good good good good a come on there was nothing okay okay we we we got some uh some pretty decent loot out of this that's good okay so now with the advance tools we should be able to get a medium repair kit to I have enough yes and this one yes okay perfect so basically we can repair the UMP 45 and this armor and that's going to be like a giant upgrade because we we didn't get get any new gear I mean we didn't repair anything since the beginning of the game pretty much and let me get all the level two recipes so we can start crafting better stuff and let me see can I craft the nvgs yes the better ones yes perfect that's going to be useful if we start doing some lab soon I cannot craft a detector yet but uh I mean it's fine we'll do one soon enough and I want a bigger backpack because we want more we want to be able to carry as much root as we can hey that's fine that that will do that will be enough for now okay everything is at 100% yes let's uh let's craft a little bit of ammo and I can do some little upgrades too I mean nothing crazy but like it's what I have I don't have to craft anything so yeah that's going to be useful nice nice nice nice nice okay so we're going to finish all my little missions in yent in garbage yeah Cordon Meadows yeah we have a lot of little things to do and then we'll go to agroprom we can I think we're ready with the gear we have now we can do a agrom under ground what's happening again around here where's a bandit oh F I almost shot I need to remember I'm clear sky I'm friendly with mercenaries I'm not used to be friendly with mercenaries I'm not going to be able to loot him ah that would have been good loot on a Merc okay whatever let's pick up the stash with the documents for barkeep uh okay nice we have an artifact where are you stop running away come on time to do agram underground I'm I'm going to do it very quickly I don't want to uh fight with the bandits at the regular entrance so we just going to take this side entrance so we can avoid most of the fighting it's probably just going to be a a couple mutants coming from here we'll see what we get at the at the mutant Lottery blood sucker burer some s okay that's a burer okay that was [Music] fast is there anybody else yeah I'm going to go straight to get the documents we're not staying here like we're going to rush all these little missions give me the documents here and they should be a case oh and this one okay let's get out of here I'm going to leave basically the same way I came from uh okay sure so we don't have to do any fighting and I was the fastest AGR PR underground ever I need to pick up the laptop for the nerd in the swamps like for these missions that I have since the beginning but I don't think I have enough cus for this oh no oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no yeah not going to happen and I think the laptop is on the higher level but uh yeah we can we cannot do that right now okay let's go I'm going to loot the place here there's probably going to be a lot of little things and uh and we're going to pick up all the stashes I'm doing the mission for my companion it's uh we're going to let him go we starting to have a lot of rep with other factions I'm pretty sure we can get someone better let's go back to base to sell and drop all the loot and and we'll get rid of him all right my friend give me all your loot you've been a very good backpack you did a very good job honestly if I didn't had the SAA at home I probably would have killed you to get your shotgun but let's let's not mention it okay see you on the other side Andre Okay cold what do you want from [Music] me U okay honestly I'm not even sure I need to do last down but uh hey whatever I actually I mainly came here to pick up the loot I left here mainly the helmets to see if I have anything interesting uh yeah yeah yeah we'll see what we can repair yeah I don't need this anymore okay let's sell the bad parts and uh and let's get out of here and we did so many missions for clear sky this guy should be pretty high level oh yeah Supply level five okay that's good he has a lot of good stuff I want something for my ump so silencer and let's go with the EOTech the EOTech is not bad it's pretty cheap too okay good beautiful yeah it's exactly my feeling right now it's going to be nice I'm going to grind some more mission to be able to repair the SAA this helmet maybe upgrade a little bit my armor and uh after that we can do the miracle machine like this gear is going to be good enough to to do all this so a little bit more grinding and let's do that yeah Ros stock is so good for all these little fetch missions we can make so much money stash coordinates and everything okay let's get some sleep it's going to refresh all the mission and let's do them again here you go and uh yeah yeah we can keep the missions now we did AG from underground ooh call of the north this is getting serious I'm not sure which weapon he has I mean we'll see soon enough we're not going to help I'm so bad for doing this but uh come on doggies I I really want to help him but like I'm I'm so such a terrible person okay Finish him yeah okay he's dead come on I want an AK 105 the duty always have a lot of ak15 give me something like this ah SKS okay what never and we have an artifact okay I mean still something oh can we watch someone else die again I hope karma is not real because I'm in deep [ __ ] if karma is real I it's going to be two guys come on doggies get him oh yeah nice one nice what do you have H no nothing much and you ah nothing much yeah okay was not really worth it to let them die I feel bad now if it was good loot sure but now I feel bad yeah I'm going to need better attachments or artifacts to uh to hunt with this suit I mean it works but it's uh it's kind of painful okay let's get out of here I think uh we are good enough for the mission I have enough money enough everything uh we can uh let's start getting ready for the Mir machine let me see my stats yeah we already did like more than 100 task already so okay let's quickly repair the SAA repair the helmet and we should be good and I should have enough yes for a bigger backpack nice I don't have any good attachments though I'm starting to have a good chunk of artifacts but um I'm not sure I can really Empower something really good right now it's fine oh this guy got murdered I swear I didn't I wasn't watching I'm just discovering this body I have no part in what happened there come on give me something juicy upgrade kits it's always good yeah the clear sky game play is really the same as ecologist like I'm not a huge fan of the pacifist play style I mean we'll get better enemies later but like right now it's it's only killing bandits and uh and these guy are broke like they never have anything interesting I mean at least it makes it makes the hobo stage very easy but uh it's not the most uh interesting way to play in my opinion yeah I'm so broke right now I'm going to do some missions for uh for the loners it's going to be like some easy stuff just to stack up a little bit on money to buy medicine ammo everything we need and let me see sidorovich for the main quest okay so we need 20 grand and Ste a case from the military okay uh you know what I'll get the mission from uh lash where we have to blow up the military trucks and we can do all this at the same time uh we'll do that later let me do some easy stuff like this for now yeah and you know what let's try to get hip because I'm having a hard time finding um someone who wants to be my companion right now so yeah let's just try to get hip yeah we have really good gear for Cordon right now we're going to be able to rush through these missions very [Music] easily and that's the the to we need for Heap okay we found it already I I thought we would struggle a lot for this we we are so lucky this run it's crazy damn she gives a basic set of tools as a reward now okay that's good to know okay we're making good money we're climbing out of the hole I'm Max wrapped with clear sky but I can't get a companion for some reason it's weird maybe something changed maybe now it's linked to your personal rank or something I don't know let me go back to Army warehouses finish some missions before the night and uh and we'll do a miracle machine tomorrow how the [ __ ] did I miss that come on come on I'm shooting slugs I don't have time to reload ah I'm playing this like an absolute TR come on okay let's let's go visit lash and let's go back to rosock I shouldn't be here at night that's a very very bad idea let me get the mission to bomb the military so we can do the one for sidarovich at the same time and yeah that's it let's go okay I just saw that I had two yellow stashes in uh in track Cemetery but like they're very very close to us we we're not going to have to do any fighting I want to check them quickly before we go to bed okay first one okay Advance tools again I can give this set to uh to the technician that's good and where are okay Advent oh a nomad suit okay and Advance tools again oh I mean I think the armor I have is better but we we'll check when we home okay let's let's go to bed for real this time here's an extra set of tools for you bye let me check yeah no it's it's pretty much the same and I already started upgrading mine so yeah it's we I don't care about this let's start the day with the usual fetch missions and we'll get ready and uh and go down to to Cordon because I keep saying that I want to do the miracle machine but actually I want to do this military missions first okay let's do this let's have some fun so we have to find the documents and blow up the trucks I it's fine let's get Juiced a little bit just in case I have a phantom artifact to be invisible let's equip this and I bought some explosives I mean I already had a couple and I and I bought like two more that's a good thing you can do when invisible it can you can still plant the explosive charges while being invisible and if we put them between each trucks like we it should be able to blow up everything okay let's put another proximity here and another proximity here and we're going to go upstairs we're going to remove our artifact okay should have destroy the trucks and we're going to fight from here [ __ ] where did you you are not supposed to change weapons quick quick okay okay they're a bit more tanky than I was expecting but uh it's okay our charges are doing the work right now and if it gets too ha if I get too much damage I'll just uh equip the artifact again and and just like run out of here but we're going to try to pick them one by one when they come up the stairs like it uh it should be fine spe okay I think we are done there's one last one that doesn't want to come [ __ ] surprise [ __ ] and I think we oh no there's okay okay this time we should be good yes okay let's loot oh yeah and uh let's pick up the documents I was here for let's finish looting I mean so far I didn't find anything crazy I mean uh I was expecting better from you guys yeah after looting everybody like I save this AK the gas mask but that's pretty much it like everything else was was just like random uh random stuff that's not too useful okay let's give back the mission to sidorovich here you go I'm doing a couple last mission in in Cordon because it's easy it's easy money so here's what you were looking for oh I can hire this guy actually that's the first guy I can hire as a companion so far uh okay wait this artifact is annoying where are you shut up artifact okay okay I can have you as a companion yrick yrick peee and you're only a rookie okay you're not you're not going to survive long but you will do fine backpack okay perfect perfect let me see if I can craft a Grizzly detector because I'm kind of shooting myself in the foot right now because I'm doing a ton of artifact hunting but okay I can make one but I'm using something that cannot find all the artifacts so that's kind of counterproductive okay good good good good new detector new PDA so we can see the bodies perfect I know I said like at least three times that I was going to the miracle machine soon but I'm still grinding missions in rotto right now I just want better loot more ammo more medicine I just want to be like more prepared in general but I'm going to go soon I swear I'm just addicted to stash coordinates right now oh ooh extra life nice good good good I'm just doing a little bit extra farming you never do enough extra farming when you're addicted to loot oh we have a nice little situation here previously on The Walking Dead we'll see if this Freedom guy survives it doesn't look good my friend yeah no that was quick that was quick I mean it's free loot it's nothing crazy but uh it's free loot that's car armor no don't kill Yuri he's so young this is that was karma for not helping this Freedom guy okay let's keep going all right boys I have some bad news I was doing the mission where you have to kill all the zombies that are going to attack the freedom base I wasn't recording I I didn't pay attention and uh oh that's a pretty good reward actually and Yuri died or companion died unfortunately so sad so young but anyways that's not the point the point is actually all these zombies had a ton of guns on them a ton of good stuff I'm just checking that I looted everybody I didn't forget anything as clear sky we have so little fight against other faction that's actually the first time I can stack a ton of good weapons so I saved everything in this stash we there's actually like a lot of good stuff so we'll see I'm going to go back home with all this and we can see if we can uh if we can get some upgrades because uh I think we have some good stuff in there yeah the the SAA Merc that we found is actually better than the nerd version we have right now so I'm just going to disassemble it and replace the part to repair that one very easily and then we'll see like ak2 maybe uh or the Sig like it's going to I'm going to check like my ammo but like it's going to be like one of these two yeah with with the parts of my old SAA I can repair this like immediately that's perfect and let me do some upgrades because yeah we can do some stuff that that's the one we're going to use for miracle machine so if I can get some upgrades that would be nice I'm going to craft some extra one so I can upgrade the UMP a little bit too but let's finish upgrading this bad guy first yeah okay nice and for the UMP yeah yeah I can I can I can do some little things too I still need a little bit more to finish upgrading everything so I'm doing like a last round of mission and artifact hunting in garbage oh come on an a mission again we just had [Music] one where do you think you're going bro okay I mean that's good it's going to it's going to respawn a lot of artifacts so we can go hunting after that okay I spent the whole day farming I know I'm moving very fast with the edit but nothing crazy happened I just found this uni CA suit in a stash which is actually slightly better than mine so I fully repaired it and we're going to disassemble mine to get back some of the upgrades kits and we're going to fully upgrade the new one and I was also um able to finally craft uh some attachments it's nothing crazy but like it's it's going to be like a little bit little bit of help and I'm slowly empowering a ton of artifacts nothing crazy right now like nothing I can really use but yeah I'm I'm slowly like working on it and uh we should be able to have something like somewhat decent pretty soon I mean I'm showing very little of it because I want to go fast but yeah we did like more than 200 task already like we we spend like nine days like we we've been grinding like crazy and uh and this run is going pretty well like we we still don't have any death I mean we haven't done anything hard yet so but but let's try to keep it that way okay we are back in yentur we ready for the miracle machine I took some of my artifacts like I don't have anything crazy but like just like some basic r s like rure against mutants like uh anything that could help uh I mean it's crazy yeah we almost killed like 200 mutants already I didn't get a single Bel and like more than half of those were with the hunter skid bonus so I really don't understand what's happening with pelts if we just like very very unlucky uh and I brought all my vodkas we'll buy some stuff with them uh after but uh okay let's do this we ready our gear is pretty decent we can we can do this easily I think yeah we got plenty of ammo plenty of medicine enough to repair gear honestly uh most of our stuff if is like fully upgraded to the I mean not completely upgraded but like to the uh everything I could do with the uh it's do a little bit of Dancing with the mutants I mean everything I could do up to the advaned tools so so actually we are not uh we are not that bad I mean looking looking at my C I could use a little bit more CES but uh I really don't have anything else right now I could use I mean we're going to take some uh some side block inside just in case but uh [ __ ] okay now yeah yeah my my my sise might be an issue actually I okay I cannot get hit with a single Phantoms anymore let's go inside quickly okay let's do this I mean it's going to be the same thing as usual so first we get Juiced some Morphin some sidey block everything we need to have more resistances actually for me the scary part is right now like uh we're going to clear the way as much as we can but if you don't get a controller here and you're fast enough to not get ouch destroyed by the Phantoms like it should be fine okay let's run to the corner there should be a blood sucker [Applause] here of course he that was a dirty trick like I thought he would come straight at me okay let's heal oh oh that's our first mutant Bel okay let's heal and let's keep going we're going to blow this up to kill the Snorks and open the way then it's going to be our little blood suckers but like they cannot reach us if you stay behind the packs oh I killed two okay I got both of them okay nice I didn't even realize okay let's keep going and then we just climb we climb and we pull all the lovers on the way it's pretty easy generally I like to plant an explosive charge here but uh there's an anomaly so we're not going to do that today a little grenade just in case there's a snork hiding no okay and that's it pretty much we pass out we wake up we kill the [Music] burer yeah that's not the best cup with the enves but that's fine get off the way little rat yeah can we even walk here with this anomal here okay quick okay that was close let's get rid of the controller yep and we are done pretty much we are done easy enough we're going to have some Snorks on the way but honestly it's nothing too hard uh we can see the zombies from here that's perfect I'm going to blow them up I mean we're not going to have the barrel for the S giant but it's fine cuz uh actually the zombies are more of a pain when you run away from Theo giant than the solo giant itself One More Zombie here where are you okay I forgot my grenades generally I use grenades for like all these Snorks but um yeah I I forgot my grenades at base I mean it's fine let me check where are my explosive charge in my inventory okay they're here so we can place them quickly we're going to put one here yeah it's easier to do this without being like shot at by the zombies one here and honestly I should be like enough to kill him almost completely kill him come on yep that's it pretty easy Miracle machine Let's loot everything and let's get out of here come on can I get a s giant Bel no okay whatever okay I'm going to ex change all the vodka I brought before for um let's get some 5.56 and let's get some uh 9 by 39 for later that's a good way to get this ammo and let me buy all the artifact crafting recipes because we have some money right now uh because for like next is going to be the Brin culture and for the Brin culture like we we cannot do it without good artifacts so yeah let's let's give back all the missions and let's go back to grinding pretty much but that's uh first step is done that's good and now the real artifact hunting starts I mean I was doing already a lot but now we're going to grind artifacts for like I don't know the next four or five hours at least I kind of want at least a full empty and some extra something for for radar we're not going to have enough to do like a full empty and a compass for example but at least yeah at least one or two good artifacts to uh to make it safely so yeah I'm going to speed this up but like it's going to be like hunting hunting hunting artifacts for a couple hours now I'm just coming back from I don't know a good hour hour and a half and look at this it's uh I mean is it a lot no not really we're going to have to do this I don't know five six more times okay let's keep going and uh we should have enough Sark hands for hip so that's good we're going to go to Cordon and see if we can pick her up and of course I'm spamming absolutely all the little missions I can to so we keep uh we keep grinding rep money stash coordinates like pretty much everything all right hip I have your snork hands do you want to come with me blah blah blah blah blah blah yeah I don't care I don't care okay come yes okay perfect we finally have a real companion a real backpack good I mean she's a dumb dumb but she's very hard to kill so she will uh she will be perfectly fine okay let's keep grinding come on come on what's this hip don't make me regret getting you already Jesus Christ I mean I wasn't lying when I said she was a a dumb dumb like we cannot count on her for anything come on you little Bandits do you really think you can do something come on where are you please please please okay let's keep farming missions oh geologist okay nice we're going to get even more artifacts now that's good that's exactly what we wanted and of course I'm getting like so many stashes and looting every single one of them damn I thought it was a mercenary Ace for a second that would have been so good but eh no unfortunately no it's okay I'm slowly making more and more work for freedom uh I have two set of tools for you my friend just because like I'm getting stash coordinates a little bit more North with them and yeah they just have better Loot and we start getting some stuff in radar red Forest I have like um all my Mutant parts to do like a ton of little fetch Mission with them so yeah we're going to start working a little bit more with freedom I heard something weird let's climb on something oh yeah hip can you do something please oh that was a good grenade okay come on what what is she doing oh okay my bad my bad okay I I try talk too fast that's my bad I told her not to attack okay sorry the good thing is like we starting to have a couple yellow stashes in radar and red Forest so we're going to be able to check those pretty soon for the uh for the expert tools hopefully no oh come on don't throw it away okay this artifact is in space right now we're never getting it back what's happening in here here okay ooh EXO Helm okay that's a good thing I went to check what was happening in here we don't have the recipe to repair this but that's a really good find and we're starting to find good stuff in stashes I found like my first real sniper in a way and I also got my first real like a nerd suit to help with the artifact hunting so we're we're slowly progressing slowly but surely I even got an AK 105 which is which used to be like one of my favorite weapons we'll see if we use it with the upgrade kit but that's a really really good find too okay that was a big nice farming trip we got a lot of good stuff oh yeah and I move my base in the freedom base to be closer to radar and red Forest okay let's see because uh we can get some pretty big upgrades out of the stuff we got here for sure I have a couple options actually I could go with the 105 with the shakal or swamp upgrade I could go with the 74m or the ak2 they're not too bad and I can put a grenade launcher on them but actually there's this Venom version of the AK that I think new I never saw it before so I'm kind of curious I want to try it so I'm I'm repairing that one and it has like a pretty big mag so it's always useful we'll see if we don't like it we'll just switch to something else okay and let me see if I can craft a heavy repair kit with the advance tool recipe that's very expensive but uh we don't have a choice right now uh okay yeah we can perfect perfect so that means that we can actually repair one of the good helmets we have uh I think we're going to yeah I need to compare but we're going to go with that one for like the hunting artifacts and we're going to go with that one for fighting definitely and we've been like farming so much like repairing arm I mean even weapons but like armor especially is like so easy to repair like we can fix pretty much everything we want and I'm going to repair the nerd suit too so we can like artifact hunt even easier okay let's do a small trip to Red Forest I mean I shouldn't call this a trip we're just going to poke our head and uh if things gets too hairy we just we're just going to leave but I kind of want to check the stashes there if I can ah we had fog and now we have fog and rain can I can I get like nice weather please for this come on I always get welcomed by a solent the first time I go to Red Forest it's it's becoming a tradition pretty much oh I finished my HP runs already okay we we are definitely not ready for this let's uh let's just go pick up the stash and let's get out of here huh it's empty okay I was expecting some monolith here I wanted some sweet monol loot okay no fighting yeah the weather is so bad I cannot see anything this is uh this is way too dangerous let me grab the stash where are you come on okay oh that was a gr yep okay that one was hurt yeah let's uh let's get out of here like we we cannot see anything I don't have enough ammo anyways it's way too dangerous let's go let's go back to grinding a little bit it's not going to hurt going to do a ton of little missions I'm back in agroprom now that we have some decent gear and some artifacts uh I'm going to try to grab the laptop for the professor like I have I should have enough electricity and um c yeah I'm um I'm still going to pop up some side block and uh and let's go get this yeah I was doing I was expecting to be able to do this Mission very early to to be able to do the nerd mission to to get a free a free suit but actually I'm able to do it very very lateer should be here yes okay yeah much easier when uh when you're prepared okay let's go let's go see him and uh and give back the mission I'm going to pick up like all the artifacts around while we here too what's this noise oh no oh no okay let's uh let's get some I only have my nerd suit we in the middle of the night I need to be really careful where are you what is it oh okay it's just this little [ __ ] okay hey don't don't make fun of me because I was scared like you don't know you don't know what out there at night like people who act off are dead so let's uh let's keep going oh look at the Lash me message that that's the I did before where I got all my weapons upgrade we we need to do it again as soon as we are back at base because we have so little fighting as clear sky like this uh this mission is a God send to get better weapons okay bro give me my free nerd suit the whole idea was to do this early and get a fast suit but yeah the laptop was in such a dangerous place like this Mission reward is actually pretty useless okay see you nerds thanks for nothing let's do the defend the base against zombies again because last time it was really worth it and it's a very easy Mission so we are just going to wait here and let them come very slowly I mean we have a lot of freedom guys to to help to so there's no reason to push them we're just going to wait here we've been doing this for so long the sun is slowly Rising but we're almost done I can uh I can actually like start looting while they're dealing with the the rest that's coming but like we we killed a lot already I mean look at the mini map like it's crazy okay I got pretty much everything it's time to order the loot and see uh the good stuff we [Music] got yeah actually the sniper I don't give a [ __ ] I can throw this away but uh MP5 Fraser ak5c G I kept the M4 butcher just in case you know the veres and the guns I don't care but yeah this uh this mission was uh was very worth it again so that's that's good that we did it and we got like a lot of extra little things too so so overall yeah that's that's good okay let's uh let's go hip and let's go back here on top of all the guns we get that's like actually really good the reward for this mission is very good yeah 25k it's it's actually really really good oh another life nice I mean time goes fast when you're grinding like crazy I'm not joking when I say we are grinding like crazy like I'm not showing most of it because like I want to edit this video pretty fast and I'm not recording everything but yeah we are like at more than 300 task now and uh and we like yeah fully kept in rep like everywhere so yeah now we we've been grinding let me tell you let me grab my big boy helmet uh I need to check which ammo type I have the most EP runs with uh yeah that's going to be 545 okay because the thing is like I um yeah it's 545 because I repaired the Sig um but um and it's going to be nice because we have the grenade launcher with it but we're going to go with the AK for now I'm going to do the the first fight against the monolith because honestly we ready right now we have uh we have the gear to do this pretty easily oh okay we even have a a master rank Freedom hanging around here okay so that's going to be easy like we he this guy with gatekeeper like we don't even have to do any fighting I mean maybe a little bit ouch oh they kind of hurt a little bit more than I thought okay Gat keep you're just you're just going to stand here and acting like nothing's happening okay okay thanks for the help bro okay the fight is over already okay that's why okay good good because we took a lot of damage early so I'm not going to complain that it's over already let's uh but we're not going to have we're not going to be able to loot a lot of guys they did all the work I mean I kill this guy so I can loot him yes is there anybody else and the radiation is crazy he okay I killed this guy too I can loot him okay nice okay done uh so we yeah we need to keep I'm I'm still not ready to do BR culture we need to we need to keep grinding oh there's a dead n oh dead nerd with actually I think I delivered packages to this guy before okay that's that's free loot a ton of repair kits and a ton of ammo okay nice nice nice nice looking for artifacts whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you doing here it's garbage it's garbage what are you doing hiding in a hole in garbage like that's what the [ __ ] come on okay red Forest round two I mean weather is still not great but it's it's better than what we had before and I have a I have a lot of stashes to check so let's do this H there's a sort of giant not far from here [Music] okay expert Tools in my first yellow stash yeah that's that's uh I don't even know what to say right now that's um yeah okay that that's the luckiest run I've had so far in in in I don't know how long like if we look at how I got all the tools the guns missing tools the my drops in general that's uh yeah that that's the luckiest run I've ever had so I don't know what the [ __ ] is happening I'm going to try to avoid the solo fight oh I didn't see that guy are a bit tanky are we yeah they hurt uh we need better gear to keep going they really really hurt I'm not even sure I'm going to check the other stashes uh I was planning on fighting the sins but uh I don't know I really didn't see this guy oh my God okay and my favorite armor okay now we're going back we are going back we're going to repair all this especially with the expert tools now okay this yeah this is definitely my my luckiest run ever like I'm finding everything so fast stuff that I I struggle so long in other runs to get uh yeah let's let's slowly go back we're going to upgrade all our gear now jeez Jesus what's happening I mean we we haven't even done radar yet and the only thing that's that we were missing is the recipe for the for to craft the exoskeleton repair kit like I mean let's not jinx it maybe I'm never going to find it but uh yeah that's crazy that's just crazy okay let's uh let's go let's go upgrade all my loot like every every upgrades we can do we we're going to do them we are going to be so tanky that's so good so good and I'm going to do like all the upgrades I can I can probably like craft most of them whatever I'm missing we'll just like buy a yeah I'm just going to buy at the if I miss some stuff if I cannot craft it I'm just going to buy it at the technician and we're going to do like all the upgrades we can okay I need this uh yeah let me buy all the level three recipes too now that we have the tools I mean I'm rich I'm rich and I have like all my font artifacts so I can I can get discounts so many upgrades done fully repaired fully upgraded that's yeah such a boost such a giant boost okay so new armor fully upgraded new helmet new backpack new envs uh the Sig almost fully upgraded to the MP5 Fraser uh I'm not crazy good in attachments yet um but we're good like we are so so strong suddenly right now it's uh yeah okay I was showing off but I went back to pick up all my artifact hunting gear because that's what we're doing right now uh I need to be able to craft some good stuff before we go to uh to radar so let's do a couple more artifact hunting trips and uh and we'll see what we can craft after that but we need better stuff to be uh to do scorcher in a safe way let's do this for I don't know four five more hours something what the [ __ ] can you let me look for stuff in peace Jesus Christ okay can I get this snowflake like to 100 uh yes yes yes easily okay perfect and I have everything else already so yeah beam full empty just like this beautiful okay that's the first big milestone do I have a container for it yes okay good good good good good let's keep going let's see what else I can craft okay so after a long long time of crafting I'm actually very far from being able to do a compass or a heart of the Oasis but actually I had enough to squeeze a volat emerald so that's actually really good I mean it's going to help me to hunt for more artifacts very easily and this run is going really really good like I wasn't expecting that I was just playing randomly without too many expectation but like it's it's going so good like I'm decided like I'm not going to put any limitations on myself like I do usually so I'm taking a n i don't care like whatever we're using whatever the game is giving us I mean it's pretty risky but I spent so much time farming artifacts we we have like plenty to feed it for a long time and as long as I keep doing a lot of artifact hunting like we're going to be good so uh let's uh let's sell our soul and and the nice thing with it is that we can keep it in our inventory so we still have like our five belt slot to uh to have like a lot of other attachments I mean look at my carry weight and we're so fast okay that's good like I yeah I I never do this but like it's going to be fun like this run we're using everything I don't care anymore okay let's uh let's get ready for radar like we uh we can go right now we can definitely go okay I got everything plenty of ammo food medicine repair kits I'm I'm done with shotguns like now that we have the MP5 Fraser like I'm like this gun with the hydroshock run is enough to deal with all the mutants and yeah I'm going to I'm going to try the s a little bit maybe I don't use grenade launchers that much but uh it can be useful we'll see here we are and I'm going to go back to my old strategy I'm going to cross through the forest because I don't have a good sniper I don't want to deal with like all the monolith on the road so um I'd rather like face mutants it's fine and hip you're going to stay behind I don't need you right now uh take this stuff that I don't need oh a Bel finally I it's a good condition too okay I mean that's not the best kind but uh okay nice oh yeah and let me eat because I cooked this for yeah this one for extra red protection because the radiation is crazy around here yeah this gun is so good it's ridiculous oo and a hide nice we're finally getting hides I don't know what and another one okay I don't know what's happening ah it's not in good condition though I mean we could still use it honestly it's still pretty good I will see later but uh it's still pretty decent yeah you know what let me use it I'm going to lose the bleeding control but uh I have bandages it's fine and uh and it's going to give us like a little bit more resistances we'll see something killed that guy and it's not me let's let's keep our eyes open but yeah I like going through the forest it's it's much quieter than the road how did you see me come on I mean it looks pretty quiet yeah yeah taking the shortcut was much better better we barely had to do any fighting I mean there's a lot of fighting in front of us but like uh so far it's been pretty quiet okay let's do my usual technique ouch we killed the guy in the tower to a grow them and we run back to the sandbags and we just kill everybody that comes like this from a safe cover it's been pretty quiet they don't seem to want to come so I call back Hep and uh and we slowly going to push them I'm so tired of hearing this guy yelling something after like each kill but like I'm not sure if if we if we can turn it off like you it's getting old so annoying Jesus Christ okay I think that should be the last one yeah the place is clear we are good come on yellow stash H Advanced tools okay whatever we will get another set of experts at some point it's fine let's keep looting okay I'm fully healed my gear is repaired I'm going to leave all the stuff I got in here and um we'll order everything after it's fine let's trust me get back uh repair kits medicine some food my ammo of course and let's go to the lab hip you going to stay here I don't need you and let's go let's uh let's go if AP runs straight away we are not messing around for this I mean the this run is much easier not that there's like nobody in the first room it should be fine fore speech p good J fore speech yeah yeah we're so tanky already and we don't even have like half of the stuff we're going to have in the end but uh it's already ridiculous come back here okay done time to loot everybody let's go look what we found on one of the bodies uh where are you right here look at this if it's not the luckiest run we've ever had I don't know I don't know anymore like this this is absolutely ridiculous okay hip you stay back I'm going to clear the way we'll probably have some guy who respawned yeah actually it's it's really really quiet I mean coming in was really was somewhat quiet and even right now coming out is really quiet we have like much less spawn like usual I don't know I didn't touch anything I'm playing with like the the default settings of this new update but uh it's much much quieter than usual okay let me just check that yeah nobody's here okay let's uh let's pick up all the loot the good loot and let's get out of here everything is ordered I'm leaving like some of the stuff in the stash here but we have uh we have most of the best stuff like all the best parts the interesting guns and uh you know what I'm going to use the Fast Travel like again I said like I'm using everything the game gives us this run I don't care so let's uh let's just fast travel back to the base H for it's fun it's it's it's we have the it's expensive but we have the money I don't care mission accomplished let's drop everything and order all the loot I mean one of the first thing we're going to do is repair the EXO Helm and then now that we have the recipe that's like the biggest upgrade we can get and then after that we going to cross uh red forest and we're going to move to Jupiter we don't have much to do around here now yeah I don't know if we going to set up in Jupiter in Zurn but uh we we're moving North for sure I had a good night of sleep I have all my best most important loot with me uh let's Feed the Beast a little bit 93 98 okay perfect and let's go let's cross red forest and let's go to Jupiter here's the way I like to do it safely I left the hip at the entrance friend I took a phantom star to be invisible we're going to rush to uh the building where um Forester is because I don't like fighting in the middle of the trees you don't really see them you don't see them coming you can get flanked easily but if we just cross all this hey guys yeah that's sin okay and we're going to fight them from here it's much much safer and much much easier I call back hip to help a little bit all the guys from the mine are coming right now but we have two Master lers just chilling around too so they've been helping a lot okay we're good didn't get anything crazy interesting but I guess loot is loot right and yeah let's go check these two stashes while we're here maybe we can get another set of expert tools who knows uh Advance tools okay come on and Advance tools again okay whatever Let's uh yeah let's go pick up the loot and let's go to Jupiter Yan off Yan enough what's wrong with me and doors okay uh we are slowly going to transfer all our loot here we're going to do some missions around to get more stashes get comfortable artifact hunt I mean we're going to pretty much going to keep doing exactly what we were doing but uh a bit more North pretty much and I know I can get a mission with the Nerds yes it's that one where I'm going to have two more companions and I'm going to use them to make the back and forth between here and uh I cannot open doors today for some reason uh yeah so we're going to go back to Army warehouses and so I have like three people to help me carry my loot now okay let's it's expensive but we have money it's fine let's go and I'm doing a ton of little missions in between each trip of course to I mean pay for the trips and start getting a lot of stash coordinates around here and it it's working pretty well like these guys are are paying pretty good so I'm not complaining okay and after a lot of back and forth we have our little base in Jupiter now it's not perfect but yeah it's confy enough no come on come back here you [ __ ] you think you're going to hit me without paying the [Laughter] consequences I need to be careful I'm only in my ecology suit grinding grinding grinding and who needs bolts when you've done all these anomalies 5,000 times here we go okay boys do your job so we can get out of here yeah I'm not keeping these guys I transferred all my loot so I'm getting rid of them okay zon zon Zon I mean we have a lot of little silly task in front of us so I'm kind of going to speedrun through them lurker reskin is pretty cool they look like fish you dirty fishes what's up nerds okay beard bird give me my missions yes Rog I will go pick up the weapon for you I'm going to do it right now actually going to have to fight some Poltergeist what the [ __ ] I'm I'm not moving [ __ ] off I wasn't moving how do you see me let's pick up the weapon and let's go back and thank you Hep for cleaning up for me bro yeah and at the same time I'm doing like all my little uh missions for last down I'll keep you updated if anything interesting happens but it's pretty much going to be like yeah doing a lot of back and forth pretty much okay Roy here's your weapon and uh yes I'm ready so let's go back to Jupiter I will do uh the little task I have here and uh we'll go to Jupiter underground tomorrow morning and I'm not really tired so I'm doing some artifact hunting at night it's not the smartest thing to do but uh it's fine we have a rug with us we should be safe I've been sitting on a lot of potential upgrades so let me see I can definitely repair this shotgun because it's really good and uh I need a new AK because the one I'm using I'm kind of disappointed with it so yeah let's try the lmg cuz I've been using the Venom up until now but honestly I don't know I'm not a I'm not a huge fan of it and we have like so much loot right now like it's everything is going to be very very easy to repair anyways so we can afford it and do I have enough for this yes okay perfect which means that we can repair the shotgun easily too and let's do some upgrades while we're at it because yeah I have so many sitting around like I don't even have to craft anything to do some uh some basic stuff and we have been grinding enough I have enough to craft the heart of the Oasis and I should have enough to um to make the container too let me see uh this this and this yeah perfect easy enough easy enough we're getting there I still don't have enough for a compass but we are getting close we are getting very close we had a good night of sleep let's Feed the Beast a little bit we have all our new Gear with us and uh let's go to Jupiter underground it's time let's do this uh it should only be Snorks at the beginning it's going to be fine yeah I I can already hear you ow where where did you come from okay I'm annoyed already he completely [ __ ] up my leg I hate this I hate starting a mission you start a mission and you you get [ __ ] with the first enemy do I have anything that like uh reduces my repture resistance oh yeah the v a little bit but not that much okay was just uh unlucky I guess okay let's keep going let's be careful hey Chey why you never turn on the laser on your weapons because I always forget shut up Jesus Christ I hate this place so faking much okay let's get some more Fe in time to fight some [Applause] monolith yeah I like the lmg much better already like the the way it handles it's ah oh what the [ __ ] I thought it was Rog I thought it was Rog that's why I didn't shoot damn he did so much damage there's a l one hiding in here okay done let's loot yeah everything they had so far is absolutely duck [ __ ] okay outskirts outskirts outskirts what's happening already in this God for second place uh yeah let's go uh let's let's go save the boys first okay uh okay it looks like kog did all the work for me okay good enough and I get a Spartan helmet out of this okay here you go boys rug I mean hi did everything you wanted okay let's go talk to trock is going to send us to do8 and we can do that right now we have a it's not really hard so let's get rid of this Mission straight away yeah I mean we are fine like we don't have a crazy amount of stuff or ammo but it should be enough and we have a stash we can check at the same time okay let's go I mean the lab itself is going to be pretty empty it's just like fighting the monolith in the building but uh okay let's get ready let me switch to [Applause] okay okay are we good can I get ready in peace now okay so let's to slugs I think I'm going to leave hip here uh yeah we'll go with full metal jacket for now let's get some Morphin come on can I can I catch a break oh that was close that was close again please thank you I mean let's get inside because I feel that this is never going to stop so okay I wasn't expecting these guys here I almost died that's not good Hep you are not supposed to be here what the [ __ ] I told you to wait downstairs did we almost die a second time look at my torso Jesus Christ and I run out of stuff to remove the dizziness so it's going to make things even more complicated Yep this fight has been very very sloppy I need to be careful because I'm not going to survive long if I keep playing like this I'm being way too confident and I need to buy an upgrade for the lmg actually I'm I'm enjoying the weapon but like I need something where I'm able to switch between scops because doing it manually especially in a fight like this is kind of an issue okay let's go quickly because you've seen me do this or other people a thousand times so let's go straight to the burer room let's kill the burer where are you are you scared me okay and now let's uh loot the place in peace where are the documents right here okay done let's go let me quickly grab the yellow stash come on give me something yeah okay whatever let's go back here I forgot to take a lot of artifacts with me to feed the beast but um there's always some random stuff around here I need to check I mean we're not in a bad situation but uh controller no no okay okay we killed almost three already but where's the last [Music] one no I can't see I cannot see it where am I [ __ ] okay Jesus Christ oh here you are okay that should have been the last one so that's that's one that's two yeah Jesus that's three that's four and that's five that's exactly what kill me last run that's my revenge this for this is for chios you big brother [ __ ] all right boys I'm back give me my reward okay perfect so rug is going to send me a killer the giant yes exactly you you're going to want some medical supplies and I actually already have them so perfect let's go kill the S jant right now so it's done okay can I get a hide no okay [ __ ] you uh let's go back to Jupiter because I wanted to go back to repair this bad boy restock a little bit and uh and then we going to go straight back to outskirts and we're going to go on the U the hunt for edoro I guess I need to craft this uh okay and just like this fully repaired fully upgraded oh yeah it makes a giant difference nice nice nice nice nice that's a big booster Let's uh quickly go talk to Strider because we did the last on Mission in outskirts and then we can go back there hello hello I help your friend can I get money okay that's not bad that's not bad let me think because next uh we need to go back to outskirts to help um strock kill edolon but uh I could go back to Army warehouses to give back the mission for last down uh go back to see cold too and we can do like a giant artifact hunt and picking up all the stashes in the S before yeah let's do that actually let's do that before we go back to outskirts just to uh to chill a little bit okay Loach I went to the lab I got your documents too okay perfect librarian we we were going to the swamp next so we can do both at the same time and I got all my extra mutant Parts with me to sell to buter but uh I'm checking in rosock if I can uh give some easy fetch missions in the meantime and uh yeah there's actually some stuff I can do which is always like better money that than selling to buter anyways perfect okay let's keep going here and all of this actually it's not bad the money is not bad almost 50k okay and as planned I'm picking all the stashes on the way because I have a lot I mean it's nothing crazy but uh come on let me grab it it's still loot not going to complain and as usual I'm checking absolutely every single anomaly on the way all right swam boys I'm back what do you want me to do uh a silly Mission okay and cold cold cold I did your mission too what else do I need whoa 15K and a full empty okay okay we're not joking around we are not joking around I mean talking of artifacts like the Hunt is going very very well I mean I did Jupiter red Forest Army warehouses wild territory garbage yent agroprom and the whole swamp so but it's it's it's pretty good it's pretty good okay let's uh okay someone did the mission we were going to do so perfect here I did your mission I'm the fastest stalker in the zone and we have to meet with sarovic okay let's keep doing all these Sil missions there's no better feeling than going back to the starter areas with good gear and uh getting getting revenge against all the people that made you struggle so far at the beginning that's the best feeling in the [Music] world how the tables have turned [ __ ] okay sidorovich what DB Mission do I have to do of course of course okay let's go do this quickly Jesus christler I mean I almost feel bad for these guys but I'm just doing my job hey your gear is not not even going to pay back for my bullets Jesus Christ okay I'm back in Jupiter next mission was to find a pin for this guy I mean that's a good thing that I have 17 pins in my inventory okay next next nerds what can I do for you my friend uh three controller hands okay good good good I have them and this boys is the reason you always keep extra parts even when I went to but share just before I'm not I'm never selling everything I always keep at least five of each part exactly for this reason this is the difference between this silly Mission taking 10 seconds instead of 3 hours okay next R rust rust rust Jesus Christ the ping pong never ends I mean whatever we we're going to go back to outskirts we're going to do the mission with stock to kill adelon and we'll do that later oh 76 person okay I need to feed the beast too but first i'm coming back from two big artifact hunting trips and uh I want to see if I have enough to make the compass because that's the last thing we need and yep mission accomplished we have absolutely everything we need in terms of artifact now Compass full empty volat emerald heart of the Oasis I mean yeah we could good we are good all right boys I'm ready let's go kill some monol let's go pick up the boys downstairs give me the ghost rifle and this time I decided to roll with the with the Sig and the MP5 Fraser like that's a that's a good load out I think I mean we can deal with pretty much anything we want with this okay let's go boys I forgot Stitch yeah we ready come on let's go I mean the monolith attack on lrat should have triggered who who who are they here cuz I didn't I didn't have a message and there's some boys up there too oh okay I don't know what's happening right now okay did they spawn in the middle of zombies that's what killed them okay I don't know what happened but I mean it's free loot so I'm not going to complain and that's a that's an extra mission done without wasting any ammo so that's good let me go kill the guy upstairs because he keeps shooting at us and I kind of want to teach him a lesson shot in the back oh come on you had a little friend okay okay that's uni guys what do you have oh okay I don't know this weapon is it a new weapon I've never seen that one am 17 okay okay good we'll try this later Prep Prep Prep um I'm going to do the same way I do usually I'm going to leave my companions behind we're going to go inside the hotel and we're going to shoot from the window hello yeah because that's by far the safest way to do this ghost rifle and we just going to snipe them I mean that's by far the easiest and the safest way to deal with all these guys ouch oh and Edon is here perfect if I don't miss all my shots that's one wait is there someone here can you let me kill your boss in peace Jesus Christ okay done let's finish cleaning up and let's get out of here easy easy enough yeah let me heal before more people come and let's finish the king yeah I didn't find anything interesting uh stock you here let's go let's get out of here raing the cnpp next okay uh yeah we're not staying here let's go e where are you [ __ ] guys hiding in the bushes come on I mean I'm not I'm not taking any damage with like with the the armor the EXO helm all the artifact and the not I'm already not taking I'm barely taking any damage it's crazy I'm I'm so tanky already if we get our hands on a on a noog like it's over it's over okay where is the last one where are you little monol [ __ ] off okay let's loot yeah you know what I have all the crew with me right now so I'm going to go see petrano and do all the silly missions he wants me to do uh and I'm going to do them with the whole crew so it's going to be much easier and uh I'm going to go artifact hunting at the same time to make sure that we have enough to feed the beast and after that uh we'll do the cnpp raide I'm actually going to skip a lot of missions for example here pet Franco sent me back to the brand culture to ex19 to pick up some documents again and actually like the next 15 minutes are going to be spent with me hiding in the closet here while uh while the crew cleans up everybody so yeah I'm going to do like all these missions in the most lazy way I can so I'm just going to skip all this here ah look at this they did a good job they clean literally all the monolith for me I'm a little bit ashamed so I'm not showing you but yeah I'm just going to steamroll through all these silly missions and uh we're going to skip to the cnpp right just after that pick up the documents in the lab bring them back to petrano petrano send us in [ __ ] swamps again then swamps send us to see sakov sakov sends us to [ __ ] darkscape dark scape [Music] seriously so yeah I did the usual pick up all the stashes pick up all the artifacts on the way and I I also decided to clear the Bandit space in D Valley because why not I have like the whole crew with me so it's very easy and it's a little revenge of my last run where the bandits actually kicked my ass so it kind of felt good to wipe the whole base the loot was definitely not worth it but it was a nice feeling to kill everybody I mean we still got a decent amount of loot out of this and one of the reason I wanted to clean the place too is that we had a lot of yellow stashes in the area and I just wanted to check them out like in pieace pretty much every single one of them was trash but I mean that was kind of expected so it's okay and I of course finished in dark scape to do the mission for the Nerds and as soon as I was done I went back to yentur I have to go back to Jupiter under ground now I'm going to cry I'm going to cry so I kept grinding the missions nothing much happened I mean nothing much I almost got killed Jesus Christ the damage this guy did to me what the [ __ ] like random professional monolith like did so much much damage to me what the [ __ ] oh is it the PMC yeah retribution that's the PMC okay I mean we almost died but we just got a broken weapon out of this and this generally I don't use it but like this run we this one we're definitely going to use it oh okay these boys were fighting against the camera okay I mean that's some real horror movie Vibes right now Jesus Christ Jupiter on the ground okay documents should be not here uh okay they're here okay let's get out of here that was close okay I don't want to stay here I want to leave this place is so scary it's much scarier than the first time I was here I went back to outskirts after the underground because I wanted to pick up some loot I left there and I had some yellow stashes to check oh nice that's the set we can give to the technician no boys we are not fighting let's go let's leave and I kept doing all the little silly missions I had to do I mean they were annoying but most of the rewards were not that bad actually so and while I was back in Jupiter I fully repaired and upgraded the svds PMC to try that oh yeah let's go click some heads and after grinding some last mission I finally had to visit the wish grter finally so now we could do both Mission at the same time the one for the living legend and the other one for last done or something I don't know but at least like we can do the cnpp right now so I did a lot of crafting for ammo medicine everything I would need and I decided decided that the pkp I had sitting in my inventory for a while would be the perfect weapon to do the R so I fully repaired and upgraded it okay let's do this cnpp we're here I mean if you know me you know that like the cnpp red is like I don't really worry about this Mission and I decided to come with the most ridiculous slow dot I could think so so I think we should have enough ammo for our pkp and it's just like yeah like the Bas like ton of medicine ton of ammo like we have our op artifacts let's get Juiced on top of it just in case who the [ __ ] is this guy freaking out behind us can you let me do my speech in peace okay so what I was saying so yeah I'm I'm not worried like we we we just going to steamroll through through this boy so Let's uh let's go and let's kill some monolith something tells me we are going to be just fine [Music] okay let's wait the emission let's loot the first bodies and uh let's go and I'm keeping the whole crew with me for once generally I do this alone but uh hey let's do a real Attack on the cnpp for once okay I might have pushed a little bit too hard here I need to heal let me finish cing this we kind of stuck here ouch I mean we we already like no actually I'm very I was about to say I'm almost Invincible but no like look at my door so I'm almost dead right now let's use one of the oit buttons and let's go back me I die foree speech spee spe okay the first part is pretty much done you guys are going to cover the stairs I'm going to start looting everybody I don't think I ever did this first part that fast that was crazy going to repair all my gear finish healing and let's loot okay I ordered all the loot of fun so far I didn't get anything really interesting I mean we got the chis but that's it okay let's keep going okay these guys are going to be buggy and super annoying like usual so you guys can deal with them I'm going to visit the wish grter while you fight okay done let's go back hey you guys cleaned pretty much everybody while I was away good job good job good job let me check how much do I have left uh Where Are You O Okay 1,600 okay we are fine we can keep going easily and you're going to start carrying [ __ ] for me because I'm starting to have way too much stuff Let's Go part two I mean it's pretty much going to be more of the same thing more murdering murdering murdering okay you guys can come do a little bit of the work for me [Music] please we Le you me right got you off done done done done I mean it's kind of crazy I killed so many guys in exoskeletons like maybe 12 15 I didn't loot a single one like this or a noog I mean and we didn't even get anything really interesting like I kept the V the V 12 don't know how you pronounce it but yeah that's besides this we didn't get really anything interesting anyways let's get out of here let me grab the documents just in case yeah because this run if I find not an EXO keton because they're [ __ ] overall but if I find a good no I'm definitely using it so you guys are going to give me everything you have on you cuz that's a lot okay stock we are done yeah tell me everything so it's probably going to be swamps next yes yes okay but first let's order all the loot honestly this pkp build works pretty well I mean and we still have 1,300 runs left so we definitely going to use this for for the next big mission and I'm going to start selling all my extra stuff I'm having like way too much and it's actually going to make some good money oh yeah all right swo Bo I am done time to start the sin quest line okay the reward is not that bad actually not that bad I mean here we're going to have like two three big fight at the end of this quest line but before that it's going to be like 50 silly Mission so I'm probably going to fast forward a ton of thing and just show you what's interesting but anyways let's let's get started with this hey let me check where we at right now so 27 days 450 task done oh and we number eight now after killing all these monolith and we reach okay good that's not bad that's not bad and we still haven't died and we have plenty of life so that's good let's uh let's keep it this way by the way I I crafted a vog just before coming Let's uh let's put it to good use while are we here because we need a steady stream of artifacts to uh fit the Beast yeah this is not joking okay 100% we're good and then I also took my the artifacts that hip is supposed to give to sidorovich so we're going to give him that too while we're here okay so little Mission and the artifacts uh here oh 100K I forgot it was that much okay we really rich now I mean technically you're supposed to give back half to Hep but uh yeah no we're not going to do that we are not going to do that okay let's go I think one of the things I enjoy the most with the KN is that yes yes you have a a bit more damage reduction the health regen is very good the Cen is kind of good but I think my favorite thing is your move speed like you when it's at 100% you're literally a rocket like in the in the easy areas like in the South like it's a it's so easy to just like run absolutely everywhere and farm like super efficiently you can like skip every mutant fight it makes things like so so fast it's like really nice anyways I sold all my parts to butcher let's change vodka for some ammo with this guy because I want to try the new vintor as like weapon I don't remember the name like rmbb 17 whatever I want to try this uh oh okay that's not bad not bad at all and I took absolutely all my patches with me because I want to do uh asan's lottery I never do it so let's see let's see if we get some good stuff okay ammo crafting stuff artifact artifact ammo crafting stuff artifact again artifact again artifact melter ammo crafting stuff Amo crafting stuff I mean it's not bad we got a ton of artifacts that's perfect we're going to feed the beast with those and uh and all the ammo crafting stuff is very useful like we uh we're going to use some big weapons so having stuff to craft ammo is is always nice okay not bad not bad okay so we are in red Forest I need to visit Forester but the issue is like I only have my nerd Gear with me and I cannot afford to fight all the scene on the way so I'm going to take the shortcut with the teleporter on the tank let me check if there's artifacts before no okay cuz it's going to be the safest way to go there and just like that we are at Forester okay good but we we're not going to be able to do this next fight anyway so uh let's go back to Jupiter while we're on the good side now and um we're going to pick up some good gear and we're going to come back oh keep got stuck behind yeah yeah because we cannot do this fight right now so let's go back to Jupiter first yo he don't die or I'm never going to be able to give you back your money for the artifacts uh uh ooh ooh finally a good Bel and it's in bad condition H but we can still use it yeah we it yeah we can still use it back in red forest for the mission I took some explosive with me I took the pkp2 I want to see how good it is against sin uh hip you're going to stay behind I took my invisibility thingy cuz we need to kill all this guy but let's see if I can plant some explosives uh one here why not 30 seconds maybe one here cuz I have a ton of them so we'll see if it helps a little bit and now we wait for the boom ouch okay they're angry and I don't think I killed that much and they're very angry okay let's uh come here he let's wait for them here I am playing like a rat but it works so okay done that wasn't too bad let's Loot and let's get out of here oh the sin exoskeleton I mean I don't think it's really good but it's nice to to see one for once I haven't seen a lot of them so yeah I don't know okay let's uh let's order all of this and let's go back to the swamps boom ooh okay extra life nice I took some explosive with me I need to buy a little bit more because the next mission is going to be an ambush again I think they spawn around this campfire so let me put one here one on the other side and we're going to see if it works so my first mission is [Music] done okay we heard the boom we heard the boom let's see if we killed everybody H apparently not nope nope nope nope sometimes I I have a hard time understanding the AI like why are you rushing me like this like come on okay they did spawn around the campfire just like not all of them but we got most of them okay that's good that's good and next is going to be a big fight again uh I want to do it in br's culture as usual let's go back to Jupiter once again and let's get ready for the next fight we are ready Let's cross red Forest once again and let's go do the figh in radar uh I went full 5.56 I uh upgraded the svds I took the Sig with the grenade launcher I did the upgrade for the uh for the svds to shoot the 556 rounds I mean I said this R I'm not holding on anything so we're going to use this weapon because it's completely broken and yeah let's go do this yeah oh okay F hero nice nice nice nice hip you are staying here I'm going to do this by myself let's go I mean we are not doing anything original I'm doing my usual strategy we use the artifacts to be invisible I took a lot of explosives this time so we can plant them uh yeah with the timer it's fine we can plant them everywhere they're standing and then we're just going to hide in the tunnel and wait for them to come one by one pretty much okay we wait for the booms and we get started let me try the G yeah it's okay I'm not a huge fan of it but it's okay Sol me okay done done done I mean we Cann of did a small Massacre Let's uh let's hope we at least get something good or a little upgrade I don't know we'll see everything is looted and ordered I got an RPG and another and another Sino I don't know yeah kind of disappointing nothing crazy unfortunately I mean look at this okay let's go yeah I fully repaired and almost fully upgraded the sin exha skeleton just out of curiosity I mean we have so much loot right now it's it's pretty much not costing us anything so and honestly I don't know it's not that good I mean yeah some of the stats are a little bit better but is it really worth losing two belt slot I don't know I don't think I don't think so especially with the crazy attachment we're using so and if you add on top of this that you need to use batteries and everything yeah that's uh that's pretty much garbage so yeah it's it's going to be either we find a noog or we just uh stick with our armor yeah so I got ready for the fight in lank I went back to the pkp because it works pretty well I repaired the Cris to deal with mutants and then it's just like the usual ton of medicine ton of ammo ton of repair kits I mean this mission is not really hard anyways it's just like mowing done scene slowly and uh and we have like so many companion it's it's even going to be easier okay boys let's go and this boy is why we took the pkp so yeah like they I don't know what change with thei they used to be very aggressive but now like they're just very Dum most of the time so yeah so I'm going to skip forward mowing down a th sin pretty much yeah honestly was just like slowly moving up with the boys and just cleaning everything like really like nothing special happen so we are just uh moving forward the fight kept going until deep into the night but as you can see nothing like really interesting happened was just pretty much clicking heads on D enemies so yeah I killed the last guy and now it was time to move to the hospital fight but yeah we're going to have a good night of sleep first restock and we'll do that tomorrow back home I did a lot of housekeeping selling all my parts again for some money throwing away absolutely everything that was like two damage and ever usable to make some space in my inventory I also fully repaired and upgraded the am 17 like this new like Vint toes kind of gun and I wanted to try it so we'll see how good it is okay let's try this new [Applause] gun okay this gun feels really good approved I'm definitely going to use this this thing has literally zero recoil and it hits pretty hard I mean yeah you have to lead your shots a little bit I like it I like it and I was taking a small break picking up stashes in zaton when this happened oh that's some uni guy oh that's the good P90 nice nice nice nice and you oh okay the unur this this run is over this run is literally over okay we're going to go repair this like straight away we're done we are done come on die already oh [ __ ] oh another belt nice let me check uh where are you here oh and it's in good condition oh I got two okay this that's that's exactly what we needed to perfect like this this this little zatan trip is getting better and better okay so I came home and the first thing I did was like fully repairing the noog I then crafted everything I was missing to fully upgrade it and uh wound healing Health Restoration now we're going to go with wound healing because uh we have a lot of artifacts that reduce our bleeding control so it's going to help with this yeah the stats are absolutely ridiculous that's that's why I never use that's why I never use those let me buy the cheap recipe for the PSU I just want the one that uses less battery yeah I have everything to craft it straight away like we're good I mean yeah this this run is over like uh we are literally Invincible now uh yeah if the compass the full empty like uh heart of theis sure like I'm going to see which other attachments I'm using but like yeah with this on top like we have the nut uh we have like a pretty high survival skill too that's like giving us extra damage reduction on top of this like it's uh it's over you're going to see why I never use this because this [ __ ] is completely broken the thing is like right now I have the solo giant hide and the blood sucker hide but like Technic I could use an empty on top of it if I really wanted to or I could even use like a wrench too like if we really really want to go absolutely crazy I mean we are at a point I'm even wondering if using like a cell for like a flat 15% damage reduction on top of everything is not interesting too I mean it would be nice to have like some uh really detailed statistics but like I don't I'm not sure exactly how the the mass work for the damage calculation and honestly the same thing with the with the plates too maybe I could do some plates because it's only 12 ballistic R but it gives six BR class so that's the same thing like uh I don't know if you guys have more info on how to minmax absolutely everything but like honestly we are it's it's already like we're already Invincible anyways okay let's let's get ready for the missions on top of this we're going to pop up some morphine I mean we could use some vinka too to have like a lot of bleeding control like it's it's over over over we are done Hospital fight here we are uh you guys can stay here I don't need you anyways we're going to try our new gear I got shot my health didn't move like literally nothing moved okay let's let's get jued and I'm going to I'm going to play like a [ __ ] on purpose to show you but uh I'm going to show you why I never use the noog or the not or like all this stuff because it's a I don't I don't feel it makes the game very interesting so un so yeah is it fun to play like that I mean yeah maybe for some people I mean for five minutes but like the the game gets very very stale and boring that's that's why I never do it yeah because and here I was playing like a [ __ ] that's why I took a lot of damage I mean a lot but uh if you play carefully like I play usually like uh yeah you you literally cannot die it's impossible to die okay charob boy everybody is dead let's keep [Music] going I'm going to clean the way to generators yeah yeah you can shoot me I'm not taking any damage bro so yeah we're going to clean the way then I'm going to drop back home to uh to pick up some stuff and then we'll do generators but like it's uh [Applause] I mean look at this this is ridiculous is there even a point playing like this I don't know okay give me rocket oh it's not that expensive hello give me rocket to it's a little bit cheaper Ry please repair rocket launcher I don't know if it's necessary but eh who cares we're rich and I'm not using broken stuff and for generators let's try to have a balanced diet of attachments meaning I need some Cyrus too so Moonlight the controller scalp let me still get the SoDo giant hide hey and the plates let's why not let's try them we'll see and yeah the psog fur why not I'm going to try this like we still have very good resistances and we have a ton of side resistance with that and I'm still getting all my op artifacts anyway so we can switch uh when there's no more mutants around anyways let me cook some food that gives cyz yeah I mean that's almost as good as side block and we don't have the side effects that's perfect I have so many grenades and I could craft even more I could go with the SE with the grenade launcher but uh I mean it's fine today we are uh we are rocketing people in the face we'll see we'll see if it's effective so we have the crase with the hydroshock runs I mean honestly this is better than a shotgun like uh the SVD PMC that we upgrade it to use 5.56 because it's still extremely powerful and very cheap to use rocket launcher some explosives like all our ammo repair kits everything I mean we're fine we are fine generally I'm a little bit scared before generators but like today it's so I mean tell me this is not better than a shotgun like this thing is melting absolutely everything okay let's uh yeah 88% let's Feed the Beast to have all the [Music] bonuses let's eat our Cyrus food and let's go go let's go let's go generators okay okay okay I mean I'm not even surprised to have a start like this like this place is probably going to be a [ __ ] show as usual let's get ready for the big boys wait what it's not it's not that it's not even one shotting them it's like it's not even like uh hurting them okay this is this is very very disappointing I mean I never use the RPG but this is very disappointing I like to kill all the mutants before starting the mission but honestly the the place is a little bit empty right now I was expecting more ah we have a controller finally where are you my friend come on do you think I can kill myself with what it's not even killing him yeah I mean we have so much Sr like what what do you think you're going to do yeah H yeah I don't know the the RPG is [ __ ] actually I don't even know if there's someone there whatever it's [ __ ] let's uh let's switch back to to our regular weapons I'm going to clean up the place what okay now we're going to plant explosives in every Tower and on top of the silos containers for the scene that are going to spawn when we start the mission let's plant stuff everywhere and let's go start the mission they decided to spawn okay I was waiting for you guys at the beginning of the level not wait what who shot a rocket who the shot a rocket and that was some pretty good grenades I think one of my companion picked up the rocket launcher I just dropped I mean we we'll see that later let's go start the mission okay let's do this uh I mean with all the explosive we planted oh yeah like the my guy has a has the rocket launcher with all the explosive we planted like it's uh probably everybody is dead anyways oh this guy hurt me a little bit I need to switch back to my I forgot to switch back to my regular artifacts okay chorg let let's go back to the cnpp to kill you I'm not going to loot uh all the towers because I don't know exactly if all my explosive blew up and I don't really care about the loot right now so let's uh let's go finish the mission straight away knock knock boys it's me where are you it's going to be a mess with all my companions I can feel it already yeah I need to be careful not to kill anybody okay that's [Music] one that's two or is the last one and that's three okay done sin quest line is done hello Mr Swan boy I became an absolute tank since last time you saw me okay done um okay now we're going to wait for um operation after glow to start uh I'm probably going to skip most of the missions because here you can see we're just going to steamroll through everything like it's a if no crazy stuff freak accident happened like this this run is done this run is pretty much done okay let's go hunt for some artifacts or some [ __ ] while we wait for the mission to pop up whoa whoa whoa okay I completely forgot to get back the the RPG from this guy I don't know if he can kill me with the friendly fire I don't think so uh you know what let me do a small experiment uh I need to make sure this guy yeah I only want one guy come on leave me with your friend I want to see if I can uh increase my uh survival skill to be even more tanky by letting a guy shoots me so I'm at 19% is it increasing hey still it's doing a little bit of damage oh yeah no it doesn't look like it's increasing cuz I was thinking I could keep a guy like this alive and just pop up meds on a regular basis and just like increase infinitely my my survival skill but it doesn't look like it's working okay anyways yeah no okay let's keep going I got the message to start after glow so uh let's go oh yeah we're going to have to go back to zon fight against uh fight against some uni guys I mean nothing special like we know all these missions like we've done this already a thousand times I killed the first group of unig guy the second group is coming oh yeah they're here ah that was a good grenade oh yeah like yeah that was two good grenades did I kill everybody okay we wiped out absolutely everybody nice okay let's keep going hey this game is easy this game is easy when you're Invincible Jesus Christ I mean again I don't want to spend the next hour renting about no using the nosok but like this yeah this [ __ ] is dumb it's just dumb I'm just steamrolling through all the missions right now I mean these guys are supposed to be like mercenaries on steroids in terms of gear they're supposed to be the the biggest threat we had so far but they're not even tickling me like it is ridiculous yeah yeah sure bro sure what did you [Applause] expect so yeah we have this mission in the Jupiter plant and after that uh we're going to outskirts we are going where I died my last run but uh we'll be prepared for for real this time we're not going to make the same mistakes yeah yeah yeah okay let's get ready for outskirts I'm going to craft a [ __ ] ton of ammo meds food everything because we are not coming back here I'm going to roll with the Chris and the chunky vsss ventes because honestly I don't really need anything else like we are we are fine plenty of food medicine enough to repair our gear and uh and that should be it honestly and someone told me that actually this guy if you go to Jupiter on the ground he brings you right at the bottom of the ladder to go to lrat I want to try uh oh yeah he okay I don't know why I did not know that okay so that's that's a very safe way to go to UT skirs actually that's much better than taking the the guide in zon okay good good good good okay let's go with the uh my CZ setup because we just arrived and I don't want to get surprised by controllers where where did you come from the [Music] [ __ ] let's pick up stock let's go my friend everybody's dead let's go back here now we have to pick up Stitch just going to be killing some zombies whoa yeah I get I don't know if this guy should keep the rocket launcher okay we are done let's go back home uh yeah no we're not going to fight these guys let's uh Let's ignore them let's go back here let me quickly clean the place cuz we have to pick a prog u in the school right next to us so I just want to make sure that nobody is around okay you guys were fighting here again like how many controllers are there okay let's let's go pick a frog okay my friend I'm here stop tripping I got some side block for you okay let's go let's go let's go let's go and that's it pretty much we have everybody back so let's um let's go finish this we are done we are done I'm going to talk to my boy here we going to have a last little pretend fight and that's pretty much it come on Rocket boy do something uh I think everybody's dead okay that's the last surv okay done done done done good job Hipp okay that was there was another one then we talk to this guy we talk to strock and uh and this is the end yeah here we go here we go I don't know I I don't know what to think about this I mean uh yeah Invictus Invictus Invictus I mean that's the thing is like uh that's uh that's the reason I don't use the noog or the not or whatever because like honestly if you um if you survive the hobo stage uh you just hunt for a lot of artifacts and you just like need to be a little bit careful but uh it's pretty much over yeah so I don't know it's got a bit a sweet I'm happy we did it but uh yeah we still like not a single death we still have like so many extra lives because of the of the Gran granting life of the wish granter so yeah 32 days more than 500 task okay so yeah that's it Invictus done I don't know I still want to do it for like what I consider for real which means no noog no nut uh no svds PMC and all this [ __ ] because I think it kind of breaks the game a little bit but yeah if you want to use absolutely everything that's available to you it's uh yeah if you survive the hobo stage and you're a little bit lucky we've been very lucky this run too I shouldn't like diminish it we've been extremely lucky this run with finding all the tools we needed very very fast uh finding the crafting recipes uh for the exoskeleton like in terms of weapons like we we've been very very lucky too but honestly uh yeah it's not uh if you use absolutely everything available it's not that hard okay guys I'll see you uh I don't know next month I think I'm taking a break but anyways thank you for being here I hope you enjoyed and yeah I'll see you soon
Channel: Cheeki Breeki
Views: 270,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stalker GAMMA, Stalker GAMMA Anniversary update, Stalker GAMMA playthrough, Stalker GAMMA Gameplay, Stalker GAMMA Invictus, Best Stalker Mods, Stalker Anomaly
Id: DeRXfdMhWJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 57sec (11937 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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