I Looted the NEW Key that makes Millions in Tarkov...

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welcome to a solo talk of Adventure and entering what is currently the most contested map it was shortly clear that our journey today wasn't going to be easy see today's goal was simply just to loot the newly overhauled Ultra medical key but there's one huge problem that would eventually cost me millions of rubles down the [Music] [Music] line and wait for the storm yeah with the recent updates in talk of interchange had a massive overhaul not only fixing its lighting but also introducing the long awaited buff to both of its major Keys Kiba and Ultra medical the only thing they forgot to buff in the recent update was my bad aim I'm so bad at the game I'm so bad at the game I need to uninstall the game so it's time to focus on what we need to do and that starts by turning on the power as ultr medal requires power to be turned on in order to open it drastically upping the difficulty of being able to loot this key as turning on power gives time for other players to loot it before me so it's time to find out if someone had already looted it okay it's closed come on I need to close the door all right Ultram Med what do you have for me vitamins that sure um ahuh so augmenting s CMS survival kit salua adrenaline and that's it no ladex no defibs no aalos scopes maybe we're just unlucky I mean we're going to have to hit this a lot to see what we you know what truly is in here holy crap is that a lot of just stuff I mean that's not bad that is definitely not bad ultramed is also 40 use so we have to make about what we have to make about 120 130k per hit in which this including those stims is definitely over that so so far we're off to a pretty good start and finally after our first successful and very promising hit of the new ultr medical key it was time to find a way out in which I chose to head down through secret then Traverse my way through Goan eventually finding ourselves crossing the road towards emom bro I just realized how big xra camping would be right now in interchange like it already is pretty big with emercom and you know Railway mainly emcom being the main extract people take but with Killa and taga being 100% spawn and interchange right now holy crap is it going to be Mega profitable for anyone anyone camping [Music] interchange we're good GG's not bad but dying wasn't our only issue see like I said earlier power was required to be turned on so if we didn't turn it on and no one else did then we'd get stuck in situations like this going to go up here and wait with no power we'd have no key to hit and as much as I would like to magically cut to the part where the power did turn on in reality that just never happened and after waiting and waiting and waiting I ended up moving towards some shots I heard towards [Music] kba holy crap there so many dead bodies you so things weren't looking great so far but there is a reason to why interchange is currently so PVP infested and that can be explained by one simple word killer but as of right now our priority is to figure out a solution to this power problem especially from this onea I mean I either go turn on power then go hit it or someone else turns on power but I'll still be late to go hit it so what can I do so what does Killer have to do with interchange being so much harder to survive on well you see killer and teilla currently both have 100% spawn rate on interchange calling every talk of gigachad his friends and brother into interchange which leaves a poor solo like me to have to suffer all right plan is right I'm going to pop a stim I have an sj6 we're going to pop it and we're going to turn this on and just go we got to be quick we don't got no time to to check our Corners all right is anyone down the end it doesn't look like it but I mean it's also very unlikely for someone to be peeking there they would most likely be in that part of tech light killer could be around [Music] a but through all the deaths and millions of rubles lost we just had to keep moving on yes [Music] unlooted Grizzly I saw Grizzly any anything crazy valuable I don't have a flashlight on this I can barely see so that's a Vaseline nothing there one of those things another one of those those things a Grizzly a morphine another Sim trial okay not bad I think that's it nowh near is good this the last time to be fair simply getting the cms's and survival kit last time like puts it up so much that's a little sad maybe last time was a normal hit this time was a bad hit but maybe last time was a good hit we we're just never going to find out till we hit it more well and with our second less promising hit of the ultra medical key I'd have to find a more consistent way of getting here and the first thing that came to mind was one that I've done many times [Music] before there a guy he might be an ultramed I can't tell there's a guy coming up escalators there's two no no no he's going ultramed there's three my ultr Med I turned on the power man it's mine but everything suddenly went quiet and I couldn't hear any more pmc's I think he just checked the shelves and left cuz stuff can spawn on these shelves like stems and stuff he probably doesn't have the key please yes I'm lucky today it's my lucky day we got an Alo splint one of these again an IAC a propol a morphine another Alo splint meds that's not great that might be worse than the last one it looks like we're going downhill [Music] here a guy I'm going to chase him I I need I need to follow him through your window Through Your Skin you your Shadow what is he doing why is he just lying down there huh oh he's losing a scab wait is this a player he killed a player what okay I mean freak it freak it I'll take it why not oh my God this is insane 57 Ergo 58 recoil drone knows how to build a really good gun that is nice and he was looting this guy's gun he took all the attachments out I don't I'm just going to leave there's no point in staying as we made our way out to the extract you may be wondering what exactly we are doing here and that simply explained in one word budgeting by minimizing the costs of our kit dying doesn't really matter leading to more attempts in raid and more chances to hit ultr Medical but we got to treat El to a nice kit every once in a while right no he's next to me oh no is that two I don't know there's two and so we went back to running an MP9 the perfect budget weapon that also has the capabilities to drop a [Music] [Music] Chad so things weren't going as well as I would like it to go but either way I didn't know what else to do but just to go again oh crap power's on and so it was time to race to ultr Med well that's just great yeah honestly I'm I'm really out of things to do here it's just so hard to hit I mean I know it comes down to skill right I'm just bad and I can't contest to people that are here and they just keep killing me I just don't expect it and boom I'm dead but holy crap it's interchange hard right now and interchange is my best map out of all by far I know this map inside out but I'm still getting caught in places where I just don't expect to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] shot but since the power wasn't turned on once again we just had to sit and wait I don't think power's getting turned on it's been a good 12 minutes I don't think power's getting turned on why is this so hard this is unnecessarily hard no one even came up here do I go and turn on power myself I mean it's quite late into the raid but that would also mean that most of the killer Hunters would be gone hopefully maybe I think I mean I might as well right it's only be one long ass Sprint but maybe the only problem with turning on power ourselves is that it could give other people the opportunity to open it themselves but it's better to give it a a chance then not at all so down the escalators and through the back of idea we went until we eventually found ourselves at the power station I think there's a player SC [Music] here that was a waste of bullets oh time to run all the way back back to where we just were and now it was time to do the same Journey but just the other way around [Applause] [Music] and eventually making it to Tech light it was time to check if anyone was here people never stay in Tech light for long they usually go in there quickly skim through everything and just leave cuz they know it's dangerous if I don't see or hear anyone there I mean I don't think there's anyone there please don't be already hit yes it's not hit the hike was worth it now give me a ladex give me a ladex ibuprofen okay that's like 120k already blood Set uh nothing there cat bandage great uh a stim an augmenting a CMS and another stim trial it's not bad but that was the rest that was in ultr medical definitely a bit de motivating considering the effort that it took to get here H honestly i' I kind of expected more uh more defibs or aalos Scopes but I mean h yeah I got to remember that it's a 4 to use key which most Keys nowadays are like 20 so that is going to be a big reason to why the loot isn't like crazy insane but I mean an ibuprofen is is already good that already almost makes profit and including the CMS and the Augmentin which sells for 30k that's profit but is it profit worth the hassle to hit this key I don't know hm how about we hit kba it's not part of the plan but I mean that could be fun I mean I've already seen the loot inside it that's what really matters the most of me just seeing the loot getting the loot and getting out with it is like cool and all right but I just want to know what can actually spawn inside it but realistically if you were ever going to hit this key it's better to pair it up with something like Kiba and then extract safe room that player oh my God my bullets ricocheted of the helmet of the enemy a punishment that I deserve for forgetting to load m80s in [Music] bro let me get to the top of this that is so unlucky this there's no way that him that is him oh there he is did I not did we trade there's no way oh we didn't trade forcing myself to stay in a positive mood we went back in with once again our MP9 kit but this time power was actually on power is on oh my God once in a lifetime experience I'm going to go up these middle escalators instead of uh the ones that next Techo those are going to be like there going to be players already 100% this should be pretty safe I think other than like killer it's goddamn killer leave me alone don't push me please killer is there bro I was literally just saying other than killer and then killer is there what the hell no there's no way I'm taking him down with ap 6.3 I'm just not going to pen anything his armor is simply too good for that come on no one's up here right yes give me ladex come on ladex I've hit you enough times well not LX LX you can get a LX yes that's all I wanted I'm complete I Feel Complete I wanted One LX that's it and we got it holy stems oh my God wait this one's insane someone's here yoink yink yink [Music] oh my god this is my my my my time to shine level 56 he's running an m700 with a voodoo props to him bro is there another guy coming don't have bullets there is I don't have bullets [Music] he's dead bro this is my lucky day wait I want to I want to go kill killer I have an m700 with a longrange scope I need to check what ammo if it it has if it's like m62 or m61 we'll be fine and I know exactly where he is I can just long range him please m993 that's the best that's the best one wait I can do this I don't care about uh dying with this with this okay well I at least wanted to you know be able to shoot killer that would have been nice honestly at this point I think I could run from power to ultramed with my eyes [Music] closed oh that's a player how the hell have you made it there I wish I had an RFB I think he ran up yeah that's him oh my God he's going an ultramed no my ultramed no what am I going to do Sprint up and just die yes that is actually exactly what I [Music] did and so for my final few raids of trying to hit Ultra medical I was simply sick of dying and at this point my brain was practically switched off but luckily this time we not only got a good spawn but Power was also turned on holy crap what is that that's a ringe golden star o sj6 an AAC Austin salua and aalos scope well that's our first aalos scope that's not bad at all that's actually Mega profit GG's not bad I'll take [Music] it come on give me something good a blood set bandage Med Vaseline meds CMS propidol Augmentin another stem an IAC well I mean not the worst oh [Music] well what the hell what there's another one wa this I didn't know he was in the room next to me [Music] oh y [Music] y what [Music] the he's dead it worked MP9 on top dude what do you have oh you're chunky damam okay I'll take it not [Music] bad well time to go see if uh Ultra medical is hit CU he he did have a f and raid golden star on him which is a little sus and they were running from ultramed towards me I don't know please yep it's hit ah man my ultra Med everything's gone I got one golden star that's it I think I'm uh I think I'm done with ultramed I had my good shot at it I think I've hit it enough to kind of understand what you can get from it so I'll just leave it's whatever G jez so many Scouts but we can't end our journey without one more death [Music] right the night help me back we I just
Channel: CoolestJonas
Views: 17,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, wipe, wipes, raid, raids, explain, gameplay, gaming, funny, escape from tarkov, tarkov, tarkov funny, tarkov memes, bsg, battlestate games, escape from tarkov gameplay, tarkov meme, tarkov arena, coolestjonas, tarkov streets, tarkov movie, tarkov short movie, movie tarkov, tarkov money farming, tarkov money run, tarkov rouble farming, tarkov rouble glitch, tarkov money guide, tarkov interchange, tarkov ultra med, ultra medical, tarkov update
Id: lNudoIWV93c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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