This is Why Shoreline is a Dead Map

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yo did you see doc tweet no just opened up just opened up my flip phone to see what's happening on X and here are the results April 8th end of solar eclipse hacked cargo ship takes out Bridge Diddy is the black Epstein destroyed in a hail storm now leaking chemicals Cod recycling another map yeah see yall tomorrow my dude my where are we at God bro we're in the good spawn just run straight this oh okay oh yeah I see now that is insane that is sick actually mon F un my God yeah I feel like you could get a 95 Bronco rest like restored for a lot cheaper than 250 there like the OG is like 70 something something you know what I mean and it also depends how restored they are dude those probably all have like [ __ ] coyote engines and [ __ ] are you serious yeah so scared at all so uh we might die soon I'm very scared man H don't go that way don't go that way don't go that way okay take the long way for once I saw some po saying that like 128 is like some alphabet's translation for [ __ ] bridge collapse I was like yeah okay I saw I saw a post that said that it was Russian hackers responding to the US deploying Isis into [ __ ] the do the terrorist attack the CIA and this is their response dude people's brains just I don't get it man I don't get it I would say it's almost more likely that the CIA would have done it themselves than that [ __ ] bro that's crazy people are just dude people are nuts man on Twitter now it just pays just to say outrageous [ __ ] too well yeah I think it's that I think it's to the point where there's just it's so side versus side where everyone's just trying to pin everything against and make everyone seemed to be the worst super villain in the world here's my thing dude with Russia I'm not even I oh I know I'm not even convinced to be honest that they could have done that [ __ ] have you seen their [ __ ] like Optics bro yeah yeah yeah why are we still using PSO Scopes in 20 [ __ ] 24 I just don't see it man got throw EOTech on that [ __ ] or something I just don't see it bro no I hear that I have a [ __ ] I have a PSL it's like a Romanian SVD kind of thing that thing cannot hold a zero at all literally not even at all with the iron shore with the scope with any DB tail anything absolutely not just can't bro it sucks it just can't it's cool and all always it blows my mind when you watch like uh what was it was it American Sniper whenever you're looking at that guy the the sniper that they were like trying to hunt for on the other side um who was uh like the Olympic shooter oh yeah yeah he he's over there with a dragon off and a PSO scope on that [ __ ] [ __ ] onek hit like bro that's that is nuts if that is true like that is crazy [ __ ] I bet some of the like OG ones were a lot better for sure but even that is like I didn't reach nearly long know you see someone uh I just shot I think it was a scab running into admin or a player I'm not sure running into admin depends on the uh depends on the money the price range at least I never see him do it to be honest but H yeah but then you'd have you'd have like 10 [ __ ] shooting them and they would just be like just spamming shots until somebody hits you wait what you talking about with those svds and dragon and [ __ ] oh yeah man they're just spamming dude they're just hoping the big prayer the eight months by the way and no name thanks for rifting Rengar Stone 24K very nice very nice yeah but they probably just use all that [ __ ] cuz they have so many of them that's has to be with me here you have any surplus [ __ ] have you watched have you watched the [ __ ] oh they have like BB guns and [ __ ] no no no like if you watch the gun trafficking uh movie with uh what's that movie called chat where they were buying guns off of uh Russian generals war dogs have you seen that the one with Jonah Hill yeah yeah that [ __ ] was funny as [ __ ] but like that's that's the same equivalent to like they have warehouses full of Flash knov and all that [ __ ] and they probably there was a uh there's a dude that just got like pretty big guy and like the gun Community I guess just got busted for like illegally importing H AKs and like all sorts of [ __ ] he's done yeah dude that's yeah yeah D you're sitting in prison for a long time then you're getting along the lines of like what's it called as well his name cardiac what's his name a [ __ ] idiot bro why the hell would you do that I think I was talking to cardiac about it I information is so free nowadays and people want to do all this crazy [ __ ] and don't think about hey man this is prob you're busted bro well they know they're just busted yeah Larry Vickers yep yep it was Larry Vickers yeah he's [ __ ] super [ __ ] trade him for WNBA player is crazy that is wild that is is very wild oh man oh [ __ ] are you dead that's me getting lit up and I'm dead there was a guy running in from admin the guy who shot the uh grenade launcher at and I got no audio from him at all he's really bad I'm also dead to him probably oh well he's he's really bad so you should be f I want to know where the [ __ ] he's at what floor is he on chat three yeah he was like wasn't he like uh I'm pretty sure they said Vickers was like making fake law letters so essentially if you have a full auto gun if you want to buy a full auto gun even if you have your FFL the licensing to do so you have to have a letter from like a a law enforcement or military agency saying that you that they want to test it like demo it and that's why you're buying it so after they test it you're allowed to keep it your businesses but you have to have that letter to buy in the first place so he was like bribing people and like just straight up Mak fake letters in order to be allowed to purchase that [ __ ] it was crazy but like how is it believable that any law enforcement agency would be like yeah we want to test these [ __ ] 30-year-old AKs they're going to be sending cops around with like ancient ass AKs and all this crazy [ __ ] like yeah [ __ ] right dude there's no way where is he at H is down first right good game by the way what a $100 lpvo a while back for my AR with a chance it hold zero slim possible is that him that's just the explosion bro this [ __ ] is throwing smoke grenades oh my God Nial Nial Nial ni nothing what the [ __ ] do I do here Hut I'm assuming as the stream up this [ __ ] is just posted bro he ain't moving I mean bro the guy killed me while crabbing from admin into East he ain't moving yeah if I push I'm dead what a [ __ ] nade by the way just saying he [ __ ] Dro down or what oh my God this guy was he crabbing up behind me now what a [ __ ] nade holy [ __ ] that was a crazy nade is that Hutch dead outside he's dead outside right yeah he's a magician he dropped down that's what he did can I make this no it just Tred to [ __ ] Vault me instead this [ __ ] guy bro he's probably just sitting somewhere watching Hutch's body oh my God holy [ __ ] he just jump scared the [ __ ] out of me holy [ __ ] that guy scared the [ __ ] out of me bro just in case oh okay that was way high was my laser oh my laser yeah you got to use the laser with this bro holy [ __ ] that guy scared me that scared the [ __ ] out of me I'm just going to grab your [ __ ] and dip God that was scary he that dead silence is what happened where's my bag at upstairs on the stairs where I put my it's on the stairs right I don't really have much yeah this guy that it was a player I was shooting at then huh what is this build man [Music] don't even care to take it damn I'm heavy pop one of them maybe I know I'm rocking the hot dog bag and hush just got the double rig raid bag no no no no no [ __ ] Hera arms you don't want that [ __ ] bro trust me you don't want that [ __ ] hell no anything else you really don't even want like a damn grip anyways you're much better off with like a uh just like a stopper shark bin kind of thing 99% of the time era arms has set us back Millennium Millennia if you will millennia many many many many many [Music] years he might have Ethan said mods ban them as if he's not a mod oh [ __ ] [Applause] mods Wonder are it's faster to do what I just did or to drop everything by itself so you can just pick it all up I don't know I think we retained didn't we I don't know I was I was searching I forgot to look I might do I just run [ __ ] Pier just in case we retained maybe [ __ ] it I'm going to do it I'm already back behind and we got a [ __ ] spawn may as well right oh no we got pack of lost we got I'm pocket pocket lost a spech imp I just got to my right to my right I got pop player pop yep I see him this is such a dumbass game by the way wait he's shooting you oh I'm hit I'm hit I'm I'm hit thank by the way literally killed that guy because of a game bug would have never known he was there I heard that pop too I thought it was a gunshot NOP Pokey man's toilet level 59 Bear by the way give me I'll need you a resort I need it bad all right this in my pocket thank you my friend be streamer teaching us bugs put him in a 10 IQ video let's go oh [ __ ] still I don't know who's worth or toast at this point toast wor toast still claims he's not cheating and that [ __ ] is cheating his ass off see I dude I'm going to be honest man kind of here here's my thing here's my thing don't even say it hear me out number one donating to chicks on a webcam is cheater like Behavior okay no one can really no one can really argue that you know if you're weird enough to cheat and tarov you're weird enough to do that number one number two I just don't know how anyone can have the entire Community kind of call him out for cheating and still to this day swear the fact that he's legit I just I don't understand like part of me is like okay maybe he wasn't because at this point like anyone would have just said yeah I was it is what it is sorry guys dude if he's weird enough to cheat he's weird enough to lie but but my brain doesn't like I don't know man my [ __ ] doesn't compute that kind of behavior you know I didn't grow up in the online world liar bro remember Kev not even not even that bro I don't I just think my brain just I don't I can't comprehend that level of like cringe I guess I don't know yeah no I feel that what were you saying who's Kev Kev XD you don't remember Kev XD I don't who's that dude okay the wipe that inertia came out okay a lot of us were like playing second one second running in East let me just see like two yeah in you really ain't beating the Phineas and fur bations you eveno I'm coming I'm running up I'm going to jump in ad no no no no no no just just made into uh into tape key he's in tape key just made that oh really yeah yeah which window is that third he just closed the door right here I'm going to shoot at it that one is that safy I just needed yes he's not dead I'm dead wait he killed you oh my God that just scared the [ __ ] out of me I just ducked in real life did you die yes no bro I just ducked in real life I ducked in real life I had a nade in my hand you dying man it's the same [ __ ] guy from last game the same [ __ ] guy is it really yes I had a [ __ ] n in my hand bro I IRL ducked wait I killed one who did i k oh no I killed the the tag it's in my pocket Hut got it from the guy outside that's that's my kill here um all right ignore that take that look for packet loss we did not lose packets here boom boom boom boom boom your mag in the gun is missing two [ __ ] Bullets by the way the other are full all right um I might check the kage man again here to go through there anyways the cage a Baltimore Bridge is a great analogy for tarov game state one giant mistake away from having the entire thing come crashing down 324 sagge s isn't that everything though isn't that everything everything is basically one giant mistake from Crashing Down I'm ning nothing something's in that college you heard that be a player Bro [ __ ] him in the cage the only thing that can save a tarov is microtransactions save us I'm not against microtransactions I just think they'll save the game it's the only thing that can save the game give me a pair of Nikes if I'm dying to cheaters I better be able to run around this Nicki Minaj that's what I'm saying bro 100% 10 IQ gaming will save this video game yeah I agree Michael transactions yep than Co yeah if I'm going to get sh if I'm going to get shot in my ass at least let me be Nicki Minaj real [ __ ] real [ __ ] my man real [ __ ] let me be Peter Griffin fortnite could you imagine if they went full microtransaction like pay $5 for two levels like the whole like the mobile yeah bro like a mobile app level of Cosmetics that'd be dude I saw a screenshot yesterday was funny as [ __ ] it was uh Arena breakout had more viewers than Arena par of Arena like the mobile tarov game man the mobile tarov game had more viewers on Twitch than Arena dude that got to be just embarrassing for him man oh wow that's just a normal scav isn't that crazy I thought for sure that was a guard 50 cents for fast Q per Q per Q I'd pay $30 a month for priority servers so with no cheaters I would pay yeah yes yes yes at 100% pay for priority servers yes servers that were actually like you know watched and all that good jazz by the by the admins like they're like oh we don't have the manpower to watch all of them so here's six servers for $30 a month that we'll actually watch like dude I'm paying for that [ __ ] battle pass tal battle pass tal battle pass tal battle pass T battle pass $2 to revive [Laughter] teammate what would be on the battle pass though what you alive yeah it's a scab um there there's a lot of things they could do they could make it so you could do cool dances they could make it so you have sprays that you can put on the wall places um I just want to kill someone and hit the gritty yeah yeah yeah skins uh they can give you like a pickaxe skin back bling as well you're an idiot welcome to the red this this AI scab is spin Bing me careful better be careful he was spin B he almost got me too belt buckles is crazy give us belt buckles bro yo there might actually be someone in admin really why I [ __ ] up a scab upstairs in west side that's probably what you're hearing maybe gloves would actually kind of be cool I don't know why they don't do gloves or like watches like wrists one second he's like might actually be a player up here there was a scy that was shooting I don't think it's a scab though we'll see I think you're right I can't find him whatever it is he's in the kitchen first floor 63 F oh there's somebody next to me what the [ __ ] have fun second or third look at look at East look at East from from like PC room okay where am I looking I'm second on the balcony he's either first under me or above me on third he's looting the bag under me on first in the wooden room you see me I know what room you're talking about PC room is no angle though I'm going to go get in uh what the other room that you shot out of oh in East in East in East yeah yeah yeah or he might be third he's first or third either above me or below me I'm on second don't kill me yeah I won't I can't see anything these windows are chopped I'm dead have fun good luck let me have to run down on this guy bro Chad saying he was third oh no way he knows I exist right it's the wait is it him he's rocking an sr25 no no no it's a different guy sr25 legit role player yeah yeah he's legit you got this odds I get him just by crabbing here what kind of helmet is he got um it's tip it's Tippy Dipper again no no no no no no Halls be gone oh he has a Cayman helmet on bro what is going on do you hear that I was he has to cross this and I'm going to rat him like my hero the Dan Dangler for what One Tap can't tell what FL this guy's on Welcome to the red arm [ __ ] no SP what up did that guy loot Hutch or was that some random ass dude I don't know no way he looted Hutch though cuz he could how could have got oh my God least he blacked out the same leg give sub snowly CJ thanks for the new sub man Edy M the 7 months and frost [ __ ] you you piece of [ __ ] you'll never get me slipping never again never again never again forgive my skills whoa whoa wait a minute what is half of the [ __ ] he's picking up man we got ourselves a looter be warned yeah good the oh hell no all right now we got this guy oh my God that this scab from earlier I shot what that's a scout from earlier that I was shooting bro oh my God I'm going to be so [Music] heavy I'm not super worried about a Cayman cuz Hutch has better [ __ ] you know the crazy thing I ured Hutch's kit myself it's insured to me to me straight to my sash he I might dump some of your stuff for insurance but I'm going to grab some too I don't care I want to go play [ __ ] Labs okay I'm tired of getting ratted fair enough gamer then how about I just I'll just dump it then I got you yeah keep all that [ __ ] bro I don't care about any of it it's your loot anyways cuz you insured it so it's all good oh yeah I forgot yeah you're going to get either way so yeah keep it about that yep [ __ ] I will be out very soon in that case yes sir I'm 93 kgs oh my you put level four no he had level four in that [ __ ] um leaving I'm leaving those guys were stacked very saxs GPU and theater no that was croutons bro on the chair that was some damn croutons we're tripping over some croutons right now tripping over some croutons man holy [ __ ] that just [ __ ] damn near killed [Music] me always the leg it's the same leg too ain't it pretty sure it is yep it is [ __ ] classic all right I am extracting as we speak oh yeah it looks like you popped off I wasn't watching Summit [ __ ] talking about wanting to play a game but ref uses to play Day Z for some reason classic oh the one one of the not the guy that killed you but his friend was [ __ ] [Music] stacked
Channel: Trey24k TV
Views: 22,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tarkov cultists, tarkov gameplay, tarkov wipe, tarkov tips, tarkov rage, twitch, black keycard, black card, labs cheater, tarkov cheater, eft pvp guide, trey24k, tarkov cheating, tarkov six mcx spear, tarkov mcx spear, tarkov mcx spear build, mcx spear eft, tarkov, tarkov bosses, tarkov kappa, kappa tarkov, tarkov tournament trey24k, tarkov trey24k, tarkov tournament, tarkov beginners guide, tarkov beginners, hutchmf, shoreline, etf, etf shoreline, tarkov shoreline
Id: PjjkuiW5aDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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