Jonathan Cahn | The Paradigm / Yom Kippur Teaching

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right now on Jewish Voice with Jonathan bernis your seatbelts we are going where no one has yet gone before if he has a blueprint or a a paradigm for what's happening in the world he also has it for reachable I understand that the Lord is revealing this to you but then in the detail the Jewish voice where we happy to discover the Jewish roots of your Christian faith Bible prophecy and world events surrounding Israel I'm Jonathan bernis thanks for joining us today you are gonna be so fascinated today by what our guest is going to share he's a New York Times bestselling author he's a prophetic voice and he's spoken in front of the Congress before the UN and he has the word of the Lord for you today he's gonna talk about an explosive new book just came out the paradigm and here's more background on our guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is a New York Times bestselling author anointed by God to reveal prophetic mysteries for this day and age raised in a reformed Jewish home Jonathan became a follower of Yeshua after an oncoming train crushed the car he was driving he heads the Jerusalem Center Beth Israel a worship center made up of Jews and Gentiles just outside New York City he and his wife Renata have two children and make their home in Wayne New Jersey [Music] [Applause] and and thank you for coming I know what your schedules like and I know that you want a plane you were out at 3 in the morning to be here and that's great to see it's a blessing to be yours on the to Jonathan's are back to the other back like 30 years or something I was saying to the audience at least 30 years so I've been watching the way the Lord has used you so powerfully over the years and I have to be honest I'm not surprised do you just have this revelation did you pray and then the Lord speaks to you how do you get this insight yeah all of that all of the above of the like for the Harbinger I was standing at Ground Zero and I saw this object and something the voice said there's something there you have to seek this and when I did it was the first puzzle piece to the next thing next thing and every time I needed the next thing something would happen or someone would say a word or something would come on my computer screen that I didn't put in that I didn't go for continuously with with the paradigm things just also would come into my head and I didn't know that then I found out it's true I check it out and it's true but I don't know how I knew that except the Lord just the Lord just does that he just it's absolutely amazing we we were all blown away and I say we every leader that I've that I've talked to about the Harbinger over the last couple of years was was just jarred by it because the connections are so profound if now these things are being fulfilled now and I want to be clear you this is not a prophecy this this was not a declaration these things will come to pass in this house this time yeah this is a warning you know God gives warnings and God gave warning a warning to Israel this is the this is now the manifestation of that and as far as when judgment comes and the point is we are heading there we it hasn't stopped you know the harbingers haven't stopped you know Matt things have manifested since America has not stopped moving away from God I mean since we since we first talked about the Harbinger we've crossed major thresholds as a nation so the warning is still there and in and we are heading that way it's kinda like in the days of we read the Bible that when I gave warnings to Israel you know it said it's coming as far as does God give the exact time when it's gonna come no no mostly time no it's a call for repentance okay so I just those that would say you made these predictive prophecies and they didn't come to pass never never did never say that I'm always careful not to but the warnings are there in the land we are we are progressing unfortunately I mean I mean I'm praying we're praying for revival but until then we are progressing the way but the way Israel did in the last days Jonathan the thing about the Harbinger it's not just a warning it's specific warnings that ya Errol L yes that repeat yes in detail yes God's warning to Israel before they were taken it yes it's a manifestations of sighs these harbingers it's prophetic signs that have appeared and that's and that has continued and that is that is absolutely specific very specific object specific words repeating what happened in in the last days of Israel involving the the highest leaders of the land yeah the word fulfill I think really illustrates this it doesn't mean to have a definitive end it means to keep filling to fullness yes yeah hol fill it s still full and that's what we're experiencing with the heart but yeah and God when God uses signs you know these are signs you look throughout the Bible he gives prophetic signs the Smashing of a clay jar you know these well that's what's appearing in America these are signs warning us that we are in a real danger and we are we are absolutely been heading away from God rapidly and it's been more since we've been together yeah and many are heating yeah the warning how many how many have read the Harbinger so far millionths milli it's been millions and and and it's been I'm amazed because when we again we've known each other and this is all kind of crazy I'm still like kind of surfing the wave but you'll always be catching up now yeah and it's and there are presidential candidates who read it who have read it President Kennedy who have given it out to other people it's kind of crazy but that's what God's done now the Lord's also opened up some incredible doors for you to warn the leaders not just the book yeah but talked about those you've spoken in front of Congress the UN yeah yes that crazy yeah the Lord open the door to speak in on Capitol Hill members of Congress and even the day that the Supreme Court heard the case deciding marriage was like a prophetic day the next day I was able to speak that way to I spoke in the United Nations spoke about Israel and all and then I quickly got out of there after that but by table but it's I believe he has called us to speak to powers you know and he's to speak to the rooms we were not to be timid now we have to be bolder you know and the Lord will open the doors you know we just have to be faithful and people say well I was courageous to say that that's not courageous I I'm just more I'm more scared of him than I am of them you know yeah that's the story of the prophets of old all do you ever think that you'd be standing in front of Congress or the United Nations did you ever have this revelation from the Lord or sense I'm gonna bring you before kings and presidents and there are people I know I didn't but there are people who came up to me you know like Messiah comes would come to me and say the Lord hears the word the Lord is saying I'm gonna bring you before kings and also okay you know that that's great you know maybe but I didn't think so and then years later it happens yeah it's amazing it's amazing I get those two nuts yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but when it happens it's usually yeah really is yeah and I agree I had an opportunity years ago to speak to the to the person that became the president of Moldova before he became the resident and the Lord gave me a warning if you don't deliver the message because he gave me a message for this for this he was at that time the head of the Parliament if you don't warn him then you're not fulfilling what I'm what I've called you to do and it was it was hard to do because the warning was if you turned from God he will bring you down he will bring you out of power yeah I'll bring you into power but I'll bring you out and he didn't heed the warning and he was out in two years but it you know it's intimidating but as you said I we fear God more you man yeah I was at something I say Lord you know and you know me you know I have messages in all different kinds encouraging things and all that but the Harbinger and all these others are are warnings and so it's the Lord you know this is heavy and then and I'm saying and I and I just opened the Bible and it's like son of man I've had call the watchman if you do not sound the trumpet the blood okay I got it yeah yeah you've written two bestsellers already the harbinger the book of mysteries this one is so hot off the press I can barely hold on to it that's right and again names amazing the paradigm the ancient blueprint that holds the mysteries of our time what mysteries is the Lord opened up to you this time this is this is an ancient blueprint it's linked to the same time as the Harbinger but it and from the same context but it involves not just signs but everything that's happening from the the specific leaders of America it actually the the specific events it's almost like it's like the major things that we've gone through are all there we're replaying something with modern leaders there's a prototype leader in this template that stands for that leader it even gives the times how much how many years they will have on the world stage each of them know we're gonna get a visit yes we're gonna get into specifics right yeah buckle your seatbelts we are going where no one has yet gone before Northern Star you'll be amazed what Jonathan Cahn has to share but first a message about how you can bless the Jewish people that are so precious to God stay tuned here at Jewish voice we are dedicated to proclaiming the good news that Jesus Yeshua is the Messiah to the Jew first and also to the nation's we share the gospel at festivals around the world and we also provide life-saving medical help to Jewish people living in dire poverty modern DNA testing has confirmed that these people are descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel many of these Jewish people we reach have maintained their old testament traditions and rituals for thousands of years they need to hear the gospel and receive medical care time is literally running out for these sons and daughters of Abraham infants toddlers in the elderly are the most likely to die needlessly for lack of basic medical care medical care that most of us take for granted is desperately needed now and the need is enormous but our medical teams provide more than just physical care and comfort they open the door for us to share God's love and the good news that Jesus is the Messiah that's why your financial support is crucial for your donation of $30 will so the paradigm by Jonathan Cahn into your life the paradigm contains Jonathan Cahn's most explosive prophecies yet learn what startling biblical mysteries are about to come true in your lifetime order the paradigm now and if you really want to bless Jewish tribes like these please consider becoming a new monthly partner with your new monthly partnership of $25 or more we'll send you the paradigm and we'll add a Jewish boys exclusive to anointed Jonathan Cahn DVD sets with four discs each that's a total of 8 DVDs by Jonathan Cahn exclusively for you our Jewish voice supporters each four DVD set contains unique prophecies relevant to your life don't wait call the number on your screen now receive all of these thank-you gifts with your new monthly partnership of $25 or more you can also donate $100 to receive all these gifts specify offer 1923 or please specify offer 9241 when giving a one-time gift of $30 to receive the paradigm or click with your gift of support by going to our website JVM i dot TB or write to us at Jewish voice post office box 6 phoenix arizona 85004 [Applause] new book it's called the paradigm the ancient blueprint that holds the mystery of our times this is exciting and we are about to possibly get as politically incorrect yes as we've ever been on this program because we are about to name names wow I feel this and I'm excited so we're gonna dig into the paradigm now and you talk about the king yes who's the king yeah well the the context is this is the this is the apostasy of ancient Israel this is the template the blueprint and there comes a time when it accelerates and if you look at American history in the last like 25 years after the Reagan years things Excel have accelerated where we're anti biblical values became almost our prevailing and and it but in the ancient template there were at that time in Israel's history they also had an accelerated period when that happened and there was a particular king and queen that came to power at one point and we will name the names let me just say something because it's not about the people we need to pray for all people and that's it but it's about their role in the fall now what happened is a man comes to power his name is a hub or a hub and we we know him he was he was actually he knew of the Lord but he was actually compromised he was apostate and he at the same time he was he championed that worship of bail which involved the offering of children I mean it was a it was a massive culture war that starts at in his reign and but it wasn't just him I'll get to that in a second so at the same time in about 25 last quarter-century comes a culture war in America it's called the culture war and it's an acceleration where you actually have a president for the first time who was actually championing things like abortion the offering up of children anti biblical values well that was Bill Clinton he rises he knew of the Lord but he was he was a man divided just like Ahab was he was a man who was he was known for there were personal scandals a have personal scandals in his reign also moral weakness that was also a hab in that chapping all these things and also pioneering certain things that had never been that are still continuing to this day well that's what they have did he was the first thing but it wasn't alone a hab had a partner yes he did okay and pray for me right now and and it was the first time that the kings of Israel the king of Israel had a queen who was light who was basically a co-regent well the first time in American history we had a president who had a it was called a Co presidency and that was another person the other one was Jezebel and again this is not about the person but it's about the role Jezebel she was from a cosmopolitan culture liberal values she felt the values of Israel were true their traditional values were a problem they had to be overcome she championed among among anyone she championed the offering up of children or abortion in the modern case here in this game well we have Bill Clinton and we have a copra we have Hillary Clinton the first first lady who was ever in the White House as an office and they basically ruled together she has very liberal values she's champing her main champion cause is has been abortion she she she actually here's another thing about Jezebel and I'm not saying about the personality I'm making that clear but Jezebel came from it was actually the daughter of a priest of a God of Ashtoreth so she worshipped female power this is part of what she did this is what she was so - the two together start the this a cultural war it starts things moving in this way I'm absolutely amazed I'm mesmerized by the parallels in here and we're not talking about the personalities we're talking about and this is the word that comes to me archetype yeah exactly we're talking about demonic principalities and powers that are manifesting and influencing and the parallels are astounding so keep going yeah well here's another thing there's a there's a chapter in the paradigm called the nemesis and that is in the days of that King Rises an arch enemy of the nation and he he comes from the east he makes threats against the nation he he threatens he's gonna bring danger to the nation a Middle Eastern man a Semitic man and it speaks a Semitic language in the days and he's actually ultimately gonna make a strike on the nation of the king in the days of Clinton comes a man on the world stage another paradigm and he rises up and he's from the east his name is of course Osama bin Laden and he makes threats against the nation comes and in the LAT in the latter part of the reign of the that king and actually in the template it's gonna be sound crazy but it's in a template it actually gives up it gives the parameters of his name the ancient there's an ancient enemy and then named it's a it's a two-part name in the Bible and the first part of the name is is the letters are bet and Hebrew it and and it's been or bin as in bin Laden means son there's an ancient one he matches the exact one in the LAT in the latter days of the king the king has a chance a hab has a chance to kill this the nemesis to get get the danger out but he passes on the chance and later on it's gonna bring calamity to the nation Clinton had the chance to I'm not talking about why or what he had a chance to take out bin Laden he doesn't later on it brings calamity on the nation this is what I this is what was mind-blowing about the about the Harbinger the intricacy of how everything has repeated itself yes it's so intricate that's not just a general warning it's in minut detail that's it and let talk about talk about that let me slice to see yes now there's a chapter in the in the paradigm called the day now listen to this and there's much out of course we can only touch on things I can only that wasn't my next question by the way really yes what is the mystery of the okay this is one of them one of them here's the thing in the paradigm in the ancient template here's the thing that when the there's a scandal in the days of the king there's a big scandal in in Ahab saying it's it's a scandal of naboth and the vineyard and he is rebuked by Elijah and he actually he actually repents at one point he confesses his sins repents and God says okay I'm not gonna bring the calamity now but we'll be delayed because of that repentance okay there's a major scandal I won't go into it right now there's a major scandal in the days of the of Clinton saying there's several but the one is worse the Lewinsky scanner was the major than he was impeached for it okay so did he ever repent of it did he ever and the answer is he did at first he denied it then he had to confess it and then finally he made a real repentance it was at a prayer gathering in the White House with ministers and he said this is my repentance I didn't do before I have sinned I asked forgiveness he actually did so but here's the here's the thing now that get this in the paradigm when that when Ahab does it it is three years from the time he repents from that moment to the time a calamity comes on the nation which is with bloodshed now here's the thing what we hear the day that he did that take three years add three years it comes to not just a year it comes to an exact day it comes to September 11 2001 Wow I can't wait to hear more so hold the thought you know just as the Lord is revealing through Jonathan the fulfillment of prophecy concerning the destruction of Israel to warn America Bible prophecy is also being fulfilled as Godhra gathers the lost sheep of Israel back to their homeland it's happening today before our very eyes when you support Jewish voice you're making miracles possible for the scattered tribes of Israel just like the ones that you're about to see take a look here at Jewish voice we are dedicated to proclaiming the good news that Jesus Yeshua is the Messiah to the Jew first and also to the nation's we share the gospel at festivals around the world and we also provide life-saving medical help to Jewish people living in dire poverty modern DNA testing has confirmed that these people are descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel many of these Jewish people would reach have maintained their old testament traditions and rituals for thousands of years they need to hear the gospel and receive medical care time is literally running out for these sons and daughters of Abraham infants toddlers in the elderly are the most likely to die needlessly for lack of basic medical care medical care that most of us take for granted is desperately needed now and the need is enormous but our medical teams provide more than just physical care and comfort they open the door for us to share God's love and the good news that Jesus is the Messiah that's why your financial support is crucial for your donation of $30 will so the paradigm by Jonathan Cahn into your life the paradigm contains Jonathan Cahn's most explosive prophecies yet learn what startling biblical mysteries are about to come true in your lifetime order the paradigm now and if you really want to bless Jewish tribes like these please consider becoming a new monthly partner with your new monthly partnership of $25 or more we'll send you the paradigm and we'll add a Jewish boys exclusive to anointed Jonathan Cahn DVD sets with four discs each that's a total of 8 DVDs by Jonathan Cahn exclusively for you our Jewish voice supporters each 4 DVD set contains unique prophecies relevant to your life don't wait call the number on your screen now receive all of these thank-you gifts with your new monthly partnership of $25 or more you can also donate $100 to receive all these gifts specify offer 1923 please specify offer 9241 when giving a one-time gift of $30 to receive the paradigm or click with your gift of support by going to our website JVM I dot TV or write to us at Jewish voice post office box 6 phoenix arizona 85004 Rabbi Jonathan Cahn about his incredible new book and this is new it's hot off the press it's called the paradigm and this is an ancient blueprint what does the paradigm reveal about God and each of us well one thing is you know similar to when the Harbinger came out people were scared but other people were you know what this actually gives me comfort why because it's telling you that truly God is in control God is on the throne yes how could you do all these thing we just talked about details yeah how could you do all that only if you're in control so for those who are not in God okay you can fear but then get in the Lord but if you're in the Lord he's telling you truly you know that you say God has a plan for your life well he really does if he has a blueprint or a paradigm for what's happening in the world he also has it for each of us even God says I know the plans the Hebrew word is Mahasabha which which means intricately woven plans and it's true so you you if you're in the Lord just make sure you're in God's will if you're in God's will don't fear because God is on the throne Jonathan I know that we've only scratched the surface and that's all we've done we scratch the surface of the prophecies in the paradigm and we're excited you're coming back Jonathan's agreed to come back in a few weeks to share more mysteries with us I don't want you to miss our next program about the paradigm with Jonathan Cahn so you can check your local listings and I don't want you to miss this opportunity to hear and respond to God's mercy he's reaching out to you today he wants you to respond today there is still time but there may not be tomorrow and that's why you've been watching this program today because today is the day of your salvation today is the day for you to be restored to God today is a new day it's the beginning of a turnaround so that you can fulfill your destiny in him I want you to get this book I want you to read it I want you to get it into your heart and I want you to fulfill your call we're living in the last days listen we're here for you Jewish voice is here to help you I want you to know that God loves you and so do we Jonathan Cahn is going to pray for you now as we close Jonathan well we ask your great blessing and anointing on everyone who's watching father we ask that the the plans for their life be fulfilled that nothing be hindering it father remove all things to bring it about you said I know I I know the plans we asked this be manifest give victory give release and is the film n't of what you have purposed from the time you place them in their mother's womb in the name of Yeshua Jesus or Oh a jato of the Good Shepherd amen oh my gosh you don't want to miss Jonathan he's coming back he has so much more to share so make sure you tune in when Jonathan returns and by the way if you have any questions or prayer nades remember we're here for you you can log on to our website it's jvm IDOT TV and just know again god loves you and so do we in fact God has a special blessing for you this week as we mark the biblical feast of yom kippur the day of atonement take a look this week we're observing yom kippur this is the Day of Atonement we can read about this in Leviticus chapter 23 this is the holiest day of the Jewish calendar a time when Jews all over the world fast and pray they go to synagogue and we're repenting of our sins but this is also a faceless connected with a blindness because the Jewish people no longer have a sacrifice for their sins there is no temple there's the only the sacrifice of Messiah but Messianic Jews and you as believers in the Jewish Messiah can observe Yom Kippur you can make this a intercessory time to pray for the salvation of your family members to pray for the salvation of the Jewish people this is the most important time of the year to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem because ultimately that peace is only found in the Messiah because Yeshua is our high priest he fulfilled this observance of Yom Kippur when the high priest once a year went into the holy place you can go to our website jvm IDOT TV and you can take time to learn about feasts that are important to you MOA deem appointed times of the Lord that aren't just for the Jewish people but for all followers of the Messiah and when it's over we're going to break the fast with things like LOX and bagels I love lox and bagels that LOX of salty makes you thirst for water and I want a thirst for the living water so that's Yom Kippur and I encourage you to learn more well thanks for joining us today we love the Jewish people and we ask you to show your love for the Jewish people by becoming a new monthly prayer partner or getting behind the ministry with support today I want to remind you as I close that psalm 122:6 says also to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem they will prosper that love thee and so if you want to prosper pray for the Jewish people until next time I'm Jonathan bernis saying Shalom and god bless you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Jewish Voice
Views: 53,747
Rating: 4.7853231 out of 5
Keywords: Yom Kippur, Jonathan Cahn, The Paradigm, Jonathan Bernis, Jewish Voice, Jesus, Hillary Clinton, Jezebel Spirit, End Times
Id: Ukn8A68VNLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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