#11 Haftarah Vayigash from Ezekiel 37 - Prophecy of Yosef and Judah coming together again!

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[Music] you this morning's Torah portion is called via gosh and via gosh means and he drew near and it is the story of Judah drawing near to his brother Yosef even before he knew who he was to intercede on behalf of Benjamin and we're going to parallel this story with the prophets section in Ezekiel 37 verses 15 through 28 where God tells Ezekiel to take two sticks and name one ephraim for the house of Yosef so it parallels our torah portion and for the whole house of israel and take another stick and call it judah for him and his companion which would be benjamin and he says son of man bring them near to one another and that's our job today we are bringing the two houses of israel near to each other so that they can be reconciled because they've been divided for the last two thousand seven hundred and forty plus years so it's very exciting that we read this torah portion today because it is present truth it is not only symbolized in the story of Yosef but then you see God using symbols through the prophets to continue to remind us that his covenant with the house of Israel has not been broken and even though he has scattered Israel to the four corners of the earth that he promises that he would regather them there was a purpose for us to be scattered amongst the nations to be a light to the nations but he is promised that he would renew his covenant with us he would make us a kingdom of priests he would reunite us with our brother Judah and reunite us with the land and restore us to Torah and this is what we're gonna look at to and what our job is today and what part we can play in presenting ourselves before Judah so the tour portion is found in Genesis 44 verse 18 through 47 27 and we're basically going to just look at the beginning of it from 47 44 18 through 45 18 and get a a little glimpse at the story of Yosef and then we will parallel in this week's partial via gosh deals primarily with Joseph revealing his true identity to his brothers and it's just like the lost house of Israel who was assimilated into a Christianity over the last 2,000 plus years they are needing to present themselves and reveal themselves to their brother Judah who hasn't recognized them we don't look like the lost ten tribes any longer and so we're going to be paralleling this this morning and the subsequent reunion and reunification of the whole house of Israel the story of Judah drawing near to Joseph in today's Torah parsha by 'gosh meaning and he drew near is paralleled with Ezekiel 37 where God says to bring the two sticks near to each other so that he can make them one in his hands here's a little depiction of these two sticks that I made up for this week's illustration you see the northern kingdom and the stick here let's see if I can get my indicator can't do it but I'll just point to it we have one stick called Ephraim for the house of Israel and you have one stick called Judah for the southern kingdom this stick for Ephraim represents the northern ten tribes which were taken captive by Assyria in 721 BC the southern kingdom with Benjamin was taken captive in 586 BC by Nebuchadnezzar we have two symbols here we have the State of Israel which is largely in part the tribe of Judah with Benjamin restoring the land preparatory for the rest of the home right now the ten tribes are their symbol is the menorah in Revelation you can see there is seven lampstands and there's a symbolic of different aspects of messianic believers in the last days who are returning to Torah and returning to the commandments of God and God says to bring these two sticks close together so that he can make them one in his hand and restore the whole house of Israel let's read and then we will look at this some of the symbolism the tour portion starts in Genesis 44 verse 18 and it says then Yehuda approached Joseph so the very first symbol is Yehuda approaching Yosef and he says please my lord let your servant say something to you privately don't be angry with your servant for you are like Pharaoh himself my Lord asks his servants do you have a father or brother we answered my lord we have a father who is an old man and a child of his old age a little one also whose brother is dead so that of his mother's children he alone is left and his father loves him so the lost house of Israel is symbolized by Yosef here and later by Yosef son Ephraim who ends up becoming the leader of the northern ten tribes did you know that Jeroboam when he divided from Solomon's son Rehoboam he was a descendant of Ephraim so literally you have Judah and Eve from being symbolized here and Joseph was thought to be dead just like the lost house of Israel was thought to be completely lost and completely dead and yet God's promise to Abraham that he would multiply Abraham's seed like the sands of the sea and the stars of the heavens and that Ephraim got a special blessing that he would become a multitude of Nations does God's Word return to Him void or is this happening under the surface that the rest of the world could not even see well it looks like Yosef is dead look at how God is raising up Yosef to power and this is what we're going to see symbolized in the descendants of Ephraim and through the British Empire who became a multitude of Nations but you said to your servants bring him down to me so that I can see him we answered my lord the boy can't leave his father if he were here or if he were to leave his father his father would die you said to your servants you will not see my face again unless your brother is with you we went up to your servant my father and told him what my Lord has said but when our Father said go again and buy us some food we answered we can't go down only if our youngest brother is with us well we go down because we can't see the man's face unless our youngest brother is with us then your servant my father said to us you know that my wife bore me two sons the one that went out from me and I said surely he's been torn to pieces and I haven't seen him since now if you take this one away from me two and something happens to him you will bring my gray hair down to Sheol with grief so now if I go to your servant my father and the boy isn't with us seeing how his heart is bound up with the boy's heart when he sees that the boy isn't with us he will die so here Judah is seeking to glorify the father and intercede for this younger brother Benjamin and we can see that Yehuda has been seeking to glorify God over the last three thousand years in preserving Torah for the whole house for the time and what such a time that the Exile is the loss textiles of Israel would be returning home so it's really Judah that first goes and mingles with the brothers and the brothers can come home and we will look at some of the symbolism of that through history because Ephraim was scattered not only north and west throughout Europe and became the British Empire but then on to America when America was discovered and America has been a refuge place for not only the lost house of Israel but look at how much Judah came and if it wasn't for Judah we wouldn't even have the Bible's that we have today so in a way we can even see historically how Judah has first reached out or approached or drawn near to Yosef representing the Lost house of Israel well Yosef when he was saw this beautiful intercessory spirit in Yehuda he could not contain his feelings any longer in front of his attendants and he cried get everybody away from me so that no one else was with him when he revealed himself to his brothers one of the reasons that Yosef said get away from me is because he had compassion he was gonna not only reveal himself but how did he prove there was two ways that he was going to prove that he really was Yosef because he looked like a pagan world leader he looked like the Pharaoh himself so even if he says I am Yosef I need Yosef his brothers wouldn't believe them so there was two things that he did he revealed I know what you did in selling meat into slavery but he didn't want the rest of the Egyptians to hear about it and then think negatively of his brothers so it's a beautiful depiction of no Lashon Hara no negativity no negative thinking or speaking about our brothers he kicked everybody out of the royal court all the Egyptians so that he could reveal himself to his brother and he did it in Hebrew speaking Hebrew and revealing that he knew what his brothers had done in the past but that he did not hold it against him these were the two ways that Yosef revealed himself to his brothers and he wept aloud and the Egyptians heard in Pharaoh's household heard and Yosef said to his brothers on the Yosef I am Yosef is it true that my father is still alive his brothers couldn't answer him they were so dumbfounded as seen him Yosef said to his brothers please come close so he's going to reveal this aspect but he doesn't want anybody to hear outside they came closer and he says I knew Yosef I'm Yosef your brother whom you sold in to eat Egypt but don't be sad that you sold me into slavery here don't be angry at yourselves it was God who really sent me ahead of you to preserve your lives and it's so beautiful here Yosef representing Ephraim the lost house of Israel migrated was thought to be dead went on ahead of Judah in their exile and really prepared a way for them and for the land to be restored if it wasn't for the British Empire 1948 the Balfour Declaration Israel would have never become a nation when that was declared 19-minute of 1947 in the beginning of 1948 so you can see the parallels throughout history that what seemed like a curse in our people being exiled was really meant for good for our brothers and here Yosef ends up saving Judah and the whole family and Ephraim and the Lost house of Israel is really prepared throughout history to preserve Judah so that when the land is restored then Judah is the first one back in the land with the Torah and can receive the lost house of Israel so let's look at some of this symbolism it's very beautiful at last Joseph could no longer control his feelings in front of his attendants and he cried get everybody away so that no one else was with him when he revealed to his brothers who he really was he wept aloud and the Egyptians heard and Pharaohs household heard and Yosef said to his brothers Ani Yosef famine had been over the land the last two years and yet for another five there will be neither ploughing nor harvest God sent me ahead of you to ensure that you will have descendants on earth and to save your lives in a great deliverance you also realized that his brothers were still in a state of bewilderment he therefore appeased them with more convincing words you see that I am really Yosef for I speak to you in Lashon ha kodesh this our sages tell us that he revealed himself speaking Hebrew so that they would recognize who he is and this is a good model for us today if we really want to be recognized by brother Judah we want to return to the land we want to study torah with them we should start learning Hebrew today we should speak to them in the family tongue you know when a person even if a child is adopted into a family let's say you can't trace your lineage through Israel or through Judah but you're grafted in this is a type of adoption this is what Paul was talking about when he says you have our sons of adoption into the family of Abraham and Sarah what does a child do whether it's a Korean child or an Indian child or a Russian or Chinese child and they come to America somebody with prosperity adopts them to help save their life they learn tongue and this is really what we should be each individually seeking to do is learn Hebrew because then the Hebrew Scriptures come alive that tamaak and this is a beautiful little glimpse of this symbolized in Joseph revealing himself in Hebrew when Yosef said I am Yosef God's master plan became clear to the brothers they had no more questions everything that had happened for the last 22 years that Joseph had been away all of a sudden fell into perspective so too a rabbi says in the late 1800s will be the time to come when God reveals himself and announces I am Hashem then the veil will be lifted from our eyes both Judah and Israel and we will comprehend everything that has transpired throughout history like I'm teaching through these parallel tours with the tour portion you're seeing that it really it was for our good it was for our blessing sometimes in the midst of it we say oh woe is me I wish I could be back in the land or I wish that I could be more prosperous or I wish that I could be have grown up in a family speaking Hebrew but everything each each part each aspect of it is for good if we will live out our purpose our divine destiny and that can only come about though through understanding our divine identity and our identity in Israel so this is why we say gamsu lay Tova it's all for my good no matter what has happened yosef then falls upon his brother Benjamin and there's a real interesting aspect that our sages say why both Joseph and Benjamin wept on each other's shoulders Rashi quotes the Midrash that Yosef was crying for the two temples which would stand in yerushalaim in the inheritance portion of Benjamin Benjamin the lines of Benjamin and Yehuda practically go right through Jerusalem very close together so we need hugged Benjamin it was like he got a glimpse of the future temples but then because of the sins of Israel Benjamin when he hugged Joseph got a vision of the Mishkan the tabernacle that would be in the wilderness for 40 years and then sitting in Yosef inheritance which was Shechem remember the tabernacle stood in Shechem for 369 years and Benjamin has seen the destruction of the Mishkan which is a more apt description of our bodies as the temple of God then even the solid temple that Solomon bill so here both brothers are getting little visions as they're hugging each other as this unity and restoration and reconciliation is happening and they're both weeping for the temples now we're gonna look at that and our need to be able to internalize that longing for their temple restored in our lives as well we shouldn't just think of it as something historical but we should be looking forward to the prophecies that Hashem has given the prophets about the Messianic age and how the temple will be rebuilt and how Torah was streamed forth from it so we should be longing for that just like all of Israel or Judah and Joseph and Benjamin according to the Zohar he wept over his brother as well because he foresaw that the ten tribes would be exiled and scattered among the nations imagine that such a download as they're hugging each other all of a sudden they see each other's lineage and everything that would happen through their lineage so I thought that looking at this haftorah before we get into ezekiel actually let's just outline a little bit about the chronology of what's happening with Joseph and with Judah and see if we can apply it to our lives then I think you'll get more understanding when we look at the haftorah of the two sticks coming back together you'll understand what has happened over the last two thousand years so we read that Joseph was exiled well we that was in previous weeks we know his brothers sold him into slavery and so in essence Joseph was exiled from the land of Israel and he went down to Egypt Yosef became a world leader next Judah then trust near to Yosef in a foreign land because of the hardships in his land without knowing who he was Yosef reveals himself to yahudah speaking Hebrew and Yosef weeps over the future destruction of the temples due to the division and tirelessness and then Joseph and his brothers reconcile and they're totally unified what a beautiful model it's like a parable it is the story and plan of salvation hidden within Joseph and his brothers we see that Yosef is likened to his son Ephraim whose name becomes synonymous with the lost ten tribes because Jeroboam was a son of Ephraim and he was the leader of the northern ten tribes in their exile so whenever you think of Yosef Ephraim Tim treiber's Northern Kingdom or Israel these are all synonymous terms with each other so just like Yosef was exiled the Northern Kingdom of Israel was exiled when Assyria took him captive in 721 BC and they migrated north and west through the Caucasus Mountains and over into Europe and they became the British Empire and they became a world leader and they literally became a multitude of Nations because of the British Empire's influence over so many different countries you know they ruled India until 1947 that's when they divided and gave Pakistan and India its own sovereignty they ruled over Kenya in Africa and many other African countries until interestingly enough 1947 again India got its independence from Britain also in Africa got its independence from Britain in 1947 all these countries got their independence they just kind of released them when Israel became a nation again and it was through the British Empire and their world leadership that the Balfour Declaration took away Israel from the control of the Ottoman Empire so we see this apt model of Yosef becoming a world leader in his exile and ephraim becomes a world leader in his exile and a multitude of nations next we saw that Judah drew near to Yosef in a foreign land and what happens we see the Jews after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD they follow the northern ten tribes into all the lands of their dispersion if you can turn this off if it's okay so thank you it's a little reverb so when the Jews had their temple destroyed in 70 AD we see all of a sudden they start following the migration route of the northern ten tribes into Europe so in a way Judah Israel and lives amongst Israel without even knowing that there are their own brothers they don't even realize they just look at it as the British Empire and people in America they don't really realize when they're living in America that they're living amongst their brothers so what happens next in this historical simile it's time for Yosef to reveal himself to Judah but there was a punishment on Joseph's descendants and on the whole house of Israel that they would be punished seven times moreover for their iniquity and their original punishment was three hundred and ninety years in Ezekiel chapter four verses four through six seven times three hundred 90s two thousand seven hundred in thirty years so from the time they were taken captive from Assyria in 721 BC we see that that ends the punishment ends on the house of Israel 2008-2009 so there's no way that Israel could have known their identity or presented themselves to Judah before the time in which we're living this is only nine years ago very exciting present truth for us today but how are we to present ourselves to Judah this is the question how did Joseph reveal himself I'm sure he must have taken off his pagan headdress maybe we should take off some of our pagan garb that we have adopted through the last two thousand years and the simulation with the Roman Catholic Church we should return to Hebrew and speak to our brother in his own tongue we should bemoan the destruction of the temple you know tisha piaf these fast like the 17th of Tammuz these are ways to join Juna Judah in mourning for the destruction of the temple the way that Joseph and Benjamin wept over each other what if we joined Judah looking forward to the age of mashiac installed instead of talking about the age of mashiac as being something passed in which we didn't see a temple rebuilt and we didn't see the restoration or the return of the x-files of Israel instead of talking about things in the past which you're not gonna recognize join them in looking forward to the restoration of the temple and the restoration of all things the whole house of Israel this is the age of Messiah so it's time for Ephraim ice to start speaking to Judah in Hebrew and it's time for Ephraim to join the Jews and longing for the rebuilt temple in the age of Messiah can return to Torah then we can reconcile and we can better be unified together so what's happening now with our work with the Commonwealth of Israel is just the beginning of this great commission to the son of men to bring these two sticks close together but ultimately they can only be made one when Messiah comes but there's a work for us to do to even prepare for that oneness and did you have questions that's Leviticus 26 verse 18 through 20 roughly I'm glad you asked and it prophesized that if Israel did not repent so their punishment according to Ezekiel four four and five was three hundred and ninety years so you multiply three hundred and ninety by seven and that gives you two thousand seven hundred and thirty years which the starting date was the date of their exile in 721 BC very good to have these things not only reconciled in our head but like good apologetics we should know why we believe what we believe and be able to present a good case to others because this is present truth not just for this little group but for everyone remember Israel was prophesied to be scattered to the four corners of the earth and so there's people waking up in the four corners of the earth and they don't know why they don't really even realize that they have that they are the descendants of Israel and so it's very exciting to share with them when when did the punishment get over 2008-2009 yeah according to the Hebrew calendar beautiful time and this was when we started to see thousands of people coming to us and saying teaches Torah we don't know why we left or we don't at that time they thought they must be Jewish or have some Jewish ancestry they didn't even have a knowledge of being a part of the lost house of Israel and the punishment being ended and you have I've seen around the world not just thousands but those thousands have turned into hundreds of thousands and millions of people who are waking up to Torah which is very exciting so now with this insight let's go and read the haftorah in Ezekiel 37 verse 15 about the two sticks coming back together because this is what is happening in our day Ezekiel chapter 37 verses 15 through 28 and the word of the Lord came to me Bonet Dom guess what you're all Bonet Dom so this applies to you Bonet 'adam Bonet means children Dom are you sons and daughters of Adam then this is your Commission it's interesting that he calls Ezekiel this prophetically because through Ezekiel this message is going to go out to the whole house of Israel this is our Great Commission and this time but nay Adam take one stick and write on it for Judah now we know that Judah has in recent times been known as the Jews and those joined with him in Hebrew it says and his companion which would literally be Benjamin from the people of Israel next take another stick and write on it for Yosef the stick of Ephraim and all the house of Israel who are joined with him so this is speaking of through Yosef like this parallel in the tour portion you from son Jeroboam is gonna leave them they're gonna become known as ephraim but they are all the companions all the rest of the companions or house of israel which are the tin treiber's this is what this other stick represents and he says finally bring them close together into a single stick so that they become one in your hand when your people asked you what all this means tell them that adonai elohim says this i will take the stick of Yosef which is in the hand of Ephraim together with the ten tribes who are joined with him and put them together with the stick of Judah and make them one single stick again this is where we're heading this is good news so that they become one in my hand he says so ultimately how does he implemented salvation his deliverance his unification it's all gonna be through the personification of mashiac so when he says they're gonna become one in my hand we're gonna see that very soon when Messiah comes the stick on which you write are to be in your hand as they watch didn't say to them imagine Ezekiel is doing this in front of all the people that are there that will watch then say to them that Adonai Elohim says that I will take people the people of Israel from among the nations where they have gone at this time the northern house has already left here's a fledgling group of Judah maybe a few ten tribes mixed in with them and Benjamin and they're wondering what's gonna happen to us not only has the whole house of Israel been divided but then the northern house has been taken away Ezekiel is prophesying in these days that if you don't repent from your sins Judah you will be taken away also which we know happen through Nebuchadnezzar a few years after this so here they are Judas left in the land wondering what's the future hold and gossip gives us beautiful prophesy of saying you know if the rest of your brothers who were taken amongst the nations they will be brought back they're gonna be one with you again don't lose hope in essence this is the good news for that day and for our day he says tell them I will take the people of Israel from among the nation's where they have gone and I will gather them from every side and bring them back to their own land so where's our destiny it's not in heaven like many people teach you know you always hear you're gonna sit on a cloud and play a harp and can you imagine that these stuff was sold for so long yeah it's here in the earth our destiny is in back in the land actually and Ezekiel it also tells us that each one of us will have an inheritance according to which tribe we are from we'll be one with Judah once again he says I will make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel and one king will be king over all of them this is King mashiac Malik dahveed and they will no longer be two nations and they will never again be divided into two kingdoms this is good news now there's some that are awakening early to facilitate this work both in Judah and in Ephraim it's interesting that God has brought mark and I together and how we're working with the Commonwealth of Israel because he recognizes himself from Ephraim and as at in Treiber and I'm from the tribe of Judah and so here we are setting an example of loving unity to the rest of our brothers and sisters both in Israel and in here in the lands of their exile the good news is that we are not destined to be two nations forever we're not destined to be divided we're destined to be united under God's kingdom through mashiac so a little history before we go on this year that the Israel was divided from the Davidic Kingdom after Solomon's death was about 797b see this would be approximately two thousand nine hundred and sixty-four years after creation following the death of ha Malik so how Malik means the king when you hear that the nation was divided between Rio Boehm Ben and Jeroboam then Nevada Nevada was of the house of ephraim jeroboams father maria bomb ruled over Judah and Benjamin from the house of David and Jeroboam ruled over the other 10 tribes REO boom was a direct descendant of David huh Malik King David and your bomb was a descendant of Yosef through Ephraim and in this week's haftorah Ezekiel Hanavi the prophet prophesied the time when the divided Kingdom of Yehuda and Israel would unite beneath the single banner of the family of King David because King Messiah is of the line of David so even in the future just like they were united in the past under King David's Kingdom in the future they will be united under King David's Kingdom King David is a type of mashiac this is why we call him a shiok bin daveed in that there was the greatest unity during his reign just like there will be when King Messiah comes so the connection to our parsha obvious our parsha begins with a confrontation between Judah and Joseph both were destined to be Kings over the Jewish people think about that both were destined to be Kings over the Jewish people he also reigned as a king over the Jewish people in Egypt Judah was to be king in the land what happened in the Exile the descendants of Joseph ruled over the Detroit the lost ten tribes became the British Empire they recognize themselves as ephraim i'ts and they ruled over the jews after 70 AD who came back up to europe and lived amongst them throughout europe so we see this beautiful parallel however Joseph's reign was to be limited to necessity was it necessary for the British Empire to help the Jews out in their time yes it was is it destined that they will always be the ones to reign over Judah no it's not now it's time to come back underneath the authority of Judah and this is something that Christians have a hard time doing when they're used to being under their own authority or just being under God's Authority but God sets up a hierarchy for us to submit to and if we really want to return to Torah we will recognize the beautiful authority that God has given Judah to teach us Torah to not only preserve it but to teach us because judah's Kingdom would be as eternal as the Jews themselves this is so important for Christians to recognize because sometimes as they're returning to Torah they have little bit of that old replacement theology in their mind and a little bit of that old anti-semitism in their mind and then they find out that everything they've been told in Christianity was a lie and so they're very apprehensive to be under another human system but there's a lot of blessings that can come when we submit to learning from our elder brother Judah understanding that God has a purpose for Judah to preserve the Torah then when Messiah comes whatever errors that I have not been discovered up to that point he will clarify and we will be totally unified in the Torah through the living Torah but right now if you want to grow in Torah I encourage everyone to go back to Israel learn Hebrew learn from the rabbi's don't be afraid of it because if we do stay in rebellion what happened Ephraim was in rebellion to Judah that was the whole issue of dividing after the Solomon's kingdom and as they migrated yes God had a purpose for them but it's interesting that Ephraim has always been a rebellious son and when you look at the issue over that division so many years ago it was taxation and what did he from say the taxes are too high and unfortunately REO boom got some bad counsel and his advisors told him you show them if Solomon's my father's taxes were high I'll show you what high taxes are I'll make him even higher and so they they broke away it was called taxation without representation what happened many years later with the British Empire it was divided over what taxation without representation history repeats itself ephram's been in rebellion to Judah it's time to in that rebellion as individuals one by one come back be restored to Torah be restored to unity doesn't mean you have to become Judah it just means you can be open-minded yeah to learning from the brother who God destined would the scepter would not depart from him so that shows the authority he has and he's the one set up to preserve Torah since Ephraim tin treiber's rebelled against Judas Authority and stopped coming to Jerusalem to worship it's necessary for ten tribes who are returning to Torah to stop rebelling against Judah who preserved the Torah and seek to reconcile the divide by being open to learn from Judah and thus help heal the divide of our fathers and come back together so that Hashem can make us one again in his hand so the biggest 26 says yes they will confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their forefathers in their unfaithfulness which they committed against me this is referring to 10 treiber's and also in their acting with hostility against me I also acted with hostility against them to bring them into the land of their enemies or if their uncircumcised heart becomes humble so that they can then make amends for their iniquity do you know this verse that I'm reading right here is right after the verse that talks about the punishment being seven times moreover if they don't repent so God is saying and then if you don't repent after this two thousand three hundred seven hundred and thirty years this is the model for us today we need to confess our iniquity and the iniquity of our forefathers we need to have humbled hearts so that we can make amends for our forefathers iniquity then he says he will remember his covenant with Jacob and I will remember also my covenant with Isaac and my covenant with Abraham as well and I will remember the land they the lost house of Israel meanwhile we'll be making amends for their iniquity because they rejected my ordinances and their soul abhorred my statutes what's happening right now amongst the lost ten tribes and Christianity is they're being told the statutes don't apply to you today they're nailed to the cross they're done away with their thing of the past that's an Old Covenant here here's a new covenant and then they promote the new covenant of Jeremiah 31 which tells about God writing his Torah upon our hearts and he says it's only for the house of Israel and for the house of Judah and yet they use that as a basis for justifying not being under the Old Covenant the only thing different about the New Covenant is that we will live out the Torah that's written so naturally because it's been written on our hearts and we're motivated by love that's the only difference God hears prophesying about us in our day he says in verse 44 yet in spite of this when they are in the land of their enemies which we still are i will not reject them this is good news nor will I abhor them so as to destroy them breaking my covenant with them so we broke our covenant with God but from God's side he's not a covenant breaker his covenant is eternal that's why he's restoring us back to the original covenant and showing us away he says I am the Lord their God I will remember them for the covenant with their ancestors whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations that I might be their God I am the Lord let's keep going on our haftorah it ends in the end of the chapter of 37 so stop there where he said they're never gonna be divided again they're gonna be one Kingdom he says they will never again defile themselves with their idols their detestable things or any of their transgressions this is what this is talking about repenting from the our iniquities of our idols and our detestable things and those sins of our forefathers God says I will save them from all the places where they have been living and scattered and sinning so he's literally saying that in the land of our exile we'll be sitting here he knew we'd be sitting in advance it's not a surprise to him that we would end up living like the nations in which we are in exile - but in the last days what would happen after the punishment was lifted Israel would recognize their identity return to Torah stop sinning be unified with Judah he says I will save them from all the places where they have been living and sinning and I will cleanse them so that they can be my people and I will be their God my servant dahveed will be king over them and all of them will have one shepherd they will live by my ruins and keep my keep and observe my regulations so this is a messianic prophecy we will be living by his ruins all of the Torah all the commandments that people are promoting are done away with is actually what Yeshua Messiah is going to validate and teach from Jerusalem Isaiah 2 says the same thing that Micah says the Torah will stream forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem these are Messianic prophecies they will live in the land I gave to yahko of my servant so is our destiny here or is it in the land where your ancestors live there they will live they their children and their grandchildren forever wow this is good news it's not just a thousand-year Kingdom forever we will be living and David my servant will be their leader for how long forever so this is why revelation talks about even after the thousand years and the new jerusalem descends down upon israel and the earth is cleansed by fire it says that there's no need of the Sun for the light of God and the light of the Lamb are the light therein speaking of the Temple in Jerusalem because here it was prophesied that mashiac bin dahveed would be our leader forever under God's Authority even he has a hierarchy he always submits his kingdom to the father's and we're under that authority through the line of David I will make a covenant of peace with them an everlasting covenant I will give to them and increase their numbers and sent my temple among them forever my home will be with them and I will be their God and they will be my people the nations will know that I am yo-dee-hey Vevey who sets Israel apart as Holy this is the word that we take sanctification from sanctification means to Kadesh to set apart for only holy use what is the sign that we are his people exodus 31:13 this is my sign between me and my people those that keep my Shabbat plural so not only the seventh-day Sabbath but the annual holy days this is what sets us apart as holy because this day is set apart as Holy so we become sanctified as we observed this sanctified day and he says the nations will know that I am yo-dee-hey Vevey who sets Israel apart imagine what a witness that will be to the nations in that day when my sanctuary is them forever this is such good news for the whole house of Israel so what must happen for reconciliation between Israel and Judah before messiahs coming as I speak with the Commonwealth of Israel in Jerusalem every year and we're doing these many conferences in different places I've established seven or eight basic things that Tim treiber's can do that are not burdensome but just the first baby step to come back to be reconciled with brother Judah in this work first we must educate ourselves if you don't even know what the two houses are or how many Christians or even messianic believers are denying the truth of the two houses - even today within our circles there's so many people that are not educated and you cannot understand 80% of the Tanakh without understanding the two houses because everything the prophets were talking to her about either the Northern Kingdom or the southern kingdom and how even though they would be scattered that in the last days they would be regathered and made one again so there's videos and books and conferences that you can attend and things on our websites that you can go to to learn with these different resources the second thing that I highly recommend to help these two sticks come back together because we're talking about present truth well we've read this morning actually beginning to happen in our lives and that we're all a part of we need to speak the same language just as we saw exemplified by Yosef we need to not only just be speaking Hebrew but we also need to define the same terminology you know like when we say the Bible immediately Jewish brothers say I'm sorry but that those other books that you've added to the Tanakh they misquote the Torah and the prophets and many people don't realize that but there's a lot of places in the New Testament that is supposedly quoting from the Old Testament but it's misquoting it so they're not gonna recognize any doctrine or proof text from the New Testament if you really want to communicate with brother Judah start basing all doctrine and theology on the Tanakh the Tanakh is an acronym for Torah in the VM and ketubah which is Torah prophets and the writings and we need to define things like what is the definition of mashiac mashiac it's prophesied would read gather the X aisles of Israel from all the four corners of the earth this didn't happen in Yeshua's first coming he's prophesied to rebuild the temple this didn't happen in his first coming he's prophesied to set up a kingdom of peace God's kingdom on earth this didn't happen in his first coming so where is she she was place in his first coming according to the Tanakh he's the Prophet like unto Moshe he came he was meek and humble just like Moses was Deuteronomy 18 prophesized that God would put his words in his mouth this we see fulfilled he's the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 but if we go and we're trying to promote past Messiah who's come well there's been lots of Jewish messiahs so to speak who have come and gone and in Israel we call them failed messiahs that's how they look at it like remember Akiva he promoted Bar Kokhba as a messiah there's vermin messiahs in the Jewish community even in the 1700s so we have to be very careful not to put Yeshua in that category of failed messiahs he had a purpose in his first coming and if we educate ourselves we together with Judah can be looking forward to the age of mashiac and be talking about mashach to come these are just ways that we can bridge the gap we can quote from the same scriptures like I mentioned first Timothy 3:16 Paul is writing to Timothy and he says all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for doctrine and correction and reproof what scriptures is he speaking of the Tanakh it was there was no other writings in existence at that time most of the Gospels and the New Testament were written from 80 AD onward after the destruction of the temple and so if we really want to bridge the gap we should know our scriptures according to the Tanakh and base all dr. and according to it even isaiah says if somebody comes to you and speaks not according to the torah and the testimony there's no light in them so this is really important for people to understand we must also promote the same one true God the Holy One of Israel if we promote a man in the place of God immediately it's going to be a stumbling block God sent His only begotten son with a purpose for us but it wasn't to worship any image of God because God will never transgress his own law and he said in the second commandment first commandment is I am yo Dave Ave who brought you out from the land of Egypt the second commandment is you shall have no other gods in front of me that means in front of my face don't put anything as an image then he goes on further about those images and says you shall not make any image or any likeness of anything that's in the heavens above which includes the word or the earth beneath or the waters under the earth so even though this might be like a paradigm shift for those coming out of Christianity it's so important if you're going to be a part of this work in reconciling the lost house of Israel with brother Judah number 5 is we must properly define and look forward to the coming Messiah like I said before it's something future it's not something past we must return to Torah and be willing to learn from the rabbi's in Israel recognize their authority there's such a blessing of learning that comes when one is open to learning you always have your filter on you're always gonna be a good marine testing all things according to the Torah and the testimony don't be afraid of learning this will help bring unity and 7 show your love for the land remember God prophesied to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed so we can show our love for the land by going to Eretz Israel join a tour that Mark and I are giving and get an introduction if you've never been to the land and then meet some of these great rabbis with us and show you know they are just as amazed as you are at what God is doing and they're exciting because they've always known that the Gentiles would come home someday the prophecies say that 10 from a nation will take the hold of a Jews easy and say come let us go with you up to the house of the Lord well why did this prophecy give the number 10 there's nothing by accident 10 from a nation 10 from because the 10 tribes have been hidden amongst the so it looks like ten Gentiles are taking a hold but it's actually talking about ten tribes it's talking about Israel awakening this is exciting and then finally if you go to Israel don't go there with any kind of conversion mentality don't go there thinking for Jews to Christianity what did you show us say when he came I come only for the lost sheep of Israel he wasn't coming to prove anything to Judah Judah had the Torah they're gonna recognize me comes that's why I can say that all the Jews will be saved in Romans 10 Yeshua and the knowledge of what he's doing in restoring the Covenant of God with the Lost house of Israel would be something that would have to germinate over the last 2000 years and so this is why the message of Yeshua was predominantly preserved amongst Christian circles there was a purpose for that to keep Israel walking a semi holy path or to look forward to the prophecy is still being fulfilled to not lose heart and worry about the Covenant with in lost or wondering about your true identity all of this was part of the issue of first comings purpose and so when you go and you extend your arms open and you seek to repent for the sins of our forefathers and seek to reconcile with brother Judah don't think that we're going to Israel to prove anything to them they're gonna recognize it when Messiah comes we need to go there with humble hearts repenting of our iniquities and the iniquities of our forefathers and seeking to learn on a deeper level this beautiful Torah that's been preserved by brother Judah so I hope this helps a little more detail bring it to life for our day to day to show that it's not just theory that these are actually working models that we can apply to our daily life to help the prophecy that we just read about of these two sticks coming close together be fulfilled yes Andrew absolutely they were given from the beginning first of all so all mankind would recognize their authority like in the days of Adam after creation Shabbat was instituted and God exemplified it by resting from all work putting a blessing in it and setting apart for only holy use so all the sons of Adam should be keeping Sabbath but it even goes further than that yeah the way yeah the festivals when it says that this is my sign between me and my Sabbath I mean between me and my people those that keep my Sabbath's plural it's basically saying if you want to be a part of the Covenant that God made with Israel whether you recognize your ancestry through ancient Israel or whether you just want to be grafted in Sabbath's are key to separating you from the world this is why any easy I'm sorry Isaiah chapter 58 he says also to the foreigner who will align themselves to love the name of the Lord all those who will keep my Sabbath's I will I will also give you the inheritance of Jacob and I will bring you into my house of prayer so there's a promise even to the foreigners who can't trace their lineage that Sabbath is key to being a part of the Covenant yeah those are called Sabbath's huh those are all holy days and days of rest and so very good whether you call them holy days festivals Shabbat Sabbath's shabbat shalom that's like a Holy of Holies like Yom Kippur these are all talking about the same thing so it's very good we have the seventh-day Sabbath but then there's also seven annual holy days throughout the year that we are to observe very important for 10 treiber's to return to so let's stand with pray you have another question before we close him that's right pretty much yeah even when after 70 AD the temple was destroyed there was always a fledgling that's right yeah that's right the abomination that causes desolation okay Abba Father we thank you Lord for revealing this good news to us as the whole house of Israel that you desire to reunify us under your authority and through mashiac father but that there's a work for us to do even today as we are waking up and coming out of the pagan lands and that of the pagan way of thinking and as we are repenting for our iniquities and the iniquities of our fathers there is a work for us to begin here and now father to be prepared as a bride for mashiac holy and set apart and we just thank you that you have revealed to us that there's also an important work of reconciliation that needs to happen for your Shekinah to dwell amongst us there has to be unity just as your spirit fell out upon the disciples two thousand years ago we know that your spirit left when Israel was divided and it won't return until Israel is reunified so may we hasten the return of your Shekinah glory father and may we have your spirit all over all of us with a spirit of loving-kindness and unity and reconciliation with the whole house of Israel may we reach out to Judah from America and may we show them that the prophecies are being fulfilled in our day and that Messiah is coming is soon we love you and we thank you for revealing this to us and your Holy Name we pray amen you you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
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Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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