Life with Corpse, Sykkuno and Disguised Toast

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[Music] oh i did it too early hello ray hi you're alive after all these decades it has been eons guys ready to play game of life i'm actually ready i'm going to college i saw you play this and it looked like so much fun cycuma it was oh boy variety night we can try a bunch of silly stuff what the heck you have a lot of stuff planned because i don't all right guys join really fast because i i leaked it i leaked it um ray's going to join right now um right now in here right right type the code and hurry join right now someone's going to join i'm leaking it you're leaking it's already been leaked i actually am shocked that nobody else tried to do that we all have a great community and audience wait can we take one minute to think about our actions here yeah yeah take your time well i think i'm gonna go to college well what's up ray what's up oh i thought it had the amigos colors oh i don't think it's oh i should be green corpse can be like maybe purplish oh this is us the colors let's go guys let's go okay we're ready we're ready wait toast have you played this the game of life i play it every day [Music] i got first i'm going to college because i need did you just start out with 200 grand what kind of game [Music] a private chef for sure all right i guess i'm a chef for sure wait do i have to spin i have to spin i didn't know oh he hits his head that's a big one he's picked up 100k off the floor i just got 100k off the floor guys should i watch a stream or this is the game of life you're going to spend and watching game streams all right fine slam dunk with rey oh my god i just gave her money that's what i thought you don't even use your legs what does that mean wait where did that come from you just spin a wheel it's not a real you have to spin too you know how do i do this you push space bar oh spacebar okay please get less oh no i gave her money as you should i should have watched the stream i love this game uh that's why you don't go outside um career college wait which way did you guys go here i went we everyone else okay i no longer career i'm persuadable i'm going career oh my god she actually wait wait you got good careers wait you made almost as much as i do and you didn't go to college let's see athlete or pet groomer oh my favorite number's eight let's go [Music] me you win you you get 200k yes yes oh she got baited she got nothing we won't get money here it's a win-win yeah we all get money and i'm already ahead so it's a win-win okay space three wait is that last place oh i should have went camping oh that's probably but it's too late now toast it's on you on you ah wow you spun it huh [Applause] [Music] always wins right wait what the heck this isn't low effort oh thank you corbin i know you did that for me right thanks i stopped oh my god no that didn't count i didn't count my emotions the past five minutes i don't believe in education that's a concept really video blogger i'm gonna be a video blogger i'm gonna be an influencer oh okay yeah it doesn't pay very well toast but is he happy are you happy yeah i love being an influencer okay all right here we go happiness not all about money oh boy gets money thank you oh wait you took money from me [Music] all right that is life yeah oh this is a good one you can make extra money what it's another spin yeah he gets another spin and you can get anything from me this is so fun you end up with yup you spin a wheel you get a child oh that's life oh my god what one house please oh my god you can get a 350k apartment no we can't no he can you can take out a loan you can take i'll take you out going into debt for a studio oh my god he's actually a vlogger in debt for a big hole he went in debt oh my god and he's oh you got baited toast you've got me you got baited no no he's good with with the new apartment he could do a house tour make all his money back all right wait nobody went to college oh yeah college for suckers oh all right hey why go to college when you cannot nice motor scooter throw a party party for your husband you'll be happy though be happier i have the most happiness he does you're so happy the party we're really playing a video game huh 100 000 parts that would hopefully make you happy you guys are so grim wait wait wait wait wait wait we're playing games with our friends we're so happy what psycho what ray you're rich yeah i'm wealthy you have five hundred thousand dollars yeah what do i spend it on a kid taekwondo is using some kind of hack to get high rolls look guys is this even a choice for me i don't even have a choice you guys know how it is no no no you're spinning it i thought you looked up how to spin high rolls here oh my the game of god off stream i googled it another job i can get a raise up is he louder that's a joke all right different job oh film director what no no i'm gonna make less money but it's only 30k taxes if you get taxes can i just say no i'm actually going to make less money for oh that's unlucky i'll just take the film director should have taken the race i know how you did this i know how you did it you went like exactly like that what are you doing oh that wasn't that a full section what are you doing right here what is it two full spins oh she learned what wait you're actually cheating i know you're actually cheating wait no no that wasn't my strategy wait she's actually oh i i actually i got lucky i just got lucky what are you how are you girls aren't into me okay do i get married or stay single wait you got a choice here yeah yeah i have a choice wait i had to be single i didn't have a choice what i'm going to get married you know guys you know i didn't have a choice when i got to that part why not why not what you know because you're hacking you have hacks on [Music] what yourself it's a clone of yourself i thought it was the girl oh i mean it's fine it's funny i like the self-confidence that's what you gotta do you gotta marry yourself dude i can't spin okay there you go honestly i just pushed space bar is that what you do oh my god why are you taking money she's taking more than oh taking money from all of us she's ripping us off no way does toast have to take out a loan when you get a wedding your friends have to pay for it oh that's nice of you guys thank you wait so toast took that alone took out a loan for your wedding he took out a don't worry my youtube channel is going to pop off guitar for your vlogs audit influencers at doing music now no you're poor thank you very much how is she she's almost a millionaire she's literally almost a millionaire already yeah oh nice nice you need to invest you're literally a few hundred thousand for a millionaire oh yeah just grow your family i could grow my family or i can invest in some property i would just grow the family you're already rich you can get a dog like mika oh i could get a dog the the little baby thing you can't even i don't want a fetus what if he's lying to you you just end up with a baby yeah oh my god oh my god i'm feeding myself how does she get so lucky you click the one on the left you get a fetus no right you get a dog or a cat oh oh oh i'm not having a child all right you got a dog let's go nothing against kids i just don't like them everything against kids i just need nothing against kids if i get married i can start doing family youtube content family yeah and we'll pay for your wedding that's more ad friendly yeah i like that termination it's into content i like it i like it all right 40k oh my gosh [Music] congratulations boy congratulations charge me 10k 10k not 20. i need money no oh wow so i love each of us i mean it's still 30k oh wow race is really hurting there he's got nine times as much money as i don't even know how i got so rich 100k what what no not bad not bad [Music] okay get a raise or get a new job he's risking it oh oh god he actually chose it so it makes 30. that should pay more guys once he sings in a high-pitched voice for an hour he'll make it big that's all he's got to do as a pop star oh get married a second chance to get married that's not on brands like when i'll take the master class guys it's not an option for me you know how it is for me you know how it is that is like scarred into my brain a second house okay you have a beach house he has a beach house he's he's actually rich i need to spend my money i need anything yeah same i feel like i've been i've been in a bad spot oh hundred thousand dollar surplus god he's surfing for a hundred thousand dollars but guys i didn't want to have to do this but i'm just gonna hit space yes no what yeah hey ray why are you laughing toast got them i'm on team toast i'm rooting for the other dog wait the underdog is me real oh what wait it might be quartz wait guys how is it i'm not rooting for toast anymore toast literally owns two houses [Music] i'll take care of your cat thanks you can either get a college degree or you can get a big tv this is a hard choice and you support my wife and you get a better job i'm giving up being in oh my gosh you're five taxes in debt oh film director influencer to film director chef uh yes natural progression right there sort of i'm sorry right featuring my wife now you feature your own content in movies now wow the glow up don't ask me what kind of okay i'm rooting for corpse oh boy money oh god oh no corpses oh my god oh thank god luckily as a pop star you barely paid except anybody yes it's so good oh no ray's getting more money you're welcome thank you so much house house i'm buying the biggest [Music] wait she's cheating she actually just she knows the trick now i actually don't know online course continue life keep moving what you should just continue [Music] oh boy grats on college race wow college with no debt this is the life oh robotics engineering robotics absolutely she gets to go again yeah i just keep going honestly here toast you can have some thank you for watching my video wow okay yeah investing is sick wait you're gonna get three houses oh you missed the house barely oh rock paper scissors no no do it do it no no no go with ray she's already do it's like kudos no no oh my god if i lose i i'm going into debt yes as you should enjoy get him come on get like a one get oh okay that's fair i can beat that okay okay all right look i didn't want to do this but he's doing the hacker thing he's doing this youtube tutorial oh my god i did it what i mean you should know he's right for the money why'd you it's time for a bingus or you could invest in your future make money i mean pop star with bingus or investing in your future oh money i needed that after toast i'm going to college again congratulations give me [Music] something expensive astronomer has 200 000 dollars astronomer oh boy you know it's going to it's going to the seagull gang single surprise yeah yeah something like that right you're actually going to be a millionaire mm-hmm as i should you have a better job than me i do but i went to college twice what how oh he's actually guys he's cheating he's more out of this house oh my god a forest house oh it's in the forest you can you'll go into debt but you'll have another house three houses five taxes who cares he's gonna make 900k from selling the forest house it's gonna double in value look it's got solar panels wind panels three houses more than two houses more than two that's true wow oh gosh oh my gosh now i can film three house tours oh my god this is worth it oh my gosh it's worth it man it is this really is life huh yeah listen listen he's leveraging the houses and he's gonna sell him for more should i go left or right guys risky or safe risky risky it is i hope i don't lose all my money all right another one no taxes my taxes are so high no no 150. the life of being an astronomer oh well they're like way behind us i guess we've been speedrunning life were we enjoying life honestly i would go to college again can make a lot of money i think it's time for a job change yeah [Applause] yeah oh i needed this wait he's gonna go to debt again don't worry with the money i make as a brain surgeon i'll pay it back surely and you have three houses wait yeah wait a second oh wait oh wait i just upgraded my tax brackets though i should have thought about this so you're still a problem kind of still green gotta go i would go online course you could finally stop being a pop star congrats oh boy congrats on graduating oh oh my god hundred thousand dollars you make those blueberries corpse the blueberry muffins banana pudding oh sure it's going great wow am i not in last i don't know actually it's hard to tell to the end guys i'm losing so much money you know toast he's got at least you're not in debt yeah i'm doing a favor i'm free you're done 250k bonus all right i'm gonna sell my house a million dollars million dollars top middle uh not bad oh this is random i'm rich oh my god he's the first man i'm taking a pension what's a pension oh i got over a million bucks i need to buy a house a master's degree costume contest a master's degree or a costume contest a difficult decision there an astronomer wait we're gonna be co-workers yeah we are i'm taking it ah that's ray i'm being even more rich than you so much thank you so much you got a risk i think it can't be a three no seven's good you made it you made it well sort of because this one's still you can still pay taxes almost a hundred oh wait you changed your job 90k taxes oh that was so close you needed more oomph in it come on i need a new lambo give me a new lambo oh 100k wait you're just collecting 100k brown okay wait really if you finish first what the heck is that counting no way that couch she's cheating [Music] so slow risk you gotta risk your risk you have to i'll risk it she's risking it i a new job no i like my job 220k say less what ray has such good luck how's this even 220k jobs i'm surrounded by brain surgeons i like how brain surgeon is lower pain than it is how does that work wait the safe path you want to say he's making your hands are very important a responsible source of god oh god through corpse 200k oh my god he's crazy he's going on vacation all right happy retirement oh we gotta spin oh it has to be black oh my god he got one i manifested it the northern lights sure looked nice oh no he got the crown that was mine oh my god he he got the he got the crown the crown wait come on give me another lambo give me another lambo come on 100k 100k please please oh how did she do that i landed on it oh big taxes no he needs uh he needs a black oh so nothing the heart crown is mine come on give me give me another 100k 100k please oh no oh that's unlucky it's only 10. dance off dance dance snail form oh i'll have two crowns if i do a snail farm probably should do this nail fun yeah wait race if rey loses this i'd be absolutely shocked i might purple red blue purple red blue purple red blue purple red oh he got one oh i guess oh go for the heart the hearts oh so good so do we tie how's that i think you have to so the first person who gets three keeps it oh but he has a surprise that's three yeah 100k 100k 100k 100k 10k 10k guys i need the money i'm going broke out here [Music] i need a house oh she's going to get the binges wait you didn't go with the wait what why didn't you go i want to make sure i have enough money too okay i want to win in all areas oh my god 10. guys this is it there's only one turn left first gets from his three houses oh my gosh you have to get out of debt here right yeah he probably will be yeah i didn't get a house either so much from those houses maxwell price is 720. okay could be worse wait that's that's a big profit 150k is that is that okay wait wait toast is rich he's still got another house left oh my gosh wait hold on h money money oh that was terrible without terrible really bad oh that one's pretty bad you know [Music] i'm spamming spacebar give me 100k 100k what i got this four times in a row two times i got it four times everywhere what the odds what are the odds how is this even possible oh oh no she's she's made it it's over oh no i'm the fourth to retire if ray doesn't win this i would be absolutely shocked do we get one more goal or is it over i don't know let's test it out i think well maybe i should have picked the others [Music] oh my gosh i'm blessed okay so i'm pretty sure rey just wins she got so much stuff total money wait so no toast wins this one oh money oh my god i got so much money the attributes are worth money too wait toast no no he's going to get punished he's getting punished ghost wait double 400 bonus raise 100 first place oh [Music] oh god ray got so lucky i got so lucky got so lucky all right guys i can't believe i couldn't buy a house what the heck i went to family route and still didn't even get a fan yeah you didn't even get a being a bean guy thanks for watching i'll see you guys next time [Music] family
Channel: Valkyrae
Views: 1,878,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valkyrae, valky, rae, val, 100thieves, 100t, valkyrae highlights, valkyrae instagram, valkyrae twitter, corpse, corpse husband, corpse game of life, corpse rae, corpse toast, corpse sykkuno, sykkuno, sykkuno game of life, sykkuno rae, sykkuno toast, disguised toast, toast game of life, toast rae, valkyrae game of life, game of life, game of life 2, game of life gameplay, amigops, amigops game of life, amigos, amigops among us, babushka, rae game of life 2, life, life game, life 2, ray
Id: jcWN8ZADmNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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