19,700 IQ EXECUTIONER role BREAKS the game... (custom mod)

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execution and get jody out okay you'll save us no hey jody so executioner it's like a gesture but instead of getting yourself voted out you get someone else voted out don't kill me leslie please please please please [Music] oh she's gonna kill me oh god quack quack quack you're after the ducks someone got quacking john guys where are you training who are you betraying violence i already know where this is going yeah i already know where this is going she's gonna say it's me two people she's just said it was her it was a joke because yours was a joke we were joking oh my god it's only cause she's wearing a scarf you can't do that no no that's not right you're actually together and then jody is also clear for this killing wait why do you know that i'm gonna i don't see you i can do this i can tell all right jody is a hundred percent clear she's the most trustworthy person in this game right now wendy i just want you to know easter [Music] i turned to walk down because i realized i had my tab and i had a task in the shower okay then i realized there's two people and i didn't report the body and please don't vote me out for it i'm just really wendy was that gonna be your sauce okay yes oh excuse me ducks are good too you don't have to kill them in the streets [Music] kill the fellow duck make the scarf sus entrance of showers yeah okay who knows ray's clear for this kill and i would ask her who she was killed but i think she can definitely jack was with me at vitalsforce keep jody alive she's the most trustworthy yes okay i need her to die right away so that my executioner roll turns into a gesture roll this guy's toast because they're going to be suspecting an executioner but they're not going to be suspecting a jester oh my god i'm so smart oh god please don't time remind me so i'll just wait out here for jody to die in which case i become the jester and then i get voted out i'm making my plays a little obvious though it wouldn't take much iq to figure this out honestly some critical thinking after i randomly accused jodi for no reason and then she died and suddenly i want to make myself obsess it's a little obvious oh god doctor quackers wait i'm a jester now my target was killed oh my god joey's dead guys i'm so broken no that's jody's fault all right what what hopped into a vent and like was hiding from us and we were trying to protect her and she wouldn't come out she was the engineer yeah but she you know we were trying to protect her but she was just you she was just an event well i definitely can clear rey for this guys i said oh i said to pretty guys i broke mega hard i got rewound on a ladder and i was able to go through the entire map oh did you see anything though that happened to me earlier yeah i fixed it by just going on yeah it happened to me just wait on top of this meeting and you'll be back i don't know what jody was thinking i said to protect her she was cleared oh jody how did you die how did you guys know she was clear yeah confused oh oh really for me it was just the way she sounded oh poor jody who would kill her you know ray i'll be honest with you i actually thought you were the imposter at the beginning of this game i'm kind of surprised two kills i would guess i was wrong i can't don't worry jody i'll find your killer do i sound sus cycuno you well you kind of looked at me weird and like you sounded a little suss but i guess uh i'm pretty sure this is friends we're actually together the whole time yeah that's race i don't know they saw jody last and i always swore to protect her now jody's i feel like how come you weren't with jody toast ah she ran away from me really fast i believe me no one is more beat up about jody's death than me remember when i was running around you in a circle uh-huh that's because i was the time lord and then i did it oh broke me she's captain yeah i'm not captain i know there's no gesture you're sure [Music] oh it's happening again he's going to be what what a tied for the vote of me out oh the game bugged but i shouldn't have been voted out because it was a tie right and it doesn't really count as a kill either [Music] one oh god uh i just button to see what would happen oh he looks dead i'm dead like are you guys able to vote for me still so i think after this maybe leslie check settings because it happens every time there's a tie so there might be like a tie breaker setting on but you know what's weird is that for me it doesn't show that yeah i think the weird thing is for some of us he's dead and then yeah voting that's so weird yeah so brooklyn said are you guys able to weird oh okay yeah yeah i voted for toast i'm stuck on the screen that has like the clouds and then it says toast when it was ejected and i'm just stuck here oh no i oh know what's causing this hmm i'll take a look at the code myself afterwards then you guys are worried i have corn oh thank you leslie you're so not don't worry why don't you oh no continue continue i was already dead i was an imposter when i got voted out i don't think it's the mods i think it's just a mine does it just send me out sometimes bugging yeah yeah i think it's like regular money [Laughter] [Applause] actually okay oh wow oh i didn't get hit stream voted out huh that's fine that's not that hard to do what do i say when i think it's somebody [Music] did i say i saw the kill on camera wow there's so much people here hmm this is scary i mean i don't want to die is the main thing oh god oh god don't kill me don't kill me oh wait she's the seer oh thank god okay huh i i just revealed toast and he's imposter oh nice oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a second really yeah it's just not really not no no no no no it's weird because lily i can see your seer and i don't know why you're saying that well okay same as in red i don't know what that means oh neutral or imposters are both red now oh what is the neutral just someone with no rule like executioner no no it means roleless wait really like crewmate too ah i think wait what was the exact setting it says neutral or impostors show as a posture you were red last time for me but you weren't uh a killer yeah lily if i was a foster i would 100 so what are you i'm neutral like i'm nothing guys it's abe how do you know because i saw him vent you could be an engineer engineer ryan is executioner i am the engineer i don't believe you i think you're doing that as a big brain play well you're wrong okay well unfortunately this does mean lily will probably die no it was nice unless you protect her oh yeah yeah i'll protect her lily pick the leftmost option for the map spawn hmm so the imposters did there can't wait to pick the right wow i just lied through my teeth there why did eve consider going into event but then didn't go through an event ah chris left first hmm bean ants came out of the photo room right who was the person who died wait no one died on bathroom door close everyone be real quiet here not a single sound wait i need a screwdriver i wonder if people can hear that loud noise where was that body no no that's history one dark green dead who was dark green surprisingly still alive i'll be honest chris is dead in cockpit lily did you hear anyone i was with ryan because ryan is innocent oh that's why you're that makes sense nice yes okay i was like what are you doing i was just trying to lose you okay that makes sense um uh yeah we all ran to the left we followed leslie and we came upon a body just in the in the left you know who i haven't seen this round chris hates june hate just kidding i was with him the whole round he's cool oh really yeah yeah full round yep the whole round because no no no that's cap cause i saw it i was around the corner we were like you know which corner eat each other which corner guys the corner it's june and pokey please die pokey's just lying out her teeth to protect jews oh it's toast i'm playing so someplace i'm not but june was by himself when i peeked in on him and he was there for 10 seconds why are you lying about not seeing him huh i think it might be toast trying to accuse you because toast is executioner and then after executioner he's gonna be jester so either way let's just get him out of here right now i'll tell you what what what i didn't say i didn't see him saying you guys didn't see him because i know where he is this [Applause] wait you got an early executioner win oh my god oh my god true mate again what there's like a billion different rules here man come on all right dr crackers on the case i'm gonna quack the case ah don't kill me in here please please i'm innocent please all right listen no no leslie jody are clear yeah okay listen listen listen nice we were at drop ship right and i did my navigation thingy on the left and then the lights started going out so leslie and i are like you know we'll dance around each other and then i lost her for a split second and her dead bodies on the floor fess up which one of you messed up people did it i'm all the way down an admin because i ran straight okay when you didn't see anything no it was too dark i only saw like a classic lights straight off spawn can anyone vouch for anyone else or is it just i know the broken honestly it was a light skill yeah i think i'm supposed to be dead oh just saying why what can you vote no i can't vote animation oh yes uh okay where did you die where did you die i say nothing minus one minus one rp wait that should clear me jody and myth for the whole game then if she's actually good and i heard her say that but i didn't i thought she meant like the the person dead serious i would like to clear myself because i'm down on admin but no one's going to believe no i did not clear john brook cleared me don't worry leslie i'll catch the killer all right leslie i'm gonna get you back in the game right now by catching the killer that killer is that killer is that kill i don't know who the killers man let me just do my tasks um so much tas at the top right no one's dead yeah red's dead redstead two three four five 17 18 19 20. okay so there's enough time time enough time has passed with that it's probably one killer myth is the engineer on because he just ran to a vent i mean he oh no what do you see right now jack you shouldn't still cykuna was ejected i don't even see the meeting oh god oh no no not like this okay wow my menu doesn't fix it okay so uh so i think what happened here is that because sydney was the altruist she was trying to revive leslie as the body was reported and there's a channel time on the revive so i think that something bugged around that sydney you were gonna give your life for leslie okay okay so well okay since people are frozen and stuff i might come back so just play it out oh yeah let's just kill the imposter and go to the next game okay well i think i saw him out of an event what the hell wait that means i also stop right now myth event before my game first it's not me um yeah yeah myth is venting in a very cool member so okay guys wendy just turned it around on me even though i was hard cleared so i'm voting wendy okay um i'm i think it's joey jody's the killer why is it me jody was frozen yeah after killing someone no i'm telling you that wendy's my wires i watch her freeze i'm telling you wendy came out of it and then she turned it around on me when jody wait jody myth and i were clear yeah we need wendy and myth so it has to be wendy's i don't think it is it's gotta be jody i did not vent put it [Music] and i could say objection right now phoenix outfit i'm telling you about wendy we might lose to the executioner i figured since i was hard cleared i could just say wendy came out of a bed and just that's what it looked like moisty meyer i i got a victory leslie turn off altruist good job brooke you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,787,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us imposter gameplay, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us impostor gameplay, executioner among us, among us mods, toast executioner, among us bug, among us glitch, Seer, Among Us Jester, Toast Jester
Id: FcdMb__g_WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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