HUGE 4300 IQ bodyguard STRAT to find the impostor... (ft. Muselk)

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um i saw chris was it christopher coming up to the left wait what wasn't you christopher hold on let me think about this okay okay i found the body in navigation and i saw christopher coming out from the room so that's actually that's actually not true cafeteria no no no no you say kill and i say how much lily you say the word the comfy cartel follows suit yeah i feel kind of bad because this is like the second round he's gonna die first then right we can keep an eye on him you can show mercy so people know how merciful are our ruler thumbs down thumbs up i feel like adam skipping oh she's showing you mercy christopher yeah okay oh god they literally see too much that lily might have said too much oh god hi oh my god it's boy and christopher wait no it's like i was i was going through cafeteria to reactor and it's like on the left like the hallway right before you get to like dress after med bay sorry and then lily walked in after me holy holy boy why did you do it it wasn't me actually my family is that yours that way is that your italian accent why'd you do it man okay so i guess my defense is just i was doing tasks with arya and smoothie uh aria's actually dead as well so we lost living and arya what um you left arya with smoothies it was mario it's really oh and aria is dead i thought arya go up too so could it be a double kill maybe all right boss who you wanna you know who you wanna kill first i don't know the lack of respect is really startling here hey how dare you disrespect on lizzie since jersey days you know what i mean where you were respecting me you disrespect her this guy's toast all right i mean we gotta we gotta vote we gotta vote boy here oh hear me out i think it might be lily um and she pushed me a little bit hard i'm a little bit unsure oh no i like i think i'm actually gonna vote you didn't listen to her your chris come come to me come to me come to me no no chris come down chris come down just come down chris come down [Music] you show no mercy in the early years of the comfy cards yes it will okay now we know mercy yeah we can't show mercy we don't show mercy no i don't know because i thought like we're voting him off twice you know are you feeling bad boss i don't know i shouldn't have felt i shouldn't have felt bad you'll be getting a message from me tonight oh this is an interesting combo all right here's the new plant we kill when it's dark all right blue's dead uh uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i have no idea you just watched jerry no no no no no no no no no it's no good wait wait wait let me talk about it let me let me talk about this okay so how do i n tyrion did you come in from the right side or the left side i came in from the left side an interior past me going from right side in middle of admin i i did my weight water wait wait let me talk i thought you came in from the right side now coming from the left marcel okay then it has to be it has to be city then it has to be sydney it has to be sydney [Music] sydney i i feel like i can't out of good conscience right okay better talking better talk lighter talk sure i came from card swipe and the one where you flip it over and then um black ran out of the button area so i went to check to see if there was a body and we fixed it we fixed it i am not imposter if i won't get crewmate and you guys vote me wait what's your favorite question what are you fixing what did we fix you said we fixed them the bug the bug her being imposter i finally got me and you guys are gonna kill me on the first round okay cindy cindy i can't believe yell at us hey so holy whoa wait where oh wait yeah we've ordered no glow uh bottom left the map below like um like where the wheel is and all that it's like outside there yeah i can probably clear ray for this one then she came from labs i think i don't know how fresh this is but go ahead this i've been there i didn't even see it i just saw the report button look at the door and i had to like look i can clear jack because there was definitely okay i checked the vitals there's two dead bodies so that means and i saw jack from most of that round i saw sydney and marcel top right before i passed toast on my way out yeah wait i think wait wait one more person's there with us in lab who was it sydney maybe me oh and i just want to say something um so last round i'm not 100 sure it was nogla except for the fact that he was yelling at me so i yelled at him but it could it could also not be him there could be two imposters sydney did you vent into med bay no i didn't vet into med bay i walked through uh spicy i did one two three four five and then my download so for the first kill it's no glass sid or marcel right and there's been two killed this round so it's either a back to back kill or it's a double kill marcel is sitting on telescope or temperature i can't remember which one right now did anyone check vitals like at any point during that entire raid i did at the end and it was after i passed toast leaving the med bay area yeah um and both bodies were dead i'm inclined to vote sid just from what da he said okay i think marcel why i reported the body i did i i was in there first i mean to the bottom left i did my two tasks walked out saw the body okay maybe uh i mean no gun and sitting weird once against each other marcel was the one who walked up with no glock the only reason i was against is because he was against i'm going sad all right i'll do it then i think it's safe because it should be you want to sit on nog oh i think it's but i think it's neither of us and i think it's like the imposters are getting we're getting are we getting outplayed like right now again [Music] okay okay marcel i'm gonna with the lights okay marshall do not fix it marcel do not fix it [Applause] [Music] okay either he's imposter baiting me or he just wants to have a little snuggle down there in the hole so i was like fine you know what okay then all righty task test test task wow leslie you went to the left and then you went down real fast again oh myself you're doing maze i like people who do maze because you've got you gotta be an extra crazy person to fake mazes oh wait why isn't he oh why did pokey go straight to the flick what mace did she did did she do the first maze yeah anything ah here we go here we go here we go oh geez oh geez oh jesus okay okay moose elk is acting real and no but i know he's terrified of me he's just running for his life all right museok i shall be your bodyguard with me at your side you will not die dude he's acting way too much i mean his body movement on his body movement on the scanner is very innocent looking pokey did the flickety flick but i didn't see her i mean she may have gone for the coil on the left side i'm keeping him alive i'm keeping him alive i'm keeping him alive ladies and gentlemen i was dark playing toast do you want to do you want to say something do you want to talk to me like you want to you want to you want to just say something as opposed to just following me around no matter where i go what do you want what do you want what do you want what are you doing i'm i'm being followed me from here i'm being a bodyguard i'm keeping you alive what do you want i'm keeping you alive man you i know you're innocent if i get you to the end i promise we will win okay how do you know okay there's a reason you know here let me tell you let me tell you so much are you innocent i am innocent see all right don't question me yeah if you do if you do that's where i'm going to go right now if anyone's already sorry up there why didn't you do it the first time because i was waiting for someone else to jump on and want to waste it oh he's going straight to it i think there's a chance we get double killed if the bad guys know me and muselka are like double stacking they're gonna want to take us out so i should be really afraid to be seen like for two other people to like walk near us look he's giving me something i don't know why oh i mean she could have went to pick up the dropper i suppose because she did pass by that area which did she start to drop her um [Music] maybe it's not pokey i think pokemon would have tried to oh [Music] which way no no at the other end of specimen i just passed two people inspected which way oh i headed up through it okay so the the entrance near med bay yep that's where it is it's like you know i don't think um we got him what we got i think uh ray lizard and music are probably all good i can also say that toast hasn't left my side so i thought i saw corpse and leslie over on the left side yeah vouch wait what no who was inspired that doesn't leave much um specimen it could have been a problem what happened me and toast were walking down specimen we walked past psychonauts like you know walked up all of a sudden there's a dead body at the top that he reports what's up right self reporting i think i self reported why was i standing there the door was closed on my basement do you think i self reported shut up we all know you did it in the world like before because if they had done one kill there they would have just killed me on the way up because that's not true like was there two bodies like there's only one body probably uh i think uh ray and laser are probably good and muscle probably or like hardcore um probably but like good hunches wait hang on ray what was that what did you just said we're done oh okay nevermind it's like you know when did you think it was me oh she was like that's clear it sounds i don't know i don't know he was the only one that could have done it if we're going off of what five upset laser saw me on the left side i'm loving having you as my buddy god keep it going uh i don't think psych i don't think it's a self report he could still be the other killer but i don't think it's a self-report for me i'm really worried about leslie i feel like her movement is a little weird but i got nothing she also went towards the top right side again i saw her do coil later though i saw her do coil so if i could just make sure she went back to labs at some point that would be helpful two people died it's actually a little scary it can't be less than an psychology right i'm trying to look at leslie oh god okay still wires that's fine [Music] stick with me mr president mr president hmm oh god oh god where do you go oh mr president [Music] okay okay i'm sorry i don't know if you could tell but i've never done that task before and i was so confused yeah it's all right you take your time mr president oh my god thank you trusty toast i tried that job earlier and it gets you killed i want to let you know um i just all right five up remember before the lights went out corpse was behind you yeah okay where did he go he went up uh he went like between calms and the o2 area like that hallway under um what are you talking about because i thought when i was with him when lights went off that i went to lights so it didn't lights go off a couple of times they went up twice so the last oh i think i actually don't know where he went okay i mean i believe that that's a lie i just want to say i love and appreciate my bodyguard toast uh okay this is the reason why i pushed this button was because bottom left i see before lights lights are dimming i see five up and run that way so i go up the other way to see if they go to lights i owe five up at the door the lights turn on and i couldn't see no i went up i know i went up the like the the are you talking about the first light the second one i saw there i never went to the second light okay it must have been the first one yeah no he was there he was he was that both of them i i don't know about the second one i saw my second one and five up just said he's on my first one um i think it's like who knows a killer wait you think i'm a killer i think it could be oh well you're wrong okay well he's right because i specifically looked for him remember so i i don't know we gotta shoot guys [Music] you guys always vote me out whenever there's slow little bit of sus getting special treatment [Music] i don't know i have very little like successiveness like i just know moose helps not it that's all i got all right oh does he has he done his task [Music] oh what is this what up um what was your path thing there bro i just walked around why yeah no no no no no but you surely know why i'm calling this meeting though right just because oh you're pathing there bro i walked around did my task um yeah what task there where where was i i forgot ah my astra i'm hoping out of a vent it's a what nah nah i saw him hop out of a vent so i was doing i was doing uh wiring in laboratory right uh-huh you know like there's the one next to i was i was literally i was sitting in the laboratory and then i and i ran to go do because i had my final wiring was over top of the vent in that position i don't know when the he came into the laboratory like or in any other way he could have come other than going through that event i could be wrong but you know what were you on potassium laboratory wait wait are you sure you saw me vent it doesn't matter mate you've been sussed anyway so this is enough for me what what i'm saying my only issue whenever someone calls it a person's preventing and they're not dead is like if you want i'm just saying that's an extra bit of stuff to him because that was um oh my god there's no way you vote oh my goodness you guys actually yeah you can keep that extra stuff sorry i'm just saying i was running for my goddamn life there that's what i'm saying foreign sounds like um feels like it's orange black right [Music] hmm i haven't seen leslie do a single task there's been no kills besides the initial two i did see um oh i saw that corpse it's fibo well i was wrong then i'm sorry that is oh okay i i didn't go on the light so i just stood at the light panel i see cycling just watching me and then corpse i see his name pop-up but the fact that he's blaming me right now is he's it's five up um i saw corpse at the at least for those kills at the start of the game i saw him on the left side but like it depends how old they were in the pathing and stuff but uh for this kill specifically he just killed in front of me i couldn't even see who else was there but i'm 100 guys guys i know i can't trust them all right the lights are off still here's my thing can i ask for a little bit 100 percent trust here because we can we can we can ominar and we can debate who might be or who might not be the imposter but i can tell you who is definitely the imposter and it it hurts me to say it but it's my own my my lifetime friend all right here's what i guess i could say this also um get this guy out of here if i was an imposter i would have voted cycuno on the previous round instead of skipping just because i voted on the other round also um just because there's no reason not to i already suspected him odd five up i used that reasoning last yes but corpse also voted on him yeah respect the flag video dude what is happening oh no it's corpse please kill it i respect the flag it's co-ops and toast they're both murderers came up behind me i go to myself [Music] my bodyguard is going to murder me someone saved me mr president your genius plan to bait out the impostor by throwing your bodyguard under the table okay so my reasoning for voting toaster was that toast is literally voting for himself the person that has been with him the entire time is voting for him my other guess is that we go with five up our corpse five up saw corpse kill and you voted toast wait are you wait what do you mean i've been trolled by five up so hard i don't trust either of them i have neither five upper clips and you voted it's five up yeah i i trust the person toast said he's voting he went for a sneaky kill the difference was i was on the panel without actually being on the panel um and i saw him kill versus him saying that he didn't see anything yeah anybody that's the lights were off see the boring thing to do here would be to complete tasks because we're almost done but i'm true you guys want to just kill leslie you know i'm voting corps oh my god oh my god yeah i i tried to push for the vote when the lights were off so you could turn them on and if you wanted to 50 50 it you could have got me out too yeah i think that's not my favorite thing you know what my bodyguard who is almost certainly an imposter said leslie mate this is getting like too confusing it's like people have over skipping anybody i've heard of corpse because no one has any idea what's happening i have a little bit of an idea that's right it's stupid to vote on seven in it no we didn't get a killer out though oh my god what five up if it worked again like hell i am an innocent person i don't trust any of you wait did i call the button was it someone else crap i don't remember why are they just standing over the fence mr president mr president the world is going to hell why mate well it wasn't five up so um i was holding down the reactor the entire time it wasn't five up so okay so it's like this system like i am not leslie you talk weird that's going on i think it is between yourself and toast i think it's me no no no no no no no me and toast not being outside each other's side if wait lennon why can you vouch yeah because you could both be killers no there's a guarantee killer out i don't know man i'm confused wait so so toast you're with um you just look this entire time right now yes sir and you're you suck you're 100 sure you know he didn't kill dude i i am so convinced i've been telling my chat for the last 10 minutes that he's a impossible no but did you see did you see him okay so he's confirmed good and you're confirmed good it is between lasers where was the body toast okay wait why let's let's five up ah because i saw him on left reactor and it was there he was there for a good amount of time where's the body outside the spaceship between both reactors right in the middle ah back wait wait i was just running through that i don't know i didn't quite oh my god unless somehow toast was a millisecond ahead and he murdered someone and immediately reported it holy it would be leslie i am on about to do second reactor i'm voting i'm voting i'm voting leslie i'm i think i i'm more wait why why though toast if you are the imposter give me a say it is not me kill me lost kill me last time okay i believe himself yeah if that's too impossible [Music] she voted for me just because i said i would vote for myself but you guys were convinced by me voting corpse that was pretty good legit that was pretty good because you actually got that that was pretty good leslie that was good because he actually killed him you could have the only reason i didn't go on the pail you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,125,839
Rating: 4.9623199 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, muselk, lazarbeam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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