The Tragic Story Of An Abandoned Jewish Family Mansion Ruined By Fire

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For years, this house was a place of love,  laughter, and cherished memories. Built by a   USA Jewish family many decades ago, it stood  as a symbol of their success and prosperity.   But in 2018, tragedy struck when a  devastating fire tore through the home,   they were woken at night and saw their lives  work light up in flames in front of their eyes. As the smoke cleared and the family   surveyed the damage, they realized that  they could never return to the house.   The damage was too extensive, and the  structure was no longer safe to inhabit.   And so, the house sat empty, a  haunting reminder of what once was. Until this day all the memories of the former  owners remain inside, a place that is unique   beyond words, it will give us a glimpse into the  lives of these people before disaster struck.   Today the family remains safe and sound,  they seemed to have moved on from their   past lives and don’t show interest in  what is left behind beneath the rubble. From the charred remains of the fire to  the treasures left behind by the family,   get ready to be transported to a world of  drama, intrigue, and heartbreak, as we delve   into the history of this fascinating  abandoned house in upstate New York. So, welcome everybody to a new episode on the  Bros of Decay. I'm Lesley and today I have a   very special place to show you for the first time  ever on the channel. I'm documenting a mansion   of a Jewish family, an acidic Jewish family.  I'm here standing in the middle of the forest,   making my way to this abandoned mansion, and I'm  actually joined by a fairly big group today. So,   of course, we got Maureno in the house like  always. We also got Exploring with Josh today. How are you doing, man? First Time on our channels together,  absolutely, man. It's gonna be cool. Hey, man, dude, what's your name on YouTube, man? Seth Borden. Nice to meet you, man. Yes, and his girlfriend is with us as  well. I forgot your name, excuse me. That's Casey. Okay, let's go to the house now. Let's  check it out. We've already been there   yesterday to take some pictures, but  today we're going to film the place,   document it as a full historic site, and  everything that's been left behind there. It's still a trek through the forest here to  get to this place, as you can see. Still very   cold in this part of the United States.  I'm still in upstate New York today,   but wow, it's like a fairy tale  that we're walking through. Over there in the distance, we get the  first glimpse of the mansion. It's one   of the most extravagant places so far that we are  documenting here in the United States. And for me,   it's always very special if I find something new,  something that I've not documented before in the   past. Like a Jewish family, that's insane.  I'm very fascinated by the Jewish religion,   by their way of life, and to see a mansion of  theirs is a dream to me. And then this setting,   and this foresty setting over here, it's going  to be even better to document this place.   Snowy winter wonderland going to landscape, as  you can see. There are still a lot of things on   the outside. It has been abandoned since 2018 when  a fire, a devastating fire broke out inside of the   place. And I'm going to show you this in a moment.  But as you can see, they tried to board it up,   people came here, smashed the windows, opened  the place, and now it's open for us. Of course,   that's of course a bit devastating, but now we  can get a chance to document this wonderful place. While making our way towards the abandoned house,   we were secretly followed by four young  members of the nearby Jewish community.   They were interested in what we were going  to do there. After explaining our purpose,   they gave us a tour of the house and told us  a bit more about the family and their fate. So, these gentlemen here, these are  Jewish people from the community,   and they actually know the owners of the  place that we're going to document today.   And they told us just that in 2018,  like I said before, a fire happened   in this place. And you also knew the  person that lived in this place, right? Yeah. And who was it to you? It was a friend. Yeah, a friend. Yeah, friend of yours. What happened to the people that lived here? They sold the house, and  there's a construction fire. Okay, so that moved somewhere  else now, but they're safe, right? Yeah. Okay, that's great. As we're now about to visit the mansion, I  am excited to see what we'll find inside. Thank you, guys. They're gonna  show us some things in the house,   probably tell us something about the history.  So, I'm first gonna move my car because I   parked at that Jewish school over there, and  they said that our car is going to get towed. So, that's, uh, I'm gonna do that first,  so gentlemen, I'll see you in a moment. Why don't they restore the place? I have no clue. Insurance money. There's no insurance on  the house yet. Why not? Because those just   sold. They were in the middle of selling  the house, and then it broke down. So,   the insurance wasn't on the house yet. Jeez. Yeah, so it's actually not  that that's all of a house,   right? No, it was pretty old when they sold it. Yeah, I don't know how exactly, but I believe  it's from 1981 or something. 1981. Looks old. Okay, it looks older. So, is this a typical  Jewish house, which you would say, or no? This is a little resistance, okay? But  like a typical rich person Jewish house? Not anymore. It's a little older now. Okay, interesting. I mean, I apologize if you see   anything like a feature in this home  that's typical from your culture. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So, a lot of hats  throughout this house for praying. For praying, yeah. If we go back to like the 1900s,  everyone was wearing a hat. Okay. And now it's just so... Yeah, I live very close to Antwerp, and I see the  Jewish Community always walking around with hats. Yeah, yeah. It's just like it's just a religion.  Talking about second head covering like we have.   Yeah, those are called kippahs. And your holy, like, kind of  Bible is the Torah, right? Yeah, yeah. Okay. And now we were discussing this. This  is written here in Hebrew because we saw the   side of the building, and that's those strange  letters like the school. That's Hebrew, right? Yeah, okay. Do you know how  to talk that language, too? Some schools they have like subjects on  it, but yeah, like we could read it like... Yeah, so if we find the Torah inside  of the house, you can read it? Yeah, yeah. Technically, translating it. So, I'm back outside right now, but I'm now  standing in front of the place, and I just had   the first look at it, and it looks magnificent. It  even looks like a European place. Let me show you   what this place looks like. So, they have this  beautiful front side of the Mansion over here.   Oh, this looks like an Austrian German style of  architecture. They even have this fountain here   in front of the mansion, and then this enormous  driveway and front yard. These people were rich,   and we thought I just talked to the Jewish people,  and they told us exactly that. They had multiple   businesses. They were in a managing position of  multiple businesses. They are very influential   people in the New York Community, but also in  the community of the Jewish people. A wonderful   fountain here in front of the house. Let me  show you the architecture of this place as well. I'm enjoying this place. Look at the stone  architecture they have on there, the stone-exposed   stone. I don't think these are full stone. This  is probably just a mimic, but it looks amazing.   It feels like I'm in Austria, Germany, like  I said before, and we were exploring one of   those places in that country. It's all boarded  up after it got destroyed by a fire in 2018. You can even see those lions here  guarding the front door of this household,   and it looks like they also used to spout  some water out of there back in the day.   Front entrance to the house, and up there,  you can see there's even a balcony left behind   where they could stand up there in  an early morning, drink a coffee,   and overlook that property. And here, you  would enter into that wonderful mansion. This front door is amazing. Let's open this  beauty up and let's go on a tour throughout it.   Wow, that's just amazing  walking into this hallway.   Have a look at the extravagance that  we're seeing here in front of us.   These people were insanely rich that once  lived here. I don't know much about them yet,   but I hope to find that out during our exploration  of this place. Even the sides of the hallway in   here are completely designed, every single detail  they thought about. Let's close this door up,   and then we have a serene space where we're  gonna do our walkthrough of this mansion. Wow, even the insides of the door here are  uniquely carved. Every single detail they   thought about. Oh, and even the door handles,  this brass or gold-plated gold they have on there,   or this brass color. And even one  handle, unfortunately, has broken off.   Here was the alarm system that has now been  dismantled, and everything. All the light switches   are also still in here. I heard from somebody  that at one point, the electricity still used   to work in this place. That seems very unsafe  to me because there was a huge fire in here. I'm going to show you over here is this  one carving above it here, and then this   same style of doors within smaller formats  that end up. Wow, this is completely loose,   and that reveals this bathroom with these mirrors  inside of it. Have a look at this. Isn't that just   insane? The whole floor is covered in debris, so  we can go in here, but we have to be very careful.   Have a look at this. When we're sitting on your  toilet in here, you could look at yourself from   every single angle while you were doing your  business. I didn't want that at all. I think   lovely marble sink, all the artifacts,  and ornaments still standing there.  This is insane, all destroyed up. And the wonderful hallway itself,  the chandelier hanging up there.   Okay, there's another one of those doorways over  here. Let's have a look behind this one. Let's see   what this one reveals. Oh, there's another room  behind there as well. I haven't seen this one yet.   Oh, this looks like a French decor room, as you  can see. While we enter into there, I'm gonna   turn up the light a little bit and show you this  room. I'm not sure what this space in the house   was used for back in the day, because there's a  chair still standing there, a beautiful fireplace,   wonderful design features on it. I love this blue  glass that we have behind here. And even all the   firewood is still standing there from the time  that they used this. There are light displays of   bottles that used to hold liquor back in the time.   And now we have this sort of trumpet  bottle with Hebrew writing on there. Like always, the fashion that  I do, I always smell things,   and I always want to see what these liquors  are like. I'm not gonna taste it, don't worry.   Oh, this is actually a very nice liquor. Wow,  that smells really good still after the four   years of abandonment and the fire that happened in  here, of course. That's interesting. A wonderful   lamp also standing in here, but again, some  unique design features on the bottom of it.  This face standing over here, this looks like  an urn. It's definitely not some sort of a vase,   probably something Jewish that I don't  know anything about. And then it's slowly,   and also have a look at these tapestries or this  wallpaper. It's not even wallpaper. This is what   I was talking about. This French style, like  we have these bouncy wallpapers in this house,   and there's something you see coming back in  French manors and castles a lot. And in the middle   of the room, you have this wonderful upholstery  chair standing, waiting to be used again. What do we have here at the end  of the room? Another lantern,   another Gerard on there. Oh, and here we have  one of those Jewish bold hats. Let's see if   there's any making there. Ruin Foe, it says on the  inside, imported exclusively by Bencraft. Let's   go back out here. Let's have one last glimpse at  this hallway. I can't get over it how beautiful   this is. Even though this is a mansion that has  been built in the 1980s, it still feels like I'm   walking in a place that has hundreds of years  of history, and it has a lot to show for them. And then they also had this corner of the room  here, completely burned up. If you look at this   mannequin here, this Jewish hat on there,  it's completely burned up on the side. This   is one of those engagements in a wall where  you would also put a bust or statue back in   the time. I don't think this is original. The  mannequin, they probably had like a heavy-duty,   beautiful carving statue like a marble statue  on there, but this is definitely not original. And then they have this corner in the room. I  think it might have been a reading corner or   something like that. It also used to be a light  fixture up there in this crown molding. And then   they have this wonderful chair standing here,  and I think it was some sort of a reading space,   especially when you were sitting here.  Imagine back in the day, where you lived   in this house and this overlooked while you  were reading. That must have been wonderful.   Here, we see one of the first art pieces  completely destroyed after the fire by   people that came into this place to  vandalize it. Something very terrible.   A lovely clock in here as well. This is a  regulator. Oh, that's a very harsh noise. Look at what I just found. Oh my  gosh, it's a Jewish boy over here,   probably one of the residents of the place.  And look at this, they're all scientists and   all wrote on there. Probably children from  his class. Maybe something happened to him,   I don't know. They even drew him a mustache and a  beard, as you can see. That's pretty interesting.   Okay, let's put this back nicely and give the  space over here behind the couch. There we go." Oh, look at this hat. This is pretty creepy,  flying over here. And they have this sort of   storage area here underneath the stairway. Wow,  some art pieces are stored in here and some other   things like that. And then we're going to go into  one of the most spectacular rooms of this entire   place, the living space where the family came  together, held parties, and had a lot of laughter.   You can still feel the memories that have been  created in this room. I love how it has been set   up. It just looks like a typical European manor  in the south of France, and that's what really   intrigues me about this place. It brings back  a lot of memories. I was expecting that all the   places that I'm gonna film in the United States  are pretty much trashed, but discovering a place   like this, completely left behind, just blew my  mind. The artworks and everything that's still   in here is just insane. This wonderful cabinet  over here with intriguing design is something   typically European. They probably imported it at  some point. You have these weapons crest in here.   There's encavement in here, and this beautiful  cabinet is just a very expensive piece of antique.   Oh, look at this gold foil they even put in here.  They probably placed this on the table when they   had dinner parties, fancy dinner parties. Wow,  everything is still in here, pretty much stuck. And then all the liquor bottles still on top of  there. They definitely did love the liquor in this   place. We already saw the other bottles in the  other room, but I think I gotta smell this one   as well because this is a liquor that I've never  seen before in my life. It's 32 percent Maraska   original liquor. And I'm looking at which country  it's from, but I don't see anything on there. It's   probably from Czech Republic, but let me just  open this beauty up. Uh, I can't get it open.   I'm just gonna leave it over here. It's fine, it's  fine. A lovely plant standing over here as well. This is a Jewish liquor, as you can  see from the Hebrew writing on it.   It's sort of a white wine. I don't think it's  been opened yet, so I'm not going to open it up.   Over here on the table, we have some items  on display. There's a lovely chandelier   hanging on the wall, a crystal  chandelier, like I always say.   And then this view that we have in front  of us is something very unique. These   gold-plated cabinets are something I have  not seen before in my career of exploring.   They have also been damaged by the fire that  happened in this place. You can see they have   some black smoke on them and have been damaged  throughout that time. There's nothing really   interesting in there, but what intrigues  me the most are these mannequins in here.   Like Jewish people, who love their hats, they are  big on hats. Whenever I used to walk through the   streets of Antwerp, pretty close to my home, they  have a very big acidic Jewish community, and you   would see them all walking around with hats like  these. They are very common in their traditions. Wow, the painting hanging here on a wall is  so impressive. And then this stroller here   in the middle of the room, isn't that just a  beautiful antique piece with these two dolls   in there? Oh my gosh, maybe these were from the  children of the ladies that used to live here.   They could play with them. Can you imagine  walking down the street with the stroller   and your child in there? You would definitely  be the center of attention when you did that.  There are even more dolls than this one. The  same style of cabinet, completely identical   to the other one. The only thing that's different  with this one is there are drawers inside of it.  I love this face that is over here as well. Look over here on the table. One of  their guns is still left behind. This   is actually the first gun that  I found in the United States. And this is definitely a real gun. As  you can see, there's no inscription on   there or anything. Wait, we have some  inscription over here: bsio bs10 sule. A wonderful rifle is always very special  to find, a rifle in an abandoned place,   because they are not cheap. And  then the stable down below here,   beautiful design, his face carved into here.   It's very unique. Let's see if there's  anything in the drawer over here. No,   there used to be items in here. You can  see there are footprints still in there. And then we have this fireplace,   the light of this room back in the time, even  some blocks of wood still in there, with the   marble around it. Must have been wonderful  when it was burning. Everybody sitting on the   couch over here and just enjoying each other,  drinking some liquor, talking about our days. I can only imagine it must have been wonderful.  There's a food basket up here completely made   out of concrete and an enormous mirror behind it.  We even have some crown molding on the walls over   here. I have not noticed that yet, but literally  everywhere there is design throughout this place,   throughout this house. Still standing on this  coffee table here and these two couches around it.   Now we also have this sort of face lamppost  over here to the side, and for some sort of   weird reason, there's a rope hanging from  the ceiling in the middle of this room. There are tears hanging here on a wall, and  then we have this trolley over here. It doesn't   seem like a real one. This is just the design  piece that they have in the house. Oh, look,   this is just terrible. You can see footprints  here on the wall where they tried to kick in   and make holes in the wall. Geez, some  people just don't have any respect. A wonderful cabinet over here as well, and  there are some paintings on the top of it.   Oh, a temple in the back, a wonderful landscape as  well, with some flowers and everything up there.  Oh, look at this bond, it's  a ferret! A taxidermy ferret,   it's probably something that a woman of  the household would wear. Something that's   just disgusting nowadays and that we... Oh,  there's even two suits next to each other,   something that we never do nowadays  anymore. It's just not acceptable anymore,   and they're hanging on this  upholstered chair over there. There's one more thing I need to point out in  this room, and those are these statues over here.   Beautifully carved statues, as you can see.  And then we can go further into this side of   the mansion, and this is actually where it gets  pretty interesting because this is where the   fire happened in 2018, and you can clearly see the  aftermath. This place is just not livable anymore.   The whole ceiling collapsed on the air upstairs,  the bedroom there, and you can even see a mattress   barely hanging on. But here we have just come into  what used to be the kitchen of this Jewish family,   where the mother, like it always  has been in the Jewish community,   used to cook the meals for the whole family. What I think is also very interesting is the   building style of this kitchen. When you enter  into this place, you immediately have this huge   rack over here, this library with hundreds  of books, all cookbooks still left behind.   And down here, there are even still some  pictures of the family left. Oh, look at them,   their baby photos that they didn't even take  out after the place got abandoned in 2018. Everything is still in here. You can see  some Hebrew writing on this book over here,   the 36th anniversary dinner greetings Steno book.  There's even some handwriting on the top of it.   Here you have this booklet about Furnishings.  Let's have a closer look at this kitchen because   this is where the mothers of the family, just  like it used to be in the Jewish community and   in their culture, used to cook the meals  for the family and the men that left here.   Everything is broken and fallen over,  completely dilapidated, unfixable anymore.   The beams over here in the ceiling  have burned through to the ash. I love the style of this kitchen. This  truly reminds me of an Austrian German   kitchen that I used to film in another video.  I will link it up there. An enormous fridge,   even the bottles of everything, are still  left in there after the devastating fire.   All the cooking equipment everything still in this  state of levitation. Here we can see pieces of the   bedroom lying here on the ground. See, this is  probably from a cabinet upstairs that fell down.   There's also a piece of the ceiling here.  Everything is left. I love these lamps that   are hanging here and all the plates, cups,  and China still in the cabinets over here. It's so interesting. I was just talking to  those Jewish guys and I was asking why don't   they take out the pictures out of this place,  but they just didn't know it. They didn't have   any words for it because they told me that the  Jewish community has a lot of value in their   heritage and their memories, and they normally  take good care of it. But why this family didn't   do it is unclear. They are safe, they are  in a new place, and yeah, it's just unclear   why they didn't come back to retrieve those very  important memories that they made in this place.   Look at this lovely stove that we have standing  over here. Isn't that just interesting, everybody?   I think I would also cook something on here, or  maybe it was just only for warmth. There are some   blocks of firewood underneath there, all still  left behind from the day the place got demolished. A wonderful stove standing here as well, the cast  iron stove that's a brand I've not seen before   yet in my videos. Let's try to get over here. We  have this huge island here with these cooktops   and everything. Let's try to get over because I  saw something very interesting here at the end.   All the bottles of wine and champagne are  still left in these holsters out here.   What kind of wine did these  people love to drink? Okay,   wine. This is just a table wine as you can see, a  sweet and natural grape table wine, lying in here,   sparkling apple cider. This is not even  alcohol, it's probably just for the children.   Wow, and even a microwave at the  end here, built into the stone wall. And now we have the dining room to this side.  I will come there in a second, but I think this   used to be their living room, and they overlooked  the whole forest at the end there. Let me show you   if I can bring it a bit clearer, the whole forest  you can see from this enormous window over here,   and the design from the outside also comes  back on the inside. Stonewall and everything   with the brown ceiling up there. The  fire spread throughout the whole house.   It was actually a pretty wonderful living  area with an enormous couch over here,   a bench over there, and even this lower area  with a fireplace behind this painting. There,   you can still see a glimpse  of the fireplace in the back. Here's some sort of a book here. "Dear Tamari,  I'm gonna miss you so much next year. I hope you   enjoy high school. I had so much fun with you in  school. Please kid, love you. Esther Alexander."   This is some sort of a book where they wrote  in all their wishes for the child that went   to school. So Tamari was one of the children that  lived in this place, and he went to high school at   some point, probably in another state or far from  here. It even has this lettering up here that says   "Tamari." Still see the engraving. "The Journal."  Your journal. And this is from the summer of 2014,   and this is also from that child, Tamari, the  30th of June, 2014. Everything is still in there. What are these notes that  we have here on the floor?   There's nothing on them anymore, unfortunately. And then one of my favorite  rooms in this entire place,   the dining space, a very important room in a  Jewish house, and they had a skylight above   here that's unfortunately now covered with debris  from that natural decay, but it must have been   wonderful in here when the people were still  sitting here around the table. Can you imagine   a Jewish family still sitting here, the man  on the corner of the table with the hat on,   and they're having dinner together after a long  day of work and school? Wow! The plants are   also still in here. I suppose these are all fake.  Yes, these are fake plants. And here we can see a   picture of the children, that's most likely Tamara  and her younger sister that we see next to it.  Wonderful plants in here as well, really  lights up the room, brings character to it,   and then this wonderful dining table  centered in the middle of this room.   Wow, tablecloths still on there and everything,  and a chair standing here at the end of the table. Oh, I love these lanterns  that I have over here as well.   Okay, I think this doorway over here leads us to  the outside, to that balcony that we just saw. Have a look at this, a complete overview of  that property. They had an enormous property,   as you can see. The children probably would love  to play in this backyard between the trees. Here   is where they would have outside dinners in  the summer, and you can even see a glimpse of   the house from over here. It is enormous. Glass  panels over there, icicles are forming there.   Let's go a bit closer to that side. Here you can see the icicles are forming. That's a beautiful view, everybody. I love it. And then from the kitchen, we can go further into  the house, and the first thing I notice over here   is this food cabinet with this writing on it. Like  the phone numbers are still on there, and it says,   "Tari, Mommy, Bobby, Rachel, and Holmes". So  these are all the numbers, I believe, that "Daddy"   is like a name for a father. And here we even  have the phone number of the Mario. Of course,   I'm not going to show those, I'm going to blur  this out, but just promise me that there are phone   numbers on there. But I'm not going to show those,  of course. Lots of paperwork in here as well,   and then phone numbers with the streets and  everything. And here we got this wonderful   display of pictures left behind of the people  that once used to live in this place. And they   don't look very Jewish in these pictures,  maybe on a vacation they weren't as strict   as they were when they went to the synagogue  or when they were practicing their religion.  All the cans of food are still  left behind here in this cabinet.   The bottles, the olives,  everything is still in here. I almost fell over there, Jesus Christ! Pots and pans in here and even an extra fridge.  I'm not sure how many people used to live in   this space, but it is an enormous house so you  can bet a lot of people used to live in here.  Here we have a cabinet still filled with clothing.  I just don't understand why they wouldn't even   take that clothing out of the house. It's not  broken, there's nothing wrong with it. After   the fire, these are their formal clothing  that they used to wear when they had formal   occasions and went to the synagogue and  practiced religion and stuff like that.   Very interesting. All the gloves  were also still left there. Excuse me, everybody. And here we're coming to, I believe, some  sort of a playroom. Oh yeah, and even the   ceiling over here has collapsed, probably from  the heat that was generated in this place.   You can see some game boards still left  behind. Words With Friends, playing cards,   Uno, I see laying on the ground. So, in  here, this was their playroom. Even a ping   pong table still left here. And then, yeah,  we call this football billiards in Belgium,   with these knobs on there and the ball bounces  off it. It's actually a very strange billiards   table. I'm just going to call it a double  just table to find, because I've never seen   it in this shape before. Normally it's  just a normal billiards table with these   rubber plugs in there in the middle to bounce the  balls off. Even a kitchen in this room. Then you   can really tell that people are rich if they  have multiple kitchens throughout their house. And then a sitting area to this side as well,   where they would used to relax in the evening,  enjoy themselves, enjoy their company. The   grand... Wow, have a look at this. This is  actually the plan of the house. You can see   the staircase that we saw earlier, the dining  hall that we saw, over here, the living room,   the guest rooms. I think we are right now in this  room. No, we are in this room, I believe. Yeah,   that's so interesting, and there are multiple ones  of these. Oh, this is a view from the front of the   house. That's actually not the house that  we are visiting today. So this might be a   different house than the one that we are in right  now. It does look like it, but yeah, if I look   closer at the hallway, it doesn't resemble this  house. So maybe the managing company would also   design houses and stuff like that. We have a book  laying over here. Oh my God, have a look at this.   This is a story about how my great-grandfather  survived the Holocaust. My great grandfather,   Gitshka Sternhill, was 14 years old in the war.  His parents were taken away and left him behind by   non-Jewish neighbors. This is a complete story  about the events that happened, the terrible   events that happened in the Second World War to  the Jewish community. They really didn't deserve   this, nobody deserves it. And this is a picture of  the man in question that survived the Holocaust. All these people are still in here. That  really leaves me speechless for a second.   I'm very interested in the events that took place  in the Second World War and the reasoning behind   the terrible events that happened. I also visited  a lot of Holocaust camps in Poland and Germany,   and just seeing a house over here in the  United States where actually there's history   about the people that lived here that  even experienced these terrible events,   it's touching. It's really touching. Let's go for a little while. This house leaves  me speechless. I'm just going to say it again.   I think we have ended up in some sort of  a laundry room over here. You can see the   iron still standing there, the knitting  equipment, everything is still in here.   A few pieces of clothing with some text still on  there. Oh, I love this ironing board that folds   up into the wall and then neatly folds away.  It falls out again when you need it again.   All the blankets, clothing,  and everything still in there.  Okay, before we go upstairs, and first  you can see the stairway over here,   there's one stairway upstairs, but there's also  one downstairs. I just briefly showed you the   downstairs earlier on, but let's go down there  right now and let's look at it more in depth   because a drink is also a pretty interesting  space in the basement of a place people also   store a lot of artifacts and history about their  lives because yeah, they didn't need it anymore. Wow, there are some paintings down here  that have completely been trampled,   as you can see. I'm gonna save this one because I  think it's just devastating. Keep it lying around,   people are just gonna walk over it, and you've  destroyed even more than it's destroyed right now. Might the fire have started from this  basement over here? It looks way worse   than upstairs. Look at all that black  smoke that went throughout this place.   Here we have a painting hanging on a wall  that's completely covered with black smoke,   and here we come into some sort of a bigger  basement. Maybe this is also where the cars   were stored back in the time. You should frame  sand standing here, gold-plated picture frames. Look at this game. I forgot the name for it for  a second. I love these machines. You can put   a quarter in there and then you could play a game.  Oh, these paintings that are standing here are   still pretty pristine with these landscapes  back here. They are still very pristine. Oh,   look at this furniture that's standing here.  Back here we got this wonderful poltriest so fast   standing here in this room. They probably saved  them somehow from the fire and put them down here.   This one is so nice, it's something you would come  across in a French castle that I've filmed before.   They're standing here rotting away  in the basement of this Jewish house.   That was a very interesting basement.   I really love this place so far. I'm curious what  we can find upstairs, so let's head over there   right now. I'm definitely gonna walk after that  winding staircase and get that feeling of when   people used to live in here and what it must have  been like to live in such an extravagant place. I'm now going to take a stroll at the staircase  to the upper floors and see what's up there.   I just love the design and architecture of  this place and the staircase itself. I have   already expressed myself multiple times,  but I just can't exaggerate it enough.   The window behind here, letting light into  the building, with the chandeliers next to it,   such a warm and beautiful feeling. Then  the staircase itself is just magnificent,   with this chandelier hanging here in  the middle and the walkway around it. Let's go into this first room here  to the left, and I believe that this   used to be the master bedroom of the place,  where the parents of the household used to sleep.   And it's actually pretty funny because in the  Jewish community, they have some strict rules.   You can see that the beds are able to separate  from each other before marriages. Before marriage,   the man and a woman can't sleep together.  They can only have a girlfriend from when   they are 19 years or older. So those are all  strict rules by the Hasidic Jewish community. Look at this, I love these beds.  Wonderful carvings on them,   beautiful inlay, the flowers, and everything,  and then these pillows here in front of them.   So amazing to see. Oh, better put this back nicely  again. Of course, I have to put everything like I   found it. The bed has been torn up over here, and  then they have these cushions in front of them.   And they even have the same style  of cabinet in this room as well,   with that flower design on the front of  it, beautiful carvings throughout it.   And I don't know what happened over here, but  the whole wall has been destroyed somehow.   That's not part of the fire, that's  probably somebody that came into this place   and searched for copper that they  probably wanted to steal at some point.   Shoes are also still here in the cabinets. And here we have some clothing of the man left  behind. Have a look at this vanity that we have   over here. We have these two doll hats standing  up here, or these mannequin heads still with the   traditional hats that the Jewish woman used to  wear on them. And you can see, we already saw   it throughout the house, they were very big on  their heads. That's part of the tradition, that's   part of their community, and I just love that  they have such an eye for design, these people.  This one is also in the same style as the other  pieces of furniture that we have in this room.   Oh, this opens up to reveal these  drawers, discovered spaces that   they could use for their socks, ties, there,  everything, maybe even their hats as well.   Fairly richly designed,  lots of luxury in this room. Let's go further. Here, another  cabinet standing to this side,   and I have not been on this side of the  house yet. Oh my God, they have a very   luxurious bathroom here. You can see the  bath up there at the end, wow, completely   made out of probably Italian marble. Oh, this  is really nice here that would, or like, fill   it up. I think the ball is pretty uncomfortable  to sit in, but the style of it is just amazing.  This is the device to open and close, wow. And even a marble shower to this side, all  their products are also still left in there,   they're a dough of shampoo. Their  shower head is completely corroded up.  Wow, and even their toilet is still  standing in this part of the house. Oh my God, there's even a sauna in this place.  Whatever, man and woman could sit together in   the evening and enjoy a nice hot sauna before they  went to bed. Whoa, have you ever seen that before?   This is totally insane. And all their products  are also still left here, the toothbrushes,   their toothpaste, everything black from smoke on  that devastating fire that happened in this place. And then they had this nice overlook over the  overlaying backyard of this place. Then we're   going back out into the hallway. Have a look at  this beautiful piece, chandelier hanging in the   middle, a crystal linear chandelier, an arch  design up there. It's just wonderful. And back   in the time when these windows weren't boarded  up, it must have been flooded with light in here.   And also looking at the walls that don't  seem to be painted, that's pretty strange.   Even at these encavements in a wall  where statues would be standing   everywhere, they had this shape of chandelier  saying here to flood more light into the rooms. This doesn't open up anymore, but this goes to the  balcony that we just saw in front of the house.   Look at this shot, that's just totally insane. I love it. The drawer standing upstairs  here as well, some paperwork on the floor.   That's all from that company. Yes,  this is from that company. I'm not   gonna go too in-depth into it because  otherwise, the location will be revealed.   But we have a drawer standing here, and that  brings us into the next part of this exploration. And over here, we're going to see the  real devastation of this building.   I think this was another bedroom at one point.  A lot of things still lying on the floor. Oh,   they got this sort of couch area to this side.  The mirror behind there, pretty fancy actually,   and we got this picture of this  lady lying here, this young girl.   She looks lovely. Oh, so many  memories still left in this place. Socks and everything are still lying on the  floor, and here we have some Hebrew writing   on this paperwork. I don't know if this was  something from school or something else, but   of course, can't read Hebrew.  As you can see, there's   also a picture of this man lying  on the floor. He's giving a kiss   there's a lady at the top. Maybe this was his  girlfriend or a secret girlfriend. Who knows? This was definitely a bedroom at one point. The  clothes are still hanging here in the cabinets.   Everything is still present from  the time the people left here.   Let's look at what kind of clothing there were,  actually out pretty fancy, as you can see. There's also a bathroom back here, and  it's completely devastated by the fire.   The whole walls have come off, completely  broken, and the ceiling is falling out.   Every single bedroom in this  place had its own bathroom,   and that definitely tells you these people are  very wealthy. Because when we explore these   castles and these palaces in Europe, you always  see that every single room had its own bathroom,   and this is also the case over here in this house. Her hair clips are also still left there.   Let's go further. I think we  can get an overview over here   of this living room area downstairs. All  the rubble you can see lying down there. The ceiling is falling out. It's also always  a pretty surreal sight. As you can see,   the paint is slowly chipping off the walls,  completely burned away by the wood by the fire. And I've been talking a lot in my United States  videos about the construction style of these   houses, and that it's very different from Europe.  Here you can actually see it in person. It's all   made with wood. It's all made with plywood and  panels, instead of Europe where everything is   built out of stone. European houses are way  stronger, and if a fire happens in a place like   this in Europe, it would survive, definitely.  But this is unrepairable, unfortunately. And here, we come onto an upstairs bedroom,   and we can look straight into the kitchen  downstairs, where Morena is filming right now.   That's totally insane. Here, to this side, we have  all the bed linen left behind on this upper floor.   Teaser was saying that the basement looked pretty  terrible with the fire, but this upstairs is   completely devastated. There's a little sitting  area over here. There is a window behind there,   but it's completely boarded up right now. I  think after the fire, they completely boarded   up this house. All the clothing is lying on  the floor. And then over here, we actually   have a pretty interesting piece because this is  a jacket from a lady that lived in this place.   Top half of it is burned. You can even see there's  a hat still hanging in there. It's completely   molded onto the fabric of this beautiful red  dress. I love the style and design of it. I think we can enter into that bedroom  over here. I have to, of course, be very,   very careful because the floor is probably  unstable. This is not a master bedroom; it's   actually a pretty bad bathroom. You can see the  mattress is still standing in there. Everything   is still there. It used to be the bathroom. The  whole floor has sunken out. I can maybe make a   small move towards over here, and then we can have  a glimpse of the downstairs floors over there.   Whoa, this is pretty dangerous what I'm doing  right now, but I just want to give you those   shots and views of this place and just show  you what fire does to a place like this. Wow, that's dirty. All the clothing all  molding up still in the cabinet over   here. This used to be white clothing  down there, white jackets, and white,   oh, I forgot the name for a second, but  all of these things have become yellow.  That's actually pretty funny because  I consider myself fluent in English,   but sometimes I just forget names of items,  and then I just have to improvise. That's   also why I always get comments about  that, and a lot of people tell me,   like, 'it's this,' but I know it sometimes,  but sometimes I just forget it. But that's   just when you speak multiple languages.  You just have to excuse me for that. Here we have another completely  black painting hanging on the wall,   flowers and everything still on there. Now we have  two chest drawers, and the bed linen is stored in.   Let's go into this room, and here  we have yet another bedroom. So   it's a rather small place for six  people to sleep in this household,   so they must have been with six or more  people living in here at one point. All their books are still in here that they  used to read at nighttime. Curious to see   if I can find more pictures and memories of the  people. Oh, here we have not a lot of mixer. We   saw this lady before in the other room, and  now we see her again coming in this place.   Oh, and yet we have another  picture over here as well.  Look at these colorful clothing, probably  for a special event they would wear these. And even still, this cabinet over here is  completely filled with clothes. So much   clothing in this house. This is probably the  house where I've found the most clothing ever.   Literally beyond all my expectations. Nine  years' time, so much clothing everywhere. I'm going to thank the people who once lived  here. I hope they found a home where they   can be happy now and where they can live their  lives out. And I hope that at one point in time,   they will come back here to retrieve their  valuables and items that they left behind,   because they're all invaluable memories  that you just can't replace. So please,   the people that once lived here,  come back and save those items. I want to thank you all for watching  this video. In my honest opinion,   I think this was one of the best places  in the United States, not only for the   building but also for the story behind it. The  Jewish people that we met in the beginning,   like all the storylines we found in the place  itself and just the entire video as a whole.   Thank you so much for watching it. Please  like the video if you liked it, subscribe   down there if you're new to the channel, and also  write me a nice comment in the comment section. There's also a link in the description  for Patreon. It's still a hobby for me,   so if you would love to support this channel and  help me out going around this beautiful world to   film all these abandoned places, consider  supporting the channel and helping me out.   And I will see you all next week in another  amazing episode. Bye-bye. Love you very much.
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 170,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, Upstate New York, Tragedy, Fire damage, Haunting memories, Lost treasures, History uncovered, Charred remains, Heartbreak and intrigue, abandoned mansions with everything in it, abandoned places then and now, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, jewish culture, world war ii, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned mansions in america, abandoned mansion tour
Id: qvh2JGQC-mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 12sec (3552 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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