Abandoned American Home Holds Thousands Of Forgotten Photos!

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Mary   and Elmer had lived in the  same house their entire lives,   raising their children and  living a life full of love.   Elmer had served in the US Military, and Mary  had a passion for photography and videography. After Elmer's sudden passing,  Mary threw herself into her work,   finding comfort in capturing the  beauty of the world around her.   She lived a long life, but when she passed  away at the age of 90 in 2004, her children   discovered thousands of photographs and videos  that their mother had taken throughout her life. As they went through the photographs,   the children realized that their parents  had lived a life full of secrets.   They discovered pictures of places and people  they had never heard of, and it was as if their   parents had been living a completely different  life that they had kept hidden from them. Although the children couldn't piece together  everything about their parents' lives, they came   to the realization that their parents had lived  a life full of adventure, love, and creativity.   The photographs were a reminder of  the love their parents had shared   and the beauty that their mother  had captured through her lens.   They realized that their parents'  legacy was not in the secrets they   kept but in the life they lived and  the love they had for each other. [Music] Welcome back, everybody, to the Bros of  DK. I'm Leslie. Today, behind the camera   is yet again Danny. Thank you very much. He's  a little bit sick, still cannot talk right now,   but he's good to film. So, bro kudos to you,  absolutely. We are filming another incredible   place. Yesterday night, we hopped into the house  to look at it, and we were completely stunned by   this place. Turn around the camera, then you  show them what we are working with today - a   wonderful wooden abandoned house in Connecticut,  in the state of Connecticut, in the United States.   A wonderful place. At one point, it used to be  of Mary and her husband, Elmer, and they lived   here all their lives. It's secluded. It's next to  a busy road, but there are no houses around it,   and this place is just incredible. I'm eager to  take you inside. I got a short glimpse yesterday,   and literally, the house is filled with  thousands and thousands of pictures, okay?  She definitely also tended to some  animals. Oh, whoa! Oh my gosh,   look at this! There are lily beehives inside of  here! Danny, this looks like a bird feeder, right?  To me, it looks like a bird feeder, like see  the stamps maybe or some food for the birds,   but there are beehives inside of here.   Pretty crazy. And this tree is slowly  wrapping around that bird feeder.  This is the house itself, their back porch,  and that's the only window that's gonna lay   this inside of this place. Okay, I'm gonna  try this out. You have to be a real monkey   when you're exploring abandoned places.  You can give hand me the camera, bro.   Yep, get it through the window. Oh, we're inside.  Wow, this place is just even better during the   daytime than it's at night. This feels such a cozy  home. Mary, you made this place beautiful, I must   say, and I literally feel at home. I was a little  bit warm, so I'm just gonna take off my jacket,   place it on the chair over here. I pretend that  I'm visiting my grandmother today at the day,   no, I'm just kidding. We're gonna do an epic  exploration of this abandoned home of Mrs. Mary   and Mr. Elmar, and the first thing that we see  over here in the corner is unfortunately people   have gone into the house and search for valuables.  They overthrow everything. They look through all   our stuff just to see if there's something that  they can sell or get value from, but trust me,   this house is literally perfect except for  that corner. The whole house is amazing,   starting off with this table. Already, you can  see something. There are a lot of pictures left   behind, but this is just the beginning. The  whole house is filled. The most interesting   one over here, I would say, is this picture, and  that's a picture of this dining table, I believe,   in this corner. Yeah, over here. Absolutely insane  that these pictures are left behind, and this is   one year before abandonment, in the year 2003.  The fifth of March. Oh, we figured something   out yesterday, so the this was a Caucasian  family that lived here, but her daughter,   I believe, was married to an African-American  man and had one child, and there you can see   she was part of the family. This was one of their  granddaughters, Kaylee. It says on there, Kaylee.  These are probably some  other grandchildren from her,   absolutely amazing, and a couple  more pictures over there as well. Also, have a look over here on the side table.  This is pretty interesting. I think the whole   family of her is depicted over here. These are  most likely her daughter or her son and their   fiancé and then her granddaughter or grandson.  This looks like a girl down here. Definitely,   this is our grandson and her  granddaughter behind here.   Wonderful. Oh, Danny, even her pills  are left behind. Sunday, Monday,   Tuesday, and Saturday are taken out, but she  probably passed away somewhere in this week,   and there are a couple of bills still left in this  container over here. That's so saddening to see.  Mary or Elmer was also a big music lover.  You can see there are a lot of records   left behind everywhere over here, and also  this stereo eight tapes above here. El Paso,   Spanish Fireball. This is all Spanish music. Has  his audio tapes, music audio tapes. Anyway, what I   especially love about this home is that you have  to look through into the living room over there.   We are standing here in this sort  of patio area or this built-out area   which can look directly into the living room  and gives a very open feeling to the house.   This lovely couch over here, the cushions still on  it, and the flower pattern on it. Lovely to see.   Oh, have a look on the wall.  Do you see that on camera?  There are little the imprints of artifacts  and knickknacks that used to hang on a wall,   and probably the people that  came in here to steal everything   took that also with them. This key looks  like it used to be from a castle somehow.  And over here, we got Mary her other  side table, her telephone, of course,   when she was sitting in a sofa, she would call  her friends and family and have talks. That's   what I imagine. And all the lady would do with  her time, just talk all day long, a big joke   probably. For some water next to her and then  all these checks over here, these banknotes,   oh, they're all from Elmar, from her husband. Very  small amount, six euros, two dollars. Sorry, I'm   cultivating in euros, dollars, six dollars, two  dollars. 19 in Europe, we don't use checks that   much anymore. I don't think in Portugal either,  right? No, in Belgium, we would use a check,   for example, to buy a car or something like that,  but not for a 19 amount like we see it over here.   All down below, we have also some magazines that  you love to read, Good Housekeeping September   2004. That's the year she unfortunately  passed away at the age of 90 years old.   Mrs. Mary got to a lovely age.  She lived a happy and long life.   You can see it all throughout  her house. What's this box?   It's also completely filled with checks, as  you can see, for again, very small amounts.  Let's close this up. Let's put this back. Okay.  Oh, and then I had another sitting area for her   over here. First of all, you can see her walking  eight standing next to it. Would probably be   standing right next to the sofa like this. At an  older age, she probably wasn't able to walk that   that good anymore, but we had difficulty  walking. And this is a lovely chair. Oh,   it's also a rocking chair. Look at this. It  goes always so she could go like this and get   out of the chair or go like this and take a  walking eight and walk throughout the house. Let's put this back like I found it, and she  has yet another sitting area over to this side,   and I must say I absolutely adore this one as  well. A lovely rocking chair sitting over there,   rocking away. And then put on a tune over here  on the record player. The records that we just   found. What's the difference actually between the  small records and the big records? More music and   less music? Is that just the only difference?  Yeah, okay. Bigger and smaller. I never knew.  Effective listening lesson two continues.  Look at this, Danny. Stereo eight-track player.   That's definitely for these days that  we just found. I quickly retrieved one,   and I think he can... yeah, you can fit it  in like that. Then you could play a tape   on this record player as well. That's lovely  to see. Wow, also some plants up there   that have been withering away for the last 18  years. That's crazy. And even a fireplace on   this side of the house. This must have  been lovely when it was still running.   She all had her glasses up here, her magnifying  sunglasses as you can see. Pretty big glasses,   I would say. Another set of them to this  side, and those were the clear ones.  Lovely fireplace. And have you seen? There's  something strange about this as well.   There's a stone wall behind the fireplace.   Stone walls or brick walls we never see  normally in the United States. Moments   just wood or plaster, but I'm so surprised  this is a stone wall inside of the house.  We've got to stand over here with the lamp. What  sketches my attention is this Sunbeam shaver we   got over here. It's sort of an electric shaver  that has been left behind from them fast back.  What's this, sort of a trophy? Maybe it was from  the man because he had to do something with the   United States military, but I haven't figured  out what exactly it was. We see some pictures   upstairs from him in his uniform, and that's  how we relate to that this might have been   one of his rewards that he got throughout  his life. What do we got over here? Oh,   do we even want to know? One gallon. I'm not gonna  smell this one like I normally do. Pine oil soap,   it says on there. Oh, this is to clean the  floors with. Board on the floors, clean away.   Getting some pictures over here, and I ripped  up one dollar bill. This is the side of the   house as you can see with some flowers.  Oh, they also... they got some goodies.  And this is the inside. Oh,  take a few steps back, Danny.   That's Lily the house. This room, how amazing  is that? That's absolutely crazy. Just seeing it   how it was and how it is now. It actually looks  pretty similar, but now just in an abandoned   condition. Everything dirty, plants falling over,  and all of this left here. The llama bear as well.  Okay, and then we enter into the kitchen area,   a place where Mary filled the bellies of  the household, filled the belly of Elmar,   filled the belly of the grandchildren and the  children. What a lovely kitchen, I must say.   I love the cabinets. I love the design  of it. It's just such a cozy place.  Again, where are we gonna start? I'm just gonna  look around. Here, any clue what this is, Danny? For your nails, is this for  your nails like a file? Huh,   okay. It's got some notes over here, some booklets  that you wrote things down in, probably for meals   that you wanted to make. Here we can see  a chocolate cake that you wanted to bake,   and she wrote this all down, probably for going  to the store because our names are the family.   I thought it was chocolate cake itself  over here, but her family names, honey,   yeah, you see Bill, Bill, of course, you're right.  Bill, Ashley, Bill, Kayla, Bill. Oh, Labil was the   African-American granddaughter. Yeah, that's  true. I'm gonna show a picture of her later.   Sometimes I'm just so blind and I look  over things. We have another lovely picture   of a grandchild over here.  This might have been Kayla.  And then have a look around this lovely kitchen.  Literally everything is still left in here,   the glasses, even the dishes that you didn't wash  at the end. The plants are literally throughout it   because she put some plants up here. They started  to fall down and crumble back into the sink.   Even her spoons and all our kitchen utensils are  still here. And then of course, not to forget the   self-cleaning American oven, Kenmore. I love  these ovens, the knobs and with the time in   the middle here. It's just so fascinating for  me that looks so different from European ovens   that I find in abandoned places. All our spices  over here are also still on the rack over there.   Okay, I'm already very fascinated.  Sorry, I love this place.  Another booklet over here and this one does write  down things that you needed to get in the grocery   stores, bananas, corn it says over here, cookies,  milk. And she probably took this little booklet   with her to the store when she went out to buy  things. "Betty will pick you up on Friday at 8:30   in the morning, don't eat breakfast, we will have  Christmas with season." Reading this tells me that   maybe Mary at the end of her life might have some  dementia because her daughter probably wrote this   down for her to read this in the morning, and  then she could revamp her memory again. Okay,   this is also so wonderful. These little drawers inside with flour,   sugar, coffee, everything would be pretty.  Side of here, you would refill them. They   even had this little skill down here for  the kitchen to weigh down everything.   So a lot of keys in here from all around  the house and probably other houses as well,   children, and everywhere. Very interesting. Oh,   this one's completely filled with  plates. Everything is still left in here.  Oh, look at this one. Oh, we  got something else. We got,   this one is completely filled. This side also  again with plates and everything for the kitchen,   but what we got down here, it's like a little  manual for the microwave that's down here. Press   power, so you would press power on a microwave,  then press one, press power again, and then you   could type in the wattage that you want for the  microwave. So they made little manuals for her,   probably because of her dementia at the end  of her life. Super interesting. Of course,   I'm gonna open it. And hold your nose,  it's nothing in there. Luckily for you. And then, one more thing: in this room, you can  see the calendar from April 2004, and that was the   last date that Mary left this household. She wrote  a lot of things on this calendar. Okay, it's time   now to go into the next room. Or, first, I'm going  into the basement. Okay, let's go in there. The   basement seems to be also like a real big mess. Oh  my God, there's a little trash everywhere. I love   the rope that they had here to the side to hold on  to and make the basement a little bit more fancy.   Yeah, we end up the basement. Is there something  to see to decide? Any, we have a quick look.  Oh, these are jars that you probably would fill  up with produce, with jams and stuff like that   she would make over the years until, oh, there's  also our clothing line is also in here. So, in the   winter time, she would hang up her clothes here  in the basement. Okay, sort of a wooden wall. It   all this also seems like it used to be  a livable space at some point. You can   see there's a couch down here and everything.  There's a picture frame hanging on the wall,   so there are some things that indicate that they  use this space to live down here at some point.  And this was a picture of Mary and Elmer.  Here, you can see Elmer in his military outfit,   and Mary when they were still  pretty young. I would suppose   they are around 40 years old. There's a  lovely black and white picture of them.   Maybe this was sort of a game room because you can  see this wall over here with a lot of puzzles and   a lot of books down there. I think they might  have come here or the children might have used   this as their playroom back in the time. If you  hand me the camera, I'm going to go a little bit   further throughout the basement because it's a bit  narrow here. I want to see what more is over here.   Okay, we can see here on the wall we have the name  of the man, Elmer G.B. Bale. Bale says over here,   and then they also had this hatch where  you could go outside of the house.   Here's the electricity panel. It's switched  off right now. I'm not going to switch it on.   All of Elmer's equipment is also over here  in the basement. Oh, I love this little fire   tower that we have over here. They'll probably  put it out with Christmas to the front yard.   That is not our working room to this  side, but nothing much of interest.  Okay, that was the basement. Not  really that interesting, but still   nice to show during the video to show  everything of the house. We've got   another room in front of us here,  and this is the bathroom of hers.   Well, I can take it over from you again  if you want because it's also very narrow.   Even her little seat over there where she could  sit while taking a bath, her towels are still   hanging here, and for some sort of weird reason,  there is, like, literally carved in the wall,   has been broken up for some reason, like if they  were trying to search for something. Okay, we also   got these fleur-de-lis on the wall worked into  the tiles, and all her cleaning products are still   left here in the cabinet. You can see there's  also a lot of medicine in here for all the day.   Even our toothbrushes down here  still left. Isn't that absolutely   amazing? Look at all the knick-knacks  and artifacts that we have to this side.   Even another walking aid  over here in the bathroom. There you go my friend. Let's close this beauty up, and now it's time for  the real interesting part of the house. You're   not going to believe your eyes! First, we are  going to make our way over this bottle of rubble.  In here, we end up in her main living space. And  the first thing you see when you walk in here,   what grabs your attention, is the table. Mary  loved to shoot pictures and video throughout   her life, and she made thousands and thousands  of pictures of literally every single event that   happened with our family, and they're all left  behind here in the house. Me and then he found   it so saddening to see that this whole place is  completely filled with thousands of pictures,   and the family doesn't even seem to care. Like,  I can get it sometimes that a couple of pictures   I've left behind, but this is just too much.  Their whole life story is inside of this place,   all left behind. You can see Mary even  labeled every single picture in this place.   It's pretty difficult to read, but I think it's  talking about a family dinner with Aunt Mary,   and you can see all the names down here who was  attending the party. She literally labeled every   single thing. This was Mary, right? I think  so, yeah. And here's another picture of her   together with a friend, probably  like literally everything on here. From group photos of the family to baby pictures  over here. Wow, she had a lot of cameras. Yeah,   because this is Polaroid, um, and this wait,  which one? Oh, this, this is Polaroid. Oh, sure,   let me show it. This is a Polaroid. Yeah, this  is Kodak. Ah, see? Kodak, I definitely think also   for a hobby, maybe also for our occupations. He  had to do something with photograph photography. What do we see over here? Polaroid again, yeah.  Oh, there's a baby crib. Wow, maybe from when   the granddaughter or grandson came over. But have  you shown this? Oh, we haven't shown that already.   This is sort of a reporter setup with a screen and  everything, so she definitely had to do something   with filmmaking or with photography. You can  see complete film roles still left over here.   Was this to make films with? No, I think, I'm not  sure, but I think these are projectors. Ah, okay,   okay. I'm not sure, but I think it is, could be  true. Looks like a projector, though. And even   the stand, the tripod for a camera, is left  here. That's a very sturdy one, I would say.  Check even down here, Lenny, there are hundreds  more pictures just scattered around and lying   over here. Oh, this is one in the snow  because in this area of the United States,   it gets very, very cold. And then  we have the complete polar opposite.   They are at a Holiday Inn Resort or a  holiday resort somewhere in the world,   and here's Elmar standing in front of a  great lake somewhere in a national park. Oh, all the glass is still in there neatly  stacked. Look at that. Is that Mary? No,   that's nothing. That's her daughter, of course.  That's her daughter. She's having a child,   Caroline Mary. Wow, this one, she was born eight  hours old, mom barely so. Caroline Mary Bailey.   She literally documented her life step by  step, every single step indeed is documented.  This is so exciting to see, and here you  can even see some film roles still left. Bro, I'm getting shivers seeing this. This  shouldn't be here. We shouldn't be able to   go through this, absolutely not. But  it's here, and it has to be shown. But   why don't the children come here and just take  these? Questions they get me every single time.   Look at this man, nicely dressed up. Don't know  who he is, but this, this is her husband. This   was Elmar, and the man that we just showed you  didn't actually look like it. So this was Mary,   Elmar. I don't think she's there, no, no,  no. I don't think she's there. Oh, oh no,   she had other types of hair. Yeah, yeah, that's  true. This was definitely Elmar. This was Elmar.   There's no nothing on the back here, and  have some more pictures of Caroline as well,   the African American daughter. Excuse  me, sometimes I do dumb things.   Let's put it back nicely. Sorry,  Anita. Wow, that's incredible to find.   There's also a diploma of graduation  here, and it's directed to Mary Bell.   See graduation exercise of class 1963. This  was her diploma that she got from the school,   stays over here.  Oh, and this is her scorecard, subject  English philosophy history U.S history,   and these are all her grades that she  got on there. That's absolutely amazing.   Wow. And here we got that look-through window  through to the other side to the patio.  Okay, got even more pictures over here,   lovely little girl. These were probably all the  grandsons and grandchildren. Elmer George Bale.  There's also a lovely clock hanging on the wall.  And then up here, Any, have you seen all these  plates that are hanging here? This one should   have got from the grand-granion  fireplace. Oh, the Queen Mary.  And then we have this grand overview  of the living space down below.   What a warm and lovely place. But we've  got one more thing to decide as well,   got a little stand over here, but again, tons and  tons of pictures on top of there. This is when   they were already very old. Mary was at an old  age, probably her granddaughter, her daughter, or   her son got another child. Here we can see Elmer  again as well, holding one of his grandchildren.  This again, completely filled with pictures.   Notification postcard, Mrs.  Elmer Bill, Mr. Elmer Bill,   with this lovely stamp on there, USA 13 cents  it says on it. Oh, marriage picture as well.  Yet again, hundreds and hundreds  of pictures down below here   from all the memories made throughout life.  This is just a vision of what the  house has become. It's a broken memory,   something that has been forgotten  about, just like this picture   and the roller skates. The children  probably would use this back in the time,   and then it's time to look through this  lovely living room. What a beautiful place.   Have a look at this here. The family would sit on  the couch, enjoy themselves. Mary would also be   here. This was her jacket last word. She probably  laid it down here and forgot about it. Also,   again, they were very religious people. The Last  Supper, we have beloved Jesus in the middle of it. This is a marriage picture of them. You think?  No, it's color. Oh, it's a gang color. Sorry,   I'm colorblind. I don't see that.  No, I'm just kidding. But yes,   it's definitely not that wedding picture.  It may be from their children as well.   I don't even know where to look because there  are so many pictures throughout this place.   Okay, what's down below? Is that  interesting? It's just boxes of pictures. Oh   man, mind blown. Have you ever explored a  house with so many pictures left behind? No,   me neither. In my 10 years of exploring,  I've never seen this before. Jeez. Oh, this is the body of a doll, and I think  that's the dress that she's wearing. Oh,   sorry. Shouldn't have shown that. Mary  probably made it herself in her spare time.   Whatever, what do we have over here? What's  that? There's a cushion glued to a footrest.   Yeah, what was it used for? American convenience?  Sit down and put that on your lap? No, upside   down. I've never used one of these. Is this really  to eat from? So, you sit like this in front of the   television. I get it. Then it doesn't rock as much  as when you just have it on your lap. "American   convenience" is a term we use whenever something  is very, very convenient, like the drive-throughs   or the ATM drive-throughs that we saw before.  Then we say "American convenience" again. All these plants, they are 18 years old. They  are real plants, Danny, and they're still left   here. Yes, the lamp and everything, and even  a suitcase back here to travel the world with.   I think these people also had some money because  we see pictures from all over the world, and back   in that time period, it was very expensive for  them to travel around the world. Of course, also   the globe over here and everything just gives it  away that these people had a love for traveling.  See yet again, one of those devices, and you could  somehow manipulate something with it. Put one of   these here. I want to put another one in, and  then you can watch it or something like that. Ah,   okay. I find this so interesting because  there's like a little television in the middle.   Some pills above here. "Take it with food"  it says on there, and they were from Mary.   "Take one capsule a day before bedtime" it says on  them. We've got a television down here again, one   of those old school lovely televisions. Sylvania  television encased in this wooden carved frame,   absolutely lovely. And I forgot to talk  about the chair that's next to it. It's a   completely grass green chair, as you can  see, and it also rocks like the other one.   There's a doll on there with a hand-knitted dress.  Then we still have this side, a lovely side where   she and Elmer used to sit together and enjoy  their evening, watch television. Probably at the   end of life, she would be sitting here alone. Her  walking aid is also still left here, her glasses. What do we have on here? There are Lily phone  numbers on top of the horn of the telephone,   and they are probably from important people  that she could call when an emergency happened.   Probably Leon is over here in red. That  was for emergencies. Oh really? Oh wow,   that's so amazing. She probably had dementia,  and that's how they helped her remember things.   I love this cat that we have up here. Oh, it's  amazing. Probably again, hand-knitted cushions,   they are because we can see the thread  is over here with the knitting supplies. And more suitcases. For some weird reason,  there's also a bowling ball inside of the house,   but bowling is a very big sport in the United  States. Benny, before we leave for the United   States, we have to go bowling at least one  time. Have you done it before? Yeah, okay. It's   a portion, really? Yeah, that's not so  big in Belgium. There's always a bowling   alley somewhere. Okay, we gotta  go bowling in the United States,   but first, it's time to go upstairs  and see what's left over there. Okay.   [Music] This is the floor where Mary and Elmer  used to sleep and where the children   also used the most private parts of their  household. First, this one. Danny sure.   Oh, we haven't seen much decay yet in the house,  but here you can clearly see after 18 years,   the building is starting to deteriorate.  But I'm pretty surprised by how the building   is holding up because we didn't see big  holes or something like that that we saw   in other abandoned places that have only  been abandoned for maybe a decade or so.  I think we have come into one of the  children's bedrooms. Okay, there's only   one child's bedroom and one big bathroom, and this  was definitely a child's bedroom. As you can see,   there's a door left behind over here, the  bed is still made, and everything is still in   pristine condition. That picture frame behind  there literally reminds me of Switzerland,   but I think it's somewhere in the United  States because the church looks very American.  See some molding on the wall, so yeah,  the place has to be saved very soon if   it wants to survive. Otherwise, it's not  usable anymore. A lovely vanity over here,   the first thing we see. This picture again  that we also saw in the basement. They've got   a couple of them throughout the house. Here  we can see again Elmer with the uniform on   when he was still in service  for the United States military.   All these buttons on top of here. I don't know  where they came from, but it's pretty interesting   to see. Wow, was this something to store jewelry  inside? Yeah, looks like it. It's a lovely vanity.  Even still got a piece of clothing lying here.  This is definitely from a child, whether from   the grandchild or something, from a girl as  well. Lovely upholstery poof in front of here. Oh, and all our clothing is also still in these  built-in cabinets. We just walked in. What do you   call this, a walk-in drawer or something? Walk-in  dresser closet, yeah, something like that.   Okay, yeah. And then we got a couple more  things to this side of the room that are   pretty interesting. First and foremost, this  certifies that Elmore J. Bill completed the course   of study prescribed for junior high department in  1928. This diploma from the man of the household,   isn't that just fantastic? This is already  94 years old and still standing inside of   this house. These are true memories of the  people that once lived in these places.   Absolutely insane. Back here, we've got  a very large picture for him with a group   photo of probably men in the military that we  have over here. And there's somewhere campsite   and Hidden Valley and mummy mummy race mummy  range it says over there. Yeah, maybe range,   probably a military training site back in  that time when Elmer was in the military.   This is a color picture of a rafting adventure  that had somewhere in the United States.   Even one more plush she left behind from the  child, absolutely beautiful. Nothing in their   drawers, but over here, we've got some suitcases  they're probably used to travel around the world   with. There's also still a tag on it, and this  one says Mary. This one is Mary's. Okay, still   have some stuff in there. Oh, this is probably  where she went through to the Eagle Museum   during one of our last travels. We got another  suitcase down here. See what we have on here.   There's also a complete name on it. Yeah, and this  is Elmar. This is Elmar's suitcase. Wow, and this   one looks really old and looks really rough as  well. It has been bound up. Okay, let's place this   back nicely in the corner here where it belongs  forever. Okay, let's go further to the next room.   Oh, Danny, before I go out, let me show  you this. Look at these light switches.   I love them. They're cool. I gotta give me  credits for it. Let's go to the next room. For a belief, also, this was the last room  where Mary slept in because even her night suit   is still left here on the bed. She probably  placed it here on the last day she was alive,   and it has been lying here for the last 18  years. So saddening. I'm also pretty surprised   by how this vanity in this room is holding  up. There are some artifacts on top of it   that are barely falling off. I think somebody  placed some books down there to keep it up.  My tears have been an old  black and white picture of her.   M. This is an M. I don't know. No,  me neither. It's interesting to see.   Oh, this is the same value as the other  room or the same shape of the mirror.  Another suitcase down here,  still some clothing in there.   Oh, I got this lovely chair to this side as  well. She probably put one of her grandchildren   there when she woke up in the morning. She  could have a look at him or her. So lovely. A religious woman had heart and soul religious  depictions everywhere throughout the house.  Now we come to the last corner of this room,  it's an enormous chest beautifully engulfed.   Look at this suitcase above here; food  is also still open. Let's move it to   the side because our hat is also on here.  I'm going to talk about that in a second. What's in here? It's also completely filled with  things from traveling around the world, magazines,   Golden Eagle, Golden Age passports, newspapers,  and everything still in our suitcase foreign.  This is holding up her hat that she used to wear.  It's a pretty special hat, I would say. Is this   for funerals? He nods his head. I thought the  same. You would put this in front of your eyes,   right? And then it's like in the Roaring position. There are   some more things over here, lovely  pictures again, a group picture.   I think Mary might be in here. The Baptist Youth  Conference in 1966. It says on the picture.  Oh, and here they are at a dinner party inside the  house. You just told me something about this film   as well. It's also a pretty interesting  film, right? What's it called again? Pocket camera. I know nothing about this type  of photography, so I'm glad to have Daniel with   me here. Another oil lamp has been converted into  an electrical lamp. And down here, we can see the   books that she loved to read before she went  to bed. The case of the sleepwalker's knees,   lovely. After it, there's even a puzzle piece  attached to the back of it, stuck to there. Okay,   and that's a very interesting  suitcase, wouldn't you say? Yeah,   that's maybe the last thing I want to  show in this place. Let's open it up,   let's see what this one has to behold. Wow,  I've never seen a suitcase like this before.   Can I open it up? Yeah, I can open it  up. See, it also has the other side.  Ah, I see already. You would hang it up like this,   and then you could open it up. You  could zip it up, open like this,   and then your dresses or something like that, or  your uniform, would be hanging inside of here.   It's like it acts like a cabinet inside of  an abandoned hotel or something like that.   Okay, I'm going to place it here in the  corner. Oh, it's very heavy. Excuse me.  Wow, interesting. I've never  seen something like that before. Place to explore Mary Elmer, the grandchildren,  the children. I want to thank them all very much   for their lives, for everything. And it  was so saddening to go through here and   to see that everything has been left behind,  thousands and thousands of pictures. But it   made for a very interesting story and for a very  interesting investigation. I want to thank you   all for watching this week's video. First of  all, no, first of all, thank you, Denny, for   filming for me. His link is in the description.  He also makes vlogs about our adventures in the   United States. Second of all, I want to thank  you all for watching this week's video. What   an epic exploration, absolutely adored it. If  you liked it, please like the video, subscribe   to the channel, and give me a nice comment in  the comment section. There's also a link in the   description for Patreon. There, you can support  the channel and help us out going around the world   filming these amazing places. Again, I said it too many times,   but I love you so much. Until I'm at my  next adventure, bye-bye. Love you all.
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 131,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, Forgotten Home USA, Forgotten House USA, Memories left behind, Thousands of Pictures left behind, Urbex, War veteran Mansion, abandoned, abandoned building, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned houses, abandoned mansion, abandoned places, bros of decay, brosofdecay, decay, everything left behind, home, house, photography, urban exploration, urban exploring, urbandecay, urbanexploration
Id: 5bLcQ6rzF-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 8sec (3008 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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