The Track Truck makes its first rescue!

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nothing else under there let off there we go uh yeah we're off the ground over here okay go ahead so we've got our first track truck recovery of the Season which is pretty bad seems how we should be like halfway through our season by now and we haven't done one so we're heading out to go get a uh I think a Dodge 3500 which is going to show why I wanted to upgrade to these bigger tracks on a heavier truck just to pull out heavier Vehicles much easier than with the Jeep so here's the test run to see how it does [Music] all right we found it we did I'm glad there's lots of trees around you and me both I think we're going to need them how long ago did this happened it was last uh yesterday oh it was yesterday okay yeah it's been here since yeah 11 okay perfect that was a whole lot of truck you going this way I was the back dropped the back end uh fell in and then as I was working at Overkill it just flipped around and uh I had it up to about here and it was just a backup forward and one too many backups yeah you and you felt it and then it was done exactly what I did with the heavy on the hill the other day if I back up a little farther I might get out and then I just kept on going over the edge I just need a little bit of rock and uh Ian I knew it was going to go down you want to get it started up and warm nothing else under there look like doesn't look he's hung up on much yeah it seems kind of clean perfect let stuff out so we're going to get set up which tree do you think Grumpy I'm going to say that is he going to head this way yep I would go that way and then once you get him up if you need more you can go back this way okay that's what we'll do then sounds good you heard the man that thing looks so good on tracks it does it really does I'm really happy with how it looks we going to parking brake there you go here we go problem solve okay so what do you think tree saer and ring there back to this and should we double it up I think uh I think double to pull off the tree yeah yeah straight line pull back to the Truck Yeah I think that's right okay so so we will use tree Saver in a shackle up there everything's frozen when when soft shackles go click it might it might be cold outside yeah well thankfully it's not as cold as it was yeah this is this is nice and warm today in comparison to the uh last few days we've had yes it is so we're going to need tree saer up there tree saer down there shackles shackles Sweet let's start with up here cool and a nice Frosty cold ring at least we can get to the base of this tree yeah like that pickup we pulled out um up by Camp Sherman I kept watching up at the trees cuz I concerned about is um that backwards uh we weren't pulling from the base of the tree yeah we were pulling from like 4 ft up the tree cuz that's as low as we could get to so I was concerned about you know then you got leverage on it yep you got to be paying attention to that especially with the uh with the ground being Frozen and all that jazz oh no see how it's jammed right there it's buried between the layers yep so I flip it around so how you fix that with this fair lead is you take your rope and you cat hitch it like a [Music] boat and then you back the winch up oh it helps the fers engage and it frees it up look now your rope's free that's pretty thlick yeah all right so we go through the ring not around it see how much R we got here ah okay almost except I want to double that so I didn't almost can we double it you want to try straight pull and see what we get first and then can here call I mean it's doesn't take much to rig it up what you got there grumpy I got to let you choose which one you want oh oh grumpy be careful it's slippery uhhuh you want my uh Spike yeah you got them yeah now those are for you I've got like four pair and I leave all four pair at home every time I know one day you're going to fall down oh you just did one day no once a day it's how many days oh okay okay let's see if this will do it all right we have get him up here yeah if you want to hop in you're going to put it and drive and you don't want to be spinning but just assist a little got it and we might have to double this back to increase our pull we'll see okay let's go over here on this side yeah it'll pull them up over that way okay you drive all [Applause] right okay give a little [Music] [Applause] hold on a second there again I'm going to pull your front end kind of over this that way it doesn't slide you back down when we go that [Applause] way okay give it a little [Applause] okay all that good right there now we're going to unhook all that and pull you over and if your back in just wants to keep sliding down we can do the same thing to your back end and pull your back end up here as well that way we can keep you up on top of this gry can I have that shackle please no no no okay no you heard the man oh I was here you go grum we doing good so far uh a little bit better if you work at it who brought that guy you did I like him I can't tell if he wants to come so much because he's wanting to get out of the house with where Miss grumpy is or if Miss Grumpy's making him come so much cuz she wants him out of the house I don't know who who who drove him over today and dropped him off she did I think she's trying to get him out of the house I'm okay with that he can come hang out I need a Breck he can come hang out hopefully we can keep his front end on this hump right here that's high from all of bit Yeah the camera doesn't really show it but it's it's relatively steep in this corner yeah there's no no real surprise why he slit off so I want him to stay up here on like in the ditch side yeah this might we might have to pull up more we'll see I'm thinking so this a heavy truck it is want to slide down wind pulled it good though it did I thought we going have to double up for sure thing is I I really did too but hold it the Apex does does great okay so I'm going to have him turn his wheels just a little bit this way not all the way this way cuz I still want him to be pulling forward as he comes up I don't want to drag him completely off so turn your wheel a little bit to the pass side right there that's about all you want to be turned that way you want to hold your wheel right where it's at and then you're going to be in drive and going forward cuz I want you kind of up in this ditch side so when we're going that way it doesn't want to slide back down so give a little throttle little more and let off okay now you can turn passenger some more right about there little more passenger okay perfect just hold it there we want the back end to come up and not slide it long that edge right there yeah okay hold on a sec hold your foot on the brake brake perfect now let off the brake and give a little [Applause] throttle there's back in sliding that's okay we're still good for now a little bit of throttle going turn back towards me a little and hold it right there okay go ahead and put the brakes and put it in park I think we do need to pull that up I think so um I don't want to pull it down that which is why I left that ring right there so that's what I'm looking at we can go around that rim and just leave this thing in if we double this up yeah we can go around that rim and leave this all in park we also the Rim's not turning we just pull this up and over yeah I think that's our best bet cuz I I want this thing sitting Square on this kind of Hump high side of the road right here and then you just drive around the ditch side until we get way up there yeah so I think I'm going to unhook get pointed back up at that tree go through that ring come to your Rim through another ring and back to the tree that way we double our power and we just bring your back in right around it's going be a hard pull but should be fine does that make sense to you I think so I was also going to say there's another tree up there that we could uh snatch off of up there I think that's going to pull them back some I think so and I don't want to pull back cuz I don't want this front end to go back and back off the edge I'd rather it have a forward pull with the side that's a harder pull right but we can make that happen right with the reduction that way it's keeping pulling him up as it's pulling him over not pulling him backwards want to string line this back down yeah kind of my thing different let me know we'll find out well I did let you know that's the whole point of this whole thing yeah I totally shot you down all right I'm going to straighten this back up here all right how's he doing grumpy we'll work on that all right are you hot or just me just you figured so yeah I'm holding camera dude I'm fine besides everybody's got to see the cool Cascade heavy rescue shirt yeah which you can get at cascad heavy shop actually you can't get the shirt these aren't on there no these are just like my normal company shirts before there was like YouTube or anything yeah and this design never made it to the website gotcha which is fine okay you ready to see what this does yeah let's find out I think he's going to try to pull it way up on this snowbank I think that's the plan gold cuz that way he's got something to to sit in pardon that way he's got something to sit in this snow is deeper up here than it is down there and it's not going to want to slide him down okay you just leave it in park you even put your foot on the brake a little if you want we're going to come back here [Applause] my track there we go yeah you're pulling this side only the other side to put clear oh yeah we got them off the ground over go ahead and uh hold your foot hard on the brake put it in parking brake still on release the parking brake put it in neutral first neutral brakes on parking brake off no let your foot off the brake there we go just that little shift of the wheel M help break it free from that traction it had right there we pull this truck completely up uh yeah we're off the ground over here okay go ahead and give just a little throttle in low range I want that just to move to break free one [Music] more okay you're good take your foot off to Brak some okay you put it back in neutral oh that was neutral the whole time that's why it wasn't turning okay I thought I just had it held so good it didn't want to turn that's fine it's still doing it it's doing what we want it's just that movement back and forth breaks its grip in there which will help it slide over you still fire off the ground yeah he's getting there I'm not worried about giving that winch a break because I've done way meaner things to the winches it's giv the battery in that truck a chance I only got one battery in that truck when it had du before but when I took that whole camper shell off one of the batteries left with it cuz that's where it was mounted so we need to put another battery back in it noted added to the list yeah put that on your list of projects list of things to [Applause] do [Applause] it's probably good you get him over the BM over here yeah he's kind of on top of it here I think from there you'll be able to drive forward if you stay on this side of that Crest yeah this side I think I'm pretty happy with that if you we take you nice and easy if it starts to slide over we'll stop and we'll pull you back up here before we get off the edge completely okay so we'll just take it nice and easy out of [Applause] here all right that's pretty good Casey I'm happy with that we have to ask grumpy for a uh for a grade see what he so are we doing any better or are we still so so oh you're improving improving yeah there not not we don't not a good passing grade yet uh when you get him out of here we'll give you an okay you heard the man now you see why I wanted the tracks on a bigger rig no doubt that you will what's that no doubt that you will why why why say things like that before we're done because it always works out he's got a it's always worked out you've been with me I've had times where it doesn't always work out you just missed out on that fun uh-huh I think what he saying is you're a good luck charm that that was that was totally it yeah definitely low yeah let me grab this strap off the front here turn to your passenger side right there go ahead and ease forward just to make sure it's going to move there and not slip put it Dr okay all back up up and pull you back so I'm going to hook on real short to him and try to pull him back cuz if he's spinning tires I don't want him to spin and go you cause it to slide off so maybe I'll just back up super slow pulling him that' be a nice test of those tracks yeah that not a small truck no that thing's heavy could I have made any more of a mess of this sure just think you could have had regular snatch blocks nice you're supposed to say instead of the yankum oh sorry instead of the yanam Rings imagine if you had snatch blocks yeah now we're talking yeah now you're getting it e oh someday you're learning how to be an influencer so what we're doing now we're winding the winch in I'm going to get up here and we're in to short strap to the front of them and try I'll just back up and try to pull them around staying up in this ditch on the crest of the road cuz this is a super super turn right here and don't want to slide back into it there's one of these turns on uh 1810 that's like this but it's even it's even sharper you know how fast you'd have to be going on this one to stay up on the snow oh man I've gone in I've gone in like he did at one point in time and it was not fun hey wind L's going every direction I think I saw a picture of that you did yeah you guys are out on a snow R run yeah one of uh one of Jeremy's Springtime snow run I saw a picture of that yeah you were I was we can we can spider we can insert a picture right here at some point if you [Applause] want done sounds good okay I'm going to should I pull forward or backwards I'm almost thinking backward [Music] yeah hey that's where I want him to stay is as far over in that dish as he can that [Music] trees we're hooked super short so that it's not like string lining you off the side uh just stay as far over in this ditch as you can stay without you know tearing yourself up on these so that we are on top of that crown not get off to that side of it we're just going to go super slow and easy you're going to be in Drive no throttle unless I ask you to give a little to help but I don't want you doing this spinning and Breaking Free and causing it to slide okay how far are you going to pull it back hopefully up to that level up there ideally if it's going good we'll just keep creeping on back if it's not we'll stop and we can we've got trees up here to work with to pull you back over what we need to do so we take it nice and easy in Drive no throttle unless I'm waving you on and then it's just enough to help without spinning Drive no throttle yep okay come down here in the middle of the road perfect that was perfect exactly what I wanted nice and easy no wheel spin just enough assist where he needed it and then he just roll out on his own where he could very happy with how that went is our score improving yeah you're improving Improvement this would have been much harder with that lightweight Jeep y it would have drugged that jeep cuz it was starting to pull this truck I saw that this truck was dragging that jeep would have for sure got drugged we' have had to do a whole lot more rigging to keep it in place it's exactly why I wanted to do this okay I'm going to turn around maybe I'll back up here we'll let him go out first and we'll follow him out that's probably a good idea that way we can push him out you want to hop in while we got some yeah here so he can get up he can get in up front too you get in the front where why is it in the front because the door's bigger and your legs don't bend anymore yeah right okay thanks see wasn't that easier a lot last time we D had to run a winch through the back door to hey we we take a snatch block off of here right hey you got all your gear yeah okay just making [Music] sure one thing look how much wider the bogey wheels are yeah those other ones were like yay yeah these are a lot bigger they ride a lot nicer so is this a tensioner uh nope that's the anti-rotation oh okay so you see the little arm in the back there got a similar setup on the front so it keeps the uh keeps the track from uh flipping on its lid and uh eating fenders and possibly more so uh the tensioner is right up front here so it's where all the snow pack is there's uh a 15 so it just out slides forward it's super simple to work on huh um did you suggest these to him or nope Casey sent me on a mission Casey sent me on a mission he's like you're going to go to Montana and you know stuff about tracks and I'm like sure I I handed him a handful of envelope full of money I said go to Montana if they look good buy them if not drive home oh okay and he came home with tracks so well he didn't make a bad choice I can tell you that you like them I like them really well you approve I approve what's our for now that we made it back to the truck 102% you're being way too nice no I'm not I got to say like I'm very very happy with him um that that very first job proved exactly I wanted to go with the heavier truck which needed heavier tracks there's nothing wrong with the other tracks they did great like I I beat them hard like the other tracks I I beat hard I use them on all the stuff you're not supposed to use them on they went out they went out in the sand dunes they doing recoveries in the dunes pulling people out of there they've been in the lake bed and then then in the lake mud down the gravel Beach down the pavement down the highway all the stuff you're not supposed to do with them and they held up they never gave me an issue but I couldn't put this truck on them they they're too light rated and then these ones are an all terrain rated track not just a snow track so these are made to do all that stuff that I did with those ones plus plus some yeah the wider bogey Wheels front both sides yeah I will say these take a lot more power to turn this everybody say like oh I'm this thing they're going to have all that power and torque it's not because that jeep had a 318 V8 in it this has a 360 V8 in it not that big a difference and this thing on these heavier tracks weighs about double what that jeep does so as far as power and going speed and all that I think the Jeep actually had more well you can put a need to yeah you don't need to go super fast anyway I'm very happy with what they did there's nothing wrong with the other ones i' say they did great but I found the deal to make the upgrade so I did it to these heavier tracks I don't think you're going to regret it either no especially for uh what they cost versus what you paid I had have never done that at retail price on these God no no no I I stuck with the other ones were doing fine they did everything I needed them to do I had have stuck with the other ones so I found this deal on these I couldn't pass up to be able to do this so I didn't pass he always finds a deal he can't pass up always me and Facebook Marketplace are best friends I know I'm going to start trying to keep up with you I got big enough yard to get all my vehicles in I'm starting to run out of space some of mine might end up over here don't look at me I got you got a really big parking lot oh you're you don't have a very big yard dude no I have a big yard all right you ready to get out of here huh you ready to get out of here you got to load that up you're not going to leave it here are you no you're going to drive it home oh okay yeah we'll see you next time all right
Channel: Casey LaDelle
Views: 848,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tow truck, towing, wrecker, recovery, rescue, off road, stuck, jeep, kinetic rope, heavy rescue, winch, 4x4, 4wheeling, overland, overlanding
Id: Lvqito6IKrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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