Stranded In The Mud Flats (the rescue mission)

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I'm super nervous now because that went so smooth it kind of has to go bad now nothing could go wrong well uh that didn't go as planned we're gonna hope that Casey can get us out that's bad this every day it's not it's not starting or what nothing's flipping for some reason right there it shouldn't be doing that [Music] coming coming back just the angle was different and it actually had water all the way up over the hood because I saw a steam come up and then it stopped up like no yeah it got a little water in her now let me take a moment to tell you about today's sponsor Elite Fleet Automotive no because Nate's gonna fix all the stuff he broke up my Jeep so we're going to get a jet boat that uh two weeks ago got caught in some shallow water ran aground and unfortunately at the time there was not enough water to get to it by another boat but too much water to get to it by land so the water's been dropping rapidly in that Lake over the last two weeks since that happened and now I think it's firm enough we're gonna try getting out throughout the track Jeep we're going to take the TJ as a backup just in case I got Nate coming to drive the TJ I got David coming to help film so we're gonna get this thing loaded up and head out there and see what we're getting into we got the TJ and the track Jeep and we're gonna unload both of them I think hook the trailer boat trailer to the back of the track Jeep to get it out there to the boat this one's gonna go first so if we find any soft spots that one gets stuck because it's way easier to get unstuck than that one Nate's on his way and then we'll figure out what we're doing from there [Music] [Music] yes [Music] okay you gonna drive this one You're Gonna Go which one do you love the least and this is where the ls swap starts [Music] [Applause] Davis make sure you just hit that tree with a tail swing I think I picked up tired up on the front end oh I like it foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we have to get across here wow that's deeper than I thought it was okay that's way deeper than I thought it was yikes okay [Music] nice sketchy so what happened um I was fishing with the uh my friend of my partner uh this partner and we came back instead of going down to the next Channel I turned on the right one and by the time I got up there I went oh I see the wrong Channel yeah there it is it's a boat sitting where a truck should be well it was all water when I went through there it was it was about a foot of water and they've got real super shallow so it's a jet boat so there's nothing hanging down so you didn't hurt the boat at all no just I let off the gas and shut it off and I did this off and I probably could have if I would have just hammered it down yeah you know but that instant fear of like oh crap I'm too shallow and in doubt they're all out exact just like snowmobile so so this was all water when you were out here two weeks ago well this wasn't it was it's been almost three weeks been 18 days three weeks and 18 days watches it might get all sudden it just goes real soft yep like that right there you're in it [Music] yeah there you go back her up [Music] well uh that didn't go as planned we're gonna hope that Casey can get us out this is exactly why I wanted that one to go first is it's the sacrificial one if it gets stuck this has a good chance of getting it out if this setup got stuck we're screwed [Music] oh yeah I don't know why you brought your fattest friend to drive the sacrificial Jeep I just filled the inside of his Jeep with mud it was wipey off there buddy well look I reversed that thing is there I reversed you know oh yeah we're gonna be barefoot by the end of this [Music] [Music] [Music] hey let's try going around we'll see looks a little higher right here an egg right there m stands for as much yeah we got more mud in in the Jeep sorry Casey you'll have to give it a bath now hear that heel have to give it a bath yep I haven't made it to the boat now what thank you [Music] like that but it just went straight out came straight back oh you're gonna use the jeep to winch it on yeah like dumbass is thinking we're gonna eat now you are gonna drive around and come right here oh yeah I'm tracking with you now yeah well I never exclaimed it was the whole time okay you drive around now we don't even feel bad about the energy with mud get here make me feel like a bully thank you you're thinking across here there's a soft chocolate to the Sasha I I don't do this every day is this like what it's like when I come into your shop and start working on my stuff in your shop and you're like what are you doing just get out of the way sort of yeah I don't say that Jordan Gavin might and seven I'm just like oh that's how you do that I use the hammer too yeah we had the hammer out when he got here today too he's like oh yeah we can do that oh yeah I'd use the hammer to unchain the Jeep earlier so why because I went way too tight is that that new uh shackle that oblong one yeah this is that new uh winch ring where you just go through the center and then it can never fall out of the group yeah I like that yeah gotta go over there and get with the ropes and buy some stuff I'm wondering just hook it to that bar on your side of your Jeep go ahead rip the whole body right off there's actually a d-ring on the Jeep right here we can use there you go uh let's go grab one more soft shackle I love you one right here got it got it nice I knew I welded these here for a reason I didn't know what that reason was going to be but I figured they come in here any sooner or later yeah when I was out here you could see water it was we were sitting in water right here but if you look out to those trees there was water all the way out to those trees out there you could it was just a straight nap coming through here the water went straight out to those bushes and turn it out um this one's not going to move that one is let me slide this around to here you shouldn't shouldn't that when should I be going around the ring not through it not with the new one okay that's the new fancy ring it goes through it because then it can never fall out of the groove oh I like that yeah way better um that jeep doesn't have a parking brake so you have to be in it running with your foot on the brake hey guys start it up if I didn't need to move that moving though yeah yeah we traded with the other guys which couplings no they don't what the guide in place [Music] foreign [Music] hey question Nate it's hot it's cool I'm gonna say it's cold yeah those first guy came out with his bags and he goes well so it's uh on the ground it's not even in the water anymore I go let's drop that boy trying to figure it did they took his anchor off put it out there trying to put his winch and drag and they go that that Anchor's not gonna hold that 4 000 pound boat drag it through okay let me see the end of the line [Music] okay [Music] I'm gonna come forward winch me to the boat now should we do it with the hand crank so we get it centered there's no harm yeah just stick it in in here well let's see if it'll go over [Music] there I know 30 years we'll do this and crank it down I'm super nervous now because that went so smooth it kind of has to go bad now if this would have fought us like crazy I'd feel a lot better right what that went so smooth that I'm nervous nothing could go wrong that didn't hold that was close well that's just the ring two can we use this there safe now right okay find me it's the most solid path because now those little tires have like a lot of weight and no flotation broken and tie a knot tie a lot right on there it got a I I had to I carried some speed through that spot not going through the wet spot getting onto this can we get around the edge to the water because we're gonna put this in the water oh we're not Towing this all the way back I don't think I'd make it I don't think he gets it right there where it's solid it's going to go from suit mess to water yeah you're gonna be able to take it anymore [Music] let's go again from here it looks like falling around right there to over like wrap it around right there I drove my quad straight to that thing seemed like it was solid so [Music] are you gone [Music] I unlocked it yeah I'm gonna try to back up and follow that path out let's see how it goes if if it's seeking me and I'm struggling we'll hook the income rope up between the two and go together okay yeah that way we don't break in [Music] drop the Trap [Music] there's a fix for this I tried to turn in that wreck after hitting the stump we just came off backwards right left forward slow [Music] ly almost popped over this roller go forward and try to turn towards me [Music] right there going towards me yeah yeah keep turning towards me perfect it's coming turn that way passenger [Music] stop great success back up a little bit turn yeah passenger there it is bring the Jeep over oh my God what that went off now too this one off oh oh shoot I mean that's bad so the whole turning while you're not moving thing back stop stop forward come on come on forward there it is you guys I get the shackle off okay okay done the other side came off you come here you never were good at this well that too now I'm nervous because that part went too smooth so hopefully that was our bad part yeah and how far do we get five feet so you ran that stub laughs [Music] all right let's see what it does now yeah let's try the next we'll see how we'll see the next five feet guys like wipe turns [Music] no stumps out there you see eh I don't think I see a little bit of a curly spot in the water right there it looks like right here is fine and I would launch it that like if it goes go that way so we would hope it's awful shallow right there even though I would bet all of that is very shallow in the water right here this thing probably what's the same draft well this is going to be here about eight inches inches that's going to be that issue okay I'm going to back it up okay I unhooked the front okay [Music] how much do I want to go [Music] all right Casey now come forward [Music] [Music] that'd be better than what you were [Music] it off there he's getting that motor started and try to drive it off oh you're such a nice guy that's a whole other level of customer service right there I see what you're thinking I wish Nate was here ain't happening buddy this just feels wrong all of it [Music] you know what we should have done we should have hooked up the Rope first yeah if we hook up the winch first okay okay he said it his funeral yeah not even funeral ain't even going there just your pants your boots what if is that motor running so what that Skip's not starting or what about the boat I'm worried it's all plugged up to create some Dragon through the mud I try to pull it out on the trailer it'll blow water under the boat but I don't know I don't know how that works if it just got a scoop on the nozzle on the back with just more water it'll blow past that green got it it's just grass packed to the back side of it no the all the fronts open it's just packed to the back problems here surprising what we just did it was cut Turf out there dragging it up on the uh on the trailer [Music] nice guy Mr Waddell yes it's strugged up against the back of it it's not all the way through it this is good Honda yeah it was going in reverse it just went click reverse so you had it running yeah yeah it started I thought we were gonna get somewhere there for a second go into gear yeah yeah so it starts you should go into gear oh I couldn't get a store now either but I only pulled up here four times so wanted with no water pump out okay you're pretty let's clear it out leftover what did it go into reverse here no it's not going to reverse no I wonder if we had to go down to that point nothing's flipping for some reason right there it shouldn't be doing that when you go backwards we're just locking forward it should slide back this really screws up our plan of driving the boat back well I'm thinking Casey if we go down there maybe it's a little deeper too deeper quicker then I can just run the big motor over there if I have to okay if I have to as in this thing's going to take a pure uh pure turn in the other direction and start working get in your home I was thinking about buying a boat no no that's out the window you don't put them on Shore they're kind of fun bust out another thousand about another ground Buena okay so do you want to try to get in right here or I think we have to go down that point down there think off the point I think it's probably deeper there I don't know all right over there [Music] right here this is a hollow okay and I can winch from here it feels super solid two here and it drops in looks like a lot of groundwater maybe it is so this is the softness of it is getting into it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get off the boat [Music] [Music] better not die now I was just thinking that that'd be way worse yeah [Music] [Music] hey I can tell you this [Music] out yet we got to get these two unreliable pieces of garbage out here how dare you okay I'm thinking my vehicles need a maintenance day [Music] [Music] see if I can remember how to get back it's not get stuck again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] you have to keep in his truck no let's just take this [Music] [Music] foreign it's not even out of the box and then all winter long I never tightened them up so I'm not surprised that I threw a trackball like pre-stretched yeah I'm not surprised that I threw a track like turning in ruts in mud where they're not supposed to be I think you even hit a stump with it yeah well yeah yeah started that whole disaster as I ran into the stuff yo what happened dude you were like this is going so smooth no I said this is going way too smooth how how can we make this more awesome yeah all for the YouTube drama you're good stop right there oh there you go get it in deep enough yeah I like the solid uh recovery yeah now I'd like to say you David have been in a million view video you Nate have been in a million view video but now I got the two of you in one video so this better be a two million delicio recovery in the snow the stuff on the road to hey let's cops in the lake to get a boat and stuck on the ground down there all right up to the track yep [Music] well that's one for the books okay it is for sure but you know it went a lot smoother I thought it was after watching those guys yesterday pulling that thing hold on hold on I thought that was got to be a big we're the last mirror and I thought it was you after watching all the things I've done so it's because I came yeah well who's the only one got stuck though yeah exploring that's a very good point yeah thanks for being the sacrificial one you're welcome [Music] over here [Music] that's [Music] [Music] good this is another one of those ones where like when we get all done and over with it's like we really just pull that off man you're coming back across that water I thought I killed her yeah I know I was like when I saw it because I saw steam come up and then it stopped it like no yeah drove that I mean this video started with and here's how Casey's Jeep got an LS [Music] yeah coming coming back just the angle was different and it actually had water all the way up over the hood it felt deeper coming back like it's just the angle we were off to the right a little bit more because it slopes down just a hair there where that's where uh that Chuck guy was out here trying to help me guys we've waited out there he goes whoa keep right here and then also the check engine light didn't come on so I figured it was fine now let me take a moment to tell you about today's sponsor Elite Fleet Automotive no because Nate's gonna fix all the stuff he broke up my Jeep I don't work on muddy Jeeps even if I was the one that got him muddy I'll put it back in the water done now I finally found that message again I was looking for it because like I get 30 40 messages a day because my phone number is public since I own a code company right but I have the YouTube thing with fans wanting to message me about that's nothing to do and then stuff like yours that's actually a job just gets lost and shuffled it yeah and like I'll go back to try to find a voicemail or the text message yes I I have not found the way around that problem yet of like it's a tow company that needs to be able to take calls and have the number public but I also need to like get the job calls if you are not a spammer press one yeah if you're calling me because of YouTube press one I think he's gonna go search if you're calling me with an actual problem press two yeah I think you can hire somebody just uh that sits at a phone and answers yeah so we might have to do something like I don't know how much they charge it but it's deep it's not worth its like thank you Nate nice to meet you buddy nice good to meet you take care I appreciate the help yeah absolutely all right thank you thank you very much right let's get something to eat [Music]
Channel: Casey LaDelle
Views: 286,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tow truck, towing, wrecker, recovery, rescue, off road, stuck, jeep, kinetic rope, heavy rescue, winch, 4x4, 4wheeling, overland, overlanding
Id: HzKrTA2c4nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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