I Can't Believe Dad DESTROYED It...

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well good morning I don't think it's going to be nearly as sunny today and it's supposed to be a lot windier which means quite a bit of wind later [Music] on but Anna doesn't mind so much she's good Anna's kind of solo the last couple days here because dig dig had a surgery she's coming home today so everything went well no big concerns right now that we're aware of but Anna's been looking for her we got some diesel going in the tillage tractor here right now ground is a little bit damp so we're not in a hurry with the planter but getting this thing ahead of the planter is a bigger deal morning morning you like that yep well we got a craport load of fuel coming tomorrow afternoon I was just actually going to mention that yeah so we'll want to fill up in the morning till we're full and unloads and then wait de morning okay let it settle out a little bit okay we got a little bit of work to do on here not bad is it missing that shank yeah it's missing one full shank and One Sweep is gone was that shank broken or do you think we took that off last year at one point I remember taking one off down at dvas because we didn't have a we didn't have a sweep with I think was the deal and so I just pulled the shank off the Bolt's still in there though I don't think the bolt would be in there so I wonder if it just let go where the hole is where the boat go through and then just fell right off probably that's kind of what I think everything's moving that time of year I got to go find my lunch boox that I use I usually set that down after harvest and then it sits there all winter so I'll go see what I had in it on the last day of harvest half drank water half drank Gatorade oo bison sticks the trick is if you throw enough protein bars and bison sticks in there you can pretty well goodby for a good week we got another one that needs some juice going to put my heart hat on use the impact but we can see this one here it's got a wicked Bend to it so we got to replace that rocks buried [Music] rocks out for this did you finish your driver's headed onx for the morning Mom didn't she didn't text me or anything I just came out oh I told you when I woke you up to do driver's ed and dishes okay you better do that not all of these got put on new if you remember back a few videos so ones like this are getting down there as long as I'm down here working on it I'm just going to replace this one now I hated to replace it before because I knew it had at least a couple hundred acres left on it but yesterday it did a couple hundred more Acres sand down the back sometimes you can't get the tool in there is annoying that thing's all ready to go dad's going to back that out and uh get Onyx going on it he's going to head out to another field get the next one going because believe it or not the tillage actually goes slower than planting once the planter gets moving at least you hope it goes faster than or slower than the planter and I'm going to run around for a minute putting all of these back all actual 18 of them call me crazy but I would rather not have any of the shops burned down I was actually on vacation once with Randy the master pipe layer and his did if you haven't heard that story it's on one of our off the husk podcasts but it seemed a little bit traumatic for him he ended up drinking a lot of tequila that night he was acting goofy that's you're at person's now yeah well now I think before you drive the tractor that far you should check it but I think South Ani is going to have a lot better chance than pocket well it's it's yeah it's close then if those if the tiled spots are dry and it's just the draws that need the tile that don't have it that are bad then it's close well Dad went across that field this morning with a pickup and thought it was plenty dry but sounds like once they got there with the field cultivator and put it in the ground it wasn't so they're going to switch Fields but we're not in a big hurry here it's just not we're not quite ready have I mentioned that oh I have okay I'll be quiet about it then the good news is I found the correct bolts that we need to mount this radio in the planter tractor but the problem with them is that I need them to be about half this length so I'm going to use this bolt length adjustment tool to fix that [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at that works every time you know what the garbage man is coming this morning sometime so get this out of here first and reveal oh oh I'm not going to like bringing muddy shoes in here this tractor is actually not brand new believe it or not the last owner left this on there so it's not very used either but anyway carpet and ATT tractor is just I like it but how do you possibly keep that clean I mean if we get out of our field into our Fields one time when it's halfway muddy the carpet's like black forever so I don't understand how some of you do it some of you take your shoes off when you're in your tractor hey props to you I don't have that kind of patience maybe this will [Applause] help the radio is mounted that's all finished up now the more important thing before I go out and plant is to actually raise these row cleaners here here so they came with the standard setup and it's kind of my fault I didn't let them know that we want them mounted higher so I need to move these two bolts up and slide this assembly up I've done it before obviously not on this planter but I have done it in the past and it's not bad but it was my miscommunication to not let them know I wanted that up a little higher I should have known that cuz I had to do it before and we don't run them all the time so a lot of the time I want them way up and out of the way because with our tillage in our clean Fields it's just not necessary but sometimes I want them that's why they're on here so I'm going to go through shouldn't take me too long and I'm going to move those up I do have gloves on that are way too thick but these things get a little Pinchy and you can see for obvious reasons why you don't want to get your fingers in the wrong spot on these these gloves might be too thick okay how far do I want to go up at least to there [Music] [Music] uh okay we'll go with one hole lower than that one only 23 more to go [Music] [Applause] shoot one down hi dog how you doing what did you see on that other other field but it's dry yeah Jim some going mik Le going on Lauren kind of starting are they planting or are they just tilling uh planting okay we're doing both okay let's see what do you need for wrenches well I'm on my sixth one so I don't need any wrenches but I need that nut that's way out there I was thinking I'd grab some wrenches and start do some too it's just 9/16 so you'll need a 9/16 open end okay in a ratchet or not H well it goes a lot easier with the with an impact oh [Applause] okay I hope it go okay for anx going down there himself it'll be fine or else you'd have heard about it for now he'll handle it better than most adults oh yeah I think he will we did it dog we did it thanks for the help you on out may as well clean the floor up a little bit here I really could use one of those sweet floor scrubbers oh that's right there's one coming us Millennials it's hard on our hands to run a manual broom dad went down with the rock picker to the field where Onyx is tilling and I'm going to go grab him and bring him back and then once we're back I'm going to go do some planting figured I'd stop and pick up Anna all right come on in numbnuts now her counterpart dig is actually home Becky went and got her this morning but she's apparently not allowed to be outside doing a bunch of physical activity for an entire week which is going to be really hard on Ditch cuz she's an active dog would miss your buddy [Music] it looks a fair amount drier in the fields just 5 miles to the South they're definitely getting some stuff done down here what' you do I don't know but how did I do it huh I didn't drive over a rock it something just barely scuffed here the way it looks then it got into here and it bent this up yeah they make these bottom piece you can pull these off it bent this a little bit but I think if we pull this off we can get a crescent wrench in there or something straighten it out and get new pieces yeah cuz nothing's damaged under here this piece didn't even bend the piece that's made to give right it bent it pulled the piece that's not supposed to bend it looks like it's doing a pretty good job it does it's going plenty deep asn't yeah hi dig how you doing just not a fan of the leash not a fan of the leash I bet not she on pain medicine she was whimpering a little bit this morning but seems all right it's uh it's windy and sunny outside more so than we thought so time to get going it'll go by now open sesame it worked [Applause] [Applause] okay now I just need to remember exactly which buttons to push so generator's on pto's engaged EPG on seed star fill the meters yes everyone's safe fill them wait wait I need to turn my vacuum on first got to have those running now I can fill the meters again let the tractor find our Center here the tractor's actually being controlled by the planter and the Planter's got another receiver on it right there that tells the tractor where it's at and there we go we are slinging seed other than the wind it really has turned into a much nicer day than I expected I'm a lot more comfortable now that things are moving the Planter's been working really well we've got uh just everything is new it's just it's like I'm relearning the planter again not just because it's new but because I only do this for you know 3 weeks out of the year and then I got new screens here we got a fertilizer system on it we we haven't had for years probably more than 15 years since we had any fertilizer on I think the last stuff we had was dry fertilizer on a white planter it wasn't even a deer so it's all new to me it's all Greek I was having to learn a new language but it went well you can see here I got most of my information on this page here I'm driving 8 m hour at the moment and I do that because 10 m hour feels too fast to me and we got a lot of buried rocks in these fields I'm planting a prescription so my population is going up and down varying by soil types it's really dry and and kind of Dusty here down in some of this area we've got some really dark soil where it'll automatically bump the population up so things are looking pretty good there closing wheels are bouncing over some little rocks out there all in all pretty good I got to go over this tile Riser now um I suppose there's some extra ones there I'll I'll see if Grandpa wants to run down there and help you show you how to get that back on there get get a new one on there okay okay thanks for noticing you you can keep going for now it'll be fine okay and one thing which I know is fine is get those baites on the back like this right in front of the basket yeah two of those are B oh okay yeah once in a while they'll bend on a rock we have some at home they're easy to fix okay bye-bye all right bye he there hey it sounds like Onyx lost a sweep oh he just lost a sweep yeah he lost a sweep so he called me but i' I'm not sure if he can really get him on there as far as they need to be jammed on yeah I can run down there I'm out east of the House of the sprayer okay um but so so he can keep going I think yeah I told him to keep going okay and then I'll run down there our stupid big buried rocks are hard on tillage equipment so it's an easy wear part easy to keep up with I guess but it's always something anyway I'm not putting fertilizer down with exact shot right now because this field doesn't really need it but I am going to run some test strips so when I get to that here in a little while I'll show you guys that all jokes aside once everything is set correctly these things kind of really do just run themselves I know I've got the capability for auto track Turn automation first I'm going to learn how to run this planter and everything but once I get that set up I'll show you guys in a later video but I you've seen that before in years past if you've been watching you literally don't have to touch anything this thing will slow itself down raise the planter up turn it around get it lined up again set the planter down take off get up to speed it it's it's pretty nuts we're so close to fully automated like full automation already that to me it's silly that people think it won't actually happen a lot of people think it's not going to happen with tractors I don't know we're already we're already there you just got to know how to program it and then you do have to sit in it but do you really not for long unless you want to cuz it's kind of like a fish house or a man cave you can just get away from everything and then you can pretend you're working too so that's a bonus hi there I missed a call from you yeah I was wondering if you're going okay I figured I'd stay down here pick some rocks oh yeah I'm going fine here okay good did you did you uh you get that sweep on for Onyx obviously yeah Y and then there's quite a few rocks here in spots so I will try and pick some rocks and it's going pretty good but he hasn't started next to the road or hasn't done it next to the road okay so depend on when you get dry it's drying pretty fast right now yeah yeah that wind is making it dry really quick I got all the L rounds done I'm just doing ends around uh Lou here on the 80 now okay okay yeah that sounds good all right okay talk to you later yep bye bye well as luck would have it I jumped out to sea just kind of dig behind the planter make sure we're still doing a good job everything looks good and my agronomist is driving by so we'll get a report from him well they said it all looks good they're really happy with the depth and with the uh the way the sidewalls are gauge wheels are closed or the gauge wheels are ride good and the closing wheels are closing in other words we're [Music] [Applause] [Music] solid anyone in the restroom everything looks good okay the exact shot fertilizer system so traditionally what people will do people that run liquid fertilizer is run a straight steady stream while they're planting across the field all the way across it dribbles a steady stream uh common rate around here is about 5 gallons per acre of fertilizer what this system does is allow you to take 2/3 so 60 to 70% off of that rate by only spraying around the seed so I've got a set right now to spray an inch before the seed and an inch after so it's a 2in dosage what do you call that like a dosage dosing length 2 in out of my 6 in between seeds roughly depending on population and it adjusts for that and it actually the cool part is it it senses every time a seed comes by it senses that seed and it sprays that seed so if something happens and it misses a seed it gets a skip in there it does not spray that 2 in there where that seed should have been it knows there's no seed there it's not going to spray so I have cut my fertiliz fertilizer right down by 66.6 repeating per by dropping from that 6 in steady stream between seeds to just that 2 in which happens extremely fast so you can do a runoff test with it which we did um we tied some row units up we ran it with just water in the yard we tied some row units up here and ran fertilizer through and you can see where it was spraying just the seed it's different to push all the buttons with my left hand while holding the camera this way but it works it does exactly what it is supposed to do you can see it you can visually see it you run those seeds over the top of the ground with that fertilizer water whatever you got in there and test that you can see it turning on and off and hitting the seeds and adjusting for the speed of that row unit adjusting for the population sensing each individual seed and spraying just that that is that is crazy I mean it's here I've got it it's on this planter I'm using it but it's still just one of those things that to me is pretty bananas b a an a n a s so here's my rate right here which it's got all these blockage meters so I know every individual row unit is Flowing correctly my target is 1.7 Gall per acre and my actual being applied is 1 .7 gallons breaker and a 2in dosage uh let's see if I can find the word for it it's a dose length 2 in it's got I mean we're solid you can set this thing up to do whatever you want you can run continuous with it uh you can change nozzles if you're going at different rates or you're going way faster way slower uh and it just twists on and off it's just a quick you know a 2cond change same exact thing is like changing the tips on a sprayer now you want to talk about a return on investment things like this are what make the big difference so not only are we being you know environmentally uh better by not putting down as much fertilizer as we need by using the fertilizer much more efficiently but the return is there because I'm buying 1/3 the amount of fertilizer and getting the exact same benefits here by placing it exactly where I need it to be so it's just one of those things that makes a big difference you know over how many acres that you might apply this it makes a huge difference and it doesn't have to just be like the starter fertilizer that I'm running here on corn I mean we can run soy green in it which is a product to help soybeans we can mix up whatever we want in there it's just the liquid system that's on the planter so whatever you need it for and you can do all that at 10 mph if you want to go 10 and it will I promise you hold that singulation unless you got pocket gophers or your tillage equipment is no good here let's try it 10 mph that's not all bad I'll accept that got to get that Instagram [Applause] shot well I can see Onyx is working on finishing up the end in the next field he's got 48% fuel left and 70% death good handy little app I'll come up there and we can we can look at seed and figure out what we want to do I guess okay well is it is it just 4 after 6 no I've got4 to 7 yeah I he you um I look you wanted just go to North quarter put in one box maybe the 19750 I don't know or put in one box SE from the north quarter and head there tonight or what do you think that was the plan last we talked okay y not too far from the yard should be a quick drive clear left clear right all clear the local co-op brought us some starter fertilizer here to fill up so we're going to go ahead and fill that tank we didn't start with it full yesterday uh I wanted to get used to the system just make sure I understood exactly what was going on I'm feeling pretty good now so we brought out 550 Gall hoping that should fit for sure in a 600 gon tank now honestly with the amount of Acres that we're putting this on and the low dosage that we're using this is going to get us potentially through the rest of our corn crop because we're not doing 100% of our Acres we're going to turn it on and off run some che check strips and just do certain [Music] Fields I did not park at a great [Music] angle in fact I parked at a horrible angle but we'll make it [Music] work the kids home over 450 now I'm panicking it fit where are you going to go dig going into the house dry enough okay yeah I think that's the best probably learning try right getting dark enough out for lights and I'm not competing with anyone else in the field so I can just turn them on whenever I want because we all know that it's always a silent competition between every body in the field to see who can wait the longest to turn their lights on it's not really talked about that much it doesn't need to be it's a competition if you guys want to see something cool I can turn some of these rear lights off back here then I can uh go like this that is just the lighting kit on the planter right there these lights are all still off pretty impressive it's almost easier to see with a couple of the the different tractor lights off because you don't get the dust quite as much I prefer a couple of those off end rows are done fertilizer looking good population singulation looking good we got 100 acres left in this field and it is 9:30 at night let's get this 100 acres done evening visitor brought you a snack oh thank you y there it is our 100 acres is done 2 hours and 3 minutes not [Music] bad go on get close my arm by look at that he comes in here eats snacks leaves garbage in my tracker he brought me pretzels too though so I guess I can't complain that's it I'm done that's long [Music] enough I appreciate each and every one of you watching especially those of you who stuck around to the end of this video you probably need to get a life but thank you appreciate it have yourself a good one toodles
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 640,137
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Id: TbxtJwyMhk0
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Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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