Just a little bit of damage… 😬

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so the bus is back again and today we're going to do something a little different and stand it up in a way that I have never done before never seen done I'm sure someone's done it at some point this isn't anything like new new that I've come up with but it's something new to me so I want to try it we are going to use 2 inch lines off the zacklift here to perform three different functions which is a spike down off the front end a lift off the high side and a catch to set it down easy when we flipped this thing over before we did the spike in the lift and then let it fall to its Wheels which is kind of a violent shaky of doing it no big deal with this no danger of it flipping the rest of the way over but ideally you can catch a vehicle when you're rolling it set it down nice and smooth we're going to try doing that today with only two inch lines performing all three functions and see how it goes so what we've got set up here is a single Lane rollover situation where say this is the road right here this is one lane the other lane comes back right here and the vehicle that we're recovering got off the side flipped over on the shoulder now we want to flip it back over into the lane it's supposed to be on right behind the wrecker without getting anything into the oncoming Lane which would allow traffic to keep flowing while we do the recovery we would always want to stop all the traffic as this is coming over in case rigging brakes loose or something weird happens we don't have anything go over there but that would allow everything to remain open for at least one way traffic while rigging is being set up then the hook up the toe away and all that's happening we're not blocking this for any more than we have to now as I said in the previous video where we did this without catching it yeah we could put that boom all the way up in the air run a line all the way over there to the high side and just pull P it over but then we risk with that big lever on top of our tow truck flipping our truck over instead of standing this one up and since doing this would also get the heel of the boom out of the cradle that supports it side to side that's also one big giant lever on the pivot pin down there so we don't want to side load that boom now we can solve both of those issues by taking our second line coming over here to the Outrigger down at the bottom and then coming up to this Rim right here pulling down on this Rim which helps pivot this bus up and putting most of our pulling force on that and only a little bit over there pulling it up that means that second line is actually pulling this way on the boom and since it's pulling harder than the line over there that's pulling that way it helps hold that boom pretty well centered it also takes a huge amount of the stress that's trying to roll my truck over off of that boom that's going to be way up in the air and putting a lot of our Force down on that Outrigger lifting up but like I said since we only have the two Ines if one of them's doing the spike which is what this is called and one of them is doing the lift which is what that line over there is called that leaves nothing to catch it and set it down so nice and easy unless we get created with some snatch blocks which is what we're going to do today now as you can see we're on a slope right here which is going to make this one to roll off that way but we're also going to be pulling from in front of it so the lines when be going back to it want to make it roll This Way That should kind of counteract each other out but we also don't want this thing to be able to move and go anywhere and since we got the drive shaft pulled out of it and the parking brake is right there on the drive shaft that goes through this thing uh we lost our parking brake as well which even if we had the parking brake we would still have to immobilize these wheels because with an open differential if the drive shaft is stopped one wheel could turn this way the other wheel set could turn that way and it could still roll away so what I do is I chain through the wheels to somewhere on the bottom of the vehicle and that locks the wheels in place now they can't roll and since most of our force is going to be up here on the front end I the same to the front as well that high side one there isn't totally necessary but we were doing some other flipping this thing other Witch Ways a couple days ago so I had both of them Chained and now since most of the force it's actually going to stand this bus up is going to be pulling down on this front axle that way to that Outrigger we don't want to rip this front suspension apart when we're doing that so we take a chain and we go around the axle and spring here and we go back through there we go around the actual frame rail itself it can stay loose like this as soon as we start pulling on that that Chain's going to catch tight and transfer all that load straight to the frame rail not on the suspension right here then when this thing lands on its wheels and all that weight compresses that suspension be able to take that chain right back off so I'm going to get the Zack lift fired up and I'm going to start running some line out here and uh we got I think three snatch blocks is what it's going to take to do all the rigging I need to do to make two lines do the work of three we're going to see how it goes all right let's get to work on this thing first thing we're going to do we're going to drop our Outriggers down and depending on how the angles look once we get going on this I might even counter lean the truck over a little that way just to help with stability actually now that I'm thinking about it since we're going to be catching as well off that side I might not do that so we're going to not free spoar winches cuz I don't have air going to the unit and the door's locked other side the free spool on the winches is operated by air valves up there so so now they should be free spooled yep we're on free spool here so we're going to get our under reach out of the way then we're going to run our boom out we're going to need all the Boom for this one but I what I do is I freeze spool and I let the boom uh go out and just freeze spool out cuz I have these fancy zacklift quickback hooks right here that you can get will sell those for any model of record doesn't have to be a zacklift one and then when you're ready to uh pop your hooks free instead of going up there and unhooking them and all that stuff you just lock your freeze spol boom out and there's your Hooks and then I run the boom all the way out and we're going to fold this under reach back up out of the way did I time it right I did right at full extension they pulled back in okay so we're going to drop this down and fold our under reach back up now two goals [Applause] today last time we stood this bus up in a single Lane rollover situation we accomplished one of the goals which was not flopping our own truck over in the process but but we uh we failed at goal number two which is no life-threatening injuries and if you saw that video you know what happened to me which is why I'm mentioning that on this one but we're going to try not to repeat that um I have to look at the controls when I'm doing it by hand I know the remote like perfectly but I never use the hand controls so we need to get to those tieback points up there is why I'm doing this so I can reach that all right we need three snatch blocks and all three should be in here there they are one day one day there will be different boxes that make a lot more sense for this cuz this is not like ideal okay so we are going to need if I'm thinking about this right the snatch block here one up there wait is that all we're going to need is two maybe h Huh uh-uh one here that's the third and this one right here which going to go on that which we're going to need two shackles so we're going to use this shackle these are both uh this is a 8 and 1/2 this is a 10 ton we'll use 10 10 there we'll put the 8 and 1/2 up in here that Sun's probably right on the lens causing a bunch of lens flare isn't it okay shackle bottom down now we take our hook up here oh come on there we go [Music] so we're going to open this up and then we're going to mount this one down here oh I need a bigger shackle for that cuz that diameter that foot's so [Music] big that would be this one notice the yellow paint that's already on it from doing they being hooked to these same tieback points so the smaller shackles because this is so big don't leave enough distance from that to here for this hook to properly seat in there and we don't want any binding or anything like that so think when I'm done I'm going to spray all this stuff with a good coating of WD40 cuz the winter is finally coming to an end and this muddy season is finally getting over with so we want to run our blue line over here and yes this is yankum ropes synthetic winch line and it works amazingly well and it is far far tougher than people think when they think it's synthetic and it's you know what I I'll just show you hold on I'll be right back if we walk over here to my roll back which I was using the other day to flip that bus over in the first place so that the wreer could stand it back up and then just yanking it back over the roll back to stand it up a different way and doing a bunch of stuff you could see what happened to my sheie head here and how it is mangled this steel is just tacoed and what happened is this is supposed to sit down like this well let's be straight and then when you pull to the side this swivels and off it goes and for some reason it just the way it worked it didn't swivel this was stuck out like that and the winch line here which this is also yankum Line This is 5/8 line was going it was it was down in there like it's supposed to be um and then out the end here it was pulling hard around that edge like that and when this didn't swivel it just totally demolished this thing and folded it in and I was looking over at the bus so I didn't see it this happened and I just kept on winching and winching this right around that edge at a 90° angle and it was also pinched as you can see in there and it was getting this whole snaky thing in here and the Rope is fine it didn't hurt the Rope the most mark on the the whole thing is going to be right here you see little fluff of stuff that is nothing all this line here went through that and pulled around that 90° Edge like that with no damage so if anybody tells you that synthetic yeah it's cool and it's strong in a straight line but if it ever touches anything sharp it just blows apart they're wrong yeah while being pulled around a 90° edge of Steel it destroyed the steel so that's going to go up there there going to be our downward pull wonder if I want a shorter one cuz I know we'll probably do that and then this one is going to go down here around our window post so that will go there [Applause] now because this is a bus all this structure here of this roof and these windows are plenty strong enough to hook to and pull on to Upright this thing and if this was not a bus you didn't have that I'd have to go all the way under and grab the frame on the other side and as proven in a previous video that you saw it does not matter one freaking bit whether you grab the bottom frame rail the top frame rail anything like that it doesn't change a thing there's some other people including manufacturers and worst of all one of the big big training companies that says it does and they're quite simply wrong so this now needs to go through here and this is where the lifethreatening injury happened last time so we're not going to repeat that okay so we're going to feed that down actually I need a a third Rim sling I'll grab the one off the roll back to uh be the catch so we're going to feed this through here okay that's actually going to be our catch let me go grab the other one okay got the other one and we're going to want to go opposite of that one right there so we'll just stick this up through here and see if it gets lucky and falls back towards us and we don't have to climb back up there [Music] nope it's not going to do it okay perfect now we take third snatch block and it's going to go right here we need four snatch blocks yep we need four I need one more cuz we have to come back to make our [Music] Spike and lock this one down and then that's going to go there this will go back to there but what we can do now so we can get the boom out of our way to do that is feel like this and yes it seems like I'm trying to figure this out as I go and I don't know what I'm doing because I am quite literally trying to figure this out as I go and don't know what I'm doing like I said that's why we're trying it out in the yard and not out on an actual job on the side of the road it's called practice and this one we are going to put in this hole and this shackle will work here because this piece is not so thick like it is on the tieback point down there oh okay all right we can go ahead and hook this line to our catch sling up here which is this one that's just going to rest right there and then this no this side is going to go here like you imagine fighting all this this with steel cable that's trying to coil itself back up cuz it's sprung from sitting on the windstrom no thanks okay now this line is going to go over here like the fact that I'm pulling this through all four snatch blocks this easily never happen with steel cable that is going to go up and around just not yet okay we're ready to put this up and we're also going to run this out and then we'll explain what is happening here and how I think this is going to work key word think this is going to work I've never tried this before the winches are all still in free spool so none of that matters my only concern is those sheep heads interfering with each other at that angle which I think they're going to I might have to swap and make the other line do what this Las are doing and pretty sure we're about to see so now this can come around here just move this to get off of that line right there which I think it will the other question is do we want to put a chain right here so that we're not pulling the Rope on this which we do so I'm going to pause you replace that section with a piece of chain so that our line doesn't start till it's up there this is smooth I don't think it's going to hurt it but also might move over one post down here but what I can do for right now to see if this is going to work is lock in my yellow oh Sun's right on that and see if those sheath heads will interfere no they're going to just miss each other okay that's good so we don't have to re-rig everything good okay be right back right so we are fully rigged and lines tensioned what I didn't show when I went and got that chain F side as I did SWA the lines and now those two sheep heads are totally opposite directions not going to interfere with each other that one is not hitting the under reach there there is a gap there it might be hard to see but it's not touching we moved our hook point one window back right here so it's going to pull up the side of the bus without trying to pull off the front of it like we were right here and then we got this chain that goes just past the top of the bus so that our synthetic line and hook are not pulling around the side of it and how this is all going to work is our yellow line is going to come down to that snatch block up to the rim sling right here back to the truck now that's spiking the front end down but then it's going to continue back up to that snatch block hung off the side point there and then that one goes all the way over to the top so that one winch is pulling down as our Spike and is our lift remember what I said is we don't want to pull the truck over or side load the boom now if we look that line that's doing all of that pulling is going off to the side over here to that Outrigger and now since this is doubled back and that up there is only singled we should have in theory twice as much pulling Force here as we have lifting over there meaning 2/3 of the force being pulled on that boom is going to be coming at this Angle now that is a much greater angle than 2 times this angle so it still is going to be pulling that way a little bit but I don't think it's going to be enough to be an issue we'll just watch it real close and see then our blue line over here comes down to another Rim sling on the opposite side of the same rim and that is going to be our catch so that when this comes over and gets to his Tipping Point we're going to keep that really tight and then that will eventually take the load from these two and then that's the one that'll set it down right here behind our truck hopefully put your comments down below you think this is going to work and does all this make sense to you and while you do that I'm going to go get someone very special to help uh give their thoughts on this and watch the show here if I screw it up for everyone ask where grumpy is he's right here all right here so here's what I got going on grumpy yellow line comes down through the snatch block to the rim back to the truck that's going to be our Spike to pull down on that but then it also goes up to the one hanging off the side up there and way over to the far side of the bus to also be our lift since we're single lined on our lift and we're double lined on our Spike that should put twice as much of the pull into this and only a third of it over there and then that blue line there to that Rim is going to be our catch once this uprights cool my only fear is the bus is going to get to its Tipping Point before that is past its pendulum point where they line up so it might jerk over a little bit onto it oh because I'm so far this way line cross no no no just the the pivot point of the bus and the pivot point of the line are going to do this if they're still if they pass their straight point before it tries to tip I've got it if they're still on this side it starts to tip the line will go slack and then catch tight I think that's what's going to happen because I'm so far away from the bus over here but in a real life scenario this is where I'd be far away from it so being yeah cuz it's it's going to be over in the ditch you know so so let's go stand on the other side I think we'll be able to watch better not be in the danger zone you ready to see how this goes yep what's your predictions did I got it right or I got it wrong we'll find out when it's done yep okay so we're going to want to pull in with our lift and Spike line first and then we're going to just try to keep that blue catch line as tight as we can so far my truck has not tipped over and that boom didn't move to the side much at all yeah I'm just trying to keep that catch Tight cuz I know it's going to snap over on me but I don't want to keep it too tight where it tries lifting the bus off the ground and causes it to slide it is going to jerk on that one I think cuz we're we're right at the Tipping Point almost and you see the line from our hinge Point down here to our hinge point in the middle to up there we're even a little bit this way still but I want it to get past that so it is I'm a little too far that way but I think it's going to snap into it but I don't think it's going to be too bad so we'll we'll see how yought yellow not 100% gentle but pry no much better than just letting it fall I guess the only problem I saw with that other than it's kind of jerk right there if I was another three feet that way it wouldn't have been an issue because but my still would have had the anle my rim sling sliced through the fender right there and since that's fiberglass even if it was steel oh luckily it hit where the protector was but you could see that if that sliced the line when it did that yeah and then I'm trying to catch all that weight at the same time it could Shear this line so you were over here more if I was over here more I'd be putting a bigger side load on the truck but I think it would handle it with the way we're spiking this well you're pretty dead center here yeah so I think if I was spaced over about 3 ft I would have been right here with this line and I would have missed that Fender which would be ideal not to damage the fender even though the vehicle's already rolled but the bigger danger is if it did something and sliced this line when it did that and then I'd lose yeah I'd lose it and then stuff's going to start going who knows which way so there's no way you can put an extension on here with you can run it through and back out this side and then you're still going to have this yeah but then all of it comes up right here and not coming up in the center right here so that until the vehicle starts over yeah sure 3 ft well what what I'm saying if we went around this spoke and came back out and up our whole rope would be right here instead of the inside of it being way over here so that that'd give us another foot of space yeah so that's something to do for next time is maybe try looping the spoken back out and then setting up a little bit farther over but it kind of worked yeah it it stopped it from doing the slam like when you did over here it wouldn't have continued all the way over and flopped on the other side which is the fear of letting them fall it definitely wouldn't have done that and I think I could have stayed a little tighter on it as I was bringing it up and that might have helped but being myself offet if you were if you lined your boom up nothing else right with the side of it yeah so that when this one came up it's right under the boom yeah ideally I think the boom should be here just to the and then if we if we looped through the spoken back out and had the boom over here that's what I was saying yeah I think we'd be okay the other thing is by by spinning it from the end like this we have all that back there twisting on it uncontrolled and that's what spun that up like it did was all of that coming over but ideally you'd have another truck back there to help set that end down and would stop that but a single truck single Lane rollover lifting spiking and catching all in one with only 2 in I don't think that was too bad I definitely think you could perfect on this a little bit and do it better and smoother well here again I think if it go through here I can say mhm that gives you your C out here yep and is that going to mess with the no I think it'll be fine as far as all our clearances up there you know what that means though what we get to practice more so we Ed the roll back to flip the bus back over we're going to do this again I realized if I set off that much farther it was just going to make that angle coming in to catch even worse cuz I'm going to be over here more so it's even more a snap so what I did was well one this moved over like another 6 8 in when I rolled it over two I did like we talked about and loop that Rim sling back through the spoke so the whole sling is coming out the outside of the tire that's actually going to help our angle because our Center pivot point is going to be over that much farther we'll see how much of a difference that makes cuz I should have done that from the beginning that was a mistake a good size mistake on my part to do that the other fix there is just use a piece of chain instead but we're going to use that Rim sling just the same I do have a camera down there on the ground that's looking straight up at the boom to see how much boom sway we actually get out of this and then I got the 360 cam over there on those snatch blocks and we're going to see how this does so we're going to tension up on our uh our Spike and our lift and we're going to just keep that catch line as tight as we can obviously it's going to move much faster than our Spike and lift line because there's no spash blocks in it so now we're getting that roll started the bus is bit in be interesting to see on that other camera how much the boom moved over so I want to keep this one right there but if I go too much tighter on that catch then these lines are fighting each other and one you're adding strain to the system to your uh you risk oop that's too much come on set right in there that made a hell of a difference that was so much smoother and now let's pull this back tight see where we were so we were still just in the line of the fender the thing I could do is use a chain for that part instead and we're going to damage a fender on what we're rolling but let's be real whatever rolled is damaged anyway although I don't want to cause unnecessary damage but it would stop from tearing into this or slicing a sling right here so in actual recovery where we're doing that I think I think I'd use a chain from here to the rim but just moving it that outside like I said before that other one was coming from way in there so yeah I was I don't know what I was thinking doing that because I know to go out through there moves everything out so I would almost kind of imagine if this already wasn't here which granted this slice was here from when I flipped it over like a month ago and dug right through to do it but I kind of almost think if it wasn't that might have just pushed into this and just pushed it over and not even torn it torn it torn it t torn torn torn it broke it maybe just bend a little so either way I think I'm really happy with how that one went just that one little change made a a massive difference in that and I could probably even get smoother than that if I practice some Oh and before I slack this off I just want you to see that as everything came over that the line that was the closest to our under reach there moved away from it not closer to it so nothing touched nothing rubbed clearance and all our sheath heads up there that went really really well so now that I rigged this up twice I would be pretty confident that in an actual job on the side of the road I could rig that whole setup up in 105 minutes by myself and that whole time the other lane would be able to remain open for oneway traffic control and not completely shut down the road we'd only have to like fully close the road for the one or two minutes it takes to actually stand it up once we got it stood up the traffic could resume again in the other lane and I just pull forward bring my under reach down hook up to it and can drive off you know after I put stuff away so I don't think that that's too bad at all for a vehicle that big for a single Lane inline on Lane rollover with a lift Spike and catch with a detachable Towing unit there a another one out there that can do that other than the Genesis so I think that's really cool and in kind of tradition in the towing world is when someone comes up with a new method or a new idea either they get to name it or that method gets named after them so for this one with that in mind I think what I'm going to call it is the whoever came up with it first idea because I highly doubt I'm the first person to do that and if by some miracle I am doesn't really matter anyway because I'm sure there's some training company out there that will call it their own and charge people a whole bunch of money to teach it to them so either way I'm going to put this away we'll see you next time is okay so much newer
Channel: Casey LaDelle
Views: 65,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tow truck, towing, wrecker, recovery, rescue, off road, stuck, jeep, kinetic rope, heavy rescue, winch, 4x4, 4wheeling, overland, overlanding
Id: lNwRLaF5-r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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