Terrifier 2 (2022) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James a Janice and today we're looking at terrifier 2 released in 2022 the original terrifier was a low-budget Gore Fest that became a cult horror hit thanks to its legendary practical effects and its phenomenal killer art the clown for this follow-up writer director Damen Leone wanted to expand on the original in every way it helps that this time he was able to devote three whole months to writing the script as a opposed to working around part-time jobs like he had to with the first one unlike the first film terrifier 2 has an actual story and art lore and a badass protagonist who makes the non-art stuff worth watching too it was made with crowd funds they originally asked for $50,000 but the campaign wound up netting a quar million dollars allowing terrifier 2 to be bigger and amazingly even bloodier seems like a good time to remind everyone that public kill counts have to be censored to follow YouTube's ever increasingly strict guidelines about graphic content but because I love the Gory good stuff I want to make it as easy as possible to watch uncensored episodes while not hurting the health of this channel which is why you can see explicit kill counts on our patreon for the lowest possible price of only a single dollar a month I promise you I hate doing this I would just love to show you all the gore all the time but we're working with the rules we're given folks the explicit cut of this kill count will have lots of extra footage since terrifier 2 is bigger bad and so much better it's everything I wanted the first one to be it maintains all the Grindhouse grid of the original but gives it much more of a purpose it's just as mean but not quite as cruel thanks to an expanded cast of characters you can actually care about in particular the addition of Sienna Shaw one of the best final girls in years makes art a more interesting adversary and art himself is at his absolute finest with another Darkly hilarious performance by David Howard thoron the only Step Back terrifier 2 takes is in the editing this thing is Marvel movie length at 138 minutes at least a half hour too long I respect Leone for cutting the movie himself but it would have benefited from unbiased eyes in the editing room every Scene goes on at least a minute too long I hate to say it but even outrageous kills can get old sometimes doesn't make them any less awesome though oh what's oh it's sponsor time be right back hello hello oh hey sorry I didn't see you there did today's sponsor Dr Squatch send you kind of my name's Barbara and I'm looking for my brother you see he and I were simple highquality Dr Squatch soap bars until a magical fairy brought us to life oh like Pinocchio I don't know what that is anyway my brother accidentally fell into a shipment box so now I'm talking to everyone who's ordered Dr Squatch oh damn that must be difficult after all with soap bars that smell great and feel fantastic tons of people have already jumped on the doctor Squatch train and with their awesome buy three get three deal for new customers even more people are joining I know the buy three get three means new customers are getting each bar for $4 with such a great deal people are able to stock up on tons of bars at a great price so he could really be anywhere yeah that's true what kind of Dr Squat soap bar is he he's a Birchwood Breeze well I do have a Birchwood breeze on me I mean they are a recent favorite thanks to their fresh Woody scent and how the medium grit feels when I'm lathering up but since I've used a soap saver to prolong the life of my old Birch bar I still have one that's unopened let me grab my dror squat supply all right let's see here no oh oh oh nope wood barrel Bourbon H love that old fashion smell though um oh Birchwood Breeze but uh H sorry looks like a normal bar that's okay thanks for trying Mister I'll be on my way then okay bye Barbara hope you find your brother new customers can get the buy three get three soaps free deal for themselves by going to drsquatch.com deadmeat that's a $28 savings no bar were brought to life for the making of the sponsor segment this killer clown turns kills into art let's see how many and get to [Music] them the movie begins where the last one left off in the fog prone circus District turns out a kill I counted in the first movie wasn't quite a kill after all this corner is still kicking but Arc fixes my mistake by splattering the guy's brains across the walls but this is terrifier my friends so he follows that up with some face wax causing the coroner to lose an eye several teeth his dignity and the remaining structural Integrity of his skull holy fucking shit art loads up on Ming supplies then takes his sanguinated clown suit to the cleaners there he gets butt naked funny ass and enjoys some Sunday fundies in the paper then he sees a little girl version of himself she seems nice little old not to be potty trained though the little pale girl is a great if confusing addition to the film mostly because of the performance by 12-year-old Amal mlan who got the part after an unusual audition I said all right can you just look in the mirror and make really creepy funny faces and big smiles and like wide eyes and things like that she had to have her face cast not a comfortable process and wear contacts and prosthetic teeth for the role as far as the character's purpose goes it's not exactly made clear Leon has said she resurrected art to fight his new arch nemesis but you ain't going to hear any of that in the movie the character's look was inspired by photos of little art fans in costume and fashioned after an outfit from the 1968 Edgar Allen Poe Anthology spirits of the dead it's kind of nice seeing art behalf way decent to another being even if turns out that being isn't real that's okay it can be real enough for both of them don't judge guy we've all been through some shit literally art cleans up the guy's judgmental ways with a broken mop handle through the head put another quarter in art it's time for a ttle car the rest of terrifier 2 takes place one year later on the next Halloween I don't know what R did in the interim maybe tutored to troubled youth in the sewer that's all the rage these days the cold open was a nice reminder of how nasty terrifier is but now it becomes an actual movie with actual characters something the original never quite attained final girl Sienna Shaw is a budding armorer who's really getting into her Xena cosplay she lives with her mom Barbara and brother Jonathan dad's not here because he died recently which has left the family emotional and Jonathan on the wrong parts of the internet Charles Manson technically never killed anyone and Barbara hasn't adapted to being a single parent and put your goddamn ball in the sink over Mom's famous ambiguous burnt meat Jonathan says he wants to dress as the miles County clown for Halloween the name the media has given art careful kid don't want to walk around dressed like a local killer that's a good way to get Ben dramer I always love it Sienna's very much against the idea of dressing like a real life killer do you have any idea how insensitive that is not to mention sick Art's media presence is a good example of the sequel's expanded scope now the World At Large knows this murder clown oh art you used to be just our murder clown Barbara tells Sienna not to worry about her brother all boys his age go through a serial killer scrapbooking phase great to see the likable actresses from terrifier 1 here Katherine corkran and Jenna canel also thrilled to see canel and Renfield she was awesome in it though Jonathan has a serial killer Obsession his relationship with Sienna shows that he's a good kid in danger of bad influences it's a contemporary issue to engage with since so many disaffected young men wind up in hateful spaces online where grifters are waiting to take advantage of them did you know the Nazis used in Jack children's eyeballs to see if they would change color Jonathan really makes you want this dork to be the odds Sienna spends a long night working on her cosplay of a character drawn by her dead Dad she falls asleep to a commercial for a clown based local business causing an awful nightmare her starring in a commercial for a clown based local business she's one of many full-grown children excited to eat at the clown Cafe with all its scary good deals atown Cafe the clown Cafe this sequence and song go on for quite a goddamn while but at at least actress and song performer Leah boisey gives it her all the entire time this faux film set is menacing as fuck a tone Damen Leone is great at creating at least they have good crafty I love art Krispies even if I prefer the bugas kind art makes his entrance and rides around like a little Billy that hands out unhealthy snacks to all the fake children popcorn monster for Sienna he's got something special his heart a that's pretty gross actually his Bloody Valentine starts a bubble in crude and art pulls the last trick out of his sleeve Tommy Gun some people didn't like that art used a gun in the first terrifier and I got bad news for them folk cuz Art's not only shooting he's downright Rootin and totin he kills the whole damn community theater scene of Miles County dear God all these people just fucking explode into blood dude art runs out of ammo but the first lesson of clown Scouts is to always be prepared he asks the clown songstress for an encore with a hell of a light pretty brutal dude these days artists usually settle for your phone flashlight Sienna tries to toss and turn her way out of this night nightmare but she only dreams up more victims to count a lady somehow loses her hand and then another dude gets lit on fire in an extended fire stunt you know I love to see in desperation Pippy long Sienna reaches for a nutritious box of art Krispies careful Sienna looks like that stuff rots more than just your teeth she plunges her hand in and pulls out a bunch of treats disgusting lacerating Treats but she keeps digging through jigsaws balance breakfast until she pulls out her family heirloom her dad's giant fireproof knife the dream bleeds into reality and sets her dresser and wings a blaze which also sets off her combustible Mom what are you fucking stupid at least her sword remained fireproof even in real life there was so much fire in these sequences with some seriously long fire stunts I always love the shots of them extinguishing stunt performers in this case Leo boy's double Jenna Helma I also love the slightly panicked look of the fire handlers on set we're back with the clown girl now and you know kids these days just addicted to those screens her programming of choice is from terrifier one the interview with the disfigured Victoria Hayes I wish I was de yeah you've seen this one before art just cut down on that screen time man Jonathan's at school the next day and unfortunately everyone there knows he's a little weirdo right up your alley huh J man at least they call him J Man J man's cool that kid on the left is played by Owen Meyer who is Luke and PG psycho Goran while the one on the right is Griffin Santo Petro AKA Daniel larusso's ship bir little son Anthony Jonathan is blamed for the dead possum prank which gets principal felissa Rose fuming mad what are you doing back here yo Jonathan how come you're so fucked up since he's already being socially isolated J man's got no one to talk to when he finds art hoping to enroll clown girl in school looks like with a focus on Taxidermy oh man can I even show this stuff on YouTube I mean there have got to be like hunting channels right art passes Jonathan the hot potato and he winds up getting blamed for it by another teacher uh is the whole faculty mils during lunch Sienna eats with her friends Ali and Brooke who reveals another fuck up from my kill count of the first film she went full on psycho and mauled Monica Brown with her bare hands turns out Victoria Hayes didn't kill her interviewer only ate her face a little bit it gets double confirmed later on the news not bad the realization that I was wrong in my kill count gives Sienna a panic attack she also has to get some replacement Wings since her badass ones burned up in the fire she goes to the nearest Party City so she can learn to fly again but someone else is also here for last minute Halloween shopping art staring Sienna down in a public place is fucking great it's legit creepy and makes for one of the tensest scenes in the film Sienna tries to check out express but she's a little short changed I think I left my bag downstairs thanks art as Sienna fights with the chip reader art lightens the mood with a little prop comedy in a scene Leone said was directly inspired by The Perfect film that is peewee's big adventure RP Paul speaking of Great Performances David Howard Thorton was a highlight of the original movie and he's even better this time around funnier too thanks in part to his world getting a lot bigger than a non-descript warehouse I think one of the things that we had fun with this movie the second time around is really putting art in real world situations that you're not used to seeing a slasher like villain in it's also great that he didn't have to rely on method acting to be in character I can turn it on and turn it off which I think everybody's glad that I can a lot of things in this movie could stand to be shorter but I never get sick of scenes with art Clowning Around stop please stop please hey buddy the employee tells art to go honk himself letting Sienna scaddle I love jnf Davis as Ricky the store clerk and art must too since he insists on supporting this local business yes I will purchase one horn please oh shit that's a midsummer scream sticker nice most of Arts tender ain't exactly legal and this purchase is probably false pretenses anyway the clerk gets sick of the clown count and change so clown suer becomes clown killer with a bottle over the head and the broken glass in the eye the kill continues with a Cleaver and holy shit his eye is still moving the whole freaking in time these Prosthetics are the best in the game folk brutality ain't the only thing AR can do though his full name might be artist cuz he sticks around to do bits with bits cool that kid's mom is Tamara Glenn by the way less seen on the show in another costume oriented film Halloween 5 she watches as art commits to the bits spin just like one of his biggest Inspirations there's never quite been a silent Freddy Krueger I think that's really what was missing the last kind of combination that you can do Sienna hurries home to find her brother with their dead dad's Sketchbook turns out Papa Loved sketching hot ladies kills from the first movie and uh art the clown what these sketches connect Sienna's armored Angel With The Mad mime himself but the movie Never explains why their dad Drew all this stuff were they Visions did he somehow create art is there a cyclops running around out there who knows those sound like terrifier 3 problems the most T2 will do is mention a 10-year-old Emily crane who was found mutilated at a carnival babe wake up new clown girl Lord just dropped looks like like her parents were circus performers but don't mention circus shit around Barbara I don't want to hear another word about this godamn clown CNN her friends start treating the knights trickers before they all head out for a party allly gets an awfully big tricker you're really weird you know that yeah it's kind of his whole thing I love Casey hartnett's performance here as Ally she's so over this edgy little shit Lord of course Art's the actual miles County clown as evidenced by his trash bag of tools murder clown tools he leaves for a while but comes back later and breaks in through the door wall that's what we call those in metro Detroit art helps himself to a glass of water cuz he'll need to stay hydrated for this next scale let me tell you before she can offer him the brda art chases Ally into her bedroom where he slits her eye open gives her a new hairline freestyles on her back for a while before fling it rips one arm off hamburger style and the other off hot dog style which you know what I didn't even think could be a thing as if Arts Antics weren't indignant enough already look what he found a bottle of bleach which he pours on the screaming Scarlet girl before he salts the wounds like his Emerald legasi then bam he wraps it up with a facelift I need some water now too but wait why wasn't there a kill graphic Art's just playing with her corpse right oh my God her head moved that is the deadest and Alive person has ever been but I'm calling it now good perseverance Aly but go ahead and rest this excruciating kill was Leon's answer to the originals Infamous hacksaw scene but it wasn't always going to be this drawn out the scene originally called for Just Two shoot days until the pandemic halted production and gave him time to reconsider the Carnage Leone said I want more I don't want less Damen took that as a an an opportunity instead of a setback and so it's like well I have all this time now to actually flesh out this kill even more cuz now we're not rushed two days of shooting became a week which is probably what Casey Hart at is thinking about in this moment she's the MVP of this film when it comes to the the kill seat there were so many shoot days that thoron didn't even get his face made up for some of them all the fake blood caused Harnet to get stuck to the floor as far as the effects go they used an animatronic for the final flade body I walked in the room and saw that thing set up and then all of a sudden it mov I almost crapped my pants out of Glee I was like oh my God this is amazing everything else was mostly practical too as you'd expect though they did add heart Net's eye to the animatronic digitally in post- production and I'm assuming they used some kind of visual effects to erase her arm which they shot with some sort of appendage attached to her shoulder this is how every day to add insult to Grievous injury art also kills Allie's she turns her head into a candy bowl and gives treats out to costume children but just one per kid you stinker Art's making Sam proud Sienna gets ready for her big night out with a full-on 80s Gear Up Montage we've all been waiting to see this costume but don't worry even though this is an hour into the movie there's still more more than an hour left with her kicking ass in it store-bought wings are not girl I think your costume is going to be a hit although question why'd you leave the ash on the top of your dresser is that like decorative pal Barbara reluctantly makes peace with her daughter's costume and settles in for a quiet night of public domain foreshadowing they're coming for you Barbra she almost makes peace with her son too but he just has to bring up her dead husband's clown art again again with this fucking book she tears that fucking book To Pieces prompting him to call her a bitch and her to slap him in the face yeah not a good situation here no wonder this kid runs away to get mixed up with Grabbers and evil clown girls Sienna and Brooke make it to their thumping industrial Halloween party industrial like the interior design not like the music though that'd be dope Sienna's worried that Ally isn't responding but Brook's her party girlfriend and is determined to make Sienna have a good time that is if she's not killed by that Halloween reference oh okay it's only her boyfriend Jeff Sienna actually ends up having a real good time in spite of her whole you know you know life she's even taking selfies with Rick from 13x Studios who made the Jason mask I bought for the set of my very first kill count still have it to this day thanks Rick as soon as she starts fondling walls though you can tell Sienna's taking my dog out for a walk get it Molly turns out Brook spiked or drink with it but like in a friendly way their drugged up conversation is one of my favorite scenes I did it I made you feel better didn't I I'm fucking pissed you know the party girl best friend is a horror movie staple but I really love heyman's take on it Sienna's still high as balls when she gets a call from her mom who just found out their car is a Buick barbasol she gets extra mad when she realizes Sienna's drunk but her daughter's able to diffuse the situation before they hang up really m i i love you I I don't say it enough I love you too I like this moment of warmth from Barbara they peek out from time to time and keep her from being a one note rage parent not everyone liked Sarah voit's volatile performance but I did she seemed like a real EX exasperated single mom to me Barbara goes back to cleaning up the prank when she gets a free bonus joke and the punch line blows her away holy shit what an Abrupt and violent end for this character even though this kill only lasts a couple of seconds there's a lot of work smeared all over that garage they hollowed out a wax replica of Sarah voit's head and filled it with goat brains fat mud-filled condoms and some acrylic eyeballs Leone said it's what Tom savini used to do well almost he actually fills it with a lot of stuff from Craft Services though I didn't do that well we don't have any craft services so Sienna's back to having a good time when she realizes this place is bouncer must be sleeping on the job yo who let somebody's kid in here I'm trying to roll come on clown girl scares her good and she screams so loudly the clubgoers can't hear the music over her broken Jeff decide to take her home upset that it cut their night short Sienna what the fuck was that back there oh you mean that freak out from the woman you drugged Jonathan beats Sienna home to warn his mom about the Grabber but she can barely face him after that slap thankfully art has taken care of dinner and has no problem helping Barbara stuff her barely face Johnny leaves the table without excusing himself so his new stepmom knocks him down and grabs him by his neck his ostrich neck kid got a long neck and into it go some M drugs Sienna gets a call from Jonathan but it's actually the little pale girl doing some Oscar level voice matching leads I'm really scared I don't know what else to do looks like voice acting is another viable career pathway for this little girl art you must be so proud Sienna's fake brother steers them to the old abandoned carnival on the edge of town she gets out to search for Jonathan probably wishing she brought a hoodie or uh pants at least she didn't bring a backpack she'd have to Stow for terrifier the ride the entrance of which I believe is a greatl looking miniature Jonathan wakes up in the Mystic Museum and finds the little clown girl making knot faces at him meanwhile Brook and Jeff killed time talking about Sienna's dad he developed a brain tumor that changed his personality and made him abusive eventually he died in a car crash where he burned to death yeah yeah that kind of conversation gets me horny too Jeff gets out to answer the call of Nature and art catches him with his pants down quite a few stabs there and it's painful to watch but I still don't think this handheld circumcision quite matches Dawn's death in the original Jeff can't find a place to hide and bleed so I'll count him as he rolls around in the gravel here dying art wipes Jeff's member on the window before breaking it then pulls the Babbling broke out of the car where she kicks him in the face so hard he almost seems to respect it she hauls bodess to the fun house screaming for Sienna but all she finds are a bunch of jump scares I love the carnival setting for this final act it was filmed at the Fright Factory haunted house in Philadelphia the filmmakers didn't even have to do much to dress the sets Brooke finally trips over nothing in a bathroom that art has already graffiti when do you even find the time for all this bloodwork brah a clown called arto approaches Brooke as she scrambles around for a weapon come on that's not a plank now that's a plank but the beaten stick is just a trick the treat is a faceful of acid art still uses the stick too breaking Brook's arm knee and sternum just for fun he ensures Brook's addition to the kill count by literally eating her heart out huh wonder if it tastes funny in addition to writing directing and editing Damen Leone once again headed the special effects Department as to be expected this movie's kills are full of practical effects and simple tricks like blowing through hoses for blood spurts often assisting Leone was Phil Falone the movie's producer who did a ton of other jobs too including acting in the clown Cafe scene as an executive for dut scenes Falone would often blow through a second tube to make the dummies look like they were breathing like I said simple but effective Sienna finds Brook's remains well after they've stopped resembling her friend or a human being at all but don't worry someone's happy to see her again the clown and the angel have a bathroom fight and though Sienna gets a good stab in the round ultimately goes to Art okay you w dude Jonathan is running all over this place until he runs neck first into art to be fair that noodle neck was asking to be grabbed art slashes him up with a scal bow and laughs at the kid's Flesh Wounds but before he can Widow the Widow brother to death Sienna brings an encore fight to the table now that kind of head trauma might kill a lesser evil clown but honestly I don't even know what art is anymore so no surprise he simply walks it off he catches up to them in a church display looking like frier scary fuck he keeps the religious theme going by giving Jonathan lashes until Sienna provides divine intervention the Salvation is shortlived however and she just can't put an end to his Monkey Business after a whipping so extensive it goes through jump cuts and slow motion Sienna finds the strength to fight back she gives art a taste of his own medicine and spikes the clown through the head with a piece of rebar then Jonathan grabs Art's patented ankle strap and doesn't care when the clown surrenders he blows that fucker away Sienna bleeds Andor passes out and dreams that her mom's a clown lady now during that time art recovers and kidnaps Jonathan why are you taking so long to kill this kid art Sienna arrives but art pushes her down into the fun house basement well the first basement does fun house has sublevels I thought I saw it all in Child's Play 3 Sienna doesn't know what to make of this gateway to clown hell so art arrives to make sure she gets the point she falls backwards through the hole and lands safely in the prestige oh wait no there's no Bowie Tesla here it's the goddamn clown Cafe again she's going to have to listen to that jingle until she drowns enough with a cruel and unusual torture art Lauren laa was Leone's first choice for Sienna Shaw she had appeared on TV shows like MacGyver and Iron Fist but terrifier 2 gave her a chance to show off a different set of skills she was also a martial art artist so I knew the end of this movie was going to be so physical uh that it would be no problem for her and we wouldn't really need stunt women or anything to come in and and uh and do most of the stuff she's trained in Taekwondo jiujitsu mu Thai and ballet Sienna was already an excellent final girl for her vulnerability alone but her physicality really puts her over the top in the movie's back half in fact laa did almost all of her own stunts including falling backwards through wooden planks the only two shots that use stunt performer Jenna helmouth were the subsequent wide shot of Sienna falling through the ceiling onto a crash pad and another closer shot when she hits the floor as far as the character's iconic outfit goes it was designed and built by costumer Olga yarock they had a sort of LoveHate relationship with it every single time that we put this costume on we're totally piecing it together with dun tap with duct tape Flex tape super glue hot glue hope PR Jonathan wakes up to find an evil clown gnawing on his knuckles the boy's handy screams makes the shaw family dagger glow an effect that emits from Sienna's wound and also I guess UND drowns her great she gets out of the pool and towels off just as art moves on to the second course she interrupts his Meal Time with a smorgus borg of Prime Cuts then fulfills her prophecy by murdering art with her father's magic dagger to his credit art Smiles because it happened instead of crying because it's over but it is over enough for me to count him again I don't care how much I Al he is the little pal girl shows up but don't worry Sienna you won't have to stab a kid tonight she just wanted Arts hat okay you and your brother can live to probably have another fucked up Halloween next year the credits start but the movie ain't over yet a mid credit scene takes place at the miles County Psychiatric Hospital headquarters of the Jericho Appreciation Society at least that's my head Cannon since a guard there is played by Chris Jericho a cameo that came about because of a horror convention meeting he works here with a nurse played by Leo voy who was struming the banjo at the the clown Cafe they have to watch over the deranged Vicky Hayes who's here after nearly killing newscaster Monica Brown Victoria is played by the returning Samantha scafi who couldn't see anything out of the prosthetic face she had to wear Victoria gives a birth Messier and weirder than May Young's cuz the movie ends with Art's head popping out of her demon hole Yeah it's gross but I'm still leaving art on the count again how many Big Top bodies did Art leave in his wake this time let's find out at the numbers in the world famous numbers void let's go to the numbers void let's go to the numers void counting up the kills is fun for every girl and boy so join your favorite counter in the numbers [Music] Bo 27 people died in terier 2 15 were men and 12 were women giving us a nearly even pie chart we've counted 27 kills in six other movies before but never this exact gender breakdown art the clown breaking barriers with a runtime of 138 minutes that left us with a kill on average every 5.11 minutes I'll give the golden Chainsaw for coolest kill to Ally because I pretty much have to there's killing there's overkilling and then there's whatever the fuck this is at a certain point it becomes so absurd that it winds up being Darkly hilarious and besides the thing won the prime rib for best kill at this year's dead meat horror awards doet for lamus kill will go to the serial kit his life ended by an imbalanced breakfast and that's it terrifier 2 was released unrated to Limited theaters but word of mouth and an extended run led to it making nearly $15 million a huge profit based on its reported budget of 250,000 terier 3 is already slated to come out in October 2024 it'll be a Christmas movie which could one day be the blurriest kill count yet until next time I'm James a Janice this has been the kill count hey everybody thanks a lot for watching the terrifier 2 kill count and thank you Leah for coming over and and joining me for it thank you for having me yes there's a live performance for free MH so you made this yourself yes I made this costume myself it is not the screen used one but it's a lot of the same materials that they used and if you check out my YouTube channel you can see this cosplay how I made it and other cosplays as well what's your YouTube channel Leah voy just my name okay it'll be linked in the description and probably a bubble up right now but go check that out subscribe and uh like all our videos just go through them all and like them like them all but don't like go through them and then like immediately back out after you like it cuz that'll cut down your run watch time watch the video even if it's on mute put it in the background we were we were just joking YouTube don't do that oops also thank you Molly for doing we went to the groomers and they shaved her down they said it was cuz her hair was maded I think they just didn't want to take the time to give her they probably just messed up and they were like oops let's just tell them it was maded yeah she's cute she looks cute though a little r she's a little cutie she's not liking me today though she's a little scared of me in this costume oh you are a clown she came in here to protect you people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 3,286,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, DMKC, dead meat kill count, terrifier, terrifier 2, terrifier movies, terrifier 2 review, terrifier 2 reaction, terrifier 2 explained, horror movie, scary movie, scary movie review, horror movie review, terrifier movie franchise, movie review terrifier 2, terrifer 2 explained, movie review, terrifier 2 spoiler review, terrifier 2 video essay, first time watching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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