The Tower of Terror - Scary Good

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[Music] Church by the glades what's happening come on you guys can do better than that church by the glades if you know that God is good all the time let me hear you make some noise and it's more like it I want to start by welcome everybody join us all around the world online when a welcome bills you guys at lake words sample road date ci homestead my life group oklahoma dubai wherever you are welcome so glad that you guys are here and for those guys that may be new or haven't been here some of the times i've had the opportunity to come here and preach i'm gonna introduce myself real quick they're gonna get right into it i don't consider myself a guest i've adopted myself into the family I'm their brother from another mother like I love this church I love pastor David and Lisa they're their real deal I say it all the time I want to go through a bunch of oh there's so this awesome like Pastor David by far one of the most creative pastors on the universe in the universe I mean he's the man and they're just real I love them real deal what you see is what you get and I just really appreciate God their friendship they're so kind to me and just allow me to be able to come here and share God's word with you guys and so I love it every single time and when they asked me to come share in the series called tower of chair I'm literally thinking like look at this stage like who wouldn't want to like preach and share doing him like well what should I share like like what should I call my message and so I'm resting like God what would this the title of my message be and it's so I'm kind of asking God like God you know would you speak to him what it was should I call it and I don't know but you guys but but God speaks to me in different ways he speaks through me through his word through prayer through people through situations through the Holy Spirit tapping on me it's not like he's always coming to Mission Scott you need to do this every time like that would just be weird you ever said like every single time every if that's how God speaks to you that's cool I'm just keeping to 100 that's not how it is for me right and so I kind of was resting like with with what I was going to title this message and what I was speaking what I would share and just kind of what came to me as you're talking about tower of charity and what dropped in my spirit was I should I should call this scary good I think the tieless message is scary good like I really like okay I think that's how the message so I'm like well like what is scary good even mean and it gives I don't always recommend going to like the urban dictionary for a definition of something and matter of fact it's not biblical most of the time right but but it it sound like scary good I looked at the definition of scary good and I'd really thought it applied to what we're gonna talk about today and I just want to go turn around and look at this screen right it's so scary good the feeling with an idea ability level of happiness creation work of art becomes so good that fears failures successes losing it Fame destruction of the creation and others manifest themselves the next steps can include the destruction of the goodness itself cancel that one or this is what's important continued elevation to awesomeness Zuckerberg who just had a scary good idea for a website I think Facebook turned out all right right isn't and so that's what we're talking about Mike scary good like how can we step in to the scary good and and how can we have some scary good success in our own lives and I was thinking okay like okay Scott does scary good I know it sounds cool and and that's maybe what you teach cop is that really what God is speaking to you and so I'm wrestling with it like should I call this scary good true story the Lord is my witness one day this week about 1:45 in the morning I looked at an email that I received some of you guys may have received the same email again I said through me I received it from the Christian Chicken company right and so here's the email that got no ly dish up a scary good feast and then it says create a spooktacular spread here's the deal spectacular is next week today I'm trying to dish up a scary good feast I think the Christian Chicken and Jesus has spoken right and so that's what we're talking about today I mean seriously so I was like thank you Jesus for the confirmation from chick-fil-a and Jesus was like my pleasure audibly it's Alexi like because here's the like you don't mess with the Christian chicken I don't know if you guys know this I won't call any names out but about 2 months ago there was another chicken company chicken sandwich company that tried to come at the one true chicken sandwich you know I'm saying I'm just here to tell you they tried to come at the one true chicken sandwich they were talking noise I used to do we ain't heard from their chicken sandwich ever since so I'm just saying like to be honest but that doesn't even make sense like Brian I'm gonna see you like I can find some chicken and some bread and some sauce ain't got no more chicken sandwich you gotta be careful coming against the one true chicken sandwich I'm just sayin chick-fil-a say you know we were oh gee beep in this game for a real long time like don't mess with us and so cuz I'm think about this it's like scary good like what does that even mean and we talk about fears and being scared and all these things and like like like in America like what's Americans number one fear does anybody know what it is public speaking public speaking is number one fear number two close behind this would fear of heights fear of heights is second and then kind of at the bottom of the list so those are like 25% 23% then there's a few that are 7% to that 7 or 8 percent range which is ghosts clowns and zombies I mean real quick question by show of hands how many guys are scared of clowns I just don't understand like what is scary about a clown you don't say it like it's so like so like leer like those you guys are raise your hand people are putting clown emojis on your posts on Instagram now like I'll scare the clowns and so I began to think about like scared so what we're going to talk about today is we're gonna look at the Prophet Daniels life and and how he was a man of God he was also a man of Prayer and so we talked about these praying these scary good prayers we're gonna look at Daniels life you think about public speaking his number one fear so like praying in public is like that and then some right and so Daniel again he's a very faithful man of God he was also a man of prayer and so i'ma go ahead and set the stage for the time they were going to look at in Daniels life and again wait think he's talking about prayers that like we think prayer is this weird thing that were uncomfortable with like we're on like voice and like we're just trying to say this prayer and hope that God would push our button and listen to our prayer but that's not the case at all and somebody wouldn't set the stage so Daniel had to be very very faithful servant he had served faithfully served Fable to God for over 70 years everybody say 70 like 7-0 so for a really long time and and as he served faithfully and as he honored God he continued to be elevated he continued to be promoted and then here's a dealing and you know what happens when you're elevated you're promoted when when God starts to lift you up and doors start to open who starts to come out the haters that's right the haters start to come out I've said it before as you begin to reach new levels you're going to get new devils and so that's what what's happening to Daniel as these doors were opening and I like to say it this way is here too often times especially when you're a follower of Jesus and you're a very faithful man of God like Daniel was is that the reason why the haters come out is because the truth that you carry contradicts the lies that they live and so that's what happened with Daniel there they were scared at what was going on so they're like man how can we get this Jew caught up sick and tired of him being promoted and elevated and and so they kind of came up with a scheme they said hey let's go to King let's go to King Darius and and just telling like hey if anybody is caught praying to anyone other than you King that they'll be thrown in the lion's den because they knew that Daniel was gonna be praying to god they're like cuz here's Dylan and it will just Chuck I just tell the King like it'll make everybody more unified than you telling the same thing so you shoot him an email I'll talk to him when I seen tomorrow let's just kind of get behind the scenes let's just say King like look anybody is praying to anybody other you should be thrown in the lion's den shot at me he may read the email by Tommy read the emails by the time the other dude came like hey yo King this is what we should do and so King Darius kind of wrestled with their four minutes leg should I should I do this like you know what maybe it'll bring more unity everybody praying so anyway he signed it into law that anybody called praying to anyone other than him would be thrown in the lion's den and that's where I pick up in the scripture Daniel Daniel 6 will read verse 10 and 11 when Daniel knew that the document had been signed he went to his house where he had his win in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem he says he got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as he had done previously then these men came by agreement and found Daniel making petition and plea before is God you see there's prayer and then there's prayer like Daniel prayed and what Daniels life teaches that here's the deal like prayer has to become our steering wheel and not just our spare tire in other words prayer needs to be the things that's God in our life and it's God in our situation not just when we hit a bump in in life and then and then we get a flat tire in life we want to go to God Oh God will you please help me but that wasn't Daniel's situation and so we're going to learn how we can pray some some scary good prayers matter of fact I want you to turn around to your neighbor right now and say I want to pray some scary good prayers I want you to turn around to your other neighbor your second choice and say you need some scary good prayers why are y'all so much louder on that one you don't say it like you and you need some scary good prayers and normally when I teach I'm a three-point type of guy and I try to make it to where it's memorable where you remember I think a couple times to go out preached here I think it was what don't feed the dinosaur like I just want you to I'm saying some of you guys may remember that still at the gym bouncing your eyes you look into the skies you don't say it but like let's see like so this is gonna be easy for you guys remember it's gonna be the I'm gonna do four points you get three and then a bonus but it's HS PE or high school PE everybody say high school PE so you'll remember this so the H is this if you're taking notes you could write this down I got four points the first one is this is that prayers are scary good when they are humble everybody say humble let's go to verse 10 again here's the Bible says when Daniel knew that the document had been signed he went to his house where he had his windows in his upper chamber they were open toward Jerusalem the Bible says that he got down on sneeze three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before is God and so in other words Daniel it three times a day what he do is says that he got down on his knees three times a day cut down those knees and prayed and gave thanks before is God in other words Daniel found himself in his very humble position of worship and prayer and so my question is what was last time you found yourself in this humble position of worship playing praying to the one true God and some of you guys some of maybe the older generation some of you don't like the stuff I hear you be hating on the people that got they got holes in the knees of their genes Daniel was the first one that wore holes in his jeans you know I'm saying and see some of y'all are hating with the reason why you don't know that a brother been praying on his knees three times a day and some of you guys are reason why you ain't got holes in your jeans is because you ain't been down on your knees praying to the one true God I'm just saying there's there's your permission from here on out anybody else try to hate on you about the holes in your jeans we've done there nothing about it some of y'all was up here preaching with holes in his knees that's the Lord convicting you right now I'm just saying and so Daniels in this very humble position of worship prints are the one true God and because the thing is this that I'm using I hear stories of people that are in my church or in your church that are men and whenever God and we hear stories of them falling from grace and here's the reason I'm gonna tell you this often times you're falling from grace you're not finding yourself in this humble position of worship pre and that guy because here's the deal when you're on your knees praying to God when you fall you're not gonna fall very far and that's what we learned from Daniel's life is that you got to humble yourself and the Bible tells us this is that that God gives grace to the humble he opposes the proud he gives grace to the home he says humble yourselves before the Lord he will do what he will lift you up exactly you're exactly right he'll exalt you little that's what the Bible says and that's what Daniels life shows us and so he was on his knees praying and and speaking of humility I told you guys a little bit my story maybe the other times I was here some of you guys who's your first time hear me preach I I was in prison before and I spent about 12 years in prison as a warden skip it out real quick normally I let it linger a little bit but obviously some of you guys ain't been to church you weren't here the last time you're like oh yeah or is that but anyway so obviously I was in prison system and so it one thing about the prison system oh I would do is I would like to walk the units and so every single day I'd walk the unit's me I'd walk like the areas where the inmates lived and I'd walk the yard and one thing about the prison system is this very racially segregated like on the yard you have the essays over here blacks over here it's very separated and segregated but it's also the same place that you would see different religions represented it's kind of like it's just kind of like the church you know say it's very separated and segregated and different and so the only difference between you know them and many of us is we didn't get called you know saying I'm just saying like like we've all had a journey that we're going on and so as I'd walk to the Union side I would go through us there people praying but one thing about prison like you don't want to be humble in prison about being tough and macho and you gotta let everybody know like you're representing like hey this is me doc like ain't man back you don't say like yo what's up like get up say like hey everybody just me mug this is what you do like what like what does everybody's got a problem like what just looking at yeah that's kind of what you do in prison right but whatever go through the unit's every single day there was this just calling him this inmate his name was Johnson and everything I go through the unit's I would see Johnson just like Daniel on his knees and it's very a humble position of worship praying to Jesus out loud everybody's looking at Johnson but but nobody would disrespect Johnson every single time I could be there late at night hanging out I go through the unit Johnson praying in the morning sometime before they would get out and go in the yard I see Johnson praying in again and get it's not easy being humble and find yourself in this humble position of worship but one of the things that we can learn from Johnson's life and from Daniels life is that we got to find ourself in that position of worship but show a hands help you guys at all of our locations online how many guys do yoga by show hands all right by show of hands how many guys work out keep your hands up keep your hands up all right how many you guys want to work out they're gonna say I thought about working out him saying so that's everybody so let me tell you the next time that you go to yoga the next time that you go to workout the next time that you think about you might have wanted to go workout why don't you find yourself and just take a moment to kneel down and get in this humble position of worship and pray to the one true God because I'm telling when you do it that's when you'll see things begin to move because that's how God works his humble position of worship prayers are scary good when they are specific everybody say specific so you think about it so again it's been written in law there that anybody caught praying to anyone other than King Darius be thrown in the lion's den and so again the haters they're coming out and one thing about the haters man that man they'll be real slick about how they get you caught up and and what they try to do they even lie on you and so they're like hey here's the deal I know that he keeps his windows and his upper chamber open towards Jerusalem a man so we're just gonna do man you get that you got the new iPhone 11 get some good pics you're going you go you will get some pics of Dan you'll get some pics in some video they got pics and video of Daniel praying to the one true God and they posted it on Instagram they posted on Facebook they sent it directly to King Gary's like look your boy Daniel he's over here praying to God King there's you you'd written it in law that anyone praying to anyone then you'll be done what would happen to him they'd be thrown we're in the Lions did so so King deers what are you gonna do about that and King Darius wrestled with it you know why because he knew that Daniel was a very faithful man of God but he also knew that as a king he need to be what he needed to be a man of his word and so he wrestled with it is like all right y'all go get Daniel it wouldn't got Daniel to get him ready to to be thrown in the lion's den and almost is a very specific prayer you get a chance just read just read the book of Daniel just from the perspective of prayer the last words King Darius said of Danny he looked at me and said this he said may your God whom you continually serve deliver you they took the rock through Daniel Lyons didn't took the rock in covered it up and there's a deal like I don't know like what goes on in the lion's den I've never been in one but I do know this I do know that that cats are evil and like like lions are like a whole nother level of evil I'm sorry for all my cat lovers out there if you got a complaint send your email to Charlie @cb glades comm I want to hear it but anyways so usually like cats are evil right and so only through minute lines do it again and one thing about cats like some of you guys that like every National Geographic special is the same thing about lions right it's always like some lions and if you can watch it on YouTube and National Geographic I was like a lion over here like there's always like a pack of antelope and they're over here just like antelope and you know I'm saying so they're like they're like they're antelope in the lines over here and then antelopes over you're like antelope and you know I'm saying they're antelope in and then it's always like like one antelope that wanders off from the pack Oh butterfly butterfly and it's like then the music gets real inside trying to turn it it's like and they see you know the line jumps on the antelope you see fur fly you see blood everywhere and the next thing you know the antelope is dead and that's a whole nother sermon that I could preach about why it's important that you stay in community and that you come to church and that you go to a rally and that you be a part and that you serve and that you do what God is doing because if you wonder off from community and try to do it on your own you were to end up dead I didn't say it you did and so King Darius he goes home to his palace knowing that Daniel was thrown in Lions Den he wrestled with it all night like this is this great faithful man of God and I had him thrown in the lion's den and he goes the next morning expect to find Daniel mauled and bloody and he goes and he goes up to the Lions Den he tell things where they took the rock off the Lions Den here's the deal again I don't know what happens in Lions Den matter-of-fact told you lie scary man fact one time when I went to South Africa me and my my buddy Jacob he's a videographer from LA and I was in South Africa preaching at Hillsong and of course if I'm in South Africa like I want to I wanted to get some shots of lions like not like from like in like a little you know cage or anything I wanted like take us where we can go see real lines up close and personal and so the guy that was driving us it wasn't like a tour guide it was like a Hillsong staff member right and so we're in a car and we drive through life in this line there like literally like lions I'm like me to you and in the car one thing it said last thing the guy toes we're gonna no matter what you do don't roll down the window and don't open the door it's cool go in there looking but again we're going to get some good shots and my buddy Jacob he's from LA my back Jacob so this trip with me it's like they want to get some good shots so we cone there was like a male lion mainly he's like oh man I want to get them to get that shot so Jacob opens the door he opens doors you want to get a good shot as to my stuff blocking the lens not answer he's going he's gonna shot and about the time is he's getting some shots of the lion mattify we have real footage I'm not making this up like me footage of when we're out there this is not from somebody's Instagram this is us out there shooting the Lions right and so we were just driving in a car not like an armored vehicle like a car a little car and so he's getting shot at about time he's getting a shot of the man the female line is back behind us getting ready to come take us out because that's what happens that's how they hunt that the male distracts you and then the female attacks you that's a whole nother serving I could preach right there oh no no I didn't mean I didn't mean that I didn't mean no ladies I didn't mean that part I mean like like that's what the enemy does the enemy distracts you and sin distracts you next thing you know the enemy attacks you and you're over you're looking at something you're not supposed to looking at and the next thing you know you're taking out and so Darius comes back knowing that daniel is gonna be taking out they roll this stone off looking to see Daniel Maul and Daniel looks up pokes his head up like what you know say what up what up and so they're like what's what happened how into what day how in the world weren't you mold in this situation you guys want to know what happened here you're still you got to learn to read between the lines man come on I worked on that one y'all good y'all gotta get me some that was good I don't give me what I don't know exactly what Daniel prayed but but here's what I'm thinking he prayed a very very specific prayer lord I pray that you would send your angels inch of this lion's den and that I would not be harmed Lord I'm not new to this Lord I've been true to this I've been on my knees friend I've been praying very very specific prayers three times a day over and over and over and over again jump down to verse 21 Daniel 6 till then Daniel said O king live forever God sent his angel to shut the lion's mouth and they have not harmed me because I was found blameless before him and also before you O king I have done no wrong let me reverse back real quick he said blameless before you in other word I don't care what the haters saying because I know what I've done but the most important thing is also before you in other words he said that I've been before God and many of you you're wondering why you're not able to close some of the lion's mouth because you haven't been before God it's not enough to come in here on a Sunday it's not enough to drop a few dollars in the offering bucket the question is have you been before God have you been this very humble position of worship prayers are powerful when they're specific don't just pray all God just help free me from this addiction no God I pray that I'll never drive anywhere near the dope men's house Oh God just help me quit using these pain meds no God I pray that I'd never get another prescription drug as long as I live Lord just please just send me just a being a man of God no God I pray that I would never go to the club and look for a godly man I was show up to rally this Friday I would show up to church this weekend and I would look for the God Oh help me to be a better husband no God I pray that you would give me the right words and I would treat my wife like the princess that she is Oh help me deal with this anger no I pray that you would give me a cool heart and a cool posture and the right words to say because the King has the power of life and death and those who love it what is the it that you love or you love and speaking life or you love is speaking death that's what I want very very specific prayers I pray that this cancer would leave my body I pray that you would heal my grandmother I pray that my son or daughter would come to know the Lord I pray that these insecurities would get off of me I pray that you would restore my marriage I pray that you would increase my finances I pray that you would give me blessing and breakthrough I pray that the blessings would happen I pray that not only blesses for me but blessings would happen for my family and my friends and my cousins and my brothers and my sisters because that's the God that we serve because I understand this is that you have not because you ask not [Music] [Applause] I'm trying specific prayers in Oklahoma we have these things called tornadoes now I'm not trying to compare natural disasters to one another but I mean I know y'all got hurricanes and sometimes it may go a little bit off but for the most part you know it's coming you even know the name of the hurricane before it gets here you know I'm saying I just found out last night that they rotated not only I knew his alphabetical order about it know it was male/female sir pastor Charlie told me that last night so now I'm excited we was going through the hot no the whole rest of the year arrests of whatever to z-z I know the newsy name was zebra not anyway but anyway so like but like so like I'm something like like we have tornadoes it's so like with a hurricane you can prepare y'all buy up all the water in one day in the whole state and so like but with the tornado like you might just be at your house next thing you know you wake up and you like six houses down yeah I'm saying just gone everyone years many years agos before you know a brother had you know a real tornado shelter I remember my kids were young and there was a storm that was coming our way it was in a town called El Reno which was about 20 minutes from where we live but he said it was headed our direction and we really pay attention to the meteorologists in Oklahoma because man what they got to say is really important right and so like I remember the storm is coming our way and they told us it was softball-sized hail first of all that should be illegal you don't say it like softball sized hail was coming our way and I remember that's like we're listening to the radio and the storms getting closer and my kids were young and so my wife like we got bicycle helmets and football helmets and put them on our boys and then we got blankets and then we got in the the interior like bathtub and then we put mattresses over us it was like a ghetto storm shelter here I'm saying and so and so we get in there and I remember that as the storm is coming the lights go out the power goes out and we just grabbed hands pray God I pray that in the name of Jesus that that you would keep my family safe and that my house would not be any destruction or disaster I pray that you would protect us I pray that somehow this storm ago around us and I pray that we would not have any destruction or devastation power goes out storm comes boom boom rain win next morning you go out and look at our neighborhood as crazy car our trampoline was in our neighbor's yard three houses down it's crazy like and then over there if you folks you guys at work in insurance you kind of know how this works like when you start to have devastation to Struck's they kind of declare a whole area like a disaster so you come and they'll just know that they need to replace roofs or whatever on all the houses and so over the next couple of weeks people started getting their roofs of stuff replaced so we finally called our adjuster came out and before he went up he's like yeah we replace their roof we placed a roof up the street and and here's the deal like man I'm gonna hook you up help you guys know like that just blesses you it's like scary good when somebody says the word hook up he doesn't say it like this puts a smile on your face right like it they say impact-resistant lifetime warranty that's what we're gonna do for you and so he cows and likes he goes up and does whatever like you know roofer adjuster people do he goes up and gets on the roof he's looking around and and then about 15 20 minutes later 40 minutes later he comes down he was on the phone up there he's like he's like mr. Williams like I've never seen anything like it I'm like really was it was it that bad he's like no you don't have any damage to your roof I'm like seriously I mean since then I've learned to say more spiritual things like hallelujah praise the Lord I've uh prayed a very specific prayer I'm here to tell you like men don't just pray these lame whatever prayers be very very specific because prayers are powerful when they're specific and third thing if you're taking notes you can write this down as this his prayers are scary good when they are persistent everybody say persistent humble specific persistent so let's be persistent let's go back to verse 10 here's the Bible says when Daniel knew that the document had been signed he went to his house where he had his windows and his upper chamber open towards Jerusalem he got down on his knees how many times a day three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as he had done what previously in other words he did it three times a day as he did before in other words this was something he did over and over and over and over and over and over again then these men came by agreement and found Daniel making petition and plea before his God you see a lot of us pray and nothing happens and we're like I'm done I'm out but what Daniels life teaches that if you want to pray scary good prayers you need to pray over and over and over and over again that situation been praying for why did you give up on it you got to pray over and over and over and over again as a matter of fact at all of our locations everybody I want you to hold up one finger and hold out your hand everybody participate everybody's got to do this right now I want you to clap your hand like this all right everybody two fingers all right three fingers all right four fingers all right five fingers and that's how prayer is you pray over and over and over and over again it gets louder and louder and louder and louder the Bible said that faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God when you do it over and over and over again it's a sound and not only you hear but the people around you hear more importantly to sound that God hears you know I told you they said Daniel you're gonna be thrown their lines Danny kept praying dan you're in the lion's den he kept praying dan you're out of the lion's den he kept praying you know I told you about this inmate Johnson every single time I walked through the units just like dink I see Johnson praying and I begin to learn a little bit more about Dan and about Johnson's story and what I learned about Johnson was this he's he's home he's like warden like I was wrongfully convicted not even supposed to be in here but you got to be careful no disrespect my folks said that day ci and homestead is that a lot of times people in prison everybody says they were innocent but there was something about Johnson that you just believe he's and then again all the other inmates like Johnson why do you keep praying to Jesus he ain't showed up yet and he's like here's the deal I could care less what other people say like I'm praying because I want my good name to be restored at this point in time Johnson already done six calendar years and with this good time he was set to get out within the next year like Johnson you know how to do this time dog why do you keep praying over and over again just do this time and get out of here but he said here's I could care less what they say here's their like he prayed with his eyes on Jesus and not on his situation I'm here to tell you that's what you got to do you got to focus on God and not focus on a situation that's in front of you he did allow his outward circumstances affect his inward assurance that God was going to show up so that's why he said he prayed over and over and over and over and over and over and over again that's what you got to do and some of you guys I don't know what that situation for you is like what is your lion's den what's that thing that only you and God know about that healing that you're needing that pornography those inappropriate conversations that you're having with somebody that's not your spouse how you talking to your kids and anger you're holding onto the unforgiveness that you're holding on to the disrespect that you having for your parents the hating on people for no reason other than you're jealous just liking somebody that you don't even know disliking somebody because of their political party disliking somebody because of something they said on Facebook that you don't even know what is your lion's den and this is the point in time when they'll come play behind me to make me sound more spiritual as I close and you'll learn that you got to learn to pray with pray with your eyes on God and not on your situation prayers are powerful they're humble specific persistent and the e is expectant and some of you guys will take pastor Scott you understand my situation you don't understand what I did last night you understood all the wrong that I've done you don't understand how dark my situation is I'm here to tell you that that God often shines his brightest lights when we're in our darkest places I mean if you say I'm in a dark place but God is saying that that's why Jesus came and many like well what does this mean for me like like here's the deal like I'm telling you this the Bible says in mark 11 whatever you asked for in faith believe that you have received it and it will be yours this is not some genie in a bottle that you rub the bottle but the belief part means that God wants to increase your faith and God wants to increase your expectancy the question is do you believe it do you believe that God is going to show up and your situation is going to blow up because when you begin to believe in it begins to do something in you but you got to pray these humble prayers you've got to be very specific you got to be persistent over and over and over and over and over and over again and then most importantly you got to be expectant you got to be expecting that something's going to happen you're in this humble position what the deal is you got to learn to to see the invisible but in order to receive the impossible like here's like you can't see it but you can feel it and you begin to expect it that's a toll jizz I would walk to these shooters I see this inmate Johnson I remember like it was gesture as many years ago as I'm going into one of the units and I see Johnson over there out the corner of my eyes sitting on the edge of his bed and I'm talking to a couple of the officers and we're having a conversation and no sooner that I can finish my conversation Johnson came to me said warden I'm like what's up John he's like I got my papers I'm like what are you talking about John he said I got my papers he said my case has been overturned he says I'm getting out of this joint he's having praying over and over and over and over again for over six years that God would restore my good name he said I got my papers and I'm here to tell you my friends I don't care what you're dealing with God's got your papers your finances your bank account your healing your body your situation your unforgiveness your blessing and breakthrough God's got your papers my friend I don't care what your hold onto [Music] that business you want to start God's got your papers that godly woman you've been praying for sir God's got your papers young lady you you want to do something special God's got your papers like you've been divorced and will God ever send me someone good God's got your papers some of your couples are trying to get pregnant for a really long time I've had two messages just since I've been here about people saying that's what they've been doing praying over and over miscarriage after miscarriage but they began to believe into expected and some of them are twenty nine weeks and some of them just found out they're pretty I'm here to tell you God's got your papers [Music] you've had some people that have hurt you but you're the one going on and carrying all the weight of the hurts God said I want you to turn that over because I got your papers I got something I want to put in your life it's son or daughter that's far from God [Music] and wipe those tears away God's got your papers in the balcony you came in here today with lots of questions we serve an amazing god it says I got the answers I got the solutions I got your papers and it all starts with scary good prayers that are humble specific persistent and expected let's pray father I thank you so much for every single person is under the sound of my voice and all across this room I just want you just to be still and quiet right where you're at and allow God to speak to you right now and if you'd be honest enough to say man my prayer life is not where it needs to be I don't can't remember the last time I came to you humbly on my knees and more importantly God specific prayers God I just kind of pray and in general prayer and I do the whole spare tire thing but I want that to change and persist in God there's some things that I pray for that I've given up on and I want to pray over and over and most importantly God I want you to increase my faith all across this room if that's your prayer before God I want you to raise your hand I just want to pray for you almost every single hands raise god I pray for every single hand that's raised all across this room god I pray right now Lord his hands are being raised we see that the chains of addiction are being broken God we see faith that's beginning to be increased God we see people that are no longer gonna be scared to pray but they're gonna pray boldly god they're gonna pray or the expectancy that you're gonna listen to their prayers god I pray they can't get through this week without the blessing and breakthrough and just like Daniel God made people look at them and say that there's something amazing on their life make people their enemies and their haters come out of and said oh I thought that you were going to take them out but may you closed those lions mouth may you closed the enemy's mouth will you put a hedge of protection around their finances around their health around their relationships around their children around their situation God bless your people we love you and we thank you and it's in Jesus name we pray and all God's children raise the roof and made some noise because we serve an amazing God come on let's give God all that he deserves come on let's just give him 10 seconds of praise I want you just to raise the roof just make some noise for Jesus right now come on you do better than that at a Dolphins game come on we serve an amazing God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music]
Channel: Church by the Glades
Views: 1,639
Rating: 4.4666667 out of 5
Keywords: church by the glades, cbglades, fort lauderdale, coral springs, tamarac, margate, sample road, lake worth, miami, broward county, church, church service, sermon, creativity, music, south florida, message, fun, prayer, scary good, scott williams
Id: kx-xz8F7AjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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