Unsinkable ~ God

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Church by the glaze goodness if he could watch more our tech team scurry to his seat that was nicely done like a ninja in the dark there if you're a guest walk my name is David I'm one of the pastor's of CBG this is our our sixth service at this campus this weekend we have several campuses bunch of services our campuses then we have people watching online around the world would you greet our campuses and greet our online campus if you're watching right now in some faraway place thank you for joining us today my voice is a little raspy so guess what Sunday nights I need your help I need your help I need your response I need your energy you didn't get an extra hours sleep but that doesn't matter for you because you're smart and you do church on Sunday night anyways so so glad you are here we launched a new series a four-week study I hope you'll be here for all four weeks I'm I'm super excited about this one and let me begin this entire series and this this particular message is way our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and all God's people together loudly said amen amen thank you that was a prayer I I just created on the spot that a spontaneous prayer I improv what do you what are you laughing at if you're laughing you have some degree religious training in your background because you know that's not my prayer that's famously called the Lord's Prayer it's found in Matthew chapter 6 and Jesus gave us a model or an example of a biblically balanced prayer so maybe you learn that prayer as a kid it's a great way to pray you can memorize the prayer and say the words but don't divorce the words from their meaning and so I want to start this new series called Unsinkable with Matthew chapter 6 Matthew chapter 6 let's say the text together loudly read Matthew chapter 6 find that if you have your Bible and the series is entitled unsinkable unsinkable I'm excited about this four-week study for two reasons one of course is the content I think the contents can be rich and really practical and of course very biblical but number two this is really neat first time this has happened in my two decades with you we're not the only church launching this series called unsinkable today there are 33 South Florida churches doing the same thing beginning this Sunday doing a series four weeks same four big ideas we all got together and by the way I love all these churches are wonderfully different there's some large churches some small churches different denominations and flows and a young guy in the area and I'm Brook mines named pastor robee robee came to me with this idea for this discipleship study and we met with some other pastors in my office back in the back area is right there about three months ago and sat down with pastor doug from calvary chapel and pastor rick black would give it up for calvary chapel great church pastor rick Blackwood from christ fellowship miami the churches of Palm Beach are gonna jump in with the same series next year and we all got together could it hatch this idea to build into the people that attend our churches is if you're part of our churches are for you so I'm glad you're here and I love the spiritual synergy of all these different churches because by the way you know other churches are never our competition they're our family I know you might walk into another church that doesn't look and feel like our church there's no LEDs and the music's more chill and more traditional we have so much so in common we're more alike than we're unlike and in fact all these churches we believe that a dead man came back to life so we have so much in common so I love they're our family they're our brothers and sisters in Christ and we're all doing Unsinkable starting this week so what is the premise Unsinkable here it is a lot of people who are smart people and good people and who attend church on a regular basis if you're just honest they lead lives where they struggle they tread water they they barely stay afloat when you compare that to what you see in the record of Scripture men and women who face all kinds of hardship people in the Bible are oppressed their challenge or even persecuted yet they live these remarkable life cease victorious life sees these confident lies they live these unsinkable lives so what's the secret to living an unsinkable life well we were tasked so the idea for the title came from Pastor Doug and Robi has some of the surveys and back study and they asked a church by the glades you guys come up with the creativity will you come up with a way to hit a brand the whole thing may be a big idea I guess what so we're the creative Church of course and so we thought about it the team came up the idea of an iceberg an iceberg because you know an iceberg they're massive but the majority of the mass is beneath the surface the largest portion of an iceberg is beneath the surface you don't really see it and I found what people Christian people who have this confident victorious unsinkable life they have these qualities these things they know and do that you may not see they're beneath the surface of their life but they do and know these things and they render their lives unsinkable so what are those qualities you got to do in private what those things you have to know and you're a harder part that if you really know and do these things and believe these things and practice these things you're still gonna have hardship you're still gonna have haters and challenges but you will live an unsinkable life for weeks for big ideas I hope you'll be here for every one of the four weeks I know it's November I still has holiday season but be here that next week is so vital in fact I want to make a prediction the devil is gonna mess with you next Sunday I don't mean like they'll show up with red pajamas and horns I just mean something's gonna go weird or sideways on the way to church your kid won't be able find her socks and she always does her socks aren't right you're gonna need gas you always put gas the car beam you gonna have a flat tire right this means something come up this sudden thing so plan to be here maybe come Saturday night even make sure leave margin because next week every week is so important you to be here all four weeks if humanly possible if you're watched online like 45% of people are clapping I'll take that I'll convince the rest of you hopefully here in a moment so week one its week one there are four big ideas for truths you must understand and apply and they're big the first one is is God God number two is the idea of truth number three is something called the gospel the Bible describes the thing called the gospel and then fourth and finally your mission that God has a divine mission for his church in a mission specifically for your life so those are the four ideas God truth gospel mission so let me start the first win this way by saying every weekend when we get to get there I never show up and wing it I hope you can tell I never see up here and just start talking hoping that eventually I say something I spend a lot of time a lot of hours and prayer and preparation and research and study hey thank you that's just my responsibility that's my job I I owe that to you and I owe that to God so I make you a promise if I ever feel like I'm mailing it in I'll quit but I won't so when you come back next week I'll be loaded for bear you show up that's a promise I make I spend a lot of time in preparation and I've been doing this now you know for a while and so I feel with most of the major topics in the Bible I can present a pretty confident talk a pretty complete talk you know somewhat compelling but I shouldn't tell you for topic number one I'm in so far over my head even do this 25 years I don't think I've had a single week I felt I'm dealing with a more immense and immeasurable and enormous topic that I am so out of my depth there's no way I can even scratch the surface on the topic do it justice because the topic week number one is God I've had a great time this week of people asking hey what do you preached on this week god I'm preaching on God this week so we're all doing this idea of God so what do I say about God a God of Scripture a God that spoke in the stars came into existence a God whose unlimited all-knowing all-powerful a God who made you and me how do we describe this God so here's my goal let me try to tell you today give you a brief survey as to who the God of the Bible is now you might want to hate how do I even know God's real maybe your question is how do I know that God is true next week next week I'd talk about the big idea of truth I do believe there's absolute truth there's universal truth it's not just hey it's true for you but maybe not for me no there's some things just our facts and God is a fact in fact the way I want to establish a conversation of truth because some of you guys have valid God questions is it true is Jesus true is the Bible true or reliable I want to take you to one biblical claim and this claim is huge this claim is pivotal fact this claim is really improbable but I want to show you so much hard evidence next week to show you this claim of the Bible is fact that it is valid but is credit I'm gonna show you so much evidence that thing is true we can back into everything else so if you're a smart thinking person who asked those hard questions a bit of a skeptic please be here next week we'll talk about truth next week so it's kind of Part A Part B this week and next week but today it is God and my goal is to simply explain to a brief degree what the God of the Bible is like so how do we frame this discussion well how about this so psychologists and philosophers and theologians agree on this that people have four major questions of life before overarching questions a one's a question of provision provision meaning this I I need certain things to make my life happen I need certain resources I need certain basics of existence and so where do those things come from how do I get those things or who provides provision is number one now a deeper question once you have like food and shelter this or question a purpose purpose is there a reason that I'm on planet Earth is there a reason for my life beyond just existing or surviving the day is there purpose number three what do I do with my guilt I made mistakes I have remorse I have regrets I've been selfish I feel weird after what do I do with my guilt then then finally what happens after I die because the stats on death are staggering 10 out of 10 people die so that probably will affect you and me so wow what happens cuz I'll be dead a very long time what happens five seconds after I die let's go to use these four huge questions a frame our conversation what God is like and let's gonna use Matthew 6 and the Lord's Prayer Jesus gave us this model prayer and see if that helps us understand what the God of the Bible is like and by the way if you're really deep into your God walk this will be helpful but if you're here today just kicking tires not even sure about the whole thing what a brilliant weekend to check out what the Bible says so the first one is the idea of provision provision when I see three shout the word provision ready one two three we need stuff we need stuff to make life happen so I think it's verse 11 Jesus said tell God that you need stuff ask God for his assist with the stuff that you need for life look what it says simple verse give us today our daily now in Jesus old bread was a big thing I mean people there was there's warfare and famine right so just making sure you had groceries was a big deal now I'm not sure where you're watching this online or on the Hillsong channel but here in South Florida in the in America we are so blessed the most you guys are not worrying about you know will you have dinner it's where you're gonna go for dinner right by God's grace we have food and maybe you're not eating a Capitol grill every male meal but you're not going hungry if you are going hungry we would love to help you because there are people in our area that need food and by the way I'm so proud of our church what you guys do every November by way of feed the city feed the city because you've not been part of feed the city before it I hope you will participate in this we attempt as a church baby to feed 10,000 people providing not just bread but an awesome meal Thanksgiving time for people who can't afford to do that but by the way if you support our church financially we we supply people all the time not just November but we do it every single day you may not know that we support several orphanages around the world we're part of a baby rescue ish ish issue in Guatemala and all that's about nutrition in fact as we support these these orphanages we don't staff them we pay the bills so like example are 50 little girls in Haiti outside of port-au-prince we pay for their food we pay for their clothes we pay for their medicine medical issues and we pay for other educational expense sanitation we stroke those checks we meet that we're providing bread now in in this area bread maybe it's more than just the basics of life thank the great theologian Martin Luther said when the Bible says bread when Jesus talks about bread he means everything necessary for the preservation of life bread includes food a healthy body good weather house home wife children good government even peace I think that's a good idea that anything in my life of value the ultimate source is God James chapter one says it this way in verse 17 every good gift and every perfect name bestowed is coming down to the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow we break it down here to the Bible saying if you got it and it's good it's from God if you got it and it's good it's this from God let me personalize that anything in my life any any good thing or any good person if I got it and as good is from God say with me if I got it and it's good it's from God now like you really mean it ready if I got it and it's you walk away with just that today this has been a good investment of your time and by the way there's so bad there you wanna protest like a timeout they have it wait a minute wait I I work hard for my stuff I got some nice things in my life but I work hard and I worked 50 60 hours a week I got my education I seized opportunities I I'm a self-made person I would say listen fantastic that is brilliant you've stewarded the opportunity and the resources and the talent that God gave you but though you worked really really hard and you worked smart who gave you your intelligence who gave you your aptitudes who gave you your talents who gave you opportunity you could be just as smart and hard-working and living in a communist country and have nothing and so if you got it and it's good it's from God give us today our daily bread provision let me gently jump out out of sequence here guilt guilt you'll see one of the great questions can we wrestle with kills and regret and I've made a bunch of mistakes in my life I know I'm a pastor it probably should be a better person I am but I've made mistakes and I feel weird afterwards when I'm selfish to do something I violate my moral code I feel anybody ever once in your life wrestle with feelings of guilt feeling bad raise your hand raise your hand yeah if you're not raising your hand you're gonna feel guilty later on that you lied in church about guilt so we all deal with this so what do we do with our guilt cuz psychologists tell us that up a lot of issues like chronic anxiety and stress and even physical mental illness can be traced back to unresolved guilt issues so here's the good news about this god of Scripture he loves to forgive he's passionate for it he's not reluctant about forgiveness like okay I guess I have to you're an idiot again you did the stupid thing and so I have a holy God so he's happy I have to forgive you again no he's a merciful God he runs to grant grace he loves to forgive us at the same time he's not casual outs in see the reason forgiveness is such an epic and amazing thing is our set is a big deal as well the Bible has perfect spiritual symmetry beautiful biblical balance so grace and forgiveness is amazing because sin is so severe so so we're in the prayer we're in the print of Jesus I think it's verse 12 he said you need to ask God for this and forgive us our debts because we all wrestle with sin we all fall short but just says in Romans chapter 3 for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory God for all have sinned for all have sinned and the original Greek the word all means all so stop right now and turn your neighbor say oh my gosh I'm sitting next to a sinner today I'm sitting next to a sinful person a mistake maker you're a highly imperfect and guess what I am as well amen so we're all in the same sin boat and guess what forgiveness is not spiritualize denial is God dealing with our sin and sin is a big thing in fact sin is such a big thing I hardly ever break into original Word studies in the original language I mean some churches do that a lot and that's fine I just I resist some of that because I never want to undermine your confidence in the Bible in your language so right now at one of our campuses if your Bible is in Creole you can trust the Bible in Creole or if it's in Portuguese or Spanish or English those translators are Breit it's so accurate but the original text was in the New Testament was in Greek and sometimes you just like a little nuance a little slight sliver of an insight if it's it so in the original Greek sitting as such a big deal it's not just one word for sin like in English sin there's multiple words so let me show you some of the biblical words were said one is the word harm attea harm attea and it means literally to miss the mark it's an archery turn like you're hanging aiming for the bullseye and you miss it and the idea is God's best is the bullseye God's got sweet spot of his spiritual success is his beautiful plan for your life that's that's the bullseye and when I sin when I miss that beautiful bullseye I don't just cheat heaven I cheat myself this harmony is it's missing the mark anomia me as another Greek word anomie let's say together one two three I know Mia no Mia is gosh it's the strongest Greek word for sin it's the most egregious is utter rebellion it's knowing the right thing a loving God wants me to do and just spit in God's face and do it my own thing it's lawlessness it's egregious by contrast another Greek word pero wrapped omapere wrap toma means more of a stumble or slip this is less intentional I didn't really mean for this to happen by I slipped into this sin you hear that all the time someone's like me I never thought this would happen to me I never thought I'd get addicted I never thought I'd slip into an affair I never thought para wrap toma here's a visual so I went to Baylor University ain't no right now yeah come on Laurie get me somethin right there I got one other Baylor person I know in the room I this that's my college and so Baylor were eight no right now but you've still not played Texas or Oklahoma but anyways right now we're ADA no eight no should be top ten this week eight no Baylor University and Baylor said in Waco Texas and as a college student at a big park and in the park they had this this this high hill the steep hill this cliff and the clip was called lovers lovers leap and the story was two star-crossed lovers no took their own lives by the way suicide is always a stupid foolish and selfish decision but that was the story these two kids killed themselves they're right that when the real story what happened was it wasn't Troost away to young people died but they were kind near the edge and the ledge and she she pair wrapped home and she she slips she she stumbled and the boy tried to save her and they both died in that a vivid image of temptation I didn't mean to I bet you're I'm just I'm just hugging the edge and the ledge of kind of biblical boundary that that saves my kids my kids are awesome parents my kids are awesome but sometimes my kids obey me as little as possible I mean this I mean I mean this they're like right on the edge of disobedience and disrespect but they just could have hugged the edge right right but technically dad I'm obeying your right they're just hugging that that borderline of disrespect and disability look thank you for Mom in the room yes Dee yeah and they're good kids but they they push that and so sometimes if I'm smart I need to be self-aware maybe I know that my personality is somewhat obsessive or addictive and I probably need to step away from the ledge right step away and get myself a some moral margin just just a little room case I slip I don't fall and I don't think we ever legislate that moral margin I don't impose my self-imposed restrictions upon you if it's not a biblical thing but just to be wise I would make sure I don't pair a rap Thoma and I slip are you with me so these words can help us see the sin man shows up temptation is so vivid and so personal the last one off Alima Alima I think I'm saying that right if you're my Greek professor in back of the day I apologize probably see alpha Lima and correctly for washing online sorry prof. alpha Lima and this one means a moral debt a moral debt when I say three shout the word debt one two three right wow a lot of us battle with debt you know oh my gosh we have consumer debt you know three mortgages if you do by the way no one's here to judge you but I highly recommend in January you take Financial Peace University we have hundreds of story of people crazy and consumer debt tens of thousands even we have some people hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and start working the plan over the course of the months and years they're now debt-free but morally we all have debt because why the bible teaches for all have sinned all have sinned and sin is is a moral debt and the idea behind this word is the check has come and you can't pay the check the bill has come and you'll have enough to pay the bill and by the way that's been my fear for the last week because a week ago I lost my wallet never do that I lost my wallet on an airplane of all places and the worst part is yes I had some cash yes it sucks to lose your cash but it's all the other stuff my license was gone my insurance card was gone my fishing license was gone my dive card was what you laughing at that's terrible my dive card you all that all that stuff at least and I have one debit card we don't do credit cards we have a debit card and so normally that happens it's happened before it happens in life as Lisa and I were just kind of tag-team on the one car do we share the card to the replacement card comes but we said to suddenly leave town with the debit card so I had no way to pay for anything it was just me and Zayn at home and I'm like I had parents I don't go to my kids money drawer I had to borrow for my 10 year old all like all week long right all right by the way he's loaded I didn't know it kid has a lot of cash as I've been bar he knows I've been keeping track and so every time we go to eat somewhere all I have is like the cash I've taken from his drawer and I'm doing my math on the menu trying to make sure that that I can I have enough cuz when the bill comes Wow okay now when the bill comes for our moral debt or awful EEMA we got no shot it's like I got $33 my moral account in my bill is 33 million but here's the goodness of the gospel Romans 6:23 this is one of the weeks is called the gospel the good news look at this on the screen right now this is epic for the wage for the wages of sin is death forth before the debt of sin is death I told you sends a big deal its cosmic treason in the eyes of a holy is your name how will be thy name but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord our God loves to give the gifts of grace salvation and forgiveness but when he forgives you it's amazing but I love the Greek word here for forgiveness in Matthew chapter 6 when God forgives us forgive us our debt the word literally means to hurl I don't like to throw up because you're nauseous I mean like to pick something up and just just throw it man just just to wing it like you God is so strong check out this Psalm 103 verse 11 and 12 is a great description by the way the entire Psalm of who God is but it mentions this in these couple verses for as high as the heavens are above the earth so great is his loving-kindness his grace towards those who fear him get ready as far as the East is from the West he has removed he has hurled our transgressions from us so I love sports and the World Series just wrapped up the World Series went to 7 games it's always dramatic when there's a 70 know something I think baseball is slow but it's so dramatic in those moments and there's some awesome pitchy now the Nationals won their first ever World Series but there's a pitch for Houston in Game four Gerrit Cole oh my gosh this guy's arm is ridiculous Cole's a free agent by the way he's probably coming to the Marlins not a chance anyways Yankees angels not the Marlins anyways anyways 80 pitches in he stole throwing a hundred miles an hour that's a crazy good arm but God's right arm makes Cole look like a little leaguer and I love the divine geometry of that statement he throws our transgression he hurls our sin as far as the was as far as the now I believe in the truth of the God's Word you'll see it next way I believe you can rely on every word in the Bible I think it's all true holistically true and I believe the Holy Spirit inspired the author to use those exact words he casts our sin as far as the east is from the west and knows he did not say as far as the north is from the south stay with me because the context of the time of the authorship of Psalm 103 was at a time when the science was the earth was flat the earth was like a big flat stage right and so who cares it got stolen your sin east to west or north to south we know now the earth is not flat it is round it's a globe you are aware of that correct it really is it's a sphere and so think about it if the Holy Spirit inspired the author's saying God takes our sin and he casts or said as far as the north is from the south well if you're here you know in what's rolling around here come on Africa come on Africa come on Africa come on Africa I mean the Pacific is really big in it there's all okay you're Australia Australia and you throw sin as far as the north is from the south if you throw far enough eventually north north north north you'll hit the North Pole and after a while you stop going north and you start going south again and that was the imagery of the language the scripture used that would mean your sin would come back to haunt you your sin Australia boomerang back towards you but the Holy Spirit doesn't say he cast our sin as far as the north is from the south he says as far as the east is from the west if God throws our sin towards the east if you go east no matter how far you go east you always go east you never go east so far you begin to go west and with us say when God throws your away it's going forever so guess what get over it I know you wish it never happened I know you wish if you're getting a time-traveling DeLorean and change everything but you can't but God Christian has removed your sin this gracious merciful forgiving God as far as the East is from the West so get off the floor dust yourself off get back in the game get over quickly the question of purpose is there an overarching divine purpose of life or his life just exist is life just you're born you'll learn a few things you grow up you get a few things achieve a few things then you die and other people enjoy your things or is there something more the Bible says there's definitely something more how about I think it's verse 10 verse 10 the interesting thing that the g's have pre this pray this your kingdom come your will what your will be done on earth as it is in evidences so God has a will and the will is not just for the universe of the cosmos yes I believe a personal will for your life in my life and this will has been scripted in the heavens from time from eternity I mean it's been scripted this life plan this will for your life but the key to life is discovering God's will and executing his heavily will in your earthly life that you take his design and make that your every day plan that his will in heaven becomes your plan on earth because obviously we have free will and we can choose to do something else we can chase our own plan or own dreams our own desire but God has scripted this will for our life you you look confused it's when there's a line between these two things that's amazing think about a building like built like like this structure right here this is a large building 2,000 seats and we hired a brilliant talented architect who designed every component of this building now if the contractor the general contractors on the literally the same page as the architect if you have alignment between the plan and the building is beautiful its powerful its symmetrical is affection it's functional but there's a breakdown there's an issue so if the architect designs it's a seventy thousand square foot ability a roof to cover 70,000 square foot building but say the the roofing contractor thought you know that's too much I'll design a roof to cover 15,000 square feet you wouldn't come to church for a train because it wouldn't work right or if the architect said I'm a design contemporary notices no I like traditional it'd be all messed up broken dysfunctional that's what I love is suffer in life because we're rejecting God's plan but life gets powerful and catalytic when you discover God's purpose God's plan and the great thing is its unique its customized he's not a one-size-fits-all kind of God that is one of the reasons why we created anything called best next steps happens after every service route those doors is 30 minutes and it's where I love that it's not like okay here's your first step and everybody here's your second step in your thing because we're unique and so we take this time to help you figure out what is your next step in your god journey it's not a recruitment class or a membership class it really is trying to help you figure out what is your next step because this is amazing God God who knows everything he's given us cosmic genius to scripting out a will in heaven for your life why would you spend one more hour of one more day not chasing down that God and his purpose his plan for your life purpose is powerful and then let me end on a really happy note death let's talk about the question of death right listen death what a downer subject but we need to talk about death because you we all die right you'll be dead longer than you're live so so smart people from time to time but it's not morbid contemplate what happens after you die and I think the answer that's found in verse 13 I love the way the prayer powerfully wraps up what would Jesus now pray this at the end I love the language here for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory ladder and the glory it was late that good up there thank you awesome we serve the forever God not just the god of this life but the got it forever that helps us out because listen death is a real issue I've had two very good friends navigating death situations in the past week one is a member of our team you know this person you love this person his mom stage four cancer she seems to be winding down and outside of a miracle healing she's gonna go to heaven she's a woman a very strong faith and they're cool with that but because there's two mom they want they want her to you know hang around here on the earth little longer and then a second friend of mine a dear friend her dad at age 55 seem to be completely healthy just dropped dead of a heart attack at his office this week so they're dealing with the sudden you know unexpected grief that death is a real thing and death you know 10 out of 10 people die so but the good news is our God is not just a god of this life he's the God of forever and even you're not contemplating death it just helps you because because you are worried about something right now you're stressing out over some problem right what's your problem what's your problem right but I have a problem right now everybody come on yeah yeah bruh has if you're honest or there's something maybe it's not huge but it's like my algebra 2 exam let my daughter's freaking out over her mouth exam come she's freaking out she's all stressed out maybe I should drop the class right and that's a real problem for her maybe I got this client I got this client I think this clients about to unplug from us I'm gonna lose my commission my balls to be mad that that's a real problem it kept you up this week right he left lost some sleep worried about the client homecoming I don't have a homecoming date all these problems and and we so y'all worried about a problem this week maybe may be bigger than that may bigger than just an algebra test maybe you lost your job maybe lost you doubt a few months ago and now you're struggling to make your mortgage and I'm gonna lose my house right and so there's some bigger issues or maybe my friends are navigating death itself what will help you deal with this is having a proper perspective on forever when you recognize God's got you forever you can navigate what you're dealing with right now again I'm not trying to belittle or minimize pretend like you don't really have a problem you you have a problem but it just in juxtaposition of your problem by nature and earthly temporary problem versus God's promises to keep you secure forever the issue is this we don't do a very good job thinking about forever Oscar how much have you thought about eternity this week me I you know five minutes maybe anyway for the sermon maybe a little longer this week so I was gonna talk about forever but but most weeks is I'm encouraged in the Bible to think about forever it says set your affections on things that are right have a heavenly mindset store for yourself not just treasures on earth but treasures in heaven there's all kinds of conversation Bible there's a Christian person a person fate that should be focused on forever in heaven and not just thing about my stuff here on earth and fixating obsessing and worrying I need to think about forever but it's hard to do because I got these things in front of me so let me help you do that for a moment because forever maybe's hugs is such an enormous concept so question how long do you expect to live on earth right something like well I based my president health habits hoping to make it till Tuesday I'm just so else oh no man I I exercise I get plenty of sleep I avoid anxiety I eat organic I'm doing Pilates so how long do you expect to live let's see my dad lived to be 84 my mom is 87 let's see I did a funeral for a lady nicely in this church two years ago was 93 93 awesome woman had had her health in her mind until the very end love the Lord the oldest person I ever did a funeral for is 98 so who would take 98 who is a yeah I'm cool 98 that's good see ninety-eight sounds great I'll assure 97 all right let me help you kind of measure your life in a long line like a 98 year live versus forever versus eternity because we need to think about forever from time to time all right I'm gonna use water as my illustration help us understand the scope and scale of forever and I want to use I want to use a glass so this glass represents your life this glass there's anybody in the room know what this glass is called I knew you would know anyways it's a shot glass for the Baptist of the rim it's called a shot glass and uh I'm not trying to endorse adult beverage I'm just be provocative I just want to use a shot glass to the like the name is call a shot glass because when it comes his earthly life you get one shot stay with me stay with me the Bible says you get one shot I know there are other religious systems to teach you getting two overs right if you mess up I'm not trying to be disrespectful but you messed up in this life don't sweat it you'll come back to the next life I know you get a downgrade you come back as a koala bear or a kumquat or a goldendoodle but you come back right but the Bible says is appointed for every man to live once and then stand before God so just I actually like the healthy pressure that brings to bear if I just get one life I mean if the Goldendoodle people are correct I'm okay right I come back but but if the Bible is true I just get one life I better make it good / great I better squeeze every drop of goodness I better find them fulfill every god-given opportunity exactly oh my God give him Dave I get just one life you got one life make your one shot at this life as great as possible now we're talking how long you expect to live how long we're hoping I think most everyone the room says oh yeah I'll be really cool with with 98 I would take 98 right now so let me kind of fill up this water represent 98 years on earth alright that's that's too much that's that's 108 you're not gonna live that long it takes my back there you go alright touch your one life right now your one life right now is Wow this this is oh my gosh I'm gonna make it to nine yeah okay how long is 98 compared to forever what I have about a gallon of water in this picture so maybe assume why just this is my life on earth and this would be Wow forever no no this is 1.5 ounces and there's about I think 86 of those in here and forever is a lot longer than 86 long life so on the earth way more so I need more water I need more water I need up a bathtub or a Baptistery or a swimming pool or actually that's not enough I need two ocean they didn't need a bunch of oceans I need every ocean there is you know I think it's a better comparison because there's a whole lot of ocean there's a lot of water on planets 70% of the earth's surface is covered by water someplace in the ocean is so deep we know more about deep space and we know about the depth of the ocean by the way the Titanic does sit on the bottom of the ocean and of course the series called unsinkable I will talk about the Titanic and Jack and rose and all the weeks to come to come back for that and but there's a whole lot of water so how much water is there in the ocean it's even hard to measure we need a big instrument of measurement let's use a cubic model a cubic model not a square mile because we're now thinking three dimensionally so a cubic by how many cubic miles of water are there in the ocean approximately 330 2.5 million cubic miles of water in the ocean now that's a very big measurement so how big is a cubic mile how many gallons in a cubic mile massive one trillion 1.1 billion and change gallons in just one single cubic mile of ocean water and think with me there are three hundred thirty two point five million square cubic miles of ocean water massive hello she already stay with me I'm gonna lose you for sure at a moment so let's break it down okay that's cubic cubic miles how many gallons how many gallons in the ocean okay that number get ready three hundred and fifty two quintillion six hundred and seventy quadrillion gallons in the ocean but I didn't say your life is like a gallon I said your life was like what a shot glass a shot glass how many shot glasses in the ocean of water boom give me the number I don't even know how to say that I mean it's a massive number right that's a huge number there's that many shot glasses that many lifetimes that you will in all the oceans that that's the massive massive so here's what you have in forever and this is the god of attorney the God of heaven that God has promised you forever and what are you worried about this what do you fixating on stressing out over this what are you and wait a minute you're not even being worried about all this this is a life of 98 years if your 18 year old in the front row your name think about your 20s right now nothing but your nineties your thing about retiring no we freaked out over that problem that kept you up this week what is that problem because it's not all this you're not worried about my 98 your life you're worried about this thing you're dealing with on Thursday right what does that look like let's give a scale of that what God gives us all of this you're a problem right now might look more like oh my gosh math exam beep what if my client drops me really beep maybe bigger issue maybe okay uh what what if I lose my job oh my gosh you're right it's a big deal beep beep remember that really big problem it kept you up in June back in June member that big problem nope what's that problem I know I had a problem people listen I get it man life has how about how about you know my friends dad suddenly died this week he didn't get 98 he got 55 and that seems so harsh right and that is sad and we grieve we mourn but he stepped out of this life into that life he stepped out of this broken messy pleasure into whatever that number is with the god of forever we have people in church today they're teenager died at Douglas it's a heartbreak that pain will endure in their entire life but someday they will see that young person again because we have these promises of heaven I have a God who has my back forever I have a God who has my best forever I have a king who's conquered this life and the life to come so stop your worrying about that thing right now God's got you cuz he has forever yours be the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and that's not even those radical part of the prayer really quickly here's the most mind-blowing part of the prayer if you lived in Jesus day the part that would really just shake you was the way he said you could address God you say when you big get into prayer some humble prayer say oh I'm impotent omniscient God to thee no no what you say when you pray say this our Father to the Jews of Jesus day that was such a radical statement they taught that your God was real and God was powerful and God was so offended by human sin God was so angry at anomia at rebellion that God had removed himself very very very far away God was so disinfect it was illegal to say God's name don't dare speak God's name it's a sin to actually speak God's name and he's good you kidding me calling father fact this word in the original is actually an Aramaic is the word ABBA it's a word that a little boy would use only for his biological dad you wouldn't call someone else's dad your Abba that was your dad was kind of daddy jesus said guess what there's powerful God he wants to be your dad changes everything right cuz it's not now it's not a religion it's it's a relationship and that changes everything when you have a relationship with God so in like 90 seconds they'll be prayer partners to the edge of the stage if you don't have a relationship with God through Jesus this God wants to get to know you not not nothing you know about him have information about him or you're fond of him you must be your father change you so much you look confusing me illustrate this way so my favorite NBA player retired Wow Dwyane Wade obviously Dwyane Wade best Heat player of all time I know we have LeBron and Shaq and their Hall of Famers an amazing but Dwyane Wade is the greatest Heat player of all time it says so in the Bible somewhere I'm sure so and I love Dwyane Wade least I had the chance to meet him at at a birthday party one time he was so humble and so nice and such a great great ballplayer but he retires I gotta find me a new favorite NBA player so who did I choose LeBron still out there he's still amazing Kauai is phenomena like who do I choose I'm gonna go Steph Curry I love stay yeah Steph Curry I mean his ball skills are crazy he's revolutionized the game his three-point range is his dribble he's he's just passing wow I love Steph Curry now say you have like an eight or nine year old kid who loves Steph Curry's he's a huge fan of Steph Curry has Steph Curry posters on the wall he wears every gear all the time he knows all step stats he wears steps his sneakers are ugly his Under Armor sneakers are kind of ugly right but I have a pair of it they're kind of ugly he wears those shoes all the time and somehow you're a kid your kid who's a fan of stuff love Steph Curry get Steph Curry's personal cell phone number and your kid calls to have courage how will Steph Curry respond to your kid why I'm sure he's a nice guy he'd be polite right it's a kid but he'd probably find out weird who are you who gave you my number you're asking me for stuff right that'd probably be at some point EB like an thanks for being a fan he would hang up and you might think what's rude he should be responsive my kid is a big fan my kid knows all his stuff yes your kid knows about him he does not know Stef personally so there's no response by contrast there's three little kids a little girl who's five her name is Riley the little girl whose name is Ryan she's three and a little boy he's less than one name Cannon and these kids oh my gosh I hear stuff is highly responsive to these kids they cry he runs they hurt he holds them they're hungry he makes sure they are fed and they need clothing he makes sure they're dressed in really nice clothes that he is so responsive to these three kids he shares his massive home is 11,000 square foot six garage infinity swimming pool with fountains home with these kids oh my gosh he'll share his wealth with these kids his knowledge with his kids his love why is he so nice to these kids and not your kids because your kids a fan these kids are his they're his family he's their father he's their Abba if you will you see the difference between a relationship and religion some of y'all listen it's not working because you're just a fan of God you have some information you're fond of him on Sundays but you've not allowed him to invade your life in a real in relational way he wants to be your father licorice says guys I'm sorry for things that order by when to save this will last an amazing promise John chapter 1 verse 12 will give the production people a moment that's all they needed thank you guys brilliant look at this promise yet to all who receive him receive Jesus to those who believe in his name he gave them the right to become God is saying I won't force my fatherhood on you but if you'll say yes to Jesus I'd love to be your dad I will forgive you I'll provide for you I'll supply purpose to your life and not to have your back forever you make the move father God I pray for smart bold powerful decisions right now our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins and our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen
Channel: Church by the Glades
Views: 1,755
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: church by the glades, cbglades, fort lauderdale, coral springs, tamarac, margate, sample road, lake worth, miami, broward county, church, church service, sermon, creativity, music, south florida, fun, Unsinkable
Id: OvJZi7eTLcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 37sec (2797 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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