God, I Need a 2nd Chance ~ This Is a God Dream

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sup church by the glades ma'am miss you guys feel so good to be home until so good to be back for those of you that are here and don't know who I am allow me to introduce myself my name is Charlie Hughes I'm the oldest son a pastor David and Lisa Hughes I'm also a 19 year old college student and no pressure but the president of my university is in the house this morning president bill Fleming and his wonderful wife Pam thank you guys so much for being here I'm honored to have you guys here now I really cannot say anything stupid no pressure I wonder if that who does who does that reflect more mirror you if I say something bad probably me yeah I should pay attention more sometimes all right besides the point I'm a also glad to be back feel so good to be home man we're in a great series aren't we I've been watching from from Oklahoma that's where I was by the way I've been in Oklahoma for two months I had the privilege of serving at Life Church for the summer as an intern it was a great experience if you are not familiar with Life Church like Church is an amazing Church of God's doing amazing things in and through I had such a pleasure of being able to intern with their Oklahoma City team and really quick I want to say thank you to everyone at Life Church Oklahoma City the hardworking and talented team that is there for investing so much in my life also once they thank you to pastor Craig Groeschel and his wife Amy bro shell the son has been such a blessing set such an impact on my life but we are in a series entitled the God or God I need a second chance there you go man I love this who is thankful who is grateful that we have a God who is a God of second chances that we have a God who is a God of do-overs do we have a God who's not look at his based on what we've done wrong but he sees the potential in us and today I'm excited I've come prepared I believe that God has given me a word for you to hear are you guys ready to receive it the title of my message today if you're taking notes is this is a God dream this is a God dream this is everything you see the Bible talks a lot about the dreams that God has for you Jeremiah 29:11 says for I know the plans I have for you says the Lord plans to prosper you and to give you a hope in a future of pieces 3:20 says now to him speaking of God who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ever asked for or imagine dreama plan on according to his power God's power that is at work within us first things first I needed to understand this that my god is a god of more my god is a god of immeasurably more my god is a god of abundantly more my God is a God of exceeding anymore my god is a god of more my God is a God of increase he is not a God of decrease God wants to add God wants to multiply God wants it brings so much she life God doesn't want to take away God's a God of morning God wants to bring more joy to your life more passion more purpose more freedom more fulfillment more love more greats gala summary so much more to your life and you could ever dream of or imagine this is a God dream this is everything and I love this I love the guys of God Oh more I love that God refuses to fit into the boxes that sometimes I try to fit him into I love that God refuses to meet the description that I write out for him I love that God refuses just to meet my expectations but God wants to exceed my expectations I absolutely love that God is a God of more gods he's but 10 within you and I that sometimes we don't even see in ourselves God knows every gifting every talent every ability that's within me because he is the one as policed in there he has designed me for the purpose that he has forming he's done the same for you gals do more in and through us than we could ever dream was possible this is what a God dream looks like it looks like more but it would be absolutely wrong with me to only spend the time that we have together today only talking about the dreams that God has for you because the enemy the devil Satan has some dreams for your life as well in the dream that God has for your life is a nightmare to the enemy the dream that the enemy has for your life is a steal kill and destroy the dream that God has for you the what bit of mass destructions the enemy loves to use to kill the dream that God has for you its temptation looks at the person sitting next to you just tell them the word temptation temptation is a tool that serves a purpose of distraction I think a lot of people assume that if the devil was to come after them with the purpose of attacking and that you know that anyone want all the credit for the attack he's having on you but I'm not sure that's the case I'm not sure the enemy so concerned receiving their credit for the attack he's having on you I think the devil's more just concerned with you remaining distracted because the enemy knows that he can just keep you distracted he'll never have to do any real destroying you'll do all the destroying from the dream that God has for your life all on your own because what temptation does is it takes the focus off with a dream that God has for me and it puts my focus on my own desires temptation is dangerous temptation will feed into my desire to have an attractive significant other and produce lusts within me temptation will feed into my desire to be popular and well-known and produced arrogance and pride within me temptation will feed into my desire to be wealthy and rich and have lots of money and produce greed within me temptation is dangerous temptation will kill the dream that God has for you like that so the question that you should be asking if you one day want to be able to experience and live in the dream the blessing the more that God has for you is how do i effectively avoid temptation there's a young man in scripture who I think answers his question brilliantly through how he lives his life a young man a teenager actually by the name of Joseph Joseph was a dreamer God gave multiple dreams to Joseph's dreams that conveyed a continuous message of that one day Joseph would be in a position of power that one day Joseph would be in a position of leadership that one day Joseph would lead many including his own family what amazing dreams who wouldn't want to have a dream like this being told by God that one day you're gonna be a leader that one day you're gonna be a power that one day you're gonna have authority over many and Joseph being the unfiltered teenager he once he ran to his brothers and told him the dream that God had given him he said ha one day I'm gonna be in charge of you one day you got to do as I say one day I'm gonna make the rules one day I'm gonna be in charge one day I'm gonna be the boss one day I'm gonna be the leader I'm gonna be the head honcho and there's nothing you can do about it because God told me so his brothers didn't take this message too well and in fact from the first time Joseph's told him told them the dreams that God had given him they his brothers begin to hate him they begin despise him they begin to grow jealous of him as Joseph continued to come back to them with these dreams I continued to tell jokes that one day he would lead his brothers as his brothers began to really hate Joseph this hatred and his jealousy began to fester because you have to understand this is a very countercultural message for Joseph's time Joseph was the youngest son and a family that had a lot of boys in it and it was customary for the oldest son to lead the family not one of the youngest and as the toxicity continued to grow and fester in the relationship that Joseph had won with his brothers one day that toxicity just came to a sipping point and Joseph's brothers decided they were going to take Joseph and throw him and his sister in a pit what the intentions of leaving him there for debt and that's what they did they took Joseph they roughed him up stripped him of his clothes and threw him in a pit and just as they were about to leave him there to die they thought you know what he is our brother after all that's the mess of we can't we can't kill him so here's what we'll do instead we'll sell him into slavery so they took Joseph and put him in the hands of some Ishmaelites and off Joseph went to become a slave in Egypt I think that was a good point to pick up in Joseph's story Genesis chapter 31 39 verse 1 says this will be on the screens now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt Potiphar an Egyptian who was one of Pharaohs officials the captain of the guard bought in from the Ishmaelites who had taken him there the Lord was with Joseph so that he prosper and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master when his master saw the Lord was with them that the Lord gave success in everything he did verse 6 Potiphar lets everything he had and Joseph's carrying with Joseph in charge do not concern himself with anything except the food he ate now Joseph was well-built and handsome he was an attractive guy she was good-looking and after a while his master's wife Potiphar's wife took Munoz to Joseph and said Joseph come to bed with me but Joseph refused with me in charge he told her my master does not concern himself with anything in the house everything he almost he's entrusted to my care no one is greater in this house than I am my master's will tell nothing from me except you because you are his wife how then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God and though she spoke to Joseph day after day night after night time and time and time again Joseph refused to go to bed with her or even to be with her temptation is a continuous fight the enemies that could come after you just flexible temptation fail and throw in the towel No the enemies of the come after you time and time again with temptation day after day night after night he's gonna try to wear you down with the temptation he's throwing at you but every person who has ever been able to live and walk in the dream the purpose the plan the more that God has for them has been able to do so because at one point other day decided to take a stand their whole reason Joseph was able to refuse the temptation as being thrown his way by Parker's wife it's because at one point or another Joseph decided to take the stand voting before this altercation in this situation this problem that was Parker's wife ever arose and Joseph's life Joseph had to decide that his life and his faith would start with the stand somebody in this room better shop for me it starts with a sand I'm not speaking of a physical standing even though it did take form as such in Joseph's life but I'm speaking of a moral a spiritual standing Joseph had to decide and take a stand that he would not sacrifice his dream to satisfy his desires Joseph had to make the decision that he was not going to sacrifice is destiny on the altar since substance sex or stupidity Joseph recognised the higher the call on his life the larger the dream that God had for him the more dangerous of levels of thought ation that would be thrown his way if you ever want to be able to live in the dream the purpose and the more that God has for you you must decide that your faith and your life will start squit a stance you must pre decide where to draw the line for the protection of your purity you must make the premeditated decision that when temptation comes your way you will stand firm be rooted grounded planted and be movable staying focused on what's ahead what God has planned for you because your purity requires your intentionality someone told me recently someone at PBA actually one of the people in our administration there they told me I think this is so true they told me that you're always one step away from stupid how true is that because if temptation is a continuous fight this means I'm always being asked to take steps in directions that I should not be walking in steps towards stupid but of my life if my faith starts with the stance the question for me when temptation comes my way asked me to accept from the wrong direction is not how pleasing would it be in the moment for me to take this step no the question that I must ask myself is what is my policy on the situation because I'm rooted I'm founded I'm planted I've started my life my faith with a stance and I'm focused on the dream the purpose that God has called me to I may not see it right now but I know it's there and I'm not chasing momentary satisfaction I'm chasing eternal fulfillment so even though it was in front of me maybe superficially pleasing I'm chasing something substantial my life my faith starts listen I'm a guard the purpose that God has for me with everything that I have I'm taking a stand one day Joseph went into the house to attend to his duties and none of the other household servants were inside then she parted for his wife caught in by his cloak and said come to bed with me Joseph but he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house sometimes the only appropriate response to temptation it's a run is to get out of there it's to give your maximum effort it's a sprint this temptation is dangerous you got a run like Joseph rod Joseph run he didn't grab no shoes or Nothing he left his cloak in her hand he did all that he had to do to avoid temptation at all costs 2nd Timothy 2 chapter 2 verse 22 says this on the count of three read the highlighted word one two three run from temptation that captures young people so here's my question for you if we know because we've read the story of Joseph that we are to run from temptation and then we read again in the New Testament through second Timothy which is written hundreds of years later to run from temptation if we know that we should be running from temptation then why do we continue to John why do you continue to jog why do you continue to move at your own pace when God has clearly told you to run you may be in your thinking charlie was the difference running jogging sprinting as long as I'm creating separation between me and my temptation I should be good what is my pace matter I'll tell you why it matters there's a danger in jogging from temptation jogging from temptation I think this is a good way to put it jogging from temptation is flirting with temptation jogging from temptation gives temptation too much time to make its case when I jog from temptation I have the freedom in the Liberty to look to my right and to my left when I jog from temptation I can look and listen to things that I probably should be looking at or listening to there's such a danger in jogging from temptation because when I jump I'm not focused like I should be when I jog I'm not being obedient like I should be when I jog I'm not working like I should be working when I jump I'm not giving the correct amount of effort when I jump I'm not doing what God has clearly told me to be doing God told me to run and the sad thing is at least in my life is when I feel like I've been running so well it's when I feel like I've been been doing this Christian thing so good what I've been killing it for Jesus this is when I feel like I can't afford or sometimes even deserve to take a joke just a joke I rationalize it Mike I'm not just standing here I'm not sitting down them I'm doing something I'm not running like I used to but I'm jogging I'm jogging look at me look how good I look jogging here I'll go a little bit faster I'm jogging I'm jogging I've been doing so good recently president foot now I read my Bible like three times this week I've prayed before I've eaten dinner every single time this week I've attended two out of the four weeks of the series guide need a second chance I've been doing so good I've been running so hard you think I can afford I even deserve to take a jar from my temptation this is a sensation over here and it's asking me to do something I mean I indulge in the temptation almost to give a little bit of my attention to it just a jog I'm jogging I'm jogging I'm doing alright I'm jogging I'm talking oh here's some more temptation always asked me to give in to give up to this thing and I'm not gonna give in I'm not gonna give up I'm just gonna think about it I'm just gonna contemplate over it as long as possible and so what I'm doing is that could technically be considered sin I'm jogging I'm jogging I'm jogging I'm jogging I'm jogging I'm jogging there's no danger in you're jogging because if you're making yourself so accessible so available to the temptation you're not jogging from temptation you're jogging with temptation there's a danger in this you're giving temptation too much real estate in your mind you're giving temptation too much visibility in your line of sight you're giving yourself to less of room from temptation temptation that's close to you and once the temptation gets a grip of you it's hard to get away there's a danger and jog and the more I think about it I've never seen the phrase jog from jog for Jesus on a christian bumper sticker I've never seen the phrase job for Jesus I want those Christian coffee modes I've never seen the phrase job for Jesus on a church by the glazed t-shirt no but I have read the story of Joseph and I have read 2nd Timothy 2 verse 2 first 22 which tells me to run run run run from temptation so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna run with everything within me I'm gonna give maxim every I'm gonna sprint from temptation because I'm sprinting from temptation this is what I'm working like I should be when I sprint I'm focused like I should be when I spin I'm obeying God like I should be obeying him when I sprint that's wrong giving the correct amount of effort because when I sprint I'm moving with the spiritual speed of success when I sprint I move with a purpose or pace when I spin I'm running from my sin into my Savior when I spray I'm running from my desire and to my destiny because God cannot get me where he wants to get me when I continue to move at my own pace I gotta stop resting when God has told me to run I got a run like Joseph hashtag run like Joseph that should be on a church by the glazed t-shirt Joseph Brandon's fast as he could he ran so well he was so good at running he continued taking Sanji he sprinted with all the energy he had in the reward the result of his running was prison Prison see part of his wife was not too pleased that Potiphar refused to go to bed with her so she told Potiphar when he when he came home later that day that Joseph had tried to take advantage for which he had obviously not trying to do he's trying to obey God she was trying to do what he thought was right he was trying to take a stand she was trying to sprint the Potiphar was so furious he immediately took Joseph and threw him in prison the struggle in Joseph's life was so obvious the struggle and Joseph's life was so apparent the struggle and Joseph's life was evident but was not as obvious what was not as evident what was not as apparent was not as so easy and clear to see in Joseph's life at this point in time was the promise and the dream that God had given him so many years earlier the dream of position power leadership because so far all Joseph is seen in his life is prison time all Joseph has ever known so far in struggle constant continuous seemingly never-ending struggle struggle on top of struggle he was bullied and betrayed by his brothers thrown in the pits he was tortured and tormented by temptation as a slave in Potiphar's house and now as a result of his obedience his faithfulness his purity he's chained and shackled in prison struggle struggle have you ever noticed when attempting to live in obedience faithful and pure life trying to avoid temptation with all that you have that sometimes struggle it seems to be more obvious than success but sometimes things seem to get harder before they get easier it would have made so much sense for Joseph to have confusion frustration and resentment built up within him towards God it would have made so much sense if we were communicated in Scripture that Joseph one night in the prison started to scream to yell at God God where are you God do you remember me Joseph God you care about me got what happened to that dream that promise you made to me so many years ago God you know that the position the power the leadership of but yet God so far all I've experienced is struggled the bit Potiphar's house and now the prison struggle on top of show with God when will the struggling ever stop but yet we are never communicated in Joseph's story that he was ever harboring such feelings we are never communicated that Joseph had resentment confusion or frustration built up within him towards God is ever communicated that Joseph ever questioned or wondered where God was in his situation but there is something that we are communicated that Joseph had with them in a struggle in Potiphar's house when he was tortured and tormented by temptation as a slave it says in verse 2 Genesis chapter 39 that Joseph had this with him in part of yourselves the Lord the Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered the Lord was with Joseph in Potiphar's house the Lord was with Joseph as a slave the Lord was with Joseph when temptation came his way the Lord was with Joseph and potter's house the Lord was with Joseph in his struggle but there's a lot of struggle right he was he was thrown in prison what a hopeless situation that seemingly that the result of his obedience what was God with Joseph in that struggle verse 21 it says this verse 21 the Lord was with Joseph in the prison the Lord was with God was with Joseph when he was chained to the wall God was with Joseph when he was shackled God was with Joseph when he was a prisoner God was with Joseph in the prison God was with Joseph in his struggle but Charlie there was a lot there was more struggle that that first thing the pit why did you skip over the pit I'm swiping I'm I'm reading where it doesn't say that God was with Joseph in the pit where was God in that struggle think about it what put Joseph in the pit in the first place the dreams that God had given him God never had to wonder where God was in his struggle Joseph was ever confused about the presence of God in his life Joseph knew exactly where God was God was with Joseph in his struggle God never left Joseph got nur forsaken Joseph God was with Joseph in his struggle God was with Joseph in the pit God was with Joseph and pawed for sales God was with Joseph in the and because Joseph knew that God was with him in his struggle Joseph's response to struggle day after day night after night time and time and time again was to embrace the struggle that was in front of him he continued taking stands he continued running fast he continued fighting back against temptation that was thrown his way he continued to live in obedience he stayed faithful he protected his purity with all her yet because he knew that even though his situation was hopeless he served and worship for God who was bigger than his situation the even though right now things seem bad I have a God I have a lord I worship the Almighty and he is good although right now I may be worrying if I just lift up my hands and worship I can say focus on the God who was for me the God who has ever left me the God who is her forsaking me because I know that God is with me in this show but if God is with me what temptation come against me and prosper if God is for me who can be against me because God is with me in this struggle I'm just gonna fast forward and Joseph's story for times sake but as Joseph been faithful to God God will be faithful to Joseph Joseph God he'll true it's his promise God to Joseph out of the prison into the palace making him second in command over all of Egypt's only beneath Pharaoh and he used Joseph to lead and save millions during a time of famine catch this including the brothers who once betrayed him today I am NOT denying that living a life of purity obedience and faithfulness affording temptation I'm not denying that is difficult it's hard it's so hard I think it's one of those difficult things a person can do it's it's a struggle it's a constant and continuous struggle but it's your struggle to embrace [Music] because just like God was with Joseph God is with you in your struggle God has never left two guys are forsaking you God is with you in your struggle there gonna be times you feel like the odd man out you may feel like you're missing out but don't leave embrace the struggle God is with you in your struggle there gonna be times you feel like giving up giving in quality and quits but don't do so embrace the struggle because God is with you in your struggle take a stand run best fight back embrace the struggle because God is with you in your struggle [Applause] but it would be insensitive of me to not address those of you in the room who feel like this sermon was for everyone else except for you who feel like you know that's cute but I've already messed up I've already given it I guess you could say I've given up at times I've followed the temptation let me tell you another part of Joseph's story real quick when his brothers camps in so many years earlier during that time of famine that came pleading and crying for shelter and for food but they didn't recognize Joseph they didn't know who they were talking to Caden they didn't recognize the version of Joseph that Joseph had told him so much about that they did not believe him but Joseph recognized his brothers just be honest about was Joseph his brothers would have been in trouble but Joseph did not look at his brothers with hatred or vengeance instead he looked at them with arms open wide and offered them grace love compassion and he gave them so much more than what they're worth even so much more than what they were good were you given so much more than what they deserved I want you to know today despite what you've done despite what you're giving in to despite what temptation you have fallen - you're not too far gone you're not you mess up you're not outside the grace of God the other way Joseph looked at his brother so many years ago God is looking you the same way request his office I'm offering you a second chance [Music] the gaudy or struggle and he's with me today Ephesians 3:20 real quick the first two talks about all the more that God has for you the dream that God has promised you to more than all we could ever ask for imagine whether there's a condition to it according to God's power that is at work within us do you know what God's power at work within you looks like taking the stand running fast fighting back embracing the struggle because God is with you just struggle and some struggle to embrace I don't know your next step is if you don't have a relationship with Christ that's a great place to start that is the place to start that's the best decision you will ever make if you need to make that decision today come talk to some with the edges stage after after service I love you are today's your day to embrace the struggle that God has given you he's not just the goddness with you in your struggle but he's the god of your struggle he is a place he wants to take you but you gotta embrace that struggle first dear God we thank you we praise you because you are God of more thank you for the plan the promise that you made to us we're gonna embrace the struggle you have given us to want to get to all you have for us in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Church by the Glades
Views: 2,080
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: church by the glades, cbglades, fort lauderdale, coral springs, tamarac, margate, sample road, lake worth, miami, broward county, church, church service, sermon, creativity, south florida, message, fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 14sec (2174 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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