Back 2 The Blockbuster - Jurassic Park

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welcome to church by the glaze obviously our movie today is Jurassic Park I'm so glad you're here and the first movie happened 1992 the visionary it was Steven Spielberg I think five movies in the franchise gonna be so fun today and speaking of fun we have Scott Williams in the house oh yeah Scott's back with us again he's part of the church family now he's out of Oklahoma and Life Church great Church Scott speaks all over the world but he's carved out a weekend for us so I'm so excited he's here now I'm gonna try to leave before the Tyrannosaurus Rex finishes eating but please all campuses would you stand your feet and would you please welcome Scott Williams to our stage I can't wait to hear myself speak after that welcome good first one to welcome everybody join us all around the world online wanna welcome everybody all of our other campuses we got simple robe we got lake words we got Dave CI ladies at home stand so glad that you guys are here again as pastor said my name is Scott Williams I bring you greetings from the great state of Oklahoma the city of Oklahoma City home of the 2019 NBA champions Oklahoma's okay I thought we were friends all right remember you heard it here first let me just tell you guys like I spoken all around the world I'm not sure to tell you I've never ever been introduced from a Jurassic Park sing that's never happened for any movie scene for that matter right I'm just telling you this blockbuster series like the creative team at church by the glades is like on a whole nother level by give them a round of applause like what they do is ridiculous like this is just read this is crazy and so I'm just be honest like when they asked me to come speak during this series I was excited and they the game of the movie Jurassic Park I'm thinking like really like Jurassic Park like when Jurassic Park came out in 92 which like a brother I was a like a junior in college I know some of you guys thinking a junior in college like how old are you you know what they say black don't crack right answer I'm saying like right but no so see like night Oh like brothers old like don't let the Jays fool you like I'm old like but anyway so like I'm Samira came out like long movies were there were very many of them back then but this movie was two hours and seven minutes long and I'm just here to tell you that like if this movie would have been like a cast the same people from Black Panther it would have been 2 minutes and 7 seconds long because black folks ain't gonna mess around with no dinosaurs you know say hey Doc I heard there was some dinosaur oh man we Iook Iike y'all come home and ate shrimp and dog like but now man now man you know get out you don't say like seriously like a brother I ain't got no child like out of them it's a dolla dinosaur so cute like no brother they messing with no dinosaur but no serious like I'm it's an honor to be able to share God's word with you guys I love this church I love your pastors I'm one thing about Pastor David Lisa is that the other real deal creativity obviously off the charts but the most important thing is integrity they're the most integrity I've been doing this for a really really long time with the highest level of integrity and so what you gotta understand is that when you're under leadership that's Integris like it's not that you used to come to a church where no perfect people are allowed you get a chance to be a part of something special because God is doing something special in and through them and guess what it's just going to rub off on you so give your pastors a hand clap and honor them and we are going to have some fun today like I'm real I'm really really excited but you guys got to help me preach this thing okay you got online you got to help me preach this thing as well so we think about Jurassic Park I mean the key to this movie is we're thinking about in looking at I was like okay what's this about and I was just going to tie in and what are we going to do to dive into this blockbuster series and so what happened is you had these scientists what they were trying to do is they they were tempted by what could be and what they could have that they went into the lab and started mixing in manipulating things to try to create this thing that they wanted to be able to see they tried to manipulate things to get it to how they wanted does that sound like some of us oftentimes we go into our lab and we try to manipulate things so it can get the outcome that we want we think about the word dinosaur the word Dino literally means terrifying and frightful and if you look at it in conjunction dinosaur it's an enormous size from the Mesozoic era it's a person or thing this is key that is outdated or has become obsolete because of a failure to adapt to changing circumstances I mean that's what happens sometimes if you fail to adapt you're going to become obsolete your your situation is going to become obsolete and so the key to jurassic part of giving there's he's really really smart people I mean we commit and compare people to smart folks we always use the word sign like it it's not rocket science like so these scientists were really really smart people but they fell into this giant trap of temptation and they went into the lab and they wanted to create something where he would be able to show this is who we are and look how amazing it is and this park is gonna be amazing and people are gonna love what we're doing it so they were tempted by the section we're going to talk about today it's temptation because temptation is something that that we all deal with I mean you think I'm just don't leave you know but there's some new research that just came out there's a new article that showed that that's Florida the Sunshine State it's actually most the second most sinful state only behind Nevada that's the home of Sin City but it's actually number one in the most jealous state in other words we want what other people have so in other words we're tempted by the things that we see and so as we're going to talk about temptation I thought there was no one better to go to in the Bible to to talk about temptation than to to look and listen from geez his little brother because we all know us as a younger sibling you get to see your your big brother or big sister not when they're around their friends you get to see him at home when they're acting crazy and tripping and and picking on you and talking back to your parents and and doing stuff sneaky that you know about what your little brother or sister you won't say anything so James was able to have a front-row seat and she's his life and to see that he never sinned he was able to see that that Jesus was tempted but guess what he didn't fall to the temptation because he can't be tempted because he's never going to respond to it and so in James 1 verse 13 through 15 I'm gonna read the text you're so stupid I'll come back and we'll just unpack it a few verses at a time here's what the Bible says when tempted no one should say God is tempting me for God cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed then after the desire has been conceived it gives birth to sin and when sin is full-grown it gives birth to death welcome to church by the glades where we like to make you feel warm and fuzzy I don't know any other way to keep this thing to keep it 100 because this is something that every single one of us do that we're talking about we're going to deal with temptation and that's what these scientists did is they were dealing with temptation but here's what's key is that the fact that they nurtured something that that wasn't godly in that that wasn't right and that wasn't unrighteousness they nurtured it and they fed it and they gave - and he danced around the line with it and the thing that they were nurturing and feeding and messin with him playing with was the thing that ultimately killed them and mean even that's the situation that you're falling into right now you're feeding that dinosaur as a matter of fact the title of today's messages don't feed the dinosaur as a matter of fact I want you to turn around to your neighbors say don't feed the dinosaur but you turn about to your other neighbors say don't feed the dinosaur but this is church by the glades you got to say it a little bit different it's like you got to say don't be the dinosaur don't be the dinosaur let's give some hand motions ready don't be the dinosaur everybody participate don't be the dinosaur don't be the dinosaur whatever your own dinosaur ready don't be the dinosaur one more time don't feed the dinosaur out crazy now great job baby I have no idea where that came from but it was him that's how you know brother be using emojis everybody gonna use this emoji now right the three things that temptation will do to you but taking notes you can write this first one down is this the first thing temptation will do to you is this is it'll make you look everybody say make you look first third scene here's the Bible says when tempted no one should say God is tempting me for God cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone so let's just be just making it real clear like God is not tempting you if you're being tempted if it's evil it's not from God but notice it used the word tempted like over and over and over and over again in just one passage like gods guys not tempt you but if it's temptation it's the enemy it's the evil one they referred to him in the Bible as the tempter and so if it even looks like sin if it looks like evil if it talks like even if it walks like evil then it's the enemy that's tempting you it's not God and so you got to be careful like God is never going to tempt you but temptation is something we're all going to experience and the Bible tells that temptation falls into three categories first John 2:16 it says that for all that is in the world it's here's the three temptation areas lust of the flesh lust of the eyes and the pride of life lust of the flesh lust of the eyes and the pride of life I mean think about temptation during the biblical narrative you know basically after Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist he goes up and any fast for forty days and forty nights and when he's in the wilderness he's fast and actually literally just came from from Israel I was in the same area in a wilderness where Jesus went up for 40 days and 40 nights and was fasting and as I'm sitting there looking and imagining this but I also was reminded of is that's when the enemy tried to tempt Jesus in these same three areas the lust of the flesh he's fasting so the enemy goes up to me says look here's I want you to do I want you to to take these stones right here and command them to become bread so to relieve your hunger and it doesn't look like that in modern day for us lust of the flesh looks more like sexual sins and gossiping and and physical violence and and drugs and cocaine and marijuana that's what the lust of flesh looks like today lust the eyes Satan goes to Jesus and he takes him on his high mountain he says look if you'll just bow down and worship me you can have all this stuff you can have all of it you'll just bow down and worship Me so lust of the eyes and things that we see we talk about Florida being the most jealous state is because we're we're looking at the things that they have and and that jewelry and that watch and that purse and those shoes and and I gotta have everything that they have because I'm looking and I wanted and man I love what she I'm in those are so bad I could just have I can't afford it I'm gonna be in debt up to my eyeballs but I just wanted and so I'm dancing around because I want it because I gotta have it because the lust of the eyes I'm looking and you want this stuff and let's not get it twisted there's nothing wrong with having stuff the problem is when the stuff has you and that's the differences so what you got is lust the eyes and the last one is this is the the pride of life Satan goes to Jesus takes him to the pinnacle he's like look here's the deal I see that down there why don't you just jump off and they just command your angels to come catch you and you'll show everybody that you really are the man right just jump off and let him catch you and she's like no like I don't need that but many of you like that what happened somebody says hey if you just do this if you just show just a little bit of this you'll get a lot more likes your your oh you're all lean if you'll just do this maybe they'll they'll like you or or they don't worry about that man you got this figured out man that's just a little bit sick man you can you can still go to the club and hang with the homies nothing's gonna happen it's just a little dude you'll just DM and just a little DM on Facebook it's not a no big deal just doing this and it put the pride that's what will catch you so my question is is its what's your dinosaur because we all have them maybe it's a relationship that's keeping you from from God or maybe it's you look at your screen time on your phone now that that Apple shows your screen something like man I'm spending this much time on this some of you laughing way too hard on that like what is it maybe it's an attitude with your parents or something that's whatever what is that thing it's an addiction that you're dealing with like like what is your dinosaur maybe your dinosaurs porn asaurus rex i get so quiet we statistically flip a coin one out of two you men are dealing with it let's just keep it real so but here's what you get you can't feed the dinosaur go to the gym like what do you do what pastor teaches you gotta learn to bounce your eyes bounce your eyes meaning you go and you you're going use because everybody I have the same struggles but if there is a shrug you have you go and you see well fellas you gotta learn to bounce your eyes almost like when you're touching a hot stove you touch a hot stove the kid learns really quick you touch the hot stove oh boo I got to do it so you go and you need to bounce your eyes okay ladies you go and maybe it's not bouncing your eyes with a minute mate you know that gossip is really really good for you so you go there gossiping over here bouncing my eye so I got to flip over here and do something you know I go and I know that just hanging out with these guys and I ain't drinking this long with my mother i'ma go to the just just to just watching the game bounce your eyes you got to learn what you're doing is you're creating a habit of bouncing yourself away from this line of temptation because you think you can just dance around this line of temptation I mean how it's played out in my life is that like manna and you probably 20 years ago like when when online gambling first came out the sports books when I started betting on the sports books and I'm just gonna tell you like Matt was really good like how this is when when online gambling offshore first happened and like you didn't really have all the people giving like tips and stuff online so like I literally had to go get my tip sheet from this guy on the south side now you know I don't care what city you're in where are you watching from if it's on the south side it's the south side you know I'm saying like but like so I go to the south side I get my tip sheets and I'm studying I'm looking at the games and doing this next thing get pretty good at it and my wife don't let me start with like just this much money but I would take this much money and turn into this much money so my stories not that I was bad and I was losing a bunch of money but next thing you know just one thing led to the next I'm looking at the games and and that's what that's what the enemy does but I'm here to weigh it's easier to stay away from sin than it is to try to get out of it you can't win from within and you're trying to win from within and you're trying to stay but stay away from that line okay you don't even go near it if you know on the other side of it it's gonna be death because that's what the enemy does he distracts you and then he attacks you second thing about the facts what he does you're taking notes of this so the first thing to do is to make you look the second thing is this is it'll get you hooked everybody said get you hooked verse 14 and then the first part of 15 but each person is tempted when they are what they are dragged away by their own evil desires and enticed then after the desire has conceived it gives birth to sin so it's about desire and deception so it's this lure that it's going to try to take you away I know Pastor David likes to fish I'm from the country I'm from Oklahoma I used to fish I used to be a country boy but somewhere in the years I just turned into a city boy you don't see it like I don't know what it is but something about fishing like man you out there all day and then like the bait is all stinking and you're hot and you're sweaty and brother getting on a black and tan and tan line and all that and you go out there and then you catch a little bit of this it's easier just to go buy some say like just buy some fish but one thing a fisherman knows is that what they're doing is that you put the bait on the hook and you put the bait on the hook and so the fish is looking and he's looking for the bait and that's what the enemy is doing with you is he's putting the bait on the hook you know what it's man you're just stealing just a little bit of money from the company that's the bait that's on the hook but the hook is embezzlement charges the bait on the hook is like it's just a little conversation with the girl that you met while you're at your job it's the bait with the hook it's what's going to happen to your marriage into your family the bait is like I'm just going to I'm just it's a new little thing I'm trying to do little drugs the bait is I'm just talking back just a little bit or I just pushed her down and got her off of me and then what you know the hook and it gets progressive and it gets more and more and more and it continues to grow you got to stay away cuz it will get you hooked but you try to blame God oh we can't blame God but gozman get the blame here ever since the early days like you don't say even with Adam I was like god I was out here chill ahead all this to myself I don't even know what's going on he's got her chilling and then you send this creature over here and I'm like whoa man whoa man [Applause] some of y'all some of y'all gonna get that when y'all go home today and some don't like the devil made me do it the devil didn't make you dude you try to get the devil too much cred the only devil can do is throw it out here but you're dragged away by what your own evil desires it's already in your so don't blame it on the devil and definitely don't blame it on God that's what you got to understand but you gotta don't fall into the desire and the deception because if you do you're gonna be in trouble I'm telling like that was my thing to get you look it will get you hooked cuz that's what it was for me I was gambling and actually not getting I was winning and that was spending time and man I'm always doing this and I next thing Armitage being real I was hooked and some of you guys are the same place right now with fantasy football and for me I that's why I've never played fantasy football because I it's the same thing you're spending all this time energy maybe you're not getting maybe you are gambling on it but it's not about that is about all the time and energy that you're spending on it and it's going down this road it's consuming you and so that's why I don't go around I don't even dance around that line but what what is it for you because here's what I understood and this is why just quit cold turkey because one thing that any good blockbuster does is it keeps you on the edge of your seat because you're trying to think about what the ending is gonna be like oh man I wonder I wonder how this story's gonna play out is the dinosaur really gonna eat them like what's really gonna happen here is she gonna leave him is this really gonna happen and you start to wonder and so that's what I had to start doing in my life I started to play up what could the ending of this story be one ending could be you know what I could come and I could be what the amazing sports bettors of all time and Caesars Palace is gonna have me up there put me in the penthouse people are gonna start buying my pics I'm gonna be a middle there this thing is gonna lead to that it's gonna be amazing that's gonna be are you still calling to the sports radio my name was the doctor on the sports radio I would give the pics and people were like oh man can't wait to hear the doctor's picks it so maybe this is what it's going to be this is amazing ending and the other ending that I imagined was this you're gonna spend more and more time doing this and less time with your family you're gonna spend more and more time doing this and because it's gambling just like the scientists were doing the end of gambling you're not you're not set up to win eventually you're gonna lose and you're gonna start arguing with your wife then you're gonna start arguing this is gonna lead to this and you're gonna be over here in this hotel and this is gonna happen next thing you know you're gonna end up in a divorce and the next thing you know your boys are no longer gonna respect you and then that's gonna be the end of story and even take it further more fast forward 20 years now the same generational curse of a silly decision that you made by dancing line deception is gonna be on your boys and I started to look at that ending so what mine are you dancing around what area do you need to begin to play out the end of your blockbuster because the ending is up to you lust will eat you grieve will eat you lion will eat you got to tell one lie to tell another lies you can't remember the lie that you told gluttony the Twinkies will eat you after you've eaten them could see some of you guys were all here I've been talking about all this others seem like I'm not in that area we all got ours every single one of you Jesus was tempting you're tempted and if you think you're not tempted then the pride of life is a thing that you're dealing with and you're tempted by that last thing if you're taking notes so make you look get you hooked last thing is this it'll have you cooked talked about fish again this is when probably have the band come behind me and play make me sound more spiritual Michael Jackson like that jacket man I'm jealous I'm with Florida verse 15 and sin when school grown gives birth to death you see let this you're gonna go through trials sometimes God will use trials to draw you closer to him but don't confuse trials with temptation that's a different thing trials will draw you closer temptations something that's gonna draw you further away so it's easy to begin able to see that distinction just like I talked about taking the bait with the fish here's the deal like I'm not a fish so I don't officially know what it happens on see what I did right there but but but I imagine as the fish are out there and they're fishing like some of the og fish are out there like look they tell the youngsters like God don't take that bait I've seen it you're about to be hook and they're sitting like a dog I didn't told you and some of you your parents are telling you stuff right now and you think they're just being nagging you know because they've taken some hooks before and so they're trying to warn you and that's what the Bible does is it warns you so you don't take the hooks it gives you a defensive tool but it suffice to show you don't take that hook because otherwise it's gonna get you cooks but if I was sitting here thinking about so you got all these so here's what the Bible says the Bible tells us this I just put up word ended with death earlier and but I don't think we should end with death matter of fact what does the scripture say can you do me a favor and can you pull up verse 16 and 17 verse 16 17 because the Bible says it this way you guys have been experimenting like this has been your life you've been experiment with some stuff and you got all this stuff's like still you guys got all these different sin and like you know this is you this how you started out but you know wait you said you know what this is my lifestyle this is how I was born so I'm just going experiment with a little bit of this and you know what like I get it it's just that you should send a direct message there's no harm here I can do what I want to do you know I already know it this scene I know it's just some sin but I'm just just a little drunk just smoking a little weed you know what I go to CBD so it's okay I go to see BG so I can have some CBD right I'm just like you know whatever it is I'm just a little cocaine just a little bit of this it's just a little X I'm just trying to look you know what man I know that he's no good he was no good for her and he hit her but it's gonna be different with me and so you keep dabbling with sin and temptation you keep pouring it and now this is what your life is looking like and you're walking around you say well what am I gonna do now pastor Scott you told me that this is my life it's gonna end in death but but I said there's more to the story right there's more to the story foot up verse sixteen to seventeen again Bible says this don't be deceived my dear brothers and sister every good and perfect gift is where it's from above coming down from the heavenly Father who does not change like the singing shadows and so what Jesus is saying is look I know you've been dealing with that I know you've been dealing with sin but here's your Jesus said if you will just let me just pour myself into you from the heavenly lights I got something amazing for you I got blessing a breakthrough for you I'm telling you it's coming down from the heaven life and what he's saying is look I know you're dealing with some stuff I know you've been sexually abused and that's why you feel like you need to do this I know people don't know your story and what side the tracts that you came from I know you stepped across that line and you made a decision that has your marriage hanging on by a thread I know you came in here today with with lots of questions but God sent me here to give you some simple answers if you understand this line of temptation and if you will look at the lessons that Jesus teach if you look at what changes tell us about when you just danced around that line what's gonna happen is is you're gonna end up getting pregnant and one thing it says is you will be conceived and what happens when you get pregnant ladies you can say it fellas you don't say nothing when you get pregnant guess what you get bigger and this thing starts to grow inside of you so many of you you're dancing along this line of sin and temptation but now he's pregnant and you're about to conceive and give birth to death but again the good news that we're able to show is that if you would just continue to do your thing and you continue to say God I'm running after you Jesus I know that your word says that you shine down from their heavenly lights and what he's trying to remind us is is that just like the Sun in nature shines down on us that's who Jesus is with grace and with mercy and we with restoration and with providential power that can change your situation so I don't care what you did ma'am you're never too far from God you think it's just a little thing you're dancing over here with he said I got something amazing for you I know it was dark and I know you feel lost I know you feel like you've been in the lab experimenting what's in and temptation but you know that everything dark that you had all the darkness that you poured into you every single bit of it can be washed away if you will just put your trust [Applause] we serve an amazing god that's not in the business of gambling he's in the business of saying put your trust in me and you're betting on a winner you're betting on your life is going to be we already know the end of the story we know that he wins he's the only one that we know what the ending of the story is in the end of the story is that he win and I don't know what your killer was today but we serve her gotta take you know what I want you to win give me I don't want you to say no one's gonna win and you can't win from within you can't win when you're dancing around the line of say you know what I'm haulin crosses from tight jeans I want to win I want you to lift your hands I want to pray over every single one of you God with hands bad and I split up pray for every single person that's in this room every single person is online right now god god I don't know what temptation they're dealing with but you do I don't know what Tim takes they're dealing with but they do I don't know what struggles they're dealing with but you do God and I pray right now that you'll begin to break those chains of addiction right now God that you'll be begin to remove you from that line of temptation god I pray for some old og fish that will speak into their lives and remind them of the hooks that they don't need to take god I see provision I see financial provision and breakthrough I see as people are walking up these doors their lives are gonna be different because they say you know what I'm no longer to dance along that line of temptation today is the day that I say you know what jeez I'm gonna put my trust in what your PlayBook says I'm not gonna try to do it on my own god I played it to release these world changes this is a church for no perfect people allowed but it's also a church that's gonna grow in your faith and it's gonna grow in your favor we love you we thank you and it's in Jesus name we pray and everybody said
Channel: Church by the Glades
Views: 1,496
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church by the glades, cbglades, fort lauderdale, coral springs, tamarac, margate, sample road, lake worth, miami, broward county, church, church service, sermon, creativity, south florida, message, fun, Scott Williams, Jurassic Park, Movies, Back 2 The Blockbuster, Blockbuster, CBG, Dinosaur
Id: p_QYv3HsgN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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