Tips to Conquer Your Fear Of Disney's 'Tower of Terror'

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hi everyone and welcome to a brand new video I've decided to do this video because I have had some messages over Instagram asking me how I got over my fear of a certain ride at Disney and that ride is O so before we talk through the tips that helped me I'll just explain the backstory and why people come to me and ask me for my tips it's because I had a very big fear of the Tower of Terror right I couldn't even when I went to the parks so let me explain first of all we went to Orlando in 2016 Helena rosed the Tower of Terror but I couldn't even look at the building without sweating and going all pale and having my heart racing so helmet went on it and then came back to me and said that I would enjoy but I didn't believe her so I didn't write it there then we went to Disney Land Paris and it took me a couple of days before I actually ventured onto that version of the ride again I was getting to the front of the line and then I was freaking out and panicking and I was having to leave so we'd wait in this big long queue get the front and then I have to leave I couldn't talk about the ride I just I couldn't I couldn't get on it and I just had this irrational fear of the Tower of Terror and that something was gonna go wrong and because it's a drop ride I don't like the idea of falling and it was that motion that I was very scared of and also the name of it is quite scary isn't it the Tower of Terror and the backstory to it that it's a elevator with supernatural influences I mean that got me going that gave me the heebie-jeebies before I even gotten the right and there is a clip in very first Disneyland Paris vlogs there's a section where we are preparing to go on to the right and I'm refusing to talk to helmet has the camera pile at me but I'm not even looking at her I'm just totally inside my own head I'm just looking at the Tower of Terror and I say it like that in the line until we got the front so there's that clip before where I don't talk to Helmer and then I've gone on it and then the next clip pure elation for Ashley getting on the rides and realizing that the ride was not as bad as I thought and it was actually something that I thoroughly enjoyed and I say in the clip that I wanted to go straight on it again and with that complete 180 of feelings people have been asking me for my tips on how to overcome the fear because they too have the same fear that I did now this is not a miracle video this is not going to definitely get you through going on tariff Terror there are people who can go on rides no problem no questions asked it doesn't matter if it loops it doesn't matter if it's in dargah doesn't matter if it drops they are absolutely fine with going on rides that's Helena me I'm not that way I am a person that worries a lot about going on rides it's not just Tara Tara that I was scared of I was scared of hyperspace mountain and rock and roller coaster but Tara Tara was the the main one and I think it's the main one that a lot of people have a fear of so I'm just gonna give you some tips that helped me or thinking back would have helped me get over that fear of Tara Tara that I had so like I've said this is not a guarantee if you don't want to go on Tara Tara you don't have to go on Tara Tara that's why he'll not always used to say to me you've got the option you don't have to go on it it's you know it's a small part of the holiday you can go on it if you want to go on it it's your choice so the first tip is to not put it off if you decided that you are gonna go on it and you are gonna give it a try the worst thing you can do is delay it to a few days into your holiday because it's gonna play into the back of your mind during those first few days and it might actually affect your enjoyment of your time in the parks what I had to do is I just had to go into the park and make it either the first second ride that I did that day it was the second ride of the day the first ride of the day that I did I did the Toy Story parachute drops this is tip number two if you want to get used to the motion of the going up and down but you don't want to have the the speed that comes with tariff tera then I suggest going on the toy story parachute drop it is a gentle up-and-down motion it's just down and then up down and then up rather than tear tera where the sequences can change and you can go up and down up and down I actually after going on both of the rides found that I preferred terror of terror because you couldn't see apart from the bit where the doors opened at the top and you look out you couldn't see what was around you so you didn't know how you were which actually helped me and also on the Tower of Terror you're in the actual cart rather than being out in the open air and you're just in a seat in the parachute drop so once I've gone on both I actually found that I tried the Tower of Terror more than I did the parachute drop but the power she dropped did get me used to that motion of going up and down tip number three so like I said at the beginning this video Helena went on the Terra Terra in Orlando she came up she said Martin you will love it it's not as bad as you think so my tip is to trust your partner or trust your family member I trust your friend if they've gone on so maybe sent them on as a single rider if they've never been on it before getting to come off and report back to you they are the best judge of what you are going to enjoy they've probably been on some other rides with you so they'll have a bit of prior knowledge as to whether you would enjoy that right Helen I was just saying to me over and over again it's not as bad as you think you will enjoy once you've been on it you'll have a great time and I didn't believe her it was just terrible I know that she would never put me in jeopardy and she would never want to see me go through something that I hated - looking back on it I'm very angry at the mountain back then that wouldn't listen to the person that knows him best my next tip the worst thing is to stand in line for 20 minutes with that fear bill bring up inside of you the best thing is to just get it over with so like I said make it one of the first or the second rise they go on maybe even get a fast pass for it so that you can get to it a lot quicker we stood in line a common from how long the time that I rode it and I did not speak to Helena the entire time we were in that line and that just made the the panic build up anymore I mean I still went on it but I was very panicky by the time I went in to the actual carriage so yeah try and bypass a very long line maybe get a fast pass and I know that sounds a bit strange to get a fast pass for a ride that you're deathly afraid of but it's better than letting everything build up in your mind in the long queue so I said there about waiting in line if you are gonna wait in line you haven't being able to get a fast pass just try and keep your mind occupied I didn't speak to Helena and like I said they just kept building up in my head I should have spoke at Helena I should have spoken to her about what else we were gonna do during the day should have talked about something else that I found fun if I had a bear game on my phone I should have played that she'd done anything that I could to keep my mind occupied next tip remember where you are you're in Disney and Disney aren't gonna do anything to hurt you they're not gonna put you in jeopardy they're there to make sure that you have a great time if you look around you when you're going on that teru teru there are a lot of younger people going on it as well so yeah they're not doing anything to put you in harm's way even though it is called the Tower of Terror and that took me a little bit of time to figure out my next tip is to just think about how quick the ride is gonna be it is over within a few minutes and so if you go on at the once and you absolutely hate it at least you've been on it and it was over quickly and you don't have to go on it again however if you go on it and you have enjoyed it you'll be questioning yourself you'll be asking yourself well I haven't had gone on this more I love it so yeah it's only a couple of minutes it'll be over very quickly and you can move on to the rest of your day whether that's completely avoiding Tara Tara or whether that is going on it again straight away so when you go into the carriage there are handles either side of your seat and there is a seat belt the handles I gripped onto for dear life I would not let them go but they were there they held me down and I found comfort in those handles I knew that I because the fear is the falling isn't it the fear is the falling and being lifted up into the air so I was able to ground myself a bit more by holding onto the handles they were a great comfort to me my next step is to think of the ride as a controlled Rhine so it's not falling it is being pulled so just try to think of that so it's not dropping out from underneath you it is being controlled it's being pulled downwards and it's being pulled upwards and that was a tip that Helmut gave me and that really helped with the mindset of it I'm not being dropped I'm being taken care of I'm being pulled like I said with the handles you've got the seat belt and it's it's just one of those clip over seatbelts it's not harness or anything like that so try and think well how bad can the ride be if I've just got this little seat belt the seat belt hold you perfectly into your chair you do come a bit out of your chair because of the motion of the right but the seat belt does hold you in and now after being on it a few times I don't hold on to the handlebars anymore I just I trust that seat belt completely because I've been on it and I know how the ride works so yeah you've you're very secure you've got the seat belt there you're not gonna go anywhere I was just about the ride itself and how many drops there are and things of that nature but the sequence actually changes each time you ride it but I can sort of give you your idea as to how the drops go so you might get some smaller drops you might get some double drops you might get some longer drops it just depends on how the sequence goes so you can go straight up to the top and then you can you know you can come straight down or it can go up and then it can come down slightly so let you stay for a second and then drop again and then drop again so the sequence does change there different variations of drops but I found solace in the fact that it wasn't just right up the top right down to the bottom right it up right down to the bottom there are smaller ones which actually makes the ride more enjoyable and easier to manage in my opinion I found that the more you ride the Terra Terra the more you become accustomed to the drops and the motion and you start to enjoy it a lot more again that is just my personal opinion I can't say that this is exactly how you're gonna feel you might go on there and you might hate it but this is just how I feel every time I go on it I get more used to it and it's now at the point where I don't scream a laugh all the way through it it's gone from fear to joy I can go into the line I don't have the heart palpitations I don't have to sweat I don't have the fear I just know that I'm gonna have a good time and my final tip is to think about how you're gonna feel knowing that you've conquered one of your fears even if you've hated it you'll be able to say yes I did it the once I've conquered it don't you do again if you loved it you'll be able to go on it with no problems and that's it that's all I really have to say about the Tower of Terror those are just some of the things that helped me there are some of the things that looking back I think I would have liked myself to have said to me again this is a very personal thing I'm not saying that you're now gonna be absolutely cured and you're gonna be able to go on it no problems if you go on it and you hate it and you've used my tips I'm sorry but remember you don't have to go on it if you don't want to I just know from my personal experience that once that got on it I regretted not having gone on it that first time in Orlando in 2016 because I missed that on a great ride and I missed that on some fun and I missed out on something that I was able to experience with Helena she had to ride on a road let me know how you get on with the Tower of Terror and if you conquer it one of the best things to do is to go to if you're in Disneyland Paris A's go along to one of the stores I don't know if they do the fridge magnet anymore actually but if they do then purchase yourself I conquered the Tower of Terror fridge magnet because that's what I did so I hope you enjoyed the video hope some of my tips helped you in future Disney trips and my final thing to say is remember tariff Tara doesn't last forever once it's over you can do whatever thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: So Helena & Martyn
Views: 2,407
Rating: 4.9615383 out of 5
Keywords: tot, tower of terror, scared, conquering fear of tower of terror, is tower of terror scary?, scared of tower of terror, scared of rides, disneyland paris, disneyland, walt disney world, disney world, disneyworld, disneylandparis, dlp, wdw, ride, rides, scared of lifts, lifts, dropping rides, scared of dropping rides, fear of dropping rides, how not to be scared or rides, top tips, tips to conquer fear, so helena and martyn, so helena & martyn, helena martyn, disney
Id: NJXzlME8maQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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