2020 2.0 - #IStandUpForYou

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what's up Church by the glades thank you thank you so much for logging on today I'm David Hughes when the pastor's of church by the glades we started a new series last week called 2020 2.0 because if any year needed a reboot it is this year if any here had to offer this year it has been so strange so guess what happy new year I know it's the last couple days of May maybe I'll wait till Monday on the first to start your new 2020 but I propose we start a new 2020 at least in our hearts so how do we emerge how do we leave quarantine and begin life again how do we navigate this thing called the new normal so I'm glad you're with us I think it'd be very helpful conversation we're gonna take apart a powerful passage in Ephesians chapter 6 so if you have your Bible or your mobile device couldn't find Ephesians chapter 6 if you don't want to do that up with the verses on the screen as you watch thank you for logging on today being part of this in fact I was thinking about this idea Hollywood Hollywood are you watching a lot of movies right now a lot of Netflix right now catching up on movies you missed all right Hollywood has a long-standing tradition of using a stunt double a stunt double now back when it started they didn't back in the olden days before like sound and and and before there was audio and movies so most famous stars of like the 20s did their own stunts Buster Keaton and even Charlie Chaplin incredible athletes would choreograph these really risky moves but Hollywood quickly discovered as budgets got bigger they couldn't afford the luxury of having a star get hurt or injured stop production cost you know hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars so now even the most athletic stars have a stunt double for instance Dwayne the rock Johnson who doesn't love the rock South Florida product you know former pro wrestler played for the you back and they highly athletic yet he has a stunt double name is double is ten Oney read so he does all the heavy lifting the rock doesn't but other stars uh Mark Ruffalo Mark Roth the hawk the hawk has a stunt double his name is Anthony Molinari and so when the hawk needs a stunt double ID on that same train Chris Hemsworth Chris Hemsworth Ozzy actor and he's ripped he's in great shape he's Thor for goodness sake he uses a stunt double the doubles name is Bobby Hatton how about Johnny Depp giant Captain Jack Captain Jack used to stunt-double his name was Tony and gelati who else who else Jackie Chan Jackie Chan Jackie Chan has a stunt double his name Jackie Chan Jackie Chan Jackie Chan is awesome for years he's done all his own stunts he choreographed he's amazing he's athletic oh my gosh courses martial arts ability Jackie Chan is is an original and amazing amazing actor does his own stunts now when it comes to navigating this life right now don't you wish you had a stunt double man we have concerns and confusion and risk we've never experienced before not just the medical risk or the physical risk but you know economic and oh I wish I had a stunt double for life but guess what Christian you're Jackie Chan you're Jackie Chan turned your neighbor and say you're Jackie Chan put it in the chat right now you're Jackie Chan God has called you to do your own stunts in life now I don't mean take unnecessary or foolish risks but we step out into this world this broken world sometimes this dangerous world without the benefit of a stunt double but God has prepared you God has armed you God has given you a a hazmat suit if you will it's called the full armor of God it's described in the vivid detail in Ephesians chapter 6 I hope you found it by now and so we're gonna dive right into us thank you for logging on by the way you're not let's walk them right now our virtual Amen Corner what's up Amen Corner good to see you guys good to see everybody out there oh I see Brooke from Arizona I see Margaret Margaret how are things in Ohio oh gosh we got people from all over the country and the world watching right now thank you for logging on and by the way share there's somebody even right now we just started church you could have shared this message with right now in real time so click that button or click that little little a paper airplane on Instagram and share right now this is too good to keep to yourself so jump right into Ephesians chapter 6 we began the conversation last week as we kicked off 2020 2.0 if you didn't watch that watch it sometime this weeks on our archive on our website and on YouTube I believe check that out and I dealt with one of the elements called the the shield of faith the shield of faith I'll read the whole thing let's jump back to verse 13 therefore put on the full armor of God so the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground and after you've done everything to stand firm verse 14 stand firm them with the belt of truth buckled around your waist with the breastplate of righteousness in place and as shoes the readiness to announce the good news of peace in addition to all this take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one finally verse 17 take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God oh it's a good text is good text all we're doing simple Bible study thinking about these different phrases the state mentions the Apostle Paul's being highly creative we love creativity a church by The Glades Hughes now if you will a verbal visual aid if that's even a thing a Roman soldier he's in prison as he writes Ephesians just like Philippians and he's only he's being guarded by a Roman soldier and he's using the components of the armor different items of his gear if you will as this analogy of the spiritual protection that God gives us and a Roman soldier be highly recognizable to the Ephesians it was part of the Roman Empire so he's sharing something they'd recognize can item by item last week we talked about this shield of faith check that out it's a large rectangular shield looks kind of like a door very important talk last week let's go and move through some other items try to cover three or four today if time allows I love the one it mentions verse 17 the helmet of salvation the helmet of salvation huge idea helmet of salvation to me it means this that salvation being right with God being forgiven being accepted by God qualified for heaven helmet the helmet guards what your brain your mind your thought life so salvation has a clear cerebral components and the church we think about emotions we even use language like I gave my heart to Christ and that's a very appropriate thing to say but being a Christian or finding faith is way more than just emotional I think it's volitional I think it's a clear decision you make faith is a choice let me show you something Jesus said you stay in Ephesians if you want to but in Mark's Gospel chapter 12 verse 30 Jesus you know what God is looking for what the father is after I love this it's on the screen right now and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart that's the emotional part of who you are the feelings and with all your soul and get ready and with all your mind Jesus said hey when it comes to God use your brain you need to have a smart faith some people the idea that intelligence and faith are polar opposites that that that Christianity and and in common sense can never commingled no no jesus said bring your intellects bring your questions bring your might hey Church by the glades the last thing I want our people to do is to park their brains in the lobby and come in this room and believe anything I say but asking our people to be overly critical or skeptical but use your mind so Salvation has a mental component by the way for those you right now who are investigating the Christian faith I've told you in recent weeks brilliant I can't think of a better time to be asking your God questions and you should by the way from the comfort and anonymity of your home check us out go to our website go to our YouTube page look at past teachings see if it resonates is true in fact faith I think faith can be an intellectual smart faith I think faith is simply this I'll define faith faith is doing all your research on God doing all your homework on Jesus and then taking the next logical tiny baby step that's all the faith is we don't believe in stupid faith or blind faith no we want a smart faith to church by the glades because Jesus what my father wants love him with all your heart your soul your mind and your strength so it's clearly a volitional component to to salvation the helmet of salvation guard your thoughts guard guard your mind but also I think this idea of intelligence and faith we should know that we're saved the helmet of salvation we should have an intellectual clarity and confidence that were saved meaning this you're out there right now going wow you know I hope I'm a Christian I really hope David at the end of my life hopefully many decades from now when I stand before God or Saint Peter or the pearly gates or something I'm really hope and I'm hoping that I've been good enough or faithful not for religious enough or did the right religious stop that somehow when I stand before God I'm hoping I'm hoping I really wish did I get the thumbs up and up a thumbs down I take the up escalator or not the down escalator I don't think you can really know I mean you can't know can't you can't know you're saved you can't know or have confidence you're going to have an effect if you think you know didn't that kind of arrogance and pride ascend maybe you're not say but you think you know what okay on issues like this when you're confused go to the Bible amen corner you go to the Bible right our church is about two things Jesus and His Word give me the Amen Corner give me the Amen Corner put them up there guys make sure we're clicking y'all do this Jesus in his word write all about the Bible being the answer to all life's great questions all right so can I no helmet of salvation can I have know with certainty I'm saved go to scripture hit right down this reference fer John chapter five first John chapter five I'll get a running start verse 13s the key verse but I'll back up to verse 11 and John says so simply this on the screen right now and the witness is this God has given us eternal life and that life is in his son now it's very clear he who has the son Jesus has the life he who does not have the son does not have the life all right so very clear if you have this relationship with Jesus you got life not just life here on earth but I believe life forever if you don't have Jesus yet choose Jesus a decision today then it lands with verse 13 check out this seismic statement of truth from God's Word on the screen these things I've written to you who believe on the name of the Son of God in order that you may that you may know that you have eternal life I believe that verse up for a moment that the linger for a moment evidently if you're wondering hey can I know for certain I'm safe can I have confidence that even like a possibility don't you just kind of hope for the best at the end of your life there are people just like you back in the first century and John here in the fifth and final chapter of this brief letter says I've written this entire thing to people like you who believe in Jesus who have a relationship who've made that choice to pass through the doors salvation I'm writing this to people like you think that you can know that you can be absolutely completely holistically confident that you're saved and when you know you have heaven nailed down you walk through this life with spiritual swag you really do you have a confidence in God fidence if you know this for certain all right look share my story by me so I mentioned last week if you watched last week how I passed through the door of salvation John 10:9 and I gave my heart to Christ gave my life to Christ made my choice of faith when I was a nine-year-old kid attic Thank You Heather Thank You Heather at a Christian camp I was called RA camp but I went because I wanted to go you know camping and and fishing I loved to fish and and they had archery and BB guns and I think I told you the story briefly how the BB gun instructors name I don't know till this day by the way I can't wait to meet him in heaven I'm not saying I'm any big deal but God has used me in some small way to help many people come to Christ but all I did was help a punk kid choose Jesus what if he has any idea that some of the things God has done in my life since so I'm very grateful to the anonymous BB gun instructor but didn't watch last week he led me to faith in Christ so I prayed a Salvation prayer after he explained the gospel to me I just repeated prayer after him he said dear Jesus I said dear Jesus and he said I believe you're the Son of God I prayed I believe you're the Son of God and kind of prayed through a Romans 10:9 salvation prayer at the end of the prayer he said in Jesus name Amen I said in Jesus name Amen and he patted me on the back and said welcome to the family of God and then he left we stopped fishing he just walked away and I'm sitting there and truth be told this was my salvation moment I expected to feel something you know I was hoping for like the angels singing or seeing a light or something and filling the Holy Spirit right I was expecting the feels but for me it was just a a logical decision I was raised in the church already believed in the reality of Christ it was just my moment to step through the door and so for me it was really a volitional thing I made this choice to give my heart to Christ and emotionally nothing nothing he left me I'm by myself I'm like okay I guess I just got saved I love how God gets all up in your stuff I thought God will set the table for you sometimes so here I'm this little kid I'm walking back to the camp and there's literally hundreds of people this camp other kids and counselors and pastors the first person where the odds are in into was my home pastor pastor Billingsley we called fashionability pastor B here's pastor be the first person of all these hundreds of people I can run into so I think God set that up and so I'm a little kid I'm a little kid I just gave my heart to Christ so I marched up the pastor buildings but he'll dig this he's a preacher right he'll I Martin's a pastor bill and say guess what I just did I just asked Jesus Christ to come to my life and to save me I'm waiting for the handshake I'm waiting for the pat on the back I'm window you know attaboy I'll never forget what he did he said David you asked Jesus Christ to come to your life and save him how do you know he did I had no idea what to say I didn't know it's great he asked me he's great he asked me I'll tell you why him up I had no idea never heard the estate me know Christians aren't perfect just forgiving I wasn't saved ten minutes until I send I lied through my teeth to my pastor I did I didn't know what saying I would a lying kitty I just know anything how do I know I say doesn't past pastor I feel different I feel different I feel like the Holy Spirit now lives in me I feel like I feel I didn't feel different doesn't know what to say I feel different in the ways of you guys were laughing he just chuckled to David it's not an issue of your feelings so tomorrow you'll wake up in the morning you'll feel tired you'll go home you'll get no argument your big sister you know you'll feel angry doesn't mean that God has left here you're no longer a Christian no and he held up his old Bible and he said hey David this Bible is this the Word of God I said yesterday is he said does God make you promises in this book I said yes her he does David does God ever break a promise no sir in this book he promised if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe your heart god raised from the dead you will be saved and then he asked me if I knew what a contract was I had a bill vague idea of a contract he said this is your contract with God and this morning with the BB gun guy you asked Christ come into your life and he did not based on your emotion or your feelings you made a choice you trusted God's promise and you were saved I've had confidence ever since I've had that first John 5:13 these things I've written to you who believe in name is something you may know that you have eternal life you need that so if you prayed that with me last week if you have a old paper Bible go find it right now all right so if you prayed that prayer with me last week that John you know ten nine Jesus passing through the door that Romans 10:9 prayer asking Jesus Christ for your your Lord your savior and guess what that was your spiritual birthday so if you have an old school paper Bible find it find it find that inside flap and the date last Sunday was May 24th so right down to your spiritual birth you're born again May 24th 2020 2.0 right down I prayed to receive Christ with Pastor David and according the promise of God's Word I was saved hey you can bank on it cuz God keeps his promises every single time I could pick up the pace right here cuz I'm gonna cover two of the items of the armor of God quickly how about verse 15 verse 15 I love what it says having your feet shod in the preparation of the gospel of peace are your feet shod in the preparation of the gospel you like what in the world does that even mean okay as they see a great translation they're very specific clear translation is a little dated let me let me jump whatever you find a verse like that that doesn't make sense in your language find a different translation so if you have you version you'll just go ahead and scroll and find one so there's one there don't but easy translation this was literally called the easy translation and it says the easy translation same verse be prepared to tell people the good news about the peace of God so that that will be like shoes on your feet do you have gospel shoes you have gospel shoes so again he's uses analogy you could have your feet you know covered or shod in the preparation of the gospel of peace now again the imagery here embedded is a Roman soldier let me break this down historically I love history all know that so a Roman soldier sometimes wear sandals but in combat they'd wear shoes or boots and what gave them an advantage the Romans were always looking for an edge they would have built into their boots cleats or spikes you play baseball into the spikes the players wear okay why would they do that well when you envision a battle in the ancient world maybe in your mind you see or a movie you've seen like one army on one side of a green lush grassy valley and the other army on the other side okay that valley doesn't stay lush and green very long with thousands of soldiers and thousands of boots and horses and wagons they'd become mud really quickly and the Romans realized if they had these cleats or spikes on their boots they wouldn't slip in the mud they had an advantage they had stability what the gospel is is spiritual stability in your life the scripture talks so much the foundation we have in Christ he's the rock of our salvation so once I know I'm saved I have peace because I have my feet shod or my feet covered with these cleats that dig in deep when life gets muddy and 20:20 has been a muddy season so the first idea I get from this is imagery is I have spiritual stability then how many shoes you're wearing right now not a trick question yes I hope you're wearing two if you're wearing shoes right now you got two shoes everybody here in the room has I'm looking at two shoes right but they smell I've got excellent shoe game going right Christians should have great spiritual shoe game all the time my son's a sneaker head Christians should be spiritual sneaker heads all right you have hopefully - shoes - shoes why - shoes well there's two ideas - the gospel - sides of the gospel good news story right the gospel is that word you see time and time in the New Testament that means a relationship with God forgiven freed when you embrace by faith the gospel alright two ideas there's good news and there's bad news in the gospel there's two components good news and bad news so which do you want first the good news of the bad news me too I always want the bad news first oh I want to land with the good news right I want the bad news to be the appetizer but the good news to be my dessert all right so here's the bad news because the Bible tells you the whole truth and truth is always your friend wait till next week the bad news is this we all fall short verses like Romans 3:23 on the screen right now if you'll read are there in the chat put down this very important small word it says for for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God simply translate this verse means none of us are good enough I mean you're probably way kinder and more generous more moral than me but we all fall short the standard is God's own holy perfection meaning this and no one's good enough or moral enough or unselfish enough or kind enough to get to heaven we all fall short we're all sinners we're all in the same sin boat is is its spiritual rebellion against God Wow David let's go depressing we're all sinners what's what's the end game of Sint gets worse in Romans chapter 6 it says the wages or the fair pay of sin is death not just physical death but eternal death okay now I'm really depressed I'm depressed can you give me some goodness yeah make sure the other shoe if you will of the gospel I love verses like I'll stay in the same book Romans chapter 5 verse 8 it says that God demonstrated his own love for us in this why we were still sinners Christ died for us wow the only one lived to the standard only one was wholly imperfect that was Jesus but Jesus transfers his goodness to us that's when he died for us a single sufficient substitutionary sacrifice there are two components to the gospel there's good news and there's bad news but the bad news is justa to put the good news in its fullest perspective the good news is the best news the human families ever heard and speaking of that of that quickly before I let these ideas of gospel shoes or gospel boots going shoes are designed to travel shoes are designed to move watch you're watching online right now you're probably near socks no shoes why could you on your couch writer you're there barefoot in your bed that that's fine but when you go outside you wear shoes now notice it's not the gospel house shoes or slippers it's not that Jesus flip-flops it's the Roman boots and those Romans took those boots and marched all over the ancient world they were not just satisfied to keep their Dogman ideology to themselves in Italy they took it all over North Africa all over Europe as far up to the British Isles through the Near East they built an empire by the way out of hatred and oppression but they took their geopolitical point of view everywhere they marched with those boots now as Christians we're not building an empire but we have a king and a kingdom and it's commissioned us to take this gospel of peace and to go to travel with it they'd have it all I got like a great comfortable pair of shoes I guess my favorite shoes on it my Air Force once a day man they that they're nice and white but they they move they travel and we want to share that good news of the people so everywhere you go are you prepared like the Bible says to share the gospel of peace by the way you know it's it's never been easier than right now this is such an easy time people are asking hey David when will we open our physical buildings I want to answer it this way we never closed down the church not for a moment hey the doors are locked we're praying about when and how to reopen right now I cover your prayers on that but I'd argue some our best most productive days of ministry but over the last three months and you're reaching more people than ever before in fact if you're part of the church by The Glades family I want to ask you something as your brother and as your pastor we talk about connecting and sharing all the time the message I did last week based on the same idea that the shield of faith a salvation talk maybe the clearest salvation talk I've been in 20 years passing through the door of salvation I want you to share that with somebody I want you to be if you if you love our church get outside your comfort zone do what the Bible says here your feet taking the gospel to people and I want you to share that the easiest might be Facebook go to the church by The Glades Facebook page the message is right there click on the message then click the share button and if you know anyone that you love and you're not certain sure they know how to give their life to Christ this is your moment Sheridan share it with everybody let's make this talk viral I'm not trying to get myself out there but I want this truth of the beauty and simplicity of giving your life to Christ to be something so accessible for people we are commanded to share the gospel of peace so if you're part of our church share please share go to our other formats if you want to yes come on you guys can do this we're all gonna share this powerful truth and quickly have a few minutes left leaked one more piece of armor I love this one describes the breastplate of righteousness so the Roman soldier would have this covering for his torso it'd be made of metal or sometimes you know a heavy heavy dense leather but it would protect what his heart and his vital organs now righteousness is our protection righteousness is defined two ways in the Bible to dynamics to righteousness one is declared righteous now stay with me little theology right now one of the benefits that happens the moment you're saved in spite of your past in spite of our failure God declares us righteous yeah I know it makes no sense but it's very very biblical look at second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 this happens the nanosecond you pass through the door of salvation it says he made him God made Jesus who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf look at this so that we might become the will not become the righteousness of God in him that somehow at the cross when Jesus bore our sin God transferred his goodness his righteousness to me Wow I don't deserve it you didn't earn it but God did it when you are saved God sees you now with the righteousness of Jesus he shows up other places say right in Ephesians chapter 1 Paul describes the efficient believers as holy and blameless only Christians the world who never sinned they were blameless no he's talking about the declaration made at the moment of their salvation so you have declared righteousness but there's a second way we see righteousness defined in the Bible there's experiencial righteousness but not just being satisfied to know God sees me now is righteous I want to live up to the way God sees me I want to live up to that declaration I want to live a life with the breastplate of righteousness covering me why because it protects me so what is righteousness what is not legalism it's really not self righteousness that's terrible if that's you stop that right now they're all putting self righteous people spiritually religious arrogant people no I think what righteousness is is humbly trying to align my life my choices my relationships my priorities to align all those with the Word of God the more I do that I walk humbly in righteousness and again why should I do that what pleases God first and foremost but secondly it benefits me cuz it protects me like a breastplate it protects the heart it protects who you are so the more I walk in integrity and righteousness in truth and freedom in justice it protects me so if you'll practice righteousness and justice it protects the individual Elysa if you and i practice righteousness and justice in our marriage it protects our relationship if you have a family if you walk in integrity and righteousness and and just as it protects your family righteousness and justice protects ministries it protects churches righteousness and justice protects cultures and righteousness and justice protects nations and nations who lack righteousness and justice eventually fall example I love history I love history the Roman Empire you could argue from a historical point of view the most powerful Empire in the history of humanity their reach was vast their military was so well organized their military technology so superior they dominated all of the Western ancient world from again North Africa throughout all of Europe to the Near East it ran for several hundred years but though it was highly organized and powerful and networked it was not a righteous Empire it was a ruthless Empire and it eventually fell there's a Roman Empire anymore why most historians would say it was not the the attacks from without not the external enemies they decayed from within why no righteousness or justice and if you know your history um the ancient world was a violent world the Roman world was a racist world in fact it was so racist everybody in the ancient world was okay with being a racist it was something found upon to look down by anybody Roma's looked down upon non Romans and there's all kinds of animosity between Gentile and you and and women were treated like second-class citizens and then of course in the Roman world the few rich oppressed the great many poor and there were slaves some scholars think as many as half of the population of Rome slaves it was a great empire that decayed why unrighteous unjust if you're watching in some place some some nation that's not America all of our campuses are in the US I was born in this nation I love America there's so much that is awesome and good about him erricka but lately we've seen some glaring examples of injustice in america of things so far from righteous so egregious so if you allow me the liberty of speaking but in the wake of the death of Brianna Taylor of George Floyd of a mod R Barry it is time for Americans and I and I know this this this is a black issue first and foremost but it's also a humanity issue and we cannot afford the luxury of being silent I don't care the color of your skin or the culture you celebrate or where you come from or what language you speak we must stand as a people and the church and the Church of Jesus Christ and the church of Jesus Christ cannot afford the comfort zone of being quiet or just praying or just sympathizing it's our time to stand up as a people and say enough things must change and by the way that is our history as well because in that very broken very hateful a very racist Roman world there is one place where the walls and barriers of racism fell it was the first place if you'll check out your history in the history of anywhere in the human family that place was the fledgling persecuted new Church of Jesus Christ marginalized the church was the first place with the Apostle Paul who says something right now that seems so story back in his day sociologically it was it was a bomb going off we says in the church Galatians chapter 3 there is no longer any Jew or Gentile there is no slave nor free there's no male or female but he pronounced we are now one in Christ Jesus and this little small poor marginalised fledgling church had to meet at night didn't didn't have beautiful buildings or structures they met in the homes they met in small public facilities they um they met in the woods that they had to why threat of persecution also they met at night why because a great number of the members of the churches were slaves and what Paul preached they practice it was the first place we saw slave and slave master worshipping together and Jew and Gentile worship together and male and female working together it's the first place when those walls and barriers of racism came down to you might theoretically have a slave who was the pastor and the slave master who was the church member that's our history as a church historically we've made a lot of noise and moments like this we've led at the forefront at moments like this so forgive me I hope not to over speak you probably noticed I'm white probably first three seconds you figured I'm white I've been white all my life but I have the great honor and privilege of pastoring a wonderfully diverse church and someday when you come to a campus of physical campus a church by the glades you're gonna look around in these seats and you're gonna see in most of our services at most of our campus there's not a clear racial majority I mean this you won't walk in and say hey as a black church or a white church or a Latin Church but you will see a beautiful biblical blend of people and cultures you will see all this incredible diversity and I know there's a place if you want to be part of a church where everyone tell looks like you and has your same heritage and background I I get it but I think churches like this we get a glimpse of heaven as we do life and ministry powerfully and intimately together and we demystify the mythology and one another white because they have hard conversations yes the times but mainly we're just in the business of spiritual and cultural life transformation so I know maybe I'm out of place to speak but I well my things I love most about a church is its diversity and I want to stand with and grieve with my black American brothers and sisters in this church and beyond I hate what has happened if you allow me humbly that honor I will stand with you in as far as the african-american members of our church I just want to thank you for the great privilege of being your pastor it's an honor and I don't want to claim I understand fully but I'm trying to understand and I stand with you and I want to thank you for what you bring to our church I want to thank you for the passion the understanding the disturb but the wisdom the leadership there is something that you bring and by the way I'm not speaking out of turn here I can back this up statistically do you know that black Americans percentage-wise more black Americans attend church on a regular basis believe in the authority of the Bible believe in the divinity of Jesus more black Americans believe that Jesus Christ is their personal Savior and Lord by percentage than any other racial group in America by far and when you think about the way black Americans historically were introduced to Christianity it makes that all the more remarkable because it wasn't nice white missionaries going to the largest continent and sharing the love of Jesus it was as they were trafficked as slaves to America brutalized beaten and murdered that somehow they had the wisdom and discernment though the hatred hypocrisy of the slave master as he held a Bible in one hand and a lash in the other they saw a glimpse of the truth that was Jesus Christ a great liberating King it's an amazing spiritual dynamic [Applause] so of course I'm honored to stand with you to lend my small voice to your voice because guess what some stuff has to change in America and the church cannot be quiet about it this summer sadly marks the 400th anniversary of the first African slave coming to North America yeah things have gotten better and we've made progress guess what we've had for centuries it's time to fix this thing it's time to recognize that all forms of racism are sin all forms of racism are wicked all forms of racism are evil all forms of racism cannot be tolerated until we really practice for justice for all there's no justice for anybody so here this and this moment I pray a prayer of righteousness and justice for our nation and if you'll allow me the privilege to grieve with you to pray with you to speak with you and to stand for you [Music] [Music] [Music] you can have you can have everything but what does it what does it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] did you do [Music] Usopp you to the pista do the best that you can well then you can look in the mirror pout up is hooking back a DoD finalized it's not about what you take it what you give them and if you bet on love there's no way [Music] [Music] if you don't [Music] okay doc you got to walk that yeah [Music] if [Music] [Applause] [Music] with your hands I stand with you cuz I understand they hit just have to take the stage but with the plans it's all rides like the day we can reach out and touch with the same hand on walk we stand let the waste block be the way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] stop [Music] you
Channel: Church by the Glades
Views: 2,317
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Keywords: church by the glades, cbglades, fort lauderdale, coral springs, tamarac, margate, sample road, lake worth, miami, broward county, church, church service, sermon, creativity, music, south florida, message, fun, ahmaud abery, breonna taylor, george floyd
Id: W0bIwcWq1wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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