Choices (1986)

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Choices (1986) (TV)

Drama [1 h 35 min]
George C. Scott, Jacqueline Bisset, Melissa Gilbert, Laurie Kennedy
Director: David Lowell Rich

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 5.8/10 (122 votes)

A 19 year old girl suddenly finds herself pregnant. Not wanting to face motherhood or dealing with the consequences of a child, she contemplates an abortion without the knowledge of her boyfriend. However, her father, a retired 62 year old judge discovers her situation and is strongly opposed to abortion in principle. However, he soon finds he has to re-examine his own beliefs as his younger 38 year old second wife suddenly announces she is also pregnant. The two, when first married, agreed that there would be no additional children. This accidental pregnancy is unacceptable to the older man who cannot see him being involved in a young child's life. In the end, all three must make choices. (IMDb)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you want me to get it Terry you can still come out to the Hamptons push for my parents are expecting you for one thing look Scott you want to see other people you want a day fine I don't so I'm not going can't you at least tell me why they just do I'll call you okay [Music] you're bleeding [Music] too spicy that glands [Music] Terry what's going on housewarming contractors just cleared up that didn't tell me you were coming what you supposed to be a thank you in the kitchen over Scott you better move that before Marissa sees it all right it was you study give it a rest now Stars [Music] why everybody sure turned out didn't they so where's Scott he's driving out to East Hampton I didn't feel like going maybe I'll go to California visit mom you better call her I think she's going to Hawaii with Fred Freddy 59 years old and he calls himself Freddy I'll call her Terry I'm Reza I didn't go to Hamptons after all so I see it's my dad here he's in the kitchen well hi she's dead suitcases in the closet [Music] are you alright you're sick [Laughter] I said mouthwash in here I think so take a look I guess somebody didn't agree with me what did you eat I'll tell the caterers oh that's it I can't even jump in the car can I get you anything I'm fine you're not staying at Scott's oh I'd rather spend a break here if it's okay I know dad won't mind oh of course not no I've got to get this to Norman [Music] [Music] this picture is very different from the figurative work we saw downstairs remember that artists used similar colors different positions for the background here's Ron McKuen eliminates all the figures the background becomes abstract you notice the intricate brushwork he manages to achieve with a minimum amount of color [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they won't get back from Hawaii until the first and the next week classes start it's just not worth it besides I can't stand Freddie I don't know what my mother sees in him he wears leisure suits that's so important hmm I didn't finish he lives with his mother how old a man is he 59 60 maybe even older that means she must be at least 18 maybe he's taking care of her Terry he won't even spend the night with my mother at least I didn't the last time I was there maybe it's mom maybe she doesn't want me to know she has sex she's asleep for my father after they got divorced sometimes they didn't think I knew about it but that makes sense cuz I was rosemary that was way before dad met you your father was single for five years before he met me what he did is his business fine I called home there's a message for you on the machine from Dana something about working for the American Rock Cafe oh she's going around with her boyfriend I said I'd fill in for you only have a few weeks between semesters why don't you just relax it's fun work in there besides you can meet guys you said you wanted to ask me sir I did I forget Molly be careful not to hi it's gorgeous I can't afford it I knew vogue or stay married I was planning to is she gonna fall she's alright when will it all be settled I haven't told you the latest yet now Marshall says he wants custody of Molly what oh it's just a ploy to get me to take a lower settlement can't you see it Marshall and his teenage girlfriend changing diapers what we still have experience babysitting I got an offer to run David Patterson's campaign for state senator are you gonna do it yeah I was planning to wait until Molly was a little older oh well do you still miss working no I miss performing but I don't miss being on the road that college concert circuit gets old it's family they want me to start right away it'll be a grind I bet Terry is older than Marshalls girlfriend how old is Terry now 19 ah she seems younger though doesn't she she's staying four weeks Molly that's too high stay on the lower bars that's a long time I saw Terry at the party but I didn't get a chance to talk with her it wouldn't be so bad if she'd just come out and tell me she resents me but I'm rich or something but as it is I'm tolerated it's just awful I don't think you'd like it much if she called you a witch either oh I don't think she'll ever accept me it I can't do anything right and don't you have that and talk to her I don't want to put him in the middle hi pumpkin there you go have fun she wanted to run pretty [Music] [Applause] this is really the right place to send Evan off what do we call it retirement he still sits on every board in town [Laughter] more like a vacation now you youngsters may not know this but Granger Beckman infant began its career right here in our favorite watering hole we were working for a firm who shall be nameless and Evan got wind that one of their clients had some shady dealings shady Paulie with a mob sir Jonathan and I join him for lunch and Evan insisted on quitting and said that if we had the guts I think he used a different we would join him and spend the afternoon looking for another office damned if we didn't well I've known Evan for 23 years two marriages two kids a grandchild he's a man who was not afraid to face life to meet challenges and to fight for what he believes is right I have a story for you now Josh ooh you're looking to like this very much but indulge me Joshua was in high school they were living in New Jersey at the time and they bought Josh afeard for his 16th birthday Evan had just been appointed municipal judge well the police showed up at the door one night it seems that young Josh had about a hundred unpaid parking tickets but the car was registered in heaven's name so they took Evan to jail well I got a frantic phone call from his wife imagine he stayed the night he wouldn't let me get him out if he was going to sentence people he wanted to know what it was like now for me that story says it all well Goodyear's ambitious years it seems I mean no sooner achieved one ambition and another one comes along takes its place at least that's the way I've run my life swizzle stick and it works well the time has come for things I haven't had time for so now I'm going to travel the world and be with my Marissa of course you'll all be compelled to look at my slides I've even been threatening to take violin lesson but listen don't redecorate my office just yet don't give me a little time to adjust give them good friends the best Scott hi it's me what are you doing back at school I thought you're going out to the Hamptons oh well your mother told me to tell you to make sure that you're home by Christmas okay sort of it's weird being here they weren't expecting me yeah well you know am I gonna see you at all but we need to talk I do think it's a big deal you haven't told me why if things were okay at least I thought they were Scott I miss you can't you come to the city but we haven't talked about it you haven't told me why I mean it's a little weird to start seeing other people after all this time don't you think [Music] you're seeing someone else aren't you I'm not accusing you well that's what it is and why don't you just admit it no no on second thought don't I had something important to tell you but it doesn't matter I gotta go I'll talk to you [Music] [Music] Rissa what took you so long to reach Terry why she just got there I told her we'd be back in the city in the morning huh it's a good thing we didn't wait for her she doesn't want to come out she can take the train my dear the country is boring I have to admit I'm just as glad are you doing what that's where you always put it what if it's a car put the keys in your pocket tiffy it's so small Hamlet it's a rare edition I thought you might like I got in that musty place on Houston Street it's my surprise oh it's not here it's back huh Shakespeare they take it you don't think she's very interested in the classics true but that doesn't matter since she plans to go to law school I wanted it to be a Renaissance man biologically impossible [Music] I haven't read Hamlet so many years with me I should go back and reread all the plays so I hardly have time to get for the Sunday Times I'd have to be on a desert island maybe just an island once you're surprised now close your eye closed not your hand okay now you can Oh Greece for how long before months I thought you were all tied up with your consulting and all those committees you said the earliest would be tuned you're going to Greece now I came to visit you and now you're going to Greece that's great what can we discuss this without histrionics you're going that's it there's nothing to discuss Terry I think your father made these plans before we knew you were coming we both watch we're going to the Hamptons I know I know fine okay come with us you've still got a couple of weeks before school starts I can't go I want to talk about it the rental housing Cortina there's plenty of room sounds great but I can't go I'm gonna be late I'm meeting Dana can I stay here while you're gone [Music] [Music] there you are you think it's Scott what Terri turning down the trip I mean why did you just say so if she's staying here to see him I don't know maybe she thinks I don't approve I like Savoy Medical School it comes from a good family stuffing those croquet matches in the Hamptons in pristine whites that much of 22 and you told in your lights pop mmm are you sure you don't want another baby you know I don't just checking why does this always come up what Terri is here I just think I'd do better if we started from scratch I told you when we met I know no babies you're right [Music] what are you doing here I need to talk to me now Terry hi Billy hello just be a few minutes what time you getting off midnight you want to go to the garage maybe depends how tired I excuse us good in just few minutes you have no right to go in there Terry what is going on it's my room can I have any privacy Terry stop it tell me it's for Dana I don't believe you why not because I don't what's doing in your bathroom you pregnant [Music] I don't know I could be I did the test [Music] No it's God's but those tests are 100% sure are they and if it is I'll just have an abortion that's all slow down [Music] you need a doctor to do a complete test let's find out first and then we'll talk about it oh there's nothing to talk now I'm not having it that's all [Music] you won't tell my father will you promise me I'll call my doctor I'll try and arrange an appointment for you right away but promise you won't tell him [Music] keep it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Boy George is Frank Sinatra I do mean think about it he's a burner that's Marissa's word you stepmother mm-hmm she likes Sinatra she's 38 and my father 62 she should like Paul McCartney but she likes Sinatra that should tell you something he comes and goes where's your dad do well he's retired sort of he was a judge he lays down the law you want some wine yes No you've had enough do you want to do this I've got to go what time is it 3:15 oh god it's so late where am I 10th Street hey you can stay if you won't want no I've gotta get uptown oh boys an uptown street come on I'll get you a cab Evon go back to sleep Evan there are rules if she's going to stay here tell her in the morning don't get into it now you're probably plastered she's away at school most of the time and you're not there she's safe now in the morning you're handling me Marissa that is why you married there I ate okay sit down please I want to go back to sleep teri I've had enough if you're going to stay here you're going to abide by the rules you get up in the morning and you come home at a reasonable hour when are you going to grease the fan I'm 19 years old you were practically married at my age did your father tell you when to go to bed okay Barry then I'll stop telling you what to do great then I'll be my husband's responsibility right that's so chauvinist don't push me so I could have some small indication that you are able to accept responsibility I'd be happy to give it up nothing that please me more can I have a cup what's the big deal so I got it it to 3:15 so now you want to curfew I won't order we leave for Greece in a week for one week humor me 2:30 am i speaking Sanskrit try to get home by 1:00 Terri half the clubs open at 1:00 I'm going to leave this in your capable hands would you like to meet me for lunch one o'clock The Boathouse Central Park I'm gonna go back to bed wait I'll call him try and get you an appointment Marissa you know you're gonna have to talk to your father about what's going on you cannot go on like this hello don't I'll go to a clinic this is Marissa Granger I'd like to make an appointment please shall I have it's for a pregnancy test no no it's for Terry Granger is there any chance that you could see her today just a moment what do I do they have a cancellation of the live that's fine yes thank you very much I'll go but you promised me that you wouldn't tell him I'll get you two why it's none of his business no you are walking around like a keg of dynamite and he does not know why now either you tell him or I will [Music] can I get this sure it'll be a couple minutes [Music] [Music] one two three fourteen eight you [Music] [Applause] pterri oh good you're home I'm at the restaurant I did wait as long as I could your father will be here any second what did they say oh I'm sorry do you want to come here we could come home now no I I told you I won't I'll let you tell him have you spoken to Scott well I think he has a right to know but of course it is your decision Terry let's talk later we'll be home soon bye the view of the ocean from almost every room in the house six bedroom level got a no hot honey with six bedrooms in a swimming pool it's about a 15 minute drive to the nearest town is it warm enough for what to swim probably not we have some more wine you like the house it's lovely what's wrong do you think we could rent it later when Lu or months later it's available now they've got somebody else lined up if we don't take maybe we shouldn't leave until Terry goes back to college is that what's bothering you ha she's only carrying on to give me a hard time you know she is as soon as we leave she'll have Scott staying there deeper common kids always break up at the whole place to herself should be fine why don't you learn what's the real reason it's okay [Music] hello calling sky you got him who's this [Music] Dara's gonna have an abortion Wow Scott's over it makes sense I feel sorry for does he know about it well he go with her at least he can be supportive you better it's his to my do you want to play in your house I always feel like I'm walking on cracked eggs with Terry I had an abortion when I was Terry's age younger how come you never told me and those days it was illegal I had to go to some band and warehouse in Brooklyn Oh father I just been accepted at Sarah Lawrence and I found out I was pregnant I was about to leave for college I was so scared to tell my parents I wasn't in love with a guy and I sure didn't want to marry him I felt so trapped there were just no good choices thank God things have changed you're lucky for Terry they have I'm staying out of that apartment till she tells Evan he'll calm her down are you absolutely sure I went to a doctor I don't mean to be indelicate but do you know who the father is it doesn't matter the hell it doesn't it's Scott's okay what's the difference I'm not having it what a Scott say Terry no no I knew I shouldn't tell you know exactly what the Scott had to say for himself I'm the one who is pregnant why do you keep harping on Scott you haven't told her have you oh my god is it possible I haven't communicated any morality to you at all is that possible it's my decision it's my besides Scott wouldn't care madness you're going to abort his child doesn't care she'll just feel guilty that's all believe me Scott doesn't want to know about the speculation you don't know what he thinks it's possible he might just expect to marry the mother of his child but you don't think he has any rights do you Mary what about me what if I don't want to marry him it's my decision and I'm having an abortion no abortion what not until you told Scott I don't approve are you serious you heard me because I haven't told Scott I don't approve did you know about this wait teri teri yes she wants to tell you herself can you probably know she intends to have an abortion my god you agree with her it doesn't matter what I think teri has to make her own choice I mean Scott isn't to be consulted he doesn't get it all everyone wants to talk about it Scott what about me true an old-fashioned Terry I think there's a certain sanctity in a sexual union that produces a child Evan please what are you saying teri Terry it's me again call me at the house as soon as you get this message hmm where is she 10 o'clock she's probably still asleep I spoke to Joshua Medical Ethics in contemporary society where did you get that the library my god you've already been to the library means position 1 abortion is a last resort position to the Roman Catholic view position 3 abortion on demand poor Terry you didn't tell Josh she's pregnant did you you did of course I did don't tell me too many opinions as it is why he's on your side there are no sides [Applause] ah twini I'm not turning right I'm here to go back in the sauna you go ahead I'm gonna practice my turns you okay I've decided I'm gonna go see Scott if we grant person status to the fetus from the moment of conception and grant possession of a right to life for every person you see that all right listen to this having a right to life does not guarantee having the right to use another person's body besides a fetus is not a being yet wait at the 16th week and the brain function or the sixth week all the organs are present six week and brain waves are detectable by the eighth week when it can live outside the mother's body the viability are you you bet it's only sales of four weeks and it doesn't become viable until between the 26th and 28th week abortion takes place before it is viable Evan it's not always true but in Teri's case true let's deal with the real issue when is their soul forget ethics let's talk about teri answer the question I don't know I didn't know last night I don't know today I only know a fetus is not a person yet it's a potential person but that does not give it a right to life unless life begins at conception 19 years old you are not in court Evan these questions have to be answered how is she's gonna look on to her baby she could marry Scott go what if she doesn't want to get married what if he doesn't you don't want us to end up with the baby do you we're talking about moral and ethical issues and you're trivializing it with emotional arguments trivializing fine she's your daughter if you think her feelings are trivial fine my dear you're not listening to me I am listening she is accountable like anyone else deal with Terry we are talking about Terry and you are hiding between behind issues no you are because if we can keep emotional logic out of this you don't have a leg to stand on which action is she accountable for sex for the failure of birth control she is not ready to be a wife or a mother what is she going to tell Scott I don't know she'll tell him he'll want the abortion heaven you better be ready for that Terry it's me again call me as soon as you get this message please honey [Applause] I thought you liked Manheim's class I did I screwed up the final call and maybe I'll let you make it up no he won't it's no use I failed two courses I just have to take him over again it's not your fault it wasn't a good semester [Applause] what'd your dad say I haven't told him well I sorta told him I left in my grades but I don't care what he says I did the best that I could maybe you can go to summer session really Scott there's something I've got to tell you it's not what you think I'm pregnant I wanted to tell you on the phone but I just couldn't actually I wasn't gonna tell you but my dad and Marissa said I have to I really didn't think you'd want to know I thought it would be easier for you I mean anyway I said I tell you somehow you know aren't you gonna say anything it's mine when how long about five weeks I have to wait another week before I can have an abortion we'll get married marry my folks will help us out we should get married before classes start wait I don't understand first its overnight you said your father already knows why why Scott you're pregnant but I can have a voice no no no you have to have the baby I don't first it's over now you want to get married no Scott I don't think I'm ready to be a mother I really don't everything's such a mess how can I go to law school and have a baby and you've got yours before you say no choice what it's a life it's not right you can't take a life hurry no I gotta go I've got it I don't want to talk about it I've got it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you said the coffee became escaped on the train I went there to tell him I was gonna spend the night but then he said just just wanted him to go to the critic with me I didn't even get a chance to ask him to get married Porsche in his murder I can't go home I called Dana she said that I could stay with her for a while Terry your father would like to talk to you we postponed our trip oh he'll take Scott side you know I will I don't want to talk to him I don't want to talk to Scott either I ran away from Scott I just left I told you not Scott if he had asked me to marry him before this all happened I probably would have I used to think about us getting married daydream about it but I always thought would be romantic like you and my dad Terry all your father wants is for you to be happy I know but I don't know what's gonna make me happy how can he know if I thought that I was murdering a person with a song I couldn't do it Scott totally believes that it is I can't even talk to him there's no way I need to think will you tell my dad yes yes Marissa you think I should have the abortion don't you well it's not up to me but you do it's all right you're not responsible yes have the abortion of Mary Scott if you want to and then have a baby when you were ready maybe Scott won't want to marry me if I have the abortion Marissa are you alright I'm sorry excuse me can I use your phone I would call it no but believe it I don't believe it would you like a drink of water how could this happen I was careful I always use the diaphragm always he doesn't want any more kids are you sure you don't want to call Evan time oh god I can't breathe sandy bringing mrs. Granger a drink of water right away are you going to Greece No why not I thought tario was staying with Dana she is but we're not going to this thing is settled so what's the verdict Terry inconclusive is Scott calling at least twice a day she wouldn't let me give him Dana's numbers so I take the messages then what exactly is your position are you pro marriage or anti abortion Terry says you want a shotgun wedding does she good it has a nice archaic ring to it Allison Wonderland Hey look at this inscription Sara Clark February 13 1870 maybe I'll get it for Erin huh published in 1869 you know I think that's the first time I was published in America she could do a lot worse than marrying Scott you don't agree here it's $600 I don't understand why you're so against her having an abortion she flunked two courses last semester that's no reason and things were bad with Scott don't give me excuses she's 19 years old and she's proven she's not responsible I'll choose four I still don't see where it's your choice and getting awfully sick of these debates Joshua and a lot older than you and it just doesn't sit with me and that's it it comes to a decision between abortion and marriage Mary [Applause] [Applause] [Music] excuse me could I have some information please pretty bad out there isn't it sorry what would you like to know would you have anything that tells about abortion how it's done how much it costs that sort of thing I have a pamphlet but let me see if one of the counselors can talk to you no it's okay if I could just read something this explains the procedure now if you think you're pregnant call and set up an appointment to see the doctor so we can confirm it and see how advanced the pregnancy is then you'll see a counselor to talk about it and see if this is really what you want to do in there I'm pretty sure there are other options you know like adoption I read it okay um is there a back way out of here [Music] [Applause] cannot do he's already booked for a luncheon on the 23rd with a woman's group and that support hasn't been locked in yet our candidate has three children not 13 Barbie give me some room here move them to the end of the program and we'll get in there okay okay give Margo the details hold on Margo take line one please what happened is it Terry I'm six weeks pregnant oh you were speechless I mean both of us can you imagine does Evan know I don't know how I'm not telling are you ever gonna talk to me again I don't know please what happened to our deal Marissa I trusted you I kept my part of the deal right I tried evidently not hard enough why are you behaving as if this was all my fault you had something to do with it I don't understand a fountain system it's all wrapped up with mercurial moods and tides and moon cycles you said the diaphragm works it does most of the time and no pills why Marissa why no pills the doctor said there's too many risks at my agent and besides you did not want me to remember what the hell happened did you forget to use it no we made a deal you agreed we'd have no children it was very clear I know even I think we should talk about what we're going to do I never should have left it up to you should have just taken care of it myself well that is water under the bridge what are you doing Evan Evan [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what have you been just walk it that's dinner I'm not very hungry would you like an omelet yes thank you sure why don't you just come out and say it I can't be a father it's 63 don't ask me to do it you're Joey Oh leave me alone and come back in the apartment no you want to talk there's nothing to talk about you're a bloody hypocrite I have never changed my opinion not once right no children you're very consistent on that how about abortion isn't that what we're really talking about it's when are you against abortion I thought you approved that is not the point and you know it [Music] Thanks I've been sitting here thinking [Music] I know I've gone back on my contract maybe I should never have agreed to it ever I would have an abortion if I didn't want this baby but I - I didn't know I was gonna feel like this why what is changing I could feel it it's amazing to me [Music] I'm 38 years old if I have an abortion now you'll go out and have a vasectomy the next day [Music] this is my only chance to have my own child please don't say anything just think about it [Music] [Music] all right now you hear me out I know what I told teri and I still believe it but this is different I'm turning inside out over this thing but you have always known that I never wanted children maybe that's not fair to you but I can't help it I have earned the right to sleep through the night I want to retire and I am done with school plays and birthday parties for two-year-olds now you think this is all very romantic right now but that's because you've got all those hormones playing ping-pong inside your brain things happen to mothers cleaning detergents and speeding cars are out to get your child every rusty nail becomes an enemy your whole focus changes there is nothing harder on a marriage then when a wife becomes a mother I know it's selfish but I don't want to lose you [Music] mr. Granger Scott what are you doing could I talk to you sir speak roughly to your little boy and beat him when he sneezes he only does it to annoy because he knows it teases Alice in Wonderland how did you find me I followed you here let's go does Jerry know you're here no I want you to know that I want to marry her what does she have to say about that well that's the problem sir you see she won't talk to me I call her every day you know I leave messages but she says she wants to be alone wouldn't make it hard to get married I am sorry it happened I'd like to see this thing settled why did you two break up stop well it's you know there's a lot of pressures in medical school I don't know but it's different now mr. Granger the reason I came here is because I can't talk to Terry she won't let me and I don't know what to do I thought maybe you can help me you see I don't want her to have an abortion no matter what Terry said do you feel the same way about it as I do what do you want me to do I want you to stop her ha how do you propose I do that and what if I can't it's murdering a soul I'm so tired of this debate she's heard all the arguments she's gonna lose it over me why won't you get now we gotta take a different tack what's missing something's missing what a mess I'll bet you wish you could just close your eyes and the whole thing to disappear but I can I guess not [Music] I don't know if you can help me I guess I'm one of those people who only end up here when they're in a crisis you have a difficult decision if I have the abortion it'll be for my husband not for me I suppose that's for me too who do not believe it assume there are sins against itself no one should force you to have an abortion yeah he's not forcing me I'll make my own decision you were in a permanent relationship with your husband and you wanted to continue so if you do decide to have the child you owe him a full explanation of your reasons yes he says his 63 and he's too old to have a baby he's 62 but 63 because when it'll be born he'll be 63 that is just to exaggerate the point he's right morally fathering involves more than insemination if your husband is not willing to be the father to the child can you accept the full responsibility alone no you have to consider that possibility he says I've gone back on our contract but I always wanted a baby he knew her when he met me I never thought I could fall in love with a man who wouldn't want to have a child with me I even stopped seeing someone once because I found that they'd had a vasectomy I never came into my life everything changed now what did everything so so loving so caring to me he told me he didn't want to have any more children I was falling in love with him and you can't change that when it happens I was open to him just that so I did duh I trusted him like I have never trusted any man before so I decided it was more important to have his love I couldn't leave him to be out there looking for someone to have a baby with I'm talking him into my heart that's what I'm trying to say but I feel that I feel that way about this baby Evan I'm gonna phone booth on Park I'm on my way home I need to talk to you I've decided I am gonna have the baby [Music] please wait for me don't I'll go no I'd rather watch Connecticut just stay here Terry might need you the church's option I don't hear why can't we even talk about this of course you're going to have the baby what else do you expect a minister to tell you it was my own decision and I don't have anything to say about it do it don't put it that way what would you like you want this baby I don't so go ahead Marissa wiggle me out to his high school graduation when I'm 80 did you want to hear would that be so awful yes when I was in high school I had a friend whose father was 74 years old the old man was retired of course but every day he put on a suit and a tie and go down to the dining room and sit there all day with the business section and the mail we'd be out back someplace shooting baskets or something and his wife who was at least 25 years younger would come out every half-hour and tell us to be quiet because the old man was upset well I don't want to do that to a child I don't want to do it to me but you wouldn't be that way I love you don't do this to us if you love me why are you making me choose I can't I asked you to choose three years ago you went back in your word not me remember that swf loves romantic Country Inns walks on the beach dinner in Paris who doesn't SWF single white female Oh attractive good conversationalist see single white male 40 plus four loving relationship I'm not afraid to commit are you I just know I'm gonna be alone for the rest of my life you stop reading the personals you're supposed to be composing an advocate piano lessons ah listen to this one mwm married white male empty my god seeks discrete bucks a woman under 30 for mutual satisfaction New Jersey area only [Applause] dad knew here in the living room who are you going Oh dinner with Marissa no huh friends like this oh sorry it's my laundry is it okay maybe I should go ask Marissa do your laundry Terry you don't need permission dad what if Scott tell you nothing you haven't heard he did say you two were talking about getting married but I'm not planning on any weddings until I hear from you well I said maybe that's all it's Marissa here she's in Connecticut how come she wanted some time to herself are you two fighting about me do you want me to stay with you go do the laundry teri and try not to flood the kitchen I was 12 when I did that there must be a statute of limitations on these things are you still mad at me I was never mad at you I still haven't decided I don't know what I'm gonna do hmm why aren't you gonna say anything try to bring your grades up to semester okay how could you tell your folks I haven't even said yes for sure I don't believe this there's no guest list there's no wedding yet I don't want to make plans Scott Scott let me let me ask you something do you love me just what I said do you love me please it's important now I know that you care about me I'm not asking that just tell me if you love me yes or no [Music] no I'm not upset mm I'm glad you told me the truth um it's okay I'll talk to you tomorrow [Music] [Applause] Terry Granger right here this way please [Music] let me look at you it wasn't so bad [Music] let's go [Music] I rented a car I even found a parking space [Music] Marissa I'm glad you're here [Music] you wake me in an hour so I could cross sky huh can I get you anything I made soon I can bring you a tray maybe when I wake up [Music] no she called me I didn't think you'd mind if I brought her back here I suppose she didn't think you'd be sympathetic you can't blame her but she's alright hmm yeah okay I'll call her in the morning [Applause] [Applause] Terry what are you doing here I thought you'd probably come here I want to talk to you is there someplace private sure come on you okay I'm fine it went all right uh-huh one second hi Charlie Marisa told me what's going on are you two splitting up maybe I guess so how can you do that to him Terry no listen to me you always think that you're right but you're not first you try telling me what to do and now her this is between me and Marissa okay it's not the same believe me it isn't did you tell Scott yeah what did you say not much if you leave her it's wrong since when are you such a champion of Marissa's dad you hand out pronouncements you always have it's very hard to just talk to you but Marissa can at least she used to you told me when I was very little that if I'm true to myself I'll do what's right but when someone strong starts telling you what to do you sort of drift away from yourself Marisa will do exactly what she wants do you ever of course you know that well you ask mom you told me once that you and mom got divorced because she didn't love each other anymore well that's not happening here your mother and I didn't love each other this is different we'd been together over 30 years when I left I was a friend there was no passion she didn't have any passion for me either although I think she might have stayed with it I was 55 years old and nothing nothing was changing I couldn't spend the rest of my life just feeling so lonely what did it change when you met Marissa I felt alive the world was a better place just because she was in my life yes it changed are you ever gonna see the baby why do you ask me a thing like that well are you oh cool on weekends like you used to have me and Josh come and stay with you I don't know I haven't thought about it very much that's good something no wait a minute I don't get it you love her if you're gonna have the baby on the weekends you might as well have Marissa to [Music] I was about to make some tea no wait [Music] I can't leave you Evan I've been thinking about it all night I won't have the baby did you look at the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland it's for the baby what it's a little early now I know what are you saying what are you saying I want you to have a baby [Music] not taking any to am feet and no birthday parties you don't have to go and I'm not going to any school plays and I mean it you can stay home you better get a decent diaper service oh they have disposable ones now yes well you can teach in the piano if you want to live I would like it if you were musical [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: MoviesTime
Views: 769,294
Rating: 4.5400262 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 55sec (5635 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2017
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