The Things New Vtubers Don't Know

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now more than ever and especially since 2020 you see all these how to start youbing for free types of videos on YouTube and there are new J views almost every day it feels like most videos about starting V tubing mostly tend to address the visual aspect of how to make or get a model how to set up a stream Etc but there's a lot that isn't covered that goes on behind the scenes that I'd argue was extremely important to be aware of a lot of these things are also topics that vtubers were just entering the scene could benefit a great deal from considering before they do so I want to talk about them hi I'm EG and no I'm not especially big vtuber or one that debuted all that long ago but I've been around the youtubing scene and had friends involved in it since before the co boom of English vtubers and I've seen some things now this isn't going to be advice per se but more so just like a heads up about what's going on out there if you're a hobbyist YouTuber not looking to make it a career you won't have to worry too much about this stuff but for anyone who'd like to seriously pursue it you might want to take a listen if you aren't a YouTuber all in watching this I hope this gives you a little more appreciation for how hard your favorite Indies are working so I'm going to break the idea I want to talk about down into a couple categories which are the skills needed for V tubing including what sorts of abilities and personality traits predispose some towards success regardless of their model or other factors the hidden tasks of V tubing aka the reason why a lot of vtubers either want or already have manager the actual costs of V tubing including physical Equipment Technology art and some other things you might not immediately think of and the issues with the current expectations placed on D tubers usually as a result of corporate standards including things like Paras socialism objectification overworking and more sounds kind of like right but I promise it isn't entirely for every darker part of V tubing there were equal and opposite things to love about it but I don't want people getting into V tubing with the wrong expectations or without at least partially understanding what goes on behind the scenes first up are the skills needed for V tubing note that I've said V tubing but the Assumption here for most people is that this means streaming it's probably no secret that some people are just better at making this type of content than others it's the most common path R tubers right now and there are some specific skills that are necessary to succeed at it there are other avenues too aside from streaming like making edited content but they often require the same skills too so there's no skimping out in a broad sense organization and time management are a must picking a schedule and sticking to it leading to consistency and Trust from viewers is the goal here whether this means a streaming schedule posting schedule video schedule or something else I'm going to keep stressing this consistency is key if you are somebody who has a job lifestyle or other factors that can get in the way and cause you to have to cancel things last minute relatively often or you frequently need to take extended amounts of time away then being a live streaming vtuber might not be the best path for you and you should consider other Roots letting viewers down over and over again with canceled streams is super harmful to building an audience and sadly secondarily consistency is what just about every social media platform algorithm favors so by not having it you are actively shooting your potential success in the foot so even if you become a YouTube video vtuber keeping your posting schedule consistent can still be really important but it's more forgiving than other options maybe and I'm saying this is somebody with a varied schedule who knows they were doing better when consistent but I won't be the first to say that it isn't easy aside from consistency and scheduling you need to be organized also for the sole reason that Fe tubing has so many moving Parts unless you have a lot of money to pay others to do things for you you'll have to manage and promote yourself which is more work than you might immediately think and I'll get into that a little more later on a related note if you don't have the money to for a manager video editor or someone to cover other skills should do yourself a favor and practice them a vast majority of growth comes from creating content on other platforms that redirect viewers to your streams this means Evergreen content and presence on sites other than twitch so with the power of video editing and others on your side you'll have a leg up in promoting your streaming or other activities because of those skills the next factor is that you have to be entertaining and this should be a no-brainer in some ways but if you aren't somebody who can talk for long periods of time has a sense of humor comes up with bits on the fly or something else fun going on you need to get some practice before you start expecting results from youtubing think about why someone would watch you do others think you're really funny or you really knowledgeable about something or good at teaching it what skills do you have that someone want to take a chunk out of their busy life to watch especially when they could watch other YouTubers doing something similar and be honest with yourself here I don't want to sound too harsh but there are sadly a lot of YouTubers out there streaming to two or maybe three people not experiencing any growth in their brand because they can't entertain viewers enough to keep them around thankfully this is something you can practice so if you aren't conf your ability to do this stuff right now you can analyze how others are succeeding at it to learn from and Implement yourself next is something that sounds kind of funny to say but you need networking skills all careers require this for advancement that's why they say it's who you know not what you know when it comes to getting a good job or a promotion YouTubers often talk about this in terms of like wanting to make friends on Twitter and yeah sometimes that's how it goes but I and others would argue that a lot of YouTuber collaborations and interactions also happen from purely a business standpoint of associating together than benefiting from it together and that's not about thing it's also the reason why there is so much of an issue with clout chasing the V tubing Community new vtubers were close friends with established vtubers can end up with a springboard that propels them farther faster so that's why this issue keeps showing up over and over again being comfortable networking and being outgoing enough to be the one that's reaching out to others as part of the recipe for success to my introverts you will have to step out of your comfort zone or at the very least be adopted by an extrovert who wants you to meet their friends and the final skill I want to mention here is that you need Drive having drive or motivation requ requires an innate passion to keep improving doing more trying new things and reflecting on your strengths or weaknesses without drive this all falls apart if your drive is fueled by wanting to join a corporation wanting to play games all day instead of going to work wanting to be famous or just wanting money none of those things are inherently realistic or healthy motivators that aren't sustainable in the long run you need to set realistic intrinsic goals for yourself and think deeply on why you would make content this way becoming complacent in your content continue to do what everyone else is doing and not continuing to strive for more are ways that you'll lose your audience retention and stagnate and you can tell when people are making unmotivated content or when a streamer has lost their passion for streaming and it can be so sad to witness finding a source of passion that's sustainable is the best path forward here so polishing all these skills can mean the difference between being a partnered streamer while using a basic PNG tuber model versus having thousands of dollars worth of beautiful model art and overlays but streaming to less than 10 viewers for months or even years so now we'll move on to the hidden tasks of youtubing for fun let me give you a rundown of things your average NV tuber is probably doing often and maybe all in the same day sometimes planning a schedule the beginning of the week and making a graphic of it buying games that's needed for streaming reaching out to other YouTubers for playing collabs researching planning and recording content for Tik Tok so that they'll have a post most days of the week editing those recorded videos which can take hours then crossposting those videos to YouTube shorts and Instagram making it usually at least one post on each social media platform they're active on a day which could be five or more post total editing thumbnails corresponding with artists for commissions working on Art music or something else for Evergreen content streaming for 10 maybe 15 hours a week or more posting when they go live on all social media sites networking with other YouTubers on Twitter reaching out or replying to sponsorship emails planning events like charity streams donatons or saath learning to use technology for their streams researching investing into merch participating in their Discord servers and others and more all on top of often having a job or being a student okay and however long you think most of these tasks take add an hour or maybe three to it this is timec consuming stuff and if all that wasn't enough already none of it accounts for all the front end work that goes into getting started as a vtuber the first time said of OBS and streamlabs learning to use the programs required for using your model installing plugins making your website setting social media accounts and more is a ton of hard work that begins often even before you fully begin working as a YouTuber whatever you can't pay others to do for you such as editing highlight videos is something you will have to learn to do for yourself becoming a jack of all trades who can use programs like canva Photoshop After Effects Premiere DCI resolve and more is almost a requirement then and learning all of those programs also takes time if you aren't already familiar with them being your own manager promoter content editor and often even your own artist takes a ton of time I'm saying the word time so much here but I can't say this all enough it's hard work and hard work takes up precious hours this is all massive to juggle and it's why I was stressing organization and drive earlier because those are the things that feel you through all these hoops you'll be jumping through this is also the reason why a lot of YouTubers either want or already have a manager but that requires being financially stable to a degree to afford so affording a manager or not does bring me to the next point then which is the actual costs of youtubing this is where all of those how to be a vtuber for free videos are actually somewhat helpful as you can always find free emotes overlays schedule layouts backgrounds and even models you can use to cut corners on cost these all of course come at the cost of customizability being low but is a great way to test the waters and figure out if youtubing is even for you before you go and drop a thousand or so dollars on a model and more for custom assets pretending however that you want to buy everything nice and custom up front here are some like median or rough prices to think about character design is usually about between $100 and $200 live 2D art rigging is also between 1 and 2K unless you're getting a small less detailed model from a less established artist or something very refined and complicated which will be more a 3D model can be comparable in price emotes can run you up to or over $200 depending on how many you get and how detailed they are stream backgrounds and overlays are usually between $100 and $200 each stream alerts significantly vary by complexity but can also be a couple hundred for a couple of them Stingers will be up to or over a 100 get the gist we're now looking at somewhere Beyond 3K for the whole package here it is an investment and the most expensive thing you can do after getting all of that set up is Rebrand so sit with your character design and branding ideas for a bit before committing if you'd like some more tips on vtuber design I have a video on it too alternatively if you can't afford all that but want the customization you could do what I did make your own design model overlays and all of that but that takes years of artistic practice to build up to before even committing the time to make the actual things you need and do keep in mind that with art there are very successful YouTubers who are twitch Partners using affordable PNG YouTuber models or even free models and this is what I was talking about earlier with the skills and personality traits being more useful you could instead take that money that would have gone towards an expensive model and take singing lessons acting lessons pay for a course on video editing or animation or find some other way to level up your skills i' be willing to bet that you could get further faster with those things just a thought so moving on as great as it may be that you can somewhat Dodge the asset costs if you're okay sacrificing customization there are Corners you absolutely cannot cut specifically related computer hardware if you planed on a modeling computer while also streaming and playing a game that's a lot to ask of a computer especially in the day of age of huge graphically intensive and unoptimized games that we are currently in I have a PC I built in 2020 with parts that were about a year or too old and it's already almost completely outdated for V tubing and unless I got a newer graphics card I would be able to stream and play a game at the same time there are more budget friendly builds you could probably find for streaming and I'm no Tech wizard but if your computer needs an up upgrade you'll need to be prepared to invest several hundred or even a thousand or so into it depending on what parts you need uh graphics cards to stream you'll also need a relatively robust internet plan so that your bit rate upload and download speeds among other things will be able to keep up with your demands and let me tell you that isn't especially cheap either especially depending on where you live I live in the middle of nowhere it's expensive and if you need to edit your own videos You'll need a pretty decent chunk of RAM and a solid graphics card or else be dealing with crashes and freezes from Premier D Vinci resolve and i' say that is you didn't already need those things to run your model and stream and play games but I just really want to highlight how necessary it is a decent computer and Wi-Fi plan are things you can't Skip and if you aren't lucky enough to already have them you're going to need to budget them in furthermore while you can get away with being cheap on most the rest of your setup do yourself a favor and Splurge or upgrade your mic as soon as you can there are $200 USB mics that can be great to get you started but you'll probably want to upgrade as soon as you can afford it because poor audio quality is a very effective way to scare new viewers away and finally if you don't want to manage or edit for yourself you'll have to be able to afford editors and managers which can add up a ton things like paying for mixes for songs paying Distributors like Dro kid to have your songs on Spotify making down payments on merch buying games to stream paying program licenses Adobe and so much more also costs you may have to tackle it sometime or another plus there's always more extras to be upgrading to in like every Department here so even if we're only looking to get a new pc and a better Wi-Fi plan it can't be well over $1,000 over 4K then including all the custom assets and I'd be willing to bet close to 5K or more total for adding a manager and editors into the mix I may still be lowballing this depending on the level quality involved or maybe you can find some more affordable ways of doing things and this is Tad high but can you afford that even just at the lowest amount of 1K and it's for this reason that I highly advise against putting your day job to commit all your time to youtubing from the start you likely won't see enough money coming from V tubing to support you for months or even years after you start all of this and I won't even get into paying taxes as a YouTuber that is a manhe headed be in a topic I am not qualified to speak on but there are so many YouTubers committing tax fraud be careful y'all and for those of you who are thinking oh I'll just join a corpo for financial stability do recall that like all the girls at Saria pretty much had second job still as well as many other small corporations and that K9 curo among others left nii Sanji essentially because they want up in an insane amount of tax debt because of them that they wouldn't help sort out which the mention of Corporations here us to our final category the expectations placed on vtubers in many ways holl live and nii Sanji set the standard for what V tubing is and as an indie streamer you are always competing with them for viewers when corporate streamers are live almost every day of the week for several hours releasing covers and original songs and music videos and merch every month or so with beautiful debuts and you know all the whole works it's just an unattainable standard for us sadly however it's what we end up having to compete with agency talents are already overworked even with the help of management and the Indie YouTubers who strive for that level of professionalism and activity are burning themselves in their wallets to the ground for it and this is the reality of the V tubing landscape right now it's unhealthy encourages a terrible work to life balance but it's what ends up being almost the requirement for Success aside from setting the work standard these corporations have also set the standard for relationships between vtubers and their audiences by encouraging Paris social relationships and allowing or encouraging the sexualization of their talents they make many viewers come to treat Indie tubers the same way some corporate YouTubers have expressed their discomfort with it heck most of G Sanji has something about it in their stream worlds now but when their agency is releasing voice packs and wedding themed events it's been kind of counterproductive to all that corporate YouTubers are also often playing characters and this has led audiences to not treat them as real human beings anymore whether by holding them unattainable standards getting upset if they address real life issues you know holding them to that like can't be in a relationship like Idol type deal or other things this par of socialism and treatment bleeds over into the Indie sphere where viewers become very attached to vtubers place them on a pedestal and attempt to AFF force their expectations on relationship status and more on them and while it is possible to build a community with tight guidelines and enforced rules to create a more comfortable space I can take a lot of time and effort to cultivate it's worth it but I can be taxing that this isn't just the default state of viewers and it takes a thick skin to push through if things aren't under control from the start and the last key thing corporations have set a really rough standard on is Debut culture having the classic debut with a model reveal lure video PowerPoint slides and often an accompanying song and merchandise puts a lot of stress on new YouTubers to have a really great polished one because the idea is that a really great debut will win you over a strong audience to start with if you've never streamed before this can be an especially stressful event because it'll leave you open to technical issues that you don't realize could even happen which then dealing with live during what's supposed to be an important event leads to just a really rough time and putting together all of those assets for the debut itself is often not very affordable I and many others would argue that a great debut can be nice and all but that the slow growth resulting from from just getting in there practicing and streaming to a small audience is even better getting all the technical Kinks worked out getting practice speaking in front of an audience and becoming comfortable with the platform before having a so-called debut can be really beneficial that way you can really put your best self forward once you do I know a lot of people complain about pre- debut V tweeters or whatever but that's not really what I'm talking about here I'm talking more about the training Arc vtubers who started streaming in advance of debuting so with all of that in mind corporations have really shaped the scene and often not in especially great way or otherwise healthy way after hearing all this it sounds a little Bleak and I want to reassure you that it isn't all as bad as I'm making it out to be this is my most negative video I've made and it really saddens me to do so but I feel like a lot of the topics I'm bringing up here are things YouTubers who' have been around for a while discuss amongst themselves while newcomers are just kind of shocked upon discovering and stumbling into themselves it's why so many YouTubers are debuting and graduating within the same year youtubing is hard has a lot of moving parts and requires a lot of time and professional skills to excel at just like any job and like any other job it's not going to be the right fit for everybody sadly so I want to stress Don't let me scare you away from wanting to try youtubing out get in there get your toes wet with some affordable or free assets and figure out if it's even for you in the first place before you invest and if you've no intentions becoming a vtuber and watch all the way through here anyways well thank you but also I hope this gives you a new found appreciation and respect for how much your favorite Indies are doing to say a flat I'm not sure if this is really like a got your wheels turning type of video here so much is a bit of like a warning stamp but maybe say instead I hope yall are feeling a little better informed now if there are any of their V tubing or art related things you'd like to hear my two cents on do let me know in the comments below but thanks y all for being here and I hope that this wasn't too sad I'll see yall later [Music] farewell
Channel: Squiiji
Views: 50,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtuber, envtuber, hololive, nijisanji, fuwamoco, Live2D, shylily, idol en, saruei, K9KURO
Id: EmiFhbz2e2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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