I Made a VTuber Model in 7 Days With Zero Experience

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[Music] n [Music] hello everybody and welcome to another video today's a bit of a special episode where I wanted to try something a bit different if you read the description of the last episode I mentioned that I kind of wanted to do something a little bit special for this video so for this video I want wanted to make a vber model I've always wanted to try making a vtuber model before but was always intimidated by like the process the rigging and everything and just in general just like trying out something new so like learning a new skill and like learning a new program this is like my first step into live DD and like live TD rigging so and since I only had two weeks to kind of like work on it and like make this video I wanted to try to challenge myself and try to make the whole process in like one week day one this is day one of uh my process so for the first day I I kind of want wanted to start off with like the design I don't really draw guys i' I've drawn a couple guys before in the past so I don't really like drawing guys it's just not what I'm into so for my V model I also decided to not make like a male v model at first I kind of wanted like a male kind of looking one but then after that I just went to my like my normal art where where where I don't draw guys for every single like one I kind of wanted to try to change like one or two extra things for my drawings over here you can kind of see I tried longer hair and then like over here I have like the skirt and stuff and then uh over here you you see the hairstyle changed and like the ears Chang after this I kind of just took the pieces that I liked and then kind of merged them together if I liked one from like this one I'll just merge it together and like put it into the next one so here over here we have the same thing over here we have different little color schemes I took the ones I liked over here and I took them over here and put down like the base colors and with the base colors uh and out of those ones I kind of like took those and then picked the ones I like and tried out different hairstyles and then finally or here's like the design I chose I actually do like the other ones like uh I do like the hairstyles of this one so I might try to draw it like in the future but honestly for now I just wanted to make one model I wanted to make one model that like had like a couple expressions and like that was just usable and like work so on day two I wanted to start off with like the line art searing your layers is really really important it really really helps later on it'll just save you more time later on and like when I started I didn't really watch any tutorials I watched like two tutorials and like cutting it and like it wasn't enough you can kind of see and like with the eyes and like the mouth you really really really want like another tutorial there too this is like one of the most important parts for like breaking like V2 model and the way you draw is like a lot different than compared to like illustrating art don't listen to me don't watch my tutorial just listen to other people they'll have a better way of like explaining things my my model actually like when I did the line art it wasn't even censored you can see so so please make sure your symmetry ruler is in the center make sure your model is in the center that'll just help out a lot later don't don't be like me don't be dumb over here this is the rendering do you only want to use like normal modes like multiply layers you don't want to have anything other than that or like you won't be able to read it properly so keep that in mind don't don't use anything crazy don't use like all these other fancy ones just use multiply like normal layers keep everything in folders keep everything named you can split things off so like if you want like left and right that's also very important if you want to have a more Dynamic rig I I kind of have some things like that but I don't if you want to have it more Dynamic separate all your things so like this would be in one folder and this would be in another for Life 2D it's revers so this would be left it' be the character's left not your left oh yeah this is another thing I messed up with you see here I have like a bunch of color layers so like I had it like this before was a little washed out I didn't like the colors and I add some tone curves like I always do do not do this in this phase or you will have more work for yourself like I watched a couple tutorials and like nobody warned me about like not having these crazy color correction layers and from Cliff studio so when I actually went and like rigged the model everything was messed up so that's why I I I felt like I really want you to like make sure when you're like coloring like this one that these are the colors you want and like you don't want to change them so like put your color correction layers on this on this face and then over here it should be what you want and over here you just make sure everything is cut so like everything should be separated in like different folders another thing when you're doing like shadows and stuff make sure you fully draw everything so you want this to be filled too make it sure it's filled so like I'm not going to do it properly but I'm just going to show you a GU like that over here is the same thing like look at this you don't want to do what I did over here or you'll just be in like pain like over here you you do you want to extend it up I didn't do it at first so I have to like go back in the file and like redo it I'll show you I think this still my original file so you can kind of see look at this don't do this make sure this is like actually filled out so learn from my mistakes and don't do this kind of stuff when you start another thing too if you have holes you don't want holes in your drawing so like what you can do is let me just what you can do is make a new layer and with red or like red or any other kind of like high contrast color you can kind of zoom in and look at look for specs right here red red this also works for like illustrations too so like if you're drawing something and like you have holes you this is a good idea so see here I have holes and you do not want holes for your models please fill these up please don't learn from me like learn from my mistakes I kind of wish this video came out so like people could learn from my mistakes you see here I filled it in but on this side for some reason I didn't make sure you fill all these in this too I had to fix my hands later not that there any good in the first place and like stuff like this this is going out too far so make sure it's cleaned up you know what I mean over here you can kind of see it too like just everywhere there's like little dots and like red areas so all of those you want to fix up and yeah you can ignore that part I'm I don't draw shoes hello and welcome this is this is uh not exactly clip Studio this is live 2D I got like model I have the PSC when you when you export it you want to export as a PSC the only uh actual file that life Tod accepts I don't really have like the original files like this is just like the final one that I worked on so I can't really show you through like through all the steps I went through but for day four basically all I did is I I started like messing around with the program like I kind of tried to get used to it I like watched a video I'll try to put it on a screen like I basically watch this entire playlist like start to finish try to follow as much as as I could and like I basically used that to like break my character so the start you kind of see over here this is what I did for day one I know it doesn't look like amazing this took like an obene amount of time I think it took like four or like 6 hours just to do this one eye blink in life 2D it was honestly such a pain but like because I was following the tutoral I was able to get through it I'm not really good at explaining I don't think if this like my for I'm not going to try to like talk about stuff that I don't really know about so like I just kind of want to go over like the process of what I did so you only really work on one eye I I chose like the right eye you can work on the left if you really want to and then I just follow along with the video so you want to make it look like your animating so basically like every single thing that you do you have like key frames these are like over here you have like three key frames or you can usually you would have one or two basically what you want to do is you have like the first one starting one and then you have the ending one so your ending one is like where you want your eye to end off in and this one is where you want your like where your ey start off to and like to do that you just kind of transform everything so like feel like r is like not really like uh drawing it's more like transforming or like liquefying stuff so like You' move things into place like this if you were if you wanted one thing to move you you just like liquefy it down so like that's basically what I did and for all the layers so and like the way I did it was kind of dumb I feel like there's a better way but like I kind of hid everything under where my eye is so I don't think this like really good like this is not a good practice I think it's it just kind of squishes the eye instead of like actually doing it I feel like if you actually just wanted to do it yourself you would have like an eye on top and then you'd use that to cover everything but I didn't really have that because I messed up my layers so instead it it works like this where it just kind of like squishes the eye down or like the pupil and it closes it and then like it hides it with a thing it actually like doesn't do anything besides like hide it so that's actually how I did the eyeg it looked okay I think it looks okay and then over here too like uh I got this moving like the eyes so this is like the positioning for the eyes you also only have to do it for like one side and you can like mirror it so kind of see over here I'm like looking to the right and then like this too like the is that the pupil yeah the pupil follows along a little bit and that kind of just adds you know like a little bit more motion yeah have there are some other things like adding physics but honestly I didn't add like any physics to my drawing like all of this was already enough work and like physics are just like way too DK for me right now you look over here eyebrows these are actually not that hard like after doing the eyes these kind of came pretty easily so one kind of moves it upside down this one moves it the other one up and down and like you just mirrored it so you know and this one like kind of changes like the angle so but that's what life duty is so it's just kind of like it just moves down so you can kind of have like a different expression and then and then if you have it up kind of Curves it up so like when you're smiling be curved up this is like the same where it moves down that's basically what I did for that after that I had to start working on this honestly you should just like look up like a guy look up a video and then if you have it up it like kind of Curves it up so like when you're smiling and stuff I'll be curved up this is like the same where it moves down it kind of looks like a a wing or something I don't know that's basically what I did for that that was day two or not actually that wasn't day two that was like or that was uh day five and it wasn't like even the end after that I had to start working on this the mouth oh my God the mouth I don't even know how to explain how to do the mouth honestly you should just like look up like a guy look up a video over here like even even you here you can see where it kind of messes up and like I can't fix that myself cuz I'm not that good but you want to try to make it as clean as possible so like every expression and like every pose that you do so even there like I I got like a little little speck on this little area I'll fix that you don't want that so make sure when you're working on it you you got you fix everything so that's the mouth day six all right for day six I started working on the head angles for doing head angles like I'm used to like drawing characters and like drawing heads but like drawing them in like 3D and like you're not really drawing them and you're more like liquefying things into place it was really difficult for me so like you kind of see here around like my corners and stuff it looks super wonky like she's not looking right over here over here over here it just it's just a mess this thing is like such a mess but I feel like I still got to show it to you guys you kind of see like when the head turns with the ear it moves behind when you're doing these rigs they're not really like you're not really like drawing these Corners you're like you liqu everything into place like for this one this like shocked me when like I first tried it out I was like huh really this is how people make models you grab this or like you grab little these little points and then you you just move them around to me that was just like insane you really going to do that for everything like you liquefy everything into place and that's how you do your your 3/4 View and stuff when I when I first saw that I was I was like mind blown I was like Wow life 2D models aren't even like 3D they're like actually just like moved to look 3D like I kind of understood that like when people talked about it but like when I actually did my s it was like it's insane to me make sure when you're doing the head turn you you you get r a lot of references I had uh I had like one or two references that I like that like had all the head turns and like I just use like a normal one but honestly I think it would be easier if you grab like a life Tod reference of like someone actually rigging it so you can get all the angles right or like whatever you like going along with the tutorial it really helped too I feel like I was guided through like that was being handheld on like the process for the final day I I kind of had like a lot of time so I kind of did everything so like over there I I like rigged the head and stuff and over here I kind of like tried wiggling the hair and here for the body you kind of see what I did I just kind of moved it a bit so like it like Wiggles a tiny bit you can even see here how messed up it is I really couldn't get these to work properly cuz I didn't draw properly I didn't draw it properly I should have drawn the back of these like socks but instead I'm stuck with this you can kind of see as it turns it just like messes up and like the forms even like the ribbons look kind of janky the shoes too I I I I never draw shoes so like that was rough for me as well for the body I just kind of did like a kind of Wiggle small wiggle I really struggle with the skirt as well like I I don't know how you're supposed to like when you turn on a skirt it was really hard to kind of think about and like figure out and like alt together this is like what it kind of came up towards and then after that uh so over here is let's say you're doing a new texture I think they told me like 4K 4K like it's what you want to do when you like make your texture Atlas they told me this in the video and like I was like oh okay I I got it nothing's overlapping but like actually things were overlapping like if you look closely like nothing should be overla this little hairpiece is actually like touching this just barely and when you do that like and if you don't have this properly set up where it's like actually not touching anything and like the auto one is okay right like it does most of the things but for me when I had it this was right on top of like another piece of and like when that happened and like when I actually exported my model out I had like a little strand of hair and I couldn't figure out what was happening I was like why why is my model not working properly it was because my extra Atlas was messed up so when you have it like this make sure everything is separated that is like my like final advice for like new people in life 2D I can't give you advice on live 2D because you know I'm just I'm still a beginner and I like I mess up so much I I probably like fell into like so many error screens than like any other person who started this program and then you just export it and then after this I finally went into like live 2D or vtu Studios like a i it's a free application I think it's what most people are using and I tested out the model and when I did it in that nothing worked okay half my parameter stop working so redo it basically in like life toity like I think my parameters were like messed up my like physic were in like the wrong area everything was broken my eyes weren't looking left and right my head was not turning left and right and it was like only tilting I had to go back and forth back and forth in life Tod and I'm back and forth in vtu studio and just like check things out and like test them out even now I just saw like a little like messed up something messed up right there so I'm going to have to go back and fix that after I finished recording this I'm I'm really glad that was day seven I'm really glad I got everything done finished and like started out and like I actually had like something finished by the end of the week I was really scared like when I kind of started that like I wouldn't have anything done to show for the week so I'm really glad that this turned out okay I don't I don't think it's like the best model out there for sure but you know I'm I'm really proud of what I like I kind of did and like what I learned there you go that's what I did for the week you know here here's the moment you've been waiting for if you if you've been like sticking around here here's the final final [Music] model [Music] I know this is like a bit of a more different like video than usual like and like you can kind of see here like I'm still like looking at the model and like trying to test things out so right now it's just like tracking my mouse I wanted to have it tracking like my face or whatever and like my facial expressions but honestly uh my setup is like super janky for it like I I don't know where to place my phone for like a webcam and like even like now I don't even know if like the model suits my voice but I got to use it anyway cuz I made it and I worked hard on it and I think it looks cute I did work on some stuff like this week even though like I I really wanted to work on the model I I still did like some more illustrations like in between I was like I need like breaks I needed breaks to draw in between like when I was doing life Tod riging and stuff so I'm just going to show off quickly I still feel like it's like part of the video over here I went back on a sketch that I did and I like I colored in a bit I did like more line studies and then like added circles so you know line studies always got to do those over here's the same thing I did them like horizontally and then like vertically I didn't want to leave without having like drawing then the kind of feels awkward even though like doing the characters are kind of like drawings but like they're not the same I don't think over here another like little sketch over here I did more line studies these like fresher ones you can kind of see over here I actually did this one on stream so uh recently I've been streaming like a little little drawing my vampire Miku very cute right well like Miku is always cute but you know this drawing and then I have like one more a birthday gift for somebody on Twitch that you should probably go follow cuz they're much better at joining than me maybe stop on Twitch uh kind of see what I'm up to I'm going to try streaming a bit more or just to try it out uh I'm not really used to streaming ever since I started making these videos I kind of wanted to like I don't know show more the behind the scenes so like if you want to see me actually drawing live you can can maybe pop on my twitch uh see if I'm live and say hello or something thank you for the support I got like a lot of a lot more views on the last video and I got a lot more comments so and like I read all the comments now like even every single one I had like maybe 20 viewers on like all my other videos but this one kind of blew up a little bit at least for me so it was really nice like reading all the comments stick around hopefully you stick around I'm probably going to keep trying to make a video every two week so thank you for watching I hope to see you again in another week in another video [Music] bye-bye
Channel: komogu
Views: 37,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtuber, art, get, good, live2d, illustration, clip studio paint, improvement, new, beginner, huion, wacom, xppen
Id: Q0PX-F02Fb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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