How I started birthing vtubers

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it all started two years ago I was on Art fight if you don't know art fight is an event where people exchange fan art of each other's OC's so I met this girl capache she Drew My OC cute art so I drew one back for her my only thought back then was she's really enthusiastic she came back to commission me art several months later and told me that it was for her vtuber Persona this was one of the commissions I drew for her and you can tell I did not have the knowledge of live 2D back then because I animated this frame by frame impr procreate we don't talk about the pain I went through so after finishing it I went to kaapa stream and to see how she would use it as a loading screen at the time I knew vtubers existed and how they worked but never gotten interested in any mainly because I just don't watch streams but for the first time I made a Twitch account and watched Kaa a tiny jiggly chibi fairy in teacup interact with her viewers and me and it's like watching a friend play a game she drun rigged her own model back then which I found was really cute I was side eying some weirder comments in her chat and I I will soon get to find out that that's the norm in the vtuber community then I got recommended YouTube clips of Shoto and lexium and the rest of nian and it was an endless rapid hole that I tumbled down into that was sneaky KY of You YouTube algorithm I remember first time seeing a luxim clip and I was amazed at how good everyone's characters looked especially shoes and missas maybe I was in love with the artist and I went to stock their Twitter but I was so jealous that the vtubers can move and act like super goodlooking anime characters so I said I also want to make my characters move even if I'm too shy to stream so I I watched my first life 2D tutorial and I was was in cup of DMS for some life DD discussions for my first model I drew her on procreate with a layer limit of like 60 then I exported the PSC to photoshop later to separate even more layers and everything after a week a vigorous learning this was my very first model my beloved OC look at her go with her badly cropped tassles I was so happy with her hair though I thought it was so flowy and cool but obviously I was not smart enough to realize I can use the same Tech sneak somewhere else so my second one was not great because I got too ambitious with a semi-realism male model and I kind of just gave up halfway and so the next one was my hamster poo poo as a character the way I did not bother separating ear layers and it's showing so after all these models I thought man it would be nice if someone would like a stream with my model and guess who comes to me for my first feat to recommission you guessed it Cupa friend cororo cororo wanted a very Fanboy character I put in my every single brain cell for the model and it came out like this and I was so proud of it at the time since to be fair my range and physics did kind of improve and both Carl and capache were very very encouraging and supportive and they were screaming and praising me which made me so confident and dulu that I worked my ass off again on my second vtuber commission this time from you guessed it again cupach herself oh my God so I really loved cupet design and I was so excited and motivated and devoted that it was legit the only thing I did in a week except eating sleeping and peing you know how devoted I was when I tell you I missed 2 days of genjin login probably the only two Miss days in my entire genin playing history anyway I delivered and CLE were like did you even sleep and that was a very good question so after that I just took some more commissions from Kaa friends and more of Kaa friends and here's a Showcase of some of the models that I've done until the day of this [Music] recording [Music] e [Music] I loved making each model unique and fun and with each new model I felt like I was Finding better ways to rig and improve my work after all these dozens of clients I worked on I figured I finally have enough experience to make my own model especially thanks to that biblically accurate Angel client because I figured out how rings and wings work the more I experiment on my clients the better my model will be so all of this thing AA and I grant her the title of best manager and promoter she single-handedly led my V artist and riger career and raised my price by 10 times so once I saved up enough the first thing I did was to visit Kaa and her lovely family in the UK I stole her food and robbed her skincare products and she's actually more like a big sister figure to me she just gets really excited at arts and I mistook her for a screeching grin at first since so now after a year and a half I decided to make her a new model with my brand new updated live 2D skills and she's debuting with it soon so please please go check it out I'm only allowed to put a tiny bit of sneak peek but I busted my Bund for this okay so so that was my journey in making YouTuber models I am so thankful for all the people who gave me inspiration and I hope to you know also Inspire others one day I was also thinking about making a free tutorial on a complete vtuber model walkthr because every time I receive a comment or DM or application and my commissions are full so I feel so bad so might as well just teach you how to do it you know my goal for this tutorial is to make it short easy lazy simple but still achieving maximum results but yeah thank you for listening I hope I don't flop
Channel: Merely.wufeii
Views: 322,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live2d, vtuber model
Id: GWGx-czNiKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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