What VTuber App Do VTubers use? How do you get started?

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hi are you interested in becoming a vtuber or just the V tubing World in general what apps do they use how do I get started how the heck do you become a vtuber what is the vtuber 101 now in the past when I answer this question a lot of times I jump into explaining 3D PNG tuber going into how to get your own model and whatever else might be best is to take a couple steps back and uh start where I started which was just downloading one app this video is going to go over 2dv tubing since that's the one I know the most I do have a video on how to get started with PNG tubing but I don't really know anything about 3D V tubing so if you have any programs really good for beginners please feel free to leave them down below I'd love to see the suggestions let's get started on to the V tubing when I was really interested in V tubing the first thing I did was try and discover what app are these people using vtube Studio is the app I use and in it already has some models so I downloaded it on my phone I use the dog model first you can click up up here and you can click on some of the models that are available this was my favorite one honestly I still want a model that looks like this so much I love them if you get it on your phone it'll automatically start tracking your face that you can start to see how it moves get a sense of some of the tools so as you can see here uh there's some animations look at what is already built in so that's number two they are the HCK keys were already established backgrounds that you can play around with that are really really nice here are some of the items if you want to explore more you can go onto this cloud and it's hooked up to steam so you can download some more free items this yellow button locks your vtuber in place so see my model movement is now locked oh so if I click it now it's locked I can't drag it anywhere no matter how much I try I add the vtube studio logo and I want it to stay on my head right see here when you click on the item it says pin item to model so it is pinned onto my head and whenever I don't want the item anymore I just drag it over to the end and it deletes it as you get more familiar with the tool there are some cool things you can do I have a whole bunch of Tik toks that go over it but I'm going to go over one important one right now let's say you want to connect your vtuber to your phone let's watch the setup video together after creating my video on the phone stand I got a couple of you asking questions on facial tracking what apps do I use main app I use is vtube Studio like to set it up where my phone is tracking my face and it's sending the information over to my PC you can do this in two ways you can have your facial tracking all within vtube studio meaning you use the application and then the PC application as well to set that up you need to go to your settings page when you first open up the vtu studio app on your phone there will be nothing on the IP section so what you want to do go to your PC click on show IP list make them match make the port match and then click on connect to your PC make sure the status bubble is green that means your connection is working in case it still doesn't look like it works get out of the settings click on the very first circle with the camera it should start working for me this worked for a lot of my models but for this one in particular I rigged it for V Bridger only my teeth do not move when I'm using vtube Studio tracking because they are rigged to the jaw movement captured in V Bridger most of you you do not need to worry about VB Bridger V Bridger is an application that cost $10 on Steam $5 for eye facial map so in that video I mentioned a little bit about V Bridger now I don't want to get into it but if you are interested in understanding a little bit of the differences I'll share with you one scary scary thing so I rigged my teeth move with my jaw so when I don't use V Bridger this is what it looks like using vtube Studios facial tracking and your mouth won't do this mine only does this because I made it specifically like this only to work with my jaw from my understanding mimics the way through 3D models can be very expressive I highly recommend that before even looking at vtuber models just get familiar with the app see if you like it vtu studio is particularly nice because it comes with a lot of nice plugins I'm using the V Bridger plugin as you get more familiar with your model and your tracking you can adjust some of these items so here you can see all the little items um where my brow is these are all modified to my face you don't have to stay with the settings that are on by default you can play around be very careful not to adjust too much I personally like to take screenshots of the settings that I am changing so that I know what the default was and I can go back and restart if I have to let's do one together for this one it usually shows up like this this isn't great because when you are trying to close your mouth sometimes it stays open a little bit even though your mouth is closed adjust it a little bit so it takes a little bit more more effort to open your mouth so another aspect is look this is me when I smile or my teeth it's awful it's awful so I'm looking at this bar that shows my I don't know exactly what this bar is but it's indicating where my mouth lands when I'm smiling so let me smile again it's like hitting the 45 so I put 45 and now I can reach a smile I full smile with without having to hurt my cheeks that's a way to adjust the mouth to fit your needs and you can see now my mouth moves a lot nicer with less restraints if you want to add a new one you just scroll all the way to the bottom and you can hit your input this will be matched up to a face tracking parameter you can have the ones from that are common all the way to be Bridger plugins or I guess this is like hand tracking never I've never done it so I wouldn't know and then we have output and that is a parameter that you rigged in live 2D it's also a good idea to go to the camera settings and scroll down so you see virtual webcam configuration and activate this virtual webcam this will be very helpful if you use like prism live studio or if you use uh Tik toks live streaming program so that you can use the vtube studio cam as your source and it helps not having to worry about uh seeing all this extra dialogue like you won't see this popup you won't see settings pop up if you have to change something it'll be your virtual webcam so it'll just show something like this right underneath it as well there is spout 2 configuration I would install spout 2 if you're using something like OBS Studios it helps to do everything that the virtual webcam does except it has an added thing of not needing to chroma key out your green screen so it'll automatically show you when you have the Color Picker screen on and transparent in capture so this is how it works with spout 2 I don't have to worry about my model changing its color a little bit one of my blue ears disappearing cuz this blue is too close to Green I guess so it disappears when I try to chroma key it out it looks like a much nicer capture I just get this very clean transparent look all over my model you don't need a model you don't need to think about like creating art you can start getting into the world of youtubing getting familiar with the app is a great first step that's all for me in this video thank you so much for watching and I hope to hear so much more about your journey and V [Music] tubing
Channel: Vela
Views: 9,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: velaslive, vela, pngtuber, how to become a vtuber, camera, phone, how to be a vtuber, vtuber tutorial, veadotube mini, veadotube mini obs, veadotube mini tutorial, how to become, how to make, vtuber, envtuber, cartoontuber, vtube studio, obs studios, obs tutorial, streamlabs tutorial, Anime, Otaku, how to make my own vtuber, how to be a 2d vtuber, what apps do vtubers use, vtuber app, vtuber application, vtube studio tutorial, sprout 2, obs vtuber, streaming as a vtuber
Id: TzfqkEsILDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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