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okay how many of you have played Del I actually know 0% about this game except there's a penguin in it who's like big shot something I don't know I know nothing about this I know there's a blue guy there's a horse woman would you like to start from chapter 1 I believe so yes all right are you there yeah what's up baby are we connected oh it's my soul I'm a human Maybe excellent are you airdropping me a soul truly excellent I feel like this is a robot [Music] now we may begin can you speak a little [Music] faster does this game get dark first you must create a vessel select the this character V is a should I just be bald I think I should be bald yeah select the door so that you prefer O A but a button off a button off select the legs that you prefer they're all the St we'll go with this one this is your body oh yeah I love my hairline baby I look good I look good excellent you created a wonderful form now let us shap its mind as your own what is its favorite food what the freak would say soft wait what pain like biting a cactus I like salty food I don't have a sweet tooth I like potatoes your favorite blood be for breast what color does it like most Sayan because that's the color of my necklace please give it a gift little voice cuz I'm loud and obnoxious how do you feel about your creation it will not hear I created a guy this looks like a grandpa who eats a Golden Corral every Tuesday this man eats so many freaking potatoes bro this guy lives at the Mac and Cheese Bar disgust you answered honestly no you acknowledge the possibility of pain what wait am I getting air dropped into a flesh body guys hear me out isn't that a side effect of life kind of like how breathing oxygen kills 100% of people living gives 100% of people pain it's a side effect so yeah that's fine understood yay all right see e i b i Tiffy wait should we bring bring back chabi chabi is back and Bal we called it chabi and what about the Creator excellent truly excellent God you really like the name Jim okay well thank you for your time your answers your wonderful creation okay am I talking to Jesus well now be oh I killed you hey hey hey he oh sorry nlr hi who are you nice to meet you wait is that her [ __ ] you should be 6 feet under I still the genocide ending is still in my computer I understand the weirdness of it it's like not a sequel It's like a different timeline Universe whole spaghetti Bowl you know what I mean I get it I get it don't worry Chris Chris if you do not wake up we will be late for school it's like fanfiction Toby Fox used the same character it's just like is this not a glorified fanfiction game I'll wait outside for you all right bye mom we what do I look like wait I'm older let's look around it's a computer desk there are many boxes under it filled with old books dra is most empty except for a School cross country shirt with a heart tear with a pear in it it's a red wagon with a rusty bird cage in it w looks like it's SE quite a few crashes close drawer it's a beautiful day outside kids like you should be burning if Sans is in this game I'm will lose my freaking mind can I look in the mirror it's only you despite everything it's still [Music] you remember like remember in an um undertale with the ovulation vulva carpet we got that we got that call back going on are those birds there's some light First stuck to the dream there's some cinnamony I wanted a butterscotch cake Mom God I want a different Mom it's a live like phone but you already have a cell phone let's freaking go wait First stuck to the dream now my mom is a goat it's a TV doesn't seem to be plugged in anymore why is it on its period wait there's cars Chris there you are we might need we might still be able to make it Chris it is a beautiful day today is it not wait hold up I hope it sees way when asrael but I wonder after the excitement of University will he still enjoy coming home to this little town Israel oh Chad I swear to God I swear to God oh my God sorry she's so hot she's a police officer I'm down bad bro I knew I smelt a wa a waft of tuna my lady oh my God stop stop stop sorry it's a call back it's a reference you had to be there she's a teacher oh my God that b guy wait timy's getting her education so does everyone have a hey laugh track oh Chris we thought you wer coming in today we're doing group projects oh I hate group projects dude uh so walk around to find a partner okay this sounds like Pokémon music I like it they should have this guy work on Pokémon right all right what do I need what am I supposed to do do I pick a seat I I don't oh my God look at that snake I want to [ __ ] with the Snake look hi snake Chris you know jocking ton and CAD are always Partners the ultimate academic duel ever since our first gym class it was a little day and they ran lot of Hoops for us so she used me instead that's our origin story did I just get CED by a SN s fer what do you think of that one I'm so pissed it sucked your dad doesn't love you run away your mom's dead well I got news for you B I already got a partner what it's the I I almost killed you you Cal brother next time I ended up having to partner with snowly now he keeps turning to me insan hity partner like a cowboy very SCE Tim already have burner egg did you pick an egg over me it's a black and Chris the hope is that you just the put at the glass oh if I work with this guy I'm going to rip off my tonsils look at that freaking smug little face bro yeah Chris L again I see you need a bar J how bur with the second smartest student no wait now that I think about it your unique skill I have a lot on this assignment not actually I want to get L can I work with this one hey Chris what's up did you lose your pencil again here you want the candy can one or the one with the lights on it you want to be partners uh sorry you probally already asked me but I could ask Miss offies if she could make a group of three I'll ask if you're sure yay Miss I'll some is it okay if we have a group of three hey what no I do not approve of this abort what Chris well what were you saying she's just saying we're fine being alone actually I just wanted to know no can you please speak up hi s is oh wait this is a barie hi [Music] Susie she looks like a pickle am I late Oh no you're fine we were just uh choosing partners for next grp project and Susie you're with Chris great that's okay I got the r don't worry about it guys watch this now that everyone's here all WR in the assignment she can't even reach the board you got to do little jumps uh has anyone seen the chalk yeah I'm e it this is the third time it's gone missing and you all know I can't start class without some how about this I if no one speaks up everyone gets in trouble she's looking at Susie anyone please there might be a box in the Supply Closet Miss Alfie why don't Susie and I good idea new Susie since you came in last what did you go get it for me oh they're not nice to suie this is like passive aggressive I think it's her whatever and Chris can you go with her and make sure she uh actually gets in um she's out of trouble thanks Chris see you later I didn't talk to you the catlick don't die Chris if I had arms I would take off this schol L and remers of you don't worry Chris I always thought Susie can't be so bad you know ni sure everything will turn out fine what about you tummy so for me and leg never hat you Chris I'm sorry I just waited to be your partner you want have to be hers she's going to pound you to pieces Chris and then kick the butts off all those little pieces Chris don't listen to them it's not that bad you'll probably survive Susie beating you up you're just going to fail when she doesn't do any of your project it's just like we always say Chris you sus is he calling me sauce H that's not very reassuring H should I say being late was a bad idea if you should have this they say listen I'm going to deep fry this [ __ ] bro was that the bite of it wait Did she actually eat the CH I was kidding oh my God wait she's just like me Chris didn't see you there hey you didn't see anything just now did you I saw that you can't even say Chris oh oh hey we're friends let me tell you a secret I like Barney quiet people piss me off you think just cuz you didn't say anything I can't tell exactly what you're thinking it's over I caught Su eating all the chop this was her last chance now she'll finally be expelled come on Chris don't act shocked you know it's true everyone's waiting for it everyone wants it so congrats Chris you got me I'm done for just let me sa one little thing seems like a waste to get expelled just for having a snack so Chris if I know you're going to pull the trigger out why don't I just get exploded for some real well if you're going to do that to me I might as well move out of the way a little bit Chris how do you feel ooh she's British not losing your face oh my God I to get Nast nah Chris you've got a good mother it be ashamed to make her bury her child all right let's get this over with we'll get more chalk mosie back to class and then Chris you'll do our project how's that sound it didn't even let me pick the illusion of Free Will don't bother answering if you haven't got in it by now your choices don't matter let's go freak mother Freer you're a talking dinosaur the freak I get the freu away from me Chris what realize the baby classroom was a better fit for you hey actually I should come with you maybe you'll find a better partner in the N actually let's not I just wanted to suckle the nipple of this thing people put their mouth on that you know oh yeah that's God can you walk any slower what no I get it I used to walking around without someone holding your hand come on freak I like her she's cool well here's the closet too bad we're just starting to have fun okay I don't want to go in there no no no no oh wait I thought she was going to kill me in there hey Chris is it me or is it really dark in there what's the hold up Chris are you going to go in or what fine if you're going to be a Wim then I'll both going at the same time yay see why are you so scared there's something in here but old papers let's try to find a light switch Chris if you leave me here I'll I didn't mean to leave light switch light switch light switch light switch light light light that's weird I can't find a switch guess it's further in how big is this closet what the freak kind of big for a closet on you think we have reached the End by now hey Chris I think this closet's uh broken there AR any walls you the jokes right themselves [ __ ] you enough bie wants chop so bad she can get herself let's split no I want to keep going it's like Narnia never mind never mind I want to leave I want to leave I want to leave I want to leave what the hey this isn't funny get us out let us FL it do a flip okay that was sick that was good all right wait I'm cute am I the same person wait I'm cool I got my heels on oh my God determination at times you see it flickering the light only you can see by second nature you reach out in Jim what the freak are those it's like a cat why am I blue I'm like a dead body oh my God an orish it's too dark to see anything I'll just walk we'll take our time we'll take the scenic round oh yeah look at that with that oh my God my booty oh no W soap W something in a booty hole there's something glowing inside take it yeah you got the glow Shard thank you bid your body in the light power shines within you breaking through the darkness any pain you may have had melted away CH eye puzzle I'm really good at puzzles watch this in this land only eyes blinded by Darkness can see the [Music] way what oh EAS it yeah I know what that meant like I said chat puzzles don't exist you just click the buttons until it works yeah what's in the soap o sorry soap it's not hey but back off come be closer and I'll Chris no hey don't scare me like that let you want to get clocked in the face maybe I do [ __ ] anyway I'm love screwing around you got to find a way out of here okay um where is here anyway doesn't matter you got us into this you get us out leave the way Chris dude I like the the heels oh my God never mind you walk way too slow Fair oo pretty somehow they make even like stacks of rock look cool I like it hey Chris there's someone up there waving at us any idea what they want s oh what who's that run Chris ah oh easy Dodge oh this is [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] fun dude that was a banger out here no I'm good okay no free will again oh woohoo woohoo this is so fun wait this is fun gamepl dude peut peut peut peut dude that was fun there wait that those were speeds right is this a house oh you're not dead sweet got any idea what the heck this place is me neither what if there's anyone in that building up there dude I love that I have heals all we can see again black geyser emerges from it piercing endlessly into the sky the power of this place shines within you Castle Town cool castle where the heck is there a castle inside a Supply Closet I feel like there's a gas leak in the closet and we're just like there was an edible in that chalk welcome Heroes who's there do not be alarmed I'm not your enemy please come forward both of you for game welcome I'm the Prince of this Kingdom the kingdom of darkness Chris Susie there's a legend in this land a legend that one day two Heroes of Light will arrive and fulfill the ancient prophecy for told by time and space please Heroes listen to my tale listen very well then once upon a time time a legend was whispered among Shadows the Hedgehog it was a legend of Hope and Dreams it was a legend of light and darkness this is the legend of roll credits for Millennial light and dark have lived in a balance bringing peace to the world if this harmony were to shatter terrible Calamity would occur the sky will run black with Terror and the land will crash W with fear then her heart pounding Earth will draw her final breath the Earth should breathe only then shining with hope three Heroes appear at World's Edge wait three is it the a human a monster and a that's awesome only they can seal the fountain and banish the angel Propet only then balance be restored and the world Sav from destruction all right can I get like the SC notes on this little bro like a tldr today the Fountain of Darkness the geyser that gives this land form stands tall at the center of the Kingdom but recently another Fountain has appeared on the horizon and with it the balance of light and dark begins to shift can we get some like soap cutting videos on the top next time Chris Susie thank you for listening to my long tail hey I deeply believe you two are the heroes of the legend that despite whatever enemies you may face you two have the courage to save the world Delta warriors please won't you accept your destiny H nah what me not a hero or something you got the wrong person the world so what the world gets destroyed it's none of my dang business might even be kind of fun honestly anyway Chris if you want to play pretend with this weirdo scrum now I'm going to find a way out of here she's got to tr addiction someone help this woman [Music] L wait did he die this is R over this is r Wait that's the guy who tried to Oh I thought you were Sans is he the guy who tried to kill me running away and they didn't even know I was you my dad's going to make me Shut of the bo I bet he should only child who the heck are you no the bad guy you CL what does you talk you okay we need a different voice for this guy what does he sound like Gremlin so [Music] like it we must know your it's your only way home but I Le sure won't let you go there and I've got a flish to the plan to ur it de one I trash you death two you lose nice plan kid really yeah actually might if we use it on you instead oh game playay all right act so we don't need to kill him let's not kill him how you to Lancer you can't tell the difference between his clothes and his body I thought it's all skin he seems flattered cues the attack to went down okay how do we play so it's oh wait we have to oh she's attacking okay oh wait what mother Freer I wasn't ready hey know I got an axe but like that's cool all right so we can only control ourselves warning need a Lancer to watch out for SS's attack he ready himself I laugh it just getting that you all right compliment you try to compliment Lancer again but he sees it as insincere as no this kid's annoying get her bro did you not realize I can mask my self-esteem levels oh my God you just like me all right I think I'm going to kill you your little M wait wait a second my M's try to get a you all right you fck you have to look at the dra this time but next time the losers will be you bye losers I got to get open for dinner oh my God he like eight years old you're so annoying you won we were battling an 8-year-old dude took my entire twitch career love it dude Skin's great I don't trust this guy are you too okay um allow me to introduce myself more properly I am jeez can you take off that hood I can barely hear you under there um all right no wait that's my favorite one I don't know anything about this goat but I like him he is pretty like that is like Peak design he's cute hello everyone I'm Razo you're is suie it's ever so wonderful to meet you I'm certain we're going to become a great friends and best way to leave is East right yeah that's where we'll got it see at school Chris hie um supp it's just the two of us then friend friend friend Chris I'm a prince but yeah currently don't have any subjects I've been watching alone here my whole life for you two to arrive so I'm really happy to meet you I hope we can be good friends Chris he's cute I want to tax it dur I meet him like maybe like holding like Maracas let's try to find Susie she must be to the southeast you can Le the way Chris friend hey Chris I really think we should go catch up with Susie you can come back here after our adventure's over and then I can than you Yumm Rous the lonely Prince is now your ally the power of fluffy boys shines within you Chris you know you can I have to hold on Twitter yeah oh Chris it's the training d i oh right I do not have a good history with dummies bro now since a great chance to prepare for this enemy would you like me to teach you how to fight yeah sure okay get ready Chris see that hard Chris that's your soul the culmination of your being within it holds your will you Compass don't say determination please okay thank God thank God thank God I'm still not recovered think you and your friends will lose HP if everyone's HP reaches zero we'll lose the battle so please take care to avoid the enemies the to ready let's try doding Dodge time Dodge time Dodge time Dodge time Dodge time you're a natural pink you any now after the enemy attacks start to first I'll teach you how to fight no fighting is unnecessary in this world there is no harm in a thorough lesson let's try fighting some aiming for the the little blue box wow Chris that was an amazing attack you done this before or something you you have no idea okay next let's try defending simply defend and M's attack will hurt you less not only that but you also gather TV watch out for the orange big bar the left I'll explain it next all right Prett job Chris now that you gather TP how about spinning that toilet paper on one of my spells cuz you hit the enemy and enough it got tired now if I use my pacify spell on it it'll fall asleep and we live [Music] peacefully Ry has pacifi great Chris we would have won the battle by now now I have just a little more to teach to acting through this even the most violent enemies can be defeated with various acts Chris dummy might not give it a l yay y I don't think um this is what you're supposed to do but I can't I'm doing it again CH you trying to ask me to give you a tutorial on you're and my friend were're getting soft tacos later I've never hearded anyone before besides the dummy to test it out so I don't know anything about it sorry I suppose you're the one teaching me all right I think we maxed it out you hug the gum a that's great CHR each tell has different acts that satisfy them when an enemy is satisfied its name turns yellow n we can defeat it by sparing it if we spare all the enemies we meet we'll never have to fight let's spare Chris Spirit the dumy GRE up Chris that'll be the end of the real battle really happy I have the chance to teach you Chris you are I got a dollar oh that was fun you're a wonderful student Chris and in case you ever need a refresher I here I wrote a manual for you and Susie press see open the menu and use it in your items later oh piss to entering the world of piss my the great doors opened no wonder Lancer was able to come through Chris once we pass through the store our adventure will really begin a journey foretold exactly by the prophecy but Chris I believe your choices are important too this world is full of all kinds of people Chris and and how we treat them makes all the difference so let's try our best to get by without fighting we can manage to that I believe this K may have a happy ending otherwi I fear that you may not find the result favorable oh and I'm so sorry is that so much to ask I didn't you were kid you I'll do anything for you you're my son now Chris I knew you were here the moment I saw you let's try our best all right I've only known him for 2 seconds and I would die and kill for him with the door closed behind you your adventure will truly begin the power Adventure shines within you he my buddy buddy buddy I haven't heard this one before enemies ahead you're going to die sign sign ler oh I'mma kill [Music] you lecture rude and junir you elra rud in them enemies on the importance of kindness the enemies became tired oh motherfcker he fell asleep well okay I I don't like when it tells you you almost get hit that makes me so nervous convinced gr is starting to fall asleep you told grin to quit fighting he was utterly swe yeah I guess that makes sense all right let's go to oh wait I can forgive you oh no I see yay let's freaking go you're reading this I guess you're done so I GL here I'm going to kill everything now it's time to kill everything no it's it why is this standing like that no my two favorite people like you guys aren't even in my top five answer we're Susy you mean the purple girl you fools you're too like to stop me what did you do I was so simple he beat me up so I ran he don't read this side it's a work in progress look at him he's so proud of it too he's like that's right I got beat up he looks like his dad packs his lunches for him these type of trees don't contain an item that can heal you whatever you do don't check the tree and you see it open the menu you got it there are two objects hanging from the tree take one you got the dark candy I'll take another dude thanks for the candy little bro oh you head that way my troops will threat you not a threat I prefer to think of it as an invitation wow you're so clever hey dance dance dance dance a no here we go I want to talk to them so we can put them to sleep necklace of rins blocks your path you leur the enemies on the importance of kindness the enemies begin tired so how do I not attack no shake how do I go to Rousy I'm on ch right now okay I see byebye see you later nerds wa what the freak are you are you a piece of cheese M B I'm a to shf my work with do exhaustion so I took a little dab Mama a scar I looking me up a beast was hunched on the table eing a cake like an animal I just spr it with water to be R off but my wonderful a cake is a Chris that sounds like Susie you must be going the right way there means of the cake are still smoldering cake a piece I got some num Noms I'm going to I want to be your friend oh wait there's a new guy well you you the guy we know what to do we just lecture you and then you can defend you lecture the enemies on the importance of kindness y oh my God what the freak is that are you suck I hate you dude you're so annoying that was so annoying dude W flatter you ordered reel to FL on the enemy we don't need XP just encountering your I'm so proud of you make people so happy my little baby boy oh no [Music] oh was check the clock in order to solve this puzzle you'll have to hurry oh okay we did it behold the me of death prepare to get lost clowns is that a dog it's some sort of enemy looks like they got claw bird nothing lost yet you must be utterly helpless of these twins of turs I'm just going to follow the signs idiot hey wait where am I help somebody help I'm lost he opened the treasure chest inside was a white ribbon not ripping this armor Chris it increases defense I you try wearing it in the equipment I think it look great on you cute equipment equip there we go don't look this one's private my bad bro it's just this way oh it's him someh you survive the maze you got your blushing before they end than how you for against this team oh no okay fla not of anyone PR glad we randomly encountered all of you oh you guys suck what that was a you thring you told number then made a team of few BL better BS get all like a dinner made out of three glasses and mil and that's a unusual about look at his face he's like can we talk more about this after the battle all right dude I love the animations when they get spared all right what what I don't want to spare this one by the way let it be known great job Chris we earned Z XP and $84 s how much do I get you lost Lancer you don't get any oh can I have some yours no fine later losers he said later losers and he's still here y I thought you were running away yeah I finished all right watch this [Music] what if I need suszie you useless child just kidding I love you open you stupid door no breed it to you guys Susie who so worried about you H how did you get past these SES before walk through them this St sucks a don't worry Susie it'll open after we St the puzzle over there nice tell me you need finish it uh Susie we need you to finish it sometimes pring will take all three of us furthermore only Chris can still seal the dark Fountain so if you don't accompany us he will make it home is Ser saying I have to stick with you guys yep yeah Yahoo Sissy's back on the team cue The Fan [Music] Fair What freaking go at a distance such that no one can tell she's associate just like my parents all right team Let's go Team can I get a hyaah guys guys guys guys guys guys guys what the fre is that oh Chris I just realized suie missed the tutorial next battle we should show her how to act I think she might really enjoy that doy dude Susie's so freaking cool compliment you order s to platter the enemy what why the heck would I do that it attacked us let's smash it before it moves oh look suy seems oh my God look at him he's doing IG Steppy ni do I went without hurting it okay okay hey little guy I really like the axe in your face no where' you get it uh CH maybe I should doctor you I sneaked up and made a sign I suppose you missed what I said earlier as you have the power to make a peaceful future so from now on let's try to avoid fighting okay um well if you just it easy on them you weaken an enemy I can use my pacify spell which can put exhausted people to sleep yeah yeah okay talk he's already doing that just think about it you made have hey hey hey kid you want to buy a tutorial it's only $50 20 $23 please please I need this right now you change your mind right this way it's G oh my God pretty fast we're during pride month sorry we're normally puzzle guys but we have been forced to do tutorials just to make ends me when the king C power fir everyone are replaced all puzzle makers with him roxs Carl what are the puzzles be careful I'm TB Master ask me about DBS later kid donation Hall if you'd like our tutorials please put your money into a hall sure I'll get dollar he put a dollar in the hole the hall became full H gos my God monthly tutorial weekly weekly tutorial monthly stop making that'll be a sub goal I'll stop streaming hi Susie Master ask me about sues honestly I don't need a Tut tutorial sending I'm done I like supporting local businesses that's why I did that [ __ ] the violent Tormentor is now your ally power of Mean Girls shines all I always [Music] did Welcome Travelers oh I have a lot of money oh but I don't think we're really going to be attacking I think we should go for defense let's see that's really expensive honestly I think we're okay for now we'll come back later so far the game play isn't that hard cluess so we'll just uh experiment it's a lone door frame for some reason you can't see enough through it sorry this spot is really hard for me oh great the local disappointment here with my FL oh my God I want that on a t-shirt okay I love him he's my other son the CLS are backing down you you like zomie cple minutes ago I a brand new F ready to stop you not even the purple girl can stop me now you ready to be stop stop talking ho ho ho who is that why are you saying that ho ho ho it's by EV up scary right sound like a babysit you mean like in a shut up oh no oh no you really think you know how to be scary really I wrong man what tough like you really piss me off face you would even know scary if picture can B your face off that's not true oh really oh she's going British mode then why don't we prove it we'll start with this part part where your face gets bit off oh okay I'll get it thank you purple girl what J you was cing you teach me how to be scary with an evil laugh yeah I wasn't no [ __ ] is that you're going to be thrusted merry I guess that's kind of an improvement here we go boys all right you I have to warn them about suie bro what if do this oh I see okay so they're already warned so that's if we I guess it RS the way with time be friend he barely lift at a finger end all right you you let be friends I just wanted to princess I you okay that's friends don't do this bro oh look here's another puzzle oh no let's read the instructions the instructions are vandalized it says th fools th will never figure it out now R the instructions is definitely against the rules and then uh says P to make my own rules well that explains that we just climb over the Spight fence um because the me them piled and die cool not work on that need to do the puzzle a try your breast crisp can you stand there wait the boxes the boxes yeah puzzle puzzle puzzle great job Chris I think you're on to something hey Chris give up whatever you feel like it that's all good oh it's all good W you did the chis great job didn't even get to impale myself well come on Chops you're lucky you're adorable good job Chris o blue shine when you st in the light you'll return to where you were before Oh do we teleport back let me I want to see what happens okay easy clap no I did guys I'm not even kidding I'm not even guys I never mind we're good now W it's like riding on my spine it's a okay morning I kind of like su's mechanic I know it's like supposed to be annoying but I kind of okay what do I do okay it's kind of fun it's like babysitting um [Music] hey yay oh wait Suzie Suzie fell asleep how hey [ __ ] stop it [ __ ] stop it [ __ ] I walked into that okay I'm understanding it a little bit all right get in there chat we're learning watch this uh guys mod can we get a peee in the chat peee pooo can we get pee and pooo in the chat where's PE gang where's poooo gang so you've begun to crush the great boy the went to our Castle impressive so the see you won't make it a step further cuz my God you're about to smash you into blood lots of blood splashing blood very gross and bad that's a garbage can hey scarier are you asking me cuz you're really cool of being terrifying I want to be as scary as you you want to be like me yeah well that's stupid but um the new lap isn't awful see you turn us the blood in is L cool like it's up with the bucket though you you to put the blood in oh yeah don't I supposed to make a mess anyways this back I'm really feeling scary no problem I guess so your guys's going to attack us or oh yeah I so S I forgot to bring it you D get one job but next time it'll be the end one I just forgot you guys clou if your team have an official name or something oh Chris we should come up with a name no we shouldn't did everyone put your name in the bucket oh no it's going to be something stupid all right everyone put in their ENT blue potion you can chose CU you look like you don't care crumbled paper L I'll let chat pick which one crumpled okay everyone is saying crumpled okay you take the crumpled up piece of paper you open it up okay your name is I just Pi [Music] up W I'm not allowed to say tier two square words W you three's Collective dad must be very cool can we perhaps consider a different game we don't have to be in our Squad yeah but I be in the squad and you be the bad guys here go my I bet you're not as hot still be as a new son we I to take a shower every time he ra the squarw okay fine we can keep the name I I just won't say it be cute see losers it's shower g wow wow I bet it stands for busy busy Squad out oh I'm not timing anything motherfcker I'm going one of you guys are going to jump off yeah [ __ ] Catch Me If You Can Catch Me If You Can okay stop I was kidding I was kidding I was kidding I was kidding I was kidding you like these guys are going to attack me know there horsey are scary but all in they're doing is following the king us on the board want to have our own boss those in were peaceful times now even the Boston's been produced to the king's peon fair not we unlike the simple Pond men possess full f faulty over our actions I Mr Society I Mr Society I'm far too intelligent to ever bow down to such a tyrant unless he asks me he's very scary oh is he hot oh my god dude I I bet this guy watches YouTube shorts well step on my boots is is the I'm not allowed to say you boys your girls should better turn back while you can ler what is it this time I'm simply warning you I sound like a grand I'm simply warning you something extremely is L on it's actually really I can't go little B all because I'm so scared what is it please don't kill this one oh hey little guy that that's what you're afraid of wow girl you aren't scared why would I be what's going to do well normally a he's so cute he's so cute okay this is like my stomach growling kind of beat I like it explain Kanan about the importance of dodging su's attacks but it didn't seem to understand oh my God okay okay all right I see I see uh de B you and Ry B look Crown okay we need to knock the crown off that's it Chris we can get its Crown off it should turned back into a little guy Susie help us about it nah it's Crown will come off we I smash this guy to the ground oh no oh yeah the wrestle dle yeah yeah okay going to keep [Music] fing no okay it's TR an attack is that almond milk Susie stop attacking it your Vita's Trier I let it think it's I'm afraid no way oh I see I see let we keep on ah ah he pooping ah ah he pooping ah y we did it you glad you really are heroes you the next 20 minutes yeah I am pretty great huh um Suzy down your contributions but you didn't actually help at all you only made everything worse by attacking it just acted nice to it in the first place we could have avoided that entire battle are you for real that thing was bloodthirsty only keeping it a bit was my Axe and earlier you terrorized those troops these guys were enemies they're for terrorizing yeah he's right and before that you ate an innocent person's cake cakes are also my enemy oh she's going cakeless suy whether you like it or not you're a hero you want the power to be bring peace to the Future could you please start acting like one yeah when you laid out like that I been a pretty bad hero haven't I all right I say you got it I'll change them my ways no I won't be such a rotten hero anymore I'll just be one of the he went you're going to get my yeah sounds way easier honestly you can't just play just my comad now yeah Toth this boy m m SC jackets yeah it's sleep over before we tell SEC Secrets H anyway I'll see you guys never you can even last that long Chris perhaps I shouldn't have been so hard on her but I just wor that Susie too eager to fight then well let's just be kind to her okay Chris I'm sure Su will come around soon wait it's s's room it's a door where will you go oh neither neither neither no that was sans's room wasn't it in the top right of papus and sans's house oh my god oh watch oh yeah a refreshing boy what does that even mean what does that even mean you freaking weirdo I swear if another one jumps out okay oh the so called your finally ready to see what happens when you try to act sh it's a team that crushes anyone in their way you're C answerer vient act suy together we are hey copyright pending and you guys are the goofy goofers so what's your uh evil Plan D we just formed our team you hav even done anything past our intro yet have a little patient please uh sorry well looking forward to the rest well you won't have to look forward for long so now we're going to work seiously that's too big of a word for you unstoppably to make it PL to thrash you clowns watch your backs and my front oh oh my God I hate that we said the same thing are you sh sh and your front didn't okay I do like the characters they're cute these are like all kiddos right they give me like baby energy oh my God how's the evil scheming going huh oh we are cop board so we're having a SN I see come on all I ate for breakfast with SH y sorry what are you two having exactly just a daily ex I hid in this stump orice that is speak for yourself my main man Chris do you want to uh try it I'll get food poisoning for you there's only po of salsa salsa eat some salsa I recovered Sal it's piz something hey what's in this hello oh easy clock ool okay here we go click Mario I'm just a little ball I don't want to discuss anything you folks look like her take a scar for the chest to beat the game besides [Music] thought I didn't feel like you're reading I'm not reading [Music] that so Diamond turn turns into clo with no heart so we need to do speed Diamond speed bam yeah thanks for doing the puzzle for us losers thank you so much losers for having trouble we don't need this oh what is that all right oh wait it doesn't say maybe we need to find it over [Music] here be beans beans BM B bom be the be head body wait I don't know what I'm supposed to do oh it need a real okay I understand I ah no my butt is my face so we need a head body not pleased with this new sell you makes me up all nice you're beautiful the way you are oops I didn't move enough we're friends now byebye hey Diamond what did I miss one diamond cover oh there might be one over here actually okay speed diamond clover speed diamond clover oh I did it speed yes I did a puzzle on my arm B well break the box for a b that well it'll boost your defense the king wants to eliminate light lers but we didn't agree with that we escaped but the olders were arrested ice bra all right let's equip it my baby boy gets it cuz I love him kid well wait it's all dirty looks like it's supposed to be the solution to a puzzle but watch [Music] [Laughter] this it's my bir they didn't even say hello that's fine actually stop and say I F shut up they didn't deserve I say calm down you do let's celebrate my birthday yeah get rid of though oh I'm to sorry about it here we go so can I like sing Happy Birthday talk yeah talk Peter how would you like for your birthday have a nice chat you idiot ask for a gift just discuss our life seems like you should talk about something else wow wow wow wow wow wow wow what kind of boys do cute ones nice ones n i mean seems like CL and laughing about that glasses are cute oh my God are they flirting with him what about me uh SP do you like uh Sports I want to eat a football I love you two seems like L enjoyed talking about that spaghetti and tennis balls that's genius Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam we friends now are you're tired dude does talking to me really make people that tired interested in the Chate Diamond I'll proceeds go to Runden relief funds I guess it's only $40 sure thanks I guess offers you a Hearts donut o yeah greetings gentle clowns you you interest you in a laner cookie not pro go to kicking your it's a near $40 hey you can't not buy from us hey dummy it's for good god let's just buy one Chris all right we'll buy one thanks L cookie was out at your items for getting cheated by us now you need fund our elicit plans who's teaching him this what what what all right so I should we split this jelly donut I'll take the blood and you take the skin if let me ask how does the donut fit into your PL I real PL allocate for delicious treats sounds like you need to go to the FL School doctor toothpaste why does she keep saying that am I being made fun of yeah nothing new bro it's probably the glass this sounds like an insult but I love how the graphics are not perfect some things are just ugly and the game Embraces that I freaking like that you like Dongo for the king came along I us to see the leaves from this tree no I still do that such as the L the worm oh my God they're like paper people they're built like me for here a reviv me oh you can revive people like that they're so happy I don't even want to fight them they're just having a good time oh my God no wo wo is me Rose and Rose of wo and W if only a hero would help lcer is everything all right no I'm not ler I'm just a sweet little boy what kind of little boy is a freaking mustache oh my God he's so dumb why does this sweet little boy have a mustache that's a disguise oh that's just lava so what kind of help do you mean I have this evil plan that I need to make and why does the sweet boy need an evil plan you precious cool friend Chris if it's for friendship well then we'll gladly help what shall we do it's on the paper you delicious little apple what the fre don't call me that again just fill it with the most evil thing you can imagine let cloud generat content begin create a machine to thrash your own I think St I'm going to make it look like me we'll do science SCI for the mid looks nasty are you sure you aren't evil no I suppose we just have a knock for it not tricked you idiots never do something in El can do for you even looks at it fast anyways great job ler they were sitting ducks yes all thank you to our enemies you very much ask you later my that duck was on a wheel okay you said okay this I finally found a place she fits in she's getting along with Lancer too no Dodge Dodge oh you're not even you're shooting at a above me you idiot you're not even hitting me you're a failure revolve around the center and look carefully the darker it gets the more you can see okay okay okay it's catching up it's cat up let's catch up let catch up wa want you hard see there was a switch in this tree I don't know what that did but I did something I want wonder what that open maybe to this side wow they're laying on bandage hi so uh ready to be a good guy against Suzy no got of saing a bad guy is pretty sweet not only is it way more fun to be good my teames proud of what I do you ate a pine coat off the floor you for a terrible stomach a this is very brave and cool see finally some respect I respect your indigestion how's the thri we design going Y what Ma we had a little sequence about all that that yeah it at the last minute you two should really start working on it earlier he come here for a second down yeah you tell him I kind of get it by the way but where yourselves in the forest base you'll probably get completely lost someone who knows the way through that is I know the first at the back of my head the back of your head okay dude you just teleported all right I'll follow you cuz you know where to go he knows where oh my God I'm not associate sh with you no how is she doing that how is she doing that hey losers wait a sec where's the answerer well he wasn't going the right way so he little water off by himself you know he's bad at mazes right he's probably lost and confused right now I'm loing of you sorry Su we didn't mean to make you worry about him look I'm not worried about him that guys going to look out for each other as all anyway get out of my way I'm going to find him Sushi doesn't know the either the right way either watch [Music] this no no easy [Music] clap HIIT ball isn't let the machine be designed all right this will be tough but let's try our best oh that's not good actually no you think that's bad just wait and see what happens when it St Your Design sucked so we blew it up I see so now what's your plan going to be turns out we didn't need a plan just a rule anyone that get in our way gets crushed in the dust but Susie you need us to return home doesn't crushing us seem a little calar productive n see that's where you're wrong you see I know I can't get back without you guys but being a good guy release in my style oh my gosh it's a bad girl so I thought of a little W just settle this if you can beat me I'll go back to being a good guy but if you lose you guys Willow to become bad guys with us and do whatever we say no I wish is your command so what do you say oh my God I didn't I didn't even read it it's don't even bother answering we're just going to thrash you anyway so see you all right all right sure I think we going to do anything had convincing Sy not the fight there was no effect I wanted to see what that did going to shop what oh my God she stepped on his head all right ex anything he told R to C he to look like a really great team I'm proud that's to become a little convinced it's working on [Music] me okay they're really not going for me like they're only attacking the left side logically best ler Izzy you too W stop fighting then someone might get hurt answer became more convinced it's working really that's bad that's the point wait I was talking oh what Lan's not helping at all you too if we stop fighting then I could um I could braid your hair L became almost fully convinced W look amazing all right here we go bam bam bam bam oh all right I'm sorry I like you to and I think we should all just get along Susie blocked the sound blade before ra the ler try convincing someone that it can't even hear you blissfully ignorant see should we got to make p her to bed and then we can convince him don't do it motherfcker I knew it no I'm sorry I like you to and I think we should all get along uh-oh what's wrong dud I accidentally started liking the enemies now seeing them just makes me feel round and soft you around and talk well if you don't want to fight there's no point I guess battle's over yay well he didn't beat us because you uh had a cheated by uh King up on Lancer with a if I have to I guess I'll go back to your side don't expect me to do anything of a fight we happy to happy back suzzy yeah yeah let's just hurry up and go home uh me we aren't a team anymore I mean wish we're still a team you join us yeah part of the squad well me and the squad wait I hang out with the good guys then we still have MD track yeah RSE will make them okay sure what Lancer joins the dam oh my God that was beautiful wait you need to come with dude are you going to come with us you can follow behind us you know oh okay I noticed you weren't doing that the fact that any of you think I have something in common with him is mildly irritating tree oh this is cool I've never been on such a big team before don't you have a legion of various guys yeah my dad forced them listen to me so they don't actually like me very much yeah well you don't need those clowns anymore just chill with us I like that he doesn't have a walk cycle everyone else has a walk cycle except him and I'm still hungry it's like nothing I eat here matters just store more money from that bake sale I guess I was thinking of baking a cake later what's the catch you have to stop making fun of me for one best I like her she's freaking Wicked look you C tree heck yeah that's not that's not that's scary something bad is in there D the last oh no it's not not I se never mind we're not C oh my God oh my God a transformation really watch and learn team oh look all you did was put your hands on the ground hey don't act so [Music] jealous got it oo tell me what it tastes like huh you haven't had it before I mean I've always wondered what it's like I'm not allowed to pick it for myself you tell me what it tastes like you're giv it to me I thought you were hungry I changed my mind oh candy joins the team oh my go thank you oh my God she's the only mentally Shane person in this like Candy Land so what's it taste like taste like friendship what's that taste like like my teeths are disintegrating they're so cute that's that's actually bad yeah but thank you foring you're good friend me too I guess just walking along with you guys feels nice like I did something important that's because you're alongside the Lightner Lancer our purpose darkner purpose is to assist them it's the only way we can feel truly fulfilled really my dad hates lighteners he wants the does your dad seem happy I'm not sure is he single I didn't ask that that was one of the characters hey let's Stitch the weird purpose to I just glad you ate a weird Berry yeah I'm still booed from the juice I mean look I'm not from here but hanging out like this I also feel kind of you know happy nah maybe little babies little babies look everyone we can see the castle yes that's where I live me and uh my my Dad what's that black thing emerging from the top that's the fountain sus if we can get there you and Chris will finally be able to go home sheez took long enough Chris Lancer let's go you're going to pick us over your dad right are you sure there isn't another way home is being guarded right now you try to go there um he you might get hurt and why come on l no one's going to be a te like us if anyone gets in our way all we got to do is crush them what if you had to fight everybody bleeds right don't worry about it whatever it is there be pull on the ground before you can okay stop being edgy but huy what I think I need to go when are you going to be back never hey wait a second why are you weird suy wait bam okay going to kill your dad going to kill your dad going to give you daddy issues and more you ever had going to give you a d issues every day every day every day no dad no that I see ah ah okay chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill ler no honestly I get Lancer bill that's a rough situation hey what are you doing oh the cringe Squad is here we've quartered them oh my God flow we but wait boom you poor lers we're told to keep you for eternity too bad would have love to see you guys py oh this is a fine how you do isn't it prison for eternity that sounds like it might take a while Susie where's Susie we have to find her Chris before she gets Hur or Hur someone else maybe there's something we can to with in here wow I I wonder dude there's a crack in the wall who could possibly be inside it's more wall shackles seem oddly fashionable take them yeah oh it's armor Oh I thought it would it help us Escape it's a metal door you out of the bars it's no use maybe the mulch life cannot exist without consuming even the Moss drinks water perpetuate the cycle of existence am I about to take a piss on it oh you ate the Moss taste Mossy HP was can't I eat more Moss has been eaten cycle continues what does that mean so Chris what did you find what's with that green Susy Ain CH and no one gave her smack two minutes in jail you're already started eating Moss you put on Prison check you look like a prisoner for life he can find anything well Chris let's not give up hope just yet well if we don't make it for some reason and I just wanted to see um I'm glad I was able to meet the idiots can you shut up trying to concentrate are you not in no prison seriously though I'm out of my cell I sweet talk the Wen the giving me the keys Susie really how she he's dead I uh invited him to visit the trash anyway now there's a puzzle in the way he solve it Suzy she's brain rocked oh yeah don't do puzzles hey how about we just sit tonight and wait for Lancer he sits in the castle he BL to come save us why don't Chris and I just help you solve the puzzle look I don't need your help but if you said you want to out loud you know I wouldn't stop you Chris tell Susie what to do she's going to get mad at me shut up okay it's Spade I messed up don't M don't yell at oh I did it yeah we did it hey not come and free us all right all right yay thanks for helping her Chris she appreciates it Chris are you worried about Susie yes regardless of how you feel I don't think would hurt to take a moment close your eyes and think about what she's doing now I get to please her oh all right out of the cell where to next go up Chris did you see something back there I can't hear them anymore we'll just go this way eyeball well that's a dead end and that's lancer's voice I meant to pick that one my bad dang not another one of these maybe I should go back and ask Chris and make sure they ler you got this I believe in you what understand they have to St in their C the lighteners can't be allowed to escape especially the purple Lancer Susie what are you doing here person Rousy are still locked up I know I I was the one who told my troops to put you down here to to keep you down here forever Lancer you you wanted to get rid of us I thought we were a team I I can explain Susie n it's fine it's fine actually you don't have to say anything I get it I get it you know why would anyone really want I'd want to be your friend I like bad girls they're cool that's not shut up but shut up get out of my way did you hear me get out of my way no did you not hear me man I tried to warn you so I expect me to feel guilty have to clean you off the you want to see what wait what no wait I have to I what girl you got to stop I I think I'm going to let her die do I want to die here do I want to die get out of the way I'll kill you Die K I'll kill you he's not attacking me oh my God he missed idiot all right I I think I want to die no no no why aren't you fighting back guys are really good at this point you think I care just want to f up down and die just make it easy for me he's a lot of Health all right that's enough if you want to die so much then die thank God thank God I knew that he wasn't going to die a part of me was so like what if he dies s suie you missed I I don't want to kill you man just move please he if I let you guys go then then you my dad will fight and you'll kick you'll kill each other at least if you stay here neither of you will get hurt then I I won't kill him promise me and him we'll just uh talk get our peaceful style you know I I don't think my dad would like that hey Lancer come on we're still team right nothing can stop us fighting her L all right yeah yeah you're right pleas we'll try I can help too I'll go talk to my dad ring them up hey now we're getting somewhere I'll over right now Su yeah are we still friends well yes she looks like a potato doesn't she of course I mean if you want to be I see you they're so cute I'm I going to get past his dad like that come on I'll figure something out so that's why okay Chris hey Suzy you came to save us I knew you have the heart of a hero Suzy yeah don't push your luck CHR Mouse thank God there's no music they finally took away the [Music] freaking hi I want to talk to you yeah even I got arrested and I'm just a pair of eyes what's the world coming to thanks for inviting me this tret kid is really great I apologize is for the inconvenience earlier okay this is her okay we got to go in the MD that's her I guess we keep going this way come out your prison still gets lost didn't even save any for me I I I I'm lost oh never mind I overreacted guys I knew exactly where we were Let's go Team wo W wao we're the three four Kings we beg you for us once all four of us ruled together but when the night arrived everything changed oh my diamonds my you must tell me if they're all right oh didn't ask I was arrested for making a puzzle without a license I'll never make another word search I promise CU I didn't want to fight you guys I got locked up how can I you guys seem be nicer than the king okay that's just forkin oh animals never mind all right this SL should get us out of here now it might take a while so be comfy everyone I'm be God we're so edgy hey Rous the lancer's dad the king yes we need him you think we'll have to guard him sizy I I could easily smash him but same I don't know what he looks like I'm hoping he's H guys I know that's not really your thing you're more about uh graveling like toal losers I was thinking maybe I could do that too Susie you mean you want to try acting well Susie we'd be happy if you acted with us and don't worry we'll be here to help you you w have to figure it out all by yourself sure all right yay hey Rousy Susie are you still going to make those uh cakes well would you saw making fun of me well if I have to I guess then I'll be you as many as You' like all right yeah think you can make that many dud well this is our stop hey Chris wait a sec you know I'm starting to realize it'll be easier for us to get out of here if we all are get along a little more so next time we fight an enemy if you tell me what to do do I'll listen to you let's freaking Go free will is gone but you know don't tell me to do anything stupid I'll go back to Smashing heads all right Chris I'm counting on you okay I'm I'm [Music] ay all right I'm aie see you guys later I was kidding I was kidding I was kidding no I was kidding um boohoo boohoo so lonely lonely I be good little three visitors standing inside who are you few nice to meet you I'm Ry this is Christ and so what the heck are you doing in there I am innocent innocent I just wanted to play a game game but the boring Kings found such fun to be troubled as punishment they Creed impr prison my body but I'm fast fast Glover Glover they lost the Chase and locked up their entire race building a prison around the whole world now I'm the only free one I'll fre but you're clearly the one blind bars things don't seem like such from here light nurse well sounds like you don't need any help then that is UN so I grow lonely in my little Freedom so shall you play a game with yes I love games I'll show you what it means to be free heck yeah bro find the key and I'll let you be free free the key is in from the eyes the old oh shopkeeper let's check down here I don't think there was a store there was not a store down here I think we'll actually go little floor one okay elevator to prison oh noce elevator basement which just happened have a lot of cages elevator to the top floor currently stuck at the top floor until One Rides it down okay ah all right it's been a while since we heard this Banger to compliment the enemy are you serious what can I say about someone trying to kill us a su if you're stuck one I'll try thinking something you wish someone say do you you're unbanned from fre oh oh I okay I'm learning I'm learning ah okay we're going to no we're not going to we're going to do this compliment and then we're going to do that offit is not disgusting Ry SP the king never said that to me before waa chill we're looking for a sales person un room hi friendly friendly hey it's you you're that P of ler oh you even seen the Beast that was the T was tormenting us Beast what Beast oh you even thought the Beast to talk here have a Cho Diamond you got the Cho diamond looks like a family photograph all right we have to go all the way back I guess we can do it but it's going to beit stupid H sand Thor where was the cat at do you remember which one it was field okay I wish I could ENT shman wait what am I supposed to do oh what are you talking about a prisoner with an odd manner no you could possibly talking about him I see see after all the trouble I went through to lock him up you want to release him H now that you mention it it could be Troublesome if he was left alone yes perhaps it's better if you girl dealt with him now after all that's not as if whatever happens will matter in the end perhaps the little chaos may be fun take this find the other two pieces and get someone to fix them Lo where the stars don't shine is it in a booty crack where the stars don't shine now go right wait did we do this already we didn't do this hold up what to do oh you know what I got to do guys we got this boys believe in me yes I swear on my life I did that just by freaking guessing I have not done a single puzzle in this game the way it was meant to be done all right now we we go to the the shop I think he said come back or something something no what did you say to do do you remember sorry that was the thought bubble coming out of my brain now go for look oh my God it was like 1 out of 200 to get that Jesus I have yeah I know I'm looking for one more he said where the sun doesn't shine right well I didn't see you hi well well I'm the Smith malus I can fix anything weap an armor I can even fix you well well what'll be fix us your body is a weapon too you must take care of it from time to time now let's feel my technique he's going to be like that'll be $100 that's free you sick freak why was that free weirdo am I going the right way this room was it that it's that secret path down here where oh okay dude okay dude my bad I'm I'm a skinny Legend I can fit you did it now that we go back to the salesman where was the store I forgot it was in the field right Hammer oh Hammer I want the hammer hi it sorry I got impatient thank you terrible energy okay that doesn't make any sense [ __ ] all right I guess now we can go back to the castle and I get a feeling this is going to be a impossible boss back to you the kid marvelous fun is about to break free won't you let yourself outside yeah come on bro you put the door key in front of the door oh my God is he like a really scary impressive guy like a scary oh wait he's cute visitors visitors now we can play play then after you I can play with everyone else too so what are we playing exactly oh it's just a simple numbers game oh this looks horrible oh no when your HP drops to zero you lose so that's the kind of game you want to play huh then I guess then I got to warn you all right I'll kill him how now let the games begin okay okay well I've heard [Music] this okay we need magic chaos chaos what's per random chaos SP something around next ATT the weekend okay so we play the r around okay I see okay I see oh my God he just so much damage oh my God we don't even have weapons we don't even have weapons I have like the equivalent of a wooden stick in a tutorial well I guess I'll defend what does this do what are you doing oh okay well you know what this took people who know how to play the game 4 hours it'll take me 10 chaos chaos chaos chaos okay let's see um what I don't what does what does that do what does that do just defend build up a little bit spun around J got superly more tired and F the E shall we play the around I'm not good at this one I think I know this I don't know the Strat I don't know the Strat for this one at all I have no idea I like this one cuz we need to use um upcoming attack will hurt what oh my God it's like metronome I'm not a sinner he knows my search history oh man here we go again let's gamble let's freaking gamble bro what's the Worst That Could Happen dance defend at the party cool I can do anything really turn into a freaking cow right now oh I thought I thought oh my God I got one shot I'm 33 we're just going to chaos chaos wa oh I messed up this CRS are really on fire oh no okay I'm learning chop we're learning oh I caught it with my face oh wa was the worst that could happen right I can do anything then oh you mother Freer I saw that what did you just do what's that I see oops I can't go in the middle oh no no no no no no oh no we got pretty far though yeah that's not too hard if he doesn't do anything else that's not too hard you really want me to fight this guy on my first playthrough you want this we do for like an hour I'm die I what the freak is that there's no way we beat this bro are you kidding there's no freaking way I can do anything I can do anything that one's easy just kidding oh no it's over I don't know how I do this one wait wait yes yes I've grown guys guys I forgot do people s for him I feel like Tumblr likes him oh no stop pissing on me little all little B boy oh dead d I cheat he's freaking cheating that's an illegal move I hate you by what wo wo w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w I'm not alive right I'm [Music] dead wait what is he doing he's emoting on me this guy needs medication I'm not good at this one oops I walked into that I guess I'll do this one we're going to die I feel like we need to gamb right it's dzo hey we got pretty far I feel like we need more num NS heal I didn't have any heals all right guys you're ready to die again let's go that was rude that was rude I just showed up [ __ ] CH P oh [Music] oh I I I wanted that jokes on [Music] you I forgot to [Music] move ah oh I dude why do I gamble in this economy I'm not even kidding like why do I freaking gamble circle circle circle circle and almost oh my God my eye I'm not even getting something in my eye s let's spr the G on I can do anything I love unhinged characters dude I will say that oh okay don't go down don't go down oh my God where the ey frames s SM for comforting oh we almost did it we almost did it [Music] um okay I I wait did a h oh my God I can do anything see you later Ry oh wait we can do this one just kidding you're dead holy [Music] crap oh my God I literally have not gotten a single good gamble yet guys in this round has my life been happy yet can we get an update redit like Part Two update who died died mother Freer who said you could die get back here wait no no no I didn't mean I I didn't mean to do that I can do anything you can't you can never do a woman I don't care what Tumblr says I don't care what Twitter says you could never make a woman freaking happy sorry that was [Music] me wow wow wow eat a hamburger eat a hamburger eat a hamburger [Music] H hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger that one doesn't do much damage at all oh never mind she just almost dead circle circle circle circle circle circle what happened I did a circle watch [Music] this I forgot to [Music] move booty booty booty booty clap booty clap clap booty booty clap clap clap booty clap clap wait you died what happened oh suy laugh track what slow why is oh cuz he's th oh he's e he's freaking E bro get this man some melon I'm really not I'm so bad at that one I will say this is less ragy than Sans cuz it's like for lack of better word not meant to be as infuriating everyone eats your num NBS everyone gets one num NB [Music] chaos everyone got their one stop clicking at me I like what are you my dad's pacemaker shut the freak I don't know what a pacemaker is should hear me up hear me up gamble watch this I can do anything I can do anything shut up did not ask do not care did not care will not care wait oh that's really I'm going to be honest that didn't even feel cool that took me like an hour right I I click pacify right you suck you're bad get out of here what BL I'm exhausted you get Tire me up you I'll get sleep for the other 100 years unfortunately you kids cannot have such a pleasant dream but from now a nightmare will awaken in your heart in the shadow of the night's hand lighteners can you stop it Nei way a Mischief Mischief a chaos chaos light from the inside your little cell take this into your strongest oh my God yes oh I thought I got the S A little over an hour I'll take it someone said this was as hard as Sans no the difference is the Sans fight is freaking super long and it punishes you for no reason because that's his point it's the point of the fight I thought I think it attacked in the menu we should go buy more Health actually what's that what well I wanted to eat the pink moss so the worms have decided to crawl out and play who's there those fools all right we can go on a date hi am C the greatest enemy greatest adversary B me have cled past all that you stop you watch this is what happens when you watch Hamilton one time but thous were created by other weaklings now prepare your th I don't have any healing items you freaking wait what did he say to do what God wait that was I was like God dude I was sweating I was like God I got no healing items I'm really freaking nervous oops where' I go oh a whatever FL with them baby and a s it's a bab you don't know how what shut off that's not the problem are you sure all right look why is I I'll show you L this oh my God just let me up so come here hey chat you coming Rob he get back here and let me FLIR with you do it again let's see R do it can't be helped I think your beauty is just Transcendent your hair is like a waterfall of wait uh do you have hair or oh to your light not so easy H oh I didn't like to go that far oh my God Chris I can't do it yourself you sit in sweet lines hey baby how you you a koala cuz you're qualified to be my lover yeah that's right baby that's right I'll take you the freaking Waffle House after this cheese eggs on me baby what's the other way now I'm curious if that's the way we're supposed to go oh what's in the freaking love room as ory goodbye looks like happy sold all the gems and replaced them with beds looks extr most SLU happy looked at you kindly your sins against Cathy we're forgiven thank you no you won't it's like [ __ ] I love to to go to places where they sell beds and just sleep in them wait what again oh my god really think it was all I got wrong it's time for you to feel my real power behold my Ultimate Puzzle again again kble worms that wasn't really my Ultimate Puzzle I have a waste better one here H grab can can you see it he's a CTI oh we could buy some stuff wait he's I like a man who call me an ungrateful worm oh you know I'll take all I listen bro I just went through some crap you don't even want to know you don't even want to know bro oh my God he's got a blue tongue I think colored tongues are hot can we agree with that I think so right I guess we're going this way enough worms tell me to Sho you through my hles but Time come back thou shal be scattered about come prepare it for battle [Music] with with my control Crown I may control any dis sheep PL form oh no it looks like it's a pain but I'm certain this creature will feel it relief it sees how much more pain that no I'll save you bro you want to act though what's your idea uh well how do I say this and of need you for this one fine Susie I'll help you apologize to it for earlier right no I just need you to stay still are they going to throw him watch this oh all right I'll go for his penis I didn't know that's how it's going to work oh he's pooping Oh Lordy pooping Oh Lordy pooping Oh Lordy pooping yeah this song is good well poopy poopy stinky oh oh see you later bye he had $7 on him why brilliant just brilliant I knew you could do it here's though I'll see it that was nearly test of thine abilities but thou Hast one and now nothing blocks thine path I personally could not be less of an obstruction but I think he heard me flirting with him oh I feel like his dad is probably horrible that's like foreshadow he violent or something hi I missed you hey there's Lancer do a flip oh please be sexy please be sexy brother Lancer my son have you dispatch the lighters lighteners as I commanded hey even better turns out we don't actually have to fight them they said they could just talk to you they're alive yes and I think you like them a lot sui she's really purple and strong and where are they now um hey what's up oh my God hey it's nice to meet you ler ler my son we're about to see a sexy dad fog yes Father she's going to be mean to him do you remember what I told you don't don't get too touched you failed they have poisoned you with their sentiment oh my God it's still hot I love a freaking corrupted man Free Yourself Lancer they care not for you their only goal is to destroy our glorious Fountain they are SC hot sorry no they aren't sorry my bad what did you say let him go you want me to let him go then how about this they'll drop him off the edge and let him splatter unless you all kneel and learn your already been doing that bro I'm ready it'll be lightener can I do it can I do it yeah I'll watch Lancer see what happens with you a friend the lightning her wait what the you traitor come back here all right enough already who the heck do you think you are to my people I'm a hero do you yeah he could get it get it you can get it yeah get it for sure all right let's see talk all right listen up ler M crack so we can get by without hurting you then like ha is so beir show my son the monster you really are all right you want to see what I can do huh red Buster how dare you come here hey I this is new [Music] you suck that was freaking bad all right you might not realize it but this is a world where you don't have to fight I know if we try we can find another way such [Music] a my friend that going anywhere dual heel e love you in the shadows strips of [Music] [Applause] meaning that's one well this guy is freaking sick silence light for your very existence goes against your own by the night's will I shall shatter your heart to Pieces courage okay you dare return return to torment us once again man I almost royally screwed that up huh part's defense ra for the okay be gone we have found fresh purpose oh s oh s how do I oh wait I see I see [Music] sure o o his them isn't that much of a banger but uh he is the KN that pulls the fountains from the Earth dude chill the flip out you really like this whole grappling hook stick huh that's like your whole identity of your tail were you born with that and you just made it your whole thing or did you put it in there that's crazy holy thums whose Shadows are creating a new world our [Music] world have to kill him now you see our new purpose soon this world shall be blanketed in darkness and darkness shall rule it didn't don't care then you may see what it is like to live in despair I don't know you're pretty hot man I think you're living pretty good A I'm bad at this one might as well why not now I knocked off fall before the teain of Justice okay unlock okay I don't know what that does it's damaged but I'm just going for fun you're qu strong aren't you oh lagging um is it lagging King's M give a preserve smell yeah sorry I keep fighting me like this then you're kind of a bad like King like you're losing the children like no offense but like your son doesn't even like you seems that I'm bad at this [Music] one why does he have two mops more kissing oh look at my health nice oops I I was trying to go up oh enough is enough I see I see that I cannot defeat you I've grown exhausted from our long battle please don't strip light ners I perhaps I have been too cruel the truth is I wasn't okay no this is fake there once was a time where darkers and light lighteners I can never say it right lived in harmony a time where darkers could fulfill their purpose in peace be lied to say that I too do not yearn for those days Perhaps Perhaps you young ones are right please let us put away our weap no he's no no I'm not even looking at chat he's bbing me come off Susie no you're so dumb you're so dumb don't fall for it glad you're starting to realize Mr key none of us really want to fight you can just tell us about your worries I'm sure sure we can all be friends Mr King yes friends that sounds lovely my apologies I am I'm not used to fighting dude if I even threw one punch I'd be out of breath for 30 minutes you freaking popped off King body is getting weak oh don't say another word no he's going to attack you oh wait oh there you should be all healed up how do you feel let's see you're lucky you're sexy never better ew did I see you can get off I need to keep my mouth shut spare me the herotic herotic he's fine I'll just say that you're the leader aren't you so what's your plan to laugh with if you cast us all Back Into Obscurity you can't even say young one we tell you a secret find people [Music] oh that's her line hey get away from my friend mhm you're what you'll kill me nah so what's your plan then talk me to death your stupid little Lightner honestly think you have any way to convince me not to kill you now how she distracted him or something okay M help laner everyone what's the meaning of this sorry Dad you're being overthrown when I told everyone you were fighting the light light ners everyone remember how kind they were they decided they'd rather have a king that accepts them me now I'm the death you idiot light are your enemy fools see that's what I mean right there nice I think somebody to time out go to your room D all right Chris he me little those Chris Susie oh you're really yeah it'll take more than that to take us down is I'm sorry because I healed the the king we almost we almost Su you were right I was fooled to think we could act so soft to everyone this isn't a world where kindness always wins is it that's complicated yeah sometimes there's people you just got to fight if you never let your guard down then you might just hurt someone you care about a as soon as you're beginning to sound like AO don't get used to it but I suppose you should return home now yeah I guess that's right huh well uh see you bye why H wa why did we leave huh Chris you want to say goodbye to everyone don't you well if you're going to make me I guess we can go back for a bit let's go suie you came back oh well this just wants to say bye you know oh actually everyone here wanted to say goodbye too please let me know when you leave all right yeah yeah we try not to skip you I be real respectfully I don't care about any of these characters oh hey what's up what if a work at mine amig Goose th Hast toppled us the Tyrant freest AR Crest to history shall not forget the taale of rules card and the three hero all right you're the only one I would uh I had feelings for uh everyone else could die and burn so goodbye where are you leaving n we have to talk to ler first oh forgot about my sh hey bro Yi blue person whose name I neglected to M thought you were going the hallways we were but Chris wanted to take goodbye you know oh really that's so buddy mik thought you want to take a b cuz we're friends I mean I did not want to I'm you're the king now huh yes and I'm changing some big rules first late Nur I can never say it are now legal second prison is now only for dust I'm going to prison sounds like some pretty good changes think your dad was uh protecting the fountain right is it going to be okay if we mess with it I have no idea yeah we'll do guys so I trust you something bad happens we'll fix it yeah I guess we'll just see I guess well see you later come back down there's always room in town for a couple of clowns Susy Chris are you going to leave oh I I just wanted to say I oh no don't cry he's taking the hat off enjoyed meeting you to and you stop mumbling in your hat for a sec can barely hear you did I'm sorry oh he's a baby I'm Chris Su I hope I can see you again soon next time I'll make you lots of yummy cakes all right yeah sure D not let's go Chris all right let's go oh my God the world have piss finally it's an anag girl of AEL I I I think it was pretty obvious since the start that was asrael there's only been three goat like the goats you know what I mean there there's there's toriel asgore Israel so this the fountain don't know how but it feels like we stumbled into something really important didn't we well there's no time to think about it now it's time to go home I wait why can we not take my gold son with me as you stood in front of the fountain you felt something strange it was as if your very Soul was glowing a [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm disassociating what happened I can't see was I right they're still in the closet hey watch it what the that huh Dan's classroom what' we go there hey Chris what what just happened like that wasn't a dream or anything was it and the real so say it's just the obvious we can find any talk I don't know how to play chess all right man the sun's already setting everyone else might have gone home by now guess Alfie's Alfie will know better than to ask us next time I don't know why I struggled on that one it's late well guess we should go see you later I guess Chris are we not going to talk about what happened let's go back there to yay so it's like a dream world or something cool hey sexy mom Chris whatever have you been doing I sat in the car waiting for you after school for half an hour I called and called but you never picked up you your poor mother were sick Chris I'm afraid I'm going to have to punish you huh a friend we're spending time with a friend Chris I'll make an exception this time you can continue your adventures a little longer but when you return home you're going to have to go to bed early see you soon honey what a good mom who why am I so fast oh cute yeah these guys are babies well that just [Music] happened hey I'm on the sidewalk oh wait it's just as I forgot I'm their kid so are they together I think they're split in this universe or something right sorry I'm a little worked up lately this job is so boring nothing ever happens in this town I just wish something would shake things off huh got something to report a if there's a dark world inside the school a sure kid there's no lock in Star worlds anyway that's a job for the school board got something to report love you why you want to help me sure get some to rob a bank so I get surle so I'm going to go rob a bank we do have a bank I'll build [Music] one Alfie who's Alfie no you cry sneak to kiss why did they just something illegal gotta I see Alie no what the fre is that bie I me up no I'm good God why do they have dipples all right no one to care about in here I know you guys want the whoa he's compensating for something no no no no no no no oh it's the ghost guy right or something or I don't know his house oh my God he's wearing a flower shirt Dum Dum oh someone there just a moment I almost finished watering these flowers here we are he's got to speed up sorry my bad my bad it won't happen again howy how can I oh Chris help I'm I'm sorry I forgot you don't like hugs like that how'd you forget of your son well now make yourself at home Chris you can help yourself to anything you like I wish uh do these like represent the souls or something you sick freak yes these flowers are still kicking quite hard to take care of them in this climate um I'm assuming your wife left you you you looking for a rebound oh my God flowy got domesticated let's freaking go oh Chris before you go here for your mother our secret you got the bouquet of flowers have a great day Chris I'll see you later in my never mind I'll see him later in my incarn top she missed her go back I miss Sans she had f with your friend today by the way I just finished speaking a pie if you go to bed it'll be cool when you weak but do not eat it all this time all right I don't believe you I don't I think Sans is in this [Music] game where is he is he in the the dinner no where is he you said down do you need to go down further no freaking way okay guys guys I have a crush on him hey look who's walking around how are you kid it's great to see you again yeah that's real nice isn't it especially considering that he's winking he doesn't mean it he guys he knows me he knows me my name is s s a skeleton I'm new in town what's up we just lived here so I hardly know anyone why got anyone I should know better I guess my mom your mother huh too too [Music] late oh my bad I over my bad I I thought you I thought you were saying you got put up in poose and personal with my mom and uh and I don't mind that doesn't bother me we can still make it work just that a locker to stop you from eating themy you sound like a fun kid huh well they you can't just jump straight into all right I'll take being friend zone that's better than being blocked on all 42 of my emails like last time take [Music] this okay we got to let it we got to let it set for a little bit we got to we got to let it set a little for a little bit all [Music] right stop picking three you're an idiot baby tell you the truth I'm one too let's try our best yeah I know about her came in the store with the suitcase and sunglasses but she was part of the mob she opened up the the case and stuffed in it full of instant noodles getting small bills can sunk out of the place pajamas triling on the floor anyway our relationship is uh purely business so I guess I'll just let her do her thing he so hot me yeah that's a grocery store fortunately it's closed what a pain I really wanted to buy some milk what the wait he runs it hey bud be busy oh my God oh my God oh my God it's happening yes I will go on a long and personal romantic candle dinner that you will pay for and I I got you I'm multifaceted I can help you with taxes with um anything all right I'll go my late all right you were deliberating for a while no I was not what's wrong don't want to hang out with the oh I'm ready cuz say she's complaining huh what are we going to be doing I'm not going to be there hey that's fine I'm ready to make an in intergenerational Sandwich this is Step number one step one thanks for hanging out with me see you I think that's all you got something better to do me too anyway I'll be sitting here to you not that he's so cute oh my God the lovers all right I guess we'll say hi nothing better than hanging out the lake with my best bro watching the waves go by true and they were best friends according to historians they were good friends [Music] oh he's busy all [Music] right I'm not made of blood I'm made of meat I don't care about you why are you tripped up are those panties oh Chris Chris you're okay I was really worried when you didn't come back where did you go did you just skip class well don't worry about it I'm the cool teacher you know you're not in trouble well let me know if you e anything what is that was she drinking milk out of a it's bad to get cats milk though I thought yeah a lot of cats and dogs are lactose intolerant do and the ER help him I'm on my way some of the shats are Dil for the ER help him I'm on my way [Applause] where whatever oh my God I died literally die oh sweetheart first some made Le eyes on your mother wait what I walked right up and told her she was a hot piece of work really yeah she slot me so hard at black out what that doesn't help at all anyhow how's Dragon Blazers three beat it yet I'm still at the ice palace something kind of I'm waiting to finish it with you Dad well maybe maybe you should wait Dad I'm I'm kind of a East roing fine you wi I'll bring it next time oh it's getting late guess I better go I've got homework oh that's the group project place we guy again what's his name nerdly it's uh birdley he's not that bad dad I'll Ki it okay wait maybe kid dad you're not even supposed to get up bring by the window I'll throw something at him goodbye Dad bye honey sorry for listening to your personal private conversation my bad oh hi Chris he you shle jingle life got okay never mind bye you losted [Music] me what is it honey remember that video game you and AEL used to play what was it called super smashing Fighters when he was very little he loved the green lizard from there he even had a birthday party with him themed around it your father painted all these eggs with Spates oh it's Yoshi your brother loved it till the next day your father cooked them all for breakfast my brother just kept crying ever since he's hated that book about eating green eggs yay why is my door so small this house is huge to bed oh that's me and my brother's bed [Music] tutorial done no flowers for the mom oh I for why the freak did you do that you weirdo no don't do it don't do it don't I know don't do it don't do it don't do it wa what wait what wait what huh huh why why why you got scoliosis too no why why oh can I kill people now wait why [Music] why what when the light is [Music] run this supposed to be peaceful but I just ripped out my soul and threw it away and pulled out a knife am I supposed to be like a wow I'm just I'm so Serene right now what the freak like don't [Music] forget no I know it's supposed to be unsettling I was making a joke uh we'll do chapter 2 another time just cuz I've been live for a long time oh that was really fun I will say so far I wouldn't say it's better than undertale but I haven't done chapter 2 yet I feel like chapter 1 was definitely setting everything up so I'm excited to chapter 2 everyone is said chapter 2 is a lot better uh the music was good not better in my opinion but I so freaking loved it
Channel: chibidoki
Views: 73,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chibidoki, vtuber, envtuber, chibidoki real voice, chibidoki vtuber, chibidoki vtube, chibidoki streamer, best of chibidoki, chibidoki clips, chibidoki reacts, chibidoki clip, chibidoki voice, chibidoki face reveal, chibidoki vs chat, chibidoki twitch, chibidoki vtuber clips, chibidoki vod, chibidoki youtube, chibidoki stream, chibidoki deez nuts, chibi, undertale, undertale for the first time, deltarune, undertale all endings, sans, deltarune for the first time, chibi reacts
Id: 585QXIcPjJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 4sec (7264 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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