How to Stand Out in the Oversaturated Vtuber World

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it is insert year Beyond 2020 the V tuber bubble is huge and the market is beyond saturation and carving at a niche is becoming more and more difficult every day as they say with all artistic things and they is me everything has already been done but has it all been done the way that you can do it absolutely not hiya I'm Angie and I'm a professional 3D modeler and illustrator among other things and I have a formula for you on how you can carve out a spot for yourself in the YouTuber world through some market research and concept planning now you might be wondering what my credentials are I'm not especially big YouTuber by any means but that doesn't mean I don't know how to play the game I'm just a hobbyist with a full-time job who would rather not what I am however is an MFA student who has figured out how to find a place and an even older what I would probably argue is a more saturated Market the art world and what I've learned from that experience absolutely carries over into feet tubing so let's chat the first step in figuring out how to stand out is figuring out who you are and a mess in some crazy deep way or your Myers-Briggs personality but instead in terms of what aspects make up who you are as a person and what you bring to the table what interests and skills do you have that Define you as a person in some way for most YouTubers right now their interests and skills can be summarized as gaming and watching anime maybe with some musical or artistic skills thrown in no I'm sure we'd all love to base our career on those things I certainly would but it's already being done and it's being done by thousands maybe I'm overestimating but like it's being done if we take it back to the beginning the reason video game live streaming took off with YouTubers is because there's a market overlap between anime lovers and Gamers which probably comes as no surprise to you early Hollow live and niji Sanji talents combined anime character tropes with streaming and convert an audience of anime watchers into their viewer base and that viewer base still prevails today other market overlaps like those between Idol culture and Anime digital art and Anime and you know others also thrive in v-tubing for this exact reason if you are a skilled gamer artist a musician don't fret there is a much more to content creation than just those categories recently we've been seeing some other new overlaps popping up that maybe more your Vibe when anigiri entered the scene in 2021 Japan shows with the YouTuber activities to popularity surprise then when she skyrocketed I did atherap IRL YouTube channels at the time making anime related cooking content but not much in the ways of YouTubers doing the same the first to do necessarily but she did refine it and introduce some new ideas she also helped to encourage the idea of mixed reality binding aspects of digital YouTuber Persona with live filmed portion and since then booking streams have found a place in many of YouTubers schedule for good reason there's been growing overlapped between Game Dev content and computer science content with youtubing now too my point here is what skills and interest do you have that could share an overlap with the v-tubing market what content is being made with great success on YouTube or twitch find non-vutubers that is yet to take off in the YouTubers sphere now I can't answer those questions for you because I don't know you I don't know what to bring to the table a couple of loose examples of what I'm talking about you remember when tax Haven 3000 went viral on Twitter because through interaction with a pink haired anime girl it helped you file your federal tax returns that could be you a cute YouTuber financial advisor especially if you do something similar in real life it definitely is interest education also sells on YouTube and tutorials are the king of Engagement second only to clickbait is there a topic that you're an expert in and could teach to others like where are my art historian YouTubers my chemistry professor of YouTubers what is YouTubers teaching us to identify plants handyman Youtubers with Workshop hacks mechanic YouTubers who tell me why my car is making that weird noise and how to fix it get the gist and with mixed reality options such as color keying like onigiri does or using an app like virtual face to put your 3D YouTuber head onto your real body the options for YouTuber content have really opened up I want you to put some real thought into this and figure out an angle for Content the V tuber spear is lacking now it's time to talk a little bit more about your concept as a YouTuber yam all bat has a wonderful video on YouTuber Concepts that I highly suggest you check out and I have a link below plus her YouTuber concept planning worksheet is a must-have when you're in this stage she breaks down YouTuber Concepts in a really clever way that adds some much needed complexity as a YouTuber your concept is a several description that summarizes what a viewer can expect from you yam's formula for this is as follows personality trait bus profession or aesthetic a species examples of this formula can include buff goofball orange furry funky green cave woman Genie magical girl Idol and I'm sure that if you think of just about any popular YouTuber you can figure out how do they fill the formula yam also has a lot of great examples in her video I would like to take her idea and expand upon it a little bit further remember that Skiller interest we just talked about the last section yeah it's gonna come back and play here so my formula for a YouTuber concept would be personality trait less aesthetic plus Motif a species plus that scalar interest I know that's a bit more charms but stick with me here and I'm going to use on a Gear as an example again not because I think she is like the Holy Grail the end will be all perfect YouTubers but she's pretty darn good and just make a good example of this and she's successful personality trait is straightforward enough one word to describe you or the character you'll be playing Yuri is usually summarized as cozy and although her personality expands far beyond this it's a baseline expectation of her content aesthetic is the general outward Vibe based on appearance this is where your core descriptors like Cottage core and cyberpunk wouldn't come in draws from elements of jrpg and historic Chinese fashion to my untrained fashion eye I'm sure somebody's a more detailed explanation of it or a more concise way of saying it a motif is a pattern or element that has symbolic significance and is often made important through repetition honey Gary's is about funny giri the food the repetition coming from her being in Oni and her name is a part of this but can you spot the influence of the food in her visual design too spoiler the placement of the white and black on her top is reminiscent of what an onigiri looks like although many of us might not immediately make that connection it still strengthens her concept and overall design species is only relevant if you are something other than human a cat dog a mushroom or in Gary's case an Oni and last is that skill we already discussed which Yuri's is cooking now I did remove the profession aspect from yam's formula but that's because the Skiller interest fills a similar role and will be more important to who you are as a character having a YouTuber profession is a male carrier it's cool but if you're just playing games and you aren't providing an inside scoop on the life of mail carrier or streaming your roots or doing something else related to it depression isn't really serving you in your content as well as it could and should be right the aesthetic and Motif items are a little more in the visual design and of YouTuber creation than the concept end they'll be vital to have figured out for you once you move on to your character's visuals so with all of that we end up with a cozy Chinese or jrpg fashion inspired onigiri Oni Chef who as it turns out is quite successful for it I would challenge you to find some more examples of this where the skill or interest something other than artists musician or gamer right now I don't think there's actually a ton of them but this is a point gotta break that status quo that improvise overcome if you'd like some more inspiration or just some silly results I made a random generator a couple months ago for a character design challenge that spits these kind of Concepts out now that you know who you are it's time to relate that to what you look like this includes your character design and branding which should go hand in hand now there is a lot to design and branding and every individual aspect that makes up these categories like your name your lore logo and more do deserve their own dedicated videos but I'm going to try and give a very quick overview to come back for part two for an in-depth dive on that stuff here's a gist You're Gonna Want a cohesive color palette across your brand and character your visual Motif and aesthetic to be concise and clear your character art style to mesh well with the strengths of 2D or 3D modeling good silhouette and to highlight expressiveness in the face they're making it a focal point these are just the basics and it might sound like a less juggle and I won't lie it is but at the end of the day the feature design is just another branch of good character design I would suggest that if you are not a character designer yourself this feels like a lot to tackle or intimidating they can reach out to somebody who is and Pitch them your concept there are a lot of extremely skilled character designers in the YouTuber sphere who I'm sure or a little bit of cash incentive would be happy to help you figure it out I'm currently working on a more in-depth video about these aspects from a character design standpoint but for the sake of this video we are just going to discuss one thing that when added on top of all those items I just listed can help take the design an extra mile and at a level of uniqueness in some cases this art style corporate YouTubers yeah they just about all had that classic anime style but that's not the end-all be all especially not for any YouTubers but took a ball pumpkin potion and camera I have in common they are where were all YouTubers who achieve success at least in part I would argue due to their unique art style and this is not to downplay their hard work or great personalities at all instead to say that their style is helping them they stand out visually among the YouTubers if I stuck them in a huge collage you'd be able to pick them out pretty easily I promise that works to their benefit while this may be counter to fitting and Visually with collab Partners or the overall scene I would argue that breaking the status quo while challenging can be very rewarding let's watch High School Musical if you don't believe me you can by all means have an anime style character I do and there's a reason there's so many of them just just looks nice but don't limit yourself to this especially if there's another style you're interested in Now You by all means do not have to take any of this advice or all of it but at the end of the day it all it feels extremely important to consider if you're looking to break into the youtubing scene and eventually turn youtubing into a full-time career I hope this discussion got some wheels turning in your head and I wish you luck on your YouTuber Journey see you soon for some more of YouTuber design oriented tips and very well for now [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Squiiji
Views: 70,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtuber, envtuber, hololive, nijisanji, onigiri, buffpup, kabaal, yam albat, pumpkin potion, cimrai
Id: VqphVVKIB9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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