The Things I Find Street Scrapping - PPE Style

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good morning welcome to the strap and Palamon channel let's go scrapping and the first stop helium steel excellent what's up Spidey's you guys hatching yet it's kind of warm out this might be capable I don't tie a string to it floats away and this one has some issues yeah this has issues if anyone gets that joke put it down in the description so I dropped those shelves off at my house but I gonna use them at least two of them I am and so this is a scrap pickup so the lady said everything goes but the boat so but I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to handle all this yeah I might have to grab some help cuz last thing I want to do is get hurt with this stuff and kind of blocking the road aren't I this gonna take me a bit to load this stuff up these things stands of some sort that's a big saw yeah there's been some work done over here that's for sure it is warmed up it's a 55 degrees Fahrenheit so yeah you can take my jacket off probably should go vertical right now fits [Music] Wow that thing's gonna be crazy heavy I don't even know what this thing is besides heavy Oh bro yep I'm liking the old grab it all no way I had a commenter the other day it's just Paul your snap tool is cool and all but he's not God much rather you not use it oh my god okay I was just trying to kind of fast-forward through the parts that I thought was mildly boring because I'm attention-deficit so it's gonna bore me imagine it's Anna boy I don't wanna like make stuff that's boring okay to attention-deficit person boring is like it's one of the worst things in the world it's it's miserable the board is miserable I don't know some people won't get that but those that are attention-deficit will fully get that how miserable boring is can you even hear me through this mask probably not bro order you Wow you're 40 pounds Rolly okay what else is that two things is oh no way so why can't I get this in there but this thing oh you're asking for it Paul you're asking for trouble yeah you're gonna fit just fine because most of its weights already above my truck so after you just kind of tip it in there see it's really helps if I got off being super easy maybe not now you mister huh that's a maybe that's on me alright let's do it sawdust Rookwood close the tailgate sorry dude I'll handle that later Oh can I most there's no way I can move that it's too low anyway yeah nothing's heavier than all that stuff anyway I'm coming back for you buddy let me see ya power right through the center there that's a beast it's beast yep so that is a clove hitch that's gonna stay at least it'll be taught at least I could do a trucker's hitch but it's not going anywhere but what I really want to do to make sure this thing just can pop it out [Applause] Bangor north we good hey Michael hey um I'm just gonna wave this stuff and then you just put on my tab okay all right man okay bye call ended so 4380 use even gave the green light I'm gonna dump it properly in the front here or in this lugger skip whatever it's called and then and then I'm just gonna collect I don't know next week probably I'll get the cash for it I'm just not gonna go in Oh the lugger is full all right some sort of dumper here in the corner yep nice right well this other stuff is okay yeah they're redoing their yard and there's a there's not really a path to get into where we used to dump all right let's get to work I took the rope off but I'm just gonna show you real quick that yeah there's just no here's normally where I would drive in and park where that crane is there just no way to drive in there right now so I guess I could have dumped it right there some people have been doing that but yesterday I did some scrapping actually a decent amount that's in that lugger right there is my scrap from yesterday I didn't record it I was just there just kind of some random scrap that I did all right how am I gonna do this right cool all right don't hurt me no injuries allowed this thing's heavy this thing's definitely heavy I'm wearing my boots that would have hurt I know that this is aluminum but it's aluminum breakage and it doesn't pay any better than shred and anything this metal can go into these shred pile that's what the shredder does it separates okay now I think I can get this out I think Wow yeah that Hummer with a big trailer some mud wheels on it it's gonna dig it in right there I don't pull too much because if it like gives away I'm gonna go flying I'm keeping that motor all right my goal is the cream all right think that's everything all right we good we good that's good now all I'm gonna do is weigh and leave that's it and so it's 44 going in and I am 39 60 going out I just want to say thanks to folks that have been sending me some awesome things in my p.o box which is in the description of the video and yeah that feels good died bacteria and viruses yeah and thanks for the paypal tip jar yeah and you all know who you are that have been sending his stuff in the mail you know I mean I got this I got an awesome yeah JW custom leather made a knife holder for my suspenders protected by Jesus all right before I started getting all absent-minded let's clean this steering wheel but anyway I just want to say thanks for for all your support the tip jar you guys are still buying coffee mugs and t-shirts crap palette and shirts I mean it's just amazing so thanks for doing all that appreciate y'all's I mean more than you possibly know more than you possibly know and yes all the Sanitation stuff given to me by viewers this mask and if you can see it given to me by a viewer so it you make this happen I am just I'm blown away I'm so grateful I'm grateful for you lord thank you for the viewers Lord I'm just gonna pray a special Lord just let this virus pass them over even if it shows up God just I'm gonna pray your blessing oh god we need your help in the name of Jesus amen excuse me sir may I help you you'd like a ride okay get in the back OOP wrong tool bag I did I left my pipe wrench in the shop all right I'll see if this will work I think it will yeah maybe not yeah does it I got a few suggestions on how to get the steal off of these brass fittings because if it's just brass it's I think it's really is dropped he's like 70 cents a pound but with the steel on it it's 17 cents a pound now as saying that of bodies it nope wrong tool for the wrong job oh well let's get you loaded up oh I should solve this thing off somehow oh well my attention is diverted huh what why do you be young sir you look like insulated copper wire alright let's get my go-go-gadget dumpster stick oh hey there's the pipe wrench awesome I didn't forget it just forgot where it wasn't remembered cool yeah welcome to the life of attention-deficit let's take a look at you oh yeah that's some good work it might not be more than an extension cord wire but it's still really good that's for sure yeah yeah that's extension cord wire well that's what it'll go for at my scrap yards in the back of the truck first pull your truck forward pull yeah too much hassle Oh is he still foot water oh I don't mean to be making a mess here but it's chocolate milk no it's vitamin water fortified with iron really all right you asking for it let's get out the specialty tool I just need to get a good grip on it oh wait I should take the piece of copper off as well yeah what are you with my axe really that's a roofing hammer Paul I know get all the sediment in there it's fine don't fall oh no that is so gross even on me mm-hmm not happy about that it's gonna get everywhere isn't it yep what's the old motor you know what or do this a little differently this time attach it to that corner yuck yeah that's what I'm gonna do [Music] we're good [Music] ooh someone with my excess yeah yeah this stuff is definitely work out Pop's about there's two Plumbing Companies now rumor has it that Zimmerman's is closed sure enough their gates are closed we are closed to the public okay closed is closed I don't blame them I did certainly don't blame them like is this a scrapper come on neighborhood no it's a go-kart picker-upper dude that looks fun man I had so many go-karts and many bikes when I was 12 13 14 15 years old yeah I was a much better mechanic back then than I am now and I could get just about anything up and running I loved it I don't like it at all now give me a broken anything I can't stand fixing stuff back when I was a kid totally loved it it is such a beautiful day out here I mean yeah I'm just kind of blown away that's so nice outside and everyone's stuck inside and and here's the thing I am today I was successful at not being around humans because that's where that viable virus is coming from it's coming from directly from other people in contact with them or in contact with surfaces and items that have recently been around other people so my goal is to not be around people right now and I'm I think today I'm successful in it I am far more worthy isn't the best word for it but I'm just far more concerned with going into Walmart or you know some superstore you know that's that's where I get the we be G bees and that's where the virus comes from and I know that the Bible says that the prudent see danger and take cover and the fools keep going and suffer for it and I'm trying not to be a fool about it I'm trying to be I'm trying to think okay limit the people that I'm around cuz right now I'm around myself and my son and my daughter and that that's pretty much it and I know that they're not around other people because they're home from school and and they are not going over friends houses and friends are not going over their houses so it's um so that's safe and I'm not going around other people and and I haven't been on this is the first I made one video in 12 days so I made a video last Friday and then it was like a week before that I made a video so yeah I haven't been doing very much so thanks for hanging out with me today I'm gonna wrap this up God I'm gonna ask for another just a veil of protection over anyone that hears my voice in the name of your something you sent for us Jesus amen [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 113,859
Rating: 4.8624473 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: qTEyqxPX3TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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