Why is This in the Trash?

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good morning welcome to the scrap and pallet man channel a little bit of metal a lot more metal bunch of trash already fighting me the children's manual No humble beginnings I like it new scratch what is this gasps go in there fires out that's the legs for it I guess concrete no steel yes we'll get him loaded and they have a Caesar about the limit that's for sure now is there any way that I'm putting this over the top absolutely not a risk of just a little bit of an accident Shh no way they just that would be extremely unmarked but here's the thing I don't wanna lose the ability to drop my tailgate because if I load these all up they're up against and I tell you can't go that way um yeah I don't want to go too high excellent packing staying here this seems a beast I just want to get to the little piece of steel and raise it swing yeah I drop my tailgate yeah I think I'm my tailgate is gonna be not being used that is a cool trailer super cool give me some fluffy scrap no you gonna get partially recycled insulated copper wire yes more fluffy scrap oh oh yeah there's just something so chill about 11 miles an hour driving through a neighborhood looking for scrap I'm at my right app going so don't start cheese in my tail I've not seen very many rotors lately you'd think that because it was it was nice all weekend and oh yeah I guess we can grab it um yeah it was nice all weekend so I think that the MLP would be change from their uh their pads and rotors and whatnot see how I'm here a little take up gander right now all right rotors were you at you thought I wasn't gonna stop really a little bit of cat poop isn't gonna stop me I'm getting some serious wire coax no but steel yes Paul you're stealing well it is steel I guess so that's not talking about right there boy and you know goodness all right that's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it this was way heavier than it looks incredible at least 20 pounds Wow what is that the Brooklyn Bridge I think it is I can't tell No so there's stuff on both sides that's cooler and it's on the back wait a minute it's just San Francisco yeah might be San Francisco I mean that's kind of cool and all but that's cooler are you gonna fit in my truck maybe not yeah this ain't gonna fit no way why Oh [Music] we'll see steel in the trash I'm dropping it almost yeah I don't want a whole bunch of racket that's 7:00 in the morning no especially when everyone is home I don't I don't know you know I gotta start going vertical air a bit more vertical anyway that'll work Steele it's cute one I can see it those are kind of nice so with the skateboard structured a little messed up now get it out that's still too tightly steel cast iron a structure messed up yeah it's all rusted up any other goodies a lot of times I'll be looking at stuff and I won't see particular things until I'm editing the video like there was though there was an XYZ alright or if I can just snap tool this thing to completely fall it's a couple bunny rabbits over there yes in metal some of these are plastic but this one someone said there's gold in here gold silver and gold silver and gold morning Ralph morning Sam cutting board hairs look so bad [Music] oh it's like a garbage can way smaller Lenovo windows 7 i three processor get in my truck man that crazy here come on perfect so yesterday I found three lawnmowers and two little rototillers actually the road tellers came from a viewer sent me an email said hey Paul tellers for you so I didn't feel a nice woman grabbed it and another viewer sent me a message through Instagram and said hey got some scrap for you so I gotta go pick that up here in a little bit and there's some real workers right there for guys up there tearing off some shingles and some tar paper good job gentlemen I don't know there might be a lady up there good job ladies and gentlemen seriously so yeah so I got to go handle that I briefly talked to my lawnmower guy last night and so I got to take some pictures of him this morning because I picked him up it was late last night so I mean cuz let me just go to the grocery store back you know I'm kind of wiggling few neighborhoods you just find stuff right on the curb that is a big old big-screen TV I got a pack then oops I just want to look real quick that's a brand new box for a huge screen TV but also right next to it look at that thing Wow I'll bet that thing works too thing's massive who knows cheer take it that's really fun perfect Shell's some fluff some shoes Rockport what size 46 so European 46 I think is like size 13 it's about my size some pleats right now those donation centers aren't whoa do you shoot more they're pretty wore up besides of these u.s. eleven and a half I'm size 13 ain't gonna work all right I guess I'm just gonna load up some steel I'll bet there's more stuff in that garbage can that's decent let's take another quick gander you can tell the way this person walked and it wore on that end you're decent shoes yeah we're good knowing my for sale app stopped sending me notifications that I have that I have a message so I'm like she's opening up the app to look at something and it's like oh you got two messages from five hours ago oh that does not work aluminum what I'm feeling if they weren't trying to throw this way just using it for a wind anchor that is some good aluminum right there some sheet so it's gonna fight me yeah all right I'm gonna fold this stuff up get it in the truck yeah we just had to fold it up and find a spot for it I just drove like 30 yards so these it's so nice it's been like three days in a row or more just completely gorgeous out see a couple ladders I don't think I'm gonna grab it but shot back it's - it's wonderful thank you all right I appreciate it you guys are moving huh Wow yeah I'm gonna grab the metal that's that's kind of my forte [Music] [Music] it's gonna be interesting how to do this don't want to be tripping on you the whole time yes wonderful two pieces I think someone said in the comment section with my shoulder give me a hard time it's called old geezer itis and I think you might be right yeah man a certain ages things start wearing out but I have to say I thought getting older would take longer now these ladders though that's wooden ladders I know when I was an electrician my very first job I made my second dress no it's my first job worked for Anderson Electric in Las Vegas and yeah we liked wooden ladders as an electrician hmm okay you're coming with me both y'all's use your ladder rack Paul tipping up on my head lat oh hi just broke it did you see that no I didn't it's actually part of the where you put the paint my guess scrapp keeps falling on my head I'm gonna beat these up too much all right wrap a rope around it and we'll go do something let's try out you know you know it always feels uncomfortable to have like resale stuff on top of my scrap have to set it aside and things it's instead of just having a a Cleary upload so four thousand three hundred eighty pounds all right so it's not good I know that the ladders way and stuff like that so we're talking like 300 bucks 300 pounds of scrap what's that 15 bucks that's a lot of cans a lot of tires and that looks pretty clean cleaned up scrapyard like it it's nothing park right there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's see how much we weigh 3940 it's some guy Walter says are you a Packers fan and I'm like uh what he says how can you have how can we have a green mascot I'm like the same reason you got a blue one on for a mask I don't know I'm just sitting out of a sports fan I know kind of my family was I did sports yeah I'm in high school and stuff but she's not a fanatic about bully anything all right let's get gloved up they'll scrap trucks man I'm yeah pretty well I think this scrap truck is owned by the company won by the scrapyard [Music] maybe not [Music] all right thank you see you later right 15 bucks 440 pounds yeah so three and a half cents a pound yeah I'm looking for a price is going back up I am alright I definitely some resale with those ladders about that romex aluminum siding what else I grab okay oh yeah that picture that's the coolest find ya picture it's nice to get that mask off I know about Hugh but it's like breathing in your old breath I don't like it but I know it's a good thing thank you God for this day thank you for uh for good fines and nice weather lord I just want to praise you for for spring just seeing all the the the snakes coming out and you know and all the animals and insects I just I love it god I know a lot of people don't like snakes and spiders and stuff and but you even used bad for good it says in your word I know you're talking about behavior god but I want to praise you for that that a lot of stuff that we do doesn't make a lot of sense in the name of Jesus amen hey hey what's up man how you doing done don't and Bob dang that the whole neighborhood coming in what are you guys free cycling for your Ranger oh you were your transmissions going out that was cool those are mine across the street neighbors pulled up small world I like people there's no doubt about it so thanks for hanging out with me today I'm gonna go back I got a few things I need to do I need to sell a few of those lawn mowers that I got yesterday dad's probably the guy right that's the mower guy and I'm a list these two ladders and I have someone that's interested in buying one of my bicycles at one o'clock that's here in a little bit so she's got a scrap pickup call let's go get it your attorney so I had to drop off the the ladders and aluminum and stuff and yeah awesome this from a viewer so thank you very much for this um yeah if I could just go straight in I don't think I'll have to go vertical yeah gonna have to go vertical huh mmm or should I just close the tailgate throw it all in there yep that's I'm gonna do it's just too much hassle to go vertical [Applause] she does look like aluminum but it's not it sounds like aluminium now I need to go take pictures of those lawnmowers send it to a mower guy and oh yeah make a video [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 97,340
Rating: 4.9090195 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: ZbsWzIfgdvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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