Found All This Garbage Day Scrapping

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I can't tell if that's plastic or metal it is metal cool I'll take the can to one up good morning welcome to the scrap and Palamon channel or should make up some name mari welcome to the rope and truck show that's aluminum yeah you can right up front with me because I want up accidentally scrapping yeah that thing tank whoa it's heavy where it is it's actually kind of cute for a corner somewhere yeah I like it it's quite nor Nate now it is time to play is it or is it not metal it is not wait a minute nope it's just painted plastic man what a beautiful day sun's out no wind blew a sky ever as you see a big ol meteor fall what is this that's a big pile of getting my truck I think rotors nope just boxes boxes and boxes oh no it's half taken up coming up hard alright you have to do this gingerly yeah this is not gonna be fun yeah and the ground is sinking can you see that it's getting frustrating already it's coming apart [Music] come on get in my truck so frustrating she's catching on everything Wow morning Ralph morning Sam the g-man doing gee stuff this one have a an atomic button man I need us put this upright somehow [Music] it's just not gonna work [Music] just cut my shirt okay speaking of bombs your next pally Wow get in maja truck so the way I want to do this one if I can is for you to wait usually do it tilt it in kind of walk it in and then put it back onto its feet again if I can because I can't just pick it up and sit in this way too awkward oh no that's pure grease no maybe its Lane water mixed with brown this yeah I'll just I'll just pretend that's what it is no yeah this is for mr. scrap buddy I'm just doing a loop around this I'm not tying it to it per se just making a loop yeah make it six but like this is a bottom part so this is the six yeah then I go around then through the bottom part so the rabbit comes out of the hole goes around the tree back down the hole then I grab those two pieces that are at the very end that makes the bowline knot so really I'm just making a loop that's all I'm making as a loop but it's a crazy awesome not so I'm not like tying something to the pole tying a loop around the pole just a little piece of scrap metal wait for me no it's a little bit more than that I see a boat Pope's gonna get my truck in a minute sped firms attached to something Oh oh that's stainless steel yeah it's a stainless steel bolt that's awesome kind of grody but you're right upfront but that warrants further investigation what's going on over here that's just a box there's some wires all right everybody Megan arouse here Randall Brooke Patel I'm bored with residents right now my family go do some dumpster diving or at least drive behind some shops how's that yeah the old AMC Theaters are not being used right now except for dumping it looks like I want that cord oh no petal it's frozen really fine you win yeah what's the point in this when it's I don't get this the Aldi dumpster no way the community gardens that's the food pantry and it's awesome so Aldi is given there expired food or close to expiring food to the food pantry that's getting out to people right away Aldi that is awesome I am so happy to see that God thank you for putting it in people's hearts to help each other instead of using that dumpster as their business model thank you Lord in the name of Jesus as I'm sitting here looking at the comment section and then so many comments came from the police rolled up the Wall Street scrapping video I can't keep up I mean there's in the last 12 hours 300 400 comments but reading this one it says my interaction with the police our intervention with the police shows that you're respecting your community and I just replied I said I'm so glad that God restored my good name for a long time I did not have a good name and it is true that I did not have a good name some of you folks have seen my older videos where I talked about my recovery from drugs and alcohol and I back to curbside he torches I've never actually had them at my place before I'm feeling is they're gonna fall and make a mess totally it's not bunch of oil still left in him [Music] backpack an angry backpack now is this really what I think it is really come on you think it's full of tools do you think it's fight trash someone didn't come home on time no let's just scrap hello Rufus good morning this is left out for scrap man's thanks folks you're awesome it's still good seems still good anyway glad it's not fight trash I've got seen that in a while basically the whole garage gets taken out to the curb yes kind of thrashed [Music] probably scrap hello any goodies or tea goodies in not sure what it is hi roof of us what's going on good morning how you doing that sounds like he's doing just fine but if it's a pioneer wait a minute and it's lovely bah alright blah blah you're going with me right now front if there's no bugs in here I've always said I got this feeling there's bugs in here get in my truck I think I can handle a water heater yeah so yesterday was so strange I recorded a little bit of it but then I decided to not use it in my video yesterday but yeah so in Illinois my quarterly tax estimate payment was due even though everything else was delayed until July 15th except in Illinois and so I had to pay an estimated tax now it wasn't very much but it just was kind of annoying that they required and then as a comedy I'll deal with that later but as a company I have to pay into unemployment insurance which is kind of cool um that if something happens and I can't work I can collect unemployment yeah from scrapping it's true but it's going into the system look for for unemployment but it's uh yeah it's not cheap this is not cheap at all I mean it's once a quarter it's like 300 bucks yep just for unemployment insurance for me and any employees that I decided to have yeah so and then doing the calculations we're doing all my numbers that basically let's say I get a hundred dollars worth of scrap all told with with everything combined about 40 percent goes to taxes and insurance and other stuff like that but it's not my money it's God's money and if he wants to give it to some governments right now especially they need a couple bucks oh yeah they do all right how am I gonna do this yeah even gonna do a hitch on this now I can hitch it up okay if I scrap your stuff thank you sir yeah yeah maybe I can fit it on yeah yeah you know what yeah I can I can fit it on here I'll help you out if you want if I could we put this on top of the washer on the other side or I'm sat down for a second probably have where you're at the bottom this will be the bottom so one two three yeah I'm gonna do the tailgate down thing appreciate you man [Music] so what was this thing okay yeah actually we're here on the tailgate that tiller huh wow that's a beast big time thanks man truck is squatting yeah okay how we good yes you know Mr loops here got some spider-man stuff going on here crazy let's try be a no why not no idea how much I weigh four thousand six hundred eighty wow so it's like seven hundred pounds good stuff now last time they had scrap right out to here whoa all right I'm dumped her here that's a real scrap truck that is awesome where's this car masher at all right I'm confused I'm all disoriented the glove wow that pilot went all the way out to there is huge look at that scrap machine I'm impressed yeah I'm very impressed yeah they're big old scrap their car matchers gone wild [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so it was 4680 going in I'm against 3,900 going out and I see thirty nine eighty so used to get paid over in that building but now they do it over here I think my new numbers 19 I think so Paul here's got snacks that is awesome you have drinks - what how much for a drink yeah a dollar Oh oh my goodness I might have to get one next time that looks good yep thank you all right wonderful thank you have a good day $26.25 that's what I'm talking about thank you God thank you for this day thank for the bright sunshine thank you for the exercise and the payout and the recycling Lord I am praying for anyone that's uh hear my voice Lord would you comfort them in the name of Jesus amen something like that I don't even know what this thing is it's just a tuner then okay test that out okay just that aluminum hunk big ol chunk now if this sparks it is stainless steel oh yeah miss Burke now is this handle stainless steel as well oh yeah there is pure stainless yet the magnet does not stick to it at all that's good okay this stuff is my number two wire extension cords whatever you want to call it cords Bob brass bucket it's kind of brass and still steel on it so I gotta do something with that figure out how to deal with that okay I just get into washing my truck so I got all that goop out of it the from the barbecue yeah I appreciate you hanging out with me I do it's a good day it's a good day to have a good day that's right [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 101,269
Rating: 4.9124398 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: 2En9khi2PW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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