Why Do They Throw Away Good Stuff?

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hmm that's probably worth something to somebody that's a nice port I'm after the scrap metal good morning welcome to the scrap and pallet man channel where we collect fluffy scrap keep shelf yeah the scrap metal to separate from the trash but what caught my attention was a little bit of electrical or whatever this is yeah of course there's a piece of star from WETA fly out and be free I just want the wire not the socks all right I also have to pick up the trash later and the metal that's a big ol hunk of Steel right there oh I just cut my finger like they cut the center out of this really I should go Furtick all right away so I'm able to pack better cuz this is gonna be a good day you're the birds yeah they know it's spring definitely let's go right here sun is shining it's glorious morning Sam it's that plumbing sticking out maybe not Oh you know what this is don't you pío pío pío proper healthcare workers first responders essential workers thank you and there's a big heart you guys are awesome it's true my kind of heroes you're gonna get recycled actually this whole thing is it's more metal than it is plastic absolutely and we're gonna go vertical that is totally awesome thanks folks get the garbage on this side get the scrap metal on this side that might even be aluminum oh it is aluminum just checking on one of the neodymium magnets hello aluminum good stuff right there try not to be too loud at 7:00 in the morning 7:30 something like that Illuminati in my truck most excellent see you later the homeowner came out was talking with him he said the scraps been out here for a couple of days I couldn't go high with this he could slip him back now he's like where the scrappers been it's been out here for a few minutes let's go on here I'm gonna see no cross traffic they're reinstalling stop science I get it has been a stop sign getting knocked down or something homeowner just said hey got something for you hey what's that on my friend good man how are you alright I'll take it thank you sir alright perfect alright see you later a tiller I just sold two tillers to my mower guy so maybe perfect in a minute that's one of those rental bikes at the dumpster can't ever rent a bike oh wow I totally biffed it incredible look at that oil right there I didn't even see it yeah didn't hurt my soul at all look I was holding onto the door a little bit I'll have to look at that the footage later yeah that's one of those rental bikes you can't have a rent-a-bike being thrown away Wow I slipped right on that oil too I was incredible this is the dumpster that I got my Papa John sign my scrap sign yeah it was stuck up against the side of here I could bear to get it off because the the magnets were so strong I'm gonna scrap yeah the family that owns the only Papa John's in town sent me a message hey man how does your Papa John sign let me know if you want some of the electronics that goes in the inside to light it up so they're like totally cool is it come on in I'll get you up Pizza if you want I haven't taken him up on that offer yet probably well so yeah super cool dude super cool dude I'm here at my shop putting some stuff away uh-oh looks like my wires would get a little bit too heavy oh I see here we go it wasn't on two of these okay all right now we're good okay what else they're gonna take to the scrapyard yeah I think I'm gonna go empty the truck right now because it's uh I'm halfway done with the route and I just think I'm gonna wind up finding some bigger stuff these lamps us but they've been for sale for $10 for a week now so I'm just gonna take them apart cuz this is zinc and yeah you can always tell this zinc cuz it has that on the end there's underside there's an iridescent you know the multicolored kind of like an oil sheen kind of a rainbow look yeah that iridescent is an indication of zinc so yeah so those aren't aluminum it's like a pot metal type zinc alloy so I'm gonna do that and then finish the route but first it's time for oh are they okay I got a couple of some cold caffeine that's right [Applause] what is up dim Co what is my way 4240 yeah it sounds about right so this is the area that we can just back up and dump so yeah that's what I'm gonna do [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so I just know about $25 and 68 cents but it was also for yesterday's scrap that I did yesterday scrap that I did woo so today's scrap just now was three hundred and twenty pounds at sixty-five dollars in that ton I got ten dollars and forty cents and then yesterday was fifteen dollars and something cents yeah this could find some more scrap thank you god this day lord I just want especially thanks for yesterday then I was able to say goodbye to to a friend that is moving a wonderful drummer Lord it's lifted my spirit talking to you with him right there I just love that gun good I'm just gonna pray right now just like I was praying yesterday with my friend Lord that that you know our steps and I'm just gonna ask for you to for you to remind us that we're doing the right thing and for us to keep going just encourage us Lord in the name of Jesus amen forgot to bring in my aluminum it's also peaceful in the shop that's copper isn't it that is copper and it's cool there's still a few things here yeah I like it that a sprinkler of some sort I think it is because of that looks like it's broken air whatever was here oh is that a mosquito oh it's drag of light that is a mosquito a couple more things here those mental I can't tell if it plastic come out yeah that things metal Wow maybe it's not necessary m'q very heavy though it's that might be metal I'm gonna grab my magnet on the way back see this is metal or not they just sounded metal nope you know I can't tell what that is yes ceramic definitely okay that's plastic hmm it's all coming with me pull my finger somehow oh oh oh I need more hands that can work I'm just gonna pull everything out nope work technical that might be keeping capable put in the back of truck it's going to get wrecked coming up front she probably worked just fine he's AM aluminum and steel and some more steel is this thing it's a globe oh now they're doing the 10:00 a.m. alarm because yesterday it was storming and they didn't want to test the tornado alarm during a storm make sense so it's Wednesday not Tuesday said I know [Applause] where's loud guys I'm trying to make a video here my buddy I think he's got a stove and a microwave still with a microwave okay he's in Menards right now all right getting a bag for kitchen right right you put in your driveway okay scrap large don't just talk to me five minutes ago why do i scrap steel cuz it's bone whoa whoa hey that's so fun yeah my shoulders still give me a hard time maybe that's why I shouldn't scrap steel because it's heavy yeah my shoulders give me a hard time have to put myself on light duty my boss is putting me on light duty baby scrap that's all you're allowed to do yes it was raining last night think that's steel sometimes just don't know what it is there's even little chilly last night it's down to 37 Fahrenheit was that like three Celsius or something Wow look at this day yeah so right now it is 60 Fahrenheit so what is that 18 Celsius 20 Celsius yeah right 18 17 or 18 I don't know I'm trying to get that down just cuz I like the metric system better all right I just had some camera issues I had to swap out a battery alrights with that I mean there's some steel in there I can tell there's a little bit of a magnetism oh yeah steel parts are steel yeah yeah holding steel okay let's get this steel loaded up that's all steel - yeah yeah a little bit of a pull so I think parts of it is a little number there steel definitely in the center extra fluffy [Music] where is this chase or is it two chairs it's two chairs gonna keep it as two then oops sorry UPS man's here but more if he splashed into my truck because my window is down I didn't quite make it into my truck but he came close [Applause] all right let's get a rope quick it's a huffy quite sure where you're going it's a backwater huffy some nice tires the rust of the back wheel told their yeah now this might be something to not scrap I don't know hello Rufus he's onto me or is this gonna go yeah it's gonna have to go on the side check this out a little trick good to go alright I'll tie it down though such awesome day the birds think so as well my mine Gasca Rossum sure it is full of yucky fine stuff it's electric still as the tags on it but it's stained up Walter Payton get my truck Walter it's a huge motor some sort it's back in my kind of day are you kidding me that thing's a beast I also go in here what world war lights Oh who's this Marlboros a federal court order philip morris blah Blee blah to make this statement about the health effects of second-hand smoke I can't get to it let me guess it's not good unlike this clock which is super cool oh dude that is beyond cool I like it get in Montreux one more pass and I'm out of here good stuff that a full computer see slim on size big on reliability so four gigabytes of RAM one terabyte hard drive early Windows 10 I bet the hardware is not in there I'm interested now is it in there interesting but Court four gigabytes of RAM doesn't do very much at all wait a minute no not the clock this Payton Jersey did someone really pay $300 for this Mitchell and Ness NFL so just a little bit of yeah Wow 300 bucks it is a really nice Jersey there's no doubt this is this is the real deal besides the oil which I know maybe they can come out less you want to do is like wash it and like make that permanent if it's not I don't know how about this I'm gonna um if you know a trick to get I think this is actual like engine oil on here or actual grease if you know how to get this out before I do anything please let me know in the comment section I'm gonna wait to do anything with this Jersey until I know how to get or try to get those stains out I don't know it might be permanent but I don't want to wash it and make something permanent that could be removed I think aluminum yep weighs like one pound seriously I could throw this up right 50 feet Wow that's the thing about alumina it's so light and the price is dropping oh we're gonna do this something like that [Music] [Music] Paris or Paris or so just now a guy drove up and I had that flagpole and he said hey how much for that flagpole I'm like I don't know couple bucks you want to give me three bucks for the the flagpole so I brought some of this stuff in here so I just want to see if this tree worked and the light worked and sure enough it does big-time I'm gonna guess 4,100 maybe not even that exactly 4,100 Wow 4,000 one-twentieth sit for a second briefly that's funny you know I'm just gonna pull up right to the side just throw everything off without even dealing with the tailgate at all also a person yeah just at my shop a person saw these chairs she's like can i buy one of those chairs off you here's the dollar I'm like of course so she got the little ottoman that comes with it and the chair but they're all the rust WC on the ends so we picked the I pulled these all off the truck it's I give up I am we pulled them all off in the truck and to see which one fit best and so you have to get on with the ottoman I'm like they're kind of rusty maybe I should have pulled up some tangley stuff here that piece of scrap wanted to get me oh yeah can't recycle you and your tiki torch friend that's kind of cool I think the only thing I keep is that star and you wonder why fast-forward the scrap part does it take so long we think the rest I can just throw right over the side come I keep this bike do something with it so I'm keeping you one two three four five fly butterfly flutter bye butterfly and we're good except for the story just stepped on all right I'll see how much 3960 so 140 pounds is so nice and peaceful it's like I can hardly hear anything you're going oh yeah thanks for hanging out with me I appreciate it with this whole journey I can tell that I'm getting a that YouTube is promoting my channel to folks that might not otherwise have watched scrapping channels before and yeah I got this there this one guy he's commented on multiple multiple times and it's not necessarily a negative comment it's um and you've heard of a false a belief that sometimes we can be wrong about something but fully believe it and false beliefs are all I have them we all have them and it takes other people to pull out of me or are any of us those false beliefs it takes effort so this person said why would anyone scrap steel ever isn't isn't it only worth 2 cents a pound and don't fit and don't say it all adds up he puts that in parentheses and says because it doesn't you spend more on gas just grabbing those pieces you get for the whole truck loaded with scrap steel and and I get the sentiment why would you do something but it's much more than me trying to respond to so yeah it is worth it because obviously he doesn't fully understand yet because this I think this is the first day or two that he's been watching some of these videos and so Dan and I so I answered him you know why why would you scrap steel elaborate you know that's a stupid thing in the world I said because it's fun and it's the right thing to do there's fresh air and sunshine awesome people to meet and I said of course six feet social distancing three years ago when I started scrapping the old adage came to mind do something that you love everything will fall into place I think if the adage is something you love and you'll never work a day in your life and I said do something that you love everything will fall into place and it certainly has just by scrapping steel my life has taken such an amazing and unimaginable turn in pursuit of happiness the American dream [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 80,747
Rating: 4.9123259 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: CoEN5u14qTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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