Amazing Free Stuff on the Curb

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what do we have here the usual suspects this water heater is about as big as I am that's much bigger than usual in my truck uh-oh who woke the dogs up it's snowing out here getting in my truck please fine okay what is going on here snow blower lawnmower to go get in my truck man I think is a beast beasts I get no respect man look at that thing I try to start it alright dude it's elliptical right there [Applause] Hey Oh being rude your turn where are you going see that's always the issue if I have something resale putting scrap into the truck wrecks things just a little bit it's close [Music] still going to Frommer's it close yes I'll take it without getting mushed [Applause] yeah that's probably 20 pounds of force now that's significant is that aluminum it's frozen that's what it is I have a feeling this is aluminum Illuminati oh yeah [Music] really struggle this word anything else good uh-uh nope run really go ahead the room where I am I've been scrapping for like 20 minutes maybe oh there's a homeowner it's gonna be leaving soon isn't he a Bobby the poor puppy ed just grabbing your washing machine here thank you hi puppy he's that that's a scrubber see I want wrecking this whole thing oh you've got some neurological issues all right it's gonna have to go on the tailgate there's no getting around that you're gonna write up front oh it's missing some pieces she's not squishing very well [Music] looks dangerous to put on her i ron't the snap tool to work that's what I'm talking about yeah I got some intermittent faults with my snap tool I gotta do some diagnostic work is that another washer it's not even 8 o'clock in the morning I've been out scrapping for what 30 minutes no that's a dryer isn't it yeah that's a dryer [Music] what's wrong with their scale not again it's not very often that I'm at the scrapyard at 8:00 in the morning definitely not 4560 you that's awesome it's totally cool that deserves some steering wheel drumming that goes to a piano work that's all brass but it is all right where is this scrap going to go I think I see a spot yeah wouldn't mind having one of those dumpsters at my house no metal dumpster but it's looking like that's not gonna happen yeah it it doesn't work with the rules of the neighborhood saddens me which one over I'll go right there doesn't sound good hopefully it's just ice oh yeah that's some scrap right there boy alright let's get the stuff offloaded [Music] [Music] Michael hey man you're very interesting my friend I know but she she hates the haters Lucas hates the haters haters need love too you know what All Right see you later Michael thank you or they say in Hollywood um bad publicity is good publicity my face is so cold from out there looking at those roll-off dumpsters with Michael you can barely talk over little over hot chocolate no that's hot Pakistan right you love reptiles my favorite reptiles are still the the pterosaurs the flying reptiles 24 bucks I like that all right I need to go pick up some more scrap right I will be back see you know Wow 24 bucks thanks God you're awesome Oh God is so good and I do mean that God thank you for for all of this this journey thank you for all that everything you provide does everything good comes from you amen all right so the washer still there uh-oh I just got a Virage sale that's what that sound is I might be selling something um yeah this washing machine I think there's another scrap running around right now yeah some glad it was still there I mean I'm cool if they grab it too it doesn't really matter cuz I think there's plenty of scrap I mean if I say I just think about that if someone actually scrapped like 40 or 50 hours a week I just kept going man bleep there's no doubt you can make some money doing this especially we did the lease sale like effectively there's no doubt imagine be it be a grind just pray like but you know what so so is having a job that's a grind you know so I mean if you can be doing something need to be doing this but also if there was a whole bunch of people out there having jobs there's no way we would have the scrap the leftovers the abundance that we currently have so I'm grateful for everybody all y'all's doing your thing or I forget cuz I totally will wha-what is this more shelving let's get it right on dude that's what I'm talking about that shelf might work in my shop or maybe not oh it's helium steel yes got a tie a string to it just let them float away this is sticker I think it is I know I put it right there someone clean my truck is for scrap oh is that thing full yep not what I was looking for oh well it is what it is this lady just stopped me and said hey I got some appliances for you Mike okay let's get them and I just did a u-turn in her cul-de-sac that's why I think hopefully back the truck up and get it wonderful thank you yeah yeah they're just taking up a room so I didn't want to record because there was a little kid there but that lady's a nurse this thing is so crazy heavy I'm like I'm not sure if I can get it cuz it's one of those front loaders with like I don't know what is in it but it's super heavy and I'm like maybe I'll put it right out here in the front she's like no I don't have patients all the time I'm a nurse she's like we totally can do this she was so strong I was amazed she probably weighs 110 pounds and as strong as me I was like awesome she's like I do it all the time huh you just never know you just not never know how strong someone is but yeah so the homeowner help me load scrap a true story that'd be cool if I was 4500 pounds again I'd be very happy 4444 four four zero we still good hmm I think basically the same spot I was before no I don't wanna run over all that data and stuff let's try this again now I can creep into the spot I want to go we need a met actually I'll be right there there's so much stuff in the way [Music] okay do I want those in my tires no whoever is dumping their pounds here not cool dude not cool so right here yeah let's do that which applies I don't have the strength to do this well I think the frozen ropes not helping either I'll pop it loose later when the Rope thaws [Applause] there you go go away from the truck [Applause] hmm we're gonna go on top of that and like way over there that would be cool Hey [Music] this is going the front of the truck so it can thaw out [Music] 39 40 39 60 and I got so warm I had to open up even though it's freezing out here I started sweating hello me it's me again what's up bill I know scrap is out there bro um I have no plans yeah well I have some ideas and they're always fluid and yeah welcome to the life of a mildly [ __ ] retired man yes I did not mean that Freudian slip okay that did not come out right retired was he really gonna just part there no that's the turtle the turtle from Aurora are you guys nineteen dollars and some change I'm cool with that thank you Lord you are good and God I just want to you want to stop for a second and just reside in you God thank you for this day and Lord I'm just gonna ask for your continued blessings and thank you for taking care of problems because God you were in the take care of problems business then when I ask you to help you just do it and God there is a lot of problems right now thank you for handling them in the name of Jesus amen got some alone insulated copper wire yeah you know what I think it's time for me to rock out that's right [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 163,253
Rating: 4.8601398 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: Zs5AaHNt9N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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