Picking Through the Neighbor's Trash

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Sun is coming up it's beautiful morning and they're scrapping the curve that's awesome thanks folks what is the thing it's a chunk of something chunk of scrap one brake pad what's going on with these no clue probably some old sign that'll sell for a million dollars on eBay [Music] the stuff found on garbage day morning Wow a mower a tiller another tiller was with the gas tank goes to it alright that's a carburetor in a gas tank carburetor and a gas tank thank you mom for that one you know Paul guy could have been mourners grass just left his lawnmower right there no it's not what they're doing this looks like it's a a slice o matic 500 hmm all right heavy it's a little bit heavy no pressure washer let's put it in the middle of lawnmower postman taking apart two little Briggs and Stratton I'm gonna repack already now couple of chairs you know a minute it's one of them locking mechanisms on it really just had to press a little bit yeah get it as it opens up on me again not bad for the first five minutes of scrapping come out of the garbage can this thing is definitely seen better days okay don't worry you're getting recycled if I can get you out not liked that one of those under the range or above the range I speak very clearly in this morning and it wasn't anyone else had that issue struggle is real a lot of bathroom chemicals any good stainless-steel polish flooring carpet pledge their stuff with mystery chemicals we'll take the basket though and wires I think some would say hey Paul need to have a basket we put your stuff yes you have a lot of good ideas I'm not that good at implementing oh they can see me quick clip that part out so no one can see me one last look for an interesting little crates middle are you kidding me drumsticks I think my fellow scrappers are sleeping in this morning or they didn't go out last night or something because it's like every other that other pile was right there that Coldwell Banker sign come on people come on scrap us full of books I see guide to college reading along these lines writing paragraphs and essays hmm textbook reader I don't want that psychology study guide psychology more psychology we need him that's not a lawnmower man I got a repack already it is 6:30 in the morning and it is already hot okay let's repack it up man Sun sure did get bright all right so I'll repect kind of fold it up the lawnmower like a lot of folks suggest yeah I'm all room that's good let's go scrap him scrap on the curb that's what I'm talking about thanks folks this house is empty you can tell that century 21 sign yeah that's a little bit too long I think so that's maybe I get it all [Music] short anyway get it matter is there any chance there's a guitar in here come on guitar nope anything else wait a minute there's something a little nugget and I'm gonna get what's up baby guitar was it stuck because it's a Velcro that's it that's a Pikmin - they can work for some bass sounds yep scrapping is complete some guitar picks I'm good that's all you need is some guitar picks and duct tape maybe some chewing gum and a Snickers bar it's good I almost passed these guys up actually I did pass them up another chair day huh that car smells like gasoline big-time Wow no good I'll take this part I'm gonna take a little lampshade it's kind of cute feeling I could take that metal right off because there's a missing screw I got a feeling that's heavy too it's heavy enough for me to think it might be brass what that's gasps steel that's made of plastic or something there's a wood on there but there's definitely enough metal around this where it's not a bad piece of product for the scrapyard and just like in any business we care about our customers customer like one of my scrapyard sells stuff to their Mills foundries or other scrap yards I don't want it to be a bunch of junk the old magnet I think it's steel my name is mud I started looking over here as I'm spinning the baseball bat that's not good what is that said to protect my back one no no maybe this boy is not light are we gonna do this extra gratified oh yes which blows not good here's all I'm taking is that right now it's not you know separate my man let's just make a little bit lighter for me to catch to get it into the truck someone mentioned to me is that it's easiest clipping cords taking that regulator thing off okay fine we'll see okay upside-down method again there's no way I'm gonna pick this up and just put it in ain't happening the only other option is to just to rock it up walk in a little bit on its side and then back on to its feet or wheels or whatever still too wide isn't it that microwaves gonna be in the way though right tie it up so I just took the extra rope that was over here and I'm just gonna do like a middle of the rope kind of a clove hitch so I'll just wrap it around the pole and then I'm gonna cross and underneath now this will be secured all by itself one over Center nothing ain't going nowhere but I just want to do an extra little extra here definitely rested up you look like they work but no nevermind now is there a special spot this is our heavy no I don't see a special spot here where I just got a haircut to look at my hair this grab Y my happy place 4440 4480 that is impressive scrap pile there's no one else way back there [Music] [Music] [Music] a little morning workout 29 and I am 39 80 yeah so if they're got an 80 and plus we got a couple piece of aluminum back there and of course cords and whatnot I'll get them books yeah Wow god I just want to thank you before I even go in just for the fresh air and the sunshine in getting outdoors and having fun and Lord I'm just gonna ask that those that can't go running around right now God that you give them a special blessing and just talk to them and give them joy because it could be meet tomorrow it none of us are promised anything and it's all a gift from you I expect nothing and I'm grateful for everything in the name of Jesus amen all right let's go get paid and maybe some coffee yeah definitely good morning Sandra how are you I forgot my mug [Music] Oh that looks great I really like any style thirty $3.75 Wow yeah it's really awesome so hey that was more than 15 bucks an hour won't stuff out of the trash thank you God and even though I'm not gonna not use it anymore but my my usual camera that I use it's been messing up that a little switch to turn it on and off sometimes it doesn't work sometimes it does and I think I'm filming and I'm not and so I had to you know thankful for for all of this scrapping and YouTube and merchandise sales and PayPal tip jar I was able to get another camera so that's what this is right now so it's just the latest version of the same thing mine was a gopro 5 this one's a gopro 7 and yeah so let me know if it looks a little different looks better worse the same because there's some some things I don't know you know doesn't make clicking sounds when I'm walking I did a little bit of testing just around my house yesterday and it it seemed fine Coyle and there's definitely refrigerant hole up in this so unless I have a license to mess with refrigerant or know someone who does mess with it alright so here's what I'm gonna do because I know that this part is way heavier this part I'm gonna tip it out here and get the heavy part on top so when the heavy part lands I'm not lifting up that heavy part that worked out much better than I actually had planned see if I got this right for the trucker's hitch I think I do it twice and then pull it through yeah yeah that's it then I get that two-to-one mechanical advantage I can have this in crazy tight yep sounds good to me and just tie it off of half hitch or two I'm not standing on it to be flat [Music] Lord and Ralph morning Sam what's up how you doing my brother hey have you been on that side among yeah no okay because there's a big metal sink in that beaver cord or something like okay cool yeah my cast iron but you know hey steel steel man that thing is old-school way it's all metal yeah it is so it's a Frigidaire dehumidifier from 1803 just kidding alright this is this is definitely heavier than it looks as I'm stepping on the cord and that's a way better sync than the one I have almost guarantee that stainless - how shiny it is whereas and stainless usually is stripped in the back that it's not that all think stands there's nothing that still is that wearing a steel I mean this ring of steel this stainless brass that is no it's steel you can tell [Music] oh this is Rachel drove a brass bucket now a little bit Mel [Music] oh yeah so the question is vinyl aluminum or steel I think aluminum there for this piece mixed with yard stuff and the reason why I think it's aluminum it's very light but we never know Minardi that doesn't bend them ridges yeah that's not too bad for a luminol little uns for at all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what do you think helium steal precious back down below further I was going past I thought it was wonder if it's healing him steel hadn't you rolled out or something [Music] well some of these I said you have some steel on ivory for it okay yeah it's not helium steel and I am back in my truck up don't trip it over this all right little repacking it's kind of pushed it forward yeah not healing in a steel not at all this is actually gonna not be fun definitely just picking it up and pulling it back and putting it on maybe if I could tilt it to the corner get the corner on there and then maybe yeah it's a lot heavier than it looks is it rolled up on a little bit of metal they're a little hot as a drum stool I recognize that it's kind of bit windy hopefully it's not too bad on the audio there's that drum stool and a computer just put the computer in the drawer point out let's just file it away right now [Music] it's a chips that drum stool that's a keeper yep rest up it soon its BV him oh really see a fan some more of those whatever bed pieces I think this will do it can I get it all maybe maybe not I think it smell yeah come on purple maybe maybe not guess this Neal way less than before because before was 44 4480 I'm safe four thousand three hundred eighty four thousand four twenty someone else at the scrapyard Oh rod see most my stuff isn't mixed I'm gonna go right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I'm hanging on to that sink in the aluminum and let's go way out without running over someone I'm gonna guess 39:40 was that was old what it was last time of a few more things I see 39 no sir 4000 what doesn't even yeah not too bad at aluminum stuff alright let's go get paid again alright so I made know this god is so good 28 dollars and 35 cents what a color scrap day yeah yeah little tired though I camera don't go too far here how are you guys doing how are you doing what's going on in your world yeah you guys know you got most of the time you can get a hold of me in them comment section yeah sometimes I'll take a day or two off but most the time you say hey Paul here's what's going on in my life I'll read it yeah oh thank you God thank you for this time thank you for this day hmm god help me with my focus helped me to do the next right thing in the name of your son amen you see you have four pallets two dollars apiece that's $8 sitting down on the curb you know ask them first make sure that it's okay maybe someone dropped it off to them all right they said yes that's a good thing totally disturb them with her their dogs okay for this one pallets are heavy now this power like a difficult sell it to the Pala art because they check out the pallets and they um they need a new rung to them they'll put one on there but I wouldn't sell this to a company so let's say a couple of companies that I sell powers to every now and then yeah that wouldn't be a great a pallet that's for sure this one is just fun this one's just fine as well all retail yep definitely good [Music] [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 113,736
Rating: 4.8722296 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: vTaSYJFXzjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 59sec (2939 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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