The Most Corrosive BODY EATING TENTACLES Known To Man Deep Rising

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Humanity whether we like to think it or not collectively knows to stay out of the water whether you are me with a primal fear because of that time something huge ran into your legs in murky ocean water when you were a youngling and still to this day even if tiny fish attack your legs you become Jesus and walk on water or you're just uncomfortable by the fact that when you look out in the vast ocean when you're on a boat it makes you feel small and insignificant the reality is most people have a desire to explore the world but not the ocean and why is that well because the ocean is obviously a horrible place deep within the Peaks and valleys located miles underneath the water horrific animals exist and eat each other all day every day feeling in the darkness and then dragging things to their Doom in the pitch black what was the figure I read one time like every 15 minutes a sperm whale is actively engaged in battle with a colossal squid yeah no thanks but as Humanity has probed The Depths or at least some of us have who are like absolutely psychotic or worse a marine biologist we have begun to find strange creatures we only assumed were Legends human Humanity has long told stories of creatures out in the open ocean monsters that would attack and sync ships regularly where man was forced to engage in battle with an unknown Beast the one that regularly comes to mind is going to be the Kraken what's interesting about the Kraken is we assumed it to just be complete nonsense or at least it was complete nonsense by those on land but people who actually went out there would come back with damage to their ships occasionally speaking of giant tentacles that wrapped around their vessel we know now this is actually real as May mentioned already the lossel squid was known to attack human vessels and still does we just have bigger ships if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time and if your boat was small enough it's highly likely that you were never heard from again but this Segways perfectly in today's episode actually in the events of Deep Rising and the movie is called Deep Rising I've had a bunch of people ask like what's your movie called like I always mention it by name in the intro a cruise ship would be besieged by a creature that is absolutely massive a team of mercenaries would be forced to contend with the issue as it conflicted with their mission there so in today's episode let's discuss how this actually isn't that too farfetched of an idea how this creature operates so intelligently and what is the neurology behind its ability to do so but first this episode sponsored by Factor are you ready to have over 35 different options concerning your meals and 55 nutrition-packed add-ons bolstering your meat suit that is not only never Frozen and it's also delicious but is super easy to reheat and eat if you are then look no further than today's sponsor factor is a meal delivery service that I've used for about 2 years now and personally I 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wellness shots from three available flavors for every order while you are an active subscriber all right let's get back to it we kick off our story deep below the South China Sea as we all know this area of the planet has exceptionally deep trenches that could swallow Mount Everest like it was nothing just like your mom and as we all know there is something contained within an unspeakable horror if you will like that one guy who said the angler fish stick was getting annoying this isn't atick this is real life I've just never had an outlet where I could actually espouse my disdain for those things oh and there's like a giant monster down there or something moving on so at this point in the 90s James Cameron hadn't made his maiden voyage and thankfully not the Ocean Gate vehicle to the bottom of the trench so we actually got to see what was down there because he did that it's dark and there's a lot of creepy animals thanks for watching and in these Waters Vehicles tend to vanish Without a Trace never to be seen again which is also true the ocean be a Harsh Mistress which considering all the people that go missing you also have to ask yourself what is your acceptable ratio of decomposing meat suits to water molecules that you find acceptable to swim in as something swims in the depths we can hear it growling and screeching I can you can't because there's no sound on this this is my literal nightmare why did someone request that I watch this I am never listening to you guys again we didn't see a small dinghy making its way through apparently stormy conditions but the water is like glass all right then seems pretty legit as a stage hand sprays a windshield with a hose we see my ideal girlfriend on the outside of the boat with a captain inside losing a game of solitire I didn't even know that was possible I've just never been bored enough to play he then smacks the radar and yells down to his mechanic Joey as Leela comes in team leader comes up from the bottom of the the ship asking if they are on schedule the captain remarks how they're in the middle of nowhere heading to the middle of nowhere already the teams do not like one another because mercenaries have no personality traits apart from being a tough guy testosterone and the crew mates who are already on the boat are just normal people also I'm legally obligated to say that was a joke about the mercenaries cuz I don't want them coming after me although let's be real here I'm not important enough for that so continuing their track across calm Waters in a massive storm because for some reason no wind has been kicked up in the process we move over to a dated Cruise liner at the time though it was probably pretty lit but have you seen the icon of the Seas that like Royal Caribbean has like good Lord man let's just create a floating continent already inside everyone is pretty jazzed which uh oo this must be a fancy Cruise Line see I stick to the booze cruises with Colombian women in lawn chairs experience shows that's the way to go as the party continues the creator of the argonautica gives a speech about how this is the largest and best cruise ship and how I dress better look more handsome pull more than you ever could oh and then something about like people's dreams coming true on a cruise ship if dreams involve intestinal bacteria running rampant and loose women boy do I have a dream for you one woman trillion in red begins making her way through running into the captain before pickpocketing him and stealing his key card her whole plan is to break in lock boxes in the secure area but while she's outside she hear screeching in the distance which I'm not sure if you've ever been on a cruise but I'm sorry you cannot see more than a few dozen feet off the ship it is literally pitch black out there and if you let it get into your head too much you'll freak yourself out back on the dingy team testosterone are talking so you have Mr obsesses over women Mr swolder Mr slickback hair guy from Australia an Irish man the gang's all here so Australian then pulls a force multiplayer on like lady killer here and yeah that seems like a measured response and then they get the Aussie to puke up his food as he's seasick on completely flat water he's got an iron stomach over here sneaking past team International Joey goes to check on the cargo opening up one of the containers he finds a torpedo nothing like like being involved in activities that are supposed to incite Terror am I right I'd say what it actually is like what it's really called but monetization would be nuked from Orbit on this video so as he reaches out for the torpedo it emerges beeping which is probably a good sign and then gets grabbed by Mr swole who's also known as Vivo but we don't use names around here he's then thrown to the rest of the team getting stomped and like almost immediately knocked out the captain goes down to help him and I'll tell you what though Joey could take a whooping no glass bones or paper skin here the captain shows up with a heart and a standoff ensues but luckily it diffuses because if you take out the captain you're going to have a tough time finding out where to go exactly but back over at the cruise ship Mystery Woman breaks into the security office and almost immediately gets caught great plan and as she is then thrown into the freezer where she would surely freeze uh like we'll find out later this would 100% be attempted murder or at least like criminal negligence or something and it'll all make sense soon so Joey gets patched up telling them about the cargo as the squad gets loaded up apparently you have Force multipliers with 1,000 round capacity bro the laws of physics would like a word with you on how you're storing 1,000 rounds inside of that thing like let's be honest here I'm just going to go ahead and assume this is a 5.56 round because um I make a lot of assumptions here which is 12.31 G you have a th000 rounds of that which is going to put that at about 27 PBS um like 27.1 3 lbs I believe and then on top of that let's say it was just a standard weight of an AR-15 that's going to be about 6.55 lb putting that thing at a man approaches the ship's brain essentially takes out the AOL discs and then uploads his own discs which then corrupts the computer's entirely destroying the navigation and communication ability sort of like that one time I tried to download lincol parts n.ex.t one of the men calls out saying something is directly beneath them and Rising fast from the deep Deep Rising perhap anyways hitting the ship everyone then starts falling over the safety railing not very safe at all that really did a lot to prevent any of that as everyone starts running somewhere mystery woman then gets knocked out by a box of cabbages as Panic ensues one woman then runs to the bathroom and hears something all around her as the metal begins buckling as then she's grabbed and pulled through the toilet not a great way to go as the dinghy continues to approach team International attaches a torpedo launcher to the front as the sunar pings the captain then spots something looking out well it's a random speedboat they then run into it completely frying their engines and ripping the hole apart while that crap's going on Leela then spots a cruise ship in the distance taking the binoculars after trying to make another move because Joey knows what's up he Zooms in and sees it more clearly it looks totally fine but we will come to find out it's not actually fine upon that being said the team look at one another because that's apparently what they are doing out there in the first place so the team then turns on the crewman of course as they take over and head towards the cruise ship it's Mutiny guess the philosophy of if the money is there we don't care is probably not the best way to live your life so as they discuss why it's not moving they head in with finegan and Joey as the rest of the team is also with them leaving behind Lila and Billy toand the dingy ascending to the side they come through in the sponsored by seu section moving through absolutely nobody is to be found they assume everyone is in the atrium of the ship which I mean what are the odds of like every every single passenger being in the atrium nobody was headed back to their room nobody met up with a woman and was going to a quieter part of the ship nobody was falling out after eating the buffet absolutely obtaining Beach Body status through the aforementioned intestinal bacteria and had to Sprint to the bathroom highly doubtful so as they continue walking through it is painfully obvious and becoming clear that uh really nobody's here which might be a little unnerving finding some blood but no bodies This concerns the group as an elevator comes up all they find is more blood continue to search for anyone all the lifeboats are there as well basically indicating that nobody got off the ship moving through they continue sweeping the area but it looks like post Evac they're there to hit the Vault why not just get your stuff and leave and at that moment all professionalism ceases as some fireworks go off in the distance which is probably great for like a ship to have inside as they open fire with their alleged 1,000 round Force multiplier bro I cannot get over that where would it be stored also you may be wondering uh where this creature is at this point yes I agree it took forever to spot this thing so finally Sleeping Beauty wakes up after hearing the pipes above start moving somehow knowing which wire to cut it's always the green one by the way she's able to escape as the group then heads up to the captain's Nest all the windows are broken and nothing works meanwhile Laya is plasma torching the broken metal but here's something in the water as she yells up to the guy to turn on the pump so they don't sink oh Lord Here Comes Mr bloy coming to hang out with her also what is she even doing right now with that plasma torch I mean like it doesn't appear to be doing much of anything thing if she's trying to cut it probably because sea water keeps cooling it off looking at the body she's distracted as she's then grabbed and pulled through the hole in the ship which is pretty tragic meanwhile down in the Machine Shop Joey remarks as something smells bad and then gets slapped for it as Aussie extraordinaire goes to look around he sees something in the pipes move the Aussie continues looking but hearing nothing and seeing nothing he decides to just drink some sea water which is great for his kidneys as then he threatens whatever is out there and then starts freaking out before spotting Something In The Water it ends up grabbing him and spraying him all over the area Tay is no more I guess you could say he was pulled down under why you pulling me I'm right so lady killer starts freaking out accusing them which I mean that's just an absolute buffoon move while that's going on troan over here gets caught for a second time trying to break into the secure Lounge she's not really a good thief isy they didn't ask her where the other passengers are but she has no idea as Mr swaller status opens the door going money money money like Mr Krabs or something he catches an axe to the Dome as the other are then taken out whoops but everyone's cut of the take just got bigger by his elimination so then lady killer gets dragged off to his Doom like a total idiot throwing his Force multiplier up into the air to the others as he gets turned into a nice blood Mist finigan then opens up as they try to tell team leader that they need to get out of there looking back they realize the creature is coming straight for them as they open up on it again trillian gets into the elevator as she heads in the complete wrong direction for some reason as something is outside of the elevator hearing screeching she attacks Joey as the the door opens as finnean then grabs her and they get back in and head up reuniting with the Expendables they're all freaked out as the guy who created the ship yells a team leader indicating that he knows him they keep trying to tell like the away team that the ship's infested but for some reason no matter how many times it's said like the mercenaries just cannot grasp the concept they just keep blaming everybody else so the elevator is now dropped by the creature as they head down way down all the way down if you got that reference uh it was an obscure one good on you so then they burst out of the elevator and find a nice hallway of blood how wonderful that and a ton of desiccated skeletons and for the fourth time finnean tries to grab a force multiplier but gets stopped that is just before the hallway at like the end starts deforming and it's kind of becoming a all Hands-On deck sort of scenario nothing unites man quite like the fear of everyone's collective in it's our sort of thing like it is what it is so as I stay quiet the warping of the metal stops but stepping on a mey skull they all yell as the creature begins trying to break into the hallway once more back on the dingy Billy heads downstairs to try his luck with ilila sorry bro she's just a meaty skeleton by now I'm just as sad as you are he calls out to her but she doesn't respond moving into the engine room back on the cruise ship though Simon talks about what happened Mr finnean figures it out like almost immediately that Simon is the man who made the ship inoperable Simon did it for the insurance money so they have a nice fight over misjudging the market I mean I've been there honestly then they bring up a valid point when they question Simon about the passengers and how they were all screwed and he says I'm not a Savage they would have been safe and evacuated in the lifeboats except for trillian who you locked in the freezer right again it was his plan and she was definitely going to meet her end in the chaos cuz nobody would have checked the freezer and then they would have blown this thing up so finegan starts flirting with trillian as one does as Joey sits there something begins leaking on him and good Lord the giant tentacle comes out of nowhere seeing a handprint in it the tentacle then starts dropping digestive fluid as it takes some rounds and then someone is released it's old pal Billy who's like half digested someone might want to put him out of his misery with that one his broker area is definitely destroyed as you can see his brain and he can't speak although I don't think my brain would really be operating and producing words in any capacity if I look like that but as they open up on the tentacle nobody decides to help Billy and they just kind of all run away like just just one round probably would have helped the dude so first things first finally we actually see a part of this creature I know this movie took forever to actually show us it was the '90s and there was a lot of filler so let's begin with the actual name first and foremost this creature is affectionately known as Oculus OCT meaning eight you might be tempted to think that this is a squid of sorts but squids have eight arms and two tentacles the largest squids the colossal squid is around 60 ft whereas the largest octopus is around 16 ft so to understand octalus we need to understand some behavioral patterns which delineates the species squids are constantly traveling essentially they migrate continuously until they drop or are eaten by a sperm whale they can also travel in in schools and prefer the company of one another octopus which actually believe it or not everybody always says octopi uh that is not correct and octopuses is not correct either octopus is the plural form it's sort of like a moose and then moose right that's how you make it plural but they are solitary creatures for the most part they will pick one area to live in and will continue to exist there on a more permanent basis along with this they will sometimes choose DS in which to reside in given what we will see in this specific area and like how many ships have gone down this would imply that this is most definitely an octopus over a squid given its propensity to stay in one location and have hunting grounds specifically so with this we can now assume a few things about this creature first it likely only has eight arms so to speak however much like other octopus not only is this creature itself highly intelligent which means if man ever goes missing the next creature to replace us is definitely an octopus but the arms themselves can operate with semi-independence which when we see more examples of how the arms seek and cons assume we will get into the Neurology of that when we get to that point so finigan then runs back to trillion as they're now trauma bonded guaranteed to last a few weeks but after that Flames out uh it kind of goes just as bad as it started finegan then makes a trade he's like you give me anything I want and she's like yes I guess and uh he's like well how about a cold beer there you go subvert their expectations as then a tentacle emerges to just straight up C block him which if you've been online standard technical action figan then grabs a force multiplier as a techical opens up but trillian saves him before he gets totally got also nobody is regaining normal hearing after this excursion just lots of e for the rest of your life ask me how I know I I didn't like you know open up in a cruise ship or anything uh I just work construction so at this point the captain of the cruise liner gets grabbed and pulled down to his Doom with the tentacle eating him they then fire on it but obviously I doubt they hit anything they don't really seem to be the best mercenaries in existence is at this point that Simon seems to know what these things are an offshoot of the atoa AR family as the water gets deeper and colder they appear to get larger they hidden Burrows and they Crush their prey in their jaws and then drink them well crabs anyhow because as we all know we eventually return to crab so let's talk about that for a moment now given what Simon has seen up until this point and the assumption that the ship is infested with them he would be correct in his assumption however as we all know the creature's name is octalus which carries a certain amount of weight the atoa I believe it's pronounced atoa is a worm that is known from the Cambrian fossils these creatures existed basically back 508 million years ago and they were set to go extinct about 505 million years ago which 3 million years ago or 3 million year time span doesn't sound like that much but that's actually a long time for species to be alive I wonder if humans will last that long and they were a type of worm that had thorny mouth parts that were used to grab on the prey and then crush them as they were then sucked dry these creatures would live their lives in Burrows and had no backbones behaving as Ambush Predators they would wait until something happened by snatch it up and drag it down down holding on to it to be consumed the spikes that it had on its head numbering roughly 40 to 50 it would hold on to struggling prey and would also anchor it in the ground at the same time but the thing is they were only about 15 cm in length or 5.9 in in the Lord's units so not very large but 5.9 in is actually above average which this is where the concept of deep sea gigantism comes into play deep sea gigantism is a horrifying adaptation to the crushing pressures and frigid Waters of the deep ocean known as Bergman rule this states that sea animals tend to increase in body size with a decrease in temperature and this is because the larger the creature the more it is able to retain heat within its body so it would be advantageous to grow to large sizes in order to survive along with this Believe It or Not Waters of the deep sea are also relatively oxygen rich in comparison to the warmer Waters closer to the surface and this allows for creatures to grow as their bodies are more easily saturated with the required oxygen and coupled with this there is another concept that kind of goes hand in hand you can think of the deep sea as sort of like an Island away from the pressures and biodiversity of warmer Waters well pressures in the sense of like pressure put on it from a ecological perspective this has isolated the area allowing for creatures to grow much larger we see this on Islands now with smaller species if kept away from other animals like Predators they will tend to grow larger in isolation due to the limited resources predation and competition so due to this isolation in frent temperatures Simon would be correct in assuming that maybe this was some long dead animal species that adapted to this area in isolation and as a result grew to tremendous sizes as the colony is now attacking the ship but again because I already spilled the spaghetti out of my pocket earlier telling you what this creature was we know that it is something different however taking a look at its morphology real quick we can see these creatures are most definitely tentacles or excuse me arms of some kind I use arms and tentacles interchangeably but their bodies are covered with spiked protrusions and there does not appear to be any internal skeleton in them meaning they can twist and contort to however is necessary on the end of these tentacles they then open up into mandibles with internal teeth being seen these mandibles are there to hold on to prey wrapping around them and pulling them into the mouth of the arm from here these operate likely much like how a snake's digestive system works the protracted digestive system exists as the creature is then held in the arm move through and digested removing all muscle fat and epithelial tissue until it is nothing but bone this implies that there may be multiple digestive systems one per arm and later we'll see how this works in conjunction with the actual creatures main body mass devising a plan to get off the ship they get into the dinky and they begin making their way through as the power is finally cut out on the ship walking in darkness it says nothing but flammable pipes and tentacle monsters from here on out boys they then ask Simon which way they should go as they realize they're going to have to go into the murky sewage water to get around entering a nice green water that apparently is no longer that dark and murky for some reason I always hold my breath to see if I would survive and the answer is no I would die as they swim Mulligan gets clever girl as an arm comes to greet him which honestly was any movie in the 9s Untouched by Jurassic Park not likely so everyone in the back starts panicking now as tentacles have found them they shut the door but this only works for a little bit Simon jumps in and nopes out of there as everyone else stands their ground bad idea though as the door then gets blasted off of its hinges as trillian Falls backwards and Joey jumps in leaving Mason who jumps in last though he took too long and then gets grabbed and dragged back detonating a concussive force Detonator in the process as Joe emerges they realize Mason ain't coming back they lock themselves in the kitchen as they try to figure out what their next move is mulligan says they need to stay right there INF finigan says well I'm not going to stay here as team lead then pulls a force multiplier on Mulligan during his freakout as it turns into another standoff seriously where did you hire these guys finegan then tells a story about how baby octopus was able to get the cork off a bottle and eat the fish inside this convinces Mulligan that they need to get out of there before the tentacles find them but as he stands there nobody does anything except starts freaking out as the tentacle is right behind him he then turns over basically his entire thousand round Force multiplier and just straight lights the thing up forcing it back up the ventilation pipe he survives his encounter but does the smart thing and just stands there mocking it as then another shows up and eats him nice so with what's left of the squad they start getting sectioned off by the creature it's learning and closing the hatches the arms are pushing them towards the bow of the ship which is always a good sign moving into said B of the ship well there are all the passengers already eaten and excreted they now realize though that they lost Simon and can hear the arms moving around them as the hole is finally broken through as I have to ask like it had already been there because the skeletons are there why did it have to break through but this kicks off an escape attempt making a run for it the ship begins filling with water as Simon slowly walks away and then casually jaunts after they find him the water moves in as Joey and team lead get separated from trillian and finegan team lead goes to blow like this whole thing as Joey throws the concussive force Detonator without arming it like bro you got to calm down man but as it blows it takes out the tentacles as finegan and trillian try to run into a hallway But realize I don't have the backpack so all the engine parts are gone double nice as Joey and TL run he then pops Joey in the leg so that he can escape no not the comic relief but Joey is able to crawl into a maintenance hash before getting got however back out on the deck Simon emerges as he realizes the boat is going to sink he then spots an island in the distance as trillian and finegan see the same thing then lower the Lifeboat cabling towards Finnegan's boat meanwhile Joey hasn't bled out yet good on him I guess pop Le Ary didn't take a hit he then emerges in the atrium as he finds a handheld but then gets grabbed by team lead looking at him well he's getting half eaten he then hands him the pistol to take himself out as instead he fires a shot at Joey but misses when he goes to use it a second time it's empty nice going there bro he is then succinctly eaten down on the dinghy apparently the ship was sunk way more than imagined because it's now at dingy level with the door that they had to climb into last time being basically right at the waterline nightmare fuel as trillian goes in to find a key finegan checks the Torpedoes Joey makes his way onto the dingy as finegan is forced to tell him he lost the parts Joey then asks about Lila about how you know is she donezo and Joy's basically told yeah sorry about your girlfriend bro Joey hails it pretty well though to be honest attaching the torpedo to the front of the hole's hole he creates a launch point that should double back firing up the dingy they barely have enough for like five minutes of gas and movement wise but they get the engine turned over as trillian breaks into the key Locker for the seedos now great Simon is here as Simon approaches all he had was like a flare gun finegan heads in to help her uh it's like just give Simon a swirly or something he's just a big nerd so as finegan walks through trillian gets caught by Simon as finegan misses every single shot but oh apparently he wasn't trying to take him out just run him off sure thing bro that was totally on purpose not a result of bad aiming so at this point The Jig Is up the news is out the Giant Octopus has found them breaking into the atrium this thing is going absolutely Goblin modee on the environment emerging Anya it's a giant octalus as they go to leave finegan gets immediately grabbed but not eaten like everybody else luckily finegan is also packing the saw off heat also octalus just straight punches him with an arm like straight across the jaw I have no IDE well actually I do know what that is about we'll talk about that in a second but it Roars at him which seems to be an odd trait for an undersea creature to have as it continues to look at him he pulls out the saw off and then takes out its eyeball it drops as they make a run for it so now that we have actually seen this thing we can finally talk about the neurology because octopus are actually quite complex more complex you might imagine so as we all know the Arms of an octopus are quite insane concerning their ability to move and figure out puzzles and that is correct it's not just the central brain figuring things out with an octopus you have the central body which is the main controlling brain the generalized goals and intelligence come from the body of the octopus but it should be known that the arms themselves have essentially what our mini brains these mini brains take in sensory information and actually drive the arms to move independently of the central brain it's actually rather fascinating as it could in some way shed light on human anatomy and neurological functioning it's one of the more interesting stories that I've come across but basically it's about a man who severed his spine I believe just above his lumbar area in an accident upon them connecting a spinal stimulator below the broken area of the spinal cord he was able to think about moving his foot and eventually he was able to do so and that's the key being told to think about moving your foot in theory the brain shouldn't have been able to communicate so where does that leave him it seems to imply we also think with our spinal cord which is a collection of nerves which honestly makes perfect sense why would all thought cease just past the brain stem it appears as though the spinal cord is more than just a bridge conveying orders to the body and we also see this in the spinal Arc as well or as they are known reflexes like when you burn your hand you pull your hand away before the pain is even felt why is that because as the signal travels through Sensory neurons to the spinal cord your spinal cord realizes you are being damaged this in turn will give the order to pull away without the brain's input as it would take way too long and more damage could be incurred The Octopus arms work very similarly but on a greater scale the arms will feel around and work out what's happening multiple neurons known as nerve Rings exist one main nerve ring connects all the nerves that Branch out from the brain into the body of the octopus to coordinate information coming from the arms as the nerves create a connection with an arm that is actually two arms away this Criss-Cross pattern and communication allows for Collective nerves to move arms independently of the central brain we humans actually may have a form of this which most people will find horrifying it's known as alien limb syndrome essentially the hand will begin behaving independently to what a person wants and will they'll basically lose control what's even more strange is the limb will engage in complex goal oriented activities without the person wanting it to do that like slapping you in the face for instance which is kind of horrifying but again if you view it from the lens of your spinal cord definitely is thinking maybe a little less horrifying but anyhow with octalus this perfectly explains its own movement except taking it up a notch the limbs it possesses would clearly be behaving and operating on manyi brains much like a normal octopus but with a new added adaptation potentially because of the environment it exists in the central body possesses a mouth for it to eat with the arms also possessing a mouth you may be asking why well think about it with a mouth that large it would be advantageous for the main body to consume large prey at once such as like sharks whales or colossal squid or possibly even megalodons depending on how long that creature has been alive but the smaller prey that happens by a larger mouth might make it difficult for that prey to be eaten properly as it slips through and disappears into the darkness with smaller mouths on the arms humaniz prey or even like smaller fish or hopefully an angler fish can be consumed to bolster the body and give it nutrients you can kind of think of it like throwing a gallon of gas into your car versus filling up it's still gas at the end of the day and it can still make your car move by using the mouth arms to find smaller prey or even prey that just happens by which uses way less energy it can then get its fill by grabbing the smaller prey rather than having to go and hunt down something bigger so another thing to note is again octopus are incredibly intelligent their problem solving abilities outclass most animals apart from higher thinking primates like us given that this creature is so large we can assume more neuronal tissue to the point that this octopus may have actually reached a form of sapience being that it can now apply knowledge to experience and I also just want to bring up that punch Again by punching finegan this confirms that it is an octopus over a squid as octopus are also known to punch fish that they find annoying or just out of sheer frustration or maybe even for like no reason at all finigan then gets back and finds that the windshield is broken and assumes that Joey is gone trillian emerges from the seedo room calling out for finegan but sees no one as she turns around because no nobody can call out for any reason she almost ends up bodying finnean who quietly got onto the ship meanwhile Simon is running around like a huge dork as he looks down that's his only option jump onto the boat it then goes into autopilot as he jumps down onto it breaking his leg but he thinks he's safe because he landed there finegan and trillian also had a different plan straight up Resident Evil for this thing out of there as they come down the hallway they then blocked by tentacles as they turn around so as Simon crawls his way into the boat he realizes it's on autopilot continuing their escape they then break through the elevator doors but luckily those close on the tentacles for some reason H so as Simon now attempts to Pilot the ship he realizes there's no way he's going to be doing any of that and he's heading straight for the cruise ship now I don't know if he knew about the torpedo or not or if he just thought it was just going to run into it but it was going pretty slow I I don't know why he was freaking out he shouldn't have known right but the torpedo then detonates taking out the ship and the two then round a turn where legitimately they hit a wall and I am almost certain the stunt doubles that were doing that most definitely got thrown from the SEO and that looked like it actually hurt so as the cruise ship starts exploding see Resident Evil 4 they manag to hit a jump and escape the creature is then engulfed in flames and blown apart the next morning as they get to dry land everyone is just super cool about letting go of past relationships the seedo engine is shot to crap somehow doesn't really tell you but then they share a kiss also it's probably shot to crap because it was a Seido but because that's just how things go you're now trauma bonded together and stuck on a deserted island together recipe for disaster so as tril looks out she spots Joey coming in with a tide he managed to survive his encounter the creature had apparently broken through the windshield and then he just swam for it almost being taken out by a surfboard so as they look out I have no clue what is on that island with them or if they ended up on like Kong's island or some Insanity but something starts making its way towards them guaranteed they got eaten and thus concludes Deep Rising my literal hell but no for real what was on the island is there Deep Rising too I should probably look into that except to be like like land rising or I don't know land horizontal because it's coming well land descending because it's coming from a hill but anyhow I want to thank you guys for watching if you enjoy then leav a like would be awesome of you and subscribing is a great way to step to the when I post watch drop my Twitter Discord patreon Rono tailes Channel link and merch link uh speaking of Roo Tales though last week we talked about the Giant in Afghanistan that ate a bunch of soldiers so you might want to go check that out if you find that like type of stuff interesting but also speaking of patrons I'd like to thank mine real quick first huge thank you to our astrophysicist death's dancer thank you man also like to thank our scientist Chad the enjoyer of scientific explanations of b-r horror movies Dakota 23 Josh Blanchard Lucian Dragon metric system the last final girl on the left and trash panda in a trench coat and the rest of my patrons I thank you guys as well your help goes a long way towards keeping this channel running and is greatly appreciated but that's going to do it for me I hope everyone enjoyed we'll see yall in the next one
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 546,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deep rising, deep rising scene, deep rising ending, deep rising octalus, deep rising 1998, deep rising 2 trailer, deep rising review, treat williams hair, Roanoke Gaming, reviews, movies, films, movie reviews, mosnters, explained, jurassic, jurassic park, jurassic world, movies 2023 full movie, movies free, movies 2024, videos de risa, jurassic park survival, explore with us, review phim hay, video editing, explained in hindi, review phim, jurassic world dominion, video games
Id: rkIn9kbTUVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 48sec (2088 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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